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'if JrX-- Have 7 W •f 4 9 a rriendr Then tell him about Ayef's Cherry Pectoral. Tell him how it cured your hard cough., Tell him why you always keep it in the house. Te|l him to ask his doctor about it. Doc tors use a great deal of it for throat and lung troubles. I had a terrible cold and cough and mi threatened with pneumonia. I tried Ayer'i Cherry Pectoral and it gave me quick and per fect relief. It is certainly a most, wonderful conch medicine."—RENA E. WHITMAN,Sioux Falls, S, Dak. A Made by J. O. Ayer Co., Lowell, ICaaa. Alai •o manulkotilrera of f_ SARSAPAR1LLA. vers PILLS. HAIR VIGOR. One of Ayer's Pills at bedtime will hasten recovery. Gently laxative. OAKLAND Don't forget the New Year's dinner at the Baptisi. church next Monday. The yillage school has closed for week's vacation. Miss Lena Wangen has returned to her home for a couple of weeks vaca tion. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cummings have returned home from their weddin&r tirip to Milwaukee. Alex Wyant and daughter, Mrs* Ella Buchanan, have returned home from Iowa where they visited relatives a few days. Ed Stockman spent Christmas at his home at Dodge Center. Tommie Shinotield is spending a few days in the village. Mrs. Rebecca Laird has had lumber hauled for a barn, which she will have built right away, A1 Fero doing the work. Geo. Hogan shipped a car of stock from here Friday Mjs^esGussie, Carman, and Annie Gcftdavison are here visiting their par ents a few days. Among the teachers that are spend ing Christmas at their homes are' Miss Debareah, Jennie McKensie at Albert Lea, Mary Dutnphrey, and John Gregg at London. A company of relatives were enter tained by Dr. and Mrs. Hardy and Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hardy at the latter's home Christmas. About thirty of Willie Mann's friends surprised him at his home last Wednes day evening. The young people came prepared to have a jolly time and they were not disappointed. Gaihes and music helped to pass the time till 11 o'clock when supper was served, after which Cecil Freeman in behalf of the company presented Mr, Mann with a with a beautiful dress suit case as a tofeer. ot their esteem. Mr. Mann will leave in about a week for Mitchell, £. D. to run an elevator. Mr. and Mrs. J, E. Davison and sons spent Sunday at the parental hotqe. Miss Addie Hardy of Chicago is vis iting her brotberand family a few days. John Dearmin, who has been at Mi mot, N. D., has returned home for an extended visit with .relatives, and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Pierson aud family of Isiorth Dakota were here for a visit with her parents and Mr. and Mrs. ISergstrom. Miss Lizzie Taylor, who is attending McAllister college, is'home for a vaca tion. Mrs. John A. Lovely of Albert Lea came Monday for a visit with her sister Mrs. tlenry Fero. The Christmas exercises at the Bap tist church Saturday evening wera in teresting and much enjoyed. The house was crowded. RACINE George Stellmsker and Miss Merle Eppard yrere married Thursday even ing at the home of the .bride's par ents. Revival meetings are being held all this week in the M. E. church. Schools closed Friday for' the holi day vacation of two weeks and "the teachers are at their homes. Mrs. Geo. Leonard, who recently !hed an operation for appendicitis at the Mayo hospital is reported as get ting along nicely. Miss Perna Sanborn went to Spring Valley Tuesday on'a visit.' Adam Utzinger has moved into his new house in. this village. