Newspaper Page Text
Jf TUTCINTTRE POST, G. A. R. Meets on the first and third Saturday of eaeh month, at 7:80 v.m., at_Grand Army xtmii D. A. MoFADDBN, Com. WiidON BBAOH. Quartermaster. M. W. A. JAMES CRONON, Rerorder. W•W.Judge STRICTLY FIRST CLASS J. E. ROBINSON, Proprietor, AUSTIN, MINN. Main Street, opposite corner from Postofflce. O. G. T. 1 AUSTIN LODGE, NO. 10?. Meets every Monday evening in their hall. Strangers stopping in the city, belonging to this order are cordially invited. A. W. ALLES, II. D. A. O. ALLEN, M. D. rfdii.'faif»'! 'S VE'H A^fc-arV-"..- iifc. O.W.MBBKICK,AdJt. AN DU8KO CAMP NO 248 Hold their regular meetings the second and fourth Saturday of eaoh month at Good Templar Hall. 1:30 ft^KVUA*, Consul. H. P. GRSKNMAN. Clerk. O.U. W. Austin Lodge, A. O. U. W., No. 82, meets on the second and fourth Fridays of every month, in their hall. Brothers visiting in the city are cordially invited a RANNEY, C. J. SHORTT, of Probate. RANNBY & SHORTT. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Agents for Sale of Real Estate, and Repre sentatives of the German, of Freeport. I I Milwaukee Mechanics, and Concordia Fira Insurance Companies^ DR. P. B. PECK |\ENTISTRY Office over Keysor & Gia ncy's Store, where he is prepared to do all kinds of work in Den tistry. AUSTIN. MINNESOTA. Rates $2.00 per day. Free Bus to all trains MRS. LIZZIE BEATTIE, C. T. L. C. LOWRY, Secretary. -ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER, NO. 14 The Stated convocations of this Chapter are held in Masonsic Hall, Austin Minnesota, on the SECOND and FOUBTH Friday evenings of each month. KlSQ8LRY fi D. Z. BOBINSOK, Secretary. i- "C1IDELITY LODGE, NO. 39. A & The "regular contmunloatlona-of this lodge are held In Masonic Hall.Austln, Minnesota, on the ITOST and THIRD Wednesday evenings of each month. WM. TODD, W. M. C. H. WiiaouB, Secretary. ST. BERNARD COMMANDERY. K. T. Meets first Monday evening of each month at Masonsic HaU. W S F. CRANE, Recorder. Allen & Allen, PHTSICIHS AM SURGEONS, ALL BRANCHES. General Medicine, Obstetrics, and OPERATIVE SURGERY. Office, Opera House Block. Day and Night Consultation office at the Third Ward Drug Store. E a is 1 8 6 6 LAFAYETTE FRENCH. A. W. WRIGHT. 4* FRENCH & W (Successors to Richardson, Day & Co., and Lafayette French.) GENERAL LAW BUSINESS A S E I A A so a In a E a N a Loans and Carefully Attend to Collections. AUSTIN. MINNESOTA. DRUGS, «3 DORR & WOLl), PRESCRIPTION STATIONERY, BOOKS! 0 A *ftO. COUNTY COMMISSIONED O I E O COUNTY AUDITOK, A S I N, Minn., Jan. 7,1890. Board of county commissioners of Mower county met in regular session at the office of the county auditor at 7 o'clock p. ax,, pursuant to statute. Mem bers present, W. W. Sweet. N T. John son, H. Lockwood, John Beach and A. E. Christie. On motion board proceeded to ballot for chairman for the ensuing year, and A. E. Christie having received a majority of all the votes cast, was declared elected chairman for the year 1690. The auditing board made the following Veport: AUSTIN, Minn., Jan. 6,1890. Th Austin National bank tiled their Bond in the penal sum of $40,000. 00 for the deposit of county funds with said bank, with G. Schleud*?r, F. I. Crane, Chas Davidson, Joseph K. Strever, Nathan C. Kingsley, Hoyt A. Avery, and Luther N Griffith as sure ties, and on motion bond and sureties thereon was approved. Th Auditing Board then made the following report: the honorable b^ard of County Commissioners* of Mower county, Minnesota W the undersigned Board of Audit, in and for the County of Mower, State of Minnesota, submit the following re port, showing business done and cash balance on hand from the 23d day of April 1889 to the 3d day of January 1890, both days inclusive. A DRUGGISTS1countydtreasurer, JnnM FIRST-CLASS LIVERY. Good horses and rigs at reasona ble rates. Leave your hack orders for any pftrt of the city and all trains. Barn located near Kansas City depot, supplied with water, electric lights and allfirstrclassconveniences. J. B. HILDEBRAKD, WILLIAM* MOUSI. VOL XXII.