Newspaper Page Text
R- BEL VIEW. VILLAGE OFFICERS. president-J. M. THOMPSON. (8TEN O. KOL8N, Trustees K O- H, MOO EN. OLE JOHNSON. Recorder-JOHN EVANS. Treasurer—MARTIN LISTKUD. Justices of Peace—A. O- GIMME8TAD, —H.T. HELGESON. Marshal—THOS. ANDEKSBN. & M. ST. TIME TABLE. PIN—r— going east, Iiv. 11:23 a do west, SfciOpra freight going we*t,every other day, 5:50 a do east, do do 8:28 pm JOHV EVANS, Agent. BELVIEW AND ITS BORDEtL^ J. M. Thompson was in Echo Mon day- Mrs. R. E. Devereaux is seriously ill with diphtheria. John Martin was in Redwood Falls on Monday and Tuesday. W. S. Clayson spent Sunday with his family in Redwood Falls. Gus. Rahn is on his farm near Wood Lake conducting building improve ments. Ole Hanson "bagged" a couple of fine mallard ducks in a half hour's hunt Sunday. Threshing ii^this vicinity is nearly i completed, several machines having already shut down. The Business Men's club will gree a social hop at the ball next Tuesday evening. All are invited. The news of the accident to Ener Birum was published with great regret here where he is so well known. Edward Erickson's family arrived here the latter part of last week and will hereafter make this his future home. Rev-. Burg, of the Lutheran church, conducted s#rvices at the Hotel Flora last Sudday evening. Quite a large crowd was in attendance. Orin Gibbs has made arrangements to hereafter keep good porterhouse steak, together with choice bivalves, etc. Mr. Gibbs is keeping pace with the town. A threshing machine belonging to O'Gordon & Monson, and a setting of grain belonging to Siver Martinson was destroyed by fire last Monday af ternoon, the fire originating from a spark from the engine. Wheat sold at 45 cents per bushel here last Monday, and still the elevat ors were crowded with sellers cussing the senate and the Democratic admin istration. The week's receipts are esti mated at 1,000 bushels. Editor Harris,of the Echo Telegram, is considering the advisability, of mov ing his plant to Bel view as the Belview Blizzard, and if the business men of this town can give him the]'proper guarantee he will make]the change. The roof of the Inter-State Grain Oo.'s elevator was discovered on fire last Thursday, but the flames were ex tinguished before they made much headway,despite the fact that a strong wind was blowing.QThe cause was a defective pipe. MORGAN. MORGA TRAIN TIME TABLE. Trains going East leave Trains going West 12: p. 8:40 p. 6:20 A 5:55 P. VILLAGE OFFICERS". President—Frank Billington. Oouncilmen—John Sherman, Jofen Billig, Otto Gerstman. Recorder—Wm. Kinman. Treasurer—E. H. Albrecht. MORGAN MOVEMENTS. Sheriff Blethen was in town Mon day evening and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Porter are now occupying the Miller cottage. our advertisements is one of our objects. To draw you to our store is another, an^ to accomplish the latter we have marked prices on all our stock that will save you many a dollar in your pur chases. Qual ity and assort ment make the price in vitation all the warmer. C.W. Robinson has leaded 160 acres of his land to Dorwin^ Fowkes. Miss Mary Eischen yisitedin Sleepy Eye Tuesday arid Wednesday. Frank Gerstman and Dr. Sullivan, both of Springfield, were callers Tuesday. Geo. W. Somerville, of Sleepy Eye, attorney for this village, was in town Tuesday. Mrs. Broock, of New Ulm. a sister to Mrs. Herman Wegner, of Three Lakes, was by the siek-bed of the lat ter several weeks. She returned to New Ulm Tuesday. Mrs. Wegner is still quite sick but is improving. DELHI, DELHI TRAIN TIMS TABLE. Kast priss^niTPr, Lv-, 11.'12 A. West BOMRI pa*«ciij»er. .y 1*58 PM West boun I 8:15 A MX*1 East bound freight. 7:07 cess expected. M. a Ft OWNS.Station Agent. IN AND AROUND DELHI. E. D. House is painting his hotel. Mrs. A. D. McLean is visiting at Bellingham. There will be a ball on Friday night at Knutson's Hall. Geo. Brown and family spent the Sabbath at Marietta. Miss Curtis returned to her home at Echo on Tuesday. Willie Schumm, who has been very sick, is very much better. We see considerable coal going into the country. A very wise idea. Mrs. J.A. Lagerstrom is being cared for by her mother during her illness. Mr. Borg's have been entertaining a sister from New Mexico and St. Paul. Mrs. Wm.Kinderman, of New Mex ico, is visiting with her brothers, the Borgs, of Delhi. MINNESOTA NEWS. The state university