Newspaper Page Text
A VISION OF YOUTH. ID meadows sweet where my bare feet I Once twinkled In the clovei1, And bloom and bee delighted me Ere I became a rover, Bearded und gray 1 stray to-day, ftAnd trom them to the wildwood, Again to seek—again to speak The happiness of childhood. Cooled by the breeze near whisp'ring trees, I lie and look and listen, Till nature's truth and dreams of youth In all their glory glisten. In changing skies my happy eyes Find castles great and steepled, That years ago, full well I know, I built and owned and peopled. Ill-fortune, tears, mistakes that years Have added to life's sorrow I thrust behind—keep out of mind- Forget until to-morrow: Nor cloud nor storm could now transform This vision of my pleasure, E'en after rain Pel try again To find the rainbow's treasure. —J. A. Waldron, In Leslie's Newspapei. BUBDETTE ON THE ROAD. Some of the Humorous Experi ences of the Lecturer. Six Horses Harnessed Abreast Could Not Draw Him from the Platform-De lights of the Sleeping-Car— Riding on Freight. Probably there is no occupation in the world that gives a man such an easy life and large profits as lecturing. I don't suppose that six horses, harnessed abreast, could draw me from the plat form. It is just like lolling around in a June meadow, picking up gold dollars instead of buttercups.. Now, last Tues day night I lectured in Granville, N. Y. didn't leave a dollar in the town. Next morning I got up at 4:46 o'clock, got into a buggy, piled a valise weighing four hundred pounds—no, sir, I won't take off one ounce—on my feet, and drove eleven miles through a pelting, driving rain storm, over muddy roads to a station on the D. & H. C., that has a train five times a year. At Granville they have one every spring. Well, I got a train, and changed cars once or twice and got more trains, and finally got to Albany at 10:85. May be I didn't want my breakfast. Sat down to a table and drove a restaurant man to despair, bankruptcy and suicide. Got on the cars again, and at 6:S0 that evening, without stop or stay for bite or sup, got off at my station. Raining like a house afire and two miles to drive. Fun? I ion't care so much for the actual lectur ing, but the getting from one place to another I do enjoy. And then, the pleasure of travel. Do you know, some weeks, I have sat still in the cars, one day after another, from 3 a. m. to 4, 5, 6 or 7 p. m., without mov ing, save at meal time? How do you 3uppose an active man, fond of walking, snjovs that sort of thing? It's enough to drive a graven image mad with nervousness. "But can't I read?" asks Feeblemind. Say, when you are reading, and one of your lovely, loving and beloved children somes up and takes hold of the back of the chair and begins to shake it—don't jou make her quit it right away? And if she doesn't stop, don't you box her 3ars with your precious book? What! Don't lie to me I've seen you lo it. Well, that's the way the jig-jog, rat tle-rattle, shake and shiver of the car iffect me. It just about drives me wild. "But I can while away the time in pleasant conversation with—" Oh, can I? Do you remember reading about the remains of a well-dressed man found in the Genesee river, who was supposed to have fallen from an Erie train while passing Portage Falls? Well, the last time that man was seen ilive, he had lifted my 400 ton—"said 400 pounds* a little while ago?"—I said tons, both times you can look back and see—he had lifted my 500-ton valise from my seat, and crowded himself in jn me for what he called "a little chat." I enjoy conversation, but not in a boiler factory. If you were having a quiet conversation in you parlor would you like the children to come in and make as much noise as a railway train? I trow not. Well, I don't like it either. The man who wastes time trying to Iraw me into a conversation on a roar ing, crashing, buzzing railroad train will get much better results, and quite as aleasant ones to himself, if he will hold jis naked eye out of the window and look for cinders. "But why don't I travel at night and Jake the sleeper?" Because, imbecile, light is my time for work and I lecture jnly in towns where sleepers either go ihrough in the afternoon or the express drains don't stop. You might as well isk the patriots to have their torchlight processions in the morning. And as for sleeping in a sleeper, could you sleep in four bed at home if it was about as wide is a coffin and seven feet from the Hoor and twenty-two inches from the setting, with pillows twenty-eight inches square and a blanket of two inch felt and somebody shook and swung the bed all night, and at inter vals a freight train, blowing a whistle and ringing a bell, ran through the hall and jumped down stairs, and