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. BasMaS spent Christinas with his brother at Barnes, vIow£.' The Royal Neighbors. have elected the following officers: Oracle, Mrs. Miranda Hazelton vice oracle, Miss Eva Hableton chancellor, Mrs. Mag gie Skyhawk recorder) Mrs. Anna 'c Campfield: receiver, Mrs. Nellie "Wood marshal, Miss Lizzie Dessler s- inside sentinel, Miss Leila Kinyon} outside sentinel, Miss Wilma Severn l*iS6 0RAND MEADOW,-' WM «me 1*1X2* day from Mazappa to, spend the holi days ljere^ Fred Isham of\*rand forks, N. D., was visiting friends here on ^ednes day.,--^^|^ fp ¥he 'So6i'Ity^df Equity will meet at the town hall Wednesday afternoon of this week. Important business. Our concert band will give a mas querade ball Friday, Jan 5th. Village schools closed Friday for two weeks vacation. C. D. Bush is home from Hamline for a brief vacation. Christmas exercises were held at the M. E. church Monday evening. ,Mr. and Mrs. Carl Grimm left Wed nesday to spend several wepks with friends at Isle, Minn. Mrs. Kate Lockwood left Tuesday for California to spend the winter, .Interesting Christmas exercises were held at the Congregational church Sa turday evening. Miss Mabel Goodsell is at home from Hamline for the holiday vacation. The newly elected officers of the A. F. & A. M. lodge here are: W. M., Geo. A. Wright S. W., P. T. Elliott J. W., E. F. Greening treasurer, P. Schleiger secretary, L. W. Hunt. In stallation Tuesday evening of this week. The following are the newly elected officers of the Eastern Star: W. M., Laura Nolan W. P., Lora C. Carder A. M., Lena Day Cond., Ethel Wilsie A. Cond., Hattie Hunt Secy., Lydia Schleiger Treats., Mary Corell. DEXTER '1 W. P. Hoppin came Tuesday to visit his brother, George, who was hurt a few days ago by falling from a load of hay which he was unloading. Delbert Baldwin and Miss Ella Hough of Dexter township were mar ried at Austin, Dec. 19th, Rev. R. E. Sayles officiating. A ball was given Monday evening at the opera house by the Dexter Danc ing Club. Music by Gates Orchestra. A fine entertainment was given Fri day evening by the Dexter schools at the opera house. They are having a vacation of two weeks. Rev. E. C. Lyons held a Christmas service at the church Sundsty after ,• noon. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Colman have fyosed their hotel here. Miss Lola Baldwin went to Spring Valley Saturday to spend a week at home. MS- BLOOMING PRAIRIE Mrs. Cyrenus B. Pettie died suddenly of apoplexy, December 16th, aged 59 years. She was born in Argyle, N. Y., and was married to Mr. Pettie, Novem ber 28, 1867. She has lived on the farm north of this village since that time. Funeral services c'onducted by Rev. C. D. Belden of Austin, were held at the Baptist church Friday after noon Florence Guthrie came home from the State University Friday evening to spend the holidays. Evalyn and Geraldine Guthrie returned at the same" time from St. Catherine's col lege, St. Paul, for the holiday "vaca tion. The blind pig cases from this vil lage in district court have been the chief excitement during the past week, Geo. W. Peterson was found guilty and fined $100 and cost^ and thirty days in jail. Several cases were dis missed on the ground of insufficient evidence and others were continued to the June term.' The worst of it all is that in the popular mind here, the chief criminals in the blind pig busi ness have not been laid hold of. The Baptist Sunday school gave an interesting Christmas entertainment at the church Saturday evening. Miss Gena Ostby is home from St. Olaf college, Northfleld, for the holi days. The fifth annual ball of the A. O. H. will be held at the opera house Fri day evening. Mr. and Mrs. L. G-. Campbell went to Versalles, Ind., last week, called by the serious illness of her father. The West Hotel has changed hands being exchanged for 3200 acres of Canada land. KgH The Chicago Great Western Railway will on the first and third Tuesday of each month to December inclusive sell ro.und trip tickets at only one fare plus $2 00 to points in the following states: Alabama,- Arizona, Arkansas, Colo rado, Florida, Georgia, Indian Territory, Kansas,'Kentucky, Louisiana, Mexico, Minnesota, 'Mississippi, Missouri, Ne braska, Nevada. New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, South Dakota Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Wyoming and Virginia also- to Alberta, Assiniboia, Canadian Northwest, Manitoba, West Ontario ..and Saskatchawan. For fur ther information apply to wmm any Great Western Agent or J. P. Either, G. P. A. St. Paul, Minn. A Fearful Fate. Ijj'is a fearful fate to have to endure the terrible torture of Piles. "I can truthfully say Writes Harry Colson, of Masonville, la., "that for Blind, Bleed ing, Itching «nd protruding Piles, Bucklea's Arnica Salve, is the best cure made." Also best for cuts, burns and injuries. 