Newspaper Page Text
VOL XXII —No. 47 VrCINTYRE POST. A. R. MttU on the Orst ud third Saturday of «Mh month, at 7:80 D. m. Mflini Army C. J. MILLBR, Com. O. W. MBBH1CK, Adjt. Wiuoi BEACH, Quartermaster. W. A. VAN DU8KO CAMP MO MS Hold their regular meetings the seeond and fourth Saturday of each month at Good Templar Hall. 7:80 p. nu J. M. GRSBNMAN, Consul. H. P. Grmnmah, Clerk. o.u. w. Austin Lodge, A. O. U. W., No. 88, meets on the seoond and fourth Fridays of every month, tn their hall. Brothers visiting1 in the city are cordially invited to attend. L. DBTTLEBACH, M. W. JAMBS CRONON, Recorder. W. RAN NET, C. J. SHORTT, Judge of Probate. RANNEY & SHORTT. W ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Agents for Sale of Real Estate, and Repre sentatives of the German, of Freeport, 111., Milwaukee Mechanics, and Concordia Fire Insurance Companies. DR. P. B. PECK I\ENTISTRY Office over Keysor&Gin acy's Store, where be is prepared do all kinds of work in Den tistry. 4 »*£1 if AUSTIN. MINNESOTA. Rates (2.00 per day. Free Bus to ill trains STRICTLY FIRST CLASS. J. E. ROBINSON, Proprietor, AUSTIN, MINN. Main Street, opposite corner from Postofflce. J^OYAL ARCH CHAPTER, NO. 14 The Stated convocations of this Chapter are held in Masonsic Hall, Austin Minnesota, on the 8XCOND and FOURTH Friday evenings •CMC month. KING8u[r B.H.P. D. Z. ROBIHSOH, Secretary. J^IDELITY LODGE, NO. 39, A. P. & The^retrular communications of this lodge an held in Masonic Hall, Austin, Minnesota, •a the tibr and THIRD Wednesday evenings •f each month. L. B. DAY, W. M. C. H. Wmoub,Secretary. Of. BERNARD OOMMANDERY, K. T. 19 NO 13 Meets first Monday evening of each month mhummiui. aL.WBT.ia V.LCtin,Heontd8r. •jj B. CRANE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Heal Batate and Collection Agent. Taxes paid for non-residents. Office, seeond floor of Dunkelmann's new block. Main street. JTMAN D. BAIRD, ATTORNEY H»ai at LAW, Estate, Insurance and Collection Agent. Office, front room, second floor, over Fair banks & Leonard's store, Austin, Minn. M. GREENMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Will practice in the courts "of record and the United States courts. Office in Schleuder Block, Main Street, Austin, Minn. H. A. AYERY. DR DENTIST, AUSTIN, MINN. Office over Dorr & Wold's drug store. H. JOHNSON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of McGill College, Montreal, late Assistant Surgeon '^Mon^eal General Hospital. Office in West -& Litchfield Biock, opposite Opera House. Calls at tfended day and night. /CATHERINE WILCOX, M. D., GRADUATE OF HAHNEMANN COLLEGE, CHICAGO, ILL. ever two years practice in hospital clinical work. Office and residence at present two doors east of Tryon House, on opposite side of street. mv« AUSTIN, MINN. B. B. Johssov, JB., Coont Attorney. S. D. Cathxbwood. JOHNSON & CATSSBWOOD, Attorneys and Counselors at Lav, Insurance AND COLLECTIONS. Dankelmann's Block, AUSTIN, MINN. Allem 4 Allen, A.. W. "T", K. D, A. O. ALLS*, PHYSICIANS UD SDRGEOHS, ALL BRANCHES General Medicine, Obstetrics, and OPERATIVE SURGERY. Office, Opera House