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Newspaper Page Text
CREAM (Ehe ©ccmscript. —A daughter was born to Mrs. Geo. A. Milbrad Tuesday. —A son was born to Mrs. Arthur Anderson yesterday. —Patronize the new telephone com pany and encourage home industries. Miss Lulu Stimson spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Guy Chaffee at (Xrahto. —Mrs. W. H. Horrobin went to Rockham, S. D., yesterday to spend Christmas. —A useful prestnt would be a pair of shoes or slippers gotten from J. Schwan & Son. —Annual election of Fidelity Lodge .No. 39 A. F. A. M. will be held Wednes day evening Dec. 20. —Everything in ladies' and gents' comb sets at SCHLEUDER'S. Wanted to buy a couple of 1905 spring mare colts, draft type. Harlan P. Smith, Austin. tf —The Austin Dairy Company pays the highest market price for poultry, delivered at auy time. tf —The new "Carmen." "Sturdy" and Signet bracelets in plain and Roman finish at SCHLEUDER'S. Tour wife or mother would like a pair of fur lined Julietts from J. Schwan & Son 98c to 81.50. —Miss Alice Brown left yesterday for Santa Barbara, Cal., to make an indetinite stay with relatives.. —Sterling Silver cold meat fprks, berry spoons, salad forks and same in silver plated at SCHLEUDER'S. Miss Ada B. Leonard is expected home Saturday from Jackson, where she is teaching to spend the holidays. —Dr. and Mrs. McKenna expect their daughter, Majphine, home tomorrow from Cedar Falls to spendthe holidays. —You can get a very useful and ac ceptable gift in a beautiful plush or fur laprobe at Frank Rayman's, the popu lar harness maker. —Mrs E. P. Reed of Minneapolis is in Austin for a few days with a line line of fancy goods for holiday selection. She is well known here. —Don't put off subscribing for your periodicals. Subscribe now and save money. TRUE P. LEONARD, 403 Oak land ave. west, Austin. Minn. tf Royal Baking Powder is made of Grape Cream of Tartar. Absolutely Pure. Makes the food more Wholesome and Delicious. BAKING POWDER A Cream of Tartar Powder Made From Grapes No Alum Jo AUSTIN WEDNESDAY, DEC. 20,19 —Bucklin's Xmas Photos. —Christmas next Monday. —A son was born to Mrs. Joseph Porter, Dec. 14. —Hand painted novelties at 50e up at SCHLEUDER'S. —Christmas Holiy and Green at Kinsman's^Greenhouse. —Fine Haviland decorated plates at SCHLEUDER'S, 75c. S. C. Seavey and sons of UdoJpho were in Austin Saturday. —Mrs. .J! H. Smith of Udolpho was an Austin caller Saturday. —Our city schools close next Friday for two weeks holiday vacation. —Pearl and Amyethyst Rosaries at SCHLEUDER'S. -/The most exquisite designs in Jewel Cases at SCHLEUDER'S. —A large variety of sleigh bells at Frank Rayman's. Lamps, Chinaware, glassware and crockery at Dalager's. Latest improved Chafing Dishes just received at SCHLEUDER'S. Leave your orders for Christmas trees promptly at Dalager's grocery. —Beautiful cut glass Creamers and Sugars, per set $3.50 at SCHLEUDER'S. —Mrs. W. C. Holmes returned Mon day from a visit .with her brother at Winona. —Rev. C. VV. Burgess of Lime Springs came up last week to visit his sister, Geo. Nield. —Buy your Fountain Pen for Xmas present at SCHLEUDER'S. Every pen guaranteed. -Swellest thing in ladies' Chatalaine Watches, special for Xmas presents at SCHLEUDER'S —Bring your potatoes, eggs beans and butter to E. A. Dalager, the grocer and get highest prices. —Bs sure that you try the Austin dye works. You will save money and their work is the best. —Everything in silver novelties, soap boxes, card cases, match safes, etc., at SCHLEUDER'S. —Valises, trunks, satchels and suit cases at Frauk Rayman's, Just the thing for a nice present. —Mr. and Mrs. George Nield left yesterday for Los Angele 5 to spend the winter on account of her health. A