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Wisconsin Hard Maple W O O I will deliver from my yards in quantities to suit at reasonable prices. Saw ed if desired. Prompt at tention. PHONE 55-3 Wfistifirn Fixator Go UIU PHONE 108, Call 3. Having purchased the coal busines lately managed bv W. Caswell, we solicit the continued patronage of his late customers and of the public generally, and will keep on hand a fj.ll stock of the Best Grades of Hard and Soft Coal. R. W. ZIEMER, Agent. faster Decorations CUT fLOWERS, EASTER LIlllES, HOUSE AND GARDEN PLANTS. New Uim Green House Offers the largest variety I and best stock. C. BOOCK, Prop. Leave orders at Heilman & DeLong's Shoe Store Don't Borrow Money until you have investi gated our Amortizment plan— the easiest and simplest, as well as cheapest for the borrower, ever devised. Six per cent., with repayment privilege at any time. J. B. ROBINSON & CO. City Dray Line. All kinds of heavy hauling done in the city. House hold tjoods and Pianos care fully handled. Leave or ders for good plastering sand. F. CARMAN. Telephone No. 45- ATTORNEYS. J. H. BOWERS, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. Granite Block, Redwood Falls, Minn. Collections given special attention. c. T. HOWARD, A. c. ATTORNKY- AT-L.A W. HhiHirlck.Block, Redn-ood Falls, Minn. C.unty Attorney of Redwood count}-. C. DOLLIFF, ATTORNEY-A T- A W. Ortiice in Granite block, Redwood Falls, Minn. K. A. LAUDON, A. ATTOK N E Y-AT-LAW. MUNICIPAL JUDGE. DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT. r.irv Building. Redwood Falls, Minn. i:0. W. SOMERV1IXE I. M. OLSEN COMERVILLE & OLSEX, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Sleepy Eye, Minn. PHYSICIANS. G. R. PEASE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Offlce. Washington street, two doors south, of P. O. Rooms at C. F. Thompson. Telephone—Offlice, 73-2: Room. 95-2. P. GIBSON, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office at residence, corner 4th and Mill Sts. Calls promptly answered, day or night. Telephone No. 55. CORPRON, M. D. WM' ysiS. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Moles, birth marks, superfluous hair and other facial blemishes removed by electrol- Office corner Mill and 3d sts. Residence on 4th street, opposite the Presbyterian church. Telephone—Office No. 6 residence No. 152. REDWOOD FALLS, Minh. A. BRAND, M. D. ^ctttfdjer Sirs*. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office and residence over Palace Dry Goods Co. Phone No. 149 Redwood Falls. J. HENZE, H. DENTIST, Office in Dr. Pease Building south of P. O Bed wood Falls, Minn TRIED TO UNITE CHURCHES. Rev. E. A. Orr Keeps Up His Reputation for Having Something Doing. Rev. E. A. pastor of the this place for during which various raids ISAAO ROOT on the anniversary of Little Crow's raid down the Minnesota valley, and Orr, who was the Christian church at a number of years, time he indulged in for the benefit of Christianity—not the least being the celebrated raid on a base ball game wh°church MU0OU1 II UluVUUUI V»U. Christian in Mankato, is in dulging in the pleasant past-time of trying to unite the congregations of the Christian church of Mankato and the Congregational church of the same place into one flock. Dealer* in is now the pastor of the He has been engaged in this propo i sition for some time past and about I ten days ago his efforts seemed to I come to naught. The pastor of the Congregational church, together with a committee of that organiza tion plainly told the Christian min ister that the paths of the two organizations were over different courses, and consequently they would have to reject any overtures he had made looking towards con-1 