25c at K. O. Wold's, druggist. Thi-» styles, siDgle l»rv»ftf«T tiuits, single or rlonhlf breH'Ht^H Overcoatsrar)^r ibg in price from $522.50 I^en cannot describe the merits of our suits and-overcoats*, they must be seen to be appreciated. BIG VAKCO Enterprise school has two weeks va-1 cation for the holidays. Miss Annie Tuttle the Enterprise teacher went to Winona to spend the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. A. Rockafellow of House Coatj in Scotch Plaids, Invisible Plaids^silk corded tdges, silk frop, regular values 6.50 to 7.50 while they last 7oc Holiday Neckwear, this week Four-in-hand, English squares, Teck and Puffs. 6.50 Suit Case for S5.00, a genuine sole leather suit case, .24x26 inch, selected stock............ /i bilk Mufflers in all ,the new shapes ft- ft^ft A A and colors from OUG I UyZiUU Just the thingioi a Christmas present. All Goods bearing The Hub label, pressed, Cleaned and repaired free of charge, SOIi Mr: and Mrs. J. W. Varco and Mrs: vicinity. Thomas Varco and Mr. E. V. Hart Dr. C. E. Bennett, our dentist, went and family spent Christmas at Mrs,. Granite Falls, Friday, to visit his Amy Hart's in Austin. Mrs. Jane Lott, daughter aud grand daughter, returned home from Evans-, ville, Wis., Wednesday morning, Dec. 20. Lyl'e spent Christmas at her mother's,1 ^ere Mrs. i3ell Varco. at Lyle Center. jr A number from this place will attend and other relatives. Mr. E. P. Spooner's birthday aiiniver-, sary Jan. 31 at his home in Austin. LONDON Mr, and Mrs. F. H. Pratt and daugh-1 ter visited his mother Mrs. L. A.Pratt on Sunday. iMachaeek. Mr. C. Downey returned Saturday eve, from Pulda, Minn., where he visited^ his brothel. \. !South London. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Spooner Visited their daughter, Mrs. several days recently. ADAMS C. D. Brown came* Thursday from Blue Earth cit-y to spend the holi days with his parents, Mr: and Mrs. James Brown. ,: Tv:. Ole. Finhart was in Austin 'Satur- m&w The Hub Social VaU ues in^Men^s and fYoung Men's' Suits and Overcoats sizes. in all f',. «H Fashionable, serviceable, bign class garments. Ail Our Own Make1 Every Garment Gnara'oteedj Ous.KiunMa Waken of 50c $5.00 k. city are visiting relatives in this parents for ten days. Mrs. M. Schneider and Mrs. A. Kleif gen'will entertain the Willing Workers in Sabel's hall on New Year's Day. I tr. H. L. Knight left for Kansas City Tuesday to look up a location. He has taken special work in' Ger many during the past year and will locate at some central point. Sam Erie completed the course at. I the state .dairy school last week and will assist for a while in the creamery Mr and Mr. Edd DeRemer and family, Mr. Harbors came Friday to spend the and Mrs. Lou Rosenthal spent Christ-! holidays with relatives. mas day with Mr. and Mrs. Will Pace' j^rs McGreevey of Two A public sc hool entertainment was I given at Sabel's hall Friday evening. The H. T. C. was entertained by Mrs.! a School of Fifty Years Ago.. Pro Edd Tomkins and Mrs. Geo Benton ceeds were for the benefit of the at the home of the latter on Dec. 21. s^ool library.s The next meeting will be with Mrs. Knud Rudlang has gone to Norway John C. Hawkins on Jan. 11,1906. to spend three months with his father M{gs Grace Machacek 0 Christmas Nordah Ida Anna Sundayed at Chr5s CarS0I1 0 Edd DeRemer Austin with her cousin Iva and Minnie Nel- their parental home in Mower county and Cora Butts were married last Wednes day in Albert Lea. We extend our hearty congratulations. Church services here Sunday. M/. and Mrs. Alba Bump spent Ghristmas in Austin at Mr. P. Bump's. Several from here attended the Chris t mas tree Saturday evening. Miss Pearl Campbell is visiting her day on business. 1 Miss Anna Van winkle" ot Austin sister, Mrs, ±letcher Lyndon, Wis visited Miss Mamie Schiller -Thursday. Arthur Krebsbach is home from St. Thomas college, -St. Paul, lor the, holi days. ,, 1. 