OCR Interpretation

Mower County transcript. [volume] (Lansing, Minn.) 1868-1915, May 16, 1888, Image 5

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85025431/1888-05-16/ed-1/seq-5/

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City and Vicinity.
oomo HOBTH.
4:90 m. exoapt Monday
Passenger .8.05 p. m. except Sunday
Freight* 1.00 a. m. to Owatonna
Freight 6.86 a. m. to Mendota
Freight 4.50 p. m. to Mendota
eoixa XAST.
Passenger 2.00 p. m. except Sanday
Paweuger 11.40 p. m. except Saturday
Freight 10.85 a. m.
Freight 7.45 p. m.
passenger 8.00 p. m. except Sunday
Passenger 11.50 p. m. Daily
Freight 7.10 a. m.
Freight ®-30 a. m.
Freight 4.45 p. m.
Passenger 2 00 p. m. except Sanday
Passenger 11.50 p. m. except Sunday
Freight 6.50 a. m. except Sunday
Freight 7.25 p. m. Daily
Passenger 4.35 a. m. Ex. Sunday
Passenger 2.08 p.m. Ex. Sunday
Freight 6.15 a.m. Ex. Sunday
Freight 9.30 a. m. Ex. Sunday
Freight 6.00 p. m. Ex. Sunday
Chicago, at. Paul & Kansas City.
No. 1. +St. Louis K*tros« .11:45 a
No. 3. $St. Louis Expiess 10:56 pm
No. 95. *St. Louis Fr't 8:« a
No. 181. tLoeal Freight
No. 2. oSt. Louis Express 5:55 a
No. 4. +St. Louis Express 5:46
No. 96. *St. Louis Freight 11:45 am
No. 120. Local Freight 8:55 a
Daily accept Sunday, Daily except Saturday.
y. Daily except Monday.
Passenger leaving Austin, No. 4, arrives in Chica­
go at 7 a. m.
A special passenger train runs between Lyle and
St. Paul on time of No. 2 Mondays, and No. 3 Sat­
Agt, Austin.
—Going to camp?
—Mud? Just a little.
—See Kinsey's line of hosiery.
—Gasoline at Pooler's. Delivery free
—Eggs. 10 cts. cash or 11 cts. trade at
M. Majors.
—Honey 15 cents a pound at Rice &
—Best assortment of new perfumes in
town at Pooler's.
—It stopped raining Friday night and
froze up for a change.
—See White Goods, Ginghams, Gloves
and Mitts at Kinsey's.
—They all say so. Pooler's is the best
soda water in town.
—Sweet oranges 20 cents a dozen ut
Rice & Lashbrook's.
—Two new milch cows for sale. En­
quire of C. H. Davidson.
—Butter 15 cts. cash or 16 cents trade
until Aug. 1 at M. Majors.
—Choice Baldwin apples 50 cents per
peck at Rice & Lashbrook's.
—You WILL find M. Majors' prices for
butter until Aug. 1, in this paper.
—For rent—One finely furnished room.
Enquire of Mrs. S. C. Olsoen.
—C. A. Brown, at the Blue Star Res­
taurant, wants day boarders.
—Everything is fresh and nice at Fair
banks & Leonard's grocery store.
—Keep your eyes open for the new
umbrellas on the delivery wagons.
—Choice meats, poultry, game and fish
at McFadden's Main street market.
—The best $2.50 kid and goat shoe
at J. Schwan's Blue Front Shoe Store.
Com. N. W. Kittson died last Thursday
on a train, while on his way home to St.
—Highest price paid for beet, pork,
chickens and turkeys, at Main Street
—Most delicious. Ons of Pooler's Iced
Milk shakes, with strawberry juice flavor.
Try one.
—AndrewDalager will be glad to sell all
his old friends hardware at Roberts &
Co.'s store.
—The bovs have a shoot this afternoon
near south bridge. A new gun club is to
be organized.
—Fairbanks & Leonard claim to have
the charupionest beets to be found in the
country, at their place.
—There are some fine cabbages and
other vegetables at the fountain in Fair­
banks & Leonard's store.