large class will be initiated this evening by the Modern Woodmen lodge and election of officers will be held. —SCHLEUDFR'S for swell Opera Glasses. —Patronize the TRANSCRIPT ad vertisers for your Christmas shopping. They have the goods at right prices. —Rev G. W. Lutz is giving a series of Sunday evening sermons on the great characters of the Old Testament. For Sale, registered Polana China l*oars. Large growthy ones from three different sires. J. H. Aultfather, Aus tin Rural 2. —Supt. A. Nelson visited the Fari bault schools Friday. He will attend the state educational association at St. Paul next week. —Get your dyeing done at the Austin steam dye and cleaning works. They do not shrink nor injure anything plac ed in their hands. —This is the last week of the rush of holiday advertising. Our readers wi.ll lind the very best bargains recorded in our advertisements. —Little Genevieve, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Gorman, aged about six months, died with the whooping cough Thursday night. —F. B. Kline of Regina, Canada came last week to visit friends. His daughter will be down here from the state university to spend Christmas. —Dell Sharrah. now the employ of the Great Northern road, out from Superior, was here yesterday making his numerous friends glad to see him, —Another week of superb weather, still and moderate temperature. Good skating and bicycling, automdbiles out and country roads good. Nothing like it. —E. A. Dalager has just what you want for your Christmas tree and for your home, nuts, apples, oranges, a big assortment of candies, layer raisins. Get your supplies of him. Dr. Gunsaulus of Chicago, in his great lecture "Oliver Cromwell and His Times" at the Baptist church Tuesday evening Dec. 26, will be the third enter tainer on the Library Course. Admis sion 50cr. Students 35c. Tickets on sale at Wold's and at the door. —Many will remember the lecture on Russia and Siberia delivered here sev eral years ago by Capt. S. Albert, an es caped Siberian convict. The captain is making a final tour of the country and delivers his lecture in Music Hall Friday evening of- this week. It is a popular and4 educational lecture and popular prices will prevail. —Now is the timeto buy your Christ mas present What are you going to select? Times are hard so you cannot afford to buy luxuries. Buy something useful. Buy a suit, overcoat or pants pattern of Ed. Schiewek, the.tailor, over Murphy's store, and have it made up after Christmas. This will make your husband, father, son or brother happier than anything else. Buckliri makes family G^ojopis. .—Call for Bncklin's qualify Photos. —Latest patterns in ladies' Parasols. SCHLEUDER'S. —Get your Christmas candies and nuts at Dalager's, the grocer. —Latest importation in ladies' fine Hand Bags direct from New York City at SCHLEUDER'S. —Men wanted, $5. per day selling "Farm Book-keeping." The Farm Record Co., Northtield, Minn. —If you can't come send the children. THE HUB TOY DEPT. on our second floor the most complete in Austin. —Remember on every dollar you spend at our store rebat as $25 purchase 75c, S50 purchase $1.50, $100 purchase $3, etc. —Get wise, ask for our prices before you buy anything in the way of eatables or wearing apparel. THE HUB DEPT. STORE. —E. A. Dalager, the grocer, has just received a barrel of imported fiesti Norway mackerel, the finest in the land. Get some while it is going. —Beautiful glass wine sets $2.75 at SCHLEUDER'S. —Don't burn your money, get our prices before you buy anything in eat bles or wearing apparel. THE HUB DEPT. STORE. —Joseph Keenan was appointed one of the directors of the Minnesota Re taiLImplement Dealers' Association on Friday at their annual convention held in Minneapolis. —Fancv