—No. 44 AUSTIN. MOWER COUNTY, MINN.. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1890. Annual Meeting of the Mower County To the Honorable Boaid of County Commis sioners of Mower Count}-, Minn.: We, the undersigned, board of audit in and for the Countv of Mower and State of Minne sota, would respectfully report that when the Austin State Bank was converted into the Austin National Bank, we required a new bond from tin new corporation for the de posit ot county funds, and they having fur nished such bond in the penal sum of 840,000 we do designate such bank as a depository of county funds not to exceed the sum of $20,000, such designation to take feffect when said bond shall have been accepted and approved by the board of county commissioners of Mower county, such designation to be and re main in force fur two years from and after the acceptance and approval of said bond by said board of countv commissioners unless sooner revoked. [Signed! C. H. WILBOUR. County Auditor. W. W. SWEET, Chairman Board County Commissioners. S. SWENINGSEN, Clerk ot the District Court. Auditing Board of Mower County, Minnesota. COLLECTIONS. Current tax $71,339 89 Tax of former years 4,116 16 Private Redemptions 1,339|47 School land, principal and interest 3,861 45 Interest on deposits. 207 51 Fines 116 00 Produce from county land 267 48 Personal property tax collected by Sheriff 407 85 liquor Licenses GOO 00 Acct. of Sarah Nelson deceased defective. 9 02 Temporary Belief Refolded 5 00 Sale of old atove and old lumber. 24 00 Loan,to county fund 1,600 00 Probate court fees. 54 09 Current fund from state 11,882 48 Payment on county land sold 812 00 Jury fees 45 00 Cash on hand at commencement of busi ness April 23,1889...... 15,676 87 Total $111,640 77 DISBURSEMENTS. Paid orders and warrants. $26,153 74 Towns 16,256 24 School Districts 37,923 01 Private redemptions 1,771 69 railroad interest 2,720 00 state tax, state school tax and school land principal and interest. 14,994 59 Cash on hand atj close of business Jan 3d, 1890 11,821 60 Total $111,640 77 W the undersigned Board of Audit submit the above as a true and correct statement. Witness our hands and seals this fourth day of January, A D. 1890. Signed, Board Mowe Co.. Minn. W I O [Seal.] Auditing County Auditor. W W S W E E [Seal.] Chm. Co. Com. 1 S. S W E N I N S E N [Seal. of I Clerk Dist. Court. On motion report was approved and ordered on file. A. Mollison, sheriff of Mower county, filed his annual statement showing that he had received as sheriff fees for the year 1889 the sum of $1,381.92. Eugene Wood, register of deeds of Mower county, filed his annual statement showing that he had received as gross fees for the year 1889 the sum of $1,301.94. 8. Sweningsen, clerk of district court of Mower county, filed his annual state ment showing the receipts of his office for the year 1889 to be $1,507.50. On motion above reports of sheriff, register of deeds and clerk of the court were approved and ordered on file. W. W R&nney, judge of probate, filed his statement for the quarter ending Dec. 31, 1889, showing fees received by him during said quarter to have been $34.09, and that same had been paid over to as per statute provided. On motion report was approved and ordere on file. The chairman appointed Commission ers Beach and Lockwood a committee to settle with the treasurer of Mower county. On motion board adjourned to 9 o'clock a. m., Jan. 8,1890. 9 o'clock a. m., Jan. 8,1890. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Members all present. On motion the following bills were al lowed: Lars Nicbolaisen, washing for jail $22 53 Hans Franson, work on poor farm 40 00 Wideman, tax receipts, etc 28 00 A Johnson, taking children to state sch'l 3 23 Palmer dipping grave for pauper 3 00 Austin Furn Co, coffins, etc for paupers. 23 75 Pioneer Press Co, blanks 7 40 Pioneer Press Co,blanks ".. ... 2 00 Wilbour. three days auditing board. 