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values here $7-5° for coats always sold at $10.(X) to $12.00, blacks and colors. wmm Silk Selling I Some special prices for this sale that you can't resist, that is, if you want silks. Even if not we know you'll tell your neighbors about the values. 36-ineh blaek taffeta, wear guaranteed. Com pare it with anything yoa ever bought for .§1.19 per yard. Sale price, only... 0()C 27-inch black Peau de Soie, good quality, per yard 09C '20-ineh blaek Peau de Soie, regular 75c kind, for 59C 36-inch Skinner's Satin, always $1.50, per yard «pl.25 Look for the name 18-inch black velvet, good quality, at, per yarcl 4OC Underwear Ladies' jersey ribbed fleece vests and pants at, each IoC 1 lot ladies' jersey ribbed heavy vests and pants, light gray, the best 50c garment on the market, for 39c Ladies' Cnebia "Union Suits, best value ever offered, at, a suit A u3kinner's" in selvage. .... 39C Ladies' all wool Pants (no vests), best •$1.00 quality ever offered O9C Men's heavy double front and back Shirts, best material, each, 40c per suit oOC Men's all wool Shirts and Drawers, good qual ity, compares with anything you ever bought at $2 50, per suit The weather feels like fleece lined hose. Every, pair of hose sold here is guaranteed fast black. Every price is guaranteed the lowest. Ladies' 40-gauge fast black fleeced hose, ribbed top, best ever offered at 2 pr. for 25C 1 lot ladies' fleece lined hose, worth 50c, for 50 dozen extra heavy boys' ribbed fleeced Hose, sizes, 7 to 10, the best 25c value in in Austin, during this sale only, pair... IQC 1 lot misses' fleeced hose our best 15c quality, sale days, 2 pair for 2uC Men's heavy wool Hose, worth 35c, for ... .. ... 25C $1 «75 Hosiery Specials Ribbons All Silk, Satin, Taffeta Ribbons. Nos. 7, 9 and 12, choice for per yard 5C Nos. 40 and 60, silk Ribbons, worth 15c, for, per yard OC 1 lot 5-inch so! satin taffeta Ribbon, a good one at 30c, sale days, per yard.ft 20c 35C This Cloak stock is unusual. Always is. Best values are invariably here. You will miss a great opportunity to save money on your Coat unless you call here during this ten days' sale. We will have some bargains for you of new goods, up to-date in every way. We have just got hold of a sample line of Coats and Suits which we got veay cheap, and we will give our customers the benefit. Just a few quotations to give you an idea how we will sell coatsr $4.89 for coats, good value up to black tan and blue. 5.50, in $10.00 for coats usually sold for $1-3.00, with Skinner's satin linings, best quality of materials. Bee these coats to appreciate the values. Other coats that we can't quote for lack of space will be sold at reduced prices. One lot Jackets, consisting of Suit Jackets and others, of good value but not up-to-date in styles. Jackets in this lot sold as high as $20.' In one lot for only, each, $2.00 Domestics 2,000 yards best fleece Dress Goods, medium and dark colors, best goods ever sold for 124c we bought a case at about half regular price, and intend to give our customers the benefit. Compare it with anything you ever /./ bought. Sale days, only O/^C 1 lot hervy soft and fleecy outing Flan nels, best 10c quality, sale days oC 1,000 yards 27-inch Outing, at only 4/2^ Cotton Crash, regular 5e value, at 36-inch Silkolines, fine for comforters, at 36-inch heavy unbleached Sheeting, per yard (limit, 25 yards) 5C Handkerchiefs Large Assortment. 50 dozen fine embroidered Handkerchiefs, dif ferent patterns, good values at 29, 30 and 35c, sale days 5 for $1 »00 Children's Handkerchiefs from lc each to IOC Ladies' pure linen Handkerchiefs, 6 for. 25C 1 lot Ladies' Handkerchiefs, sale days, 7 for 25C Blankets Buy your Blankets now. Here's a few values that can't be matched. A good Blanket, soft and fleecy, only Heavy 10-4 Blanket, 75c value, for only Full size 12-4 Blankets, sale day ... Full size 10-4 all wool Blankets for, sale days Other Blangets up to, per pair .v .. You'll notice in the headline that we've placed the Word "worthy" in the superlative degree, partially be cause the values in this ten days' offering are out of the usual even for this store, and partially because are always worthy. It will pay you to come for miles to attend this sale, commencing WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, to SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7 CLOAKS Onr 59c quality for 39c .... 59c .. $I.OO ..$2,59 .. $8.50 Shawls Beaver Shawls up to $15, sale days,' entre line, 15 per cent discount. Dress Trimmings Nothing in Trimmings but can be Sound here. Impossible to quote prices on account of de-, scriptions. During this sale count. One lot at 25 per cent dis 50 1 lo} Appliques sale days 1 lot worth a a per cent'discount. 