NO. Born March 13.1804. Solid fawn color. Well formed. Good disposition. Without a fault. Fit to head the finest Jersey herd in the world. Ancestors recorded in A.J. H. R. and in the English and Jersey Island herd books. Bred by F. A. TICKNOR, Austin. Minn. At the Great World's Fair Contest The Jerseys made more Cheese, The Jerseys made more Butter, The Jerseys made more Milk, The Jerseys made more net profit Than any other breed. ROSE CREEK. Nevada Creamery--More Sidewalks —Shipping Potatoes. P. F. Kooney is on the sick list. Rain and snow is a damper on seed ing. John Merrill is loading a car of po tatoes. C. E. Yarco pays 8 cents per dozen for eggs. N. Shine is building a lean-to to his dwelling. Mrs. Oleson has company from Bai ley, Iowa. Our stock men are shipping lots of stuff these days. C. Johnson is adding quite an addi tion to his residence. M. Lux and N. Boor have each in vested in a new organ. The band boys are talking of a dance in the near future. James Balwebber is improving the exterior appearance of his residence. The chicken pie social in the hall Wednesday evening netted about $20. The social at C. Eastman's Friday evening was well attended. Receipts $10.35. A subscription paper is being circu lated to raise money to build side walks about town. The machinery and boilers for the Nevada creamery have arrived and will be set up and ready for business in about two weeks. The many cases of rheumatism cured by Chamberlain's Pain Balm during the p^jst few months has given the people great confidence in its curative properties, and have shown that there is one preparation that can be depended upon for that painful aggravating disease. Honaker Bros., Lorain. Ohio, say: "Mr. Moses Price, of this place, was troubled with rheumatism for a long time. Cham berlain's Pain Balm has cujed him. He says that the Balm has no equal." For sale by Opera House Pharmacy, Austin, Minnesota. This Jersey animal is for sale at a low price also some choice young Cows. Express your wants by mail. Address F. A. TICKNOR, Austin, Minnesota. AMERICA'S ST. LAMBERT, 30387. Color, fawn, black tongue and switch. Individually very fine. Blood elements other than in his pedigree. Exile of St. Lambert, 40 tested daughters 81K per cent. Ida of St. Lambert's bull, 9 tested daughters, 100 per cent. Ida's Rioter of St. Lambert, 15 tested daughters, 81% per cent. Ida's Stoke Pogis, 16 tested daughters. 81% per cent. COWS. Ida of St. Lambert, 30 pounds 2% week, 100 per cent. of ounces in one Allie of St. Lambert, 26 pounds 12 ounces in one week, 100 per cent. Nymph of St. Lambert, 24 pounds 14 ounces in one week, 75 per cent. Fawn of St. Lambert, 46 pounds milk per day at 2 years old, 87per cent. Mary Ann St. Lambert, 36 pounds butter, 6254 per cent. 12H BLOOMING PRAIRIE. A Young Editor—Death of John Smith. Born, a young editor, or son, to Mr! and Mrs. Dynes, Sun day last. Mrs. H. N. Garrison and Mrs. J. F. Beatty were at Austin last week. Mrs. Ellis and son Jay go to their fiome in Grand Rapids Wednesday of this week. The erecting of a large barn and wind mill improves the home lot of O. A. Veblin. Miss Angie Smith, of Austin, was the guest of Mrs. F. J. Schisler the first of this week. There have been a number of case of measles reported, and one case of black measles, but all are doing finely. Miss Hunt and Miss Green, of Aus tin, were in the village last Saturday, Miss Hunt trying to procure a music class. Ed Feeney has decided to build a brick two story block on the lots re cently purchased by him on Main street 'from M. J. Keenan, and will open a state bank in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Krier will move into the house recently vacated by Marcus Hanson. John Smith, who lives about seven miles (in the town of Summit) west of this village, died Saturday morning, and was buried Monday at Geneva. The cause of his death was heart fail ure, left from the la grippe. Deceased was 78 years old and one of the oldest settlers here. E. Nulty of St. Paul, Minnesota, writes: "Was confined to my bed for three weeks, doctors could do me no gbod Japanese Pile Cure entirely cured me." Sold by Opera House Pharmacy, Austin, Minnesota. CEDAR CITY. Seeding is retarded by the snow and cold of the past few days, but our farmers are not as yet anxious over it as they would havebeen twenty years ago in the days of exclusive wheat raisfng. ounces Ida Marigold. 1st prize cow at World's Fair, 50 per cent. And many others. PRINCESS OF OAK GLEN, 80787. Gives promise of over 20 pounds when of sufficient age to test. St. Lambert blood, per cent.... 18% Commassie Joe Simpson has the stone hauled 12% Champion ot America 1254 Alphea 6 Imported 50 COLD OF ST. LAMBERT, ,16,744, PURE ST. LAMBERT BLOOD. Bred by Valency E. Fuller, Ontario, Canada. Dropped March 20,18S6. Solid mulberry fawn, dark shade around his head and gray along his back, full black points. Large and well formed. GOLD TRIX, 56,166 Weighs 1000 lbs. Light fawn color. Black points. First premium at Iowa County, Wis., fair over stiong competition. 30 lbs milk per day. Test as high as 8 2-10 per cent, butter fat. PRINCESS 2D'S HUGO POGIS, 33496. CHRISTMAS PINK, 51000 At rate of 14 lbs 7 oz. I for the foundation of his new house and the masons commence work this week. It will be 14x26,14 foot posts, with addition 12x14 in front. It will make a comfortable home for Joe and his family. Our Sunday school was reorganized April 1 and commenced its regular sessions last Sunday. The officers elected are: Superintendent, W. S. Evans assistant superintendent, Mrs. Belle Watkins treasurer, Dutton Watkins secretary, Bert Watkins chorister, Mrs. W. S. Evans organist, Nellie Chandler. OAKLAWN. (Saint's Rest.) A Mystery in Hats Mammoth Seeder. William Rankin still remains a very sick man. W. Y. Syck, of Taopi, an old time Oaklawn boy, made this place a short visit last Thursday. E. S. B. Fairbanks and wife, of Aus tin, accompanied by some lady friends, visited at Sam Fairbanks last Friday. Miss Gussie Baker has been enjoy ing herself at home for a week past the high school of Austin having a vacation of that length. P. A. Conkey has purchased a mam moth four horse seeder and intends to be able to do his own work if neces sary. Keep cool Pliny, the Democrats won't always turn the hand organ. Their turn will soon come to be the monkeys with Republicans at the crank. They will be in their proper place then. Oaklawn has a mystery. Seven ladies' hats have been found on the farm of H. G. Baker and on the Hughs farm adjoining, within a radius of a quarter of a mile. The hats were all new style and nearly all high priced, but had become greatly damaged by rain and by being blown here and there over the plowed fields. What does it mean? We are showing a fine line of spring suits this season at low prices. These are the nobbiest and best ,^jv^ -TV* **."%• fLORD LISGAR ad, 13930 Mr. V. E. Fuller, Superin tendent of Jersey exhibit tor World's Fair ana Columbian Exposition, than whom no better judge can be found, says of nim: He was one of the finest bulls he ever, saw. We have owned some of his daughters and they were most superior animals. CORA OF ST. LAMBBRT, 8347 Has a test of 21 lbs 6oz in 7 days, without forcings GABRIEL'S MAGNET, 10902 made gar­ ments ever brought to this city, and will wear and fit equally as well as any custom made garments, at a much smaller price. GEORGE HIBSH. Gives 38 to 40 lbs of milk per day- GOLD OF ST. LAMBERT, 16744• Has from 50 to 100 per cent, of sapne blood as 21 cows with an.average test of .22 lbs VA ounces butter per week. 1 See his pedigree above. TRIX OF LAKESIDE, 44134 April 10,1890. she made 2 lbs iVt ounces of butter. Sire Stamp sire of Ruby Love 2d, 14 lbs 2% ounces. Dam 1 rix of Palmyra, a half sis ter of Quochette. 