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If you wish a high-class hair dressing, we are sure Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved for mula, will greatly please you. It keeps the hair soft and smooth, makes ii look rich and luxuriant, prevents splitting at the enCs. And it keeps the scaip free from d.inarurf.. i| Dues /.'•' the color of thj hair. r.ikdL. A ZliO.. it td your doctor |1 fcj. ii~ Ask b:in ariout it JA. Mlgy %J thent ..3f.ahosay. At the s_r..-.- -!2 & re-r Aycr's h'Jr Yi.-PR i:? P. STO-..^ h.-..r ionic, •/"' tlri growth of hair, kc-epii.g all the lirs'.ios or the hair and scalp 11 a healthy ccri:,T" jr stops c'rrs druff disappears. A splendid dressing. •—X v-o by U:c- J. V. Ayer Co., Iot.-o'I, "Iasb. BROWNSDALE L. L. QUIMBY. Editor. JC., M. & St. P. Time Table. Passenger, wost bound .2:41 p. m. & 12 30 a. Passenger, east bound 12:07 and 7:41 p. m. Freights, west bound 4:55 p. m. Freights, oast bound 8:40 a. m, Announcement for Representative. At the earnest request of my friends from various parts of the district, I have decided to become a candidate for Representative for the'evening for a visit with friends. North District, subject to the decis- ion of the electors at th6 Republican .j)akota primanes in Sept. 1908. If nominat-ies ed and elected I will represent the district to the best of my ability. Yours respectfully, W. C. GRIMM. Miss Blanche Knox returned from °n .Su^L Bemidji on Wednesday where she has j^ been teaching school. I Jag and the R. F. ». wnso„ does not jstart out until eight o'clock. Mr. Kneeland, our rural mail de livery man, has been granted a month's vacation beginning on June 1st, and Mrs. K. will drive the Wagon during his absence. The continued riding is not so easy as one might think, Mr. Kneeland will take a trip up north. Mr. Van Bronkhorst of the firm of Lewis & Van Bronkhorst, dentists of Austin, expects to locate at Grand Meadow on August 1st. He will •continue however, to make his reg ular visits to Dexter and Browns dale. L. W. Powers returned to Minne apolis on Friday after a few day's stay here. father rcr a short time last week Bailey, who will remain 'for asiindefinite period. Miss "Mabel Henderson went to address Chas. Stapleton, Brownsdale, Minn." Who is this fellow, anyway? The State Live Stock Breeders as sociation of the first congressional district, held a meeting in Owatonna on Tuesday afternoon. F. O. Tanner of this place was on the program to speak on "The Milking Machine." Under recent orders the poatoffice I »a™hed,t0 the cemetery headed by does not open so early in the morn- School closed Oil Friday with a s®rt of picnic at the school grounds. JUlr. W. A. Wildman and Mrs. Wild man of Cresco, la., left for home on Thursday after a visit at the home of the former's daughter, Mrs, J. H. Thompson. About forty young people gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Merrill on Thursday evening. An enjoyable time was spent by all Miss Edna Sleeper came down from Jon Monday evening. Owatonna on Friday evening, return ing on Sunday. Frank Guillemin, who runs the excellent cafe, candy store and ice cream parlor on main street in. Austin, says he is through with Sun day work and his place will be open only on week days. All law-loving and law-abiding citizens commend his action and will see that he re ceives their patronage. Rev. H. E. Hoare will occupy the Baptist church pulpit again next Sunday. Alf. Lounsbury has been moving the foundation fixed up at his farm where the house recently burned and will rebuild on it size 26x28 as soon as the lumber can be got on the ground. The printer made quite an error last week in stating that Clarence Iorns was nearly struck by lightning at Owatonna. It was Clarence Dahle. Mrs. Tom Hunt of Minneapolis ar rived last week for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Thatcher. Lee Thatcher is a guest at the home of his parents. It rained nearly every day last week. Saturday afternoon late it turned colder and has not rained a drop since. Chris Hanson was in the act of repairing his house Wednesday morn ing when he slipped from the staging and fell to the ground, a distance of about ten feet, dislocating his shoul der bone. An Austin carpenter Wdftt to De troit, Minnesota last week Where he will erect a fine residence for Nels Rasmusson, formerly of this place. GRAND MEADOW. Miss Bessie .Lawrence returned Lester M. Nelson, ot Naples, Maine from Mankato on Friday evening. savs in a recent letter: "I have used Dr Vernon Lambert of Minneapolis New Discovery many.vears, for was a guest at the home of his Mr. and Mrs. I. b. Gillett and Mrs. Lyle onfSaturday for a few days visit with her lister. She returned on Tuesday. J. E. Pilsaen of Austin is reported to have purchased the farm of John Beneke, wfrich was recently traded for a stock goods at Swaledale, The following appears in the Austin Herald: "Position wanted, by young man -without any bad habits. Has been clerk «nd waiter. Best of reference furnished. Telephone THE Testing of Eyes Is not a matter. of,guess work, nor is it a )(&iatter Miss Bloom arrived on Saturday j. j.. Mrs. Fred Axtell came from North to Her dau of the graduates. They return to Dakota on Tuesday. Saturday being a wet, rainy day, the Decoration day services were not 2:30 50 clock, jthe C°n» «and about sc£°?