A Good
Ayer's Hair Vigor, new im-jj
proved formula, is a genuine*
hair-food. It feeds, nourishes,
builds up, strengthens,invi^or-E
ates. The hair grov/s morel
rapidly, keeps soft and smcoth, jj
and all dandruff disappears.
Aid nature a little. Givey our
hair a good hair-food. I
Dots not changc the color of the hair. |R
Formula with etch Motile
Siiow it to your
i(L JeLlLfi&& O Ask him about
a theil d0 as h,saysii
I 11 •••M/llI'TiWr
Ilads by Iho .T.
III! 11
You need not hesitate about using this
new Hair Vi«orfram any fear
ing the color c-f vour" hair. The r.e\v
re fs r.renutt-n--
grsynu-ss, but dees not chun^-s the color
the hair even io the slig!:t?it degree.
t. s.ver
Co., X.v v.-o,!, UasB.
L. L. QUIMBY. Editor.
CM M. & St. P. Time Table.
Announcement for Renresentative.
At the earnest request of my
friends from various parts of the
district, I have decided to become a
candidate for Representative for the
North District, subject to the decis
ion of the electors at the Republican
primaries in Sept. 1908. If nominat
ed and elected I will represent the
district to the best of my ability.
Passenger, west bound .2:41 p. m. & 12 30a.
Passenger, east bound 12:07 and 7:41 p. m. I
'Freights, west bound 4:55 p. m.
Freights, east bo and 8:40 a. m.!
Yours respectfully,
Andrew Brown and son, Hosmer,
came down from Minneapolis on
Mrs. Frank Kook of St. Paul has
been a guest at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. G. Wiesback.
Mrs. N. M. Stone returned to Al
den on Monday, after a few days' vis
it at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. P.
We are sorry to hear that Mr. and
Mrs. IL. D. Shook have decided to
ieave Brownsdale, probably for
good. Next Tuesday they will start
for Webster, S. D.. where they will
remain for an indefinite period. They
expect to go south for the winter,
probably Oklahoma, and may locate
there permanently. On account of
this they will have an auction sale of
all their belongings at the Rockwell
house in the village next Monday at
one o'clock.
Another new disease—locomotor
Mrs. W. H. Lawrence returned
from Mankato on Tuesday of last
W. H. Lawrence went to Mankato
on Thursday. He returned on Fri
day evening and brought back his
daughter, Miss Celecta, who has been
ill there. She is not able to sit up
much yet but seems to be getting
better slowly.
Miss Nettie and Master Earl
Little of Fairmont arrived on Friday
evening for a visit with their grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Soder
Mrs. Fay Lawrence of Fedora. S.
D., was a guest at the Lawrence home
for a day or so last. week. She is also
visiting her parents in Austin and
expects to come over again before re
turning home.
Mies Georgia Gray went to Minne
apolis Wednesday for a visit.
Miss Eleanor McClelland and
William Placek were married in
Mason City. Iowa, on Wednesday,
.Tune 3, 1908. The bride is the
youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Sam McClelland of this place. The
groom is a brakeman on the Mil
waukee and they will make their
home in Austin.
A meeting of the Greenwood ceme
tery association is called at the hotel
for Monday, June 15, 2 p. m. The
meeting is called for the election of
officers and any other business that
may come before the meeting. All
those interested in the burial place
for the dead should be present.
Thad. Thatcher was up from Nora
Springs, Iowa, to spend Sunday with
his parents. He likes Nora Springs
Testing of Eyes
Is not a matter of guess
work, nor is it a matter of
trying on pairs of ready-made
glasses. It is a science gov
erned by principles which
none but a person who has
studied the anatomy of the
Eye can understand—no
guess work in my methods of
testing the Eye.
My Work is Guaranteed
Eye Specialist.
One door east of Transcript.
Mr. and Mrs. Knute Distad and
children went to Hayfield on Satur
Ashur Beltz of Gordonsville ar
rived on Saturday for a few days
visit at the home of his parents.
Mrs. Lamport returned on Wed
nesday from a trip to Chicago, bring
ing Mr. Lamport, who has been quite
ill with rheumatism, back with her.
Sanford and John Ham of Chicago
and Fountain, respectively, were
guests for a day with their sister,
Mrs. Joseph, Blanchard, returning
on Saturday.
Rev. C. D. Belden will occupy the
Baptist church pulpit next Sunday
O. R. York, L. L. Quimby, E. Rock
well, Geo. Merrill, Miss Anna Madi
son, Mrs. O. Hanson and N. N.