5 'Mr. and Mrs. John Delaney of Ma- consm. Elton Machacek, who is attending the Normal College in Austin, spent the holidays here at his home. R. P. Davison Jr. of Austin from $15.47 to $25.00 VE MM DEPARTMENT STORE. 1 visiting. Arch Lang left Thursday for Crow River, Minn., to spend the winter with his daughter, Mrs. F. F, Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. Butts were passen gers for Albert Lea, W edoesday return ing Thursday. The dance here the 22nd was largely attended aud all present report a tine time. Mr. Gregg, G. P. Meadowcroft and Holl Wilder delivered cattle to Oak land Friday. LANSING Mr. Marten who resides near Lake Harriet, visited relatives here last week. John DeYoung of Grand Meadow visited his daughter, Mrs. Si H. Vaughan the last of the week. Mr. and 'Mrs. Earl Carll of Eagle Bend, Minn., arrived here Friday to visit their parents and friends. -Mrs. Elsie Vaughan went to St. Paul Sunday to yisit her sister and Nellie Vaughan came over from Rochester Saturday to spend the holidays. George McKenna of Napoleon, N. D., arrived here Friday evening for a visit. A number of the young people surprised Miss Berdie Phillips Monday evening. The evening was pleasantly spent in playing games. At a late hoiir refreshments were served. She was the recipient of a very pretty muffler. A gift from the boys. The annual election of the Masonic lodge Saturday evening resulted as -follows: W. M.,"H. R. Soule S. W., L. O. Thompson J. W., B. L. Stimson Secretary, John Thompson Treasurer, A. E. Beadell. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Salzgeber spent Christmas in Spring Valley with rela tives. .» C. W. Ricketts and family and J. F. Beatjty's7 family of Blooming Prairie .weregdests of Mrs. S. H, Vaughan &ornday.V/ Mrs. H. B. Roe and son, Louie left ^QiiSli-JS1'*'* li .iT "Kf pss^ef^ On South Side Second Floor.^ L' Appropriate '•an#?Servicable V* Holiday Suggestions are Bhown in our:Ladies Suit and Cloak Dep't. Here you .will find the latest, choicest styles and most desirable patterns of Ladies uits" and Cloaks, that will make acceptable and appreciated Christ mas Gifts. The moderate prices we quote in this department and the excellent garments we are offering, should induce all economical^ bu^rers to put chase one or more of the following bargains: 15 :.^ from $3.97 to $12.97 to mil vour Httention co our Basement De wIl^th We have gathered the choic-. »f ware, Cut Glass, Chinaware, Silverware, Cuttiery, etc. A grr-at many for Bluifton, Iowa, Dec. 26, to visit her parents. D. H. Johnson and children, Veta and Forest, left for Chicago Friday evening to spend the holidays with relatives. The entertainment Fridav afternoon given by the pupils of oar schools did credit to the instructors. .--a a-• BR0WNSDALE The Christmas tree exercises at the churches Saturday evening were very interesting^ and largely attended. Any thing specially intended for the child-1 ren always draws large audiences in B|g|ffnedale. Franklin Leslie is here from N Dakota for a visit and to accompany his wife on her re.turn home. Geo. P. Anderson, our barber, has rented his shop for three months to John F. Knox who may now be found at his old stand plying the tonsorial art. Christian Rassmussen is at the Law rence hospital in Minneapolis taking. treatment for alcoholism. Chas. Gibbart and his family are visiting in Minneapolis. James E. Leslie came from Minne apolis to spend the holidays at the .3 parental home. Mr. and Mrs. G. Weisbeck are at*j Dubuque, Iowa to spend the holidays. L. L. Quimby with son, Jasper, mad^ a trip to Chicago last week. Is Miss Genevieve Hunt and May Dahle ate sjpendinig their school vacations at^j home. f. Bert E. Ba,ldwin of Grand Forks, D., is visiting his many friends here. Mrs. Arza Danly has gone to Wis consin. 4 N Fay Lawrence is attending to the lumber business in the absence of Mr 5! Weisbeck. Lee Thatcher is home from Okla-' Jioma. E. W. Hillier of Chicago is here visitesi in is & re it Knute Stephenson, while skating^ "bame in contact with a barbed wire" fence, cutting his lip badly^ fe#