OCR Interpretation

The Redwood gazette. [volume] (Redwood Falls, Minn.) 1873-1940, April 04, 1906, Image 1

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85025570/1906-04-04/ed-1/seq-1/

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Copyr gi.i. i yo6 by
Hart Schaffner :J Marx
variety of Boys and
Children's Suits
you have cream to separate a good
ream separator is the most .profitable in
estment that you can possibly make.
*1 per cow per year every year of use,
er all gravity setting systems and §5 per
w over all imitating separators. They
eceived the Grand Prize or highest award
a St. Louis.
Buying trashy cash-in-advance separators
penny wise, dollar foolish. Such ma
chines quickly lose their cost instead of
aving it.
If you haven't the ready cash, De Laval
machines may be bought 011 such terms
hat they actually pay lor themselves.
Call and see them and get our terms.
California Excursions.
On account of the Imperial Coun
cil Ancient Arabic Order, Nobles of
the Mystic Shrine convention, Los
Angeles, California, the Minneapolis
& St. Louis railroad will sell tickets
to San Francisco and Los Angeles,
California, from April 25th to May
5th, limited to July 31st for return
passage at rate of one fare for the
round trip. Rate will apply going
via any direct route, returning via
any other direct route. Stop-over
privileges granted. For further
particulars call on agents or address
A. B. Cutts, G. P. & T. A., Minne
apolis. 35-4t.
Have you cows ?SCHULl
means daily waste of time, labor
:i.1 product.
Slayer of Fred. Wagner In Otter Tail
County Breaks Down Under
Jail Confinement.
Pathetic Scene When His Parents Call
til Him, After Arranginglfor
A special from Fergus^Falls, un
der date of March 26th, says that
"Albert F. Schull, the young man
who is in jail here on the charge
of murdering his companion, Fred.
Wagner in the town of Dunn, is
breaking down under the strain of
confinement, and now weeps from
time to time.
"Wagner's father, his brother and
two uncles have arrived to claim
the body, and they had a long talk
with the alleged murderer. In this
conversation Wagner admitted that
he secured $35 or $36 from the
murdered man, instead of $15, afe
previously stated. They believe Jhe
secured a good deal more, as Wag
ner had taken $175 when he left
I home had been with Schull ever
since, and Schull cannot tell of any
place where he either lost or spent
the money.
"Every circumstance that has
come to light has tended to dis
credit his self-defense story."
A special of March 28th says that
"Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Schull arrived
from Milroy, Redwood county, to
day, to arrange for the defense of
their son. Albert F. Schull, who is
i in the county jail here charged with
the murder of Fred. Wagner, in
the town of Dunn. They are ar-
ranging to have Ex-Senator M. J.
i Daley of Perham and James A.
Brown of this city to defend him.
"There was a pathetic scene at
the jail when they called on the
Men's Spring Suits
New lengths, new patterns, new styles, in all the
latest fabrics, single or double breasted. We don't mis
lead you when we say we are showing the best /T
$18.00 suit value for
Men's Business Suits
There is no business man who wants to appear well
dressed who will not appreciate one of our nobby new
styles. Elegant new patterns. $15.00 suit
values for $1000 to
$1.00 $1.50 $2.00 $2.25 $2.50 $3.00
See our New Styles iri Nobby
Spring Hats
E V E i n o u i s o y a v e w e s o w n a e a n o e e a s o k E v e y e a e n o o U
to the brim. Never have we shown such nice patterns for so liltle money. All the newest.vS 01 me season,
every new shape and style. We would like you to call and try on one of the Suns, Top Coats or Rain Coats of the
A 5 A N E & A a k e
Fine values,
See our Spring Line of CROSSE/TT FINE FOOTWEAR
young man, Mrs. Schull being "com
pletely overcome when she saw him
behind the bars. She sank to the
floor, and assistance had to bejsum
moned to carry her to a bed in an
adjoining room. She is still too
weak to leave the jail.
"The boy's father also seemed to
be very much affected, and tears
rolled down his cheeks,'but he talked
volubly in German.
"Young Schull himself showed no
particular emotion on this occasion,
The confessed murderer of Fred Wagner.
altho he has wept on several other
occasions lately. It will not be sur
prising if a plea of insanity is raised
in his behalf, as he has a half-
brother in the insane hospital at
"Thus far he has given no indi
cation of insanity, however, his talk
being perfectly rational on all occa
the Security Bank of North Red
wood will be opened at North Red
wood about June 1st, with H. A.
Baldwin, cashier of the First Na
tional bank of this city, as president
