Newspaper Page Text
fBm CITY DZREOTORT. ItED W1NCJ E S EPISCOPAL. CHBIST CHUBCII—At the Church, junction of East nnd Went Avenue with Broad street. Ser vices »t 10V£ A. M. and o,clock P. M.— Sunday School directly after morning service. Daily morning prayer at o'clock. All seats free. Rev. £. R. Wolloa, Pastor. PRRSBYTERIAX. FIBST PBBSBTTKRIAN—on Sixth street, (near the Court House). Servhes at 10U A. M., and P. M. Rev, J. W. Hancock, Pastor. METHODIST. MBTHODIST EMSCOPAI.—corner of East Ave aue and Fourth street. Services of the Sab-Bltak •ath at 10W A. M.. and 1)i P. M. Sunday ficnool at 3 P. M. Prayer meeting Thursday ovening at S}4 o'clock. Uev. Jubez Brooks, rastor—residence on East Avenue. GKRMAM MKTUODIST—corner of Broadway A -fourth street. Services at 10% A. M., and 7 M. Rev. Henry Kolbe, Pastor. LUTHERAN. SWKDK LVTIIKHAN ClIl'HCII—On Fifth Street. "Services at 10% A. M., uud 7 P. M. Prcnciiing "•very Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. Uev. Boron, Pastor. E WING POST O I E HOURS OP DELIVERY OP MAILS. On Sunday*, from 9 to 10 A. M. On week 4«y», from 7 A. M. to 8 P. M. OHS OP ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE, AND TIME OP OLUSINO HAILS. Red Wing to La Crosse, Wisconsin—T caves jrfaily, (now.) at 3){ o'clock P. M. Arrives six times a week at 3 o'clock A. M. The great Eastern and Southern mafia are carried on this .rente. Mail closes at 2 P. M. Red Wing and St. Paul.—Leaves daily on the -arrival of the Eastern staves ut -i}4 o'clock A. /Mails close at 9 o'clock the previouseven- Ked in to Caituvn FalUs and La Sour, Leaves Monday, Wednesday and Friday, ac 8 o'clock A. M. Arrives Tuesday, Thursday antf Saturday. Mails closes at S clock the provi ous evening. Red Winjf to Owatonna and Blue Farth City —Leaves Monday and Thursday at 7 o'clock A 'M. Arrives Wednesday and Saturday at fi o'clock P. M. Mail closes at 8 o'clock the pre vi nous evening. Red Wing to St. Nicholas.—Leaves Monday and Thursday at 3 o'clock A. M. Arrives Wednesday and Saturday at 5 o'clock P. M.— Mail closes at S o'clock the previous evening. Red Wing to Winona.—Leaves Wednesday Saturday and at 6 o'clock A.M. Arrives Thurs a and Monday at 5 P. M. This rouce sup plies all way offices on the river. Mail closes at 8 o'clock the previous evening. Red Wing to 8t. Puul. Leaves Wednesday at 8 o'clock A. M. ArrivesTuesday atfi o'clock P.M. This route supplies way offices. Mail closes at 8 o'clock the previous evening. In prepaying foreign letters, hy affixing stamps, be careful to ascertain the correct amount of postage before mailing. J35T"A»y thing less than the full amount of postage *sount* nothing, nnd is lost to the sen ler. 11. C. HOFFMAN, Post Master. Jfcd Wing, January IS, 1359. Fi A Me The regular meetings of the UeJ Wing lodge No. 3, of F. A. Masons, will be held on the 1st And 3d Mondav of each month, at Masonic Hall, in Day's Block. W. W. PHELPS, W. M. E. L. BAKJCII. Sec. i. iii Red Wi.ig Lodge No. IS. of the above named order hold their regular meetings every Tues day evening, at 6)-* o'clock, tit the Hail for .iiu-riy known its the Democratic Club Room. A. MEAC11AM, W. C. T. JONK SMITH, W. S. VASA SOCIETY. Organized .Ian. 14th, I8IV, niest* rcgtilnrly ••very Tuesday and Friday evening, at the old -*Cou:».:ll room, in Phllloo's* Ldo.k. JOIIX MlLANDER. President. CIIAS. IvKRl*, .Secretary. COMMERCIAL. RED WISH PRICK CVllllES'V. •treated wockljr. by Mclnttro 1- 31ial4«a. wholesale au retail Merchant*. RET All. PRICES. FLOUR—:? 00f34 t»* per WHEAT—Fair 7®7S per bu*h. OATS—20/985 cents per busk. •TIMOTHY SEED—2 25rtD2 »0 per bush. •CLOVER SEED—7 0V2)7 .V per bush. TURNUP SEED—71030 per lb. TOBACCO SEEIi—50 cents lwr oz. .flEANS—7S|»l 2ft per bush. "flUTTER-HV312}£ cents per ft. EOGS—8/5U0 cents per doz. 8UGAR—N.O.. primes cts rotinod 11®12 •crushed and powdered 15. SYRUP—N. O.,50cents N. Y., syrup 75 coats golden syrup 90 cents. TEAS—40(950, 65®75®l 00 bluek 65(31 00 per lb.. COFFEE—Rio 15 Java 20 cents per ft. GINGKK—14»1S cents per ft. PEPPER—18O-20 cents per ft. ALLSPICE—l«O20 oonts per ft. CINNAMON—5o®«0 -ents per ft. RICE—7(5)9 cents per ft. STARCH—U012W cents per ft. 8 \LERATUS—Babbit 10 cents 80DA—10 cents per ft. CANDLES-Tallow 16# Starr 25 Sperm itffteents per ft. per lb. SOAP-Palm and Family 7(33010 Erasivc 107312 cents per ft. TOHACCO-Plug SOrtJ.i Fine Cut 40(930 Smoking 10(al3(2)20 conts per lb. SHOT—9(310 cents per ft. POWDER—Blading, per keg, $5 00 Rille 45)350 cents per ft PORK—Mess per bbl. 1 »,i: per lb. 10 cents POTATOES— 0(325 couts per bush. WOOD—2 (inpcrcord. •CRACKERS—Butter ti cents Boston and da 10 cents per ft. HAMS—Canvassed 11(313 cents per ft. SHOULDERS -8 cents per ft. BEEF STEAK—8ft 10 cents per ft. VINEGAR—20®25 cents per gall. .