9 00 Scbwan.snoeB for paupers 12 60 Fairbanks & Leonard, goods for court b. 90 Pioneer Press Co, blanks 1 40 W W Sweet, 3 days audlng board and mileage 15 00 Dunkelmann, goods for poor farm.... 3 20 On motion, bill of G. Beck, $ 3 for cleaning jail was rejected. On motion the following bills were al lowed: Mick Kollo, work on Jail, eto $13T6 O W Jobnsoa, work on poor farm 300 teer Oulney.wor hammooka 1 %& Proprietor.SUhPurdy,bankingkanndjail Jail...... 1 00 O Basford, printing stationery.... SS Tl OC Adams, cosi............ 41 0B W bill* mad attend pauperc a OHiil. relief for pauper p«u«lbeo». «oe4e tar 4 »»»aii—. H&*m taw—- MOWER COUNT TRANSCRI Fairbanks 4 Leonard, goods oourt house 1 48 Dunkelmann, troods paupers 5 10 Wtflsel, witness ree Mrs N Drost, care pauper $45, all a 85 00 A Mollison, boarding prisoners 83 16 A Mollison, she-iff fees 18 00 N Noble, justice fees 4 00 Joel I Scott, witness fee 8 04 S i0**!!** expenses In capturing crim. 1 00 Ingalls, constable fees 8 00 On motion board adjourned to 1:80 p. m. 1:30 p. Jan. 8, 1890. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Members all present. On motion board proceeded to visit the poor farm. Board returned from poor farm at 6 o'clock p. m. On motion board adjourned to 9 o'clock a. in., Jan. 9,1890. 9 o'clock a. m. Jan. 9,1890. Board met pursuant to adjournment members all present. On motion the following bills were allowed. Frank Riley, constable fees 6 75 2 00 407 1 25 680 280 Oscar Ayers, repairs A Ammerman, goods for jail E Ingalls, constable fees Dorr & Wold, medicine for paupers 24 89 Loucks Bros., goods for paupers 13 42 WA Frazcr, justice fees 2 25 A Chambers, witness fees 2 40 E Lewis, constable fees 2 50 Hunt, 6 40 A W Allen, coroner fees 10 00 9 gQ Eugene Paul, witness fee8"\lV.V."V.V.V.".V."" 2 40 Clark, 4 88 Mehan, constable fees 8 50 Hildebrand, witness fees 3 12 Merrill AStronts, goods for jail 1 71 Johnson,Jr.expenses of County Att'y 18 74 Dalagar & Holverson, goods for county... 12 45 Bussell, justice fees. 1 70 Belle Robinson, Steng'er Justice court... 13 50 Bussell, justice fees 3 00 A Harden, attendance on quarantined family, |50 allowed at 40 00 Larrabee, medicine for quarantined familyCreamery Le Ro Co., goods for paupers S Harden, expenses burying paupers... Diddams & White, goods, quar'd family.. W Henderson, coal, Porter & Young, goods W Mittson, CARoy, 41 43 2 07 7 00 1 00 3 36 2 60 6 85 2 50 60 On motion Board adjourned to 1-30 o'clock p. oi 1 30 o'clock —Board met pursu ant to adjournment members all pres ent On motion the Auditor was ordered to draw his warrant in favor of W Preble for $8 05 for refundment of per sonal property tax for the year 1881 paid by error. On motion Board adjourned to 9 o'clock a Jan. 10th, 1890 9 o'clock a Jan. 10th, 1890. Board met pursuant to adjournment members all present. On motion all school petitions set for hearing at this session were laid ovei until regular Jul session 1890, on affi davits of posting having been filed with the County Auditor. On motion, the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That the following named persons be* and they are hereby selected to serve as grand jurors in the district court, Tenth judicial district, in and for the county of Mower, state of Minnesota, for the year 1890: E Stimson, town of Udolpho. A Carll, do do Hunt, do Waltham. E Markham, do do Ole Bungum, do Sargeant. Schwartz, do do John George, do Dexter. Joseph Nelson, do do Styles, village of do N Wilder, town of Red Rock. a do do Carlos Sleeper, village of Br-ownsdale. W Lawrence, do do Anderson,.Tr, town of Marshall, W Corbitt, do do Carter, do do O Bemis, do Windom. A Fairbanks, do do Chas Volstad. do Nevada. W Greer, do do Sven Kittleson, do do A Bisbee, do do Knut Knutson, a Lyle. Trowbridge, do do O Brown, do do A O Myhre, village of Lyle. John Walker, town of Frankford. Geo Nugent, do do Scnbner, do do A Moore, do Grand Meadow. O E Loe, do do A Samso, do do Alva Hunt, village of do Stefflns, town of Racine. do do Geo Leonard, do OALindelien do A Holcomb, do Pleasant Valley. do do Stoltz, do