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Image provided by: Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN
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U: rjctfv' 4- Wash Goods. We secured a bunch of good things and they are good and the price is down to pov erty now. LOT i—About 3,000 yards of fine Lawns in plain or fancy colorings from 28 to 30 in. wide, these are not the common cheap 24 or 25 in. Lawns, they are worth an I 2 or *LOT 2—Now we are not going to be small, so take off all fractions and cut deep. We said in the opening something good, well it is the limit. High Grade Dimities, Tis sues, Voiles, Welts and worth 20c to 30c per yard, the most of this collection is a 2Sc value, but we are going to give you something good and say your choice per yd LOT 3—We doubt if there is a prettier or more dainty lot of Wash Goods in Austin at 75c per yd. Sheer and beautiful, plain, fancy or striped and checks, from .this magnificent assortment you take your pick at per yd Silks. We place on sale the most remarkable col lection of high grade Silks ever offered in Austin. Retnember whew we say Austin we mean something. We challenge any one to show a city where Dry Goods are purchased as cheaply as here. The best judges in the country recognize this and certain contract goods is objected to being handled here be cause of our continued hammering on prices. LOT 1—Silks from 20 to 27 in., ^TPJ1 plain or fancy, per yd jj) LOT 2—Silks from 27 to 36 in., tiy and match these at $1.00 to $1.35. You may find it easy, no one else can, so we simply say, black, plain, color or fancy at per yd Great Values. One lot Ladies and Gents Ties and Collars, fancy silk, wash tics, lace or laundered, you will find them worth from 15c to 50c and your pick for.. Dress Goods. We open the entire stock of the fittest col lection of high grade Dress Goods for ffiis occasion at a Discount of per yd. 5c 12c 24c for 78c UUS 1U1 tlilS 20% Do not miss this Great Opportunity, prices than ever before at 'f Toil De NordGinghams—A choice collection of fine patterns. This is a high grade of Gingham and sold in many 4 towns at 1 5c yd. this sale yd .. Percales—One lot 28 in. Percale in a as sortment of colors, light or dark, blue, gray, red or fancy at per yard less than a common 24 in. Calico, better 3F* goods, wider in widths only per yd Table Linen. The finest collection of high grade Linen in Austin from 25c a yard to $2.00 per yard, Napkins to match, all at a Discount of i«U Do not Miss the Embroidery Values. Curtain Goods and Drapery by the yard. A very .extensive line, from a ioc value to $1.00 per yd. at a Discount Hosiery. Ladies', Misses', Children's and Men's, all sizes and colors. LOT 1—Hosiery worth ioc for QQ LOT 2—Hosiery worth 25c 4 A LOT 3—Hosiery worth 50c for wOC Underwear. LOT 1—Ladies' and Children's per garment LOT 2—Ladies' and Children's\ and Men's Separate or Union Suits, long or short sleeves, echru or white, 4% ft per garment LOT 3—The greatest assortment ever put on a counter, all classes, all styles, assort ed colors, a very choice lot at per garment Other lines and prices a similar Discounts. Sanitol Liquid Antiseptic for teeth and mouth, 25c size.. .. Sanitol Talcum Powder, 25c size, Ask to See the Embroidery Values. Austin, Will Be on to Close The Month of May and Open The flonth of June 1912, at Having received some flattering patronage during the month we are going to make a divide that will be profitable to you and increase our closingdaysof May, this event. We have about a ten days supply of these phenomenal values. We cordially invite you all to come and inspect them, classify and compare them with anything you ever bought. Do not spend your money with us unless you feel you are making money faster here than you ever made it before. Our aim has