solidation. Mr. Orr never was known to be! a quitter and he immediately sent a letter to the bunch wherein he' insisted that the creeds of the twoj churches were practically the same,! and that the little difference ought not to prevent the Congregation alists from swallowing the Christian doctrine in its entirety, immersion and all. The Congregational min ister again replied that he could see no scriptural basis for the union, and Mr. Orr replied by saying that the church was not organized when the scriptures were written and that he would have to construe the Scrip tures liberally in order to get in on the union game. The led to i open refusal on the part of the Congregational crowd to carry ne I gotiations further, and Mr. Orr sent the following to the pastor of the Congregational church as a i parting shock: "Our people feel that something I might have been accomplished if (there had been a really serious effort to get together. You treated the matter as if it were a foregone conclusion that any kind of union was impossible. You declare your selves 'open to conviction.' We certainly think we are equally open to appeal by Scripture and reason but no opportunity was given for an appeal to either. You simply did not like our proposition, and said there was no use of further discussion. We just as much dis like your proposition but we did not at once judge you impervious to Scriptural and lational appeal. Now, what we ask, in all fairness to ourselves and in justice to the great cause of Christian union, is that we take time to consider our I differences, in a Christian spirit, and with a 'determination to find a basis'of union. The Christian, as well as the scientific spirit demand that wejshall 'prove all things' and only 'hold fast that which is good,' (I. Thess. 5, 21.)" LIBRARY NOTES. The] following books have been added to|the library the past week and are ready for distribution: REFERENCE BOOKS. Granger's Index to Poetry. FICTION. Arnim—Elizabeth and Her Ger man Garden. Burnett—Dawn of a To-morrow. Corelli—Thelma. Connor—Black Rock, Sky Pilot. Clemens—Tom Sawyer. Crawford—Fair Margaret. Dillon—In Old Bellaire. Eggleston—Hoosier School Master. Evans—St. Elmo. Hawthorne—Scarlet Letter. Helevy—Abbe Constantine. Hutton—Pam. Kingsley—Transfiguration of Miss Philura. Lillibridge—Ben Blair. McCutcheon—Brewster's Millions. McGrath—Hearts and Masks, Man on the Box. Mitchell—Constance Trescott. Marlitt—Old Ma'm'selle's Secret. Martin—Tillie, a Mennonite Maid. McLaren—Beside the Bonny Brier Bush. Nicholson—House of a Thousand Candles. 1 Norris—Pit, Octopus. Phillips—Plum Tree. Parrish—Sword of the Old Fron tier. Reed—Lavender and Old Laee. Rice—Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch. Hopkinson, T. Smith—Tom Grogan. Stuart—Sonny. St. Pierre—Iceland Fisherman. Stockton—Lady and the Tiger. Tourgee—Fool's Etrand, without Straw. We have for sale some good seed wheat, also timothy seed and choice No. 25 flax, an early variety and heavy yielder. 27-tf. WINN BROS. CANNOT REMIND, UNLESS READ. Mrs. McArthur Hyde in her bril liant lecture at the Presbyterian church last Wednesday, quoted the familiar verse: "Lives of great men all remind us, We may make our lives sublime, And departing leave behind us Footprints on the sands of time." But alas, said the lady, we are not reading the lives of great men use" Joel C. Porter to T. C. Mattke, auditor's lot 1, section 15, Morgan, and residence lot 4 of 2d addition to Morgan, $1,525. Winona & St. Peter Land Co. to CREAM Tie grcaitst taiug in i e zv or hi keep zi 'jmen \-oung looking 1: does this in a natural wsv. It is not a cosmetic or artificial skin coating. It simply clears the pores, gives the blood free circulation, removes ail wrinkles, and insures a clear, healthy, weil groomed skin. Its frequent use from 11OW will keep you young looking and good looking. 