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THE TRANSCRIPT AUSTIN, WEDNESDAY, MAT 16,1888. WASHBURN & GORDON. PROPitiwroits. MORE ORIME. Herbert Schaffer shot by a Burglar in Jacobs' Store. No Clue to the Perpetrator. Herbert Schaffer, a young man who lias been clerking for Mr. Jacobs for some time and sleeping: in the back part of the store, was aroused by a noise in the Iront part of the store on last Tuesday morning about 4 o'olock and discovered a man at work at the safe. Scliaffer.flred at the robber at once, hitting the coun ter near him but evidently not touching the man. The burglar returned the fire sending a bullet through the young man's body within two inches of hia heart, entering near the left nipple and coming out at the back. The shooting was at short range as Schaffer's clothiug was burned by the powder. After firing the fatal shot the robber made his escape withont arousing any other person in the neighborhood. Dan. Heffner who sleeps over the store heard a crash of glass and some one groaning and going down stairs discovered^ Schaffer on the floor in his blood. He was removed to the residence of Henry Jacobs and cared for by Dr. Johnson. He recovered consciousness and is able to talk but is very weak and in a critical condition. He will probably remain in about the same condition for four or five days, when there will be a change for the better or worse. Mrs. W. J. Fuller, of this city, is aunt of the in jured boy, and Geo. Schessler, of Lans- ing, is his uncle. Schaffer is nearly 21 years of age. The burglar effected an entrance by unlocking the front door. When discovered he had opened the sate by mastering the combination. A chair was thrown through one of the back win dows, whether as a part of the scuffle, or to open an exit for the robbor, is uncer tain. Schaffer is unable to give the cir cumstances of the affair and cannot give a description of the man. There seems to be no clue by which to bring the vil lain to justice. THE INSPECTION. Company was officially inspected at Armory Hall last Wednesday evening by Inspector Gen. Brandt. Fifty four men were present and took part in the inspec tion and drill, which was very thorough. The Inspector was well pleased with the appealance and size of th? company, and complimented them upon their dicipline and efficiency. The need of new muskets was one of the yery apparent features of the drill. The boys deserve and should have them. Gen. Brandt said the com pany was the best one he had so far in spected, and that their muskets were clean and well kept for their kind. The hall was filled with spectators, to witness the drill, and were well pleased with it. After the inspection Gen. Brandt and the •officers of the company, together with a few friends, partook of a banouet at 3Torden HalL The company, which has 56 members, is larger than it has ever been, and the boys are giving close attention to drill, intending to turn out in fine shape to the encampment at Lake City. BURGLARY. The house of N. Kingsley was entered last Friday night and a gold watch worth $100 and five dollars in money secured by burglars. Entrance to the house was -obtained by unlocking the front door, the key being turned by means of nip pers. In the vestible several matches were lighted and the parties found their way through the din in? room into the sleeping room, carried Mr. Kingsley's pants and vest to the vestible where they appropriated the contents and departed without arousing any one in the house. ROBBERY. As Gulick Hestad, of Swenningsen's jewelry store, was going home Monday night about eleven o'clock, he encoun tered two men between D. B. Smith's of fice and the Fleck House who possessed themselves of his watch and chain. On account of the suddenness of the affair and and the darkness he was able to make no defense and can give no de scription of his assailants. REPUBLICAN CLUB. A meeting of the Republican Club will be held at the Auditor's office, in Court House, Monday evening, May 21, at 8 o'clock. Mr. Kingsley will address the club on the issues of the day The meet ing will be of profit to all interested in good government and a large attendance is desired. By order of Executive Com. CONVENTIONS are the order of the day just now and the leaders for the fall cam paign are being determined on. The del egates selected to the state and district conventions are divided between Blaine and Gresham. The Republicans of the state cannot forget the Plumed Knight and most of them would vote for him with pleasure, but wish to see the man nominated whom the party considers the best and strongest. The state convention meets to-day. In the First District Winona County sends an unpledged delegation to Roches ter headed by Thos. Simpson. From one half to one third if the delegates are said to fayor Mark Dunnell Houston Coun ty sends a delegation to Rochester bead ed by James