once or twice in the night they pulled your house out of the lot and jammed it up against another house, and just as you got calmed down a truck inspector should come under your window and yell "Try your air!" and then some men should crawl under the house and hammer and pound and wrench at the joists for twen ty minutes, and then the engineer should "try his air" again and the men under the hpuse should yell "Whoop!" and the man under your window should yell, "Whoop! Whoopee! Shut her off, Bill!" And then your house should groaa and grunt and bump, and then go roaming and whirling off down street thirty-five or forty miles an hour? Could you sleep? Well, that's sleeping-car slumber, to me, And you don't like todccupy a room with any one else, do you? I don't, too. Well, now, suppose you had a long, narrow room, with twenty-four beds and- thirty or thirty-five people sleeping in them thirty or thirty-five pairs of boots ajjd shoes—all sorts of hoots and shoes, too— standing around tibe room not less than '•'i twenty snorers in the orchestra? Well, fftftt'g sleeping-cter slumbec. It teats sit ting u? all night, all to pieces. But 11 isn't luxury and it isn't comfort. It oosts like it, and I must say it's worth the price, but it isn't comfort. It's merely a protection against greater dis comfort. In times of siege and famine, men have paid twenty dol lars for a rat and have eaten it greedily. But that wasn't because rats were even then considered luxuries it was because it was rat or nothing. When the un grateful man got back to porterhouse steak again he let the cats have the rats. You may talk about "luxurious palaoes of princely comfort"—as the man with a pass is apt to do—but I maintain that sleeping in one not very large room, with thirty-five people, thirty-five snores, thirty-five breatiis and seventy second-hand boots and shoes, is not a luxury and whatever the man with the pass may say, I don't be lieve that Kings and Princes who live in real palaoes sleep forty in a bed-room, boots, breath, feet and all. True, I have never been abroad, and can't say how Kings may live, but I believe they have more room and fewer bed-fellows than that. "Well then," asked the Ass, when I grumbled thus far—I don't mean half the savage things 1 say when I growl— "why don't you ride on the freight trains?" I do, whenever the oompany will let me. They're not so tiresome. You can move about in the big caboose. Some times the conduotor invites you up into the "dome"—what a nice, breezy out look it is. I wonder the couductor and rear brakeman don't turn artist and poet, and go out and teach and amuse the people. And once in awhile the brakeman will take you by the hand and take you for a promenade-over the tops of the swaying cars. I've tried it. It's like walking on the back of a snake. I never walked on the back of a snake, but that is just like it. You get more of a variety in such a walk than you would think. This is a White Line car we're on now, and this next one an old Wabash box car, eight inches lower "jump down!" your heart jumps into your mouth as you jump, but you're alive all these are foreign cars of different makes and differing heights, and they rock and roll and lope along with mongrel gait, like a horse that trots in front and paces be hind this long car is a cotton car this high monster is a car for shipping carriages in or something of that sort right next it is an old squatty box car, with a batten roof it looks two miles down you jump, but your heart flies clear out of the top of your head and you don't get it back again on the trip. Then you walk over a car of lum ber that's nice it has an easy, smooth ing, comforting motion, and the pleasant smell of the pine and hemlock and cedar is tranquilizing then you scramble into a car of coal and then, you climb over a Red Line car it's an empty," and as you walk over the top your guide hears the voices of the merry tramps holding high wassail within. His face darkens, he goes back to the ore car and return ing lies down to hurl two dollars' worth of highly-protected raw material into the hilarity. I'll fix you laddy-bucks next stop!" he roars and the merriment ceases changed alas, to remarks not suited for publica tion. Then you get down on an empty fiat. This is jolly. A lands man isn't afraid on this. It looks so low, and long and broad, and humps itself along with such good-natured, easy roughness, that it's a perfect nursery. I once said that a canal boat was the ideal vehicle of travel. Now I begin to thiilk that a lounge and an easy chair on a flat-car, with may be a low railing around the car, so that you couldn't pos sibly fall off, knocks the canal-boat out. If I were president of a railroad. I'd fix a flat-car up- that way and travel on it. But much a railway president knows about railway travel. When he travels he takes a ship and goes to Europe. But here, we've got up to the engine, and we can't go any further without spe cial permission. And this is the water tank, and here we stop, and you and I will get into a safe place, up on top of the high carriage car, and see our brake men, who is the soul of hospitality, make it pleasant for his chronic ene mies, the tramps.