always been to give better values each year and we never feel disappointed if you look and do not buy. We do not ask you to buy un less you can do as well or better than elsewhere, It is your money you're spending not ours and you have the right to spend it where you please, not where it pleases us. BUT COME AND SEE WHAT YOU CAN SAVE. OY CO/o Frostella for the Toilet 25c size LOT 1 for .. LOT 3—Choice for 19C 4 wC 19c 19c May 30, 1912, Opens Colgate's Violet Toilet Water 50c size Espeys Cream for rough skin and chapped lips, 25c size Mennen's Talcum Powder for Merricks Thread or Coats, 6 Spools for Remnants of Cotton Crash, lengths from 2 to 15 yards in a piece Per yd gjQ Wicker Suit Cases, high grade cases, $1.25 values Hand Bags -Choice LOT 2 for .. -Choice High Grade Standard Wilton Rugs 36x72 in. size $8.50 for 27x54 in. size $6.50 for 8-3x10-6 in size 37.50 for 9x12 m. size 45.00 for 39c 19c 19c 11c 25c 98c 67c $1.87 $2.98 Rugs and Carpets. 27x54 Velvet Rugs each Fiber Rugs Size 6x9 each $4.87 Size 7-6x9 each $5 98 Size 8-3x10-6 each $8.37 Size 9x12 each $9-87 VELVET RUGS. Examine some of these values. Here is a value .seldom owned by any dealer at the price. & 4 O"? 9x11 feet for 5b Ub 75c $6.38 $4.87 $32.50 $35.00 O Its going to be a Value Record, large assortments and lower Held in AXMINISTER RUGS high grade values, choice patterns, size 8-3x10-6 $22. 50 values for $16.50 9x12 $25.00 values for $18.75 Lace Curtains. Some of the most remarkable values in Lace Curtains ever shown each 29c. Do not miss our Embroidery Values, especially some 45 inch Pfouncings. SHADE CURTAINS, Guaranteed Rol ers, others ask more, we guarantee the rol ers and ask only 25c. Read y=To= Wear. Here is where you save big money. We ha^e been in a position this season to ac cept any snaps offered by the manufac turers. COATS. A choice collection of shades, Ladies', Misses, Children's and Babies. This lot is well ar ranged in styles, a large range of colore, Wash or Wool and Silk coats, wurth from 82 50 to 830.00 and you pick from this collection i'or the ridicul ous low price of 98c and up accordingly. One lot of Ladies Coats and Jackets in Cotton or Wool, light or dark colors, some very high grade goods in this lot, they are in values "up to $22.50, vve put them all in one lot at per garment $2.87 PRICE SUITS. To close quick any Suit in STOCK HALF PfcUCK. DRESSES. Odd lot Ladies Silk Dresses, light or dark colors. This is a snap. The cloth can be cut into other garments and big money saved at the price even if you do not get a fit. The material could not be bought for double this price. These $20.00 to $30.00 Garments choice $4.87. Sample Line of Ladies WASH DRESSES slight ly soiled, light or dark colore, a pretty good assort ment of sizes at ONE-HALF less regular price. WASH WAISTS in odd lots to close from 10c each to 98c for values of from 50c to S3.00. WOOL SKIRT Samples. To close what re marks of the big sample Skirts that were worth up to $15.00. We make one grand choice at the ri diculous price of $2.98. MUSLIN UNDER GARMENTS. A grand collection of Gounds, long or short sleeves, slipover or button fronts, lace or embroidery trimmed, size from 14^ to 19, this lot choice 98 cents. Skirts, Slips, Corset Covers and Drawers at corre sponding prices in quantities to select from. MILLINERY. 3 Dozen Hand Made Hats trimmed with flowers and ribbon, nifty in style, perfect in workmanship, and as high grade materia! as you could And in a $5.00 Hat, this sale choice each $2.48. 2 Dozen Hand Made High Grade Hats trimmed with the late design of small fine flowers, laces draped in the new nifty soft drape, many of them especially suited for the middle aged lady, they are usually offered from $7.50 to 10.00 in one lot $4.87. BABY BONNETS from 10 cents to $3 00, all at corresponding discounts. 4- up