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Free Trip To Austin, Railroad Fare will be paid for a purchase of $25.00 or over up to 100 Miles. Days CLOTHING DEPT. The Clothing Department of the New York Brokerage Co. is entire ly complete for the spring and sum mer, having bought very heavy of the very best merchandise for the spring and summer trade. As you all know, the season has been back ward and the cold weather has net been moving very much of the summer goods, therefore we are overloaded and overstocked from the basement to the roof with these high grade goods. The time is now at hand when this merchandise must be disposed of regardless of wholesale cost. If you .don't need a suit for the coming year, it will pay you to buy during the big money raising sale. Mens Blue Serge Suits This assortment comprises a line of blue serge suits in spring and summer weights which cannot be duplicated for anywhere near the regular selling price. All high class tailored suits, well lined throughout, and cut in the latest fashions for 1912. We absolute ly guarantee these suits to be equal to any and far superior to a great many serge suits sold in Austin for more than our regular selling price of $12 'but for this great money making sale we are going to offer you your choice of the lot at the ex- dJC OR tremely low price. ^wbOw Mens All Wool Suits. In this lot we show a-variety of blue serges, brown and gray wor steds and cashmeres in the seas on's latest patterns. This lot of suits is absolutely guaranteed perfect fitting and all new spring styles in full-peg and half-peg pants. These suits were bought for our regular spring and sum Bear in mind that no Sale was ever put on like this In Austin. Remember the date Wednesday, May 29 at 9 a. m. Austin and vicinity for years to come. Remember this sale is only for the 15 days and no longer. Highest Prices for Farmers Produce will be Paid during this Big Sale. To Austin Send Vicinity. The Doors of the New York Brokerage Company's Store, the old Hub stand, Austin, riinn will txiid dale wc $9.85 iVien's Hand Tailored Suits In this lot you will find a magnifi- cent line of fancy worsteds, cash meres and blue serges. We bank our reputation on these suits. They are the suits for the partic ular dressers, all strictly hand tailored, all wool serge and al paca lined, hand-padded shoul ders, hair cloth fronts, guaran anteed to hold up and keep their shape for years. All these suits are equal to any $25.00 to 30.00 suit and even at the regular sell ing price, are most excellent val ues, but for the 15 days they will be marked at the exceedingly low price of only $12.85 One big lot of men's suits, one to three of a kind, $ 10 value during this big money rais- QC ing sale they go at. yViOv Everything in the clothing line is marked down accordingly as above stated. One big lot of boys suits worth up to $5, as long as "I 7C they last 9 I O Young mens suits will be sold at 54 actual value flens Slip-ons We have purchased for the spring and summer, mens slip-ons in very beet quality up 4 Ag to $5, they go,at... I ivv All the high grade' Slip-ons you can buy for 1-2 of actual value. -•=. by the undersigned to adjust of many things which we do not want to mention. $15,000 Must Be Raised By June 15th, The entire Mammoth Stock is now in the hands of J. C. ODDEN to adjust and arrange and mark down every article in the store for about One-Half the regular price and manv article „,ni cents on a Dollar. It will not be considered how much merchandise wi!l be disposed of during this is cinity to buy Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes. Gent's Furnishings and Groceries at the Greatest Sacrifice prices ever known and ever will be known i/w^w6 l°H explain to you all and we couldn't explain to you the great values which will be given during this 15 days Money Raising Sale until you come to the store 1 convinced that never before have you seen High Grade Merchandise sqld for these ridiculous low prices. No matter how far vou live from here onHh if take a day off and attend this big Money Raising Sale IF YOU VALUE MONEY. This is the greatest chance for everybody to invest a few dollar^nH friends and your neighbors about the sale, they will highly appreciate it after they