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Jesus. Angels Sing. 1 CHRISTMAS EXERCISES At the Presbyterian Church Sun day evening, an original cantata by Prof. Warren Tolles, "The Coming of the King" was rendered in three parts as follows: I—Advent. I. Recit., Baritone—And Thou Bethlehem. Chorus,—Hark a Thrilling 2. Voice is Sounding. Recit. Alto—The Angel Gab riel. Solo tenor—Hail Thou Art 3- Highly Favored. Chorus—The Earth Is My Pos session. II—The Vigil of fhe Shepherds. 5. Chorus of Women—Then Wei*e the Shepherds. 6. Full Chorus—And Lo the An gel of the Lord. 7. Tenor Solo—Fear Not Ye. 8. Choi us—O Come All Ye Faith ful: III—The Adoration. 9. "Recit. Baritone—Now When 4- 10. Male Chorus—Where Is He? II. Recit. Baritone—And So the Star. 12. Choral—As With Gladness. 13. Alto and Chorus—-O Little Town of Bethlehem: 14. Final® Chows—Christian Awake. Blessing and Honor Amen. At the Presbyterian church a Can tata "Shadows of Santa Claus" was given by the Sunday School children under the direction of Mrs. Geo. A. Hormel. At the conclusion Santa Claus and his well filled pack mkde his appearance. At the Congregational church the folowing Christmas, Program was erven by the ^Sunday school. last evening. 1. Processional—Hark the Herald 2. Christmas Story—Told by Mr. Knopf. Congregational singing hymns to W or 3- 4. 6. 8. 10. 11. O Little Town of Bethlehem. Recitation—Far away in 0fd Judea, Adelaide Banfield. Recitation—"Changing the Sub ject," Chas. Pooler. "A. Christmas Lullaby"—Sung by Primary Dept. A Christmas /A» "ii 1 Recitation—"Ring the Bells" iby -six little .girlg. \.,r, rLecitation-^'N'i 6 re: Christmas," Lucile Sasse. Solo—"Birthday of a King-" Ora Robertson. Recitation-r-Majrine Pooler. Singing—"Bells of Heaven," by 6 girls. ,r- 1 is?. Recitations-Marion ^leis^y. 13. Recitation—rMorfis I)aigneau." 14. Recitation—'Christmas Snow ball," Phillip $feric. -. il. Santa Claus and helpers appear. 9- The following program was given Monday evening by the Baptist. Song, "O'er Judea's Hills"—By the School. Invocation—Rev. Riley. Recitation, "Xmas Greeting"— Wallace Benton. Recitation, "A Xmas Carol"— Elsie Rockwell. Instrumental Music—An gel in Webber. Recitation, "Our Gifts"—Mrs. Gibbons' Class. Reading, "The Xmas Dinner"— Zella Chamberlain. Song, "Long Ago on Xmas"— Primary Classes. Recitation, "Grandmother's Gifts" —Bessie Dibble. Recitation, "A Xmas Secret"— Glen Copeland. Instrumental Music—Mary Craig. Song, "Luther's Cradle Hymn"— Miss Martin's Class. Recitation, "Beautiful Song of the Angels"—Mrs. Ward's Class. Recitation, "Gifts for the King"— Gilbert Waterman. Recitation, "Xmas Signs"—Mar ph:d, Miller. Song—Miss Snyder's Class. Recitation, "Merry Xmas"—Paul Elward. Primary Exercise—Miss Marsh's Class. Closing Song, "Joy to the World." Distribution of the boxes. Benediction. At the Methodist church last even ine there was a Santa Claus and the following program: Song by School "Sweet Christmas Bells. Recitation: A Question, Bessie Thompson. Exercise by five children: "Six Lit tle Stockings." Solo:Beautiful Bethlehem Star, Irene Craig. Recitation: Grandma's Mistake, Lillian Spckness. "A Wish" and "What I Do," Mar gie Urbatch, Everett Sandburg. Solo and Chorus-: Tiding# of Joy, Recitation: A Christmis. Eve Thought, Helen Reynolds, Floy Arm strong. Recitation: Hilda's Christmas, Naomi Rice. S6ng and Drill: Holly Branches Waving" High, by six girls. [Recitation:. TWQ Pictures, Mdna Nutty. '.-v. ^Exercise: £n Happy Christmas Night, fouf girls. tSong^by School: _The Star of the King, {©lipped by Grandma's Christ mas 'Drearii.1" Recita tiaft: Regt¥(fing Santa £laps.Rbdney Fairbanks. ."..Sol^ "Misg Etta Robinson. *_ Song: The' Christmas 'Soldier by five' boys.' Son** -by school: $|n the Light of the Christmas Star. 5 Good-Night, by four girls. Santa Claus. March by sc iJSonft Greetit NiGHT GOWNS—75c Gowri /J. 'it ifl At 1die .Norwegian ^Lutheran church last evening the following program jyas 4 »ir V- Sine. Scripture Reading and Prayer, Rev. J. A. E. Naess. Song: Christmas Lullaby, Etta Peterson. Christmas Eve Pilgrimage in six scenes. Star Drill, by seven cirls. Following program by the primary class: Luther's Cradle Hymn, Reci tation, Roswell Schaller, Recitation, Emanuel Naess, Jr. Song, Esther Mickelson. Recitation, Mildred Nockelby. Recitation, Grace Brown, Christmas Lullaby. Song by school, Comfort Ye My People, Mrs. Naess and chorus. All Sorts of Children, by foiy chil dren. Duet and Chorus, Emma Mickel son, Agnes Hegge., Song by school. Offertory. Closing song.' Tree and Distribution of Gifts. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Mrs, Susie Willmarthet ai to Charles Schwartz wj£ ee£ and sw% section 33, also part of sek nw# lying south of Great Western right of way, LeJEloy, #10,600. Wm. F. Keete to Catherine Y. Chris tie lot 15, block 4, Parker & Brown's addition to Austin, S3200. Martin T. Gunderson to Geo. W. Alderion lot 8, block 12, West Park ad dition to Austin, $3000. Geo. W. Alderson to Martin T. Gun derson lot 3, block 24, Yates & Lewis addition to Austin, $2400. James E. Lovejoy to Catherine Zen der lot 5, block 25, Davidson's addition to Austin, 13450.,. F. M, Peirsoh to Bridget Miller lot 1, bloek 12, Grand Meadow TlUftge $50. Edward.Cotter to John Fitzthum lots 5 and 6, block 12, W oodlawn Park addition to Austin, 19,000. Frank Cipra to H. B. Kendall, lot 6, block 16, Austin original, $2600. Sayrer V. Moen to John G. Voogd section 13,Dexter, $12,000. Era Irene Benner to Mrs. Belle Pickens lot 40, Dexter Tillage, $450, Chas. M. Cleveland to C. A Medberjry s^se^ section 25, Bacine, $t etck^ff»& Otto Fitzthum to Lucv CJapretz west 120 feet Jot 7, block 4 Yates & Lewis addition to Austin, $025. Mike KrebsbaCh to Arthur Krebs bach n^ se% and south 60 acres of ne# section 30, Lodi, $7500. Lewis Hattlestad to L. S. Hattlestad on 1 4 $ 1 Nancy COWden to Edward Barr l0t 5, block 9, Morgan's addition to Austin «»". ... ..-iv, ^Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting of the Stockr folders of the (First After Xmas ONE LOT Ladies, Misses. Juniors, Children's, and Infants Goats, Suits, Dresses, Waists, Remnants and many other things to numerous too mention. ENTIRE STOCK OF FURS AT DISCOUNT. 'i BLANKETS—Entire Stock, Cotton and Wool at Discount. KNIT GOODS—i Lot Off Lot Off UNDERWEAR—i Lot Odds aud Ends Price 25 Fleeced Ladies Vests and Pants, regular size Extra Large Size National Bank pf 4tk8tin, Minn.,, will, be held banking house on Tuesday,- January 14th, 1913, at 4 o'clock p. m., ffor the election of six directors^ fQr the ensuing year' and for the transaction of any Other business that -may come l}efore said meeting. •i "'ij' WOOD—CARLE. In Albert Lea, Tuesday, Dec. 24, 1912, Roy H. Wood and Miss Emma Mae Carle of Londpn were married. They have gone to Fairmount, N. D. to sperid a week with relatives. The groom is a son of Mrs. Homer Wood and a grandson of H. H. Hubbard and is a most worthy young man. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tt- H. Carle and a granddugh ter of Carl Rosenthal of this city. She completed her education in the Lyle village school and at the S. M. Normal and for the. past year has been successful teacher in' Mower county. Mr. and Mrs. Wood will have charge for the coming year,of the James H. Goslee farm in London township and will be at home to friends there after Jan. 20. We join in best wishes. ADAMS—LYON. The marriage of Miss Mary Anna Lyon, the daughter of Mrs. Anna A. Lyon, to Chester Roy Adams of Aus tin was solemnized Saturday at high noon at the family residence, 715 Uni versity avenue SE, Minneapolis. On ly relatives witnessed the ceremony, which was read by Rev. Dr. Stanley B. Roberts. President Cyrus North rop made the closing prayer. The appointments were simple and there were no attendants. The bride's .gown was. of white crepe de chine, and her bouquet was of bride roses.' Following the wedding breakfast. Mr. and Mrs. Adams left for a short wedding trip. They will make their home, in Austin foT the present, and will be at home after Feb. 1. The bride attended the university and is a member of .Pi Beta Bhi sorority, and she was in the office of the registrar at he university for several years. Mr. Adams is well known in Min neapolis, being a graduate of the Uni versity of Minnesota. He is a mem ber of. the Acacia fraternity. He graduated from the Ui of M. in 1909 and has done post graduate work since.v He has made a special study of sociological -and financial/subjedt's. He is at present manager1 of the W. H. Adams Mercantile company of Austin. 1 We join in congratulation^.' 1 1 Peerless bolter Milfs.^4 Retail prices for Holiday trade. Peerless Flour, ^er sack $L30i White Rose Flour, per sack Standard PatentP... 