\chl*lre? I the band when the Post services ing several songs, after which the graves of Post and Corp members, who are buried here, were decorated. Nels Severson died at his home in the village on Sunday morning. Just one week ago he attended the mem orial services with the Post. Mr. and Mrs. C. F.' Greening re turned from their trip tO Vicksbtti'g, on Tuesday. A burglar alarm is being pttt in the Exchange State Bank. Mrs. Srayer, mother of Mrs 01# Tanda, died on Saturday evening. James Quinn Will load his house hold goods and farm machinery and ship to North Dakota, where he has a claim near Bowman. Albert Peterson arrived home on Saturday, after the year's teaching near Wells. Rev. Bauman of the M. E. church delivered the baccalaureate sermon on Sunday evening. Special music was prepared for the occasion by the M. E. and Congregational choirs. 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Nolan gave a reception to the Faculty Board of Education and wives and the grad uating class and parents, immediate ly after the commencement exercises Thinks It Saved His Life. coughs and colds anc mv jite T. B. Johnson spent Saturday uq more be without a bottl* than I would be without food." For nearly forty years New Discovery has Owatonna. 1 Dprs. F. H. Bailey of (if&Hd Forks, North Dakota, returned KOitte on Thursday after a few day's visit among relatives here. She was ftc compwtiied home by her aunt, Mf& of trying on pairs of readyumade glasses. It is a science gov erned by principles u"vtfbich none but a person ,vho .^has studied the anatomy of tthe Eye can understands—no guess work in my.methods of testing the Eye. My Work is Guaranteed DR. DAIQNEAU, Eye Specialist. One door east of Transcript. AUSTIN, MINN. 1 think it saved have edy for throat f0Und it a reliable rem and lung no complaints, anc stood at the head of throat and lung remedies. As a preventive of pneu monia, and healer of weak lungs it has qU'a|t goM under guarantee at K. With her u, ()rni ctnro SOo Anil SM 00. O. Wold's drug store Trial bottle free. SAMEAKT, Miss Sertha Schwartz arrived from Algona, Xewa Wednesday evening, for an iti&efiftite stay with her pa- Miss Aim# Meyev went to Hayfleld Tuesday, rettrtMtfg Wednesday. Invitations to the- commencement exercises of the' Harvey, N. D. high school have beets received by many or in Sargeant irom Kathryfi Mary Waldron. Rena Will be remembered as one of the best students we ever had. Robert Johnson of Austin spent Sunday night in town with relatives. Miss Emma Schwartz will- go to Bagley, Minnesota Thursday, to visit her aunt, Mrs. Brown, for several W66lCS Fay Pick lost a valuable horse Thursday. Jacob Heydt and his cousin, Alma Meyer, attended the commencement exercises of the Kasson high school Friday evening. Mrs. Will Heydt and daughters: went to Pleasant Corners Sunday and will remain until Wednesday, when the marriage of her sister, Miss Mattie Wolfile, will take place. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Hunt leave for the cities today. Mrs. F. B. Johnson, Ray and Rose, and Mrs. Kezar and Lyall, went to Owatonna Saturday to visit Vaughn Veta and Myrtle Johnson, who are 'attending school there at the Acad ftTny. I Jacob and Bena Gjernes went to Brainerd Monday to visit their sis 1 ter. Jacob says he must have a fish. I Miss Inger Larson went to Roches ter Monday. The B'st Pills Ever Sold. "After doctoring 15 years for chronic indigestion, and spending over two hun dred dollars, nothing has done me as much eood as Dr. King's New Life Pills. I consider them the best pills ever sold:" writes B. F. Ayscue, of In gleside, N. C. Sold under guarantee at O. Wold's drug store. 