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WWT Does Your Heart Beat Yes. 100,000 times each day. Does it send out good blood or bad blood? You know, for good blood is good health bad blood, bad health. And you know precisely what to take for bad blood Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Doctors have endorsed it for 60 years. One frequent cause of bad blood is a slupglsh liver. This produces constipation. Poisonous substances are then absorbed into the blond, instead of beiutt removed from tlie body daily as nature intended. Keen the bowels open with Aver's l'llls, liver pills. All vegetable. A M*d© by J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, MMI, Also manufacturers of HAIR MOOR. yers THE AGUE CUt'.E. CHERRY PECTORAL. Chicago & Northwestern Railway. LOCAL TIME CAKD, REDWOOD FALLS Subject to change. SUNDAY TRAIN. Leave Sleep}'Ejre Arrive Redwood Falls 1:40p.m 2:32 p. m. Leave Redwood Falls Arrive Sleepy Eye 2 37 p. 3:30 p.m. DEPARTT7RS OF TRAINS. Xo. 62, (daily except Sunday) —11:30 a. m. I'or Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Winona, Knd east: also for Tracy. Marshall, Water town, Huron and Pierre. Parlor car, Kasota to St. Paul and Minneapolis. Sleeper, Man kato to Chicago. No. 64. (daily except Sunday) 5:00 p, m. Connects at Sleepy Eye with trains east and west between Waseca and Tracy. Makes connection with Omaha at Kasota tor Sioux City and Omaha. ARRIVAL OF TRAINS. No 61, (daily except Sunday) —11:00 a. Connects with new train, No. 6, from east. No, 63, (daily except Sunday) 4:40 p. m. From Chicago. St. Paul. Minneapolis,Winona and all points east and west. W. B. KNISKERN. A.C.JOHNSON, Sen. Pass, and Ticket Agt, Ger. Agent, Chicago. Winona, ftlinn. I S. RAMMER. Agent, Redwood Falls, Minn 'SHORT LltfE" I To St. Paul, Minneapolis, Chicago, St. Louis, Peoria, Kansas City, Omaha, Des Moines, and all points beyond. Trains Leave as follows: EAST. ..... I Twin Cities passenger (daily) 7:20 a.m Twin Cities passenger(ex.Sun). 12-52 p.m i Local Freight 4:35 p.m i WEST. Madison passenger (dally) 10:13 p. Watertown passenger (ex.Sun). 1:18 p.mi Local freight 9:20 a. i Elegant new vestibuled Pullman Sleeping cars and coaches run Daily. For folders, rates, etc.,ap ply to A. B. Cutts, G. P. & T. A., Minneapolis, Minn., or G. M. BROWNE, Agent. Redwood Gazette WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1906. BY AIKEN & SCHMAHL. E O I Y SHORT ITEMS GAZETTED. O. T. Caswell was up from Wi nona on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week, and while here visited with his sister, Mrs. B. A. Ferris and family. Although Sanborn did not "go dry" at the recent election, the citizens won't get their skates quite as often as formerly, for the reason that the roller skating rink has been closed. Harry Thompson is figuring upon becoming a member of the Minne apolis base ball club, and it can be honestly said that Manager Kelly could not obtain a more faithful and reliable player. S. O. Mason made a good record for writing life insurance during the month of March. He repre sents an old line company of Indiana and during that month he wrote nearly $20,000 worth of new busi ness. After all, we have had a rather long and tiresome winter. Heaters i&Ve been kept going since about *t. 1st, and they will" probably con ^e until about May 1st—a total of i months. The shoveling of ir that period would make any %8em long. our exchanges says that three flaxseeds are planted hill of potatoes, potato lot bother the vines at mp may or may not be the expense cannot i trying the experi worth while for Ty in next plant 's flaxseed does it is supposed can go back •jed them on Travelling agent H. J. Wagen of the Northwestefn was in town last Thursday. George Warner came up from Minneapolis Wednesday evening and spent a few days with his brother, Fred. L. Warner. Editor Asa Wallace 6f the Fairfax Standard mixed his make-up last i week and accuses Mr. Jacobson of putting up some kind of a bed bug game on the farmers' wives of that vicinity. Sleepy Eye„ church iriembers are organizing a law and order league to take a hand in the coming city election with a view to making Sleepy Eye booze agents obey the law. The school board has yet to elect teachers for the third and fifth grades and the second primary de partment of the pnblic schools for i the school year of 1906-07. It is probable that there will be applica tions in before the next meeting from which to make the selections A. H. Moon, a former Redwood boy. is now at Glenburn, North Da kota, where he is agent for the Im perial Elevator Co., where he is doing a"good business for that com panj, which buys grain and sells lumber "at various points in that I state. Mr. Moon writes: "I cannot keep house without THE GAZETTE. It has been received every week in our i Minneapolis &St,.LoulsR.R.