—The tramp and house breaker are
loose again. Get out the unloaded shot
gun and unchain the dog.
Go to Wm. M. Howe's office for perfect
abstracts of title. Ten years' experience.
Loans at lowest rates.
—I will pay 15 cents cash or 16 cts.
trade for butter until Aug. 1.
—Everything (except cold pancakes)
bought and sold at the Austin 2nd Hand
Store on Mill street, opposite M. Majors.
—The body is more susceptible to ben­
efit from Hood's Sarsaparitla now than
at any other season. Therefore, take heed.
—The North Star Lung and Throat Bal
sam is a sure cure for Coughs and Colds.
Give it a trial. For sale by all Druggists.
—Dr. McKenna, for 12 years county
physician of Houston county, has locat­
ed in Austin, taking rooms over Dunkel
mann's store.
—Rice & Lashbrook expect to start a
wagon the last of this week to collect
unsalted butter and deliver groceries in
the country.
—There were no services at the Congre­
gational church last Sunday on account
of water in the basement, making it im
possible to have a fire.
—A limited layout of lard, butter and
potatoes, and any amount of eggs want­
ed at the Austin 2d hand store on Mill
street, opposite M. Majors.
Chatfield special to Pioneer Press: J.
C. Easton has transferred the Root River
bank to G. H. Haven. He also traded
all his tax title lots in this city to J. D.
Sanderson for some western land.
For 25 cents get Kemp's Liver Pills for
Torpid Liver, for Constipation, for the
Complexion. Giles & ShepherdDrugpists.
—Lake Park addition is the place to
build, to rent, or sell. New streets being
opened up, new residences being built.
Residence lots cheap and on easy terms.
E. B. CHANS, Ag't.
For the next 30 days I will sell thor­
oughbred Poland China pigs, from six to
ten weeks old, for from $5 to 96 each.
Piss in pairs not akin for sale. Farm 1
mile from Lansing. Address Geo. Web­
er, Lansing, Minn.
SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by
tbat terrible cough. Shlloh's Cure is the rejm
edy for you. Dorr Wold. *r
—Croquet and base ball goods at Pool­
—Bargains in dress goods at Kinsey's
cash store.
—New lot of fine wall papers to arrive
this week at Pooler's.
—Another invoice of the latest shapes
in hats at the Ladies'Bazar.
—Commencement exercises of the High
School will be held Thursday, June 14.
—The celebra ed "Palias Royal" kid
also a fine line of silk mits at the
ladies' Bazar.
—Ladies will find an elegant assort­
ment of the celebrated "Palias Royal"
Kid Gloves at the Ladies' Bazar.
—Wm. Schultz is prepared to do mason
work, chimney laying a specialty. Leave
orders with C. H. Webber at J. D. Shee
day's office.
—Rev. C. E. Wright preached in the
morning at the Presbyterian church for
Rev. Grosscup, who is still suffering
somewhat from his accident.
—Spring goods now arriving at J.
Schwan's. When in want of foot wear
you will find the lowest prices and best
goods at Blue Front Shoe Store.
Geo. Weber of Lansing, says he has
water in his cellar for the first time.
You may consider yourself luckey Geo.
that you are not drowned out entirely.
—Where are the old timers? Let them
come forward,and relate theii experiences
and tell when it was thefrains descended
and the floods came worse than it has
the last two weeks.
—The books of the firm of Dalager Bros,
will remain at the old stand, and an early
settlement of accounts is required on ac­
count ot the change of firm. Please call
in at once and settle up.
—Rev. F. L. Paterson will hold a series
of revival meetings in the Baptist church
beginning next Sunday morning. He
has the reputation of a strong and suc­
cessful Evangelist. The public are cor­
dially invited to attend.
—Co. G, attention! The regular drills
of the company will be on Monday and
Wednesday evenings of each week. As
the Company go to camp June 20, it is
desired that every member attend drills
as regularly as possible.
—Treasurer Requa wishes to see every
tax-payer of the county who has not paid
the tax on his real estate, before June 1.