enrollment is 1,2»7. The Vem dale Journal has moved to Wadena. The Waterville Gazette, a Populist organ, has suspended. Prairie fires have destroyed a large amount of hay and grain near Slayton. Armour & Co., the big meat firm of Chicago, have opened a branch house at Winona. There are 1.200 children in the First ward of St. Paul for whom there are no school facilities. The large new Catholic church at Moorhead was. dedicated Sunday by Bishop McQolrick. Louis Stern# of the St. Paul Volks zeitung has been appointed consul at Bomberg, Bavaria. Colonel W. H. H. Taylor, state libra rian, is very low and his death is ex pected at any time. Indignant neighbors set fire to a low dance house near North Redwood and it was totally destroyed. The three men who are alleged to have robbed the Halsted bank Have been captured in Wisconsin. Rich depoiits of iron ore have been discovered near Washington bay, about 20 miles east of Grand Marais. Arrangements have been about com pleted for- the reopening of the St. Paul German American bank Monday. The Minnesota university foot ball team defeated the team from the Kan sas university by a score of 12 to tt. Three trainmen on the Wisconsin Ceotral at North St Paul were held up and robbed of money and watches. Fred Koester, living three miles east of Dnndas, was gored by a mad bull and so badly mangled that he will dia The $9,000 appropriated by the City of St Paul for the unemployed will be spent on the streets on half time work. Railway mail service has been estab lished from Allen Junction to McKin ley on the Duluth and Iron Range road. Frank Montrett was sentenced to one vear and five davs in state prison for BAKING POWDER PUREST STRONGEST.GOES FARTHEST. |s^- O. A. FRANCOIS St. CO.'S. introducing liquor on the'Fond da "Lac Indian reservation. The barn on Stoddard firos.' farm near Jackson burned with 12 i^ead of cattle, fivo horses, 50 tons of hay and 4U0 bush els of grain. Loss $4,000. A brilliant meteor passed over Rash ford Sunday evening and exploded with a terrific report a mile west of there. Its brilliancy exoeeded that of a power* ful search light The armory building of Shattnek school at Faribault with all its con tents was totally destroyed by fire Wednesday night. Loss over $25,0u0. It Will W rebuilt. J. Fletoher Williams, until recently secretary of the State Historical so ciety, is quite ill and there is little prospect that he will ever again he able to resume active 4nties. The English syndicate which has been working the Isle Royale copper mines the past summer has suspended operations for the winter. Itslabow have not been-rewarded with the sue- The dry house of SchoosTi & ATirens. sash ami door. manufacturers at Wi nona. was destroyed by tire Weduegdav for the second time within a year. Thirty-five cars of manufactursd lum ber were burned. The state agricultural school has opened with (JO students and more are expected. One of the students is a young man from Japan, the son of a farmer, who will return to Japan after completing his agricultural education. Three of the four prisoners in the county jail at Whaaton escaped Mon day night. They sawed off the bars of their cell with a steel shoe spring, and then dug a hole through the outer brick wall with a stove poker. The sheriff offers a reward of $33 for each the escaped prisoners. Frank Birkenmeyer, a Democratic aspirant for the Redwood postoffice, made an assault on Editor Schmal of The Gazette in consequence of an arti cle in The Gazette. The fight lasted two minutes, when Birkenmeyer was completely knocked out He is badly bruised, but the editor turned up with out a scratch. TflE WEEK'S NEWS. Wednesday, Oct. 11. Hon. Hannis Taylor, minister to Spain, who has been quite sick, is re ported better. The annual conclave of the Ohio grand commandery, Knights Templar, is in session at Columbus. Mrs. Maria Brooks and daughter of Rochester, N. Y., havo presented $9,000 to Anburn Theological seminary. Paid admissions at the world's fair Tuesday were 808,613. Total paid at tendance for Oct 9 and 10,1,022,259. The Amalgamated Association of Street Railway Employes and the Brotherhood of Surface Railway en gineers are in session at Cleveland. Farmers of Douglas county, Wis., have pooled their interests and will es tablish an open market in West Super ior for the sale of their produce. They claim they cannot