50c and $1.00 per jar. Call at our store for sample Warner's library of the world's best literature which contains bio graphical and critical sketches of authors of fall countries and times, RT 1 "D Bartlett's^Familiar Quotations, and fifSt lNcltioncll JDcUlK Hitchcock's BEDtVOOl) FALLS, MINN. t«gitar Banking Business Transaotef Established in 1872. Incorporated into a State Bank in 1891. Authorized.Capital, $50,000. Paid Up Capital, $25,000. Surplus fund #10,000 Undivided Profits $10,000 OFFICERS: A. C. BURMEISTER, President. H. D.BALDWIN, Vice-President, H. A. BALDWIN, Cashier, W. B. CLEMENT, Asst. Cashier. DIRECTORS: A. C. Burineister, H. D. Baldwin, E. Luscher, A. E. Ward, C. A. Luscher, H. Baldwin and Emil Kuenzli. ATTENTION! Get the highest market prices for HIDES. FVR.S, PE'TS. WOOL. ETC. Make a trial shipment and be convinced Write for price list. Prompt Remittance Guaranteed JOHN MACK £b CO. 18, No. 2d Street, Minneapolis, Minn. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleanses and beautifies the hair. Promotes a luxuriant growth. Never Pails to Bestore Gray Hair to its Youthful Color. Cures scalp diseases St hair tailing* flOc^and LOQ at Hruggit! Duley & Yeager, lot 3, block 6, vil lage of Sanborn, $200. Meady Duley to John A. Yeager, lots 3, 4,5 and 6, block 6, Sanborn, Ella V. Philbrick to Mary Moore, w| of lot 5 and and all lot 6, block 12, city of Redwood Falls, $2,000. Sheridan Creamery Co. to Seaforth Improvement Co., tract in n£ of swi, Bricks section 29, Sheridan, $1,000. Anna Unger to H. C. Fick, block 6, Revere, $400. and biographies of the great men, SpiritJ. VasUy to S C.-Vasaly, e and they are shown to us, unused, fresh as when issued from the press, i I ask the librarian if she has a: E" B. only the best literature. Mrs. Hyde i ^.f °i held up for admiration the great ents $3000. writers and painters of the ages, Her lectures cannot fail to interest and help all who hear them. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. tion 21, Springdale, $3,400. J. P. Chandler to F. O. Chandler, undivided one-half of same, $1,700. e a md 1 lot W sensational and pernicious novel, ™=°x. ne| of section 25, Redwood (to the reading of which at least one murder can be traced). Well. yes, she answers, we had it but it is quite worn out from excessive What we read forms and moulds us, hence the necessity of reading Alvin Small to Hugh McDougall, lots 9 and 10, block 6, Delhi, $25. Ludwig Dittbenner to C. G. Sasse, block 7, Seaforth, $1,700. s| of nwi, section 11, Morgan, $4,000.1 D. L. Keyes to George Peach, 6, Peter J. Richard to John Vilt, lot 11, block 1, city of Redwood Falls, $1,000. Henrietta Breitkreutz to W. H. Morse, sj of nei, section 2, Charles town, $2,400. W. C. Meyer to H. F. Meyer, swl of swj, section 25, Willow Lake, $1,640. W. A. Marvin to E. B. Marvin, ej of nw|, section 25, Redwood Falls, $1,800. Winona & St. Peter R. R. Co. to A. H. Bredley, lot 6, block 1, Revere, $50. A. H. Bredley to Henry A. Bred ley, same, $100. Martin Anderson to F. Wyrem- so they cannot remind us of any thing. I go into the free libraries 13 and 14, block 3, Milroy, of this land and ask for the histories $ A-Marvm to W. Falls, $7,200 Anton Petrak to Jos. Vogl, nwi of section 19, Granite Rock, $5,806.25. Christ Jensen to Jens Jensen, lot 6 in block 2, Clements, $200. Eric Wilson to J. Harry Wilson, nJ of s (m Bauermeister to Thos. H. MoQre_ ]otg 2 and Wo( k 3 c)em. w' ml Belcher to Thos. Moore, lot 10 elements, $109. '^Winona & St. Peter Land Co. to John Schwengle, nwj of section 