Biock. Day and Night Consultation office at the Third Ward Drug Store. Established 1890. LAFAYBTTB FRENCH. A. W. WRIGHT. «FRENCB A WRIGHT,** (Successors to Richardson, Day Co., and lAfayette French.) GENERAL LAI BUSINESS 1 SPECIAI/TY. Also deal In Ileal estate, Negotiate Loans and Carefully Attend to Colleotlone. AOTI WILLIAMS HOU81 ad fiflnn itasver leftirnlshad. i» .A. A. (OFFICIAL.) FINANCIAL STATEMENT, Showing Receipts and Dlaburse menta of Mower County, Minne sota, From the First Monday in January, 1880, to the First Mon day in January, 1890. COUNTY FBOFEBTY. Court House and block.. $ 75,000 00 Furniture and fixtures in court house 4,000 00 Mower County poor farm 3,000 00 Live stock on poor farm 580 00 Machinery on poor farm .. 119 00 Household furniture on poor farm... 91 00 Grain and produce on poor farm...... 861 00 County jail and lots 15,000 00 Mower county fair grounds........ 1,500 00 Three promissory notes secured by mortgage on land sold, each 1400... 1,200 00 Balance due on one additional note on above 200 00 220 acres of land in town of Spring Valley 6,000 00 45 acres of land in town of Holt- 450 00 80 acres of land in town of Red Rock 900 00 Total county property 8 108,354 00 COLLECTIONS. Current tax ....$ Tax of former years Personal property tax collected by 106,430 52 6.304 92 Sheiiff and Clerk of Court Private redemptions School land principal and interest... Principal and interest on county land sold......... Probate Court fees.................... Interest on deposits Bale of produce from county lands... Town order ......... Costs Fines Refunded money Current school fund fromstata..... Loan to county bridge fund Liquor licenses Auctioneers' licenses .... Sale of stove and old bridge plank... Jury fees Cash on hand at commencement of business 1st Monday in January 1889 *... Total -.8 150,789 89 DISBURSEMENTS. Return of births and deaths 8 128 81 Election returns 118 40 Poor farm and other, expenses of poor 2,061 73 Justice fees 234 35 Expenses of insane 246 58 Sheriff and deputie's fees. 1,545 67 Witness fees 766 18 Jurors fees 1,829 40 Constable fees.... 94 00 Court expenses 738 94 Clerk of Court and deputies fees...... 693 20 Salaries of county officers 8,235 39 Bridge expenses 18,052 45 Coroner's fees 44 56 Jail expenses —. 69 86 Printing and stationery 1,018 17 Court house and general expenses... 1,304 91 Refunded tax 1,395 75 Freight, drayage, postage and ex press 126 91 Commissioners fees 1,133 05 Expenses of quarantining infectious diseases 107 45 Total disbursements from county revenue fund- ...........S 39.945 26 Paid schools 61,45*64 Paid towna~. .—22.S70 66 Paid private redemptions ..—1,964 44 Paid state tax, state school tax and school land principal and Interest 19,419 57 Paid B. R. coupons city of Austin, towns of Grand Meadow and Bed Rock 3,410 00 Cash on hand at commencement of business 1st Monday in January, 1890 11,919 93 Total S 150.789 39 ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS OF COUNTY REVENUE FUND. BETURN OF BIRTH8 AND DEATHS. 1889. January 25, Ray. from Windom..$ 2 25 28, Williams, from town of Dexter.. 