afford to sell t» the wholesalers. Thursday, Oct. 12. The strike of miners in Belgium is at «n end. John Jacob Astor'a steam jacht Nourmahl collided with the ferryboat Washington at New York. No- one hurt Ziiss Lillie Sherman, a Lexington, Ky., heiress, is to marry Baron B. F. Grandebautn, anVAustrian nobleman, Friday, Oct. SO. At the day's session of the Amalga mated Association of Street Railway Employes at Cleveland it was decided to affiliate with the American Federa tion of Labor. A sensation has been ereated at Great Falls, Mon„ by the elopement of Miss Maud Barnum,*' a refined white girl, with a halfbreed cowboy named Indian Charley. Friday, Oct. 13. Boston and surrounding towns are threatened with a water famine. Another attempt will he made in Chicago to raise a fund for the Duke of Yeragua. Sioux City was visited by a fire which destroyed four blocks and caused a loss of $500,000. The Cumberland, N. J., county ex cise commission has been indicted, charged with extortion. President Cleveland's family has moved from the White House to Woolley, Mr. Cleveland's suburban residence. The express companies enuring St. Louis are building a depot for joint occupancy, which will be the largest in the world. GREAT DISCOONTS IN OUR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. PRICES Or* MEN'S FROCK SUITS. Alexander Salvini. the actor, was 35, 39, 83....Worth 36, 37, 39......... 3 8865 Black Worsted, 8005 Black Worsted, 6457 Blue Worsted, 6472 Blue Diagonal Worsted, 8193 Blue Worsted, 9496 Fancy Worsted, 7846 Fancy Worsted, 8135 Fancy Stripe Worsted, 5434 Fancy Check Worsted, 8875 Fancy Diagonal C. & C., 37, 38, 40 4320 Brown Baraboo Casimere, 37, 38, 39.... 9280 Gray Baraboo Casimere, 37, 39, 39, 40 7453 Mixed Casimere, 38, 39, 40.... 5766' Fancy Casimere, 36, 37,40.... i $20 00 15 00 22 00 25 00 12 00 .17 00 17 00 20 00 21 00 16 00 12 50 12 (X). 15 00 16 00 ±0 87, 39, 40.... 37, 38, 39... 36, 37, 38, m. \. 37, 38, 39........ 37, 38, 40 37, 38, 39, 40..... Many other numbers at same reduction. .r Call for them while you can get a whole Suit at 1 No*', $14 00 11 00 16 50 18 50 8 50 12 65 12 65 14 00 15 40 11 65 8 75 8 25 Close at 8 00 11 65 5 tew*8o»iu Manufactured only by OHIO CHEMICAL CQ 61.53 & 55 Opera Block, LIMA, OHIO. PARTICULARS married in Cleveland to Madeline Dixon, who played in his company for several seasons. Saturday, Oct. 14. Over 8,000.000 tons of freight passed through the Soo canal daring the past year. The Eva Fuller, loaded with lumber, stranded on a reef at Racine, Wis., Friday. Much damage was done by a wind storm at Jacksonville, Fla., Thursday and Friday. The freight department of the Wis consin Central has been removed from Chicago to Milwaukee. An unknown vessel was run down and sunk in Boston harbor during a hervy fog Friday night All on board were drowned. William Lucklin, 7 years old, who lost both legs in an accident on the Michigan Central, secured a verdict of |75,000 in a damage suit against the road. Monday, Oct. 101 Willis Menard, the first colored man to run for congress, has just died in Washington. Nine large ice houses in Cayuga, N. Y.r containing over AO,000 tons of ice, were destroyed by fire. The Berlin correspondent of the Lon don Times reports isolated cases of cholera at Altona, Magdeburg and Wiftenburg. John Johnson, the colored murderer of two fellow convicts in Auburn (N. Y.) prison, has been sentenced to die in the chair the week of Nov. i2. The Indians report that the deer are very scarce in Forest county, Wis., and vicinity. Huntere are leaving for the northwestern part of the state. Jacob Kerstner, a socialist, said to be the real husband of Emma Goldman,, has been sent to Auburn prison for three years on the charge of grand larceny. William Sod en of Oregon, Dane county, Wis., found ISO pounds of fine honey under the floor of the Methodist church, a swarm of bees having settled there two years ago. Tuesday, Oct. 17. Robert Carter found the petrified body of a giant while exploring a eave near Middlesborough, Ey. At the Blackburn mines, near Peters burg, Ind., two men were fatally in jured by a premature explosion. Noah King was found guilty of at tempted train wrecking at Brazil, Ind., and sentenced to lit years in prison. The comptroller of the currency has authorized the First National bank of Normal, Ills., capital $50,000. to begin, business. The Ohio Presbytery rejected the &pr neal of Henry Preserved Smith How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars .Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be eured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & Co.. Props., Toledo, O We, the undersigned, have known F. Cheney for the\ast 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transac tions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Truax,Wholesale Druggists.Tolede.O Walding1, Rinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Drug gists. Toledo, Ohio- Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Price, 15 cents per bot tle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. 6-it. NEW .LINE OF SPRINGFIELD AND ELGIN MOVEMENTS Both In Solid and Boss Filled Cases* SILVERWARE FINE STATIONERY and FANCY ARTICLES. Fine Watch Repairing and Engraving done to order on short notice. Will completely destroy the desire for TOBACCO in from 3 to5 days. Perfectly barm less cause no sickness, and may be given in a cup of tea or coffec without the Knowl edge of the patient, who will voluntarily stop smoking or chewing in a few days. DR0HKENMES8 Ud MORPHINE HABIT the patient, by the use of our SPECIAL FORMULA OOLD CURB TABLETS. During treatment patients are allowed the free nse of Liquor or Mor phine until such time as they shall voluntarily give them up. We send particulars and pamphlet of testimonials free, and shall be glad to place sufferers from any Of these habits in communica tion with persons who have been cured by the use of our HILL'S TABLETS and we will send you, by return mail, a package or our Tablets. Write your name and address plainly, and state whether Tablets are for Tobacco, Morphine .or Liquor Habit. DO NOT BE DECEIVED Into purchasing any of the various nostrums that are being offered for sale. Ask for TT.T.B TABLETS and take no other. 3ES?QMS8Lt a (VVTS WASTE?)! »J?aso mention thiapaper.) iw BULK, IN CAN, IN SHELL, ON HALF a careiu Ity and the me Double Chloride of Gold Tablets STAPLE OR FANCY S. WE fiUACA^rEE A CU&E Strictly and invite the uiost Iktkm i s to our responsibil ts of our Tablets. oat any effort on the'part of TABLETS. are for sale by all nsn-cuH druggists at .QOper package. It your druggist does not keep them, enclose us 8 .OO THE OHIO CHEMICAL CO. GENTLEMEN It gives me pleasure to speak a word of praise for your Tablets. My son was strongly addicted to the use of liquQr, and through a friend, I was I-Hi to try your Tablets. He was a heavy and constant drinker, but after using yo ir Tablets but three days he quit drinking, and will not touch liquor of any kind. I have waited four month belore writing you, in order to know the cure was permanent. Yours truly, OHIO CHEMICAL Co:—GENTLEMEN:—Your Tablets have performed amir&cle in my case. I have used morphine, hypodermically. for seven years, ana have been cured by the use ol two packages of your Tablets, and without any-eSTcrt on my part. W. L. LOT EG A. v. all Orders THE OHIO CHEMICAL CO EMIL SCHMAHL THE OYSTER MAN, Has made arrangements with the leading Baltimore Oyster Men, whereby lie will keep constantly on hand from persons who have been cured by the use of Hill s Tablets. THE OHIO CHEMICALCo.: DEAR SIR:—I have been using your cure for tobacco habit, and found it would do what you claim for it. I used ten cent* worth of the strongest chewing tobacco a day, and Irom one to five cigars or I would smoke from ten to lorty pipes of tobacco. Have chewed and smoked for twenty-flve years, and two packages your Tablets cured me so I have no desire for it. B. M. JAYLORD, Leslie, Mich. DOBBS FEHRT, N. Y. THE OHIOCHEKICAL CO. GENTLEMEN Some time ago I sent for $1.00 worth of your Tablets for Tobacco Habit. I received them all right and, although I was both a heavy smoker and chewer, they did the work in l^ss than three days. I am cured. "-.THEW JOHNSON,P.O.Box45. 51,53 and 85 Opera Biocfc. MA, OHiO PITTSBURGH, PA. MRS. HELEN MORRISON. CINCINNATI, Onto. During the R" season. Lake Superior Trout, And otlier Fresh Water Fish on hand. FIRST-CLASS Beef, Mutton, Pork, Etc., For the Fall and Winter Tables*. Hams, Sausages, and all kinds of Smoked Meats. SCHCDAHL, the Oyster FOE ANYTHING IN THE LINE OF Canned Goods, Dried Fruits, and Coffees, Flour, Etc. Jf- i CALL ON *'v" S. GOODRICH, Mill street, opposite Odd Fellows Block, man. A ,.