Come to our Store. We will save you money on every article you buy} Your money back for any purchase not satisfactory.
of the new institution and Frank
Horejsi of Bechyn, Renville county,
as cashier.
A building is now being erected
at North Redwood for the new
institution. It is being built of
brick and the details are to make
it a first-class banking place, with
vault, etc. Several business men of
North Redwood are paying for the
building, and the bank will rent it
for a number of years.
The bank will be private. It was
demanded by business men'of that
town, and the North Redwood de
positors of the First National gave
Mr. Baldwin the first opportunity
to meet the demand. The cashier
of the new institution is well-known
in Renville county, where "he has
been engaged in the mercantile busi
ness for a long time past, He is
well-to-do, and his acquaintance will
undoubtedly make the bank'a pay
ing institution from the start. Mr.
Horejsi is now working "in the First
National of this city with^the view
of obtaining a knowledge of the
banking business.
A meeting of the retail merchants
of Redwood county will be held in
this city next Friday, April 6th, I
with the view of organizing a coun-
Men's Top Coats and Rain Coats
These we have in numerous shades, shapes and all
new models. Exceptional values. All new broad-shoul
dered imported haircloth shape-retaining fronts.
$18 jpvercoat values for 4)JLO
For the Working Man
Wt have a line of wearrresisting suits that look well
line fitting, and patterns that are bound to
please you. $10.00 suit values forj $6.00 to nPO^LIl/
$3.50, $4,
ty association. A meeting of the
Commercial club was held in thei
council chambers of the library
building last Friday evening for the
purpose of arranging the details for
entertaining the visitors.
The call for the meeting includes
105 merchants outside of the city
of Redwood Falls, and with the
number here attending the meeting
the latter will be a large affair,
The meeting will be addressed by
J. J. Ryan, secretary of the mer
chant' association of the state, and
it is also likely that it will be ad
dressed by Hon. E. K. Slater, dairy
and food commissioner, and W. E.
Davis, late editor of the Commercial
V 1
'•if 1
Spring Caps
Men's, Boys and Children everyb
ody ought to wear a cap for spring
The organization of such an asso
ciation has nothing to do with the
prices for the various commodities
offered' by the I merchants, but is
rather for mutual protection against
a class of people who don't like to
pay their bills, and'to fight'impure
articles sent out by catalogue houses.
Brown and Redwood County Physicians
to Meet Soon.
An unusually interesting time
seems to be awaiting the members
of the Brown and Redwood county!
medical association at the ,L meeting
which has been set for the 13th of!
April in New_Ulm. Aside from the
usual program and discussions]there
is to be a banquet. Upon |the ar
rival of the train from the west at
7 o'clock the physicians^will gather i
at the banquet table and enjoy the
spread when the program £as ar-i
ranged will follow. These meet
ings seem to have grown in'
interest since the organization of!
the association and are evidently
meeting the wishes of those who
were'instrumental:in starting them.
Following is the program [for the
I m.nif&iTpy*: HISTORfOA|..
Copyright 1906 by
Hart Schaffner £5" Mar*
Caster Neckwear
meeting on the 13th: Diagnosis of
Gastric Disease, Dr. Geo. D. Head,
Minneapolis Malpractice .Suits and
Their Prevention, Dr. L. A. Fritsche,
New Ulm The Fee Bill, Dr. J. W.
B. Wellcome, Sleepy Eye Benefits
of Medical Organization to Profes
sion and Public, Dr. J. C. Rothen
berg, Springfield Diagnosis of Ap
pendicitis and other lessons of Right
Lower Quadrant, Dr. F. D. Gray,
Vesta Symptoms of Rectal Disease,
Dr. L. 0. Clement, Lamberton
Paper by Dr. E. W. Bayley, Sleepy
Eye Prescribing Proprietaries, Dr.
W. A. Brand, Redwood Falls, Case
Homeseekers' Excursions.
The Minneapolis & St. Louis rail
road will sell round-trip excursion
tickets every Tuesday to points in
Minnesota, Wisconsin, the Dakotas,
Manitoba, Saskatchewan and the
Canadian Northwest, and on the
first and third Tuesdays of each
month to points in the south, south
east, west and southwest. Rate one
fare plus $2. Liberal limits and
stop-over privileges. For rates and
further particulars call on agents
or address A. Cutts, G. P. &T.
A. Minneapolis, Minn. 35-tf.
Easter Millinery Openinj
The Ladies of Redwood Falls are cor-/
dially invited to attend my Gran^
Easter Millinery Opening, Satan}#
evening, April 7th, from 7 to 10 o'c®
They will find there the largest/
finest display of up-to-date mil^
ever seen in this city.
NO. 35.
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