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UL. E&&...& v, itnare, one week, •.., three weeks, i•••»-, threeOTOL!US,., -.. six months, •',. one yew, Kj&Qfe.*, three weeks,. do., three months d«.*' six. months, «lo., one year, ,, 3t)tt«rea, throe weeks,. v,three months, Oo ,,-pbx Months, p-f 0:!'« W .--Two dollars per year, invari- ni advance not piud'in advance $9,00 OK WORK of all kinds neatly and ex fi nslf executed, on reasonable terms V! ES OF ADVERTISING. $ 1,00 2,00 3,50 6,00 10,00 2,60 f,50 8,00 12,00 3,50 7,00 5flr,W year i5 0( tfcv offtcolumn, th«-ee months, 12,00 six r.aryiiths,,. ...... °««ye**, 'jmn, three months,, 15,001 ,25,00 month*, 26 0 0 nl*? l'.'?'f,S- ne year,.... .jit three months...,,. ,26,00 I s\%- months,..... 40,00 ia. One ear,.« 75,00 '($?&.«a CAKDS, one year 7,00 tiit••.•:.'»' lines of Kon]. oreil ftie counted re tr.rji.-ieTit advertisetb cats rr,ust be or in ad* int-e, Atlyertisements rrtnst b. mnrked for o-i ar lena'.h ot'tim^, or iPuhliahnr ¥AlMJS O AND TLMBiCK LA.NP ALSO, lij Property in St. Anthony, A E A O S ST/'OLOCtV •'(ul'jiK, iROTTSBUttC SYRA USB, Namwau 81: & 3IILLE A Shares in Uie.Towii of Hanover. ipHN L, WILSON, ry&AIXR 1 ESTATE, /.OI'D, MINNESOTA. r# rt 1 XTPKK TOrtN SAINT Cl.Ol'0. :.\H: t'er* ii Grain, Flfur, Pork, Bacou, iio'is'ons generally j-icud ateuticn pad to Consignments dvance3 mady if required. poods ftored for die eost s:da of river above, crossed free of )t. tURTI-ia. U.C.I.ESTCR. Ctivtiss, «5 T.pster oijilARN'S HOUSE, »TM"8 N 8 A I O SI a they will be ii«w^ and charged for, #itil ordered a: A paid. ', ••••Artl N'.'i'lees before Mttrriaires. or I precedence of refulnr advertise-1 F. O T'. A) J!-.' It I N r. I. 'I' A fe •i [mtMrtAirrtl ox MANO, A t.r.«'t QlIJl^'/^'nr or lll 0 rt frMjpg oiid CoJhttiifsion Morrhani^s k\ vn %$inx££-J%l r- Cloud, Wtnot^l Minneisko, Wa.e- A I ... kient. on uicnie*invested..wunthcoid graves Town & C6i 4INI A N O N MINNESOTA 'Ov\-ii-llQ the Suspension Bridge. 5ij0t LVafta on New. York., Land W.r. iuft\ Sought and gold. ''Money loaned revived on deposite. iv' REFBiifi'NCBt d^pOTank, New York City, '. Sliver, Cash., Yates Co. Bk..N. Y uto|\l2 & Edffri:on, St. Paul. m« of r.k in. Elgin, 111, i? Sue- Sank, Chicago. ddag Bank, eplifit Tsiiller.. 'Henry Swisshelm. '-.'yUXER.&SWISSHKLM, aEALBR S IN REAL EST ATE, W ter reet, Lower Town, Si. Sfjloud. vmT?£M0EB & PERKIN5, ^vfcokr.alei.nd Retail nisalers in tf£ftfiC£ .HIES and PROVISIONSCloud GMtODSj .:. ,, i. CLOfUIKG,'- ««,.: i/J), KOOOTS & 8HOB3, •sVOOBEW WARE drb,&b. C»pe»i,1'-"vf St. Abthaxij', Hirnwcta, ifrtrrHftrv* V. I I I CABMNTEEJ utorn Doon8, Circular or Gothic-Head sash iltfJmds p.hd Frames,, or. any other desired at*.,rn made to order at short notice.— KilnMried lumber constantly 05i'hah4^-' Nil*, rpoors and eash for sale, at my ^ar.'in'.cti'/ry,' on Firat a^reeV hear the f«aflr,-:House. ... .!'•.' •••:•). £sNEY'McKBNTY, pwfa E»t«ie a .... *°\0 n«*Lfuto B,vurity. Offlc0 in yay'or't cor 4 0 0 1,r Si. Oioud, .'an. !. 18S7. I—» Dealer iu Real Estate and Qenera! Af^ent LAATROS 1 sttd 'i'own Lft'.e b-nVi J:ia.l. HSfi WINONA, iWNNEHOlA.' twentv-hvecents per annum "ifir sale, Prair ?, Timber and Bot .ktidsin sonthlm/Minnesota. LnU j-i-^ 4 inr-ri A jtieta loans onfarm se. urltes, AW rAtl?£®£?l rr i.r» liBwirtiMwii O BKAUTlVwr. HOTEL IS SIT- a)ton'th bluff rW* above the ovrev Fwrv ', the tnwa ft Srfiit Clouri. rorAuiatutinir on* of tin •nwtWnitfuiAn.'i iM»'untV|«wi on the Wsslssti pi Rs t'•.