Remember May 31 is the last day and get
around as early in the month as possible
and avoid the rush of the last days.
—Commencement at the Winona Nor
mal School takes place next week. The
examination will be held this week.
Class day exercises will be held Monday
evening, May 21. Model school exercis­
es Tuesday afternoon and commence
ment exercises Wednesday May 23, at
9:30 a. m.
—Those wishing to make loans for
buildint? purposes or safe investments
with small sums of money, should see A.
O. Allen, Agent American Building and
Loan Association, of Minneapolis, at
once. Can be found at the residence of
Dr. Allen, west of Northwestern R.
track, on Water street.
—Two Bohemians were before Justice
Noble Tuesday for beating an old man
near the rail road bridge, just across the
river, Monday evening. The warriors
were consigned to the cooler for 15 days
as a hint that two to one and the one 60
years old is not the way we indulge in
freedom in this country.
—Le Roy Independent: Married. May
8, 1888, at the home of the bride's parents
in Oakdale, Iowa, by Rev. J. D. Todd,
Mr. Frank E. Garner to Miss Gertrude L.
Thompson, both of Oakdale. They have
already taken up their residence in Aus­
tin and are happily entered on their con­
nubial journey. The best wishes follow
—Lyman St. John, one of the old set­
tlers of Lyle died at his old home Tues­
day May 8. The funeral services were
held at the house and his remains were
buried in Woodbury cemetery Friday
May 11. Mr. St. John was over 80 years
of age and had been a resident of Lyle
for many years. He leaves many friends
and relatives in that vicinity.
—The new fountain at the store of
Fairbanks & Leonard is a fine one and
no mistake. Fruits and vegetables re
joice under its refreshing streams, wheth­
er there is rain outside or not. The statue
is one solid piece of marble, cut out by
Messrs. Abrahams & Hanf, and is a cred­
it to their establishment. Take a look at
the fountain and its accessories and sur­
—Owatonna is having a lively time
with its saloon keepers. A special to the
Pioneer Press says: At a special meeting
of the city council the saloon keepers
cited to show cause why their licenses
should not be revoked for violation of
law appeared with Amos Coggswell,
their attorney. L. L. Wheelock, city at­
torney, appeared in behalf of the city.
The council, five to three, deferred furth­
er action until othei citations with specif
ic charges might be served. The infor­
mation was obtained through an inform­
er, against whom there is very strong
feeling, and it was feared that he would
suffer bodily harm last night, but he was
placed in safe keeping by the authorities.
The council chamber was densely crowd­
ed, and threats were made.
Sous of Veterans.
A camp of Sons of Veterans was organ­
ized at G. A. R. Hall last Friday even­
ing by George H. Shiere, Adjutant of the
Minnesota Division of Sons of Veterans.
It will be called the R. P. Moore camp,
in honor of the first Captain who enlist
ed from this county. Camp Moore starts
out with a membership of 34, surpassing
in numbers, at organization, any camp
formed in this division. The camp meets
every Tuesday night at 8 o'clock sharp.
Mclntyre Post was present at the organi­
zation and saw that the boys were pro­
perly mustered in. The following are
tbe officers of Moore Camp:
Ira Padden, Captain.
J. H. Makepeace, 1st Lieut.
W. R. Ear], 2nd Lieut.
J. J. Gilbertson, L. F. Clausen and T.
L. Beiseker, Camp Council.
T. L. Beiseker, 1st Sergt,
A. J. Palmer, Quartermaster Serg't.
John Hogan, Serg't of Guard.
A. Johnson, Color Serg't.
John Stimson, Corp. of Guard.
A. Lovell, Principal Musician.
C. Fogarty Camp Guard.
W. T. Hinman, Picket Guard.
Rev, D. L. Grosscup, Chaplain,
A Fair Proposition,
New York Sun:Father(to wouldbe son
in-law)—Young man, will you be able
to take care of my daughter in the style
to which she has always been accustomed
Young man (earnestly)-ril guarantee it
sir, or return the girl.
SHILOH'S COUGH and Consumption Cure
is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures Con­
sumption. Dorr & Wold.
