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•Ml [8 fr 1 i i i 1 I 4.. .'JA» It re Tour uousii stop your Lung- Irritation, relieve your Sore Throat and drive out your Chronic Cold, with the only cer tain, and striotly scientific, Cure for Coughs and Colds: DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY FOR CONSUMPTION Almost in Despair. "Our little daughter was given up by two physicians with consumption of the throat, and we were almost in despair, when our druggist recommended Dr. King's New Discovery. After taking four bottles she was perfectly cured and has had no throat trouble since." —GEO. A. EYLER, Cumberland, Md. Pric^« 50c and $t.OO TRIAL BOTTLES FREE MMfjrtffl RECOMMENDED, GUARANTEED MGRM G£GII AND SOLD BY HHP Hitchcock's Drug Store Look Pleasant, Please, That ia what the photographer says when you have youi picture taken. WE DON'T HAVE TO ASK our customers to look pleasant, one look at any display of our good'things to eat, and they will do the rest. BOOTH'S FRESH OYSTERS^ MEALS ^|LVNCHES at all hours from 6 a. m. to 11 p. m. Home Bakery and Restaurant PHONE 18. A CUT-PRICE OFFERING OF fur Robes & Winter Goods Having added the McCoy & Smith immense stock of Harness, Robes, Whips, Blankets, Etc. to our own complete places us in a position to offer extraordinary values for money on anything in the line of Robes or Horse Furn goods. On Robes, Horse Blankets and other winter .we are making a special low price to close out to make for spring stock. Harness a.nd Repairing Dept. iiarge of GEO. DRAKE, whose reputation for doing work is known to you all. We want to OIL YOUR HARNESS, $1.25 per set. A Carload -of High Grade Buggies just received. Call and see them. W. T. WILLCOX, Redwood Falls, Minn. V-V e FarmerVo"",e On your Wagon and Implement Investment by Painting your equipment once in every 12 months with WAGON AND IMPLEMENT PAINT Prevents Rust, Warp and Rot IAEHNING BROS. 9- tj "S*.. i.'i-'t £-,* -'t? -~v j'-i ft i 25% .1- swpr cxcerpts Taken from St. Paul Papers of forty Years Ago. Some of the fashions for 1866 —Heaven be thanked! -The doom has gone forth of those pendant fish nets full of false hair, called waterfalls. Even curls are at a discount, and crimped or frizzed hair the fashion, from which there is no appeal. Those airy nothings known as the empire bonnets are ousted by newer and equally outre styles of hats, composed of straw or leghorn, and trimmed with vel vet or small cameos. Small pau lettes, formed of studs or brooches connected by chains of gold or silver, give their wearers a piquant semi-military appearance quite cap tivating to the "dogs of war"—and others. There are cunning workers in steel and brass, India rubber and cork,' etc., who will remedy any defects! of the contour very skillfully. Un der their facile hands hollow chests become full and rounded, sunken cheeks are plumped and attenuated limbs are given a development suf ficient to excite the envy of the disciples of Terpsichore. False hair, false fronts, false calves, false ev erything! We are fast approaching the age when men and women must be looked upon more as the work of art than of nature. That un-| progressive old dame is still allowed the privilege of furnishing the rude framework which our "artists" are to manipulate and torture into a perfect specimen as recognized by the nineteenth century. Benzberg's brewery and distillery, near the bank of the river, just above the city limits, together with the contents, were completely des troyed by fire Wednesday evening. I The fire illuminated the whole city, but the distance was too great to enable the firemen to render any service. The concern had been in the hands of the government for several months on account of alleged I attempts to defraud the revenue, It was being run under the manage ment of Mr. F. A. Renz, who re sided with his family in one of the wings. Mr. Renz's personal loss is about $10,000, on which he has no insurance. C. D. Gilfillan loses $20,000, on which there is an insur ance of $12,000. The total loss is $40,000. The institution was the most complete and extensive of its kind west of Chicago. Col. Joseph R. King has just reached St. Paul from Vermillion gold fields direct, and reports every thing in excellent condition up there, The death of Col. King's father at Washingtonjwas the cause of his sudden return. Mr. King, Sr., was employed in' the interior de I partment and was 70 years old at the time of his death. •if Maj. Newson is building a large hotel at Vermillion lake for the accommodation of visitors, and will have it completed in 20 days. A party of miners traveled from On tonagon to the gold mines, a dis tance of 289 miles, on snowshoes. They say hundreds of men will leave the copper mines for the new El Dorado as soon as navigation opens on the lake. The worst roads from here to the mines are between St. Paul and Little Canada. A quartz crusher, several sled loads of stores, camp utensils, gold mining implements, etc., started yesterday for the Minnesota gold fields under the auspices of a new company from New York and St Louis. Everything foreshadows a lively time in the new settlements. The city is enjoying a wonderful activitylin housebuilding this spring. Balloon frames by the hundred are springing up like mushrooms all over the city, and dealers in real estate are waxing fat on the in creased business. The most respectable city conven tion ever assembled in this city met at the court house Wednesday to rescue the city by Awise ufer, nominations from the calamities with which it is threatened by some of the nomina tions made by the Democratic city convention recently. It embraced the best representatives of all class es and all parties. Partisanship was abandoned in the desire to put for ward