3 50 Febru'ry 2 Geo (Chandler,from town of Austin....^ 4 00 5 Hanson, from town of Adams 7 75 8 Hoffman, from town of Sargeant 4 50 12 Mclntyre.from town of Lansing 6 00 15 Hunt, from town of altham 5 50 18 Reed, from town of Racine 6 00 20 S Dodge, from town of Red Bock 1 00 21 A Hotson, from town of Lyle 5 00 21 A Qualee, from town of Marshall 7 75 22 W Benner, from Vil lage of Dexter 1 25 23 Shearer,from town of Total .. ELECTION BETUBNS. 1889. January 26 Seebach, from town of Dexter Roy.. February9 W Drake, town of Pleas ant Valley......*.. 19 O Myhre, from villin of Lyle „I 20 W Corbitt. from town of Marshall 26 Shook, from townof Bed Rock. May June 40? 35 1,491 83 4,385 20 312 00 114 09 316 33 293 60 25 60 60 00 61 00 16 18 15,997 38. 1,500 00 1,000 00 2 00 24 00 45 00 12,002 39 Febr'y 1 Hall & West, goods poor farm 1J Hildebrand, boarding pauper 4 A Pooler, goods poor farm 5 Mitchell & Hanson, work for poor farm 7 8 OClark & Co, goods for poor farm 7 Weisel, temporary re lief for N Leigh 7 A Sandg. goods for pau pers 11H E Kalb, medicines for paupers 15 James Cronon, temporary relief for pauper 16 A Snider, temporary re liCf iMIMtMMtIM 23 Decker, goods poor farm, etc 26 Johnson & Smith, work for poor farm 26 Dunklemann, goods for paupers 27 A Hildebrand, care 'of paupers 4 Bascon icomb March May Clayton 1 00 25 Carey, from village of Adams 3 50 26 E Stanley, from village of Lyle .. 2 75 March 4 N Wheat, from city of Austin 14 25 9 Manchester»from town of Udolpho 5 25 11AD Moore, from town of Grand Meadow 2 75 13 Geo Cnandler, from town of Austin 75 13 Thos Pnillips, from city Of Austin 12 25 15 O Gregg, from town of Nevada —. 8 25 16 O Clouse, from town of Bennington 3 75 19 O Diekens, from village of Dexter 1 00 20 A Donaldson, from town of Franklord 3 so May 22 8 Schuyler, from village of Lyle 5 50 June 4 Jackson, from village of Grand Meadow 1 75 8 Carey, from village of Adams 4 75 Sept. 16 A Qualee, from town of Marshall 25 27 Alsdurff, from vil lage of LeRey 8 06 A O 128 81 2 40 26 Conniff, from town of Clayton ...... 26 Bmith, from town of Le 6 00 6 20 6 00 26 Brown, from village of LeRoy 26 Wilbour, services on county canvassing board 28 E Dorr, services on county canvassing board 28 John Muncy, election re turns from Brownsdale... 10 00 10 00 200 4 40 80 Scofield, from town of Grand Meadow SO E Peterson, from town of Frankford 80 John Schroeder, from town of Racine. 80 E Falcum, from town of Udolpho 4A Thomasson, from town of Nevada ....... 8 O Brewn, from town of July 6 80 680 7 20 240 Bennington............ Febr*y 1E Markham, from town of Waltham 3J Meller, from town of 240 5 20 120 Lyls ......... JHoAnan, from town of Sergeant OOffAndsnon, from town ofUMing 449 AUSTIN. MOWER COUNTY. MINN, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 5,1800. 4 00 140 't 2D 200 28 Thos Malone, f^oim town Wlndom.. March A O Dahle, from town of Adams. 11 Alex Bell, from village of 14 2 40 220 8 40 400 8 60 5 00 Taopi...