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Image provided by: Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN
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WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 192* W The name c' r the Store to come to | for' “his gift” § F. G. Hubbard CoA is written in the stub of his check ; book. | He depends on these stocks when £ Christmas isn’t here--making an ex- $ cellant reason why you should do the £ same now that it is. S 2 Do Your Christmas Ijl l]"T Tli A 1) T\ \ Do Your Christmas Shopping Early A' • I.J. Shopping Early 134 Stores Buying Power Make Our Prices Lower Correspondence North Redwood t- ——t Mr. and Mrs. John Schweinfurter, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schulte, Mr. and Mrs. George Lauer and family and Mrs. Fischer motored to Sleepy Eye last Thursday to spend Thanksgiv ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Schmitz. M. C. Taubert spent a few days last week at Luverne. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Shippman and daughter, Mrs. Margaret Dreyer and son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Dreyer went to Le Sueu * last Tuesday to attend the funeral o Peter Shippman, Sr., father of Peter Shippman and Mrs. Dreyer. Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Hanson motor ed to Storden last Thursday to spend Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. Special 9c Sale Starts Saturday December 4th , 1926 and runs for 3 weeks All goods listed below at a special price of 9 cents each 1— 10c Royal Washing Powder I—loc Corn Starch 25c Nine O’clock Washing: I—loc Soda Tea I—l3c1 —13c Kellogs Bran Flakes 1— 10c Bar Soap I—l3 C Foley’s Corn Flakes 2 5c Bars Soap I —ls C Aunt Jemima’s Pan I—l3c Lighthouse Soap Flakes Cake Flour I—loc Lighthouse Washing I—loc Yeast Foam. Powder I—loc Foley’s Soups. I—loc Arm & Hammer Wash- I—loc Foley’s Tomatoes ing Soda I—loc Armour’s Pork and 1— 10c Tobacco Beans 2 5c Matches I—lsc Foley’s Milk I—lßc Milk Macaroni, Quakers I—l3c Crosby Corn, No. 2 16 oz. I—l3c Early Peas, No. 2 I—lsc Catsup I—loc Diamond Tooth Picks I—loc Mothers’ Macaroni 3—Dozen Clothes Pins I—loc Ink. I—loc Tablet. I—loc Cooking Molasses I—loc Glue I—loc1 —10c K. C. Baking Powder ALSO A FULL LINE OF FRESH MEATS, FRUITS AND VEG ETABLES AT SPECIAL PRICES. Bring us your Cream, Eggs and Poultry. Highest Market Prices. Service, Quality, Satisfaction L. H. RADDATZ Clements, Minn. Hanson’s pai*ents. K. P. Harris spent Thanksgiving at the home of his parents at Vesta. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Weeks and fam ily and Mrs. C. Neuenberg of Redwood Falls were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Dittbenner. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Simondet and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Simondet and family, Mrs. A. Simondet and daughters were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Peterson near Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Beltz and son of Mor gan were guests last Thursday of ir. and Mrs. R. A. Gluth. Mrs. W r m. Hcsken and children spent a few days last week at the home of her sister near Vesta. Mrs. Thos. Hosken, Jr., spent a few days last week at the home of her parents at Sanborn. THE REDWOOD GAZETTE, REDWOOD FALLS, MINNESOTA Gift Suggestions for Men and Boys Suits , , Bath Robes Overcoats Mr. and Mrs. Henry Becker andj sons, and Mr. and Mrs, C. J. Kurtz j and family and Miss Florence Draeger j were guests Thanksgiving Day at the j home of Mi*, and Mrs. E. Druery. Mrs. H. Becker, Mrs. C. J. Kurtz and Mrs. Chas. Zachow went to Ap-1 pleton last week to visit at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Taubert and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miller. Miss Emma Zwemke who teaches at Le Sueur Center spent her Thanks giving vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zwemke. Miss Sarah Simondet who is at tending school at Mankato spent a few days last week at the home of her parents here. H. Draeger and son Leland and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Becker and son were guests last Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Draeger. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Tradewell and Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Scheunert and dau ghter were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Allan. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Castle, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Castle and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Neale and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Gaffney and family Hats—Caps Gloves Mittens Mufflers Underwear Silk Hose Shoes and Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Simondet and sons were guests last Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. H. Hepner at Redwood Falls. Rev. and Mrs. R. C. Mittelstadt and daughter Adeline motored to Wells last Thursday where the Rev. Mittelstadt assisted in quarterly meetings being held there. Mr. and Mrs. John Zimmer were guests last Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Zimmer. Fred Kieglin returned from Roches ter last Friday where he had taken his son, Orville, who was compelled to have his leg amputated on account of an infection in the bone. Bert Marsh was a visitor in Minne apolis last week from Thursday until Saturday. It’s news you read in The Gazette. Overshoes Wool Hose y»vDONT big, price ‘ m Hear the Radiola 20, before you buy. Heat it in competition Qv - 2ft%dtii fry* with the latest models of any make. If yon want clear tone . . #H3 and real music, you will take nothing else at anywhere near Ipr fn- a af, hlm inn its price. It is single-controlled—it has a power Radiotron, ' for clear volume. It operates inexpensively —with five tubes drawing small current—but doing the same work as more tubes in the set. It has features new to many sets now—but thoroughly tried, tested and perfected in this Radiola 20. It has far outrun r expected sales, and proved its superiority in use everywhere! . U It is the choice of many who could easily buy higher priced gT sets. And, perfected by the engineers of RCA, General f CTfcdhrN I ’Electric and Westinghousc, it is the ’only buy for the man [ I VgY I who has a limited amount to spend for (radio and wants to Jr L buy permanent satisfaction. , nntuUnn RADIO CORPORATION OP AMERICA Bfe New York Chicago S.n Francisco V PJCA^Rfldiola MADE • BY * THE * MAKERS • OF • THE * KADIOTROM/ Stensvad’s] [Garage Lounging Robes Shirts Cravats Belts Suspenders Flannel Shirts Night Robes J. Albert Johnson, district game warden, is suffering with an attack of blood poison of his right arm. A couple weeks ago he had a small wound inflicted on a finger of his right hand from the back fin of a carp which he was handling when a landing of rough fish was made. The wound was given attention and care, apparently being healed, when on Mon day the infection set up in his arm causing him considerable pain. He I has been under treatment of Dr. Her mansen and recovery should follow in due course of time which is the hope of friends here.—lvanhoe Times. Mr. Johnson returned to his home in Redwood Falls last Wednesday. His arm is some better but it will be necessary for him to remain here {for medical attention. Pajamas 1 Arm Bands Handkerchiefs Slippers In conversation with C. O. Gim mestad Saturday he incidentally re marked that his son Otto, who runs the father’s farm, had an exceptional ly good yield of corn for the past sea son. In a forty-five acre field, the yellow corn averaged sixty bushels per acre and white fifty. Another gratifying feature there was no soft corn. Mr. Giihmestad says it is the best crop of corn ever raised in the many years he has owned the farm. —Belview Independent. Miss Josephine Staddick of Wabas so was a Monday visitor here. Miss Gertrude Parker of Dawson and Miss Muriel Parker of Spring field spent their Thanksgiving vaca tion in Redwood Falls with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parker. tabs mm