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Mower County transcript. [volume] (Lansing, Minn.) 1868-1915, May 27, 1908, Image 3

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85025431/1908-05-27/ed-1/seq-3/

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The only Baking Powder made
with Royal drape Cream of Tartar
—madefrom granes—
Insures healthful and
delicious food for every
home*—every day
Safeguards your food agaiist
alum aid phosphate of lime
fjDhe (£r cut
Austin Wednesday May 27,1908
English services at the Lutheran
church next Sunday uiorning.
—Mr and Mrs. E. M. Boane speat
Sunday with Meads in Minneapolis.
—For Sale, iny faoube and two lots »n
south Main stveec Aisu a squ-swre
piano. J. SOLMER
—Mrs. Frank. O. Hall who has been
quite ill was reported bocter yesterday.
—The past week has been another
wet one. The rain came down in tor
rents Sunday night. The fields are
very wet.
—Timothy hay for sale. -Tiros
CmcisTiANsoN, Cuiuaioia Dairy farm.
Rural 1, Austin.
—Red Clover, Alsike Clover and
Timothy seed for sale. Also seed corn.
Decker Bkotheks.
—Pasture for horses and cattle, in
quire of F. A. Tjcknuk, Austin, Mian.
—Miss Myra Warren gave a recep
tion for her Sunday school class Friday
evening at the hom« of Mrs A. Gallo
way on Park avenue. Candy pulling,
rebuses and other entertainment were
The announcement of the wedding
of William H. Dox and Miss Mollie E.
Jahnke, a former Austin, stenographer,
is received by Aubtin friends. It took
place at Spokane, Wash, last Wedi ts
day, May 20.
—The Happy Thought Club will
meet Thursday afternoon, Juue 4, with
Mrs. J. Menzie southwest of Austin.
Peter Fel
Young pigs for sale.
ton, Route 1, Austin.
—Mrs. JiTcun? T. Cameron of South
Milwaukee arrived Saturday for a visit
with Mrs. Geo. M. Camer-m and other
—Mrs. M. J. Gregg went to Chicago
Saturday evening to attmd the grad
•t Dental Surgery Her son. V.ctor H.
fcregg ,8 one of the present graduates.
Victor thinks of opening an ofl,ce ,a
Cbieaso. He will be home on vacation
came triday to spend a month with
—Get your dyeing done at theAustin
6team dye and cleaning works. They
do not shrink nor injure anything plac
ed in their hands,
—Memorial Day next Saturday. Full
program appears on page-four.
—Mr6. Henry A. Goslee went ta St
Paul Saturday to spend a week with
-A number of the Congregational
ladies enjoyed a picnic at the Harry
Jones home on Friday.
—The East Side W. C. T.U. met
with Mrs. W. 1. Plummer Friday eve
ning and held a profitable meeting. A
decoratedplate was presented to her by
the Union, Mrs. Hendryx making an
appropriate address. Mrs. Plummer
soon goes to her nt home at Mankato.
For making
quickly and perfectly^
delicious hot biscuits, hot:
breads, cake and pastry
there is lib substitute for
Ike tdlvt principle of wMeh Is derived
horn grapes, pare ereaai tartar,
mM idH
—WillM. Crane Is just finishing the
foundation of his new house on South
Kenwood avenue.
—Miss Floy Armstrong, for-several
years compositor in this oftice. has re
signed her position. She will leave soon
for Iowa, where she"will spend the sum
mer with relatives.
—If next Saturday is storiny so" that
the Memorial Day exercises cannot be
held in Lafayette park, they will be
held in Hirsh's Auditoriumat the hour
—For Sale at a bargain, No. 2 De
Laval separator. Perfect condition.
John H: French. 13
—Mrs. Chas. A. Newman of South
Tacoma, Wash, arrived Saturday for a
visit with friends here. She has been
visiting in Minneapolis, River Falls
and Brownsdale and is on her way to
New England for an extended visit.
Her husband will arrive from Tacoma
in June to accompany her east.