Thos Wallace, do E A Knutson, village of Adams Ellingson, town of do Heimer, do do W Hayes, village of LeRoy. A Roy, do do John Hopp, town of do S E Morse, do do David Roe, do do John Hubbard, do Lodi. Sam Mason, do do Lukens, village of Taopi John Hayne, town of Clayton. Loucks, do Austin Sloan, do is r—* Bennington. Austin, do do do Lansing, do do do Strever, do CHHuntington,do I Dinsmoor, do A id do Thompson, do Thos Gibson, do Roe, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Dunkelmann, city of Austin. W Richards, W W Engle, John Beckel, W Merrick, Joseph Schwan, E Ames, McLaughlin* N Beiseker, E A Dalager, Gilbertson, St Leger, On motion, the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That the following named persons be and they are hereby selected to serve as Petit Jurors in the district court, Tenth Judicial District in and for the County of Mower and State of Min nesota for the year 1900: Andrew O. Benson* Tow of Udolpho. Geo, W. Bassett, A. Louusbury. John GrunwaUJV H.sVjBumoee. Mds Petersen. 0o.ra4Fr.~tet Johnson, do Red Rock. L.Klrkland, do do i' & Thatcher, Villas* of Brownsdale. J. Tompkins, do do Peter Vandenoever do Dexter. O. C. Warren, do do Sathre, Tow of Marshall. Andrew Benson, do do S M.Gloyd. do do 9* "enton, -do Windom. J. J. Furlong, do do J. C. Hawkius, do do Ole Nelson, do Nevada. Merritt Gregg, do do Knut Aminuudson, Town of Nevada. Geo. Howard, Town of Lyle. Whit Watkins, do do John Hughson, do do Cbas. Pace, do do 8 E Boyes, town of Frankford. E 0 Hovda, do do Ii Crane, do do Jojnu Watson, do Grand Meadow. LMLiudsley do do do John Peterson, village of do Zimmerman, town of Racine. Wilson, do do L,8chroeder, do do Ole Lustrud, do Pleasant Valley. Martin Nelson, do do A W Thornhill, do do Krebsbach, village of Adams. Guhck Olson, town of do Knui Thompson, do do Andrew Smith, do do Isaac White, village of Leltoy. Samuel do E Diddams, town 01 LeRoy. W Prosser, do do Knutlverson, do Lodi. Clayton, town of Clayton. John Turnbull, do do Langum, do Bennington. John Roberts, do do E Varco, do Austin. N Bowers, do do Geo VanCamp, do do Geo Chandler, do do E Williams, do Lansing. Soule do do A Chapin, do do JohnMathi«son,do do O Kunath, city of Austin. E Earl do do W Day, do do Owens, do do Fairbanks, do do S Barr, do do Thos Meany, do do A do Geo Duffy. do do Martinson, do do Patrick Gcraghty. do W Tryon, do do On motion Board adjourned to 1:30 p. m., Jan 10th, 1890. 1:30 Jan 10th, 1890. Board met pursuant to adjournment members all present. On motion the following resolution was adopted: BBSOLvan, that the sum of fifty dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated out of the county reventie fond tmihe paymentof postage, express, elecwn^tur«Ve*o.. pursuant to Chap. 171, Gen. On motion the following bills were allowed. S Sidney, care ofpanper $26 all'd at....J 11 00 Atwater,careofpanper child $16 all'd 12 00 Hall & West, goods poor farm 14 80 W Wilkinson, goods for jail 4 60 N 8 Gordon, printing. 10 SO Curtfss ft Sargent, livery for Commr's 1 SO N Johnson, Commissioneres fees 17 80 Giles Tryon, stationery 2 90 1 65 W Roberts, goods, poor form and jail.. 14 60 Mitchell & Hanson, work for poor farm.. 14 60 On motion following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED, that Commissioner Christie be, and heis hereby authorized to issue $5.00 per month, temporary relief to Mrs. Frank Burt for care of invalid pauper until next regular meeting of Board: On motion the following bills were allowed: Fairbanks, coal for poor farm 9 90 coal and wood, paupers .... 