„ 14 Wood, from town of Lodi. 2 Vandeneover, from vll- lage of Dexter 4 Jon: Peterson, from vil lage of Grand Meadow.... Total $ 118 40 FOOB FABX AND OTBEB EXPENSES OF POOK. 1889. January 7 N Leigh, temporary re lief self 12 A Hill, temporary re lief for pauper 22 Grotz, temporary relief for A Snyder 26 W Johnson, papering on poor farm 26 E Wheeler, temporary relief for Brandon child.. 26 W Johnson, papering on poor farm 28 I Crane, lumber for poor farm 28 E Wilbour, watching with sick pauper..... 28 Palmer, burying pau pers 28 O Wold, goods for poor farm 28 O Wold, medicines for paupers 28 Hans Franson, 6 months work on poor farm 28 W Remore, money paid for supplies for poor farm 28 W Lightly, boar for poor farm 28 Fairbanks, coal for poor farm...... 28 NI Johnson, care of pau 28 ^C Dorr, money paid fare for pauper 29 W W Sweet, money paid fare for pauper fami ly 19 40 SO Austin Furniture COicof fins etc, for paupers 30 W Taylor & Co, goods poor farm 30 Roberts, goods poor farm 8 60 •4 50 2 65 11 85 9 50 A April 50 1 75 55 80 6 00 6 00 985 48 25 Hall, tempor ary relief paupers «... 5,F P, MoBride, -temporary relief 6 paupers ............... SKOHall, temporary re lief Mrs WillarST....... 5 Fairbanks, tempor ory relief 5 families. 6G Adams, temporary relief 8 families 13 Johnson, temporary relief Mary Lownig....... 26 Gullik Olson, temporary relief Thovson 27 Johnson, temporary relief 5 paupers 3 W Taylor, temporary relief 8 families 4 Wellington & Hazeltine, fare 2 paupers out of state .....Y 4 E A Dalager, temporary relief 4 paupers 5 Slocum & Rice, tempor ary relief 3 families 6 Majors, temporary re lief A Chapin 8 A O Myhre, temporary re lief 2 families 10 Hildebrand, tempor ary relief Stewart.... 10 O O Heppe,temporary re lief Mons Trulson 10 A Ammermaa, goods for poor farm 18 Fairbaaks, coal for poor farm 25 Oscar Ayers, goods for poor farm 1 Lock wood, temporary relief A W Sage 2 N Wheat, medecines for paupers 3 Friedrich & Hormel.meat for poor farm 110 O Heppe, temporary re lief Mons Trulson 14 E Ingalls temporary relief 8 paupers 14 A O Myhre, temporary re lief Bell Jacobson 14 2 75 5 00 34 S3 5 85 16 00 5 00 3 95 5 CO 5 50 Myhre, temporary June 10 00 10 00 2 95 relief O Olson 14 DB Johnson, temporary relief Mrs W Kelly 17 E A Dalager, temporary reliefs families 22 Hall & West, temporary relief GFB Rice .' 23 Fairbanks,temporary relief 6 families lJohn Bechel, temporary relief Mrs Clark 11A E Christie, temporary relief 3 families 14 W A Frazer, medical at tendance for paupers 14 Fairbanks, coal for poor farm 15 8 Merrill, goods for poor farm 15 A E Christie, money paid fare paupers out of state 17 Dettlebach, goods for paupers 17 Austin Furniture Co, cof fin for pauper 17 Austin Furniture Co, cof fin, etc, for pauper. 18 A Plummer, medical at tendance for paupers 21J E Ingalls, temporary relief paupers 21G W Remore, money paid for help on poor farm 21A Moonan, temporary re lief paupers 22 Gullik Olson, temporary relief Thovson 26 O O Heppe,temporary re lief Trulson 26 Johnson, temporary relief 2 families 29 Dorr & Wold, medicines tor poor farm 29 Decker, goods poor farm 1J E Ingalls, temporary relief Flannlgan 6 Schwan, shoes for pan- 8^JLMkw^,imporarr relief A W 8age....._ 10 Hildebrand, tempor ary relief paupers............ 