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WWW I W— * »■ w . The Anti-Monopolist “SPEAK TO THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL THAT THEY CO FORWARD.” VOL. V. NO. 2?. SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 12, 1878. WHOLE NO. 231 CHRISTMAS PRESENTS! I Endless Varieties cf Presents i ■ to be Found at . 105 Seventh Street COR. OF JACKSON. ST, PAUL, MINN. PRICES VERY LOW! ESTERLEY & HEM. A CHRISTMAS GIFT BESTOWED UPON THE People of St. Paul, By Messrs. BINGIIAM & McWILLIAMS, who have opened a pretty large sample of Music and Photographic Bazar at 76 1-2 Wabasha Street. Pianos and Organs of famed Manufacture constantly on hand and offered on the most favorable terms Picture frames in all sizes and designs at prices never before touched by St. Paul dealers. Pho tographs most art istic design and finish taken at shortest notice and at bottom prices. GALLERY ON FIRST FLOOR. NO STAIRS TO; CLIMB. GIVE US A CALL. 6. J. WEVERSON, j Merchant Tailor, No. 67 East Third St. (Under First National Batik.) lull Suits Made to Order From ! $22 Upwards. Overcoats at Cost. 231-tf. AMAN who is not Found Dead To the W ants of his Customers, AT THE ore, Where 1000 Bargains !n Bankrupt Stocks of Boots and Shoes Are sold for less thna it cost to make them. Come and See the Big Sale; you will save money by doing so, at the BMDPT SHOE STOEE, 109 EAST 7TH STREET, ST. PAUL, MINN. G. JJ! L. .Mach. Manager. OPERA HAT HOUSE, The Only Exclusive HAT ,«fc CAP ESTABLISHMENT IN ST. I AUL. Largest Stork of Men's, Roys’ and Children’s Hats and. Caps in the city. Best Goods at Lowest Prices! CAll AND SEE US, No Troublo to Show Goods. ramaleyT frank, tie Podoffi 235-tf. - ITLx r; v 1 the haw cutter .l Can »;» a, s found at the i Parlor, | 54 Wabasha St. I |Odd Fellows Block. J j First class work and first class! workmen. } irqcppY PHOTOGRAPHER ■ [Sunbeam Gallery] Cor. Seventh and Sibley Streets. Please call and examine our work before going elsewhere. PRICES LOW. Old pictures copied and enlarged with care. 231-4 L Henry W. Robinson, (Jliemist and Dnisredst* 88 West Third Street, ST. PAUL, MINN. Sign of the Golden Moitar. Center of the Block between Washington and Market Streets. 230-3 in. A FINE ~ CANARY S A CHRISTMAS PRESENT. Nothing cmild l>e more appropriate to give your lady friend. A choice s lection of Canaries and Birds , f every description—can always be foundat the ST. PAUL BIRD STORE, 94 West Third St. Second door below Metropolitan Hot-1. 228-7 t -A-C-AJRJD You will perhajs say that a rime < v recom mended to cure so many diseases will cur* Hone. Your attention is called toth- tact that an impure and disordered circulation is the {•rime cause ~t nearly ail the ills that flesh is heir to, and that any remedy which will cleanse, purity and enrich the Good, will al*o improve the general health. As a bioed searvhe- Dr. K. B. Holidays. BLod Purifier stands unequal- d. We have yet, to find the first person who, a t r giving ‘it a fair trial, has Been dissatisfied with toe result, lie have testimonials from hundreds of responsi ble jersons, slewing cures o; Catarrh. Ner vous Debility, Boroiu a. Influuatorr Rheuma tism, Krysipel s. Kidney a d Urinary Diseases, Female Weakness, Sa t Rheun alter other remedies and the l-est medical tieatment that m ney canid procure hid I abed. Used in connection with the Bi Purifier K B. Ilailiday’s Catarrh inhi ant wdi positively cure even Mieverv ot Catarrh: the otte acting constitutional v at d the ot er locally, Wing the ratio:,a! and success:ul treatment" of this’ d:«> which it is generally conceded canto t be cured by local a; plications alone, but tuti't is reached through th-» Llcod, whi « ;.. ;> s- te cleansed and purified In Kulnev and Uri nary d so;d rs it not onjv atf r is » spe-dv r»liet, but effects a certain cure. If v,u are ie need ot a remedy bn th e re of ar,v dis-J'-» oi the blood, give the Blood Purifier a tria and you will bo satisfied with th resu t: if you ar- not, the money ni 1 t« refunded ! Ask your druggist h r it', fhe d es ,_. v it he will order it, if not, i will send it to vou j tree o express charges on receipt ot'price Beware of counterfeits See that the i a Is. BLACKFORD is blown in the k L rt I every bottle. If con vei.ient, call at mr office I and get a bottle of the Brood Purifier p I doe* not