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Image provided by: Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN
Newspaper Page Text
~v KABSXE& #, JENSON-SKIFTER. At the home of the' 6ri«Je ia• Grand. Meadow, Dec. 13,1905, WUliamJenson and Mies Minnie Shifter, Rev. Bel sheim officiating. About.fifty guests were present'. Walter Jenson was groomsman and Miss Anna Skifter bridesmaid. The ceremony was fol lowed by abundant congratulations and a fine wedding supper The groom is an employe of the. packing.. House here The bride is well and favorably known here as well as in Grand Mead ow. They will go to housekeeping on South Kenwood avenue. GILDERMASTER-KRAFT Will Gjldermaster and Minnie Kraft were mafried Thursday, Dec. 14, at the Lutheran German church near Elkton by Rev. §chultz. They were attended by the bride's twin brother Will, and the gropcrf's niece, her sister Laura and cousin 'Fred KrafF., The bride wore a beautiful white cashmere dress, and a veil. The bride was born and brought up in the neighborhood of Elkton and is a very worthy young lady. The groom has lived on a farm near Elkton for several years and is one of our most respected citizens. After the ceremony about two hundred guests assembled at the bride's home where a bountiful supper was served. Dancing was in progress in the evening and all had a very enjoyable time. Many handsome aDd useful preseuts were received. Mr. and Mrs, Gilder master will live on their farm south of Elkton. We join in bfest wishes. BOSENTH AL-HAZELT1NE. At the new home of. the bride and •groom on Lincoln street, Tuesday eve ning, Dec. 12, 1905, Walter E. Rosen thal and Miss Olive L. Hazeltiue, Rev. C. D. Belden officiating. They were unattended during the ceremony. The ring service was read. Miss Gertrude Yarco played the wedding march About fitty guests were present and it was a very congenial company. The bride was fecomingly gowned in blue chiffon taffeta and carried roses. The reception room was beautifully deco rated fur the occasion and a nuptial arch of white, trimmed with smilax and carnations, surmouutei by a large wedding bell, was arranged for the cere mony. After congratulations, the com pany repaired to the adjoining home of Charles Rosenthal where au elegant and inviting wedding supper was serv ed. The evening was spent socially and the bride gave several very pleas ing musical numbers. She is the old est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Haseltine of the East Side and is very popular for her amiable disposition aDd her pleasing ways. She is a fine musi cian and is well fitted tO( grace a home. The groom is one of our-thrifty and up right young rnen who is in the painting and papering business with his brothers. »J3oth are highly regarded in a large circle of acquaintances'. They have gone to housekeeping in their own home on Lincoln street. Our best wishes follow them. —The Chicago Great Western has cut off ten hours of time on its trains from Minneapolis through Austin to Los Angeles, making less than 68 hours from Minneapolis and 65 hours from Austin. WALTHAM Philipp Eudahn came home from N. Dak. where he has been working with a thrasher crew. He reports plenty of good sleighing in the north. Chas. Reinke is again on the sick list, Dr. F. W. Schultz attending. Char ley is by his illness forced to at least temporarily give up his' position as chief cook on dining car between St. Paul and Portland ou the (Jreat North ern. The Ev. Lutherafi Triuity church will have appropriate Christmas exer cises by the children of the parochial school on Christmas eve. A fine pro gramme has been prepared. On ac count of this service thtra will be no service in the afternoon at the village of Waltham. Our fine weather still continues. L. E. Hassinger is spending a few days at Waseca. Do not forget the school entertain ment at Shillers hall Friday evening. Plenty room for everyone. Miss Lottie Rockwell of Austin spent Sunday at her sister's, Mrs. L. S. Chapman, returning Monday. C. H. Sanders and family of Owa tonna are visiting in town. Mr. Sanders was formerly cashier of our bank. Mr. Schmapling left Tuesday for a few day visit in the northern part. Our merchants are doing themselves proud this year in their Christmas dis play. A very fine selection of holiday goods. Order Hearing on Claims STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Mower—ss. In Probate Court.. Special term, Dec. 18fh, 1905. In the matter of the estitto of Thomas Rooney deceased. .. Lottwrs a Iministration on the ftstap4 pf said tW-oas' bjl iir r.his day grant**) uiijxl John D. Rooney of salr! ountv. It is orderrrt that ac claims and .demands of all persons? a^ sai^ estate be presented -to th|a court for examination and allowance at the prob ite office jn the c.iurt house, i. the city of ,1 us1 in,-in said county,'on Monday the 18th Iav of Jni 1^06. three o'clock p. m. It is further, ordered that six months from the dute hereof be allowed to creditors to pre sent their claims against said estate, at the ex piration of which time all claims'not presented to said court, or not proven to its satisfaction, shall be forever barred unless for cause shown further tnufl be Hllpwea. Ordered further that notice of time and place of h.iiiriug .and examination of said claims and detnaDdB shall be given by publishing this order once in euch week for three saccessive weeks in the Mo WEB COUNTY TEANSCBIPT, a weekly newspaper, printed and published at the cirv of Austin in said county. Dnted at Austin, Minnesota, the J8*h day of ec. 1005. By the Court, Dec. (Seal) J. M. GREENMAN, Judge of Probate. During this Month Caton Business College 612tfennepin Ave. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN., admits students to the Business, Stenographic, Tele graphic or English depart ments, tuition to be p^id after graduation andobtainingpo sitions. Bowdr.$3. per vrcek. lents. Cir- TAAI. CATOI#, Prest r* -i, f, vV*' E E E S N A At thd home of his-son in-thiscjtV Dec. 13, iQGi, of old age," Daivid IX Ke^fe, aged S^years. JEJe was 1)0111 in coiinty Cork, Ireland, June 16,1815, and came to New York state in 184C. He was married in 1848 to Miss Eliza beth Gardner. They came to Newry in. 1863 and to Austin in 1893. Eight children survive, three of them being David Julia and William of this city. Funeral services were hfeld at the Catholic church Friday mornidg. In a N *i .V'?*' Fine Illustrated Lectured Consul James W. Davidson* will give *a grand illustrated lecture ou Japan, Formosa and Manchuria at the Baptist church Friday evening, Dec. 29th. Over 60 selected views of Oriental scenes thrown on a 12 foot can vass with one of the best instruments. -This will be a highly instructive en tertainment for old and young and a tine holiday amusement. Mr. Davidson donate the entire re ceipts for the benefit of the Baptist church and the Public Library of his native city. Auditoritfin tickets are on sale at the library and in charge of the committee. Report of Public Library for Oct. 1905 REGISTRATION STATISTICS. Number adults registered 34 Number children 13 Entire registration for month —. 47 CIRCULATION STATISTICS. Books issued to adults 1224 Books issued to children 645 Total number books issued 1869 Highest daily circulation 163 Lowest daily circulation 22 Average daily circulation 75 Adult fiction...' 1011 Juvenile fiction 522 Per cent non-fiction 18 AVERAGE DAILY ATTENDANCE. Adult reading room. 30 Children's room 45 Reference room 12 ACCESSIONS TO LIBRARY. By gift... 1 By purchase 3 Total addition 4 FLORA C. CONNER, Librarian. —k.X —Crosses, plain and Eoman finish a os go a so a a SCHLEUDER'S. Weekly Market Letter. As a sort of a Christmas gift to the trade I am going to continue for this week the same prices for produce as last week although the market value on eggs, butter and hea/SMS consider able less than we pay, for instance: Minneapolis buyers quote their pay ing price on:—Butter 18 to 20c, we pay 25c trade and 20c cash. Eggs-23c, we pay 25c trade 20c cash. Beans hand picked—$1.75, we pay $2.00 trade $1.50 cash. Potatoes continue low in plaice, we offer 50c trade 40c cash. Wishing the readers of the Tran script a Merry Christmas and Happy New Tear and thanking yo« for your trade during 1905, I am yours to serve. b\ P. MCBRIDE, The Grocer. —Just received, 6C0 beautiful cups and saucers, imported French china, 3 decorations, 25c. SCHLEUDER'S. AUSTIN CEMENT WORKS Miss Grace Lyon went to Minneapo lis Sunday to spend several weeks with relatives. The ladies of the cement works and vicinity planned a very pleasant sur prise party for Mrs. Lewis on Thurs day. Atter a bountiful repast, Mrs. Will Aultfather in a few well chosen words presented Mrs. Lewis with a beautiful glass water set. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hill and family of Red Rock spent Saturday evening at Park Brandon's The new telephones are in use down this way and we are very much pleased with the service. Mr. Buck's people came near having quite a blaze the other evening caused .by the overturning of a lamp. Mrs. Wm. Lewis moved, to Austin Monday to reside. The boarding house here is vacant for the present. The young people here have grand times skating now as the ice is fine. There were quite a number from this vicinity attended the masked ball at Otranto Friday evening. All report a good time. Word came Monday from Will and Robert Fraser who are in Spokane, W ash. They have seen quite a number of Austin ptople since going there and they like the country very much. They are having very nice weather there at present. Elegant vases, cut glass, 9 inches, $5.00, beautiful cut glass bowls, $4.00, $500,6.00. SCHLEUDER'S. LYIE CENTER Willis Bryan of McKenzie, N. Dak., is visiting relatives here. Mrs. M. N. Clark was not so well last week. John Gill of Chatfield, Minn., visited, at A. Elmer's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Aultfather at tended tjie lecture at Lyle Saturday night. Our school will close Thursday for a two weeks holiday vacation. The ladies of this neighborhood are yery much interested in candy making. We hardly think Santa Claus will need to bring any. Lynn Hotson will go to LaCrosse Saturday to spend Xmas with hig, mo ther and sister. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Beadle returned home .* 4 Cloaks The greatest bargains in this de partment ever offered in your city. If you want to save and in some cases more on your Cloaks, come here during" this salt*. They must go regardless of cost or value. One lot Ladies' Jackets, former prices frqm S1Q to $15, each One lot Children's Coats, worth up to $2.50 for. vOv One lot worth to $5, fljO 5SK for $2.98 All other Misses and Children's Coats from to x/2 off. Ladies' Skirts One lot Skirts, former djO Oft prices up to $5 for .. ^kiVV All other Skirts &nd off. Fur Coats Still a few left and the-prices will b2 cut deep to sel them quick. 2 Electric Seal Coats£ 4 Aft was $25 for...... 4^ I faiaUU Astrachan Jackets was $45 and $47.. $32.50 Astrachan Jackets ^4 ft ft was$27.50and$3C^ I SPavU Other Fur Coats and Fur lined Coats at from 25 to 33 per cent off. Suits Anything in this line we will make you a price on for less than cost of material. Come and look these over. If you can find your size we will make the price low enough. Beaver Shawls A good assortment during this sale 25 per cent discount. Ladies' Wrappers $1.00 kind $1.25 kind for ... $1.50 kind for at 75c 90c $1.10 Lace Curtains one-quarter off. Fur Scarfs and Muffs We still have a fine assortment from 75c to $35.00 each, during this sale from 20 to 25 per cent discount. $20.00 $25.00 extra fine ^4 T* QQ Fox Scarf for-. All others in proportion. Special'values in Laces and'Dm broideries. ALWAY^ THE CHEAPEST. -i COMMENCING Continue to 'Saturday, Dec. 30th, We will place on sale seasonable merchandise at such prices as can't Jbe matched anywhere. We must reduce this stock before Jan. istand here is your opportunity to save money on your purchases. Hosiery One lot fleeced Children's Hose for 9G One lot Ladies' heavy fleeced Hose, worth 19c at 2 pair Ladies' fine Cashmere Oft 4% Hose, worth 40c at.... bi9v All others at special prices. 20 per cent discount on Table Linens and Napkins. 20 per cent off on White Bedspreads Dress Goods During this sale we. will give you special discount on our entire line. We will save you from 20 to 33^ per cent during this sale. Silks Moneyback black Silk, none bet ter at lb per cent discount., One lot Fancy Silks one-half pr'ce. 36 in. black Taffeta Silk worth $1.19 for ...... 09 All others at 20 per cent off Skinner's 36 in. Satin, fl ftf? during this sale, per yd I Dress Trimmings, the entire line Vz and y2 off. Underwear Your last chance to save money on your Underwear.' Ladies' heavy fleece E)cure Vests and Pants well worth 35c, each Ladies' fleece Union Suits during this sale Ladies' $1.50 Uniosi Suits for ........ Ladies' fit well Vests ami Pants, always $1 for.. Men's heavy fleece Shirts and Drawers at Men's double front and back Shirts and drawers to match Oft^ during this sale OOC 29c All others at speciaLprices. One lot fleece Dress Goods' per yd Best quality double fold fleece Dress Goods worth 17c 4 and 18c for bv All White Goods 20 per cent off. One lot fleece Dress Goods best 10c kind for HeavyJRobe Goods, worth .. 25c for One lot Cotton Crash per yd.... 18 in. all Linen Crash, worth 10c for ...... All Yeilings one-quarter off 4c You will find ma:ny special good values throughout our store dur= ing this sale. All parties having a book account will please call and settle before January 1st. w-ymi ss**## Vf. & /V One lot Men's heavy lined Mittens, worth 50d and 60c, per Oft pair 25c One lot 25c and 35c Mit- Oftf* tens, per pair CUG All others at special prices. Notions and Findings Pearl Buttons, all size?, 4 per dozen.... I Card Hump Hook and Eyes for 6 papers of good Pins for 200 yd Spool Basting Thread, 3 for Mourning Pins, per box One lot fancy Ribbons, per yd One lot fancy Ribbons, all silk, 4 inches wide, was 20c to *f ftjffc 25c, per yd I UC Vl off on all Muslin Underwear. Millinery Department In this department goods nearly at your own price. One lot Street Hats for One lot Street Hats for Small Turban Haits for .. All Trimmed Hats at y2 price. Ladies' Shirt Waists At less than value of material. They must be sold. One lot Flannel and heavy Mercer ized Waists, worth to TFjE? m* $1.75. at lOC One lot Silk Waists, former prices $4.50, $5 and $5.50, Eft in one lot at One lot heavy black «i Oft Waists, was $2.50. 1 Many others at very low prices. Outing Flan Gowns All $1.00 Gowns •."at All $1.25 Gowns at All $1.50 Gowns at A 1c 5c 5c 1c 5c 50c Night Fid We have one of the best lines in the market during this tie All 50c Gowns at All 75c Gowns at S35IC $1.20 All Shoes and Overshoes at spec ial prices. AUSTIN, MINNESOTA f% 4 &v-