| Time Table at Redwood, Minn. Corrected to March 2d, 1904. home ever since we were married 14 years^'ago and both myself and wife would be lost without it." The Glencoe Enterprise brings out the fact that even a game of checkers] may end in a row, and tells of afpair of mature ladies of that city I who have indulged in the game forfmany pleasant hours dur ing the"past winter. The last game they played£was the climax of a series of repeated defeats for one of the ladies and her ire could no longer be restrained. Smarting un der a string of defeats the other I evening she boldly picked up the checker-board when it was appar-1 ent to her that she was about to lose another game and proceeded to pound her playmate and old time friend over the head with it. Granite Falls Tribune: There seems to be no doubt about the attempt by some one *to wreck the big arc dynamo that was sent down to the cities some weeks ago for repairs, The armature had been prodded so that the effect,fhad it run unnoticed, would be to short circuit it and There is no i burn out. There seems to be ample evidence of|that, for pieces of the small wire were sent back, showing tampering and malicious attempt to perpetrate damage that is repre-1 hensible. Who the culprit was and just when it was done are not known, but in future the only safe way is to keep the power house guarded and the machinery under surveillance. You are certainly go ing to Have a new pair of SHoes for Eas ter. E V E Y A Y will want something smart in Footwear to go with her Easter gown. E Y E Y A N will want a pair of natty new Shoes to go with his new suit and top coat. EVERY BOY AND GIRL will'want a new pair of shoes to go with the Easter suit or dre3S. IE EVERY SHOE WEARER would see our styles and learn our money saving prices there wouldn't be a pair of Easter Shoes sold outside of this store. Everything: in Footwear For Everybody. May we expect you in? Shoe Repairing done at the Right Prices. HEILMAN & DELONG The SHOE MEN. -Sjf'A 4 •foff a Spring Medicine other season when good medicine is so much needed as in t|jf Spring. The blood is impure, weak and impoverished—a condition indicated by pimples and other eruptions on the face and body, by deficient vitality, loss of appetite, lack oltS^ngth, and want of animation. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills Make the blood pure, vigorous and rich, create appetite, give vitality, strength and animation, and cure all eruptions. Have the whole family begin to take them today. "Hood's Sarsaparilla has been used In our family for some time, and always with Rood results. Last spring I was all run down and got a bottle of it, and as usual received great benefit." Miss BEVLAH BOYCZ, Stowe, Vt. Hood's Sarsaparilla promises t* cure and keeps the promise. Miss Rector of the public school teaching corps, spent the spring va cation visiting with her sister in Wabasso. Some of the teachers visited at their homes and other places during the spring vacation last week. Prof. W. J. Mosher spent the week at Zumbrota, visiting with his relatives in that town. An item in the Montevideo Ad vance says that Percy Bradley, for merly connected with the Hotel Fountain, postoffice and baseball clqb of this place, but later with the Milwaukee railroad at Montevideo, has left that place for Sanford.Iow'a,! where he has already commenced v/joi k as a fireman on an engine of the Milwaukee road running north of fiat point. Percy is making good I in tLe railroad world. Editor Mahler is evidently pros pering, as is evident from his paper, the Springfield Advance: M. Lehrer has awarded the contract to Ffank Jaehn & Co. for the building of an i addition to the rear of the Advance office. The increased facilities of the office have entirely outgrown the present quarters, but with the additional room it will enable the proprietor to continue to make im-| provements in the way of added machinery and other modem ma teriair^^ New Ulm Review: Yesterday an officer of the government arrived in this city and took the Indian maiden, Irene Baker, who has been at the hospital for the past week or more, to one of the Indian agencies west' of here, where she will be put in one of the schools and cared for by the government. She is the girl who came here from Virginia in the hope of finding some of the rela tives of her parents, but failed to get even a clue of their past orj present. She has been cared for by the county. W. D. Richardson of Garden City, Blue Earth county, this state, is said to own the most productive cow in the world. The cow is of Guernsey blood. During the past year this cow, known as the Yeksa Sunbeam, produced 1,000 pounds of butter. That is almost as much as her own weight, which is not quite 1,200 pounds. The test was made under the supervision of the Wisconsin Experimental station, and the re suits showed that the cow gave 14,920.8 pounds of milk during the year from wuich 857.16 pounds of butter fat were obtained, making an average of 5.74 per cent, of butter fat. I You don't have to ring on or off any more. Just raise the receiver and that will signal central. Give your number when central calls for it and do your talking. When thru talking just hang up the receiver. Central 5 j.] REDWOOD TALLS. HAW? i i V i i will do the rest. Do |not hang up the receiver until the call has been fully answered by the par-j ty called for. All this has been: brought about by the new common battery telephone system that has just been put in for this city by the Minnesota Central Co. at an expense of over $10,000. The chief elec-l trician, with a crew of five assist-: ants, arrived here last Wednesday morning, and immediately com-! menced work ort installing the new i system, and they have been kept! busy ever since. The testing will go on for some time, but when the sys tem is perfected