Newspaper Page Text
THE TRANSCRIPT nfeered is seooad-olase matte rat the post office at Austin, Minnesota, AJT8TIN. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 81,1888. BLOOMING^PRAIRIE. The ladies of the Methodist church will give a donation supper at the church this Wednesday eveuiug, March 81, for the benefit of the pastor. Married, at the residence of P. Prahm in this village, last Saturday eveuing at eight o'clock, by Rev. 8. Strand, Mr. A. Olson, of the firm of A. Olson & Co., druggist* of this village, to Miss B. Frost daughter of J. B. Frost. ,— ROSE CREEK. Miss Mary Rooney is visiting friends in Austin. Mr. A. II. Williams is visiting friends in Austiu. Miss Laura Woodward is visiting in Rose Creek. St. Patricks day was celebrated here to sopie extent. The social parties have been about as thick for the last week as the evenings. Mrs. C. Eastman died Monday morniug about 2 o'clock. She has been sick for some time. We are hav nj another one of those beautiful March days that the correspon dent admires so much. The progressive euchre party given by Mrs. John A. Tliompsou was a pleasant affair. We did not notice auy oue pres ent with a very candid appearance. WALTHAM A. O. Johnson made a business trip to Dexter Sunday. T, B. Musson spent two daj'S in Austin last week with his cousin Ben SmTth. Six of our Waltham farmers purchased new seeders of Oscar Ayers last week. Vina Fizell returned from Concord last Friday where she lias been visiting rela tives. F._W. Kimball, of Milwaukee, Wis., is visiting his parents and looking after his interests here. A party of young people gathered at the residence of E. H. Hunt last Thurs day evening. A pleasant time is reported. The directors and stockholders of the Cheese Factory met again last Saturday They will commence to put up the build ing this week. John Felty satf some wild geese the other day. If they had waited long enough for him to put some salt on their tails, he would have got one. Frank Hall, of Kasson, formerly a resi dent of this place, was here last week making his friends a visit before leaving for Wichita, Kansas. We wish him sue cess. UDOLPHO. Mr. Dibble is spending the week in Kasson. We are having but very little spring weather as yet. Mrs. Henry "Bagley, of Minneapolis, is visiting old neighbors here. Mr. Hemingway, of Kasson is visit ing his cousin, G. Getman, of Udolpho. C. S. Dutcher has returned from Spring Valley, where he has been teaming this winter. Mr. and Mrs. Norris, of Minneapolis are visiting friends and relatives in this vicinty. Miss Nellie Richards returned Saturday from a very pleasant visit in Blooming Prairie. Mrs. Charley Dibble has been enjoying a very pleasant visit from her aunt from Kasson. Henry Dennis went to Minneapolis last week to order a car load of lumber to build a barn. William Neller is home from the far northwest, visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Neller. Albert Neller is building anew barn on his place, and will move into his own house as soon as bis barn is completed. Cattle buyers seem to be quite plenti ful around here. We understand that Mr. Manchester, Mr. Rash and Mr. Stimpson have sold a good many. Herman Smailing has been hauling lumber for anew house on the southeast corner of his place. The house is to be a nice one and will cost about one thous and when completdd. The school in District No. 60 closes this week Friday, and the school in Dis trict No. 50 closed last Friday. The sing ing school in the two schools combined closed Saturday evening. BROWN8PALE. Bottom figures on groceries at Sleeper & Sons. Have you seen the "Black Rose" at Sleeper & Sons. The tail of the New York blizzard struck us Monday. F. Coon the straw man departed for Wells the past weok. James Stewart and his wife arrived here trom the East the past week. Do not forget the Thusrday evening prayer meeting at the Baptist church. Elder Eigleberner delivered a good ser mon Sunday evening at the Baptist church. Anyone wishing to take any daily or weekly papers can leave their orders with