—Write to M. O. Benson, Blooming
Prairie, Minn., for mating list and
prices, if you want eggs from .one of
the best pens of S. C. Rhode Inland
Reds in the state. tf
—Yesterday was the 19th birthday
anniversary of Miss Frances Lobb and
a company of her young friends arrang
ed an enjoyable surprise picnic for her
last evening at Lafayette Park
—There was a little flurry last week
over the telegram that the senate com
mittee had striken out of the appropria
tion bill the item of $50,000 for the new
postoflice at Austin. It was simply a
political trick. The item was left out
for trading purposes and has been re
—John Seifert goes to Chicago this
week for a two months visit with rela
—We note that J. D. Frazer of
Lyle won second place in the Carleton
Home Oratorical contest at JS'orthfield
held May 16.
—The annual meeting and banquet
of the Austin High School Alumni
association will be held in Elks hall
wlll De ne|a
—Miss Edna Ward spent Sunday
with Mrs John Bingham in Minneapo
—Miss Myra Warren went to Clear
Lake, Iowa, Saturday for an outing.
—Nothing but N*w Goods at Her
rnauu's, The Up to-Ddie Tailor.. Aus
tin" 15
—For a perfect-fitting, stylish suit Ada and Myrtle Willis ex
to Hermaun, The- Up-to Date Tailor, |Pe®t to go to St. ^aul tomorrow to
Austin. is spend the summer with relatives, and
Jan. 16. Thodous
Th BO is ideM 0( the
tion a
Nett|e Marjan
SmUh an„ Je86ie 8t|lmm theeIecu
tiye commiWee
iu a few days.
.. —The annual meeting of the Minne-1
Mrs. Lawrence of Fedora, ..
heJd in Mailkat0 June 9 and 10 The
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Greer, delegates from Austin are: Chief Nels I Alden, New Richland and Freeborn
go to St. Ignance, Mich in the fall to
engage in the millinery business with
her aunt.
—For Sale, residence property on
Main street. Come and look it over,
tf C. H. Coats
—NOTICE, the Austin greenhouses
will be closed Friday evening May 29,
at eight o'clock and all day Saturday,
Decoration Day. Please get your
flowers and plants before that time.
take a good driving horse or good milch
cow in exchange. Call afternoons,
fifth house north of Hospital.
The Christian Brotherhood basin
vited Mclntyre post.G. A. R. to. a spec
ial service at "Elks hall next Sunday
—L. A. Kittlesby went to Calmar
Saturday evening to visit his aged
father whois very ill.
•—The base ball game^ on the fair"
grounds Saturday afternoon between
Austin high school and Pillsbury acad
emy of Owatonna resulted in a score of
6 to 51 in favor of Austin It was an in
teresting game as Pillsbury didn't score ..
until the fifth inning.
t~A large number from Austin went
to Masop City Sunday to attend the in
itiation of about 80 into the Knights of
Columbus lodge.
—Dr. M. O. Anderson went to Chica-1
go Sunday night to attend the meeting,
of the government meat inspectors
called by Secretary Wilson, of the de
partment of agriculture.
—The Stoddard Reading Club met
with Mrs. P. H. Frieud Thursday af
—Miss Grace Blalock, teacher in the
State school in Faribault, came down
Thursday to visit her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. F. BlalocK,
I —C. W. Snere, who has. been agent
for the C. M. & St. Paul road in Aus
tin for several years, has resigned. He
has been an acceptable official.
—H. Stuvetro, aged about 16, son of
A. H. Stuvetro, who lives near Rose
Creek, had a bad accident Thursday
while out hunting. He was shot
through the right ankle and was taken,
to the St. Olav hospital. The bones
were found to be badly shattered and
amputation was found to be necessary
on Sunday.
—The Calendar Club was happily en
tertained by Mrs. W. J. Urbatch
Thursday afternoon. The afternoon
was spent socially and a fine supper
was served.
—Prof. C. R. Boostrom gives the ad
dress to the graduating class of the
Hartland school Friday evening. On
a-state Fireman's association will be I Saturday he gives the Memorial Day
P. Jensen Hose Co. Ko. 1, P. T. Hart
well, Leonard Hall No. 2, Mike 4
Mayer, Frank Mayer. A big program
is being prepared and several hundred
will be in attendance.
—Good, clean buckwheat seed for
sale. Bert Manchester,* Rural I
William will go west. Miss Ada will
I address at Freeborn, the three posts of
uniting in the service.