•SALT—Coarse 2 25- Dairy 4 50 per Wbl .FLUID-80O1 00 per gall. TURPENTINE—1 00/31 20 per gall. OIL—Linseed 1 25 winter strained whale ,-dlurd 1 25 per gall. 'WHITE LEAD-2 00(32 25. SHEETING—3(310(311(312 per yard. •UNBLEACHED SHIRTING-11/312)^ cents vard. iHICKORY STRIPE—12)^315 cts per yard. D&NIMS—13015cents periyard. 'PRINTS—8(310Ol-2^f3l5 cents per yard. TWEEDS—25(340 cents per yard. CHECKS—14(320 cents per.vard. GINGHAMS—12^(325 cents per yard. CHALLIE DELAINE- -20/325 5ents per yard HOOPS—15 cents per sett. CARPET—40050(373(31 0B.per yard. •OIL CARPET—«5 cents-pet-vard. BOOTS—Mens' Thick 2 £003 50 do. Calf 00(35 00 do. Brogaius, tthick, 50©1 63(3but TO per pair. A E O OSTANCES, #aon JUd Wing, to .the /Mowing placet Hay Creek Bend, Elmira, Poplar Grove, Pino Island,.*.* Mantorvillc,-... Maieppa, .Oronoco, Rochester, S LOOKINlG 10 Wastedo, 221 Bur Oak Springs,• 26 35 20 2 7 .. 89 Roscee, Concord, Wasioja, Ashland Oakglen, Geneva Albert Lea Austin Troy City, Hader..-.. Kenyon Elwood, Owatonna, Wilton, Blue Earth City, Ctannont, 19 15 16 20 2e 10 18 21 90 Belle Creek, Buchanan, Brandt's, Spencer, Willow Creek," Cannon Falls,.-• Prairie Creek,••• Cannon City,--- Faribault, Lewiston, Northfleld. Spring Creek,.. .25 .32 3« •43 -52 •40 •44 •30 8 3 7 •22 •42 3 6 12 14 17 1A 791 Cannon Bridge» •68| Hastings, 12 iSt. Paul, 1!| Trenton,Wis. •82lWacoota, 44' Westcrv It, 44 Florenc 64: Central oint, 102iLakaClty, 421 Read's Landing,- SO GLASS A E S of all sizes, at 17ly KEU.OOG D#UO STOBB. THE SENTINEL. RED WI1NG, FEBRUAKY 8, 1860. S E N I N E O O I E TO TIIK DU9INIS9 MKN 4 9 a I S O N Examine OUT M»t of St. Valentine's Day. TO THE BUSINESS MBN E W Eiae aur LUto PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PRI INQt THE SENTINEL JOB OFFICE Uth, moit •xuaiira in Uoodhue county, and is uiuur M1 bjnnysimilnrinititationin Minnesota, outsideof St. Pa WZ AttE PREPARED TO PRINT InTitatiou. Visiting Cards. Wedding Tiokots. Law IU•aks. Bill Hands. BUIs of Exchange Notes. Blllsof Lading. Programmes. Orafts. Rceeiptl. Show lliUs. any sire, Oitculars. Oalalognes. Posters. Checks. PamphleU. Way BUIs. 4e. HTOrdersthankmllyrcccivod, and prompt ly executed. LITTLKPIELD & MAQINNIS. £3?"CORRESPONDENCE, containing important news, is solicited from all parts of the State.— Parties, if unacquainted, will send references, unless th»y are themselves well known. POSTMASTERS, everywhere, are onr authorized Agents. No paper mailed till the subscription pircc is remitted. Elf" Advertisements to insuie an insertion, must bo handed in bofore So'clock on Tuesday morning. E. A. E I E Local Editor. O E O N Chnng«. Our subscribers will notice that our pub lication day has been changed from Satur day to Wednesday. They will hereafter expect their paper on that day. The Dance At riiilleo Hall next Friday erening prom ises to be a very fine affair, and we hope it will be well patronized by the lovers of dancing. The bill is only 75 cents, and Francisco plars the fiddle. E. P. Lowater has some splendid valen- tines at his bookstore. If any of our friends wish to make a beautiful present, they will find at Lowater's an ample assortment from which to select. Runaway. We learn that a horse belonging to Dr. Iloyt, ran away last Thursday morning, and smashed up a cutter and "spilt" out the occupants, who were considerably bruised from turning innumerable sommersaults on the ice. Partial Eclipse Of the moon took place on the evening of the 6th inst., and was plainly visible to (he naked eye, throughout all parts of the United States. The eclipse was on the north side of the moon, and the shadow ob- scured about four-fifths of its diameter. The Stearns Mill. Mr. A. Jackson Bell, of Minneapolis, has purchased the Stearns mill, on Spring Creek, in this county, and is preparing to thor oughly overhaul and repair it, design'ng to make it the best merchant and grist-mill in the State. It i.i located in a most beautiful spot, and Mr. Bell is intending to develop all its advantages to the utmost. Narrow Esca ?!1. Mr. Geo. Smith, of our city, while view ing the stern post of the steamer Galena, on Monday last, slipped, and fell in. He struck on a cake of ice, which stunned