benefit you it wit! cost you nothin. Call or address S. BLACKFORD 14ft nr-?2 1 Thtrd sfcwt. St. Paul. we “ ELECTRIC FLASHES. Thursday Dec. 5. Senator Sargent reported dead is better to-day. The Mississippi Valley Tobacco works Chicago, burned, loss $50,000. The senate confirmed R. B. Harri son of Indiana, assayer at Helena, Montana. East Saginaw, Michigan, enjoyed a $76,000 fir©', mostly among lumber and mills. A Prairie fire near Crook City Black Hills, destroyed a large quanti ty of government hay. The so-called Tilden cypher dis patches are to be investigated. “Let no guilty man escape.” Mr. Secretary Evarts wishes the change to Greece paid SSOOO, and says so to congress. The Breath ill county Ken tucky faction fight and riots have ended and the officers of the law are triumphant. Henry W. Caleroft, superintendent of the car department of the Missouri Pacific railroad at Sedalia, Missouri, was killed yesterday while coupling cars at Otterville. Jacob Villager, who murdered his wife in a brutal manner, was yester day in Chicago, acquitted of murder by the jury on the ground of insanity, lie will be sent to the asylum. A fire in Brooklyn, N. Y. yesterday destroyed the Pacific flour, grain and feed mills, grain e’evator and drier attached, situated on Columbia street, between Pacific and Amity streets. Loss $200,000. Insured. Hon. Alexander 11. Stephens yes terday, while ascending the stone steps leading to the house, on crutch es, slipped and fell, causing painful wrench of the knee, which will prob ably confine him to liis room for some time. I In the house Mr. Kelly offered a resolution calling on the secretary of the treasury for information as to the deposit of government money in any national, state or private bank on ♦ he 30th of September and November, 1878, other than deposits made by dis bursing agents. Adopted. Mr. Hooker asked leave to offer a resolution calling on the attorney general for information in rega;d to timber depredations, but Mr. Conger objected. Mr. Fort asked leave to offer the following resolution: RextUrtd, That the legal tender quality of the silver dollar, 412 1-2 grains standard silver, shall be main tained and enforced, and that any dis crimination against said silver dollar by any national bank in refusing to receive them and treat them as legal dollars, shall be deemed a defiance of the laws of the United State, and the committeon banking and currency is hereby instructed to mature and bring in a bill for withdrawal from circul ation the notes of all such banks so offending. Several objections were made, andthe propositsou was not received. In the senate the motion of senator Matthews t<> take up the Texas Pa cific railroad bill was rejected—l 9 yeas, 22 nays—on the ground that it would lead to a long discussion. The Indian transfer committee of the house held a session yesterday. Witnesses were examined, mostly in oppostiou to the transfer. In the house: Appropriation bilks for consular and diplomatic relations and naval affairs submitted and re ferred to committee of the whole for Tuesday next. Mr. Cox of X. Y. called for correspondence with Ger many in relation to the expulsion of Julius B miner, a citizen of Chicago, from the Gt rman em fire. Adopted. Mr. Harrison of Illinois, wanted a list of the Chicago Custom house em ployed. FOREIGN. The Bishop of Durham has resign ed. Portugal has arrested their inter nationalists. A motion to vote supplies for the Afghan war " ill he passed next Mon day. On the reading of the Queens! speech a war of debate began in both houses of pirliament. In consequence of the failure of the Glassgow bank the C dedonian bank Iris gone into liquidation. Capt. Whyte Melville, novelist England, felt from his horse, while limiting, and broke his neck. Sulieman Pasha was sentenced to fifteen years' imprisonment for his defeat near Pebena. lie has taken an appeal. The Fenian convict (Irish political, prisoner) Tierney alias O’Connor, has beeu released and placed aboard the steamer City of Chester for New York. A dispatch from Lahore says: Gen. R :berts intended to attack" Peiwar Pass by a turning movement. The Afghans were too strongly pasted for attack in front. Goa, Dec. 4, the body of St. Fran ces Xavier was exposed in tbs cathe dral in the presence of 100,000 Catho j lies from various parts of the world.: j The ceremonial was impressive, and | ' excited much religious enthusiasm. 