—Prof. A. J. Harpmian will give the
address to the graduating class at Hay
ward next Monday evening.
—The wedding of Cnarles W. Tyler
and Mrs. Rose Stockman of this
city occured at Minneapolis Satur
day afternoon. They will reside in
Spokane where Mr. Tyler has a posi
tion with the Great Northern railroad
—Earl Fairbanks went to Minneapo
lis Monday to work in the Milwaukee
ticket office.
—For Sale—I have a good assortment ed here the last of this week on busi
of buggies and surreys that I would Jness connected with the sale of the
like to close out this month. Would Austin Register.
L. F. Snyder.
—Miss Lucy Thomas entertained a
company of young friends in honor of
Misses Gilbert and Parker of Carleton
college who spent Sunday with,her. A
line musical program was given and
other entertainment enjoyed. The
Gazookswere among the guests.
—Judge N. Kingsley went to Preston
yesterday to hold court.
—The county board was in session
Monday afternoon and yesterday.
—Chas. A. Beeman went to North
wood Monday to work.
—Major N. Nicholsen inspected Co.
E at Fairmont on Monday evening.
—Mrs. J. M. Nicholsen continues to
grow weaker gradually.
—Co. will give social dance at
•the- Auditorium next Friday evening,
the proceeds to go for the expense of a
reunion of the Spanish war veterans in
AustinJuly 4.
—Rev. Arthur McBride left for Bos
ton Monday and will there take a ship
to Bombay. 7".
-rl JSi H^jre is quite ill with oysipe-
We Have Some Taller Suits
That Must Be Sold. Loek
hi Oar North Wiidov
38.04 iSuitl8rl| .$13.50
$35.0tt,Suits lor. .$ 0.98
$aa.5*!SiiWc:for. 8.78
Sao.oo Suit* for..$ 8.0O
$l6.09 9MiM
J. P. Hurley, editor of the Albert
Lea Tribune, was here yesterday on
—True P. Leonard left for Hutchin
son, Kas. yesterday to take a position
on a daily there.
—The Gazooks enjoyed a picnic at
Lafayette park yesterday afternoon.
-H. O. Uasford of Denver is expect-
—J. Solner left Thursday evening for
his old home in Norway and will be
gone for about three months. He visit
ed relatives in Chicago on the way and
expeicts to sail from New York today
—The Cedar river was unusually
high yesterday on account of the late
—Mrs.. Lizzie Hosted spent Sunday
with friends at LaCrosse.
—The body of John S. Lacy, who
died at Montrose, S. D. Sept. 13,1901
was brought Jiere Friday for burial in
Oakwood cemetery. He was one of
the earliest settlers of Austin. He has
six children living, one of them Mrs
Frank Haney. of Lansing township.
—Prof. C. R. Boostrom led the meet
iug of the Christian Brotherhood Sun
day afternoon.
—Word comes of the serious illness
of Mrs. Will C. Bennett at Devil
Lake, N. D. where she is a teacher in
the Deaf and Dumb school.
—During the heavy thunder storm
about eight o'clock Thursday morning
a cow belonging to Wm. McFarland
was killed in the Morse pasture near
Galloway's, Will Tyler's house on Wi
non* street was struck shattering the
house somewhat and R. W. Roberts's
house was also struck. The damage
to hoildings in th^ountry was consld
mU^the Mower Couqty Farmers In
suxance Company leoeiving notice of
—Mrs. C. Clark entertained a
company of friends Wednesday evening
in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Reck
enthaler. A six o'clock dinner was
Tabernacle Squarefor Sale.
Thishandsome property cmsistlDfot
our acres, corner of Bridge and River
strMU, one^lock fron Great Western
QeppMlUM blocks firom Mower County
Gouxt hx^ue, uid ttidinkj betwenfi the
Qf lbJn street nalA the
P..Depot, wm
be sold in
|Mttt or whole en very easy terms. In-
101 &
Percales and English
Printed Batiste
Carreux Fancies
With this issue, the Transcript
presents to its readers a supplement
descriptive of a number of the at
tractions to be seen at the Austin
Chautauqua,. which opens Tuesday,
July 7th, and continues six days,
closing Sunday evening, July 12 th.