him, so that he could not call for help. He caught hold of the ice, but his hands slipped off. and he would surely hare been drowned, had not a gentleman hastened to bis rescue, and seized hold of his shoulder, just when the current was about to draw him under the ice. •Sreiiin Navigation of Cannon Uivcr. A proposition has been made by respon sible parties to navigate the Cannon River as far as Cannon Falls, by steam, provided an exclusive right of way shall be secured tor fifteen years. This project is one that is found to be, en examination, extremely fea sible, and it behooves our citizens to take hold of the matter and encourago the un dertaking. Nothing is asked that costs anything to give, but rather every giyer of the right of way is practically a gainer in the enhanced value of his property. With this line of communication into the the county, Red Wing becomes the cnfripyf of the produce of the interior, as far back as Owatonna and Faribault, and absolutely commands the trade of the Cannon River Valley. It becomes every one to take hold of the entcrprize in generous good earnest Messrs. Sherman Hall, Eli Ellsworth, and Scofield 8c Tanner, of Cannon Falls, have set the ball in motion, and it must not stop intil the object is attained. [Communicatee A Fishing Adventure or, a Day's 'Sport' as Viewed by one of the 'Uuitinted.' A friend of ours, and a would-be disciple of ISAAC WALTON, sends us the following account of a fishing spree," in which he figured as principal actor: MB. EDITOB:—YOU have doubtless known men to accomplish the fatiguing journey from New York to Maine, to angle in the clear limpid brooks of that State, and oth ers who weie foolhardy enough to make a voyage to Nova Scotia to catch a cod," it is doubtful whether they enjoyed rarer sport," or eudured more hardships, than a certain "green" fisherman of our own little city, who had occasion to try his luck" in spearing, a few days sinee. Those who have never been initiated into the mysteries of fishing through a hole in the ice, may derive some benefit from the the following rules in regard to the manner in which they should proceed First, in order to collect the necessary tackle," you must run from the big "barn" at the foot of Main street, to the brewery asking every professional gentleman whom you meet if he will loan you his spear, his blanket, a fish with a wooden body, tin fins and caudal, pin-head eyes, and swivel in his back. Having become well warmed by this ex ercise, hasten with spear and blanket on your back, and such other "sundries" in your pocket as may be necessary to sustain the "animal" man, and depending much upon your peculiar taste." Arrived at the river, you find that you are just in time to be too late, the last sled having just passed out of sight round th point, and you must make np your mind to either walk six miles or back out. Tou have too much pluck to adopt the latter al ternative, so you start, but soon become convinced that your peds are wet, and your shoulder needs an assistant to carry its bur den, which grows heavier as you advance on your journey. Ihis is the beginning of the sport." After two hours traveling you arrive on the fishing-ground, and behold a number of singular specemens of architecture, fashioned somewhat after the tepee style. Approach mg one of these you are at a loss how to address its supposed occupant, who may be the Ion. Judge, or a greasy Sioux, so you put your had in your pocket and select from among the sundries a peculiarly shaped ar ticle, which you had the forethought to take with you, knowing that its contents would level all distinctions. You soon find a hole, and following the custom you "squat," throw the blanket over your head with your spear handle out at the top, and commence whirling the de coy fish. This position will make your head and back ache, but you dare not stir, for you may scare the biggest fish that ever swum. In about four hours your eyes are gladdened by the sight of a fine fellow— your nerves are all a-qulver, you forget your pain, and with a nervous twitch you "strike straight out from the shoulder," and hit— the sand at the bottom of the slough, and find yourself on your back, and considera- bly wet in the region of the caudal vertebra. This is the end of the first day's "sport," and after picking yourself up, your clothes frozen stiff, you start homeward, well satis- fied with your adventure, and feeling very much as though you would like to