—it lijis l*nn ci'h) 1eti»1 only afewijionUte., and tin. firtwrlefor I I 1 nil w)o ntav visit fins pl««e, that ti«'.V than tinfl it r-lcflnr* in ,11 rftwet* :~-&rul Mint hi. *HAH f(,.,tiin ev»rv rmuwv avi! liwnry wtaleh p«'i 0* «hfnim(| bp)h /if home ami places *elow. ti is his in «nUw" nltvR'm to hep|i ti)« above hotel ad first clnes b»t*l iu every respect. ,, C.T., STEARNS. N. N. S I E A E I N E A E A E OiOFirJe on River Street oppo ite the Ferry, Ail permits iVrt!'5.ii» to invest v.'ds or Tovn prop erty In narMi' tha ruihitry whteb isiins'vrpu«,.fi In'soil nn-il 'rsui.lU' fi'.Unsr npvri'U trme• setters, cnn And avoraWe «tin»-'»niif lv* arplviTi* to toe iinWsiianpi. Pi-op«rtr tbr In tfie burn, nf MVffi.vd, Pt. O NewMtrjr. Ih-Mtshtff*, afllle, ami RU the best paving oirnt in f)il« part if fch* eanntWt the location of whlslj tniiv he m-i) hv rciered to the map: January 18*?. N N. SMITH LOTS KALI*. A few rthoka buslnea LOTS for isle In lo-ww MTJ.T.E LAC. Lots its Mila'Jje fojf ti)i», eliear enttji OMIT V. N. SMITH. A ftw Low In 8t. Ctwil ibr sale. For »B*!I on!r. Tiv R. A SMITH. STSSON Si^JLD-RN A S f"\EAr,K t« HEAL ESTATR. A.Vn nENEaAt I!,0I.' Una A^/w, Ut!.?.il.-.iiKhtAnil aoid. Land W*r- Lomned or. Avei.u* air Ctutla'Street,"Saiat3i»n.linif, Cloud Mi a TflOMAa A.LDUK- JPRANKLIN 8TSSON, H. BARRETT. CV? i? Engineer fy Surveyor, Office on ttivvT c(.re«t Lowei'St. Cloud. B. Mapa of all Sarvfved Lan'd# »nd PIAIO lie !.»»a(lii'^r Toirnn of Northern Ml»ih!uta,c »t I'u IH h»d at njr Offictt Inn, is sr iff. J°. NOEL, chtJXT? snavjivoR & ci n€'EWOINEKR, W.-uld re.'ijctfully iiitbrm the Citizens of S Clrtnl rod »h6 puolic jfriiorvllj, tbut he will promptly faitli ullv attend to *i bmtiiio** entouated to hi* care. «let at ie»-rric at hi resdetice. Lower Kt. Cloud H.-T IfJ J/ES P. KENNED Ki Of MASOJ* PLAS-TERKR SoHcifa'Khe patronage of *li persona l5 pead of the fvicus of pr*ctit il mason e.Jtd plasterer— Hi* hog ex- i«fi(-'i o»» '••, .double the usual rates stayed advertisements cne half more if'i'..? ft'gular rafett. S8 A'-t commanteations on hn3 r.ecs i-ftcted v.-iih the paper to he addressed Shojv--Cliff street, near Lowry's landinar s».«i»»b bsani-hea of uade, aaaurai bim •vilU'lvounivnisa! satisfaetimi as rtaeonable e-barges ascau be d'.-t:«"!:/ anv one*-\ Si, Cloud JHU. 1. 1S57. tf- CLARK CARLISLE, A N E S A O E S VFptdil respeevfuay inform itwuiki/.fyiR of St. Cloud and .-ic.uity ihsttl.ty ere rwoly to coniti»tt for the erection of h'iiWinjfs, un tha Titwt liberal $rmn Tt«s praotlsod in the Hart as an Architect narevlien ^»tI«fic».ioi to all who may Rive hiffaiigiiius ft pi'JTUo.or p\niio eHiftoe' -ny Uumher ot h'iil'iinjfs th a Tioi liberal j«rra llr-Cajitsits h*»t» S praotiso trtth Har as an Architec and BuildRC, gnirti-tie satit dim a eaUcdtttet plsnji and apiyiiieatioiia r'uruUlied. OfH.ce-^afcond story .r^rw{Sor? ild'tan War ... ...... .-.,..A»V ittwsakujnwta inada Jor oartica n\ a dittao^e, whieli— will lusuve 100 per Cr»t.,p.jr anuiira. RRVERBSrCKS Hen. H. M. Rico, W&lifneton Cl^V. Vnf. O. Brady, S«W Vor ft', "Welles* Srroftg, Hartford, 0HIQ JCra'nford,-Civtmbtin St Co ..C '.. -V.»,'o P. A I 0 J^a Wat^h-maker and Jeweller, att Kiftn o» I'8'"^'** the U-st msttner, ju.d.i»-n r«a*on3'o)a term*. ca«».'