O'Brien. They arc said to to be for Dunnell. Fillmore County will support C. H. Conky. Freeborn County sends an uninstructed delegation headed by John A. Lovely. The convention in Owatonna yesterday selected the follow ing delegates to the national convention: James O'Brien of Houston and Geo. Edgerton of Dodge. Alternates O. Ayers of Mower and A. J. Greer of Wabasha. Blaine was the favorite, but the delega tion was uninstructed. The convention passed resolutions favoring a reduction of the tariff and asking that lumber, salt and sugar be placed on the free list. THE druggists of Dubuque, Iowa, met on tbe 10th and resolved not to take out permits to sell liquor under the new iron clad law. It is thought that druggists generally through the State will refuse to take.out permits, thus confining the sale of alcoholic liquors to wholesale liquor houses and saloons. REPRESENTATIVE SCOTT, of Penn. gave the Randal tariff bill a genuine rak ing over last Friday, Scott it is said is a sort of mouth piece for Cleveland, and his remarks supposed to voice the sentiments of the administration. Ran dal will reply to Scott this week. For lame back, side or chest, use Sbiloh's jPoroufl Plaster. Price 26 cents. Pqrr 4 Weld. 0°™" OONVHNTION. The Democratic Assembly at Dexter. The Delegates Seleoted. The Democratic County Convention assembled at Dexter last Thursday and a full attendance is reported. Delegates were present from nearly every town. J. B. Yates officiated as chairman and G. W. Turner was secretary. To the St. Paul Convention—Hon.O. W. Gibson, G. W.Turner, Peter Johnson, John Frank alternates, P. J, Collins, Geo. Sutton, M. J. Slaven, A. B. Hunkins solid for Cleveland's renomination. To the State Convention to Nominate State Officers—Hon. John J. Furlong, Alex Loucks, J.D. Sheedy, J.B.Yates al ternates, J. S. Schuyler, Geo. Rumsey B. F. King, John Minnett, Jr all disposed to select a new man like £. M. Wilson for governor. To the Congressional Convention— Hon. John Frank, Thomas B. Smith, Ole Jorgens.Geo D. Knox. J. P. Taylor R. J. Collins, S. Engelsen, C. Fairbanks. John Golding solid for Thomas Wilson. The convention was very harmonious and soon over. No instructions were given nor resolutions adopted. Far the National Democratic and Republi can Presidential Nominating Con vention*. From June 2d to 5th, inclusive, to St. Louis, good to return only from June 6tb to 11th. inclusive, and to Chicago June 16 to 19, inclusive, good to return only from June 20 to 25 inclusive, the Minneapolis &St. Louis R'y ("Albert Lea Route") will sell excursion tickets to points named above at rate of ONE FARE for the Round Trip. For full information, call on or address any agent, or E. A. WHITTAKER, Minneapolis, Minn. G. T. & P. A. An Imperative Necessity. What pure air is to an unhealthy loc ality, what spring cleaning is to the neat house keeper, so is Hood's Sarsaparilla to every body at this season. The body needs to be thoroughly renovated, the blood purifying and vitalized, the germs of dis ease destroyed. Scrofula, Salt Rheum, and all other blood disorders are cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. the most popular and successful spring medicine. Starting a balky Morse. Boston.Post: I passed a considerable block of street cars recently to come up on the cause ot it. a balky horse, at the very moment when a bystander stepped out into the roadway, and after a moments manipulation, set the animal going as if perfectly content with his work. The success of the operation was so immediate that I ventured to ask how it was done. The man did not have the horsey look which usually accmpames the possesion of stable secrets, was evidently an ama teur, and did not hesitate to tell me at once that he simply placed under the horse's tongue a chip of wood that be picked from the sidewalk. "Anything else would have done as well," he went on to explain, "for it is only necessary to divert the animal's attention for a mo ment from his fancied grievences. I only changed the current of his thoughts. Tou might have argued with him all day, and he would still have held to bis opinion Ladles In delicate health and all who suffer from I habitual constipation, will find the pleas ant California liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of Figs, more easily taken and more ben eficial in effect than any other remedy.1 It acts promptly yet gently on the bow els, kidneys, liver and stomach, and does not sicken or debilitate. For sale by Giles & Shepherd. may District Sunday School Convention. The Second Annual Sabbath Conven tion of the First District will be held at I Dodge Center, Wednesday and Thursday, June 6-7, 1888. Pastors and Sundavl School workers in Dodge, Olmstead, Wi nona, Houston, Wabasha. Goodhue, Fill-1 more and Mower counties are invited. Free entertainment will be furnished. Let everv Sabbath School be represented. Send your names to Mrs. Frank S. Allen, Sec'y, Dodge Center, Minn. S. SHERIN. State Supt. and Sec., M. L. "VV^BB, St. Paul. Minn. Dist. President, Zumbrota, Minn. Syrup ol Figs Is Nature's own true laxative. It is the most easily taken, and the most ef fective remedy known to Cleanse the System when Bilious or Costive to Dis pel Headaches, Colds, and Fevers: to Cure Habitual Constipation, Indigestion Piles, etc. Manufactured only by the California Fig Svrup, Company, San Francisco, Cal. For sale by Giles & Shepherd. Backlcn's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises.Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever I Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblians Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and pos itively cures Piles, or no pay required. It isguaranted to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per| box. Whooping Cough may be kept under I complete control and all danger avoided by frequent doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. No better treatment can uc prescribed for it. Sold by Giles & Shep herd. j. c. BROWN, HOUSE PAINTER AND DECORATOR. First-class work (guaranteed. Special atten tion given to work in the country. Leave orders at Giles & Shepherd's. AUSTIN, MINNESOTA. Order for Hearing1 on Claims. QTATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY IO OF MOWER—ss. In Probate Court. In tbe matter of the estate of Michael Corbitt, deceased. Letters of administration on the estate of said deceased being this day granted unto Willis M. Corbitt. of said County: It Is ordered, That all claims and demanda of all persons against said estate be preaent ed to this Court for examination and bearing, at tbe Probate office, in tbe city of Austin, Mower county. State of Minnesota, on Mon day, the 18tb day of June, A. D. 1888, at 10 o'clock in tbe forenoon, and again on Mon day, tbe 19tU day of November, A. D. 1888, at 10 o'clock in tbe forenoon. It is further ordered, That six months from tbe date hereof be allowed to creditors to present their claims against said estate, at the expiration of which time all claims not presented to said Court, or not proven to its satisfaction, shall be forever barred, unless for cause shown further time be allowed- Ordered further, That said administrator as aforesaid, shall cause notice of the time and place of bearing and examination of said claims and demands, by publishing a notioe thereof for four weeks successively, in the MOWER Cotrarr TRANSCRIPT, a newspaper printed and published at the city of Austin, in said County. A Dated at Austin, Minn., the fourteenth day of May, 1888. By the Court, fsHA&l W.W.BANNBY, 9.$ Judge of Probate.] SHERIFF'S SALE. FTTATB OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OP MOWER.-88. IN DIBTRIOT COUBT. W. T. Wllklne, Plaintiff, v. VB. Horace Green, and Jonathan Gregson, Defendants.. Notioe Is hereby give that by virtue of an exeoution to me directed and delivered, and now in my hands, issued out ol the Diatrtot Court, Tenth Judicial Distrlot, State of Min nesota, in and for the County of Mower, tipon a judgment rendered In said Court in favor of the plaintiff, W, T. Wllklns, and aarainst the defendants, Horace Green and Jonathan Gregsen, which said judgment was on Deo. I, 1880, duly assigned by said W. T. Wllkins to Frank I. Crane, assignee, and said assignment was on the 7th day of March A. D- 1888, duly flled in the office of the Clerk of said Distrlot Court, 1 have levied .upon the following de scribed property of said defendant Jonathan Gregson, to-wlt: All the right, title And in terest of said Jonathan Gregson In and to the following described land: Beginning at a stone set In the ground about thirteen [181 inches long, in the center of the Dubuque and St. Paul Territorial Boad In the South Bast Quarter of the South West Suarter If of Section Ten [10] in Township One undred-two 1103] North ot Bange Eighteen [18] West, in Mower county, Minnesota, whioh ________ __ stone is fourteen and one half [14V4] chains XT TTTT Qrp 7f West and live and eighty one-hundredths I AX JLJ XJXJ JJJ O [ft 80-100] chains North of the quarter stake on the South side of said Section Ten |10], tbence running North twenty-four degrees and flfty flve minutes [24° 65'] Bast fourteen [14] chains and forty-three (48)links, thence North eighty-one degrees and twenty-five minutes [81° 25'1 Bast four f4] chains thirty-two and [32V£| links, thence south eight de I thirty-five minutes [8° 85'] East, one hal grees and' twelve 112] chains and three [3] links, thence North eisrhty-one degress and twenty-five minutes [81° 85'] West, twelve [121 chains and twentv-flve and one half [25%) links to the place of beginning. And thatl shall on Saturday, the 26th day of May, A. D- 1888, at the hour of 10 o'clook a. m. of said day, at the West Eront door of the Court House, in the City of Austin in