lay down somewhere and hate yourself to death. Yours, recently of the DECOY FISHING CO. ~LEGAL~NCTICE& MORTGAGhaving E SALE. Dafoult been made in the condi tions of a certain mortgage deed bearing date and duly executed and delivered on the elev enth day of February, A. D. 1853, by John W. Koelt aiul Katliiirine Koch of the county of Goodhue. Territory (now State) of Minnesota, to Siimuul P. Snow of the samo place, which mortgage cbod was duly recorded in the otliee of the Register of Deeds in, and for said county, the ninth itth) day of March, A. D. 1858, at 2 o'clock P. M.. in book four (4) of mortgage deeds, paifes 'J51 and 255, and conveys from the said John W Koch and Katharine Koch to the said Samuel P. Snow, in fee, (subject to a de feasance on payment-of a certain promissory note hereinafter mentioned,) the following de scribed premises,situated in said Goodhuecoun ty, to wit: being lot one (1), and then of the J^of section twelve (12), reserving therefrom twenty-seven and seven eighths (t1%) acres from the west side, in Township one hundred and twelve (112) north, of range fifteen (15) west, containing sixty-seven and one-half(.67)^) acres, acconling to the govern ment servoyi Said mortgage wus l-iade to secure the sum of seven hundred and fifty-one and fifty-eight hundredths (§751.5S) dollars, according to the condition of a certain promissory note of the said John \V. Koch, bearing even date with said mortgage, for the sum of seven hundred and fiftv- one and fifty-eight hundredths^, 58) deliars, payable on or before the first of September, A. D. 1S.'8. to the order of S. P. Snow, wit'i interest after maturity at the rate of Jour per cent per month till paid. No pro ceedin3* nt law or otherwise having been insti tuted to recover the ninornt of said mortgage debt, or any part thereof, a'id no part thereof having been paid except the sum of $8.01). which was paid by said eh on the 1st day of September, A. I. 1657 also the sim of §23s,00 which was paid on the 1st day of September, A. n. 1S5S also the sum of £48.00, which was paid on the 9th day of September, A. D. 185S also the sum of $32.50, which was paid on the 16th day ol February, A.D. 1S VJ also the sum of £257,82, which was paid on the 1st day of October, x. u. 1S59—and there being duo, is is claimed, on said note and mortgage, at the date of this notice, the sum of §216. Now. there fore, notice i. hereby given that iu pursuance of the power of sale in said mortgage con tained, and of the statute in such ease provid ed said in rtgaged premises will be offered for sale at public auction by the Sheriff of said county, at the front door of the Court House, in the city of Kid Wing, in said county, on Mon day, the 12th day of March, A. D. 1860, at 2 (•'clock P. M. -f said day,to satisfy the amount due on said mortgage debt aud costs and expen ses of side. 1-Jatcd Red Wing, Minnesota, Jan uary 27t!s. A. D. I860. SAMUEL P. SNOW, Mortgagee. GTKNEY & REYNOLDS, Attorneys for Mortgagee. 1S2W6 MORTGAGE SALE. Default having been made in the condi tion of a certain indenture of mortgage made, executed and delivered or. the sixth day of Au gust, A. D. 1857, by Robert L. Philips, of Cen tral Point. Goodhue county, Minnesota Terri tory, (now State of Minnesota) to Samuel Doughty, of Lake City, and Territory (now State) of Minnesota) and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of said county of Goodhue, on the fourth day of Sep tember, A. D. 1857, at 4 o'clock p. x. in Book 3d of Mortgage Deeds, on page 295, by which said mortgage deed the said Robert L. Philips sold and conveyed to the said Samuel Dough ty, his heirs and assigns, the following des cribed premises, viz AH those tracts or par cels of land lying and being in Goodhue coun ty, iu the then Territory (now State) of Min nesota, known as lots number two. three and Tour, (2, 3, & •*,) of section number thirty-two (32), in township camber one hundred and twelve (T. No. 112), of range number twelve (R. No. 12), according to the United States survey made thereof. Said mortgage was made to secure the sum of five hundred dol lars (8500), according to the condition of a certain promissory note, made and delivered by the said Robert L. Philips to the said Sam uel Doughty, for said sum, hearing even date with said mortgage, and made payable three months after said date, with interest thereon at the rate of three per cent, per month until maturity, and if not then paid, to bear interest from