19 lbs n}4 ounces. PRINCESS 2d's son, 14975 PAULINE HUGO POGIS 37098.. BLACK PRINCE OF LIN DEN, 2873 Sold by S. M. Shoemaker to T. S. Cooper for $15,000. Sire of Mchl Aneelo, sold to Miller & Sibley for $12,500. PRINCESS 2d, 8046 46 lbs 12H ouncee in 7 days. Official A. J. C. C. The I greatest record made by any cow. fBARON OF ST. LAMBERT ATALA, 23238. 14 lbs 12 ounces. Sire Ninas 7823. Dam Lilly of Leeds 17079. 14 lbs 9 ounces. I CHRISTMAS MINNIE, 4075. I9J4 lbs. CHAMPION MAGNET, 6480. ("LORD LISGAR, 1066...,-....-( cows with records from 14 lbs to 30 lbs Sire of Anice Magnet in great 'let sirerJ,TS3FniistCOnte3t" Dr. Sperry at School. Yesterday morning at the opening of school Dr. Sperry spoke to pupils of the high school, mingling in a most happy manner, wit and pathos, fact and fancy. All were so delighted that he was again invited to speak, and this morning at opening all pupils of upper floor assembled in high school room and with wrapt attention list ened for an hour to his kindly words of advice and sympathy. As he described the Sierras of Cali fornia, painting the view as the vision broadened and describing the back ward and forward view from that pinnacle during a glorious sunset, then at the very climax drawing the moral of the retrospect and prospect of life, so vivid was this word painting, and so forcible the lesson that all stood, as it were, on this mountain of trans figuration, and with moistened eye and throbbing breast felt like ex claiming with Dr. Sperry, "Life is glorious if it is lived gloriously." When he closed his talk all felt that their lives had in that brief hour been touched and uplifted for good, and as an expression of friendship for this man whose words and teachings can never be forgotten, boys and girls together voted to make Dr. Sperry an honorary member of the A. T. L., promising at the same time to try and make their lives more noble and to live for what is good and true and beautiful in life. To-night will be the last opportuni ty to hear Dr. Sperry. His talk will be for men and boys only, on the subject of "The "Secret of Manhood." Ad mission, 10c, a mine of gold for a pittance. Great Music Offer. Send us the names and addresses of three or more performers on the piano or organ together with eight cents in postage and we will mail you one copy Popular Music Monthly, containing ten pieces, full sheet music, consist ing of popular songs, waltzes, marches, eti., arranged for the piano and organ. Address POPULAR MUSIC MONTHLY, 3-7 Indianapolis, Ind. 2/t CUP I.UCY OF ST. LAMBERT, 5116 Dam of Cora of St. L.,21 lbs 6K ounces and of Nancy of St. L., 14 lbs 5 ounces. G. dam of Cowslip of St. L. 17 lbs 12 ounces. Ida of St. L.. 30 lbs 2% ounces, and Allie of St. Lambert's gave 62 lbs of milk per day and 26 lbs 12 oz butter in one week. MARJORAM 2d, 12.895 15 lbs Full sister to Stoke Pogis 2d. Sire of Minnie of Oxford, 17 lbs, Stoke Pogis 3d, sire of Mary Ann of St. S I GABRIEL'S CHAMPION. 14102. 17 lbs 8 oz at 4 years old. BROKER, imp. 873. PRINCESS, 2205 fVICTOR HUGO, imp. w... r*nM*us-»«...See'below. Sire and grand-sire of 20 PATTT TWIT .0* co» »i,h i™. cords of lbs 302 to 36 lbs 12Ji oz of butter in 7 days, ounces Of butter in days. B«"ER STEPHEN'S STOKE POGIS 3d. M3S, Sire of His blood enters three times into Crown Prince. DEFIANCE, tap. OPHELIA, imp. 49 Dam of Maggie of bert, 16 lbs 3 oz butter in 7 days. L., 1 Mary Anne of St. Lambert. 