26 Cobb, medical at tendance panpen............ 26 W Cobb, medical at tendance paupers.. 26W Cobb, medical at tendance saupers burying August 8 Umhoefer, .WK Fairbanluuooal "for upon Crane, lumber for pRoble?watching with .• paupers v»F McBrlae, groceries 6 00 125 5 00 5 00 5 00 6 00 5 09 28 50 5 00 10 16 money'paid .. (°r help on poor farm 10 Lock wood, money (or coffin for pauper 10 Owens, repairing on 12 ^^df^'/ repairing on poor house 12 French & Wright, inaur ance on poor house 1 2 A a a tendance paupers.. 12 Bump, temporary re lief Self il2 Mrs Frank Burt, tempor ary relief A Snider |12 Friedrich & Hormel, tem porary relief pauper il5 Ulocum & Rice, coal for poor farm 15 Engle & Co, goods poor farm i" 17 John Beach, temporary relief Mrs N Clark 17 Seymour Johnson, tem porary relief poor family 19 Dorr & Weld, medecines for paupers :...... 22 O Lund, goods for pau pers 22 O O Heppe, temporary re lief Trulson 23 Duffy & Mayland, corn JCRutledge, 120 00 8 98 10 00 44 04 800 31 00 17 00 20 35 3 87 Crs 8 10 400 446 forearoof^*"^— 400 18 25 16 98 20 00 500 6 00 poor farm 44 14 Dece'ber 4 A O Myhre, goods for paupers 6C Decker, goods for poor farm 7 Decker, goods for poor farm 10 Mrs Burt, temporary relief A Snider 10C W Taylor, goods for 8 25 32 43 9 00 6 00 •4.U 00 12 O Hall, rent for pau per. lOUl 16 Sulavan, brick for poor farm 27 Loucks Bros, temporary relief two families Tngalls, temporary i-1. supers 27 O pe, temporary relief ilsou 27 W temporary relief .uilies 310 je, temporary rehe ..rulson Total 8 2,061 73 JUSTICE FEES. Jan. Feb. Apr. 28 NK Noble... 6 Sheedy... 18 S Dodge 22 N Noble... 28 Bosworth.. May June Aug. Oct. Nov. 18 96 4 88 10 90 5 00 8*81 6 10 Geo. Button .j... Bunnestrand..A.. N Noble .3. 8 Dodge DSheedy ..... 19 N Noble JD Sheedy.. 7 48 2 95 41 50 10 65 Total.. 234 35 EXPENSES OF INSANE. 1889 Jan. 29 Frank Riley, conveying in sane to hospital $ Mch. 11 W Hollister, examining insane 44 44 N Wheat, examining in sane Apr. 26 W Hunt, arresting in sane 12 00 19 00 5 00 2 96 44 44 20 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 10 00 12 86 JN Wheat, examining in sane 44 29 W Hollj|ster, examining insane 44 44 O Fenton. conveying in sane to hospital May 3 WL Hollister,examining insane 44 44 June 12 Knudson, conveying insane to hospital July 2 A McDonald, examining insane 44 44 44 4 86 2 10 640 Aug. 22 WL Hollister.examining insane 44 44 4 00 126 41 14 80 7 Dorr a Wold, goods poor Nov Maxwell, witness in in sanity case. 89 If Wheat aramlintng in. U|» Jan. 2 O W Gibson. 640 12 46 114 tt 600 Jaggas, 8 00 1600 j[*P 5cBridi 'money P*ld 40 00 900 88 00 8 00 80 00 a I AMolHson,conveying tn^ mm to hospital'^!. *oteI.».... numiwr am Dwrtmrn 444 Jan. 28 Feb. 7 20 8 20 5 00 lanter for poor farm care paupers 8ept, 2 Mrs Johnson, temporary relief self 2J E Ingalls, temporary relief W Croty 2 Hildebrand, tempor ary relief BaUardC... 9 Osborne, fare out ... of the state 10 Austin Furniture Co, goods 8 00 1 Fenton, deputy Aeiiff..! CE Fenton, ... 28 A Mollison, sheriff. 