AM fromi]l t'o 12:30 m. ^•.9lww ^'^g*g4^aife rcBusniD WEBKLT, AT WOBTUtMGTON, NOBLES COUNTY, itflNN. I S .T?*0 IWh P"* JM', Invariably In arf VSS: outers will receive prompt lAtcntlon. .UMMMnleatloiui Intended for publication must ••••••ojmmnied by the real nuuiu and address of writer as a guaranty of good faith—riot nee asMrily for publication. ADVERTISING BATES. On* Inch three weeks, *2.00, three months, *f 00 Three Inehes 3 weeks, S.0D, 8.00 rive Inches," 6.00, 10.00 Special rates given for larger advertlsements Bpeclal notices, first week 10 cents a lino sub •eqiient Insertions 5 cents a Hue each week. Transient advertisements paid in advance. Yearly advertisements to be paid quarterly. Legal advertisements to be paid for before affi davit Is given. ORANGE REGISTER. MOULAH MKTINOe. Worthlngton Orange—Second and Powth Sat urdays In aach month, at 11 o'clock. Hersey—No 3is meets the llrst Saturday In each month at the Mersey Hall. All brothers and sinters of other oranges arc cordially lilvlt ed. Graham Lakes—Qccond and 4th Wednesdajs. R1ty MASONIC. BOULAlt COMMUNICATIONS of Fraternl Lodge, No. 101, A. F. & A. M. at Masonic Hall In Worthington on the 1st and 3d Mondays in each month. M. B. Sonne, W •. M.\ S. Ed. CHANDLER, Sec. UKOnLAR CONVO A TlONSnf UvingAich Chap ter.No 2S, K.- A •. atM.i sonic Hall on the 4th Monday In each month. A. C. IioniNSOS, M. 8. E. CDAXDI.EH, See. E.'. II.-IV M*l ARRIVAL AND DETARTUREOF MAILS AUKIVKS. Eastern (dally) 12 IS a. m.* Southern 1 rJ.i 10 a. in. DIPAKTS. •astern (dally) Soathera western—La Verne and Sioux Falls, Spirit Lake,Tuesdays Seward. Saturdays. 1 a. m. 12 18 a. m. 8:00 J« P.' Allmanselosoatsp.m weekdays, and 6 n. Suudays. Offlee hours from 7 a to 12 m. and fiom 1 to 8 p. m. Sundays—from 8 to 9 a. and a M. B. SOULE, P. BUSINESS CARDS. BANKS. BANK OF W0RTHINGT0N. Mumv SMirn, Banker. A. M. Svutn, Cashier INTEREST PAID FOR TIME DEPOSITS. A a or S a a ad a ny** Drafts Bought and Sold. Special attention gl & en to collections. Office Hours from 9 to 12 a. in. and from 1 to 4 o'clock, p. m. [2-2Tlv. OFFICERS. L.B.BENNETT, Justice off the Peace, And Notary Public. Cy*davits. 10I.LECTINO and Cnuvej inclng done Am Depositions, etc »ken, and Mini agessolemoi/eil accouling to the Constitution of the United States anil the st ite of Minnesota. WORTHINGTON, MINN. [VT-ly. D. 1IUMISTON, NOTARY PUBLIC. Will give espeel il attention to executing and acknowledging deeds, HOT! tiSttff*, etc Also to the renting of village pi opoi tv oi nupi oved f.n ins and to the collection of icnts. ixes. etc Sev eral Improved farms, and MII.IM* piopeitv foi a 1) in pi Also unoccupied claims..t *.. sale. Corres|Mindence and iti ouage solicited Worth- tngtou, Minn. [Vl. ATTORNEYS. SMOKY CLARK. SOCLE Clarke & Soule, Attorneys and Covnaelh/i s-At-Lmc, WORTIIINOTON, MINN. Will attend to any business pertaining to tlieii profession. [4 JTly B. N. A I E ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND CLEltK OF D1ST. COURT. All business left with him will receive prompt attention, Office on 9th Street opposite the l\uk. »OI C2-271y. PHYSICIANS. IVE. 3D., 'PHYSICIAN A SURGEON. Special attention given to Surgery and the treatment of Female Diseases having had ten years' experience. Also Surgeon of the Sioux City & St. Paul and Worthiugton & Si MIX Falls Kailroids. Supplied wRh full cases of Surgical and Obhtet Ileal lustiuiuents, and fraituie appliances. OFFICE—At residence, corner of Fourth Ave nue and Eleventh street, WORTHING TON, MINN. 13 Wry. GEO. O. MOO HE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Graduate of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Residence on 10th street lclow the public hall. Olllte at the Colony Iftug Store, opposite tho Worthing ton Hotel, Worthiugton, Muni. Will attend promntb/ to all Calls, day or nii/lit. [271y. Medical and Surgical Institute. KILBOURN CITY, WIS, Will be opened for Patients January 1. Send for Circular. IL HIESTAND, M. D. Adllan, Minn. 0-30-ly) 1878. WM. RUSSELL, M. Kilbourn City. Wis. MISCELLANEO US. Allen M. Chaney, DEPUTY COUNTY SURVEYOR Will attend promptly to all orders. Woi ac irately executed. P. O. address, Box 227, Wor •ington, Minn. [4 12-ly. Millinery and Fancy Goods. MRS. M. J.