1 1 The political correspondence re i ports that the Russian Gene ' Somokine, who commands the ro >: | Herat, is waiting for reinforc r ... ks to the number of B.OQP "din, who recently crossed the Cask ,4’ sea. A Berlin telegram in announcing the resumption by Emperor William of active governmental diVties says: The city is illuminated with great splendor to-night. Six companies of every regiment were held in readiness to quell anticipated riot, but all has been peaceful. A dispatch from Paris says: Gari baldi writes to a Sicilian correspond ent as follows: “The future of the world is republican. Say so openly to the Sciliari young men. For the present it behooves us to support the Cairoli ministry. Turkey has a new ministry as fol lows: Grand Vizier, Kheirediter Pa sha; Shiek Islam, Ahmet Osman Effendi; Minister of war, Ghazeiosman Pasha; Minister of Foreign affairs, Karatheodori Pasha; Minister of the interior, Kodre Pasha; Minister of Commerce, Djeiulet Pasha; Minister of Public Works. Sawas Pasha. Lahore, Gen. Roberts telegraphs from Piewar Khatole, under date of the 3d, as follows; During -the night of Dec. Ist, the Afghan position was surprised by a flank march over Spengwai Pass. We surprised the enemy at davhreak of the 2d, when the seventy-second Highlanders and Fifth Goorkahs drove the Highland Afghans from several positions. They afterwards endeavored to reach Piewar Khatole, but the assault could not be delivered on that side. We then threatened the enemy in the rear and attacked and carried Piewar Khatole about 4 o’clock in the after noon. The enemy had on the previous evening received a reinforcement of four regiments. They.fought desper ately. Their artillery was well served. Their defeat, however, was complete. We captured e’ghteen guns and a large quantity of ammuni tion. The British parliament convened to-day. The queen’s speech, read in the house of lords, was unusually short. Her majesty regrets being compelled to summon parliament earlier than usual, hut the action of the ameer of Afghanistan compelled the sending of an expedition into his territory, and the earliest opportuni ty has been taken to call the parlia ment together and make to it the communication required by law. Pa pers on the subject will be laid before parliament. Assurances from all for iegn powers are friendly, and there is every reason to believe the arrange ments for the pacification of Europe made by the treaty of Berlin will he aatisfactorily carried out. Estimates for the ensuing year will in due time be submitted to the house of commons. After full deliberation upon the mat ters which have led to the early meet ing of parliament, and altera suitable recess, parliament should proceed to the consideration of measures for the public benefit, which will then be laid before. Tridsy OMeabn S. In the senate: Resolutions were in trod need by Senator Morrill in regard to the Freedman’s Savings A Trust company funds. In introducing the resolutions the senator said in his opinion the original managers of the institution should have been crimi nally prosecuted. Senator Terry wished information relative to our commercial intercourse with South America. Senator Terry Likes Sena tor Morgan’s place on the committee on foreign relations. Senate adjouru ed to Monday. Saturday. Wot ember 30. Senor Revera, leading Spanish lib eral is dead. Mademoiselle de Rothchild became ■ ducliesse de Guicho on the 6th De • cember. The Derby cotton mill at Bolton t England, was burned the 6th inst. Loss 5130.000. They are investigating the Ohio ; state prison management. Frauds, favoritism and general deviltry are charged. The British parliament is discuss ing the pro and con of the Afghan troubles, the war party is in the ma jority, Edinburgh. D c. 6.