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Image provided by: Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN
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Uj/ 7 Ik i-:. f?T5 Purchases Entire stock at & On Itfftoal and Rural Routes shall amount to One Dollar ($1.00) or over but not less than one dollar. In 1st Zone of 50 miles shall amount to Two Dollars ($2.00) or over but not less than two dollars. Children's and Infants Coats Ladies and Misses This Seasons Cloth Coats, Suits, Dresses, Skirts, I Discount. on the following: $3.50 Chiffon Waists $1.75 $3.98 Chiffon Waists $1.99 $8.50 Tyrolean Jackets $4.25 $9.75 Tyrolean Jackets $4,88 50c White Leggin 25c GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVER SARY. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Weisel cele brated their Golden Wedding anni versary Tuesday, Dec. 24. The home on East Water street was beautiful ly decorated with cut flowers, the poinsetta, the Christmas flower being prominent. Dinner was served at six o'clock. Besides the family there were also present a few ^vited guests who were present at the silver wed ding anniversary^ the children who are at home for the occasion Sire Mrs. Veta De Witt of Chicago, Mrs. Aug. King of Superior and Miss Ella Weisel of Hibbing. Elizabeth Forcy and Jacob Weisel were married December 24, 1862, at Cambria, Wis. They came 19 _Austin. in March 18^5 arid their home" "Bas since been here. On their Golden wedding day, they received many beautiful gifts, among them many wm & Off Juniors Coats Entire stock at One Lot Off A-p-p Waists at 72, UIT Furs. Furs. Furs. .. 54 Off All Children's Fur Sets at Entire Stock of Ladies Furs at a Big Dimensions r\ rrt flowers sent by friends, a purse of gold from their children and a beau tiful gold-headed umbrella, the latter a gift for Mr. Weisel from the direct ors of the Building & Loan associa tion, with which Mr. Weisel has been associated since jts organization. OUR CITY ACCOUNTS AUDIT ED. The report of Edwin J.- Bishop, Public Accountant and Auditor of St. Paul made of the, various depart ments of the city of Austin is filed and is the most complete in. detail ever presented to the common coun cil. Mr. Bishop has recommended a new system of bookkeeping, espec ially. fpr the City Recorder's office aria tKe boolcs" ana report* Blanks are now being made. He says the city, government is properly conducted and all departments are carried -on in Providing purchase can be pack ed and wrapped so that dimens ions will come within Parcel Post regulation, as follows: length and girth shall not exceed 72 inches. One lot of Ladies Vests and Patits, sold for $1.00, $1.25 A-P-P and $1 50 at....... V* a Our 50c fleeced pants and vests in pure white and cream, white in at 25c Heavy Fleeced Goods per yd VZj4c 25c Curtaining 12^c 98c White Curtaining... 49c 50c Dress Goods 25c 15c Fleece Flannel... 7j£c $1.25 Dress Goods, yd 62^c $1.00 Dress Goods» yd.. 50c 39c Bath Robing..... 19#c 18c Serpentine Crepe,yd 9c a business like manner. The report shows that the bonded indebtedness compared to other cities is low, and the rates of water and light rentals are very reasonable. OAKLAND. The young people of the Presby terian church will give a weiner^ so ciable at the church Friday evening, Jan. 3, a good program has been pre pared. All are cordially, invited. The Baptist Ladies' Aid will irieet this week Thursday, Jan. 2nd at the church. All members are requested to be present as annual election of officers. Dinner will be served, everybody cordially invited. The Sunday school will meet next Sunday" ir° titer Presbyterian ehweh* Union preaching, service. The Freeman's will entertain a few relatives New Year's Day. 0*.