Palmeter have been elected delegates
to attend the Central Baptist asso
ciation to convene at Faribault next
week Wednesday, Thursday and Fri
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pick went to
Bruno on Friday for two or three
weeks visit with their daughter.
The latest news is that North
Carolina has gone "dry" by a popu
lar majority of between 40,000 and
50,000. The breweries are thorough
ly aroused and frighted and are
promising all manner of reform.
Since Decatur, 111. went dry the
brewery there has gone into making
pop. How the liquor interests are
feeling the effects of the temperance
wave is shown by the editorial howl
in "Beverages," an official organ:
I "We dislike to acknowledge it, but
we really believe the entire business
has overstayed its opportunity to
protect itself against the onward
march of Prohibition, which is ad
vancing like a prairie fire without
a hand raised to stop its progress.
It is now too late. Might as well
try to keep back the Hudson river
with a whisk broom."
The following drove to Austin on
Sunday afternoon: B. E. Baldwin
and Miss Mable Henderson, George
Merrill. Ernest Rockwell, Misses
Lizzie Tanner and Daisy Persons,
Henry Volkman and Miss Thressa
Nylander. Ask them if it rained.
Mrs. Persons and daughter, Miss
Daisy, who have been visiting at the
Merrill home south of town, expect
to leave this week for a visit at
Minneapolis, after which they will
return to Brownsdale before going
on an extended visit in New York.
If it will not quit raining we will
agree to say nothing about it for a
long while. The man who predicted
a dry season has not been heard from
Miss Ruth Sleeper is on the sick
Dan Wiseman and man of Austin
are plastering the Fries residence.
Rev. H. E. Hoare's two sons, Rus
sell and Vernon, accompanied him
on his trip here.
Mrs. Emiline Hart spent Friday
and Saturday here with relatives.
Mrs. Thos. Varco with Mrs. Allen
Varco spent Sunday at L. B. Hart's.
Bernice Hart is quite sick, being
threatened with pneumonia.
Mrs. Frank Lyons returned Satur
day from a few days' visit in Lyle.
A dance was given at George Gus
ty's on Friday night.
Mrs. Kilgore went on Tuesday to
Wisconsin, to spend several weeks
with relatives.
The ladies of the Baptist church
are renovating and cleaning the
church eaifice.
Ditchers from Brltt, la., have
moved to the Larren's farm and will
construct the ditch southeast.
For Sale.
Houses on Water, Bridge. Railway
St. Paul, Winona streets and Oakland
ave., also town lots and farms near
Austin, and in the northern part of the
state. Call and see me.
Office 223 N.VMain street, westof
A Few of the Stars
Capt. I?. P. Hobson
Dr. S Parkes Cadman
Thos. Brooks Fletcher
Pr. A. E. Whinship
Dr. Thos. E. Green
Dr. Thos. E. Will
Rt. Rev. Mgr. Tihen
32 Musicians
Ohio Mae Quartet
Barnard Family Orchestra
Ruthven McDonald Co
Stelzl Quartet
Sterling Jublee Singers
Royal Hungarian Orchestra
Soloists and ^innumerable combina
tions, vocal and instrumental.
and says Mr. S. W. Clark is doing
well down there.
Matthew Knox, who has been
spending the winter in Tennessee,
arrived in Brownsdale on Wednesday
for a visit with his brother Charles.
He likes Tennessee and will spend
next winter there.
Many from here attended the M.
Wt A. picnic at Spring Valley on
Mrs. Aytel and daughter, Winona,
returned to their home in North Da
kota on Tuesday.
Volney Davis went to Dakota on
Mrs. Roy Colman will entertain
the M. E. Ladies Aid on Wednesday
Mrs. Peyton and Vera went to
Albert Lea to attend commencement
exercises on Tuesday, returning
Wednesday evening. Miss Vera will
attend school there the coming year.
Lynn Martin returned from the
State University and Anna Myhre
from St. Olaf on Friday.
Our teachers have all left for their
homes to spend the summer vacation.
Grace Hudson returned to her
home in Bowman, North Dakota on
Monday, after attending school /here
the past year.
Miss Ethel Wilsie arrived home
Saturday evening from her year's
school work.
Mrs. C. F. Greening left Tuesday
for Winona to attend commencement
of the Normal school, her niece, Miss
Clara Caswell, being one of the grad
Mrs. Andrews of Austin is visiting
her aunt, Mrs. J. P. Cole.
Chas. Nashold is taking his vaca
tion from his mail route and visiting
relatives in Wisconsin.
Prayer meeting at the Congrega
tional church on Thursday evening
at 8 p. m.