18 18 ii 19 tl (I 17 ii 8 44 Mch. A?.ril June 14 85 Aujg. 4 00 5 00 5 00 80 00 2 00 6 00 for paupers O Heppe, temporary relief Trulson 11 Mrs Burt, temporary relief A 8nider October 1 Bascomb & Hall, tempor ary relief Rice 1 Merrill & Strouts, goods tor paupers 5 Frank Riley, temporary relief O Allen 7 Schwan, shoes for pau pers .*. 210 O Heppe, temporary relief Trulson 28 A A Williams, temporary relief Cline 22 Thos White, temporary relief self 24 Hall & West, goods for poor farm Nove'ber 6 Mrs Burt, temporary relief A Snyder 6 Mrs Burt, temporary relief A Snyder 16 Mslmberg & Olson, cof fins, etc for paupers 16 ME Brandon, care pau per 16 W Johnson, work on poor form 18 Mrs Bonnellie, care of 17 ii II it Fenton, deputy Aeriff... 3 A Mollison, sheriff. 19 Oct. Nov. 5 db 44 44 18 11 45 44 Total 1 50 44 44 44 44 (11 bills ii 44 44 44 44 207 boarding prisol nere 44 5 00 A Mollison, detective work 26 E A Whitcomb, Deputy sheriff fees 28 Lyons 44 44 „4 1,545 67 WITNMSS FBBB. 1889 Jan. 9 John Ivenon ...f 29 Basil Smout 44 81 Nelse Jensen ......... Feb. Jl Carson 44 400 9 25 6 50 Lottie ions 5 00 Mch. 18 Samuel King. Baaragaard 44 Henry 5 00 61 66 King 2 85 2 28 44 44 W King Henry 44 20 Gilbertson 14 II A Reed 4* 2 75 44 41 3 25 44 44 41 II 44 44 4 21 S Bishop.. 44 5 00 44 6 50 Webber 44 •4 44 1 85 23 A Mollison 44 25 Lnkens 44 Bosworth 6 94 April 18 Mrs. Hickok *4 II Emma Pierce 4t 19 5 00 Lavochek. Woodworth. I Roble 500 43 00 iuper Nichols, care pau- Afcrii Pool 4 00 May Hoy N 8 Green 10 98 44 Brantz.. June Jnjy RL Moore Nellie Rahiily E E DeGroff. W Allen 4 00 19I11 Chapin, cutting grain on poor farm 19 Dorr A Wold, medicine for paupers 19 Dorr A Wold, goods for Aug. Riley. 4 00 24 66 6 26 or paupers iiVliBeaen A Allen, feed for poor farm 20 Fairbanks, coal for poor fartn 20 Fairbanks, coal for paupers 20G WRei for supplies 20 Hans Franson, "work on 14 00 15 00 26 0 O Heppe, temporary relief Trulson 29 Lee, care paupers..... JE Ingalls CCBoon „.... 44 Joseph Kain 16 ESkcKnight 17 Cotton 28 82 44 A A We sir Sent. 4 14 58 17 E Harden Arae Pelwsou W Kennedy 481 Bemore, money paid forpeorrarm Hubbard Win. Kelly O Harrington, Biley..._ 19 Bosh man Lena Hauge 6000 44 E Ingalls 5 00 5 00 44 W KPorter 44 W Porter Sept. 19 Trask 20 Barber 8 90 44 11 32 1 22 Dougherty 44 HenrySchnhart 44 Maxfield 44 Geo W Palmer Johnson 5 00 IS 01 8 00 2 00 44 Fellows 44 S Tyrrell 44 Harden E McKnight. Arae Peterson 44 AS Dean 44 Dean 44 A Mollison 44 ECKasson 17 21 14 OB Emerson 1 55 44 EH McGinty 44 A W Mitchell 5 00 21 W Mitson 41 ECKasson 14 13 44 Larson 41 E Gould 5 00 23 Jens Jensen 44 Boyington 44 E Lashbrook S Bishop E Gould Ole Johnson 24 22 40 14 70 1 20 8 00 1 60 9 10 16 55 2 00 2 90 6 45 Maxwell Trask Opheim JR Blackmer. ._... A McKnight John Hard. Arne Peterson McKnight O Emerson AW Mitchell 26 E McGinty ECKasson Allen Johnson Foster Boy 2 00 46 40 8 65 62 85 3 00 1 55 85 50 27 44 Poole..' 44 A Mollison McGillivray 44 A 8 Dean 44 Mahoney 44 PMDeanT. 44 FFellows 44 44 JM Maxfield Arne Peterson 44 Johnson 15 49 300 3 00 290 300 8 44 Iver Johnson 44 44 A Reed 44 L*,Runnestrand 44 John Collins 44 8 Terrell 4 4 W of 44 44 Burr Maxwell 44 Blackmer Sept. 27 Chamberlain 44 44 A Thompson 44 44 E McKnight. 