*mly on hand, t-trst street.,, opposite tba Surra's iiouso, Lower St few clioice 3.t» ta St. Cloud, sor sain ny VVjLS'T* riTHRKK THotf.SAXO POL'R HUNiRF.O ^CRES J. of Land, and Ph» cotmtjps for '*. fc 3. P. VI7FO N Miwif .'nolla, or 3f. WTLfiON, St. Cloud! W i. rARSONS. MOXtfAN. PAHtfONS, & M0KGAN. I Counaerors at Law ar,d General Agent3, nwi,i0fr"-*&***** 'that we jruarantee /IOWTUP or. rr«t»r E 3 S I E 0h E UPPER MISSISSIPPI!!! Head of Steamboat Kavljatioa &c« rpiIE: Proprietors of East ^aint Cloud are now prepared to dispose of'ots iu this bcRUtitully legated town, on the most favorable terms. Bast Saint. Cloud is the terminus of the airline road nin ninjf from the Mississippi river to Supe rior City.und passing through the towns ot Newbnrgb, Manchester, Brottaburgh,5yra» case, FortHtia, Trenton and Twin Lakes: these towns are growing rapidly and will bring much trade to this point. Jt'rail road to Superior City will undoubtedly follow the direction of this air I've road iri a few years, and there is every reaisVtt to beiievc tbat a laihoad will be built by means of the recent land grant on tjio East side of the Mississippi, crossing, the river at East Cloud to connect with the main trunk railway which wtd touch'-St. Cloud the west side oh iu way to the Red River of the North. A daily line of stages connect East St. with St Anthony and St» Paul. A Post Office is established hero and i« now irt .operation'. .- ,, I N N E S O A Offers no better oppottunity for invest. ment thtin'can be found atJEast St Cloud. It ia*. the startirtgr point for expeditions to the Great Valley of the Red Ki7er of the North, and wi.l command a 'large tradd from that region and also from the rich agricultural valley of the Sauk River.—• Valuable improvemeota are being made in East St. Cloud. For further inforiiation inquire of Col. John Emerson, at the' East St- Gloud Hotel Beede & Meadehhall, Minnearjolie or the subscriber at the Stearns House, St. Cloud.- i'•••'. rttym THEO. mfW&ftft&p Agfltic an4 Attorney for tb« .- Easl St. ClbudCo AttHto tlio CfeUUrca of Isinel that tli9y go forward."—Exoou, On the lofty brow of k'n??,— A vronderfui peal of exceed ng price, Whose virtue shall not decay, Whose light shall be a spell to thee, iiiiiimfijii'iji fOETEf. The Pilgrim and tlto lady. Oh lady i'jiir, the«e silkn cf mine Are huautiiul and rare The richest web of the Indian loom, Whivh thy beauty's i-eif ml^ht wear Anti these pearls are pure as thine own f.iir net k, Wih whose radiant light they vie I have biougl.t ihetn wi roe a weary way, Wih my gentle lady Luy?" And the lady sraili'd on the worn old man, Through the dark and ciuf-terirg turls Whkii veiled her brow—and she fitoop'd to view Hia silks and .elittering pearls. As she placed their trice in the old mau'a hand, Asid-ftghtly she bin*d away But she paused at the wanderer's earnest call,— Will roy gentle lady stay!" CMi! lady fair, I have yf-t a gem Which a purer lu tre flings, Than the diamond-flash ot the jewel'd crown And a blessing on thy way." The lady glaneed at tie mirroring steel, Where her youthful form was seen Where her eyes shown clear, and her dark locks waved. Her claspmg pearls between "Briag forth the pearl of exceeding worth, Thou traveller gray and old, And name the price of .thy precious.tjo.m, And my pages shall count thy gold." The cloud off from the lgr m's brow, As a sm-dl and nr gte bouk, Ui'chasid by gold cr.diamondg^m, From his folding robe he took'*— Here, lady fair, is the pearl of price— May it prove a3 *ui'h to thee N:»y. kt-ep thy Kold—I ask it not,—• For the word vf God isfi cc! The hoary traveller went his way But the gift he left bt hind Hatn had ifs pure and perfect work On th hijih-borM rnaiden's mird §«,: And she hath turned from her pride of