-Justice Noble was engaged in a bur­
glary case Tuesday.
—Mrs. W. W Engle will give a proper
reward for information as to the where
abouts of her Rocky Mountain Magpie.
—To those who use jelly we are offer­
ing special prices: Apple, raspberry and
currant jelly 7 cents per pound 30 lb.
pail, $1.50. Rice & Lashbrook.
J. Walsh was in the eity Monday.
Peter Wilder was up from Lyle Mondav.
Mrs. Dr. Oib9on returned from St. Paul last
Dr. McKenna returned from Caledonia yes­
Mrs. Henry Minor was quite seriously ill
Mr. Strout was interviewing our grocers
Auditor Featherstone of tbe Milwaukee
was in tbe city Monday.
Henry Webber, an old resident of Pleaaant
Valley was in Austin Monday..
Mrs. Knox, of tbe W. C. T. U., delivered an
interesting lecture last Sunday.
Miss Emma Gatzman bas been elected to a
position ia tbe school at Waseca.
Andrew Knox put in an appearance in Aus­
tin Thursday, baok from bis western trip.
Miss Olga Olson was in St. Paul last week
purchasing stock for tbeir millinery store.
Elbert Day returned from Salt Lake City
last Wednesday, more in love witb Austin
tban ever.
Adam St. Jobn, now of Wellcome, Minn.,
came to Austin to attend tbe funeral of his
brother Lyman.
S. D. Cat her wood and Hon. L. French went
to Albert Lea yesterday to attend the open­
ing of tbe District Court.
Miss Mary St. Jobn, daughter of Adam St.
Jobn, formerly of Lyle, is trying type setting
in the TRANSCRIPT office.
Miss Ethel Eccleatein, the dress maker, will
take rooms with Mrs. Barnes this week, where
she may be found in the future.
Mrs. Garland leaves for her home in Wis­
consin this week accompanied by her daugh­
ter Mrs. Jillson and little Harry.
Miss Jessie Howe was the recipient of a
box of nice maple sugar by express, from
relatives in Vermont, last week.
Mrs. Addie Hersey arrived from Billings,
Montana, Sunday nigbt, to spend tbe sum­
mer witb her father Judge Johnson.
R. E. Shepherd bas been spending several
days in Chatfield, to assist J. C. Easton in the
transfer of his banking business there.
S. H. Merrill, station agent at Grafton, la.,
was in Austin Saturday and made tbe TRANS­
CRIPT a pleasant call. Mr. Merrill used to
live in Austin and has a kind of home feeling
towards us vet.
Dr. Alexander Macdonald left for Boston
last Thursday, where be will take a two
months' course in the Murdock Hospital.
The Dr. is making a specialty of diseases of
women, and is improving every opportunity
to increase bis knowledge in tbat direction
tis immediately relieved by Shilob's Cure.
Dorr & Wold.
What? Cured among others the
following. They write:
819 Central Ave.. Cincinnati.
January 4th, lsio.
i*s improved won
16 Rosette St. New Haven. CI,
February 10th, 1888.
Athlophoroe Pills worked wonders in my
case of dyspepsia. EMMA L. CLABK.
Ath-lo-pho-ros Pills are small and
pleasant to take, yet wonderfully
effective. Invaluable for kidney
and liver complaints, dyspepsia, in­
digestion, constipation, neadache,
etc. They'll take away that tired
feeling giving new life and strength.
49*8end 6 cents for the beanttflil colored pic­
ture, Moorish Maiden."
Eugene Hoy, one of our well-known
business men, died very suddenly Mon­
day morning. One of the mules of his
team which he was hitching up had kick­
ed him quite severely upon the leg and
immediately after a severe
struggle which
followed he fell dying on the sidewalk.
His death coming thus without warning
was probably caused by the bursting of a
blood vessel. He was only thirty five
years of age and leaves a wife and two
children. His father John Hoy is an old
resident of Waltham. We understand
that he bad taken out a policy of $2,000
in theM. W. A.
Is onsumptlon Incurable?
