OCR Interpretation

Mower County transcript. [volume] (Lansing, Minn.) 1868-1915, July 15, 1914, Image 5

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85025431/1914-07-15/ed-1/seq-5/

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Calicoes cent
Standard good remnants of American
or Simpson prints Hj ft
under 3 yds .. I
Brown Muslin^
1^0 in. wide now compare it with
to 11 cent values and only tjy
20 yds to a customer at.. W
Crashes 7% cents
Best Belfast Crash 17-in. bleacjied
2 to 10 yd pieces ,(
Calicoes 3^. cents
p.'/:-. ••/•'-I ''1 ..
Calicoes over 3 yds long, best^quaii
ties Merrimacks or 1
^-Simpsons, yd^l,..
Challies 3^ cents
.JiTou never had an opportunity to eq
&. ual this Challis tor
comfort, per yd
Crepes 6^ cents
§V2 'cents for beautiful Dress Crepe
the 15c quality, you have looked for
-these goods and so have CI/ g%
we at more money, yd/ P/2U
16$ cent Crepe of the finer quality,
,the 25 cent grade,. 4 fif g*.
Il' well its awful, only.: I D/2U
its near Fall and you will find
a great many items of interest. .'
Here is some Duckling Fleece you
it pay 12^ to'15 cents according to
^Itere you buy and you have to buy
it every season, save
money, per yd only% 0/2v
Satteen flassette
one of the most remarkable val
ues in the purchase and QL^Lf*
only per yd........ /2b
Voiles 16^ cents
Fancy Voiles, well everything good
on," this occasion seems to have in
teresting prices, it would seem so
when we.say 25,centf|Ifil/n
if Voiles -for i. .~i 1 073»
Poplins 16% cents
Fancy Poplins, this is another remark
able value at 35c a 4 Ct\/ ft
yard, and we say.. I
This is a value seldom equalled at less
than 15c.- This oc
casion we say only..
There is little doubt but this is value
when we say light or
dark,~per yd.
This is one of the marked collections
its seldom equalled
at per yd............
Teasel Down
Outing A. C. A.' Outings white or
fancy, you pay 12
we say.... •....•.
36 in. Outings of the better goods
usually 15c, for this
occasion, while they last
Silkolines in plain or fancy. This is
nearing quilting: time and you can
not afford to pay 12^ or
15c when we sell them at
.Bleached Crash at
per yd,
1 case assorted White Goods, Dimities
Lawns, Voiles, Crepe, Nainsook,
India Linen, Long Cloths
Vat per yd ^.
1 case of higher quality English Bat-
iste French Voil & Organdies, flake
Voiles in a collection well, worth 5o
(i cents a yard for every
yard, we say only
White Goods
If you miss this sale you can blame yourself. Its our 20th Semiannual
Ticking the 25c quality A. C. C. or
Fancies for feathers look these up
they are real value
at 25c. we say
Fine mercerised
at per yd
Fine all linen 64 in, cloths
while they last, yd.
Best quality $1 70-in. bleached on the
market, these are all perfect from
1^ yds to 3% yds in a piece,
get busy its once in a lifetime for
tune raps, this is one
rap, get busy at
space'intelligently. But here is a fine
the best" values ever offered, and more good goods than ever before. The opportunity is open. Come and com
You will profit if you do at
$1 00 Goods for— 67 cents
R.ea.dy=T o=W ea.:
Let 1 Ladies dresses House or wrap^
OOK mesc up
Linen s^nd Mercerized T&ble Coverings
That Lot of Job Towels going at 26 cents. See them.
Men's Di
[ess Shirts
The E and W Brand, the liljck, buy
and $1.-25 values at each........
Fancy Ribbons
MEN'S WORK SHIRTS—See what y'ou can buy foj^|.....
OVERALLS—Childrens and Youths-See what yon[troy-for.
If we say good garments at 5 cents that is low
Well we say just as good as the 5 cents garments for frCent
Just as good as the 15 cents garments for 5 cents
Another Gigantic Purchase. 100 pieces of Fancy Ribbons wort from
50c to 75c per yard in one lot,
choice per lot
16 Ounce Bottles, Best Quality fo|......... —..
Handkerchiefs BARGAINS Handkerchiefs
Dozen swell Handkerchiefs, worth from 35c to $tX) $teb.f»3^rhi8 is certainly a value. Only One Dozen