sin, To the lovelini ss of truth, And giien her huinun heart to God jia the beauteous hour of youthJ And. she hath left the old gray halls,, Where an evil faithJrtAth^awer, And the courtly knights Of ber father's train, And the maidens of her bower: And s1 bath gene to the Vaudois vale, By lordly teet untfodt Where the poor and needy of earth are rich In the perfect love of God. [WHIXTJF.R'S SISTER.] THE.COtTlTTESS' WELL, 1Y MAJOR C. CAMPSELL. rieSj which she was obliged a£ times to attend, did she imbibe a. single breath of the poHuted air in which t'.t heart and mind of her father float «d^—as the night-vulture lives in^ and exults over, the carrion which rots beneath it. Beloved by her de pendants, she yetjfound iu her associ ates no cdngeniality of mind or dis^ position to draw forth the deep love liness of her nature* until, amidst the gay crowd of knights and gallants that aocorivpanied her father on his triumphant return to Framlingham, she met the young Richard de Vere, the favorite gentleman of Henry the Second. Of noble exterior and gen tle mariners, there was moreover a rtv^moless., something that attracted the countess's attention and that It The death of King Stephen, and geance, he levelled the most dei?oia the accession of Henry the Second to ting curses.against Constance, should the throne, elicited that spirit of tur-.1 she continue to encourage this ad bulenca and rebellion among'the no- dresses of the detested De Vere. hies which then rendered the heart MAny weeks had passed, and, se of England an arena for perpt'tUal! parated fTom all intelligence of him fend, treachery* and revolt. she .'loved, while she was hourly per geeuted by the disgustfula.ttentionsof Among i\te Flemish army tmder[the Baron |eCHchy, the hapless CJU the command of Leicester, who aid-I stance had long ceased .*« To breathe the aroma of indiv irfual happine33.', ed the rebellion of the princes, was a nobleman of immense wealth. To this chef of one of the prbtidest fami lies in Flanders, Dc Bigod, with that,jmerrilly, jmleulating policy which character-|\ the young ized all his actions, bethrothed his bride"of the richest^ noble in Flanders^ only daughter without studying the rand, while warlike groups assemble nature of her sentimeuts towards heriori the battlements and in the court rude arid ill-nurtured wooer. Thes!yard$ of Framlinrrham, and active CH**, XW. STEARNS CO, MINNESOTA,. THURSDAY,- DECEMBER 10 1857 NO. 1. But the lovers still met—daily* al most hourly, in the rejgal train of Henry II and ere lo^ig the conspi racies, which were maturing under the auspices of the ungrateful De Bi god against the monarch, occupied so entirely the time and attention of the rarl, that lie utterly forgot that his daughter was left to the unre strained society of her lover while his own restoration to the sovereign's favor was cause "sufficient for a tem porary suspension of his friendly in tercourse with the Baron de Ciichy, with whom, nevertheless, a elandes- plot, chiid~-had been reared in that magni- breakirig heart might be heard sob ficent splendor so dear to her father 'bing out in desperate griefin a retired •but the atmosphere of arrogance and noclc of those' rich park-grounds!, opulence, taliped not thVma^^^ alone find tern ity of her nature and she sprangiup porary retirement. Beside a deep iri the forest Of Framlingliam, as fair and dark pool of watcrf whence (as and as pure as its own wild flowers',.j it was said) the river Ore derived its Nor, while mixing in the court revel- I source, under the shadows of embow' 1 mutual sympathy which showed it- Jf-,,M Oh Bichard,'* she. cried,"-fi w^at ss-{ perfidy cat^ exceed^that of the/cBild self between congenial souls, in de pit*- of/ajj-'the^reasoR^n^'XOinraQn-' ^feo^dek^^ place a against ariin- fe if flu^ncl,.. nnive^rsally icknowicdge#":'-".