—Burdette, in Brook lyn Eagle. A Railroad on Tree-Tops. It may not be known outside of the neighborhood in which it is situated, but it is nevertheless a fact, that in Sonoma County, Cal., there exists an original and successful piece of railroad engineering and building that is not to be found in the books. In the upper part of the county named, near the coast, may be seen an actual road-bed in the tree-tops, between the Clipper mills and Stuart Point, where the road crosses a deep ravine. The trees are sawed off on a level with the surrounding hills, and the timbers and ties laid on the stumps. In the center of the ravine mentioned two huge redwood trees, standing side by side, form a substantial support. These giants have been lopped off seventy-five feet above the bed of the creek. This natural-tree bridge is con sidered one of the wonders of the Golden State, and for safety and security far exceeds a bridge framed in the most scientific manner.—St. Louis Republic. The Results of Liberality. 6n the death of the elder Krupp one of the first acts of his son and successor was to give to the town of Essen the sum of £15,000 for public improvements, which he followed by another dona tion of £50,000 for the creation of a fund for the benefit of his sick, disabled work men. The interest in the welfare of the employes which was shown in this and similar ways has been very bene ficial to the firm's interests. The Krupp Gun Works has the piok of the labor market at the ordinary wages, and during the recent strikes in West ern Germany they were in no way af fected. While 100,000 workmen from the majority of the large establishments in the neighborhood were on strike, causing an entire suspension of work, Krupp's works never had to sttspend op erations for an hour, though the total number of persons employed exceed) twenty-five thousand—Glasgow Mail. FARM AND GARDEN. TOOLS FOR THE ORCHARD. The Successful Fruit-Grower Should Have Bvery Oae of These. All the tools needed and used by our old settlers were an axe and an augur, and with them they would construct houses and repair sleighs, wagons? and implements, and this probably much better than they could have done it with a full set of carpenter's and wagon-maker's tools, if such were suddenly given to them. To do the best work requires not only the proper tools, but also skill in their use. The average orchardist probably had •FIG. 1.—TOOLS FOR THE ORCHARD. few if any of the implements for the care of trees here illustrated, and he may get along very well without, if he uses a common pruning saw, knife, etc., properly. Yet the possession of perfect tools affords not a little satisfaction to the user, and it often facilitates the work wonderfully. The implements here shown are suoh as are in use by German orchardists. Fig. 1 is a pruning saw fastened to a handle Figs. 2 and 3 are tree pruners, similar to the ones'we have in use in Amerioa Fig. 4 is a sort of hook and chisel combined, to be fast- FIG. 2.—TOOLS FOB THK ORCHARD. ened to a handle, and used in pulling or gauging off superfluous sprouts. One of the greatest advantages which the possession of these various imple ments secures is deliverance from the necessity of climbing all over the trees. The work can mostly be done while standing on the ground or on common step-ladders. Figs. 5 and 6 represent two styles of tree scrapers, of which there are a great number in us e. Figs. 7 and 8 represent stiff brushes for brushing the bodies of trees after the bark has been scraped off. The one is fastened to he end of a long handle, and cal culated to be TREE BRUSHES. us high up among the branches the other is in tended for that part' which can be reached by hand from the ground.