Read the following Mr. C. H. Mor­
ris, Newark. Ark., says: "Was down
with Abscess of lungs, and friends and
physicians pronounced me an incurable
consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's
New Discovery for consumption, am
now on my third bottle, and able to over­
see the work on my faim. It is the fin­
est medicine ever made."
Jesse Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio, says:
"Had it not been for Dr. King's New
Discovery for consumption, I would
have died of lung troubfe. Was given up
by doctors. Am now in best of health."
Try it. Sample bottles tree at Dorr &
Wold's drug store. 5
Continuous rains for three or more
weeks is a sign of mud. followed by a
change in the weather. This sign never
fails in the drye&t time.
Continuous advertising is a sign you'll
find the least possible amount of the
"swine" in the dealer and his prices.
When you point for the 2nd hand store
it's a sign you're sensible and bound to
save your shekels. If you carry any­
thing away, its a sign you've paid for it,
and got more money left tban you could
have, if bought any where else.
Wet or dry, these signs never fail at
the Austin 2nd Hand Store on Mill street
opposite M. Majors.
The Commercial Traveler's Protective
Association, of the Uqited States, has a
membership of over sixteen thousand
and is probably tbe strongest association
of the kind in the world. John R. Stone,
their Nat'l Sec'y and Treasurer., 79 Dear­
born street, Chicago, in a letter states
that he has been severely troubled at
times, for the past twenty vears, with
cramp and bilious colic which would com­
pel him to take to his bed from three to
six days—while in St. Louis at their last
annual meeting he procured a bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar­
rhoea Remedy and has since used it with
the best results. It is the only remedy
he ever found that effected a rapid and
complete cure. No one can safely travel
without it. Sold by Giles & Tryon.
CATARBH CURED, health and sweet breath
secured, by Sbilob's Catarrh Remedy. Price
GO cents, Nasal Injector free. Dorr & Wold
The Dusty Ride.
The Return Home.
"Just look at my dress. It is
almost spoiled. We had one of
those small sieve dusters. They
are no good."
Lap Dusters
Horse Sheets
An ute mp atroBf.
5A Horse Covers
%Fly Nets.
An th* Beat *B4StmcMk
Don't spoil your girl's dress by
buying a poor, loosely-woven car­
riage duster. $4 Lap Dusters for
carriage use have the stock and
work put in them to make a first
class article. The new patterns of
embroidery, flowers, birds,scenery,
etc., are well worth seeing. One
hundred different designs at prices
to suit all. For sale by all dealers.
[Copyrighted 1888, by WM. AYRBS & SONS.]
THAT HACKING COUGH can be so quick
ly cured by Shilob'e Cure. We guarantee it.
Dorr & Wold.
For Sale.
On easy terms. A good farm one mile
and a half from Austin. Inquire of S. D.
CATHERWOOD, Attorney at Law.
Dr. Macdonald leaves for Boston.Mass
in a short time, to spend two months in
the Murdock Hospital for Diseases of
Women, and will be greatly obliged to
those indebted to him if they will call at
our office and settle lip.
April 23, 1888
Women, Delays are Dangerous.
Madame Revere's Female Pills for Women
NEVER.FAH. to always give SPEEDY and CER­
TAIN relief. Satisfaction guranteed or mon­
ey returned. Sent by mail, securely sealed,
in plain wrapper, for one dollar tbree boxes
for two dollars. Particulars in letter for
four cents in postajre stamps. Address
Mrs. E. REVERE, Box 283.
47-ly Jersey City, N. J.
WILL YuU SUFFER with dyspepsia and
liver complaint? Sbilob's Vitnlizer is guar­
anteed to cure you. Dorr & Wold.
It Will
Be to your advantage to leave orders for
paper hanging with Giles & Shepherd. I
wiil attend to it promptly.
Another Good Horse.
To accommodate my many customers
I have sent to JanesviHc. Wis., and
bought of Bowers & Hadden, the import­
ed horse "Clovic,'1 imported in Decem­
ber last. He is dark gray, five vears old,
and weighs 1,750 pounds. Fie is square,
blocky built, with clean flat bone, and
what I call a good dratt horse. Inspec­
tion invited. Terms to insure, one or
more mares, $15 each.