^rhoitviyou,: r^m^^i:f(^^Ml thong**!litt'.o '.uu^rstood,' sbori lad, to laqurnfully thus redoubled, and, swearing ven- lies in Flanders Bigod with that for to-morrow's sun will see stinct, disembarrassing h»i lover from calculating policy which character the yOUri countess a bride-—-the the burthen of her arm, she left him atfreiedoin for defence, and in silent anguish watched the conflict. It wasf brief, for the foot of De Vere, coining tn contact with a root, hei Countess Constance de. Bigod—-de- preparations for strife—unimpeded by slipped and fell., Constance then prived at an early, age of a mother the bridal arrangements carrying on whose existence^ possessed but the' wifpiitt its walls-—are stirring all one charm, the atiection of a devoted faLrotmd the castle, a heavy and ering willows, sat Constance, pale arid colorless as the lilie^that cluster ed at her feet. ut notlong alone— not long unheard were the sobs"that ever and anon, broke from her bttr thenedbosom a soimG is'in her eaig-~« she listens, half startled, half hope ful and in a moment the walli a few paces from her, bears a living load (n the noxt, Hichard f^e "Vere is at her feet!' .' Ci And now the castle bells areringing screamed not,bat with a woman'* in- **V h.$ih .-• The King of England commands yott, dearest/' he pleaded-^for your own sake-rrfor wne-^he forgives to the child the parent's crime, pfovicjed, she obeys las behest ho will receive Us as Ms childrenA ho our safeguard as ho is our rightful sove reign M-yoi ivamwmmmu jpsswpps1sTiWs«yssis^ swip sisnw mmmwiirm*mB\Mmw)sxa*skss* 'jwwwmevtaMHbmtmsm* a perfect understanding of tb^ir feel ings.for each other.. But neither of them..".were slow to perceive that 'Richard de Vere's attentions to bis child vera utterly distasteful to the earl. Tlso truth was not for some time known to them} and the mother of Richard, in early youth, had reject ed Earl Hugh for the more worthy, if lesi powerful, De Tere and the heart of De Bigod could only throb with hatred towards the son of the woman who had scornfully refu.-?ed his hand. The consejuenco was, that when ilicliard sought an inter vieAV with the Earl, and declared his passion for Constance, he was at once,-and with the tnos* pointed hau teur, rejected while his daughter was for the frm tirne told that she was soon to be the bride of the Baron, de Ciichy. baughty baron to quitting these mag nificent waNs for a sovereign's pror lection--an impoverished lover's af fection Yen reject me'—-you reject iJ tine. correspondence, was carried on until such time as the open revolt of Henry's unnatural sons sanctioned his whom she now beheld approaching, of De Ciichy to the .beautiful Con own defection Happily, meanwhile, a dark and frowning face for a mo- stance, whose imaginarj prowess in passed time with the young lovers ment appeared above the bushes of thus divesting lierseif of.' a hated Youth and love step on, baud in hand, [box that skirted'the pool, within _si/rht wooer, ^oa her only a«dmiratien, through this strange world, forgetting I and hearing of the spot where the wliile irom that period the dark pool that clouds are gathering over head, 1 lovers had so lately commimedv Theiaf ths Ore received the a me of THE while around them creeps the un- linnet, which plumed its pinions among noticed mist of coming darkness!