— Popular Gardening. Acute and Chronle Glanders. Acute glanders usually sets in with shivering fits, which may be unnoticed, the hair stands on end, the extremities cold, the pulBe hard in character, the temperature elevated perhaps 103 or 104 degrees Fahr., appetite capricious, and on moving a marked stiffness is noticed. At this period there is no dis charge from the nostrils, but the lining membrane is of a dull lead color. When a case had progressed thus far it is not possible to recognize glanders. After two or three days, however, dur ing which time there is an extraordinari ly rapid emaciation, a more or less pro fuse gummy or sticky discharge issues from one or both noBtrils to which it tenaciously adheres also to the halter shank and surrounding wood-work, coat ing it as with thick, gummy varnish. If the nasal mucous membrane is now ex amined it will be found profusely studded with various-sized ragged-edged ulcers. Coincident with this period the air may make a whizzing sound in pass ing through the nasal cavities owing to their partial occlusion from thickening. The animal may remain in this condi tion but for a few days, sometimes for several weeks. It gradually emaciates, however, and eventually dies.—Breeder's Gazette. IT will cost but a trifle to use ordinary building-paper in the stable. As it can be fastened to the walls in a very short time, it should be used especially on the north side. It is usually .fastened on the inside of the walls and held in place with plastering-lath, which are nailed over the p^per, the lath being two feet apart Paper is an excellent non-conductor of heat, and serves ad mirably in keeping out draughts. It should be used in all stables that are not closely built and warm. IF you have any fears of more or less danger with trees set out in the fall of being injured by thawing and freezing, draw up a small mound of earth around them and remove attain in the spring. FEEDING 8TOOK^ The Stockman Most Be Gorerned ln This by Circumstances and Surroundings. No plan of feeiding can be considered best under all conditions or be the most profitable at all seasons, says the St. Louis Republio. What will be the best in one looality will not always be the bast in another. The purpose for which the animals are fed will make a differ ence in tp rations that should be given if the desired results are to be secured economically. When a rotation of crops is oarrled out and different kinds of stock are kept with a view of using all the various produets to the best advantage, combina tions can be made that will lessen the cost of feeding the stock kept on the farm or fattened for market. All things considered, the best plan of general farming is to carry out a regular system of rotation, growing a variety of crops and keeping a sufficient number of the different kinds of stock to consume them to the best advantage. During growth it will be found quite an item to use such materials as will develop bone and muscle. After the animals are matured and are being fin ished for the market, materials best cal culated to secure the laying on of fat should be used. Stock that is being wintered over will require more or less food that will aid to maintain animal heat. This is unnecessary during the summer, and in this latter season rather a cooling diet will be preferred. With cows kept for milk a different ration should be provided from that used when fattening cattle for market. Brood sows or growing pigs need a different ration from hogs being fattened for market. Science in feeding implies the selection and combining of such materials as are best adapted for and will secure the de sired results at the lowest cost. The advantage in cutting and grind ing all the feed is that a better oppor tunity is afforded of making what may be termed complete rations, and lessen ing the waste. During the winter, with all classes of stock, more corn should be given In the ration on account of its value in creat ing and maintaining animal heat, and with fattening stock because it pro motes the laying of fat Bran and oil meal make a good feed for cows and all kinds of breeding stock because they increase the flow of milk. Oats and barley are valuable to feed to all kinds of growing stock because they contain the elements needed for the development of bone and muscle. They are also good feeds for summer be cause they are cooling. Timothy and red-top hay are best for horses, while olover and millet are best for milch cows and sheep. Clover is best for hogs, while blue grass and pasture grasses are best for horses and sheep. In this way all the farm products may be used to the best advantage by feeding out to stock, and there will be less waste than when a specialty is made of one or two kinds of products, or one or two classes of stock. DRY FODDER ENSILAGE. What an Iowa Farmer Thinks of It After Five Tears' Trial pe Prefers It to Green. I have had five years' experience with green ensilage, and four years with corn cut and shocked in the milk, and after standing a month run through the cutter, ears and all, into the silo, and I must say I like the dry fodder best There is less labor in handling and a sure thing in keeping. I found my wooden silo, at the end of three years' use with green