it will be as per fect as any in the state. When ev erything is in shape Manager Wer ner will be pleased to have visitors call and inspect a telephone system of which Redwood Falls has a right to feel justly proud, and for which we can thank the friendly officials of the Minnesota Central Go. SIMPLY TAKE 45 dreds of dollars. Col. Hod. Jones was visiting with his brother in Minneapolis during the early portion of last week, re turning home Wednesday. Milroy Echo: Pat Curtin, who used to live in Granite Rock, but now a resident of Arlington Beach, Sask., Canada, was a pleasant caller at the Echo office Saturday, to ex tend his subscription, and we must say that Mr. Curtin is very enthu siastic over the prospects in that part of Canada. He is preparing to move his son John, who farmed the past year near Lucan, to Can ada, and will load about the last of this month. Last Thursday morning was the first morning of the year that gave signs of genuine spring. The morn ing dawned bright and clear with just enough frost on the walks and ground to be noticeable. The air was perfect and sounds could be plainly heard from a great distance. A robin or two put in their appear ance, geese and ducks passed over the city in their northern flight and out on the prairies could be distinct ly heard the hum of the prairie cock that is always manifest with the op ening days of spring. Who would n't live in the country during these rare spring days. 'i&M, !PREVENT SMUT! £AL- W a e a o n e pound of Formaldehyde, 40 per cent strength, and apply to seed grain with Owen's Smut Trcater according to directions and it will do the business. U A A N E E The "Owens" Smut Treated Is offered un 'er a positive guarantee that if smut appears in your crop after treating with this machine, using Formaldehyde that is 40 per cent, strength, it will not cost you one cent. Pretty strong, but the Owens Co. is back of the offer, and they have sold hundreds of the machines on this guarantee, and have as yet the first one to come back. Come in and get one. It Will Cost You Nothing, if you Have smut after treating your seed grain with it. And if you don't have smut it will mean a saving to you of hundreds of bun- FOR SALE BY FARRELL KEEFEl Hardware, Machinery and Furniture. S NORTH REDWOOD, MINN.: Hon. Frank Clague came over from Lamberton Thurs ki- morning and spent the day attending to legal business in and about the court house. Mrs. C. T. Howard and daughter, who have been spending the past winter visiting with the former's brother, Lieut. James S. Beecher, U. S. N., at Washington and Philadel phia, are expected home to-day. Mrs. Howard wrote her husband, after her stay in Washington, that she didn't blame people for wanting to live in that city, because she re garded it as the most beautiful and interesting city that it had ever been her good fortune to visit. The work of manufacturing the concrete blocks with which the new Christian church is to be construct ed was commenced in the basement of the Francois block on Monday i morning of last week, Rev. E. C. I Nicholson having a large number of 1 the members of his church employ ed in the work. From the outset the product was satisfactory and the indications are that when the build i ing committee is ready to commence work at the grounds there will be a great abundance of substantial building blocks for the superstruc ture. Xhat XKe Recollection 5 of Quality Remains' -V. Long after the price is forgotten is demon* 2 strated every day by users of 5 I THE AMERICAN FENCE The fence gives such perfect satisfaction that the price is of little importance, for with the new Steel Spring Wire and Hinge Joint the American Fence if properly put up is practi cally indestructable. It is to be had in any height and weave and for any purpose from Chicken and Rabbit Fencing to wild bulls and elephants and guaranteed to do all we Claim for it. Where you see tbis face is the place to buy. E-. A. E. A S ID W Y e O w e i s e TT 311 cause the Owens will remove smut balls, king heads and wild oats, and in the same operation treat the seed grain so that every indi vidual grain kernel will be wet over the entire surface, which is absolutely necessary to prevent smut. Quarton & Barnes have hoisted a good looking window curtain sign in the front of their handsome new of fices in the Bank of Redwood Falls building. Will Wallace continues to live the fast life down in the south land. A letter was received from him last week written on March 23d. He was then on a Mexican special train consisting of two Pullman sleeping cars, chartered by the Sinaloa Land & Water Co. for the carrying of about 40 people thru Mexico, the party consisting of many prominent business men of Los Angeles, who are large stockholders in the com pany. Mr. Wallace states that the party expect to visit the city of Mexico, Vera Cruz and Guadalajara before returning home. The letter was written while the train was moving thru Texas, and an extract is as follows: "We are now cros sing the Texas desert. That is, I call it a desert, but I see herds and herds of cattle trying to get enough to eat to keep them alive until such time as there will be more grass. Some of them have toppled over and there are many skeletons lying-j about. However, the living cattle seem to be in fair condition, for some reason or other." i