—- the leaves, flew away affrighted tit But this cloud comes—the mist thick- the mute eloquence of deadly haired ens—and thus a singular coincidence -'which gleamed fro.ii two red andday led to the .discovery of De Bigod's.[fiery eyes, as they treachery, whilst the discoverer was treating countess no other than Hichard Be -Vere secret lover of hts child 1 alty to liiinself constrained to reyeal the per-: gle-handed shall I avenge my wrongs. fidy of the father of lu»..^niisfrej to At the tenth hot*? I shall" be "here.'' the ting but not before heliad im parted hip intentions to Constance, who?'* while she irnplored mercy for her parent, too keenly felt how unpar donable his conduct was, to endea vor to prevent her lover's intention U:t.L'..i'!.lUli!ii! B523BWiSKWB««HW y&nw'to. •'''•^WtOWATT, Published. loyalty, for tyrany and high treason," jcxtinpuishiii/f existence—was heard} Noi no?, «hc exclaimed, but arid as she gazed dovm into tha wa would falh be the d.itifvd daughter as ters,. everything, even her wounded well as the faithful subject. No, lover was forgotten while the glar Richard de V'ere, I wed no baron—jing eyeballs ot the drowning wretch sooner dieJby mine own hand." jwere rivetted upon Iter face for a. ',' Aitfl Constance de Bigod can re- moment, antjl then the dense mass of concile herself to rush unbidden into water covered ail. the presence of her Heavenly Father, Wherrshe again looked up, Richard .ather than temporarily offend an de Vere was standing beside her, and earthly erring parent.'* then she fainted away. But her tra- She bent her head betweert her dition is told." Stunned for a mo re dared not interrupt. When again the pool of the Ore struggled the-suf she looked up, there v/as a calm firm- locating baron. Eichard:ii -'wound! ness in her face that told her heart was slight his endeavors to restore had made a conscientious decision. Constance to animation soon suc "Riohard," she said, in a low, ceeded, and she was conveyed is quiet voice, Voices in the distanccj calling on was discovered among the weeds at the countess, at this moment startled the mouth of the pool,' with the scarf them. He gazed upon her intently, 0f I will be here," she said, so arm. After-days brought De Bigod help me Heaven! Begone, begone tidings of the safety of his daughter. He sprang to the wall and dhap- $m\ union witfi08 Vrere but the peared. As the Lady Constance ad- current gossip akmt Framlrsignam vanced towards Her hand-maidens, v/as not sToW in ascribing the death f. And the. tenth hour had not ceased! to toll ere, drenched iti the dews S & thi but, huiTying from him, she had time oak, is at the appointed spot. She Sil-wjg"aDottTti^' iSSStt who to announce to the earl the danger looked to the wall, and as she gazed, treated be* iiks snyirdrt- but a wife, or which menaced him, rendering im-j anxiously llstning for th« sound oflastshe said in court, mucbTworse than' when mediate flight necessary. Taking coming feet, she fancied the box-! a -slave. Slie therefore dome-into court her him De Bigod fled to Fram-J trees moved ia the still air but at yeswrday morning, and made complaint glid itly had clasped her v,aists when, with a -j ,\ th,e sxabbard,' leap like that of a jugar, a man sprang )i •^,?V.g-l?i- li ml tipon them from the box-trees, and How he feH ed the shoulder. Constance victory by de grace* seized As she still, continue^ to struggle, '^mt^ba: K^Jipi -'P*! JKS^-*M« I S fiercely attacked De Ver.o with hjs on, the^piazaa of the Cataratft House, Ni drawn sword'. agara FaH«5 was a young foppish-looking ., with a look of. aversion yrmcfo the wretched lady, and dragged her afou} unconsciously- approacmng. the very. -..:._.:r*_ a c^.