25c. !b? "DEXTER." We have at present two barbers. Mr. Ellis is running a shop in the old Dexterite building, and Mr. Townsend of Grand Meadow bought out the shop formerly run by Mr. Stiles in the Weber building. The village schools closed last Fri day after a successful term and the teachers, excepting Mr... Gilmore, went to their homes. The Misses Clark and Lowe are again engaged to teach here next winter. The school picnic will be held in Weber's grove Saturday, June 6 th., the Grand Meadow brass band being en gaged to furnish music for the oc casion. Marguerite Daily has recovered from her attack of scarlet fever and will be released from quarantine this week. The balance of the family es caped the disease. Mildred Medbery has completed her attendance at the Grand Meadow school and on June 3 leaves for Ross, N. D., to assist her brother, Fred, in his law office. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Vermilya of Dover arrived here last Friday for a visit with relatives and on Saturday accompanied Mrs. Rose Vermilya and her children on their trip to Vera-: dale, where she expects to remain most of the summer, for the benefit of Gladys's health. Miss Lillian Sukow attended the Woodman celebration at Spring Val ley this week. While there she visits her sister, Mrs. Oscar Galen. Mrs. Axtell of Dakota visited her sister, Mrs. R. G. Laugen, and fam ily last Friday. She went to Grand Meadow to attend the graduation of her daughter there, June 1st. Leo Fay, who stayed with Grand ma Fay through the winter, left Saturday for his home at Ladyaffilth, Wis. While here he attended school. The base ball boys gave a dance last Wednesday. There was a good attendance, and those present en joyed a very good time. The music was furnished by the Kelly orchestra. Rosenthal Bros, of Austin were attend graduating exercis-I here several days last week on busi- ghter Nona being one ness. aU Laura Hayes came over from Grand Meadow Saturday to spend Sunday with her parents. J. C. Vermilya went to Austin with Gladys last Thursday. Mr. E. Karow left last Wednes day for his home at De Forest, Wis. Mr. W. C. Allen is hauling a large amount of drain tile for use on his farm, southeast of here. Mrs. Churchill of Bruno is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Emery. Mrs. Penny, who visited at the home of her daughter, Mrs, W. E. Baily'«called away Tuesday, May 26thr on account of the serfdtiir illness of a sister. Miss Nellie Hudson was in town Several days last week. The Mower County Farmers' Tele phone company held its annual meet ing in the Woodmen hall June 1st. The annual report shows the com pany to be in good financial condi tion. There was a large attendance at the" meeting. L. t. Qtlimby of Brownsdale was in Dextef June 1st, to attend the telephone^ meeting. Mr. and Mfg. V. E. Styles have moved to their new home in Fargo, N. D. Maynard and Meftofi are twin boys that came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Bafttey May 20. Mrs. Savalia and children are pre paring to leave this week for Hay field, where they will make their fu ture home. A boy came to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Baxter May 17. Leander Medbery has returned from Brown Valley, Minn., after a three weeks' stay at the home of his brother, Dwight. The Ladies' Aid of the Congrega tional church gave a 15c supper at the home of Mrs. Geo. McNeil Thurs day evening. Lloyd Chandler has returned to Rochester after installing the acety lene plant in the residence ofc Dr. Schottler. ADAMS. At a mass meeting of our citizens held last week it was unanimously voted that Adams celebrate the Fourth of July and active committees were appointed to make arrange ments for. same. The Ladies' Aid of the Little Cedar Lutheran church will meet at Lewis Lewison's home June 3. Mrs. A. J. Qualley is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Lampland, in St. Paul. Mrs. Anton King and son, Paul, went to St. Francis, Wis., to visit her daughter, Julia. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Sathre have gone to Crookston and other north ern points to visit friends. Mrs. M. W. Stiles and son visited friends in Le Roy last week. LYLE. The commencement exercises of the Lyle high school were held at the town hall Monday evening. Bank Examiner J. R. Root in spected the First National bank Wednesday. Miss Nettie Belden of Austin came Monday to attend the commencement exercises. She was a gueist of Mrs. A. B. Wilder. .Mrs. P. K. Everson and children will go this month to the Pacific coast to spend a year and if they like remain longer. Mrs. Will Brown and baby of Aus tin visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Peterson, Wednesday. P. A. Johnson, Chris Olson and Knut Dryland returned last week from their Montana trip. They re ported big snow drifts out there. The report of the First National bank of Lyle shows total resources of $228,609.24. A fine showing. Mrs. John Webber went to Albert Lea Wednesday to visit her sister, Miss Mary Lenth. The Sunshine Society met