Postmaster Stimson. Ole Nelson, of Renova, has for sale two good horses and five cows. Call and see him and get a bargain. Mrs. L. Ellis left this city Friday for Wells, where she will meet her husband and possibly will reside there during the summer. Election day passed off quietly, the same parties being run as last year with no opposition. There were thirty votea for liquor and thirty-one against, conse quently we shall have no saloons after next December. Wonderful Gures. W. D. Hoyt & Co., Wholesale and Retail Druggists of Rome, Ga., say We have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery, Electric Bitters and Bucklen's Arnica Salve for four years. Have never handled remedies that sell as well, or give such univeral satisfaction. There have been some wonderful cures effected by these medicines in this city. Several cases of pronounced Consumption have been entirely cured by use of a few bot tles of Dr. King's New Discovery, taken in connection with Electric Bitters. We guarantee them always. Sold by Dorr & Wold. 1 GRAND MEADOW. They had a grand stood time at the Leap .Year ball. Miss Mable Col well came home Friday to spend her vacation. Mrs. O. E, Loe slipped and fractured her wrist the other day. Rev. Brock, of High Forest, exchanged pulpits with Rev. Allen. S, S. Baken has removed to Rochester, where he will spend the summer. From Carleton College Miss Callie Pier son, of High Forest, is visiting Miss Bes sie Criswell. Call aud see Dr. Johnson's fine line of wall paper, which he sells cheap. Oranges, lemons, mits, etc, Thomas Lewis and N. L. McGraw have returned to their homo in Mankato. They have been in the office with Mr. Barber. Mr. Henry Tibbetts, a brother of Prof. Tibbetts, aud wife are visiting him. An other brother yisited here a few days and went to St. Paul. Mr. R. P. Carz gave several fine maple trees to decorate the cemetery. Tho dra ma which was held in the rink for that purpose raised some 17 or 18 dollars. C. C. Wheeler, who lived some two miles east of town, has sold bis farm to Henry Fugle for $1,850. He has gone to Aberdeen, Dakota, to keep boarders. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Greening have re turned from their trip south, and are con tented with Minnesota. They brought back a good many curiosities, including two young alligators. Miss Isabel Elliott will attend the Nor mal school at Mankato this spring. The term commences Monday, but she will not go until after the G. A. R. entertain ment, in which she takes a part. For a town of its size and population, Grand Meadow makes a better showing of business than can be found elsewhere in the west, and for a town doing the amount of business that is done here, a more peaceable, well behaved population is seldom met with. We will have a cheese factory north of town, for several meetings have been held by the farmers, and A. J. Johnson is at the head and he will get there just the same. A committee consisting ot C. J. Higbee. L. M, Lindsley, I. Knutson and S. Hovda has been appointed to visit the Rock Dell factory and report at the next meeting. Booth Psst, G. A. R., will give an en tertainment at the Palace Rink on Friday. March 23, next. The drama, "The Fed eral Spy," and the farce, "The Double Election," will be presented. Admission, adults. 25 cents children 15 cents reserv ed seats. 35 cents. Immediately after the performance the hall will be cleared for a dance. Tickets, 50 cents. Supper extra for those who desire it. Music by .the Grand Meadow Orchestra. TRY ST. PATRICK'S PILLS and compare their effect with any other kind made. They contain the good properties of the older preparations in the market com bined with the most valuable medicines discovered in modern times. As a cathar tic and liver pill, St. Patrick's are per fection. Sold by Giles & Shepherd. A Pleasant Surprise. On the afternoon of March 17, the rela tives and friends of Mr. Eugene Fuller met at his home in Windom township to celebrate his fortyfirst birth day, greatly to his surprise. There were 54 present, and the time passed