25c SUITS A few last season's suits, worth to $15.00, for only $5.00 Children's and Misses' Coats To make along story short, we have an overstock of these, and they must be reduced in quantity. We can save'you from $1.00 to $3.00 on your coat dur ing this sale. 1 lot coats, sale day.: $1.98 1 lot coats, sale day 3.00 Dress Goods The best Dress Goods are always here. For this sale we expect to do our very best. Suitings aeat 3C 7C 28 to 42 inches 1 lot wi 56-inch Suitings, black and colors, good quality and sold at many places for 75c, our price only 1 lot 54-inch Broadcloth, $ 1 to $1.19 value, during this sale at 09c 1 lot Dress Goods, worth $1 and $1.25, your choice sale day at, per yard 75C Fancy Jamestown Waistings, none bet ter, few as good, 75 and 85c kind, sale.. 59^ 59 and 65c kind, sale days....... 30C Heiavy white Jamestown Waistings, 85c kind, for O9C 1 lot heavy white Waistings, fine qual ity, regular 50c kind for Notions 10 dozen heavy Celluloid Dressing Combs, amber and red, the regular 25c kind, our price sale days, each 5 dozen heavy Dressing Combs, worth l^e, for T.... 10 dozen Fine Combs, assorted lot, value from 10 to 15c, each 1 lot back Combs, shell or amber, good value at 15 to 19c, for 1 lot Belts, odds and ends of different styles, worth up to 75c, for, each........ 7 spools Merrick's Thread for Potter's 100-yard spool Silk, always 10c, in black only, per spool s, Hump Hooks and Eyes, sale days 2 cards for Good Curling Irons for, each .... Pearl Buttons, assorted sizes, per dozen. Table Linens These special prices for this .sale o'Ught to inter est every housewife who loves clean cloths. 5 pieces 72-inch bleached Damask, regu lar $1.25 quality, sale days only, per yd. 95C 1 lot 68 and 72-inch bleached Damask, $1 -. quality, fine patterns at....^.,./.. '.j 60-inch half bleach pure Linen Damask, Nothing in former offerings to compare with these. New Suits just been added to our line. They will also be sold at Special prices. $12.50 suits for 8.75 15.00 suits for 10.50 20.00 suits for 15.00 25.00 suits for 18.50 30.00 suits for 22.00 Dressing and Walking Skirts Any price from $1.00 to $12.50. During this sale 20 per cent discount from the entire line. Waists Silk, wool, or heavy mercerized at special prici Ntw Idea Patterns, eacft 10c. i9e 35c shell, I5C IOC .. 5c IOC 25c 25c 6c .. 5c .. 3c ic LACE CURTAINS. 25 pair Curtains, 36 in. wide, 3 yards long, per pair "5C 48 inches wide, 3 yards long, a regular $1.75 and $2.00 value, per pair only $1*39 1 lot of $2.50 Curtains, sale price $1.59 A snap in Portier Curtains, 50 inches wide, 3 yards long, heavy fringe, mercerized and worth from 1 lot Black Petticoats, worth up to $1.50, choice for T...79C SHOES During this s^le we will have some special good values in Shoes. Ask to see them. GROCERIES 100 lbs. Granulated Sugar 21 lbs. Granulated Sugar 1 1 sack Peerless Flour 21 lbs. Sugar 1 lb. Best 50c Tea 1 lb. Tea Sittings 4 4 f/ the best 55 and 59c qualities, sale days42Z2c $5.02 2.25 FURS 1.50 .12* Our Garments are made to wear. Every garment in our store is fully guaranteed by the manufacturers and Fisch Bros. Good Astrakan Jackets from $29 each up to 1 WOOL SEAL JACKETS and CAPES We haw a Wool Seal Cape, lined with good mercerized sateen, in every way made to wear, during this sale $12.00 Astrakan Cape, long sweep, Skin ner's satin lining, sale price «pI9»O0 Beaverized Natural Nutria Jackets, 24 in. an" 27 in. lengths, good wearing coats and have all the appearance of a Beaver 0 n- of Furs is complete, contain ing ail the new sty.e* and combinations, an thin* %'ii want fro 11 fcfoc uu f: $30.00 Our price- ss 1:1 he found reasonable in ibis de .artnient' and we know we ctin yon money on your Scarf or Mutt and especially so during tins sale. 1 adies Lonsj Pluh Coats, heavy lining throughout-., tieaily as warm as a fur coa during Uii* sale only $9*5® This Coupon will b° accepted as 2"c CASH on any purchase of $1.00 tr over in tjie Millinery Department of Fisch Bros, it preened any day during this sale,- 0 $5.00 and $6.00, this sale $3*9" 1 lot of $3.C0 Portiers, this sale a only $1.98 Groceries 1 lb. Best 50c Tea 1 lb. Best 40c Tea 1 lb. Best 30c Tea 15c Rio Coffee 18c Rio Coffee 20c Rio Coffee African Java Coffee Arm and Hammer Saleratus 2 packages Tooth Picks Merry War Lye American Lye Ginger Snaps, pound or box Soda Crackers, per pound Soda Crackers, box Uneeda Biscuit, package Zu Zu Ginger Snaps 1 lb. pke. Graham Crackers 1 lb. pkge. Oatmeal Crackers 1 lb. pkge. Almond Bon Bons 1 lb. pkge. Vanilla Wafers 1 lb. Baker's Chocolate 1 lb. Cocoanut 8 bars Lenox Soap 7 bars Santa Claus Soap 14 bars Satinett 1 lb. Spear Head Tobacco 1 dozen Tumblers 6 Cups and Saucers with handle 6 Cups and Saucers without handle 6 7-inch plates You can always find goods just as advertised at AUSTIN, MINNESOTA. A|ways itheiVXheapest" .43 .33 .20 .13 .15 .17 .18 .05 .05 .06 .07 .05 .06 .05 .04 .04 .09 .09 .09 .13 .36 .15 .25 .25 .25 .43 .18 .39 .35 .39