Miss Eva Baglev, formerly of this
place, was married at Spokane, Wash,
on May 19.
C. W. Greening graduates from
the night law school of the State
University, this week.
Word has been received of the
marriage of Elliot Freeman, a former
resident of this place, but now of
Ordway, Col.
Alma Peterson returned from her
school work at So. St. Paul on Satur
Dora Moore, who has spent the
past school year with her parents,
has gone to her home in Osakis.
Miss Mary Vaughan of Lansing
and Miss Carrie Zoller of Minneap
olis were guests at the A. B. Wilder
home last week.
The teachers in our village schools
for next year are: high school,
Misses Ruddock seventh and eighth,
Miss Leona Stephens of Winona
fifth and sixth, Miss Erma Wilcox
3rd and 4 th, Miss Ethel Cobb
primary, Miss Alice V. Roots.
Dr. and Mrs. Cobb attended the
meeting of the American Medical
association at Chicago last week.
Miss Viola Blakestad is here from
Texas to spend the summer with
Enid Cobb returned home Wednes
day from Albert Lea. A young lady
friend accompanied her.
Dr. G. W. Vail is attending the
State Dental society meeting in St.
Paul this week.
Mrs. A. M. Wilson visited in St.
Ansgar Wednesday.
R. J. Gordon, Art Rockafellow
and P. A. Johnson are out in Mon
tana looking at land prospects.
The new arrivals are a little
daughter at the home of Jas. Lap
pin, a son at the home of Carl Hall,
a daughter at the home of John Mur
ray and a son at the home of Chas.
Mrs. A. C. Smith and Mrs. Ed.'
Plummer are attending the W. R. C.
department convention at Minneap
olis this week.
Mrs. John Kimball is visiting her
parents at Big Lake.
New cement walks have been put
on the south side of Reade St. by W.
J. Clapper, E. A. Whitcomb and Mrs.
Jane Daily, also on Main street by
H. C. Cotton. This makes Reade streiet
one of the most attractive in the
Interesting children's day exercises
are being prepared both in the Bap
tist and Presbyterian Sabbath
Eev. Colwell, who was visiting Le
Austin Chautauqua
Afernoons With Great Men
The Best—Better Than Before
filled the Presbyterian pulpit Sunday
both morning and evening.
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Prescott of
Postville, la., are visiting at the
home of their son, Ralph, editor of
the Le Roy Independent.
Mrs. F. L. Koy, Robert and Mary
Price -attended commencement exer
cises at Mankato last week, where
each had a sister among the gradu
I Miss Mary Schaefer, aged 23, died
Thursday of acute heart trouble.
Funeral was held at Sacred Heart
church Saturday morning.
The Little Cedar Lutheran Ladies
Aid will hold an ice cream social at
Sabel's hall next Tuesday afternoon.
Commencement exercises of the
Sacred Heart school will be held in
Sabel's hall, Thursday evening, June
The Willing Workers will meet
with Mrs., Katie Smith Thursday,,
Miss* Carie Slindee is home for
summer vacation from St. Cloud,
where she has been teaching in the
public schools.
John Schaefer from Pierz, Minn,
is visiting here. Mr. Schaefer used
to live here years ago.
The Royal Neighbors gave a lawn
ice cream social at the K. L. Niles'
home last Saturday eve. Everybody
had a good old time.
Misses Ella and Lillian Peterson
of Lyle spent Sunday at the E. L.
{Slindee home.
J. H. Krebsbach, P. F. Hanson
and E. P. Gurvin left for North
Dakota points Sunday morning.
The public school closed last Fri
day and the teachers have gone to
their homes as follows: Prof. Skaw
to Mankato, Miss Noelil to Kasson,
Miss Cipra to Austin, and Miss Selle
to Madelia.
Miss Clara Nues has gone to
Chicago to visit her sister for a
couple of weeks.
James Slindee returned from
South Dakota last week. Mr. Slindee
will locate at Pierre, S. D. about
July 1st.
Augustus Rooney transacted busi
ness at the County seat last Satur
Lars Tiegon and daughter left
for Ambrose, N. D. last week.
Mr. and Mrs. James Olson spent
last week at Saude, la.
Mike Scanlon is home for a few
day's visit with his folks.
The tow mill is now entirely en
closed and roofed and the machinery
is being put in place.
The family of W. E. Daily were re
leased from quarantine last Friday,
Marguerite being the only one that
contracted the scarlet fever. Our vil
lage is now again free from conta
gious disease.
Medbery Bros, unloaded a ear of
prison twine this week, which was
ordered by farmers through them.