-....-_... borders of the Ore pool, the long scarf that was folded round her form was partially torn from it, and in its intricacies the right arm of the baron became entangled. The night was riot dark buti .the excitement of the npioment the peril beside therri was unobserved. He thrust forth his arm to throWiOiF the scarf, while with his. left hand he more fiercely embraced the waist of the! countess,' A feeling of ioath,ing^!and horror imparted to[ her a ^rtuigth scarcely buntian audi ble tomake people"Airvter^djfefr igaoti FCiwing away fne eua of the sca.rf unce foi .jjt requires Iqowiedgfto pei^etvo wbjck/erc\rc|ed her neck- she con- it and therefore lie who Gasi perceive it pfieigiMs in one ef- hatfiAtt%oK? isr^opriressor vior el4 hirn the nest We mn^whaye a :diet,-of. com|«sri|| ^•^he.4'«?op bla.Ok'i well *i ptimfoi . -4- •••^'~r^:i$^^ y^' abyss of water before her, while she stood trembling on the brink of thtf pool in ttuf ified wonder and terror! A gurgling noise—the sounds of go with you." safety to the court of Hebry, soon to "Bless thee, bless thee, dearest be united to the brave and ioyaUa all then will be well. My arrange- vorite of that monarch, ments are so* made, that our flight! At 'Frarnlivighanj. n«xt mon ing, afi cannot be impeded. When the bells uSjjsh confnsion—the bride and br"tde toll the hour of ten to-night, thou! groom had disapntared 1 After Jong wilt be here." search, the body* of Bzyon de Ciichy than many ot those- who surrounded in court, end who would hav-? been indig« itant enough to have been suspected of Af iiean Ue,,ctnt Ju the "'remofo&i deitre».— 'i 40 the. coantess still tfotmd round his C0U^TSSS, WXLL.5'* mrsued the re-stated No word was A winrK sL.wfi GIRL.—We eaiv yestc a girl naared Margarit O'Brien wti© that until ,Vf-Jthhf'the last fix mopths she had bejen a slave in New 'Orleans, hat. ph drewgem I I 1-!AIi 1 I I -4 W~i terr. girl n*ro for a -while woman iri any comma- ^cin. Gat ty TO TAKE OUT THR SCBNT,—Sitting centr- al notice, suddenly slopped, and said to the dandy: "Stranger, I know what vriil take that scent out of them clothes of youru now you— What do you mean, tir? said the dandy, tired with indignation, starting frora b-s chair. Oh, get mad, now—p-tcli around and a QT a ekurik and 'm& 0 violently from the prostrate ami .ap- j.. ,At thatinstaut there- parently breathless body of -his rival liau^hter, and the dimiy '.ery aem: "Unhand me, hateful dastard (cleared:out, leaving the stranger? to enjoy she exclaimed, speaking far tbeufsfct tbe}oke.-^' tiine, and .Struggling to ^{case S here went up rat- •, STAKVKO TO DKATK—Among the death* I What a record for a city where the friends were entertained a weeks\4s&\. forci 8 I i^m^m The Butch Gorernmeot fins -determined' upon t'u.a emancipation of the slaves in its West Indian colonievpayint? a full equiv alent to .the owners q( slaves fo? tl?e prop erty that is to be taken from them,.ani provuiin^ that the emancipation shall con tribute to the formation of a fund d.-stmed evii/tually to reitqbar^e, the State the pvioses of their liberation. ex JJ3T Bishop TavIorWya "-iff»-ii»f©a»-.-