Our readers will find the supplement
attractive from a pictorial stand
point and filled with information
upon public men and matters,.which
will appeal to all as interesting and
The -Transcript has gone to. con
siderable trouble and expense in
issuing this supplement/, botji, from
its desire to further the interests of
the Chautauqua, in which the towns
people and agricultural communi
ties are equally interested. A Chau
tauqua means something. The es
tablishment of a good Chautauqua
is, in itself, a certificate of the moral
and intellectual progress of the com
munity where it takes its root. A
glance through the supplement will
impress readers with the excellence
and balance of the program and
careful study will simply add con
viction that the Austin Chautauqua
is worthy of the patronage of every
person in the territory contiguous
to this city.
Read the supplement carefully
and prepare to attend the Austin
Chautauqua. As the roster of
attractions indicates, no better bal
anced or higher classed program
will be given anywhere than at
Dedication of New M. E. Church.
The beautiful new edifice of the
McCabe M. E. Church of this city,
corner of St. Paul and Maple streets,
will be dedicated with appropriate
services on Sunday, June 21. The
following is the advance program of
the day's exercises:
Morning Service.
9:00 Informal greeting to our
9:30 Prelude.
Singing by Congregation.
Solo^r—Mrs. Joseph W. PowellT
Three-Minute Talks by Visit-,
ing Pastors.
Address—Mr. Joseph W.
Evenine Service,
to 00 Epworth League Devotional
Service. ..
7:00 Prelude.
don't buy wash goods simply because
they wash. You want dainty summer wear,
because they are dainty, pretty, serviceable
and will wash if need be. If you want the
prettiest of the pretty wash goods 1 hat are
now in vogue, reliable as well as beautiful,
come here for them. We have them in the
new seasonable weaves and patterns.
Carmen Silk Fancies, Plumetics Fancies,
Ayern Tissues, Tissue Suitings at
Lucerne Tissues
at, 7
Silk Tissues and Organdies
Sarsanet Jacquard, Silk Organdies,
Shoosu Silks, Banzai Silks at
10c to 15c
Friday and Saturday
10 yards of our good 6c Calico
10 yards of our fancy 6c Challies
Chas. L. West
All this week free to our Customers. A
beautiful $2 framed picture with every
$10 cash or produce trade.-
n«™eQnre4^al£i-g,_a great sale of Milli
nery all this week. You will find here
Scripture Lesson.
Solo. Mrs. Joseph W. Powell.
10:00 Sermon.
,10:30 Address-—Mr. Joseph W.
Afternoon Service.
2:45 Meeting of Officers, Teachers
and Scholars:
3:00 Young People's Mass Meeting
for Everybody.
Hymn. pi
Prayer.^ -r f-j u'
Solo—Mrs. Joseph W. Powell
8:00 Address—Mr. Joseph
Excellefft Farm Bargains.
WiU take in exchange 160 acres West
ern Ijmd or a well located house and
ot in Anstin for a first class stock and
grainfahn near the city,
gant Hatsin fuI1 trim at
3 bars 5c Toilet Soap
Canned Corn,
per can
per can
lb can Pears
2 for
Regular 10c Ginger Snaps
ever offered in our
city. Nothing is reserved! Please
give us a call. riease
at one-half
As we are considered the irreat
r^L8aVing8tationofAu8tin, come
and convince yourself.
Barrel of Salt
Crushed Shells,
per hundred
Regular 15c Coffee
New Cabbage,
per lb.
Corn Starch,
per pound.
Picnic Hams
per lb
4 bottles Lemon or Vanilla
7c and
10c and
O See and Corn Crisp
15 lbs Salsoda
lbs bulk Starch
for ...................
8 bars Lenox Soap
8 bars Swift's Pride Soap
if bars Calumet Family Soap
2 lb Dried P( h€8
Good Prunes
Regular 10c Prunes
lbs .... .........
packages Garden Seeds
Onion Seta, while the last
-j toe
.... IIC
Gasoline, &
g»l.......sfk-.r.v I4C
We My highest prices for farm pro
dnes. Eggs 14c batter 22c hides 5c:
wool 14c potatoes eoc.
To save rncmej yon must trade at
... -^5^
People's Store
Sid* Austin, Minn.

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