Miss Dolly Sorben of Grand Mea
dow is staying with her sister, Mrs.
R. G. Laugen, this summer. She ar
rived last week.
Miss Anna Kirkelie arrived last
week for a visit with her sister, Mrs.
W. F. Bartley and family.
Mildred Medbery left last Wednes
day via the C. G. W. Ry., on her trip
to Ross, N. D., to assist her brother,
Fred. Her mother accompanied her as
far as the Twin Cities and returned
to Dexter on Thursday evening. Her
brother meets her at Minot.
Miss Emma Laugen of Rushford
visited with her brother, R. G. Laug
en, June 1st and 2nd.
A large number of people from
Dexter and vicinity went to Spring
Valley on the excursion June 1st.
The majority of them report a good
time while there.
Dexter is planning to celebrate
the Fourth of July. An amount of
money larger than common has been
subscribed for the purpose.
The Mower County Farmers' Tele
phone Co. voted to incorporate at
their annual meeting last week. W.
E. Daily was elected as one of the
directors in place of G. W. King, the
other officers were re-elected.
The families of W. A. Medbery and
R. G. Laugen attended the com
mencement exercises at Grand Mea
dow June 1st.
Rae King graduated from the Aua-
last Friday. Her parents and brother
and Mrs. H. M. Brue attended the
graduation exercises.
Gladys Doyle, who worked for
Grandma Medbery a long time, left
for her home on June 2nd.
Rev. John Guse was in Austin be
tween trains last week Tuesday.
Albert Christgau returned from
Valparaiso, Ind., where he attended
the Valparaiso University through
the winter, on June 1st. A cousin of
his from Oak Creek, Wis., came with
him for a visit with relatives in this
Mrs. Patrick McGreevy of Eveleth,
Minn., and her baby arrived here on
June 2nd to spend the summer with
her mother, Mrs. Rahilly, and other
relatives in this vicinity. She was ac
companied by her brother, John, who
had been in Minneapolis to attend
the ceremonies of the corner stone
laying of the Pro-Cathedral at that
city May 31.
Nels Lee is unloading a carload of
drain tile for use in draining a part
of his east quarter section of land.
Nels is one of the progressive farmers
of this vicinity.
Dr. Schottler of this place and his
brother, John, of Windom town, left
Saturday evening for Rockfield. Wis.,
called there by the serious illness of
their mother.
George A. Buck arrived Saturday
from Rochester and is visiting at the
home of his brother, W\ A.
H. Savalia and sister of Hayfield
spent Sunday here.
Lillian Sarben of Grand Meadow
is spending the summer at the home
I of her sister, Mrs. Laugen.
Mr. and Mrs. I. P. Chase are visit
ins: relatives in Wisconsin.
Mrs. John Schurmann will give a
15 cent supper at, the ladies' hall on
Thursday evening, June 11th.
Mrs. A. J. and Adolph Salzgeber
spent Tuesday in Spring Valley.
Messrs. B. L. Stimson, Will Bell,
Walter Rector and Misses Ada and
Minnie Carll attended the Woodman
picnic at Spring Valley Tuesday.
Mrs. Tompkins returned from her
visit with friends in Austin Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Mclntyre and
Mrs. H. S. Mclntyre went to Owaton
na Friday, to attend the recital of
oratory at Pillsbury Academy, their
I daughter, Hattie, being on the pro
Mr. and Mrs. Dawes and children
from Wisconsin visited Mr. and Mrs.
B. F. Carll the last of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ricketts and
children and Mrs. J. F. Beatty of
Blooming Prairie spent Saturday
with S. H. Vaughan's family.
We are glad to note that Mr. H.
S. Hammond has recovered from his
recent illness.
Mrs. Jas. Hanson and daughter,
Ruth, went to Minneapolis Thursday
to attend the Adventist camp meet
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chaffee of Aus
tin spent Friday and Saturday here.
Miss Jessie Lane of Dexter was a
guest of Mrs. H., Lyons Saturday.
Miss Margaret Duhphy was a vil
lage caller Monday.
Miss Ellen Perkins of mnneapolis
A Few Entertainers
Illustrated Lectures
Maj. Cole-
if. H.
-Pueblo Indians
Alton Packard
Band of Ten Cliff Dwellers
Pueblo Home
Qoss' Moving Pictures
Miss BarUll -Pianist
Opie Read—Hum rist
And Others.