Worthy citizens to administer the affairs of the city. That they were eminently successful is shown by the nominations made. For may or, the Democratic candidate, John If -n- *.mr-rtf w" vf^rra^, OX-CXCC"" l. P. Wright city justice, Albert Edgerton city surveyor, H. Von Minden aldermen, Dr. J. H. Murphy, James King, William Mar koe, George W. Moore and J. M. Keller. All that is necessary to elect this ticket and thus defeat the ancient ring who is running the city to destruction is to get out and vote. On motion of Alderman Markoe the sum of $5,000 has been appro priated in aid of the state reform school, to be located at this place. The beauty and picturesqueness of the City (Rice) Park has often been commented on. In addition to its other attractions a fine lake has formed in its center. That and the dead cat pile are certainly orna ments to be proud of. St. Paul's financial condition is such that the entire tax levy for the year, and more, too, is spent before a cent is received. A vote for Mr. Isaac P. Wright for city treasurer will help in remedying this. The question of constructing a free bridge across the river between Fort Snelling and Minneapolis is to jbe voted on by our citizens next Tuesday. Its purpose is to divert the farmers' trade to this city. For lack of facilities they are now forced to go to Minneapolis. Both silver and copper has been discovered in St. Paul, The work men engaged in excavating the cellar for the Schurmeier block have found a vein of silver and copper quartz. A nugget can be seen at our counting room. Does the vein belong to the workman who dis covered it, to A. F. Parker, the contractor, or to Mr. Schurmeier, who owns the ground? A poor vagabond, seedy and drunk en, was accused in court yesterday of robbing a saloon till of a few cents in postage currency. As he had no money, and if found guilty I would be a boarder at John Grace's hotel at the city's expense, the I justice sentenced him to leave the I city and be kicked out of court by Chief of Police Turnbull. The kick ing was ably done, the chief wear ing very heavy boots, and the va grant, having received such a good I start, traveled off at high speed. Mr. Timothy|Delaney, who went to the Vermillion gold fields with the Ryerson party, via the Crow Wing route, has returned. When Mr. Delaney left the Chicago party was engaged in sinking a shaft, and had got to the depth of seven feet, Mr. Delaney has made a claim and brought with him a number of specimens of the quartz to be found upon it. He represents the Crow Wing route as impracticable at this season, but the Newson route is in good condition. He was only seven days from Vermillion over the lat- i 1 ter. Mr. Delaney met between Ver million and St. Paul sixty teams and 200 men bound for the mines. Bishop"|Whipple will preach in Christ church to-morrow forenoon and at St. Paul's church in the I evening, administering the rite of confirmation in both places. The military post at Princeton, in Isanti county, has been aban doned. Lieut. Dampier of Company F, Independent battery, is under orders withAhis [squad to report to Fort Snelling to be mustered out of service. Dr. Thomas Foster, formerly! editor of the Minnesotan, has re turned to the city after an absence of five years, and proposes to be-1 come a permanent resident again. He was a commissary of subsistence during the war. Wanted —1,000 men to smoke American Stag: 5c cigars at Kuenzli & Luscher's, agents. 30 5t. For Sale—A registered Short Horn bull, red, two years old. Price and animal right. Will take a horse in trade. 30-tf. GEO. E. MALTBY. SHIP Y O U SCRAP IRON ScraP Metals and junk to UNITED STATES IRON 60. CAPITAL $100,000.00 SECURITY BANK BLDG. MINNEAPOLIS MINN. Highest Prices. V.- 4! IiISmS iifiliSJ .QBM*Settle»otfs. Hecommended by leading physicians and chimists FIVE REASONS WHY CALUMET BAKING POWDER has obtained the confidence of the public. 1. It complies with the Pure Food Laws of all states. 2. It is the only high-grade Powder sold at a moderate price 3. It is not made by a Baking Powder Trust. 4. Food prepared with it is free from Rochelle Salts or Alftm. 5. It is the strongest Baking Powder on the market. $1,000.00 given for any substance Jnjurlous to health found in Calumet Calmnet is so carefully and scientifically prepared that the neutralization of the ingredients is absolutely perfect. Therefore, food prepared with ('alnmet is free from Rochelle Salts, Aluin or any injurious substance. All Grocers are Authorized to Guarantee this. Calumet Baking: Powder costs little. Costs a little more than the cheap, injurious powders row on the market, but is a big: saving over the trust powders. Try Calumet ARC YOU READY fOR SPRING WORK? Have you all the Harness, Collars, Etc. you need? Have you had your old Harnesses Oiled? if Not You must remember it getting time. Harnesses Oiled for $1.25 per set. Get your Hhrses and all your stock in good order this spring by feeding the CLOVER BRAND STOCK POOD The Best and Cheapest made, a positive guarantee. Bargains every day Sold under Please give us a call when in need of any thing in our line. LAUTCRBACM BROS. Continue at the store of H. F. BUECHNER Our Specialties are: FINE T'S & "KOFFEES" H. F. BUECHNER. MASONIC BLOCK^PHONE 78. NELSON BROS. Paving & Construction COMPANY Portland Cement Sidewalks, Curbing, Street Crossings, Floors (cellars, barns, etc.) Steps and Carriage Blocks. Satisfactory Work Guaranteed. We are well equipped to handle work in towns adjacent to Redwood Falls, wbere we have a branch shop, in operation the year around, in charge of ALEX. JOHNON, Mgr. Oorreepopdence regarding any work in our line solicited. Addrese ns at our main office, 702, NEW YORK LIFE BLDO, MINNEAPOLIS. "j I 1 W' lil 4*. 7/ 'I $ .•ij '•'t T. eif* .'S