boxfs of chocolates and bonbons, candies, nuts, fruits, cigars and tobaccos for Xmas at Guil! man's 408 N. flain St —Mrs. Clara Bischoff of Waukegan, 111, is here to spend Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Mande ville. Her husband, Dr. Bischoff, is expected here next Sunday. —Do you want your money's worth? We sell everything you eat and wear at a cash bank interest profit on our in vestment. See our prices before you buy. THE HUB DEPT. STORE. —Gentlemen's Silver Smoking Sets. Cigar Jars, etc., at SCHLEUDER'S, —A company of friends surprised Miss Lila Monahan Friday evening at her home in Lyle township and enjoy ed a pleasant evening. She intends to go to Arkansas soon for her health. —Newest thing in back combs direct from New York at SCHLEUDER'S —Mrs. E, P. Reed of Minneapolis is here for the week with a line of fine art goods for the Christmas trade. Many new styles which can be easily embroidered before Christmas. At Wells, Fargo express office, Main street. —Dr. Jay M. Hall has moved his dentist parlors from the Raymond building to the^ commodious offices over K. O. Wold's drug store where he is prepared to do all work in his line with promptness and skill. 4r —Music Rolls, burnt leather, etc.. at —The family of Chris Meyer of Nevada township has been sadly-af flicted. Their oldest daughter, Mrs, Lewis Leverson, died Dec. 12. at her home in Leeds, N. of typhoid fever. The body was brought to Nevada Fri day for interment. Later news comes of the death of another daughter. Miss May Meyer, who was teaching at Leeds. She died of the same disease last week Her body was expected at Lyle Mon day night. It is indeed a sad affliction —Very finest French Mantel Clock $3.50 and up at SCHLEUDER'S. —At the recent exhibition of the Southeastern Minnesota Poultry Assr ciation at Rochester, A. W. Edson took 1st and 2nd on White Plymouth Rock cock 2nd on hen 3rd on cockerel and 2nd on hen. Alf. A. Ziemer of Wal tham took 1st on Buff Plymouth Rock cockerel and 2nd on pullet. Dr. H. Peirson took 4th on Buff Wyandotte hen and 2nd on cockerel. Alf. A. Zie mer 2nd on pullet. P. A. Reilly took 2nd and 3rd on Black Langshan hen and 4th on pullet. —Dog Collars and necklaces, the very newest at SCHLEUDER'S. —The January copy of "Style and American Dressmaker" is just our This is a particularly interesting num ber of this magazine. There are great mauy fine designs, and Madam Baker's letters and suggestions are in valuable both for the dressmaker and the woman who does her own sewing Send 10c in stamps lor a sample copy or §1.00 for a year's subscription, to E. D. Morse publishing Co., 24-26 East 21st Street, New York City. —The newest thing in cut glass Nap kin Rings at SCHLEUDER'S. —Guillman has the finest line of Meerscham and Brier pipes an. smoker's articles at lowest prices in the city. Remember the place 408 N. Main St. NSX CHRISTMAS EXhRCISES. We have learned of the following plans for Christmas exercises: At Baptist church, Christmas tree and exercises, Saturday evening. At M. E. church ,Christmas tree and program, Saturday evening. At Congregational church, supper will be served at five o'clock Saturday evening for the children of the Sunday school and for the adults at six o'clock. A Christmas program will follow. On Sunday evening the primary class will give a Short program before the ser mon. At Episcopal church, children's ser vice Sunday evening at 7:30. Christ mas tree at G. A. R. hall Monday eve ning. At Lutheran church, Christmas tree and program for the children, Sunday evening. At the East Side Presbyterian church a Christmas program will be given Sun day evening. IffAKKIAGE LICENSES Were1 issued to George Stelmaker and Merle Eppard Peter F. Hanson and M. Anderson Henry -Munson