26 42 Petition of Simon Thompson to have the southwest quarter of section 2, town 103, range 19, set off from school dis trict No 72 joint, Mowe and Freeborn counties, and have the same attached to and made a part of school district N 78 in Freeborn county, was presented, and the4th Monday in July, 1890, set as a day of hearing. Petition of John White, to have the northeast quarter of section 14, town 102, range 17, set off from school dis trict N 22, and have the same attached to and made a part of school district N o. 88, was received, and on motion, the 4th Monday in July, 1890, set as a day of healing. On motion, the following bills! were allowed: Frank Lyons, goods for paupers $5 00 8 Marts, coffins for paupers 9 00 Th committee appointed to settle with the Treasurer made the following report: We, the undersigned committee, would respectfully report that we have carefully examined the books, accounts and vouchers in the Treasurer's office of Mower county, and find that there was cash in the county treasury at close of business, Jan 10,1890, the sum of $12,752.80. SOUNTrY do Waltham. O W O O O N E A Committee. On motion, foregoing report was ac cepted and approved. On motion, Board adjourned to 9 o'clock a. m., Jan 11,1890. 9 o'clock a. Jan. 11,1890. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Members all present. On motion the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, the board of county com missioners of Mower county, that the ad vertising and publishing the delinquent tax list upon real estate in the countv of Mower for the year 1888, together with the notice attached thereto by the clerk of the district court for said Mower county, as required by section 71 of chap ter 11 of general statutes of 1878, and the acts amendatory thereto, be, and the same is hereby, let to N S. Gordon, pro- rleto and publisher of the O W E TRANSCRIPT, a weekly newspaper pi inted and published in said Mower county, to be by the said N 8. Gordon published and advertised in the O W E COUMTT TRAXSCRIPT for two consecutive weeks, and the said O W E COUMTT TRANSCRIPT is hereby designated as the newspaper in which to advertise and publish the said above mentioned delin quent tax list and notice. Dated January U, 1890. led—AjresS, otion the MawuCouRTTTRAS «a* leilfasiia the paper ia SlaleUistoricalSocleU which the financial statement and com missioners' proceedings for the year 1890 shall be published. Carried On motion the following b!U was al lowed: 8 Sweningsen, elerk of court fees S77 90 On motion board adjourned to Tues day morning, Jan. 14, at 9 o'clock. Tuesday, Jan. 14,1890,9 o'clock a. m. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Members all present. Lockwood, chairman of bridge committee, submitted a report of bridge work done during year 1889, and on mo tion same was referred back to full co mittee tor examination, with instructions to report on same at next meeting of the ooard. On motion board adjourned to 1:30 o'clock p. m. 1:30 p. m. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Members all present. On motion, Resolved. That there be $3,000 insurance placed on furniture of court house. Carried. On motion the following bills were al owed: Phoenix Insurance Company, insurance on oourt house f45 00 Home insurance Company,insurance on court house 25 German American Insurance Company, insurance on court bouse 45 00 St Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Com pany, insurance on court bouse 45 CO Insurance Company of North America, insurance on court bouse 45 00 Hartford Insurance Companv,insurance on courthouse 45 00 Phoenix Insurance Company, insurance on court bouse 1 25 J3tna Insurance Company, insurance on court bouse 45 00 Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Company, insurance on court bouse 45 00 London Assurance Corporation, insur ance on court house 45 00 North British and Mercantile Insurance Company insurance on court house. 