1. Bran, per J00lbs. •.:. Middlings, perKX)lbs...: TTon loads of eaqh.. 18.00J Ground Feed, pet 100,1b® U.10 Ton loads'^ .1 ..... ,f.20.00 All mill 8tuflE manufactured by us guaranteed andif not satisfactory after fair trjia h^aSe^back.aBdinoney refunded. ^, «-rr Yours for A Merry Christmas .and Happy New Year. ^EX^,PAMPB»^ tj$ MMi smM r- ,*'1 4 19 cents. 32 cents. 69 cents. STATE GRANGE ANNUAL MEETING. The forty-third annual meeting of the Minnesota State Grange was held in Masonic Temple, Minneapolis, Dec. 17 and 18 with a good repre sentation from the various subor dinate granges of the state. There was. much interest manifest. Eleven delegates from Mower county were present. The business of the annual meeting was- important and occupied the entire time. The spirit of co operation among the farmers is cer tainly growing and this is expressing itself in the grange revival. There is to be closer co-operation in handling and marketing farm pro ducts as well as in raising them and special interest is being taken in the matter of better social conditions in the rural communities with better schools, better homes and better neighborhood feeling. We are pleased to report that the new master of the state'grange was selected from Mower county. Mr. Rice has been very active in local work and is a successful breeder and farmer. The following officers were elected and installed for the State Grange for the ensuing two years: Master, Chas. L. Rice, Austin, En terprise Grange Overseer, C. S. Reinhard, Medford Lecturer, Geo. H. R. Brush, Owatonna Steward, A. H. Hassel, Harris Asst. Steward, J. W. Stoos, Faribault Chaplain, Ho mer G. Hickok, Owatonna Treas urer E. May Gillespie, Minneapolis Secretary, L. L. Hockett, Austin, Concord Grange Gate Keeper, J. A. Swenson, Harris Ceres, Mrs. A. C. Ruland, Rose Creek, Centennial Grange Pomona, Mrs. J. E. Cart wright, Stacey Flora, Mrs. Ada M. Beach/ Minneapolis Lady Asst. Steward* Miss Helen Newhall, Clinton Falls. 1 Members of executive committee for two years, W. D. Ames, Lyle and A. S. Hammergren, Harris for one year George R. Biaird, Minneapolis. -F LYLE. Hans Hanson, aged about 62 years a former resident. of Lyle township, died Dec. 18 at St: Helena, Cal. He has been gone from here about 12 yeairs. He leaves a wife, four sons and two daughters. Dr. Cobb, Geo. M. Anderson and .1^ ,E. Myhre took lots of premiums at the recent pbtiltry show at Albert Lea. The Lyle Poultry show will be held the week of Jan. 20 to 25, with Henry ^HeSs of Winona ais judge. Public- installation of officers of Knights of Pythias' wil be held Castle hall Tuesday evening, Jan. 7. Nfext number on the entertaniment tourge Dec. 27 by Alva' .Morten ReitzeL l,-, Mrs.' A. B. Wilder and'Miss~Anna Wiliams were Austin yisito'rs. .Wed nesday. The first, meeting- in the,new Lu theran-church was held Sunday, pec. is. 1 •'s. 4 DID THE WORK HERSELF Beryl—Y os. Ml*. Qrviile Sly la sol*1' ed the servant problem imxotdtafctly after her m§rrlag«. Sibyl—Qradous! HowT Beryl—She fould out her huabaat was only making $20 a week! Famous Stage Beauties look with horror on Skin Eruptions, Blotches, Sores or Pi tuples. They don't have then, nor will any one, who uses Buckleh's Arnica Salve. It glorifies the face. Eczema or Salt Rheum vanish be fore it. It cures sore lips, chapped hands, chilblains heals burns, cuts and bruises. Unequalled for piles. Only 25 cents at K. O. Wold's drug store. —Advertisement. Too Good to Lose. Jack—"Now that your engagement Is brotken, are Vou going to, make Blanche send back your letters?" Harry—"You bet I am. I worked ..hard thinking out' thOBe letters they're worth using again." HIGH CASH 7—POR- Hides, Furs, .'»* ,tAlmii Lodge installed^ officers Fr[ d?y ievenihg.^ '1 Christmas exercises'' were Tield at the Amission church Monday evening. Thos. Austirison attended 'tile big |joviltcy show in Chi^ag^' last week. PRICES xi risks Mink $8.00 Bed Fox 88.00.'aBrafcie fl? Wolf $5.OQr, Raccoon 84,00 Black Skunk |5.00 JSTarrow Stripe StcnnK,C3.00 Weasle $1.25: Muskrat ]*Jo- La^ge Winter.^c The^bove pricefrape1' for large,.and pciiqae, n^edlumt, apaall aiid Oreep andlGredi Saited Cow itidfe&Ji 1 toU% %]fl -*-?^-ceat8 per pouad.O. Horse Hides lJ0 laTge^i^S medfdm ahd^maU ^proportion 'W 5hiptoU5. Quick Trappers' Supplietf aft IqiW^it pridbs Price List and Catattog fRJE R. N. W. HIDE 4 FUR Cp. jjlnafiitmHi