00 44 44 Hauge. 44 44 Harden 26 16 44 4" Gilbertson..... 3 00 6 RE Shepherd, conveying insane to hospital 24 W Hollister, examining insane 44 28 E Wood, examining insane 44 44 O Reed 20 50 3 00 00 8 28 E Ingalls, conveying in sane to hoenital Nov. 18 A MolUson, arresting in- 20 06 44 4 mm 28 wiiki^::::::::::::z::::: Oct. 10 W Streeter 44 John Rolf. 44 4 HlraTi"! 44 8 Rothebaiger 3 00 44 44 A Biermann 25 65 3 CH Johnson, examining insane. 44 9 Haney 44 44 EWood.. f. 10 W McKenna. 44 11 A Cole 00 8 Duftv, conveying in sane to nospital 44 44 W KPorter 44 25 Thee. Riley 16 50 44 81 Mrs. E Nov. 6 O Ayers.... 8 00 A W Allen, examining in H^ortimer witiieM, case of insanity. 44 16 E Ingalls. 44 18 Mrs. Canon 840 112 4 4 44 Maxwell. 44 Gilbertson. 44 Canon 44 19 W W Sweet 22 70 44 44 OB Emerson 44 22 Wood 120 W^^iskin^'examining OW^baim. irir^nl^ in InMdin, amnYnHig 44 44 Katte Barber- 8 00 00 140 tohc^ptteL. 44 44 Lena Haote 44 24 A Williams. 44 44 A Thompson McKnight."......-.... Oso. S O W N a is 4 n*l TERMS: $1.50 Per Annum, in Advance 1 12 6 40 1 96 4 00 4 00 8 40 3 40 2 24 3 44 3 44 8 44 8 44 9 00 4 60 4 60 1 00 460 1 00 4 60 4 60 4 60 13 64 5 36 1 12 460 4 60 1 12 1 12 1 12 1 12 2 24 1 12 50 1 72 4 00 3 52 5 20 2 92 2 12 4 60 1 12 287 6 88 6 88 6 12 690 1 10 4.49 Sheldon ......... 9UUOS'S 112 840 840 79418 Jan28 JH Brown 60 Feb 22 Wa Alton 18 00 March 19 4T»»n- .9 00 Stfttcll^oncftlSociciyZ 4 4 tt 88 246M 44 44 2 0 1 2 4 0 20 CTBussell uoo 20 Cflaoborn 13 00 20 BJ Hanson 9 40 20 A Donation.... 12 00 20 PHerdt 10 00 44 20 GSeobaoh 4 40 44 1 40 1144 26 98 64 70 88 70 8 80 8 00 1 85 15 00 15 00 18 80 108 55 87 75 48 62 88 50 17 60 18 63 57 68 44 88 20 47 15 55 10 00 5 60 54 00 59 00 597 77 21 10 181 45 15 00 9 00 20 W Mitson 12 00 14 20 A Newman 8 40 44 20 W Snyder 4 40 44 20 Christian Vbber 7 00 20 OS Anderson... 4 00 44 20 HH Hubbard 4 40 44 20 OHart 12 40 44 20 TKDahle 4 20 44 20 W Osborne 6 80 44 21 W Whitsel 4 20 44 22 JD Woodward 4 20 44 23 Cbas Steffens 19 00 23 Ed son Bassett 12 40 28 John Frost 10 20 28 De Remer 12 20 23 JC Johnson, Jr. 4 20 23 Boliou 4 20 23 W Hunt 4 20 23 A A Smitn... 4 20 28 OKftnortum 1540 28 Scribner 20 00 23 E McGovern 6 40 23 John Evenson 4 20 23 W Varco 11 20 23 W Day 2 20 23 ADickerson 5 00 23 RH8tockman ........ 4 20 23 HT Houghton 4 20 23 John Biederbick 18 20 23 John Whittemore 17 80 23 CarU 15 00 23 O Brown 12 20 23 WmCatherwood 10 20 23 W Hoy 2 20 23 Henry Edgerton 6 40 23 D8t Leger ... 10 20 23 Rooney 14 40 28 Yates 10 2C 23 8 Anderson 10 20 23 John Gjernes 15 00 23 Win Cotter 11 00 23 A Hunt 13 60 23 E Bedford 14 40 23 Gus Groby 18 00 25 CH Coats 4 20 25 Jonas Haney 10 20 26 Peter Haley 4 20 29 John GilUgan 9 00 April 2 Geo Edgerton 220 3 John Beattle 2 60 44 16 DC Corbitt 4 20 May 3 AW Allen 3 00 May 22 John GilUgan 2 00 Sept 17 Christiansen 4 40 17 Bell 8 00 20 W Stimson 4 12 20 Mortimer 412 20 John Hard 4 12 20 Reynolds 4 12 20 W Spencer 4 12 21 S Bates 18 80 24 Sterling 2 20 25 John Merrill 17 60 25 Crosset 19 60 25 A Anderson 24 00 25 AG Kellogg 20 20 25 A Hotson 19 60 25 EG Tompkins 20 00 25 Ingval Ingvalson 20 80 25 John Fairbanks 16 20 AS Lott 19 00 20 40 27 60 10 00 16 20 440 10 00 420 14 20 26 20 14 80 420 420 420 420 82 20 8B 40 Joseph Neller 26 Wiseman •4 28 Carter 26 Stimson 44 28 Win Lacy 44 27 Dennis 44 27 Wm McBride 44 28 John Kennevan 30 JohnJ Shaw Ocfberl Dennis 44 4 GeoE Smitb-.... 