45 00 Northwestern National Insurance Com pany, insurance on court bouse 45 O Niagara Insurance Company of New York, insurance on court hause 45 00 Germania Insurance Company, insur ance on court bouse 45 00 Orient Insurance Company,insu ranee on furniture on court bouse 45 00 H. C. Trowbridge, L. Carter and A. Hotson appeared before the board and presented a petition for a bridge across the Cedar river in the town of Lyle on section line between sections 9 and 16, said petition being fc signed by a large number of freeholders residing near said proposed location of bridge. Petition was on motion referred lo bridge com mittee. On motion the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That the bridge committee for the year 1890 be John Beach. A. E. Christie, N T. Johnson, H. J. Lockwood and W. W bweel, and that each member of said committee have full control of the building and repairing the bridges in his district, subject to the orders and directions of the whole committee, or a majority thereof, at a duly called meet ing of said committee. Carried. The chairman then appointed \he/fal lowing committees for year 1890: Building Committee—A. Christie, John Beach and W. W. Sweet. Committee on Filmore County Farm, owned by Mower County—H. J. Lock wood. W. W. Sweet and N Johnson. Committee on Poor Farm—N. T. John son and W. W. Sweet. Mclntyre Post No 66, 6 A. R., pre sented the following preamble and reso lution: Whereas, It has come to our knowledge that the flag of our country has been repeatedly insulted by anarchist and socialistic gatherings, we, the soldiers of the Union and members of the G. A R., deem it our duty to our country's flag, and to our comrades who fell beneath its folds, adopt the following resolution: Resolved, That we, the soldiers of the Union and members of Mclntyre Post No. 66. Department of Minnesota, G. A. R., request the school authorities to erect suitable das poles in the yards or on the several school houses of the city of Aus tin and of the county of Mower, and to cause to be hoisted the flag of our coun try every school day in the year. W also request the county commissioners and city council to hoist the flag on our court house and over the city water works in the city of Austin every day in the year. On Resolved, That the request of Mclntyre Post No. 66, as far as regards erecting flag over court house, be complied with, and that the building committee be in structed to make necessary arrangements for same. Carried. On motion the following bills were allowed: Johnson, Jr. extra services rendered during year 1889 (90 00 John Beacb, commissioner's fees 4 20 NTJonnsoa, SO 80 John Beacb, ao 40 A E Christie, 2040 WW Sweet, 24 00 WW Sweet. 1000 A E Christie, 2550 A E Christie, 29 50 Lockwood, 23 60 On motion the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That the county auditor be and he is hereby authorized to have county property reinsured when policies now in force shall have expired. On motion board adjourned sine die. A. E CHRISTIE, Chairman Board Co. Com'rs. Attest: C. H. WILBOTJK, County Auditor. New Tear Resolutions. This is the way he talks Jan. 1: ttend closer to business. decent to my wife. _:us8 less—it's a fool habit. Deliver goods promptly. Uarn what 1 hope to g-et. Fin fewer faults in others. 8eld ive a little to God's poor, everybody I can. Indulge my appetite less, fudge others kindly, leep a eleaner shop* .earn something new. flake better goods, leglect the saloon. Iwe no man anything. Hay with my children. )ult my meanness, lespeet the feelings of others, lubsoribe for the TRANSCRIPT, fake my medioine like a man* |se the nest supplies, rote for right before party. Work for the trade's good, fpeot only what I deserve, lank oat my had habits. Eealoaelr mind ss own business. •o,» 4*e.» Sisv, SJSW( sye.» Ao* e». 1 t^mt!MOTFLU#f»k«Mftl* rcKKS: $ 1.50 Per Annum, in Advance Catarrh IS a eonstttotionsl and not a local disease* and therefore it eannot be cured by local ap plications. It requires a constttutfonal rem* edy like Hood's Sanaparllla, whieb, workm* through the blood, eradicates the Imparity which causes and promotes the disease, and Catarrh effects a permanent cure. Thousands of people testify to the success of Hood's Sana parilla as a remedy for catarrh when other preparations had failed. Hood's Sarsaparilhv also builds up the whole system, and makes you feel renewed in health and strength. Catarrh I used Hood's Sarsaparilla for catarrh, and received great relief and benefit from It The catarrh was