off very pleasantly. Then to complete the surprise a beautiful and comfortable easy chair was brought in and presented by his mother and friends. There were several smaller to kens presented by different individuals, thus speaking their regard for him and his wife, who have been so kind and at tentiye to the wants and cares of their aged and widowed mother, Mrs. Walter Fuller. May they live many years to en joy the comforts and blessings of life, is the wish of their friends. ONE OF THE NUMBER Would You Believe It? That we are authorized by the proprie tor of Kemp's Sarsaparilla to refund the money to any one who has taken three fourthsof a bottle without relief? We are positive that no other proprietor has the confidence in his cdicine to do this It is for enriching, cleansing and purify ing the blood and toning up the system Price $1.00. Call at our store. Respect fully, Giles & Shepherd, druggists. Feb EDUCATIONAL. C. D. BELDEN, EDITOR. TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS, Teachers' Examinations will be held at Aus tin (Court Boom) Friday, March 10,9 a.m. Brownsdale, Friday March 23,9 a. m. Le Roy Thursday, March 29, 9 a.m. Grand Meadow, Friday Aprils, 9 a. m. Austin, Thursday April 12,9 a. m. No certificates renewed except for special reasons. All applicants are to pass a satisfac tory examination in Temperance Hyiriene be fore receiving1 certificates. Applicants for Second Grade will be examined in Civil Gov ernment. No certificates granted to those under 17 years of age. THE STATE TEACHERS' INSTITUTE Will commence at Austin, Monday April 10, p. m., and continue until Friday evening. All teachers must attend this institute before re ceiving a certificate. C. D. BELDEN, County Supt. Schools Where were the 43 applicants at the teachers' examination at Austin last Fri day and Saturday? The next examina tion will commence at Brownsdale next Friday morning. Teachers on the East side who can more conveniently attend the State Insti tute at Spring Valley this spring, will be excused from attending the Austin Insti tute, on presenting to the County Super intendent a certificate of full attendance at the former. All teachers' term reports are now made out in duplicate form, one' copy being left with the clerk of the district and one sent to the county superintendent. For this reason, receipts from the superin tendent for the reports, are not needed by the clerk before paying teachers their wages for the last month of school. When such receipts are required by clerks teachers will inform the superintendent at the time of sending in their reports, Don't Neglect a Cough. The following standard cough prepara tions are always kept in stock by Giles & Shepherd: White's Pulmonaria, White Pine Expectorant, King's Discovery Kemp's Balsam, Boschee's German Syrup. Shilo's Cough Cure, Bull's Cough Syrup, Allen's Lung Balsam, Barter's Lung Bal sam, Hall's Lung Balsam, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, North Star Lung Balsam, Marsh's Golden Balsam, Bosanko's Cough Syrup, Elliot's Tar and Wild Cherry, Frazier's Lung Balsam, Jayne's Expector ant, Piso's Consumption Cure, Car's Lung Schenk's White Wii Wine and Tar Syrup, and Marshall'sSugar Pine Balsam. Chatfleld Democrat One day this week Dr. Dickson was inspecting things around his barn, which stands at the top of a very steep hill. He loot his footing and as the hillside was covered with the smoothest kind of ice, he was picking himself up at the foot of the liil) in about a second after he sat down at the top. By a circuitious route he managed to re gain the top of the hill and was just reaching out to take hold of tho fence whert he sat down suddenly and was at the foot of tho hill again before he could take a second breath. It would have taken half a dozen stenographers to have recorded all the lauguage indulged in by th« doctor, but it would not be quito the proper stuff to print if ii had been preserved. Women, Delays are Dangerous. Madame Revere's Female Pills for Women NKVER TAIL to always give SPEEDY and CER TAIN