buy a bill of goods during this big money raising sale. This mer business and are the same as we will continue to carry in the future. Every one is well worth the price of $12, but to raise money during this sale we are going to offer them at if it will even have tc be sold $60,000 worU, of Merchandise for $.5,000, for this sum of Money must be rais^d.51 Sale Starts Wednesday, May 29, and Continues to June 15th. Be on hand at the opening of this sale. You will see many wonderful things you never saw before at any sale. You will wonder you will be snrnri^H Merchandise is so sacrificed, but this is forced to be done as the above amount of money must be raised or greater loss incurred later This is No man or woman can afford to miss this sale as it means money to you. Remember the day, time of the opening Wednesday Hav and continues til!June 15. 1912. Dcn't be mislead, follow the crowd' to the HUB OLD STAND. This is not a common ordinary sale'with h,,t elf' cents reduction. This is a sale that we must raise $15,000 in 15 days. Our loss is your gain. New York Brokerage J. C. ODDEN In Charge of the Entire Stock and Sale. Overcoats of any description. If you desire to invest a few dollars, you can bTbout Yz actual value 75c Knee Pants 36c Men's Trousers. $5.00 Trousers $2.95 4.00 Trousers 195 3.00 Trousers 145 1.50 and 2.00 Trousers 95c Gent's Furnishings. One big lot of Men's fine Dress OO** Shirts worth'up to Si, choice fayQ as long as they last. This lot consists of odds and ends from one to three of a kind. Good Work Shirts at Extra Heavy Work Shirts 36c Good Denim Overalls for Men 33c Men's Suspenders go as low as 2c and up Porosknit Underwear, every AA place 50c and 75c for only... OwC Setsnug Urioii Suits, reg. 1.50 value 95c $1 Union suits. 41c HATS. We have the finest and most up-to-date hats in the. city and they will be sold at about V2 of regular retail price. $3.50 and $4 Hats $1.95 Up to 3.00 Hats $1.45 A big line of hats many of them worth up to 2.50 for 95c A big line of Neckties worth 25c at 7Vfc All fine Neckties go at about.. y2 Price 50c Leather Gloves 19c 15c Men's Collars 9C 10c Cotton Flannel Gloves 6c 15c black or fancy Socks 6c Extra heavy Rockford Socks 10d 29c val. Men's White Handkerchiefs 2^c Red Handkerchiefs 2^c Blue Handkerchiefs 2V2C White bordered Handkerchiefs 2^c Up to 15c and 20c Handkerchiefs.. 6c All kinds of Fixtures for sale. Crockery 5C Tinware .... ic 6c Dav« Hnnot Bring The Bill With you. 25c Credit will be given to $5.00 Purchases or over. peop!.ef This is the greatest chance for the Lad Dry Goods for about I value. Every yard of $1 Goods goat.. 4^ Every yard of 1.50 Goods at.... .. .' 7^ Every yard of 75 Goods at. 35c All Lawn and Dimities will go at about One-Half of what you will have to pay elsewhere. Every yard of Lace Trimmings and Emb. Price 5c Skirt Binding 5c Brush Binding lc Ladies Handkerchiefs. ir pms Hook & Eyes per card ic Pearl Buttons, per card ic Best Calicoes 10 yards for Best Ginghams, 10 yards for Muslin, "*0 yards for __ 15c Ladies Hoisery 7C Everything in Dry Goods and Ladies Furn ishings you can save from 40 to 50 per cent Shoe Department. Buy your shoes now, you can never buy them again for such prices. The best Work shoe worth up fo $3 for $1.76 Men's Elk Hide Shoes $1.39 Fine Dress Shoes for Ladies £0 or Men value up to $6 We can save you 40 to 50 per cent on Oxfords. Our entire Big Shoe Department will be made a sacrifice. It will pay you to buy a half a dozen pairs at a time at the prices we are going to sell them at in the next 15 days. $3.50 pair of Shoes and Oxfords will be plac ed on sale at almost give away prices many of them worth 3.50 Another big lot goes at 39c Grocery Prices. 18 lbs of best granulated sugar for... $1.00 Best patent flour worth 1.75 at.... 1*29 10c Soda Crackers f.'i/or 10 cent Jello 6y2c Everything in the Grocery'Department will have prices cut accordingly. Days Hp HacpH 1012. ij *is wny such a as 20 hl£h grade of of Austin UP and y°U are,,lt: w'lU m°re vi- Pa^6S S0G W6 couldn,t y°urself and you will be Pa^ y°u to Tel1 your remembered by the people of Dry Goods Department. lies to buy 5c 70c 39c 39c 39c OwC 30 Experienced Sales People wanted. Apply at once to Manager. 10 Cash Girls Wanted, 10 Cash Boys wanted