^ If We deliver tjour uxcliases oivthe CONDITIONS. This applies to all Local and all Rural Routes, also First Zohe of 50 miles. Weight shall not exceed LADIES UNDERWEAR. 71 One lot Ladies white fleeced pants and vests in regular and vests also a tew Union Suits sizes at sold for 65c, 75c, $1.25 and $1.75 Off Extra large sizes regular and extra large sizes at.... j. 1 Small lot of Children's odds afl(j efl(jg MOST DELIGHTFUL WEATHER The month of December, 1912, will go into the annals of history as one of the finest ever enjoyed in south ern Minnesota. It has been sunny and still, with the mercury goijng tre, low zero only a few times and the temperature ringing from six to thirty above most of the time. The nround is white today with snow but not enough- for sleighing* Automo biles are Out in numbers and the country ro^ds are smooth and fine as a rule. Christmas day was ideal arid was especially favorable/for4reunions and visits. Cattle have ranged ov,fer the fields all the month and the fuel bills have been kept down in a re markable way. With the new year, colder weather is promised but #e •aw akeady-beginninft ]to look f$t ward to spring, vve nity tTibse"who have gone away this year to avoid the climate. They have left the best behind. Eleven Pounds 39c Ladies 25c cream white fleeeed pants 19c 22c J£ Off 35c Half Wool and Cotton Shaker Flannel for Child ren's ^Underwear and Nighties, per yd.... YJ%c 50c Eiderdown, yd 25c $1-50 Ready made Flounc ing for Petticoats, yd. 75c 98c Ready-made Flouncing for Petticoats, yd.... 49c 10c Skirt Braid.... 5c Responsibility Blankets CHRISTMAS GUESTS GOING AND COMING. Rev. W. L. Riley and family with relatives in Minneapolis./ There was a family reunion at thte Thos. Dugan. home all the children being present for the first time in several years. Mrs, Aurelia Bennett of Minneapo lis with her mother Mrs. Dodge and sister, Mrs. Elihu B. Smith. Miss Flo Earl with friends at Gar ner, Iowa. Miss Lela Brady at her home near Northwood. Mrs. Frank Hagan spent Christmas with her parents Mr. and Mrs, Emery Link in Spring Valley. Mr. andMrs. Chas^For with1 rela tives in LaCroese. .?y Mr. and Mrs 'At. & Smith witlther Sarento. Mr. and Mrs. S. a Lobdill in pring Valley. ^••••••5 c- \vr\ 5r ..^ ,.. 7Jl5f•(A We positively will not assume responsibility of non-delivery of packages. -8 SiX* _• .-•! :A.Y A •«•'. t-'.fn••"-}. /r-j vrrj .J-'. Customers can have same: insured by paying the ten cents (10c) required by postal regula tion, which insures packages valued up to $50.00. Knit Goods Children's knit sweaters, all colors, sets, fascinators at ... *............... Blanket Special $2-00 Cotton Blankets, extra size and weight $1.25 Cotton Blankets extra size $1.00 Cotton Blankets special Cotnon jV.-r_' •'.: vT u-i jo..-': \M\t. 1" 1 1 -i:: 10 glr $1.69 $1.09 89c 49c and 39c Extra Stock of Wool Blankets at a Discount. Fancy Ribbon, Sweaters, Knit Shawls, Rompers, Remnants, Ivory Novelties Pins, Neckwear, S^ool-hold ers, Traveling Cases, Lace Collars. Bath riatts Pink at Off. N 5c Calicoes, 10 yards for 39 cents# Conductor George Campbell an&4fcm iiy of St. Paul spent last week at the Joe Schwan home. Roy JBanmgartner, cattle' "buye^'for^!"' the Hormel Packing coqjpany With his ***"1 parents at Spring Valley. Mr: and Mrs. Geo. SI Buroham, 'iih and Mrs, H. W. Hu^lbut and O: Dornberg and two daughters at the C. Bralnerd home in Bloomlng Prairie A family reunion was held[ at Seymour Johnson home. 'v T, H. Bennett spent Christaias wit a re Mrs. G. L. Gibbons and daughter Lois at the A.JJi.JHankiDs'homein Mason City, »t Fred lUnk j. C. C. (Scipperi ot iMijm air T. Crippen of Crlppen home in Austin. C. H. Davidson of with his mother and sister*