—For sale—A very desirable bnilding
lot within two blocks of post office. A
reasonable consideration only asked.
All persons indebted to the late firm of
Giles & Shepherd are hereby notified that
accounts not settled by May 26th. will be
placed in the hands of a legal collector,
we having been succeeded by Giles &
Lake Park Addition.
Convenient to C. M. & St P. R'y shops
and Austin Pressed Brick works, is the
place to invest this spring, as permanent
improvements are being made in that vi­
cinity. Price of lots, from $50 to $100
on easy terms. E. B. CRANE, Ag't.
Dr. Cady's Condition Powders they
tone up the digestive organs, free the
system of worms, eive the horse a good
appetite, causing them to shed freely and
putting them in good shape for hard
work. For sale by Giles & Tryon.
Burbank Seedlings at. 30 cents per bush­
el at John C. Walker's, Rose Creek, Minn.
I am prepared wilh a select stock of
ever blooming roses budded, for 25 and 30
cts. each also vcrbeuaspansies, phlox,and
plants of all annals from 35, to 75 cts. per
doz. House plants and cut flowers a spec
ialty. Leave orders with F. Deardom at
the P. O. or call at my residence 417,GroAe
St. S. H. Harrison.
—Dr. Hollister wishes to inform the
public that he has opened an office, fur­
nished with all the modern appliances of
medicine and surgery, on Bridge street,
in Richards & Friederich's new block, op­
posite the Court House. Office houis
from 9 to 10 a. m. and 1 to 3 p. m.
Left with Giles & Tryon for painting
or paper hanging, will be promptly at­
tended to. I am prepared to do any class
of. work and will do it well. J. C. BROWN
SHILOH'S VITALIZES is what you need
for constipation, loss of appetite, dizziness
and all symptoms of dyspepsia. Price 10 and
75 cents per bottle. Dorr ft Wold,
We have always paid great attention to
our Boys' and Children's department, and we
will have a
Boys' Clothing,
The prices on these goods are much lower than
you will have to pas in other stores.
We haye just received a fresh supply of our
nobby TAILOR MADE SUITS. These goods
are guaranteed to fit as well as any custom
made garments at a saying of about 50 PER
CENT, of what the same would cost if made to
order. Prices guaranteed all through the stock
and money refunded on all purchases if not
One Price Clothing House.
First door south of Postofflco.
Trimmed, and
Untiimmed. Hits
Gall and Examine Goods and Prices.
(Graduate in Medicine of MCGILL UNI­
of Ontario and Quebec late U. S. Examin­
ing Surgeon late Surgeon-in-Chiel of the
INSTITUTE of La Crosse, Wis.,—(The
est Institute for the Treatment of Chronic
diseases between Chicago and the Pacific
Slope.) Specialist in all forms of
The Office is lit ted up with the necessary armamentaria for the exhibi­
tion of COMPRESSED AIR and GALVANO CAUTERY treatment of
CATARRH. Also OXYGEN GAS and its derivatives, for LUNG and
MACDONALD has for a long time enjoyed the largest practice in
Southern Minnesota, and as his phenomenal success irrefutably demon­
strates, is the firsi exponent of scientific rational treatment to locate in the
city. Dr. Macdonald does not intend to give his services to the public
gratuitously in the form of FREE CONSULTATION for two reasons: First.
Because he considers his opinion on subjects pertaining to his profession
of value. Second. Because, owing to his extensive clientele, he is usually
more profitably employed.
All calls, day or night, promptly responded to. Office (and sleeping
aoartment) in Wkt Block, corner Main and Mill Streets, opposite Opera
House. Post-office Box, 149.
P. 8.—Dr. Macdouald bas an extensive practice BY MAIL, and people who desire to aval
themselves of his services, bat wbo cannot see him personally, should write to him for a
question list, this if tilted put and returned furnishes data for diagnosis.
DISEASE, as affections of the LUNGS, STOM­

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