and Marie Tolerud Delbert Baldwin and Etta Hough. ilf if ilf ito *1/ to tit iIf iIf it \h ito i* ih il (if ilf ilf ilf ii ilf ilf A SCHLEUDER'S. HANDKERCHIEFS— from a plain one at 3c to the most exquisitively embroidered KID GLOVES—at $1.00 jjQ FANS—a very nice/line from 50c IIOSE -Plaiu and Fancy embroidered at COATS We have some splendid garments with or witho it fur lining that will be sold at a dis count until Xmas FL CO ATS—$25 to $40.00 FUR SCARFS-$1.98 to $18.00 FUR J1UFFS—$1.00 to $10.00 KIMONAS. BATH ROBES, DRESS GOODS, SILKS.. SKIRTS. AN DKERCHIEFS—A great variety of good Handkerchiefs for children, some put up |Cp in fancy boxes at per box IJu GOLF ULOVES—Pretty ones CHp 25c to JUb MITTENS—Fancy yarn and kid 7Rp 25c to I J» HOODS—Angora, Bear skin, silk and 01 Cft worsted at 25c to ipuJU TAM O'SHANTERS—at 50c $1.00 12 We are Agents for the New Arch Crown Settings. Let us show you r/J\ the advantage of this new and unique device of holding a Diamond. have them from $3.00 to $75.00 and a fine Line of Gold Filled up from nON'T Give Presents Which Last But a Day. Give what will bring to the Recipient pleasure through Seasons or Years. For Suggestions see Below -M FOR LADIES. $1.50 $2.00 $2.25 FOR MEN. HANDKERCHIEFS—Men's extra quality, pure Irish Linen, inch hem. 25c each, per dos $2.75 MENS' HEMSTITCHED INITIAL—6 in box, 15c each, per box 75c MENS' HEMSTITCHED—Extra fine, pure linen 25c each and 50c BRIGHTON NIGHT GO WNS—Well cut, well made and of excellent qualit fromy 75c to $1.25 FOR CHILDREN. We have taken special pains to prepare for the Christmas trade and intend to give our customers the best value anfcl the most use ful things possible. CHAS. L. WEST The Arch Crown Setting We cannot say enough for oui^ Iiing Stock. We have over 700 patterns in Set Eings, and one very Important Feature is our Kings are bought direct from one of the Best Factories in this country and each Ring bears their stamp which is an Absolute Guarantee of Quality. We also have a Large Stock of loose and mounted DIAMONDS and we will Guarantee our Prices to be from 10 to 25 per cent Lower than the Stone can be got in the larger cities. Our Stock of Solid Gold Brooches wjll interest you. COLLARS—Dainty Turnovers from 15c $| fin upward and fancy stocks from 25c to.. HAND BAGS—Large assortment from flfl 25c each to $UiUU JAPANESE HAND DRAWN LlJNENS— In lunch cloths, scarfs, and doilies (Q Cft sure to please any lady 69c to U, SWEATERS—We will give special prices on our fine Northland Sweaters for Christmas trade. 82.50 quality at $2.00 $2.98 quality at $2.25 $3.98 quality at $3.00 BELTS—A great variety especially for the Cfl Xmas trade, 25c to OliuU COMBS—Side and back combs in great variety also some nice sets at popular prices. HAND BAGS AND PURSES to Gleason's Watch Sale Will Continue Another Week Owiug io a previous understanding with the Fac= tory we were able to get another shipment of those FINE HAND ENGRAVED LADIES WATCHES that are sold everywhere at $15.00 to $20.00 which we sold last week at $12.00 and are now on sale at the same price of ^LftUU Our Stirling Silver Depart ment Is the Talk of the Town And we have been asked a good many times how it was that we could sell such a nice set of STIRL ING SILVER Oil SPOONS for 04 when others ask $5.50 and 8S.00 for ones not as pretty. We have just receiv ed a New Lot of Souvenir Spoons, Birthday Spoons, Baby Spoons We 75c F. E. GLCASON, and a Great many Fancy'Prices in Ster ling Silver. .$liUU Hu -for 19c Ribbons and Ties. CATS—We have^ good assortment of children's coats on which we will make special Xmas prices. FURS —A good line of children's fur sets $1.25 BEAD NECKLACES—for 15c 25C DRESS GOODS—Plain and fancy Plaid. $1.25 $10.00 J# AA AUST,N-MINN.