relief. Satisfaction guranteed or mon ey returned. Sent by mall, securely sealed, in plain wrapper, for one dollar three boxes for two dollars. Particulars In letter for four cents in postage stamps. Address Mrs. E. REVERE, Box 283, 47-ly Jersey City, N. 0. OH! MY HEAD. The pain from Neuralgia and its companion disease Rheumatism is excruoiating. Thousands who could be quickly cured are needlessly suf fering. Ath-lo-pho-ros will do for others what it did for the following parties: to be helping nut, ana After taking four bot tles of Athlophoroa Mid one of PilU, I found that I was entirely well. I think the medi cine is positively a rare cure. OHAUNCKY B. REDDICK. OMroel. HI., Deo. 86,1887. I have used Atnlophoros in my family and find it to be the greatest medicine for neu ralgia in existence, and having had its fangs fattened upon me for the past 30 years I know whereof I speak. Mas. JULIA CHILTON. Send 6 cents for the beautiflil colored pic ture, Moorish Makbn." THEATHLOPHOHOS CO. 112 Wall St. H. f. J. C. BROWN, HOUSE PAINTER AND DECORATOR. First-class work guaranteed. Special atten* tion given to work iu the country. Leave orders at Giles & Shepherd's. AUSTIN, MINNESOTA. DO YOU USE Send a postal for Catalogue to J- Ml. THORBURN A CO., 15 John Street, New York* HBADQUARTEHS FOR White Plume Celery and Thorburns Gilt Edge Cauliflower Seed. FREE! A 26-PACE ILLUSTRATED PAPER Descriptive of the Soil, Climate, Produc tions, Manufacturing Industries and Min eral Wealth of Virginia and other Southern States. Write to XV. B. IIGVILL, Uen'l Pass. Agent, ROANOKE, VA., Enclosing 2-cent stamp. IN UNION THERE IS STRENGTH^ The Marriage Endownnient Association of Ithaca, N. Y., is a Mutual Association. Every member after he has been in the Association six months or more, receives a benefit at mar riage. If not married, do not hesitate. Join at once, it will pay you well. Write to A. W. GOLDSMID, Secretary, Ithaca, N. Y. 40-2mo Agents Wanted. PATENTS. Caveats, and Trade Marks obtained, and all Patent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. OUR OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U. S. PATENT OFFICE. We have no sub-agencies, all busi ness direct,hence can transact patent business in less time and at LESS COST than those re mote from Washington. Send model, drawing, or photo, with descrip tion. We advise if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A book, "How to Obtain Patents," with ref erences to actual clients in your state, county, or town, sent free. Address C.A.SNOW &CO., Opposite Patent Office. Washington, D. C. WIVES! MOTHERS! DAUGHTERS! BE YOUR OWN PHYSICIAN1 A lady who for years suffered from distressing female complaints, weaknesses, etc., so common to her sex, and had despaired of a cure, finally found remedies which completely cured her. Any sufferer can use them and thus cure her self, without the aid of a physician. From feelings of gratitude she will send two pre scriptions—which cured her—and an illustrat ed pamphlet entitled "THE STKPPING-STONB TO HEALTH," and full instructions, sealed. Ad dress (with 2cent stamp), MRS. W. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thi* powder never varies. A marvel of pnrlty, strength and wholeaomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of Rio Coffe, 0. C. HOLMES, 658 Broadway, N. Y. (Name this paper.) 30yl low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powder*. Sold only in cans. ROYAL BAKINO POWDER Co., 106 WALL ST., NKW YOKK. A Blessing to Every Woman. Those Ibf our readers who would like to know how CHILD-BEARING may he made PAIN LESS and SAFE can get the information in a sealed envelope by sending four cents in post age stamps to Mrs. E. REVERE, Box 283, 47-ly ersey City, N. J. If you want to get the highest prices for your produce and get your groceries at the lowest price, go to & We want live chickens at 6cts. We want live turkeys at 7cts. Butter and Eggs at the highest market price. Bring them in while the weather is cold. G. Java Coffee, Mocha Coffee. Japan Teas, Oo long Tea, Dried Apples, French Silver Prunes, California Prunes Turkish Prunes. All kinds of Canned Goods. All kinds of Preserved Goods. Honey in the Comb! Honey in Cans! Faribault Fancy Flour, Choice Flour, Straight All wheat flour. Butter and Eggs a Specialty. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange for groceries and dry goods. SIGN—RED FLAG. CROCKERY DEPARTMENT. I have now in stock and on the way the finest assortment of Crockery in plain white and decorated ware ever shown in Austin. Also new assort ment of the K. T. & K. ware in orange and gray, which has already become so popular, and the Brown CHELSEA BLACKBERRY PAT TERN on celebrated POWELL & BISHOP White Granite Body. CLOSING OUT. A large lot of Lustre Band Soup Plates white granite tea plates, and Brown La hore & decorated China at half price. COME IN AND SEE. Roberts Block (Opposite Court House.) —co TO— ALDERSON'S LUNCHROOMS, For a good LUNCH or an OYSTER STEW A GOOD STOCK OF FRESH CANDIES And the finest Cream Candy in the City. A FULL LIMB OF CHOICE CIGARS & TOBACCO. ALDERSON'8, MAIN ST., Under AUSTIN STATE BANK WANTED! BUTTER, EGGS, and POTATOES, In exchange for GROCERIES. W. McBride, The Grocer. McBRIDE, THE GROCER. Opera House Block, AUSTIN, MINN. AGENTS WANTED to Canvass for Adver tising Patronage. A small amount of work done with tact and intelligence may pro duce a considerable income. Agents earn several hundred dollars in commissions in a single season and incur no personal responsi bility. Esquire at the nearest newspaper office and learn that ours is the best known and best equipped establishment for placing advertisements in newspapers and conveying to advertisers the information which they re quire in order to make their investments wisely and profitably. Men of good address, or women, if well informed and practical, may obtain authority to solicit advertising patron age for us. Apply by letter to GEO. P. ROW ELL & Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 10 Spruce St., New York, and full particulars will be sent by return mail. NEW FIRM AT THE— Boston Meat Wet! FIEHN & BRIEBACH. Keep constantly on hand a full and choice stock of Fresh and Salt Beef, Pork, Fresh Fish, Poultry, and all kinds of Saus age. Satisfaction to every body" is their motto, Mill St., Austin. Mi ArMjui COUCH KILLER The Great Dubnqne Route. St_Yince 1 FANCY GROCERY DEPARTMENT. Worcestershire Saice. Halford Sauce. Shrewsbury Tomato Ketchup. Dnrkee's Salad Dressing. Dunbar's Shrimps. Doxee's Clams. Jockey Clnb sardines. Qneen Olives. xiocsnj|bi£ sinoris O S S I AO AIM ho«I»*£J. iwasoris WW/ fijwnjdif) Mwry loc Uvq IT ±SJ1H loojanv I i2_?sooo puouipa 4(0 UODjf I1A1 uifSny sGpoO /tfjcourij OXVKKVH OKI/A 9J(CfiU3 japuajlDg si nod Two daily trains each way be tween St. Paul and Minneapolis and Chicago, St. Louis and Kansas City. tS^Trains arrive depart and ail connec tions made at Union Depot*. Ask for tickets via the The Great Dubuque Route and take no other. Tickets via this popular route for sale ev erywhere. J. A. HANLEY, Traffic Manager. PGU} & ST.L0UIS R't "FAMOUS ROUTE." 8 A fair I Vinon ASKCl RieWaod u*l aV*P7 HirtUad iLSERT ora /QBockfurd rmGrceos nVorie *2 Liberty r*gr? -CtatrtTt)] r«V jiac The above ia a correct mrr of the ALBERT LEA ROUTE, and lta immediate connections. Through Trains dally torn $T. PAUL AK3 MINNEAPOLIS TO CHICA60, without change, connecting with all lines EAST and SOUTHEAST. The only line lumiiiu ThrotujU Cars between MINNEAPOLIS -.,? DES MOINES, loma. Phrongh Trains-tcrw.en MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. LOUIS, I'onneeting in Union Depot for all Points Sooth and M.uthwest Close conp wtiona made with St. P., ML* M.. N' P. and St. P. ft Uu'ut'i Railroads, from and to all points North and Xorth-West. RIXEMBRK! PCLLVAJT PALACI 8LUPIK6 \RS on all sight Trains. Tlirotsgh Tickets, and bag I _Echecked to destination. For time tables, rate ot etc., call upon nearest Ticket Agent, or^address S. F. BOYD, Gea'l Tkt. A Pass, ijr't, Miaasasalia. French Capers. Celery salt. English Mels. Horse Radish.