that time (its maturity), at the rate of five per cent, per month until paid. No suit or proceedings at law or otherwise having been instituted to recover the amount of said mortgage debt or any part thereof, and there being due as is claimed on said note and mort cage (after deducting a credit of eleven dol lars endorsed on said note, as of February 1st, 1860), at the date of this notice, the sum of six hundred and twelve dollars and torty-five cents (§612.45): Now, therefore notice |is hereby given that in pursuance of the power of sale in said mort gage contained, and of the statute in such case provided, said mortgaged premises will be of fered for sale at public auction, at the door of the Court House, in tho city of Red Wing, in said county of Goodhue, on the 19th day of March, A D. I860, at two o'clock p. u. of said day, to satisfy the amount then due on said mortgage debt, together with the costs and ex penses of sale. Dated 3d Feb. A. D. 1860. SAMUEL DOUGHTtf, WM. J. JACOBS, Mortgagee. Att'y for Mortgagee. 183-td A I O N All persons are hereby cautioned against purchasing or taking as a pledge or other se curity, a land warrant No. 42,683 for 160 acres, ssued in my name, and now, or latety, in the possession of Charles W. Beers, of Red Wing, Minnesota, as my agent to locate the same. JACOB DEMAREST. Dec. 31,1859. 178-w6 Wduce ANTED $25,000 worth of Cash or Pro for the stock of Goods at FOOT'S, LEGAL NOTICES. MORTGAGhaving E SALE. Default been made in the condi tion of a certain mortgage deed bearing date the 25th day of February, A. D. 1858, made by Edwin A. Fessondon, of the county of Goodhue, Territory, (now State) of Minnesota, to John W. Cook, of the same place, which indenture of mortgage was daly recorded in tho office of the Register of Deeds of the county of Goodhue, Minnesota, on tho 25th day of February, A. D. 1858, at 11 o'clock A. M., in book number 4 of Mortgage deeds, on pages 222 and 228, whereby said Fessenden conveyed to tho said Cook in tee (subject to defeasance on payment of the note hereinafter described) the following prem ises situated in said Goodhue county, to wit: the south half of the south west quarter of sec tion thirteen (13) in township one hundred and thirteen (113) north of range number sixteen (16 west, containing eighty acres. Said mort gagejvas given to secure the payment of the pronusory note of said Edwin A. Fessenden for the sum of one hundred and seventy-seven dol lars, dated February 25th, 1858, payable on or before the first of September, A. D. 1853, to John W. Cook, or bearer, with interest at the rate of four per cent, per month after duo till paid. Said mortgage and tho debt secured thereby, were, on the seventh day of Septem ber, A. D. 1858, by John W. Cook, said, as signed and transferred to Samuel P. Snow, which assignment was, on the 17th day of Sep tember, A. D. 1858, recorded in the office of said Register of Deeds in book 2d of Miscella neous Records page 52. No suit or proceed ings at law having been instituted to recover said mortgage debt or any part thereof, and there being duo and unpaid on said note and mortgage at the date of this notice the sum of one hundred and ninety-four dollars($194). Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that in pursuance of the power of sale in said mort gage contained, and of ths provisions of the statute in such case made and provided, said mortgaged premises will be offered for sale at public auction at the door of the Court House, in the city of Red Wing, in said Goodhue coun ty, on the twenty-eighth day of February, A. D. I860., at 2 o'clock P. M. of said day, to satis fy tho amount due on said mortgage debt, with costs and expenses of sale. Dated Rod Wing, Minn., January 14, A. D. 1860. SAMUEL P. SNOW, Assignee of Mortgage. GVBNEE & CeVMoLuS, Attorneys for Assignee. 