— The Scots man's London correspondent says: “In influential quarters it is be lieved an arrangement with Russia for settlement in the central Asia question is on the tapis, aud it is likely to assume the form of a parti tion of Afghanistan.” Dead wood. D. T., professor Jen ny, who visited the Rockford mining district, distant from Dead wood twenty-five miles, expresses the opin ion that the town of Rockford is in the centre of the quarts diftrict of the hills. He says the ore is low gmde,h«t its greet abundance will permanency of the new mP «>\pNNA, The ministerial crisis at jr hstantinople has produced a very \mfavorable impression here. Kheireddin Pasha, the new grand vizier, is one of Austria’s bitterest adversaries. He urged the sultan to forcibly resist Austrian occupation of Turkish territory. He is regarded as an unscrupulous schemer, capable of hastening Turkey to her ruin. The change of ministry is believed to be mainly attributable to Russian in trigues. The strike at the stock-yard con tinues and this morning Armour & Co., learning that their men proposed to quit work, immediately discharged them and hired others. There are 75,000 hogs on sale at the yards transit co cpany have notified all railroads to take no more hogs at places of con signment until further notice, there being no accommodation for them at present. At the unprecedently low prices, for provisions, packers do not care to engage more heavily in business than necessary, and there is no probability of the strikers getting terms from them. It is reported that the men are only waiting for some I advances from the employers to go back at the old terras. Sunday, Eecember 8. At Mason, Miss., fifty houses burned yesterday: loss $200,000, half insured. The Star anew evening paper, ap peared in St. Louis. It is democratic in politics. Prof. H. D. Carpenter of the Wis consin university, died at Geneva N. Y. of diphtheria. At Hamilton, Ohio, 11. Weigel, a saloon keeper, killed his wife and afterwards committed suicide. In Philadelphia O'Leary had fortv five minutes to spare in his match to walk 400 miles in 124 hours. Very rich silver discoveries are re ported.from Leadville, Colorada. The net product annually of one camp is estimated at 83,000,000. The Memphis citizens’ relief com mittee wound up their affairs yester day, and distributed the balances on band, 8523, pro rata among the four crplutn asylumsof the city. J. C. Hayward, of. Foil du, Wis. a medical student in Chicago, shot and killed James McMahon yes terday. He was in liquor. A lire at Albia. lowa, yesterday de stroyed the public building. About 500 scholars escaped with but few injuries. Loss $40,000; insurance, 812.000. , The New Jersey court of errors and appeals has confirmed the judgement of the Camden court, in the case of Benj. Hunter, sentenced to he hanged January 10th for the murder of John Armstrong. FOREIGN. The Spanish Cortes have passed the press bill. Count Andrassy has triumphed in Austria. This ministry will contin ue. The Dublin Freeman’s Journal 6th inst, published a letter from John O'Connor Power, home ruler member of parliament, denouncing Mr. Isaac Butt as a traitor to the home rule party in Irelahd and to the Irish cause. In reply to the American Patriarch the new Turkish Grand Vizier said, that to all Ottoman subjects equal justice would be administered impar tially. and all government posts would l e filled without reference to religion. In conclusion he said we all pray to the same God, we in mosques and you in churches. The reply ot the ameer of Afghan istan to the viceroy of India’s ulti matum has been received by the Indian government. It is dated the 19th of November, but not having reached Dakka before the 30th of that mon'li, it is believed in official quarters to have been rewritten after the newsof the capture of Ali Mnsjid. The ameer criticizes the professed friendly intentions of the British gov ernment. and alludes to its action in the past, especially its intercession in behalf of Yakoob Kalin, as contra dictory of such intentions. The ameer explains that his refusal to receive Gen. Sir Norville Chamberlain’s mis sion was not intended to be hostile, but arose from fear of the loss of his independence, an apprehension which was confirmed by an allusion in the ultimatum to protection being given to the Khyber who had been engaged in escorting the mission. The ameer declares no enmity exists between Afglionistan and the British g.vero ment, that he desires to resume the former friendly reluions. and finally that he wiil not resist the visit of-a small temporary mission. Koaday, Seetmbtr t. St. Louis revelled yesterday in sleet and snow. Another Minneapolis Hoar mill blew up. Preset k Staff- rd, hatters. Buffalo X. Y- failed. Liabilities. SI72JXW. The President of Yeoisnela died 'lot.lOUhudvM succeeded