en silage, was rotten and in need of re pairs, and I lost by mold and rot from ten to twenty-five per cent, a loss I could ill afford, but since using dry en silage I have not lost a pound. I find that I can put as many stalks of dry corn through as of green, as it ele vates much easier. I have used five different cutters, and not one of them will do half as much as the manufact urers claim for them. I have no par ticular praise for any make, only that the Tornado cuts the most uniform of any. I tried cocking corn after C. S. R.'s direction after leaving it long enough to see how it would keep. I hauled it out on the pasture and found it rotten on the bottom. "No more, I have tried every kind of corn that is recommended, bilt find the small yel low dent the best It gives abetter yield of grain to stalk of any, and does not grow so tall, making it much easier to handle. I use low-wheel wagons to haul on, with raoks twenty feet long. One man oan load without getting on the wagon.—Country Gentleman. Combined Kettle and Tank-Heater. The experience of many leading dairy men has proved that it is highly ad vantageous to take the chill from the drinking-water for dairy cows during the winter months. Many appliances have been devised, and some of them patented, for simply warming the water in tanks. The arrangement illustrated herewith was devised by Alexander Wilson, Fayette County, la., who has it in practical use. It is not' patented, and may be made by any farmer, with the aid of a tinsmith. An ordinary SERVICEABLE KETTLE AND TANK HEATER. agricultural boiler is used, but any pat tern of wood-stove will do as well, if nothing is wanted beyond warming the drinking-water. The tank is made of pine planks. The drum and pipe under water in the tank are of galvanized iron, with the joints soldered to make them water-tight. The rest of the pipe and elbows are common iron stove-pipe. The pipe which rises from the tank should run into a ohimmey or through a metal lio thimble in the roof. A quick fire of straw, corn-cobs or light wood will warm the water sufficiently.—America* Agriculturist Catarrhal Deafness—Hay Fever—A New Home Treatment. Sufferers are hot generally aware that these diseases are contagious, or that they are due to the presence of living parasites in the lining membrane 6f the nose and eustachian tubes. Microscopic research, however, has proved this to he a fact, ana the result of this discovery is that a simple remedy has been formulated whereby Catarrh, Hay Fever and Catarrhal Deafness are permanency cured in from one to three simple applications made at home by the patient once in two weeks. N. B.—This treatment is not a snuff or an ointment both have been discarded by reputable physicians as injurious. A pamph let explaining this new treatment is sent on ttan Advocate. Sufferers from Catarrhal troubles should carefully read the above THAT opera manager performed quite a feat who borrowed a tenner from the base. —Hotel Gazette. IF you wish to do the easiest and quickest week's washing you ever did, try Dobbins' Electric Soap next washday. Follow the directions. Ask your grocer for it. Been on the market 24 years. Take no other. HE who allows his notes to get over dew will soon be mist from business circles.— Hotel Gazette. Do NOT suffer from sick headache a moment longer. It is not necessary. Carter's Little Liver Pills will cure you. Dose, one little pill. Small price. Small dose. Small pill. THXBB is one thing every "bud" must have, and that's a blow out—Boston Herald. "'BUOWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES* are ex cellent for the relief of Hoarseness or Sore Throat They are exceedingly effective."— Christian World, London, Eng. WHEN a man succeeds in overcoming his disposition to talk too much he writes too much. FOR a Cough or Sore Throat the best medi cine is Hale's Honey of Horehound and Tar. Pike's Toothache Drops Cure in one minute. SILBNCB is golden, but when a crowd of people get together they like to dissipate it No Opium in Piso'a Cure for Consumption. Cures where other remedies faiL 25c. THE first time a man is called baldy the thought of a fight comes into his head. BEWAKB of imitations—"Tansill's Punch." IN the presence of a chiropodist the wise man acknowledges the corn. After Pneumonia And attacks of la grippe, typhus fever, scarlet fever or diphtheria, the patient recovers strength slowly, as the system Is weak and debilitated, and the blood poisoned by the ravages of the disease. What is needed is a good reliable tonic and blood purifier like Hood's Sarsaparilla, which has Just the elements of strer gth for the body, and vitality and richness for the blood which bring back robust health. Hood's Sarsaparilla 8old by all druggists. II six for $5. Prepared only by C. 1. HOOD CO.. Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar SCOTT'S EMULSION 4 N3T CATARRH. Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and HYPOPHOSPHITES of Lime and Soda Is endorsed and prescribed by leading physicians because both the Cod Ziver Oil and Miypophosphitei are the recognized agents in the cure of Cotuumptlon. It Is as palatable as milk. Scott's Emulsion 7. is a wonderful JFleah Producer. It is the Sett Jttmxay for CONSUMPTION, Scrofula, Bronchitis, Wasting' Dis eases, Chronic Coughs and Colds. Ask tor Scott'sEmulsion and take no other. AZINESS Weakness, Indisposition to Work, Headache, Dullness, Heaviness, Lack of Appetite, Constipation, all indicate that you need a few doses of the genuine Or, 8, McLane's Celebrated Liter Pills. They strengthen the weak and purify the BLOOD They are prepared from the pur est materials and put up with the greatest care by Fleming Bros., Pittsburgh, Pa. Be sure you get the genuine. Counterfeits are made in St. Louis. To cure Biliousness. Sick Headache. Constipation, Malaria, Liver Complaints, take the safe and certain remedy, SMITH'S BILE BEANS Use the SMALL SIZE (40 little beans to the bot tle). They are the most convenient suit ail ages. Price of either size, 25 cents per bottle. KISSING Or.BHU'aCough8]irapM«K^M%sS HTUPT. Book-keeping, Penmanship, Arith metic, Shorthand, eta, thorou?hly taught bf mail. Circulars free. BRYANT'S COHBOK, BaW«,H.T. flrlCUQ Till Mntmj tin mh. $5 worth $2. IS ariitianiirttttM, HMjuiMk ONE ENJOYS Both the- method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities com mend it to all and nave made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup oi Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8AN FRANCI8C0, CAL. L0UI8VILLE, KY. MEW YORK. K.Y. GOFF'8 BRAID. Whenever you visit the shops in town. Looking for Braid to bind your gown. Secure the Clasp, wherever found. That holds the Roll on which is wound The Braid that is known the world around. Ms Pills FOR TORPID LIVER. A torpid liver icraogcs tbe whole mjm* torn, and produces Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rheu matism, Sallow Skin and Piles. There fa BO better remedy fsrthtse common diseases Shea Tntt's Liver Pills, sus as trial will preve. Priee,38«. Sold Everywhere* PSTABLISHEDmIOC RENDERED AS TO THE NOVELTY OF WVENTKMS AN0VMJO1Y Of MTENTS. REJECTED APMJCATKMS PROSCQITEOJ^U. BUSINESS RELATING foaMomoKMOflKrans MMPiDMntwo TO SEND STAMP FOR PAMPHLET law*1A T»T.-n»inaT 1879. WOODWMD & CO., Grain Commission! MINNEAPOLIS AND PUUITH. SELL CORN and OATS. SHIP THESE YOUR WHEAT. ORDKRS FOB fDTUM SSUTFTT JCCOTKD IN ALL MARKKTS. Send iter rar Telcgrapk Cipher. NAunaraxtw THE DINGEE & C0NARD CO.'S NEW BOOK Sf FLOWERS! HARDY PLANTS, BULBS SEEDS. mk BDIB to 111 vk* ICBfi write fer It. We (ArPtSTPAW at YOUR BOOK. Mb arrival KurubM 10 1 pkt. each, 10 Tin. Flower Seed—Star Collec'n 8S Choice Tars. Veget. Seed, for Family Garden l.»M Write to-dar for our superbly Illustrated SEW BOOK OF FLO WE K8—free t* all, deireribesthe abore complete «ct and scores of others. Address THE SINGES ft COHARD CO.. Box 86, West Grow, K7 THIS PAKE (wjdwjKfiW. MADE WITH BOILING WATER. EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA MADE WITH BOILING MILK. SOUTH WEST panel sise of this picture*for^ cents (coppers or stamps). J. F. SMITH & CO.. Makers of 'Bile Beans.'' St Loots, Ma MISSOURI The finest Blue Grass sect ion in the Weet-Mild, healthy climate. Winters *ery short. Rich soil. .Finely Wa tered. Good Markets. Can not be equaled as a Fruit Growing Section. Can show the finest crops of Corn, Wheat, Oats, Tobacco, etc.. of any part of the country. Now is the time to invest. Low prices. Lone time. Low rate of interest. For full particulars address J. M. PCRDT, Neosho, Mo. Simi & GOODX.KT, Springfield. Mo. Wx. GOODLRT, Billings, Mo. GSOROK A. PURSY, Pierce Mo.s T. S. FROST, Cassville, Mo. J. F. SEAMANCity. Galena. Mo. M. R. DBGSOFF, Pineville, Mo. •rXAMX THIS PAPER no tta* j«i Write CAA WANTED! DUU SALESMEN. A rood chance. Don't miss it. Tou need no capital and no experience to represent a reliable Arm that warninta nursery stock flrst-olaas. WOKK, ALU THE VEAR, ana rood pay weekly to energetio and successful men. WRITS TOR TRRMS TKRRITORT. AT AND MCVIS Address L. L. HAV A CO.. Karsenr- meu, Flerhie and Seedsmen, ST. PAUL, MISS. •S-KAXR THIS fAMHmr UmMownta. -a I if you desire them no use foot I" infra way time on things that don pay, bat send vi »t once lormajcniflcent outfit Of our Great Hew •tasley Bookt If book Rod terms not satisfactory we will reta your money no risk no capital needed both lad es and gentlemen emp oyea don loose time VunatiMiiiMfOMiM*