with Mrs. R. J. Gordon Saturday. And siiii were —Write to M. O. Benson, Blooming Prairie, Minn., for mating list and prices, if you want eggs from one of the best pens ot S. C. Rhode Island quite sick with pneumonia, Beds in the state. Embroideries It would be impossible to attempt to tell you of the beauty or work on this lot. We feel positive that there is nothing in this vicinity that will attempt to compart with this lot, close price at $1.00 to $1,25 per yard, this week choice Lot 2—In value from 65c to 95c this sale Lot 3—Values from 35c to 60c, choice Rad Jah Silks In a beautiful collection of brown, black blue, green and navy. Lot 1—Value up to 90c, this QA lot choice 4 wC Lot 2—Similar in color, $1 and $1.25 values, all this .season's goods and colors, choice of this lot ^r Dress Goods We secured about ten pieces of Dress Goods in black, navy blue, light blue, white and cream brown and tan, in Voile, Serge, Brillianteens, Pompien, A fine collection. These goods or sim ilar numbers have been offered on the counters of this town at $1, $1.10 and $1.25, choice.... OC LE ROY. The Southeastern Baptist associa tion convened here on Monday even ing and will close its meeting on Wednesday. There is a fine program with a number of able speakers. I. O. O. F. picnic in Le Roy Wed nesday, June 10,. A large attendance is expected from southern Minnesota and Northern Iowa. The annual picnic of the State Line Old Settlers association will be held at Lime Springs Saturday, June 13. The Le Roy Cadet band will furnish the music. The Ladies' Guild will meet with Mrs. Cogswell Wednesday. A goodly number attended com mencement exercises Friday evening and everything passed off. in fine or der. The large class of eleven, grad uates. five of them being boys, was especially interesting. The music by the orchestra, the duets and solos were all fine and highly appreciated. The honors of the class received foiv best scholarship were won. by Mary Horn, Mona Sprung and Wm. Piilm er, who took their parts very credit ably. The. smile that will not come off is on John Buck's face. It is a boy and came to their home Saturday. Memorial services were held as usual on Saturday, notwithstanding the unaiuspicious weather. Hon. G. W. W. Harden in behalf of the W. R. Corps presented the beautiful new soldiers' monument to the members of the G. A. R. post with very appro priate remarks. C. A. Roy briefly and feelingly responded. A duet was sung by Mrs. and. Miss Bevier during the unveiling which was gracefully per formed by Miss Nannie Blackmar The Le Roy Cadet band discoursed patriotic music throughout the* ser vices. The benediction- was pro nounced by Rev. R. E. Cody. LANSING. Art Hammond spent a few days in North Dakota last week. Miss Mary R. Vaughan spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Blooming Prairie. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Mclntyre went to Owatonna Wednesday attending an alumni banquet in the evening. Thursday morning they went to the Twin Cities to spend the day/ Mrs. John Smith of Owatonna was a guest at the H. M. Mclntyre home Thursday and Friday. Mrs. H. R. Soule spent Thursday in Austin, a guest of Mrs. F. E. Glea son. Mrs. Lizzie S. ^Tompkins went to Austin Thursday to spend a few days with friends. $ Mr. and Mrs. James Blowers of Austin visited her parent#,- Mr.- and Mrs., Ulwelling, Tuesday. Our village school closed Friday with a1" picnic. Miss Emma Wegner leaving Monday for her home in Plato,, Minn., and Miss Margaret Dumphy went to Oakland to visit her sister, who is teaching there. H. S. Hammond, who has been Is re- tf [ported some better aft this writing. R» K. Murphy's 83c 57c 29c fOC A bunch of good things at a price that is what the public wants. R. R. Murphy, Austin Lon Wilder of Lyle called on rela tives here Sunday returning home in the evening, Miss Mary R. Vaughan accompanying him for a few days' visit. Mr. and Mrs. Zick of St. Charles visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Maxfield a few days the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsley from Grand Meadow visited their son here Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Jennings of Grand Meadow visited their sister, Mrs. Earl Lindsley, the last of the week. Miss Myrtle Enney returned from Glenville Friday. Miss Cassie Weber returned home from Racine Saturday. Frank Phillips returned from Min neapolis Saturday, where he has been attending the university. Mrs. Marlcham and children went to Spring Valley to spend a week with her sister, Mrs. Davis. The Ladies' Aid will meet with Mrs. Harcan Lyons Thursday after noon. All are cordially invited to at tend. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. A. V. Bacon Friday afternoon. All invited to come. A. V. Bacon attended the Chris tian Brotherhood meeting Sunday at Austin. Misses Grace Stephenson and Olive Allen of Brownsdale were callers on Mrs. H. S. Mclntyre Sunday. RACINE. June 4 the week following or until these items are closed the follow ing values will be found in visiting this store. Suits This is the week to buy Suits. We secured a fine collection of sample suits We will not attempt to describe them, simply say they are brown, black, Cop enhagen blue, tan, green and fancy weaves, range in value from $12 to $50. $12 Suits $ $15 Suits $20 Suits 14.61 $25 Suits 17*63 $50 Suits.... 32!50 You may find values and you may think you have seen them but just take time to look at the following: Lot! $ 47 Lot 3 2.38 Lot 2 1.19 Lot 4 4'*7 Hosiery We place on sale high grade Hosiery in black with lace and embroidery, also fancy colors, from 15c to $1.50 a pair. 15c to 25c... IIC Austin Frank H. Reed was in Monday on probate business. Rev. C. T. Halloway, missionary, preached at the Baptist church Sun day morning. A number from here went to Le Roy Monday to attend the Baptist association. A. F. Stiles' new block is ready for the brick layers. School closed Friday for summer vacation. Arrangements are being made for Eyota. The annual meeting of the Rose Creek Cemetery association was held at the grounds north of Enterprise school house Monday afternoon. IO All others at similar prices. Millinery 08 7* 25c to 40c.... 19c 50c to 75c.. 47c 75c to $1.... .68c $1.25 to $1.50 98c Carpets and Rugs Give us an opportunity to figure and then buy if you can tnatch it. We hold a batch of floor coverings and fear no one for the values. D., visited at F. H. Pike's Thursday. Miss Lora Spencer of Le Roy came Friday to spend Sunday with Riley Brooks' folks. Amanda Brooks re turned to Le Roy with her Tues day for a visit of a week or two. Mrs. Amy Kelsey, Mrs. Cinda Rockafellow and Mrs. Allan Varco and baby came up from Lyle Friday to visit Mrs. Thos. Varco. Frank Lyon and daughter. Mabel, went to Minneapolis Friday to spend Sunday with friends. Mrs. W. E. Kilgore went to Lyle Monday to visit her children. The Happy Thought club will meet with Mrs. J. Menzie, southwest of Austin, Thursday afternoon of this week. Miss Maggie Conner has returned to Austin after spending a week with her sister, Mrs. M. J. Parmen ter. OAKLAND. A big ditch, eight feet wide at the top is being dug this week south of town from Joseph Bennett's farm across C. Ligntley's and the south end of Bert Lightley's to meet a ditch already dug on the Robt. Guy farm. Joseph Bennett and wife were in Albert Lea Thursday on business. Mrs. W. F. Kearns and children visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Newell in Austin Friday and Saturday. Lucille Mann cut her hand badly with an axe Sunday morning. Mrs. Sam Young, Mrs. Correll and Mrs. Mary Wyant of Austin visited the Royal Neighbors at Oakland Thursday afternoon and also visited friends in this locality. Clarence Hatch came up from Al bert Lea Monday to visit his parents before going to South Dakota to can Ivass for the Wedge nursery. Bert Lightley and family spent Sunday at the Sidney Case home in Loi*dc n- a course of high class entertain- daughter was born to Mrs. En ments in this village for next win- Slehart on Saturday and our genial ter. buttermaker wears a broad smile. A number from here planned to 1 Laura Hatch came from Ausr take in the M. W. A. picnic at Spring Wednesday to spend some, time Valley this week. ia': A new confectionary and cigar who store is being put in the Millett Lightley farm, is here from South store building by J. S. Reeve of «?, VARCO. Sunday. The town of Moscow is doing good bought the Thos. a ^eun matters. IWhat will Mr. Lightley do after Bachelor's Hall is abandoned? Mrs. E. J. Harris was in Austin l&rork oh the roads hereabouts with two new, Edwards graders. Miss Mabel Fedge returned Satur iday from Albert Lea, where she vis- Frank H. Pike and Justin W. Varco.jted her brother, Lewis. were re-elected trustees. Chas.: Mrs. Evan Morgan intends to leave Brownell resigned as superintendent in a of the grounds. During the past year spend the summer with her son, Ben two more tiers of blocks have been ,nett. leveled and the east road has been Andrew Boe is canvassing here for put in shape. School closed Monday afternoon with a picnic in the woods. Miss Alice Meany of Rose Creek has been teacher. Cornelius DeRemer and cousin, Lorenzo DeRemer, of Berrisford, S. few days for Minot, N. D., to the Northfield nursery. —Red Clover, Alsike Clover and Timothy seed for sale. Also seed corn. DECKER BROTHERS.