36 lbs 12% oz (official) in one week 869 lbs 14% oz outer in 11 months and 5 days. Mr. V. E. -Fuller refused a bona fide offer of $26,000 for her. A. J. C..C. 2 Ida of St. Lambert. 30 lbs z'Aoz in 7 days, 67 lbs milk in one aay.. 3 Mermaid of St. Lambert, 25 lbs 13% oz... 4 Maid of St. Lambert, 22 lbs 2& oz 5 Niobe of St. Lambert, 21 lbs 9% oz 6 Roiter Pink of Berlin, 19 lbs 14 oz 7 Honeymoon of St. Lambert, 20 lbs $K 8 Crocus of St Lambert, 17 IDS 12 OZ 9 Cowslip of St. Lambert, 18 lbs 12 oz... 10 Brenda of Elmhurst/20 lbs 8 oz 11 Minette of St. Lambert 17 lbs 4 oz. 12 Dido Miss (one day at rate of) 17 lbs 1 VICTOR HUGO, imp. 197... Gave from 12% to 50 per cent, to 50 butter cows, with tests from 14 lb3 2 oz to 36 ibs I lbs 12 oz and i82£per cent, to Mary Anne of St. Lambert. LYD1E, 495 G. dam of Clematis of St. L. 14 lbs 3 oz, who is dam of Honeysuckle of St. Anne's, 14 lbs 40Z 2d calf. RIOTOR 2d, 469 imp I BLACK PRINCE OF HAN OVER. 2874 Pure Alphea. Sire of Lanice, rate 17 lbs 8 ounces. Blossom of Hanover, rate 17 lbs 8 oz. Sire of Eurotas, 22 lbs 7 oz. Dam of 1 Eurotisama, yearly butter record 945 lbs. Sire •i of Torfrida, 17 lbs 6% oz. Grand sire Pedro, first prize I bull at world's fair. I (.LEDA, 799 Pure Alphea. Dam of Phar don, 19 IDS. STOKE POGIS, 1259 imp .... Sire of Matilda 4th, 12816, 21 lbs oz La Petite Mere 2d, 12810, 10 lbs 7 oz Lily of St. L. 2d, 12S09, iS lbs 12 oz Marjoram 2d, 12805, 15 lbs Leclair's Marjoram 3635 15 lbs 3 oz. ^MARJORAM, 3239. imp 16 IDS. Dam of Stoke Pogis 2d, 3d and 5th. 36 lbs 12Yt ounces and 27 other 14 lb cows Stoke Pogis 5th, sire Careta, 22 lbs 12 ounces, ahd 5 other 14 lb cows. KHEDIVE, P. S. 103, H. C.. Sire of Princess 2d, 46 lbs i2}4 1 ounces, Miss Sharpless, 28 lbs 14 ounces, Ona, 22 lbs io'/ ounces, and 4 other 14 lb cows. Also sire of the great Tennessee bull. Tormentor, 33 tested daughters. tPRINCESS, F. S. 452, C. ST,?KP. POG.IS fLEO. F.S. 198, H. Sire of Lily of S, 14 lbs oz. COOMASSE, F. S., 1442, H. C. 16 3d. 2238. 5286 Illustrious sire. See above. 1 Sire of lolet Pogis, 15 ibs PI VNPITI? OT? CT A YT ounces. Gaand Sire Baro- I FAVORITE OF ST. LAM ounces. Gaand sire Baro ness Argile in great contest at World's Fair. BERT. 5718 Dam of Lome 5248. Sire of Oakland's Nora, 23 lbs 5 oz, and two others. lbs 11 oz. Dam of 7 sons, each having one or more tested daughters. WELCOME, F. S. 572. H. C. QUEEN. F. S. 513. H. C. VICTOR HUGO, 197 imp.... Gave from 6J4 to 59 per cent of his blood to over 80 cows in the 14 lb list. BERTHE, 490, imp. CHAMPION OF AMERICA, 1567. A. J. H. R. fjnJ'to lbT^ouncfs ne? A1S° MINK 2548. dam of 2 in list. G. dam of 3 14 lbs 9 oz to 19 lbs 11 ounces. CHAMPION OF AMERICA. 20 in the list. GILT EDGE 3d. 6041. JERSEY BOY, 272 PINK, imp. 6 6. CZAR, imp. 273. FANNIE, imp. 675. iXSXoX2CoX£?a Good CooKiosf is essential to Good Digejtiop- in pastry you cannot have either without a good short ening. Lard has always had very objectionable features, causing indigestion and many Jther dietetic trou bles. Science has come to the assistance of the cook, and of weak stomachs, with the new shortening, Cottolerje It is composed of the choic est beef suet and, highly refined vegetable oil, iu many respects as good as the finest imported olive oil. Physicians endorse it, cooking experts recom mend it, and thousands are now using it in prefer ence to any other shorten ing. Sold in 3 and 5 lb. pails. Made only Jjy N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., WANTED AGENTS! to sell the INKEKAB- IHG EIIZCTBOSNTK PENCIL. Erases ink in two seconds. Recently patented. Endorsed by all. 8ells on its merits. Sample 35 cants. H. J. MALMBMRG, Austin, Minn. &-tf IBS" H, H. Fuller.. V„F. Fuller. H. H. Fuller. V.E. Fuller. Wm. Rolpk" on W. H. Corniejf. 