by the DEFECTIVE PACE I I 1 T* Chief Justice. The subscription to the 4 per cent, loan averages a million and a half daily. A consolidation of the Chicago, Al ton and St. Louis and Kansas City and Chicago railways is announced. More monopoly. L. 11. Thorp, an old citizen of Vir ginia City and a county commissioner was killed by being thrown from a buggy yesterday. The faction fight in Breathill county Kentucky between the Bill Strong and Jerry Little parties was resumed Wednesday of last week. Four men were killed and seven wounded, A dispatch from Davenport, la., says: The Washington county poor house was burned this afternoon with all its contents and 5 of the 26 in mates. . The fire was not discovered in time"o make any effort to save the property. The superintendent, Mr. Robertson, in his endeavors to rescue the inmates nearly lost his own life, being finally carried from the build ing insensible. His wife was sick with lung fever, and is now in a dan gerous condition from the excitement and exposure. Loss of property, •88,000 or 810,000. Insured for 84,- 200. The post master general has officially notified congress that to keep the postal service within cur rent appropriations he will be com pelled to discontinue the postal-card service after Ist. January, unless congress shall in the meantime make additional appropriation. The secretary of the treasury paid the 74th call for redemption of 5-20 bonds of ’65, interest to cease March 9th next. Aggregate of the call 85,- 000,000- In the Senate. Senator Windom . submitted resolutions directing the committee on patents to consider some other mode of compensating in ventors, as the present system has become an oppression; the bill pro viding means for counting the elec toral was considered and Senator Ed munds explained its possessions, pending discussion the Senate wont into exicutive session and afterwards adjourned. In the House. Several bills to com pel the acceptance at par of the standard silver dollar were intro duced; amending tiie silver remoneti zation act; to enforce the 14th and 15th amendments, (deprives South Carolina of her representation In Con gress except on the basis of her whitt population—Ed); a resolution of Mr. Gayle of Ohio showing the condi tion of the treasury, was objected to by Garfield and went over; a motion by Mr. Fort to suspend the rules and adopt a resolution declaring the legal tender quality of the silver (412 1-2 grains) dollar shall be maintained and forfeiting charters of national banks which discriminate against it, was lost by a vote of 150 yeas to 89 nays, not quite the necessary two-thirds. FOREIGN. From Lapore, India, Gen. Bld dulplis telegraphs that he lias found an open ro d to Candahnr. The Princess Alice second daughter of Queen Victoria, is ill of diptheria. >% Her case is considered dangernug. The family of the Ameer of Afghanistan have taken refuge in Russian Turkistan. Andrew Romer a naturalized citizen of the United States, has been arrested in Turkey and minister May nard wishes to know the reason. Gen. Browne is entrenched in Pir van pass. It is rumored an advance on Jellallabad has been ordered and the ameer of Afghanistan has fled to Turkestan. The ameer's reply is un satisfactory. The West of England and South of Wales district bank, which suspended Dec. Bth. had forty-two branches. Its liabilities are 817.500,000; assets slated at the same amount, but as they consist of local bills, which are not negotiable in London, the Bank of England refused to ailvance upon them. The run upon the bank for the last few days has been s> persist ent that the cash on hand is estimated at only 81,250.000. The shareholders number 2,000 and their liability is unlimited. Tu*sd*7, OtMßbtf 10. O. Lvplant k Co., an old established New York china house, has made an assiginenf. Rev. James Challn, a leading clergyman of thecanipheilites., editor of the Christian Annual, died yester day morning ab the residence of his daughter in Cincinnati. The miners and laborers of the May Audenrice k Co/s H ick ridge colliery, Suaniokin, Pa., struck yes terday. The miners demand an ad vance of five cents per wagon and the laborers 50 cents per week. lion. K(Bingham Lawrence. of Lou isiana, died yesterday inmu.log at Mag nolia plantation. a member , of the secession e& Jnkum in 188 ft • OOnutAWlMflffßPiM.