180w6 FFORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE! State of Minnesota, District Court, Fifth Judicial District, Goodhue County. Benjamin F. Sheldon, 1 Plaintiff, against a J. Jackson, Defendant, Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a decree of Judgment of foreclosure, in the above entitled action, made at chambers by the Hon. N. M. Donaldson, Judge of said Court, on the 14th day of September, A. D. 1359, a copy of which has been served on me by the plaintiff's attorneys, in which the un dersigned is appointed special referee, to make the sale hereby notified I shall, on Monday, the 27th day of February, I860, at two o'clock in the afternoon of that day, at the front door of the Post Office, in the city of Red Wing, sell at auction, to the highest bidder, for ca8h, all and singular the premises described in said decree, viz: Lying aud being in Goodhue county, in the State of Minnesota, and known as lot num ber one (1), of subdivision of acre lot nimber six (6), in block number two (2), in Freeborn «fe Co.'s addition to the town (now city) of Red Wing, according to the plat of said subdivision and addition recorded in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds of said county of Goodhue—with the appurtenances. H. C. HOFFMAN, Special Referee. COLVILL & HAMILTON, Plaintiff's Attorneys. Dated Jan. 14,1860. 180w6 ORTttAGE SALE. Whereas default has boon made in the payment of a certain mo.tgage, upon which there is claimed to be due at the date of the publication of this notice, the sum of four hun dred an-1 nine dollars and fifty cents ($409,50.) aid which said mortgage bears dato the 24th day of March A.D. IS59, and was executed and delivered by Robert W. Hamilton and Isabel la E. Hamilton, his wife, both then of Red Wing in the connty of Goodhue and State of Minnesota, to Charles I. Holbrook, then of the same place, and was recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of said county of Good hue on the 26th day of March, A. D. 1859 at 11% o'clock, A. M., in book six of mortgages on pajre sixty-four, and was given to seeure the payment to the said Holbrook of the sum of tour hundred dollars, according to the con ditions of a certain promissory note, made and delivered by the said Robert W. Hamilton to the said Holbrook for the sum of four hundred dollars ami bearing even date with said mort gage, and due in six months after said date— and no suit or other proceedings at law having been instituted to recover the amount due on said note and mortgage or any part thereof. Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that in pursuance of the power of lie said mortgage contained and the statute in such case made and provided, the promises described in and covered by said mortgage viz the southwest quarter of section twenty-nine (29) in township number one hun dred and twelve (112) north, of range number seventeen (17) west, in said county of Goodhue, and lots numbered four (4) and five (5), in block number sixteen (16), in tho town (now city) of Red Wing, in said county of Goodhue, also lot one (1), iu block thirty-six (86), in Cannon Falls, in said county of Goodhue, according to the recorded plat thereof—will be sold at public auction by the Sheriff of said county of Goodhue, at the froS* door of the Court House in said eity of Red Wing, 0* Mon day, the fifth day of March, A.D. 1860, attC* o'clock in the forenoon of that day. to the high est bidder for cash, to satisfy the amount then due on said mortgage, and the costs and expen ses of said sale. Dated, Red Wing, January 2lst, 1S60. CHARLES I. HOLBROOK. W. CotvitL Jr., Mortgagee. LOSTnISaturday,the N RED WING, O 14th inst., a lady's Gold Chain with a heart shaped slide and watch key attached, a cameo Masonic Pin, and a pair of Ear Drops—when lost they were in a japanned percussion cap box. They are all somewhat worn and out of repair. Any person returning the above articles to this office, or to R. L. PHILLIPS Esq., Central Point, will be suitably rewarded. January 20, I860, 181wS NOTICE.l al whom it may concern. The un- dersigned will make application at the next term of the District Court in and for Goodhue County and State of Minnesota, to be held at Red Wing, in said county, on the 3d Monday of May,, 1860, for the vacating of so much of tho town plat of the town of Wacoota, in said county of Goodhue, as lies easterly of me ridiiui street, in said town, being all of that portion of said town that lies in township No. 113, north of range 13 west. GEORGE W. BULLARD, -n. ™, Proprietor. Dated Wacoota, Dec. 24,1859. 