said county: and State, proceed to eell all the right, title and Interest of the said Jonathan Gregson in and to the above described property to satis fy said judgment and costs, amounting to Two Hundred Tbirty-seven Dollars and Twen ty Cents, with interest on said sum frpm the 28th day of March, A. D. 1879 at the rate of seven [7] per cent, per annum, together with all accruing costs or sale at public auction to tbe highest bidder for cash. Dated at Austin, Minn-, this 10th day of April, A- D. 1888. ALLAN MOLLISON, Sheriff Mower County, Minnesota. E. B. CRANE, 1-10 Attorney for F.I. Crane, Assignee. CLINT CLARK, MRS Prflfttiftai Hair Dresser. lr work done to Switches, and 'a?lS?i ndl 'o ba order. Orders mav be left at Mrs. Green's millinery store, or at my rooms with Mrs. Corning, No. 107 Elm Street, Third Ward, near Foundry. 5m3 BUTTER! BUTTER! BUTTER! On or about May 15, we will send out teams to gather unsalted butter, and deliver Qrocories&t your door, PAYING the highest market price for unsalt ed butter in Grocerias of Cash. Please call at our store and make arrangements. BICE & LASHBRO0K. WIVES! MOTHERS! DAUGHTERS! BE YOUKOWN PHYSICIAN! A lady who for years suffered from distressing female complaints, weaknesses, etc., so common to her sex, and had despaired of a cure, finally found remedies .which completely cured her. Any sufferer can use tbem and tbus cure her self, without-tbe aid of a physician. From feelings of gratitude she will send two pre scriptions—which cured her—and an illustrat ed pamphlet entitled "THESTEPPING-STONK TO HEALTH," and full instructions, sealed. Ad dress (with 2 cent stamp), MRS. W. C. HOLM ES, 658 Broadway, N. Y. (Name this paper.) 30yl Mr. C. W. Battell. a traveling man rep resenting Messrs. S. Collins' Son & Co.. printing inks, New York, after suffering intensely for two or three days with lame ness of the shoulders and back, completely cured it with two applications of Cham berlain's Pain Balm. It cures lameness and rheumatism when all other treatment1 fails. Guaranteed and sold by Giles & Shepherd. AUSTIN Furniture Company. DEALERS Metalic Cloth Cask ets and Coffins, Burial Robes, Artl ficial Flowers, &c. Finest Hearse in Southern Minn. IOI ft 108 MAIN ST. RID FRONT. AUSTIN. Established I see. LAFAYBTTB FBBNCH. A. W. WBIGHT. ^FRENCH & WRIGHT, (Successors to Richardson, Dav & Co., and Lafayette French.) GENERAL LAV BUSINESS JS. SPECIALTY. Also deal In Real Estate, Negotiate Loans and Carefully Attend to Colleotions. AUSTIN, MINNESOTA. OTO POPULAR BXSTAUBAN!! Everything fresh and first class {. in every respect. ICE CREAM, LEMONADE, POP, Etc. AND A FULL LINE OF CONFEC TIONERY ALWAYS ON HAND. WABM MEALS AND LUNCHES AT ALL HOURS. jDay Boarders Wanted. C. A. BROWN, Prop'r. UNDER AUSTIN STATE BANK. OH DECK AGAIN! THE LARGEST AND BOOTS For the Spring Trade at the BLUE FRONT SHOE STORE Step in and examine goods and -prices at- J. SCHWAN'S. I WANT 10 BDY YOtm BUTTER! Eggs, ||Cheese, Lard, Hams, 3P I Potatoes, Etc. Or in Exchange for Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing, Hardware, Furniture, Or Drugs. The Grocer. See Quotations in Trans cript every week for Prices on Produce, TEI FIN-1 EST STOCK OF -AND- OriUrjO the Pl LADIES EERLESS 'roves BoTowOwaSyalafiatHMM* They will dye everything. They are sold erer^. when. Price lOo. a package. The* hare noequal to* Strength, Brightness, Amount ia Packages or for FMtneaa of Color, or aoa-fadingQnaHtfte« Tkey do not crook er smut 40 oolon* Tor Ml« by IQium $10. $10. mill. $10. Take our Choice. 200 Men's Ckevoits, Fancy Worsted and Scotch Cassimere SUIST In sizes from 34 to44, breast measure. entire line is nice and stylish, and every suit is unquestionably a bargain at the price. Re- member we are selling these goods at the popular price of $10, $10, $10, .Simply as an advertisement, not so much for Pr°fik It would be small did we only sell a few dozen, but we expect to sell hundreds of them before the season is over. In the quantity we sell is our margin. You will find our Cloth ingosuperior made and for less money than competitors are trying to sell their inferior articles. IN tYonng Gentlemen!* We have for you a fine stock of Nobby Spring Suits, made up in the most fashionable shape in TAILOR-MADE. If you have tried one of them you will come to us unsolicited. If you'r not acquainted with them, come in and take a look at them. Children's Department We offer this week "special" and something every parent should see. 150. All Wool Enee Pants Suits. 150. In Norforlk and Plaited Styles, very neat and wall fitting in Chevoits, Scotch Cassimeres. Price for your choice, This is a bargain you wont find outside of our store. Rest assured that we will always furnish you with the best made and highest grade of clothing for the lowest possible cost. KNEE PANTS AT 25 CTS. GOLDEN EAGLE Clothing 9 The House, Merchant Tailoring in Con nection.