to a customer and out they go at per handkerchief 26
Lot 2 in Handkerchiefs, worth 10c to 25c each, while choice 5 Ceats
See these beautiful Tablecloths round
or square patterns
at per pattern
Well somStitogs in this wor'd seems not to have any value when
^you compftre it with money, for wear they are just as good as
ever. Underwear se&n to fall our way.
cominu, the values are not aB'past on this big sheet. 500 items cannot be put on
35c Union Suit for..... 19 ctents $1.00 Union Suit for.... oejrt"
50c Union Suit for......... .. 33 cents,. .J* .91.25 Union Suit for.... .... 84 cents
Just ask to see the Ladies Silk Union Suits, they are genuine. They put the so called Italian out of business.
MEN'S GAUZE and POROS miT Garments, can you beat them.
25d Goods for 15 cents 351.25 Goods for §4 cents
50c Goods for........ 33 cents P$1.50 Goods for
$2.00 Gobds for
RPH Y'S. 20th Senii-Aimual Loom-End Sale
10 Doi. ail linen fast edge
Y* doz.
10 Doz. all linen, full 4 OQ
size fast edge, doz.. I
25 Dozen extra high grade worth $3.50
a dozen
15 Dozen of the best $4.50 napkins on
the market, we challenge all for the
price-and say, each
only per doz
i£c an iwi tut
11 cents
35 Cents
24 Cents
Just as good as the 25c for
Just as good as the 50e for
14 Gents
35 Cents
A chance to neither go naiked or poorly
a in bur experience nothing has appeared to even
shadow these priceB.
per, all sizes, all colors
in one lot, choice......
Lot 2—Well just see these* white Or
colors, beat them at $5 if you can
childrens or ladies
See the waists going and
they area dream at ...
Lot 3—They cannot be
matched at
Lot 4—Well this is where one dollar
looks like $5.00 when we say dress
woi\h 10 00 to$25.00 QO
your pick for I ivO
Lot 1—Dress or top coats, any size
Linen, Mercerized
or Worsted, choice.
Lot 2—We would not attempt to des
cribe these
Suits of Ratine in Silk, Wool or Cot
ton, black or white or fancy colors
sizes from 34 to 42, Serge Suits,
Waffle Suits, Taffeta Suits. All
this special collection of beauties
you could buy with your eyes closed
and make money d* A QO
your pick, each.. y"l vO
This is a long*story but we have not told you of half ffil^bod thiidg^ Silks,
Dress Goods, Hosiery. Basement has not even had an item and here alone
are many of the best Tumbler and Jelley glasses at 1 cent each. ?And many
others accordingly.
Silk Brocaded Ratine, 20 colors to select from, well worth $1.25 your
pick per yard
3 7
Some Phenomenal Shoe
That opens the eye. No old stock. ThiR seasons
pride the latest style and best of quality 100 pairs womens and girls Patent ColtP, Gun 'Metal, Tan,
Dull Kid and white shoes, all new up-to-date lasts
the broad low heel modles and the new
higher heel, as Kidney»,Louisej Cuban and Spaniflh
all values up to $3.CO for $1.98 All values up to
$4.50 for $2.98 Nothing ^reserved at these priceB
Under Muslin a
Lot 1—Consist* of Lace or Emt. trim
med Corset covers or
Drawers your pick
Lot 2-Corset covers, drawers Gounds
Lace trimmed or Eimb.
trimmed..,... ........
Lot 3—Just'see this collect
ion for '•••».
Lot 4—
choice -.
Childrens Dresses
Lot 2 S5e
Lot 3 ....$1.19
Lot 4 $L87
Colored Mercerized underskirts choice
See the collection of Hats
worth up to $5.00, choice
This an exceptional opportunity as it means a say
ing of at least to off. Misses Shoes in strap
pumps iu
pattnt and gun metal calf values up to
$2.50 for $1.49. Boys shoes in gun metal and Lace
including the Hoy Scout shoe $1.85 Youths shoes
also Boy Scout shoes atx $1.49. Any shoe or strap
pump for children size
Rugs ^^1.00
Jap Matting Rugs, each ^45c
Lace Curtains-4 grand values
Lot 1—Choice........ 29c e^ch
Lot 2—Choice 69c each
Lot 3—Cboice^VV... .^-."^Ii75 each
Lot 4—Choiee $2.98 each
to 8 reduced ta 98 cents.

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