13 Diana of St. Lambert, 16 lbs 8 oz..., HoIhSeoaterlleasor 14 Maggie of St. Lambert, 16 lbs 3 oz Wm. Rolph. 15 Moth of St. Lambert. 16 lbs 2 oz .. 16 LaBelle Petite, 16 lbs— Peter LeClaire.' 17 Mayourneen of St. Lambert, 15 lbs 7 oz.. V.,E. Fuller. 18 May Day Stoke Pogis, 19lbs oz... WJJ.TcnR&hth9fe* 19 Nora of St. Lambert, 21 lbs 7 oz HoiuSefltttt*rReas»r 20 Jessie Brown of M., 14 lbs 7 oz Rev. S. M..Ncel. 21 Cupid of Lee Farm, 14 lbs 6 oz D. A. Givens. 22 Nancy of St. Lambert, 14 lbs 5 oz. V. E.- FoJler. 23 Allie of St. Lambert, 26 lbs 12 oz Geocge-Smitb. 24 Nymph of St. Lambert, 24 lbs 14 oz V. E. Fuller. 25 Cora of St. Lambert, 21 lbs 6oz. 26 Cheerful of St. Lambert, 20 lbs 8 oz... 27 Columbine of St. Lambert. 20 lbs 1 oz... 28 Nora of St. Lambert, 22 lbs I Average weekly record for the 28 cows, a little over aci pounds. 3 12% oz. Among them ne gave 25 per cent, to Ida of St. L»m bert, 30 lbs 2% oz, 25 per cent, to Sweet Briar of St. L., 2? Application for Liquor Licenses. To WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Notice is hereby riven that the following named persons have made application to the common council for license to sell spiritou 8, vinous, malt (and fermented liquors in tbe city of Austin, Minnesota, to-wit: James Geragbty on west half of lot 3. block 20, on the tbe nortb side of Bridge street, vil lage of Austin, now city of Austin, Minn. Thomas J. Conner on east half of lot 3, block 30, on tbe north side of Bridge street, Austin village now city of Austin Peter Hagen and A, G. Hagen on lot 5, block 20, earner of Bridge and Chatham, streets, village of Austin, now city of Austin* Minn. Edward King on lot 6. block 20, corner Mill and Chatham streets, original plat of Austin, Minn. Marcus Driesner on part of lots 6 and 7, block 20, on south side of Mill street, originai plat of tbe city of Austin, Minn. Matt. Tiscbe on lot 7, block 20, on south side of Mill street in said original plat of Austin. Minn Matt. Smitb on lot 8, block 20, on 'the south side of Mill street, ordinal plat of Austin, Minn. James Mourek, on the west half of lot 10, block 19, at the southeast corner of Mill and Cbatbam streets, orginal plat of Austin, Minn. Victor Zender, on part of lots 7 and 8, block 20. on the soutb. side of Mill street, origin al plat ot Austin, Minn, Frank Allen, on part of lot 4, block 29, on the nortb side of Mill street, between Main and Cbatbam streets, original plat of Austin, Minn. Thomas Davy and James A, Davy, on east half of lot 3, block 29, being on tbe nortb side of Mill street, between Main and Cbatbam streets, original plat of Austin. Minn. J. C. Leary, on lot 1, block 19, corner Bridge and Cbatbam streets, original plat of Austin» Minn. C. J. Johnson and O. P. Schow, on east part of lot 4, block 29, original plat of Austin, Minn. Jacob Fischer, on lot 14, block 27, southwest corner of Bridge and Kailway streets, rail road addition to Austin. Minn, Mrs. Wm. Duggan on lot 1, block 27, north west corner of Bridge and Bailway streets, railroad addition to Austin, Minn. Michael Collins, on lot 21, block 34, north west corner Railway and Fourth streets, rail roads addition to Austin, Minn. John Sbeeban, on south balf of lot 14, block 24, on tbe west side of Railway street, rail road addition to Austin. Minn. Thomas Meany, on lot 14, block 24, on tbe west side of Bailway street, railroad addition to Austin, Minn, N. A. Reed1 on lot 10, block 24, being on south side of Water street, between Elm and Railway streets, railroad addition to Austin.^ Minn.* .H K. P. Missen, on {part of lot 10, block 19. original plat of Austin, corner Mill and Cbatbamstreets. Allot said appjUcations will be beard on tbe eity ball and council chamber on tbe first day of May, A. D. 1894. at 7:30 p. m. 5-7 JOHAN WOLD, City Recorder.