44 5 Geo Hirsh 6 JNHay 6 OCCoraforth..... 6 Wi toon Beach —"MB IS* 890 6 90 1 40 1 48 2 08 2 08 2 12 2 12 5 36 2 12 5 86 5 60 1 12 5 60 2 12 7 72 7 36 7 37 6 68 6 68 6 68 6 36 6 36 6 36 6 32 6 32 1 12 5 36 4 16 4 16 4 16 6 36 1 12 8 36 5 36 5 16 2 84 1 12 5 60 4 96 5 72 3 12 1 12 1 20 8 36 4 36 5 36 7 36 6 86 5 16 6 40 4 16 5 86 4 60 7 68 6 60 6 60 4 12 7 60 8 68 1 12 8 68 960 7 60 7 60 2 64 6 76 14 20 7 60 6 60 9 96 6 60 4 12 7 60 5 00 5 60 7 7 60 7 60 7 60 12 20 1 12 3 12 4 20 4 20 7 60 13 00 4 20 1 12 8 12 1 12 836 4 24 8 40 8 24 882 6 69 1 12 440 840 640 8 14 1 12 640 640 640 4 40 5 40 20 49 Oon Fogarty...!..I..7Ti." 8 20 6 Peter Johnson 4 20 5 Wm Baudler S 20 6 Geo Dean 46 00 5 N N Palmeter 40 40 6 LD Carter 30 00 6 Anton Kramer 42 60 6 Beneke 40 80 5 Blifus 44 00 5 John Carr 41 40 5 Cbadboura.... 4100 5 O Hovda 43 60 5 Geo E Wilbour. 26 20 5 A Rustad 32 40 5 Neller 32 00 5 WE Knox 38 40 5 A Watkins 39 60 5 French 34 60 8 LDettelbach 26 20 9 Minar 4 20 9 Goodwin 26 20 10 W Hoy 6 20 11 Majors 10 40 14 Seymour Johnson 16 20 Nov 28 W Hines 3 40 Dec 19 6E Hanson •. 50 Total $ 1,829 40 CONSTABLE FEES. 9. Jan 29 E Tngalls Feb 7 A Bartwell Feb 15 N Johnson April 18 Frank Riley April 18 Frank Riley April 18 John Beckel April 23 W Sprung May 1 W Collins June 17 E Ingalls August 8 Riley 4- 8 Riley 44 15 Soule 44 23 MB Johnson Nov 16 Riley Nov 16 Riley Nov 16 Riley Nov 16 John Beckel Deo 5 Zingsheim Total. 1889/ March 23 3 40 7 20 5 25 5 25 3 80 4 30 11 15 8 24 340 10 00 2 90 2 50 4 45 1 82 4 47 377 8 40 3 70 ..S 94 00 COURT EXPENSES. Devlin, court steno grapher March 23 De Remer, court deputy.. March 23 Fenton. court deputy. March 27 Gilbertson, court deputy 50 00 15 00 12 50 12 50 12 60 40 00 350 12 50 27 50 20 00 10 00 42 50 27 50 500 50 00 170 00 40 00 39 94 38 70 108 70 410 180 Miller, coUrt dep- April 13 April 13 June18 Sept 21 Sept 27 Sept 28 Sept 30 Oct 5 Oct 5 Oct 8 Oct 8 Oct 8 Oct 11 Nov 18 Nov 19 Nov 19 Nov 20 Nov 30 AU«- Denmson, steno grapher be liar, meals for jurors Gilbertson, court deputy. S Wilson, court dep uty Fenton, court deputy. Greenman, defend ing criminal E Whitcomb, court dep uty Gilbertson, court deputy Gilbertson. court deputy N Kingsley, defending criminal, order court.. AW Corning,court sten ographer Geo Burnham, court deputy Johnson,costs State vs Smith A Dennison, steno grapher f. Thiel Detective Service, detective work W Wilkins, costs 8tate vs Smith W W Ranney,costs State vs Coleman Total.... 788 94 OLEBK OF COCBT AVD DEPUTIES 1880. Jan 28 8 Bweningsen, clerk of court.... ............ 89 60 March 26 8 Bweningsen, clerk of oourt 16 00 Marok 26 Bweningsen, deputy clerk of oourt 16 00 April 13 A Bweningsen, doputy olerk of oourt 16 00 (CotUnsdooBMittPajg