456-tf NOTICE, Any person hereafter cutting pines or other evergreens upon my premises, will be prosoeu ted to tho fuU extent of the law. And I will pay fifty dollars to any one furnishing evidence sufficient to convict any person of such tres pass. All the pines between Wacoota and Westervelt are on my land. There are plenty of pines on the other side of the lake for all Christian purposes, that are of no other use. GEO.W. BULLARD. December 24,1859. i77tf SDistrictOCourt. TATE MINNESOTA, 5th Distriet.J County of Goodhue. Richard Freeborn, Plaintiff,) vs. Summons. Ben A. Cox, Defendant. A Cox I860. J82w4 D«fendant: In the name of the State of Minnesota you are hereby summon ed and required to answer the complaint in this action, which complaint is filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court in and for said county, at the city of Red Wing, in said county, anl to serve a copy of your answer to the said com plaiutupon the subscriber at his office, in the city ofRed Wing, aforesaid, within twenty days after the service of this summons on you, ex elusive of the day of such service. And if vou fail to answer said complaint within the time aforesaid the plaintiff in this action will apply to this Court for the relief demanded in said complaint, Dated Bed Wing, January 27th, nANS MATTSON, Plaintiffs Attorney. FOOTS COLUMN. 1859. FalU Winter Goods. 1810. Dry Good* and Groceries. —AT— O O T'S! E I S O E On Main Street, sign of the CHEAPSIDE." The undersigned has the pleasure to an nounco to his friends and customers the arri val of a large and well ^selected assortment of his usual line of goods, consisting of LEATHER A FINDINGS, BOOTS & SHOES, MEN & BOYS1 CLOTHING, GENTS* FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS AND FURS, TRUNKS, CARPET-BAGS AND VALICES, Together with a huge stock of every kind of STAPLE & FANCY O O S DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS, JEWELRY, &c. O E I E S LIQUORS, CIGARS, TOBABCCO, Of every description, besides a great variety bor goods, to be seen free of eharge. And I am prepared to offer KITHEB FOB CASH OR PRODUCE DON'T BUT UNTIL TOU CALL AND SEE ME. EVERYeSTYLErOF I nfi a BUTTER Attorney. ISltd BOOTS AND SHOES, mad to orde and warranted. Repairing dote at FOOT'S SHOP. 1A A^bls. Choice Winter Apples, from Cha 1U tauqua Co., N. Y., at FOOT'S. hel Plastering Hair, at I FOOT'S, EGGS, and FLOUR, in abundance at FOOT'S. COME and try the 60 cent Teas, at FOOT'S. WANTED to buy either for cash or goods, J,50Ogreen and dry Hides, at FOOT'S. n.REAT ATTRACTIONS IS NEW Goods, and more to come, at FOOTS. IX7ANTED.—1,500 GREEN AND DRT HIDES, AT FOOTS rUST RECEIVED—25 BARRELS OF 1 PURE WHISKY, A FOOTS. REMEMBER THE PLACE! SS SRXOS 8 0 E S On Main Street, sign of the "CHEAPSIDE." And oblige yours. Ac, 8. B. FOOT. Bed Wing, October, 1819. MISCELLANEOUS. E W I N HARDWARE STORE! C. H. & E. L. BAKER, (SUCCESSOR TO T. J. COOPBR,) Wholesale and Retail I A 1 I N Hard-ware, Tin-ware and Stoves, SHELF HARD-WARE, HYDRAULIC RAMS, CROSS CUT SAWS, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, LEAD PIPE, BELLOWS, VICES, ANVILS, DRILLS, CHAINS, NAILS, PUMPS, SCALES, FILES AXES, fcc. I O N PBBU, SLIGO, SWEDISH, ENGLISH AWD AMERICAN REFINED. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS fcc, fcc, fcc. All kinds of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper work manufactured to order by experienced workmen. June 25, '59. 151-lr J. I E R, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKER I HATS & CAPS, PORK, HAMS, LARD, FLUID. LAMP OIL, BUTTER & CHEESE. Also: Dealer in Ready Made Clothing. Broad Cloths, Cassimers and Tailors* Trimings. I also have a Tailoring department for th« manufactory of Cloths to order. Warrantedt fit or no sale. Also a large stock of BOOTS AUD: SHOES. FANCY GOODS, SIMM & SMtlSe I will further state to the public that (which many already know,) I willsellGoods(/ar cash) as cheap as any Merchant in this city. Now Friends, Countrymen and the rest of mankind, (including women and children,) please call at my Store on the corner of Main and Plum Sts., and examine Goods and Prices, and I'll pledge you tha youwillnotgoaway dissatisfied. J.J.RICHTEB. Red Wing, June 4,185$. 96y E O O I A N BILLIARD HALL, A. A. & E. L. TEELB, PBOPBTETOBS Basement of the Metropolitan Hotel, corner of Levee & Potter Streets, Red Wing, Minnesota. The proprietors of this establishment having been to eoneiderable expense, and having fur nished their tables with the improved patent COMBINATIO N CUSHIONS would respectfully solicit a share of the pat ronage of the lovers of the game. Our tables are inferior to none others in Red Wing or in the State, and we feel confident that we can suit all who may favor us with a call. The best or Wines, Liquors and Cigars, will al ways he found at the har. Terms Cash. Red Wing, September 10,1850. 