Curious Ceremonials
Pottery ani Weaving
Redpath System Indian Camp
Roomy Seatings, Easy Chairs, Cool
ness. Comfort, Attentive Service,
Of Business Men 1.50
At the Gate 2.00
Single Admission 25c to 50c
Will Hanson, who works in the
C. M. & St. P. department store in
Milwaukee, came Saturday to spend
Sunday at home.
Phillip Reinaftz is building a new
Chris Hanson received anew cream
separator Friday.
The base ball game between
Nevada and Red Star Sunday turned
out in favor of Nevada. You can't
beat 'em.
Albert Haffner and Dan Sargent
went to Montana last week to work
on the Great Northern as brakemen.
Mrs. C. H. Hanson went to Red
Wing Thursday to attend her
mother's funeral.
Emil Anderson, buttermaker of
the Nevada creamery, is agent for
the De Laval, Sharpless and Empire
separators and sold quite a few ma
chines last week.
Crops look pretty good around
here after so much rain except corn,
which is rotted out in some places.
A. H. Stuvetro went to Austiit
Saturday night to stay with his son
Halvor, who is in St. Olaf hospital.
Herman Krahn and family of
Toeterville drove through here Satur
day and visited at Boeff's on their
way to Dexter to visit Mrs. Krahn's
sister, Mrs. Fred Boeff.
No Need of Suffering from Rheuma~
It is a mistake to allow rheumatism
to become chronic, as the pain can al
ways be relieved, and iu most cases a
cure effected by applying Chamberlain's
Pain Balm. The relief from pain
which it affords is alone worthy many
times its cost It makts sleep and rest
possible Even in cases of long stand
ing this liniment should be used on ac
count of the relief which )t affords. Do
Dot be discouraged until you have giv
en it a trial. Many sufferers have been
surprised and delighted with its pain
relieving qualities. 25 and 50 cent
sizes for sale by all druggists.
G. H. Boliou was in Austin on
business Friday.
E. J. Markham has shipped several
cars of grain this week.
Quite a number from here attended
the graduation exercises at Austin
last week. Miss Pearl Nichols from
here being one of the graduating
Master Clarance Hanson of Austin
spent Friday and Saturday with his
sisters here, visiting the school,
school picnic, etc.
The band gave an open air con
cert last Saturday evening and did
fine under the circumstances, the
wind however, was too strong for the
torches, which made it necessary to
play by guess about half the time.
Ihere should be a band stand built
for the boys.
A. T. Kezar returned from Clay
County last week, reports everything
looking well there.
came Saturday for a few days visit, week, from there to Evanston, 111,
F. W. Schlutz attended th6
meeting at Chicago last
Mrs. A. Weber. !the home of his wife's people, where
Miss Myrtle Enney went to Pratt :Mr. schlutz has been visiting for
to visit her sister, Mrs. Hart, Mon-1 several weeks, returning to Waltham
mi. I Saturday morning, accompanied by
The O. A. K. society have postpon-jjjjg famiiy and mother-in-law, Mrs.
ed their meeting for two weeks. iHandke
Mrs. Markham and children re- Chas Faber and Ferd Condo made
turned from Spring Valley Friday ja
Mrs. O. LaBar was pieasantiy I Chas. Gondo, W. E. Lewis and
surprised Saturday afternoon by a
company of her lady friends the oc- Minneapolis Saturday.
casion being her birthday. A bounti-
supper was
ShJ,C,h £"Td+id
served, to
Haills Mclntyre favored the com
pany with several readings and Miss
Hattie with music.
Lansing is proud of its new cement
sidewalk across the Soules property.
Let the good work go on.
Mrs.~ Earl* Waye and little son
Austin and Mrs. Roy Bowers and
baby of Aberdeen, S. D., spent Tues
day with Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Roe.
Miss Florence Pierce came up from
Austin Monday to visit relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Wells attend
ed church service at Austin Sunday.
Miss Myrtle Enney went to Owa
tonna Monday to attend the wedding
of a Mend.,
trip to Lyle Monday.
JRal Lewig made business trip to
Mrs A Dodge,
and Mrs. A c.
Austin Tuesday.
Mrs. E. F. Hunt
whitaker visited at
A Grand Family Medicine.
It gives me pleasure to speak a good
jword for Electric Bitters," writes Mr.
pankConlan of No. 436 Houston St.,
istin and Mrs. Rov Bowers and ^ew ork Its a grand family medi
cine for dyspepsia and liver complica
tions while for lame back and weak
kidneys it cannot be too higbly recom
mended." Electric Bitters regulate thefef
digestive functions,, purify the blood,
and impart renewed vigor and vitality
to the weak and debilitated of both.
sexes. Sold under guarantee at K. O.'
Wold's drug store. 60c.