very disagreeable, especially in the winter, causing constant discharge from my nose, ringing noises In my ears, and pains in the back of my head. The effect to clear Catarrh my head in the morning by hawking and spit* ting was painful. Hood's Sarsaparilla gave me relief immediately, while in time I was entirely cured. I am never without Hood's Sarsaparilla In my house as 1 think it is worth, Its weight In gold." MRS. G. B. GIBB, una Eighth Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Hood's Sarsaparilla BoMbyaJldragglflti. fl alxforgft. Preparedonly by C. HOOD CO* Apothecaries,Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar Take It. Read It. Follow It. EVERY FARMER —AND EVERY FARMER'S WIFE Shou (1 be a reader of Farm, Stock and Home, Minneapolis. Minn the Icafljnsr und most practical tarm, Mock and home paper the great Northwest. EVERir COPY WOKTH A YEAR'S Subscription. It yiL ernnoi make farming or stockraismsr pay. read the experiments, methods and ^ugtrestions ot the many prac tical and successful fanners who write for this paper Every issue contvsms sixteen llxlS-inch pages, and sixty-four columns de voted to soils, crops, horses, cattle, bogs, sheep, poultry, bees, dairying, gardening, fruits, home management, and every other topic of interest to farmers IF YOU WANT THE BEST Don't fail to subscribe tor this authority on agriculture. Issued first and fifteenth of everv month, twenty*four~papers a year. ONLY FIFTY CENTS A YEAR. It will be sent in connection with the Tran »Qilptfo*'Oi» *ear4or jfeflfe Oassaje oquias caa be seen at this offloe. W Third Ward Drug Store DRUGS. A E N MEDICINES, NOTIONS. STATIONERY, BOOKS, TOILET ARTICLES, PERFUMERY CIGARS and TOBACCO. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully compounded at all hours of the day or night. W. H. HAZLE, Near Myers' Grocery Store. PBOPRIETOR, Boots and Stioes Mad and Repaired. I have opened a Shop in Merrill's store and am prepared to make Boots and Shoes to order in the best possible style. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to and neatly done. Give me a call O S E COTA, AUSTIN, Dec. S. 1889. Syrup of Fiffs Is nature's own true laxative. I is the most easily taken and the most effec tive remedy known to cleanse the sys tem when bilious or costive to dispel headaches, colds and fevers to cure hab itual constipation, indigestion, piles, etc. Manufactured only by the California Fi Syrup Company. Fo sale in 50 cts and $1 bottles by Giles & Tryon. 45 & I I A I A from Ohio. Her* a E portrait of Mr i«rri ion, or SaUm. Ohio, writes "Wiw at work wn a flirm for 3 0 a mouth I now h»T« an ag«ncy E. Alton Co allmini and |mlU and often inakc!|M}9 a day" (Signed) W. U. O \REII0.1. William Klino, Hamtbury, Pa., wtiwi "I bat* ne»«r known anything to sail Ilk* 70m album. Largea Si Yaaterday I took ordar* anough to pay m« over SjUlS." W. J. El. mora, Bangor, Ma., writu "1 ika an order for ywur aliiumat Itkoit «*try h»M I «iut My profit iaoftaaw nucha* 9ttO pfor a aingla day a work." Otban ar«dolagqailaa»well, bat* aet ware tt» give ex act! from their letter*, tvery oa* who take* holdof IMajnand baaiaua tulea apgraadprofita. Shall we start YO a this business^ nadsT* Writ* toaaand learn all about for yoanelt We. atartlag many: wa will Mart yoa if yaa dual delay auu wanted Uberallerau. Bi eaoaayfrragoaae Aa ea leblafoM Setele»afOaiglM Will 27 1 -V 1« 1 4 anothergata ahead of yo« In year part of the •aaatty. If you tab*bold yoa will be ablotopick ay gold IM*. asrlBeaMl Oa aocoant of a forced maaaiactarer'i aula 1 a FlMtefjrealth AlImSM an to ao aoM to the people far aaeachT Boaad ta Royal Cfiawoa SUkVoWe* Plaab.Cboj»togjid«iita«adiaa»d*^Haaa»o»aalilaaaii»the world, tergal* Ska. areata** hargllai e»*» aaonav wanted. Uberal leraaa Bigr aaoaeyfcrageala. Aay aoooeao a UK—tat igeat. SoHa tteaaf ooMIg MWIl otaa WMNTW eaWWa, OMe/ OSatMMi V' ahaoa. Agoaii nfco abea*aa«» «C oQ&ea MM* aefetekaew*. ra»e aau» tnia* jt*w*)ai1 a*a. •aklagfewaaii.Own uamm»Ut§tfmkmmm-_Ut,mtm,. If' 4 fi=^