23, Waterbury, $2,800. Same to W. H. Wendt, nwjof sec tion 27, Waterbury, $2,240. E. M. Horine to Minnesota Con- Geo. Braun to Jos. Salfer, lots 12, 17 and 18 in block 4, Wabasso, $3,500. State Bank of Grant Co., Wis. to J. P. Chandler, nej and eh nwi, sec- ference Association 7th Day tists lots 11 and 12 in block 2, Wat son's 3d addition to City of Red wood Falls, $50. of swi, section 30, Brookville, $2,250 Bertha A. Schelkopf to W. T. Wil cox, lots 3 and 4 in block 1, Western addition to City of Redwood Falls $550. Chas. L. Jorstad to H. Van Uden, nwi section 18, Springdale, $6,600. Fair Dawson to E. L. Nippolt, lot 17, block 6, Milroy, $400. E. L. Nippolt to John Durada, lot 17, block 6, Milroy, $435. John A. Johnson to Jos. P. Casser ly, wi of sei, section 35, Underwood, $3,000. Jos. P. Casserly to John A. John son, nwj, section 2, Westline, $6,COO. D. W. Fiddyment to W. W. Das kam, ne|, section 9, Paxton, $7,400. Hans Knudsen to H.M. Ball, lot 4, section'39 and lot 9, section 33, Morgan, $2,800. Aug. Radtke to H. T. Helgeson, lot 3, block 18, Delhi, $100. E. Hirchfield to J. S. Miller, lot 21, block 1, Revere, $1,600. Jacob Giem to A. P. Metag, lots 7 and 8, block 9, Hansen's 2nd addi tion to Morgan, $1,600. Lars Walter to Julius Jacobson, nw| of sw|, section 15, Brookville, $750. Western Town Lot Co. to O. T. Newhouse, lot 12, block 4, Lucan, $100. Frank W. Smith to James Marsh, lot 4, block 11, Milroy, $375. Lizzie I Hitchcock to Oscar Erick son, lot 3, block 6, WTestern addition to city of Redwood Falls, $45. Oscar Eriekson to W. H. Peavy, same, $45. Herbert King to Bruce King, nwl, section 2, Sheridan, $2,675.25. Edwin Anderson to A. C. Morgan, nwi, section 17, Charlestown, $6,000. Wm. Callery to W. F. Jackson, nwi, section 1, Vail, $5,050.85. Carrie E. Caswell to S. G. Peter son, part of auditor's lot 31,.section 1, Redwood Falls, $1050. Martha Anderson to W. C. Meyer, sw£, section 25, Wrillow Lake, $1,644. Wm. Smith to Lorenz Smith, nwi section 6, Springdale, $3,700. Clara B. Miller to Chas. H. Sauc iran, el of nei, section 36, Under y-ood, $2,800. PURITY Give them a New Orleans Telephone 30. D. L. Adven- Ed Longbottom to F. A. Whit comb, part of lots 10,11 and 12 in wmmuw Ktf?- Lace curtains and delicate look like new without rubbing, »•***.'•» O A N OUR o AR^P^HELEAD. trial and be convinced. A Molasses just received. O N E S I E 5- J. M. Dunnington REMEMBER A Good Auctioneer Never Loses Money. WW A S A N E E S CRIMMINS IS AUCTIONEER OF REDWOOD COUNTY. Address, Olivia., Minn. T. M. QUARTON, Attorney. Probate Business or Settlement of Estates a Specialty. z A V O new lot of pure Prompt, Courteous iwatment. W, R.. BARNES, Auctioneer FARM SALES a Specialty QUAR.T0N BARNES. .Lands, Collections and Insurance! If you want to Buy or Sell a Farm, If you want to Insure your property against fire, hail or cyclone, If you want to buy cheap, unim proved land in Wisconsin, Min nesota, N. Dakota or Canada, AND Robin see us BUILDING, SECOND ST. SON WE HAVE Ready Money wm To Place on good Real Estate S e u i y and can arrange you a loan without delay, and at the cheapest rate. Come in and see us when/ in need of money. Dock State BanK Redwood Falls, Minn. fv' ti fctsat'i PLEASING PICTURES of your Wife, Baby, or Sweetheat are guaranteed when yoti leave your ordere here. Redwood To Cure a Cold in One Day^ TaketMative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Z Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months. This signature, fabrics made Family Groups in Cabinet or larger style, #nit able for framing. See samples of Andersen's work in these lines. Viewsin great variety, at N. B. ANDERSEN'S •••KSiS Cures Grip in Two Days, 1 i i on every box. 25c.