162-ly E. L. HOWARD'S Bl a it S OOBNKK OF MAIN A BROADWAY. Is where you can get work done cheaper than at any other shop in Red Wing. Particular attention given to HORSE SHOEING May gygg. 146- tf •a^-EW SALOON! JUST OPENED 1! THE Young America Restaurant, jft^aw In the basement of 1 9 W in A Main Street ..Red Wing. The proprietors of this establishment having ong felt the need of a regular and complete E A I N O S E In Red Wing, have been to considerable ex pense in fitting up the above named saloon, and take pleasure in informing their friends that they are now prepared to execute all or ders with promptness and dispatch. To our frier da from the country we would say, that we are able to rurnish yon with anything you choose to call for, in the eating line, cheaper than you can be served at any of the hotels.— Our I O A E Consists of Game of all kinds in its season, Fresh Fish, Pork and Beans, Ham and Eggs, Beef Steak, Roast and Boiled Beef, Mutton Chops, Veal Cutlets, Tripe, Oysters in every stylo, Bologna Sausage, Bread, Pies, Cakes, and everything else which the market affords. THE BAB will at all times be supplied with pure Wines, Liquors, Ales, Beer, Cigars, Ac., and no pains will be spared to make the Young America a popular resort for all who choose to patronise it. Call and see us, gentlemen. GEORGE JOHNSON, Proprietors. Bed Wing, Sept. 24,1859. 164-tf N I E The undersigned would respectfully inform the citizens of Red Wing and vicinity that he has purchased the entire stock of unmanufac tured material for furniture, formerly owned by Mr. Cook, anl that he is prepared to supply all orders for furniture of every description, on the shortest notice. BEPAWING AND TURNING DONE TC ORDER. Also all kinds of COFFINS furnished to order iHahogOBy* a W a FURNITURE constantly on hand, cheap for Cash. JOHN CORELL. Bed Wing, May 18,1859. 14«-tf BLACKSM1THING BY E O E W A E At the new Shop on Main stteet, within a few rods of the crossing of Jordon. RED WINGi MINNESOTA. 79tf FOR SALE. ASTORE HOUSE, with the lot on which stands, near Geuld's Landing, Woeoor a Terms favorable—title guaranteed* Inqui of Es BULLARD, Wacoota, OrCOLVILL A HAMILTON, Red Wing. Waeoota, May 14, '59. j»-9m MISCELLANEOUS. N E W FALL AND WINTER GOODS4 A O S A N O McINTIRE SHELDON'S* CASE SHOEB. WE are now in reeeipi of a large and spies'* lid assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES/. PROVISION^ BOOTS anchSHOESV HATS and CAPS, STONE and GLASS WARE Also a fine lot of SILVER AND PLATED WARE, GOLD & SILVER WATCHES, GOLD LOCKETS," GOLD SILVER PENCILS, t»f ether with a general asstrtaisatofJtrusaSaw OUR STOCK Sl&^fi Mil CfelM' DRY GOODS, cannot be excelled in STYLE and BEAUTY in Goodhue County, and will be sold CHEAPER than they have ever been offered in this Mar ket before. The Ladies are respectfully invi ted to call and examine our Stock, bofore pur-* ewlere. GROCERIES! We are prepared to sell Groceries at wholes*' .. and retail LOW. They were bought fer CAP and will be sold on the same terms. A jod stock always on hand, and satisfaction .ran teed in every instance. Renumber th G—it well boti fhi art half told. COUNTRY MERCHANTS Will find we can supply their trade as low as they can buy below, adding Freight and expen ses. We solicit an examination of all atosk. We have also a good stock of PAINTS. OILS. GLASS, PUTTY and SASH and shall keep a constant supply on hand. TERMS CASH or Good Bankable Paper. J\ MOIKTIBX, McINTIRE db SHELDON T. B. SHELDON. 91tf E O W A E Wholesaleand Retail Dealerla SCHOOL, MISCELLANEOUS And BLANK BOOKS STATIONERY, Wall and Curtain Piper*,, JEWELRT, Pocket Cutlery** Port Monnaies, Fancy Good*,, awn MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS' A general assortment of TOYS AND YANKEE ACTONS^ NUT8, FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY,- Corner of Main fc Bash Streets A O S A O S Goods given in exchange for clean Linen or Cotton Rags of all colors, for Which {He high est price will be paid. Red Wing, Sept. 12,1857. if. L. B. MOBROW. O O W x. a. SOT* O T. DBALKBO IH DR O O S BOOTS & SHOES, O E I E S dfc O I S I O N UPPER LANDING, RED WING. Our stock Is largo, and well adapted to tho WANTS OT TUB PKOPLI. We sell for CASH, or its equivalent, and BTBBT Boor BATS THIS 18 TfiB PLACE BARG1IN8. Just give ii.« a call, and this shall be demon strated to your perfect satisfaction. WB WANT Bushels z.OOO 2,000 2,004 Wheat. Oats. Hides. Bags. Beeswax Tallow. reen de Dry Pounds 500 900 80» —ALSO— The W in Minnesota Money Peonle'a IK EXCHANGE FOB DBT GOODS. MORROW & HOYT. November 2«,18*f. ir «_