~DENSMORi:, AS opened a store for Millinery and Fancvi tioods In Methodist Block on Tenth Street rorthingtou, Mina. Ladiesiuvitcd to call. JOSEPH CHADWICK, Register of Deeds, Wovthington, Nobles County, Minn. Has the only complete set of Abstract Books In the county. Will furnish abstracts of title, pay taxes for Don-residents, niounc land patents, etc. Ifaeus a supply of Blank Deeds, etc. Gives es pecial attention to executing and ackuowlcdg ng Deeds, Mortgages, ete. Correspoudence so., lclted. [a-Uiy THOMAS GBIFFIN, Carpenter & Joiner. Residence on Fifth Avenue. Opposite New School House. WORTHINfiTON MINN. 543-ly Third Avenue Hotel. J. Yf. SIMMONS, Proprietor. House in Southwestern Minnesota* and at half P0orner Ninth. Street and Third Avennc. Wor- thtBgOB.M'0."- 8-31—ly Second Avenue Bakery and Restaurant. Miss SUB a ^ANXJD'ON, Prop'/- Bread", Cakes and Pies furnished. Cold and warm meals. Confectionery, Canned Fruits, Yforttlngtdn, Mini* ^rfiy^l WOftTfriNGTOtt, MINN., MAY & 1STS CHUttCB DIRECTORY' MBTnoD'HT E^is»nAi»—Services every Sab bath, lnoriiing at »0:m Sabbath gehopf at 3 P.M. Sei vices Sal-bath evening at 7.% o'emck. Pi ay r.. iiieeltng-Th.trsdisrevening llev.,d. O. Ogle, PiJstor. U*ib*r cWNontojfr*okXi»—Services morning' and etching. Sifiul iy School Immediately after the morntiie service. Prrtver meeting Thursday evening. Itet. II. B. Tuttle, pastor. PRKsnrTEKiAN Cui)Hcn.—Sci vices morning and evening. Sabbath School uiiincdiatel) ajtei the morning service. Piayei meeting Thursday evening. Rev H. White, Pastou NOBLES GOV NT OFFICERS. ACDITOB—James Walker TUBASUKEK— Petei Tliompson. KBOiSTtu OF DKEDS—Joseph Chadwlck. rfwwucr PuoBArK-^R: IK Karber. CLKHK or COURT— B. N. Canier, ^Saauifr—J, A Town. SuRVBVOK-rAlleu Chancy. Deputy—Allen M.^tJhauey. flA^TKS. The'APYA^CS is ful nlshed at #1 50 a jear to Clubs of ton or moie. Clubs of ten for six months iroeiits'fpre»«hsub6Cillcr. S I N E S S N O I E S Notices In local columns, leading mattei type, 20 cents a liue first inset tion 10 centsa line each subse]ueut inseition. To lcgulai advertisers, half tates. COME IN AND WRITE A LETTER. Farmers In ton falling tow rite a lettci aie Juvikd tojjollat tlicJUiVAiCE office AIUI do so. in. Western—Lu Verne and Sioux Falls, 6 •plrit take Mondays Seward, Saturdays, IvWiiigiaiteilalV^- ', p. lit.v Official Paper of tlio Coun ty. CLUBBING WITH THETIONEER-PRESS r- Ws, will send the ApsAXCBjyid the Weekly ^PniilfroiimtH.rJiiaB, one jear, wlfti a map oirXUiiuesoti, Wlaconsin, Noithem IOWA, and »w^rwI!lrnoHJ!rorsi|»'2b Without niap. for •J 75. Pavment in advance CLUBBING WITH THE GLOBE. Wc \v4il soiid, tl|U AnyAhCB one \ear a«I the St Paul WceUy (Slobe onejrear to any addiess for 92 6$,' iiivariably In a^va.nce. SO Veil FOR SO LITTLE. We will send the St ruil WeeWjrPjonecr Pie«s worth 'the Woi(hrugtorAi\ VNCF nmih TlieJ^etC Msi),ojf, t*Iie North est 01 th 1 00 AiMTthi! Advance Cook Jlook woith 75 An If a quai ter section of plastei ing had dropped about the time of that steam boat explosion at the hall it would have heightened the effect more 01 less. Chas. Chase is building an addition to his house with bay winUow, 11x22 stoiy. W. J. JSuttei field is doing the job. Messrs. Dun and SVhipple havegoneto Heisey With their leauiSand aie bieak uig piairle for Mr Iiendrickson. A widower had his foi tune told by Madame Valerie and in consequence bought five tickets to Rip Van Winkle. lie says it was a put up job. A ceitain cure for Ringworm and all that class of eruptive diseases has been found in that wonderful alterative. Dr. Bull's Blood Mixtuie. lw. A hoise tatter was in town Tuesday giving exhibitions of hisskill. He al so cuied butting rams, kicking cows, and scratching hens. Wlieie is the man who will set up to tame refiactory wives? Cows.1—10 good milk*cows for sale or tiade ifjt good oxen. Cows with calf hy Yorjn#.G1eng!iiiy, a thoroughbred Ayishire. W. II. IIOYT. °The andtence at the theatre on Man day night must have been waiting for the clog'dance trtcome in. The finest touches of natwe in Rip Van Winkle, done with atiuthfulness worthy of Jef feison, passed without applause. We are glad to hear'that Dr. Mar shall's Lung Syi up gives such general satisfaction our druggists say it sells better than any other preparation for Coughs, Colds, etc. The price is 25c, large steeJSOcV1 8o\dljfLaw, lw D. Baird was up from Newton, Iowa, a few days ago to prove up on his claim in Elk. We are glad to hear that Mr. B. expects in due time to le turn to this' cqunty. Hewitt says lie has the best Cook Stove, the heavest Cook-Stove and the cheapest Cook-Stove sold in Nobles county, and that if you don't believe it, come and see. After Laura had killed Col. Selby on 'Ttteffday night, aftbe Hall, the Colonel "mateiialized" in five minutes after wards and tinned up as a pink-headed Prosecuting Attorney laboiing to have the poor gill hanged. Phe was acquit ted, however, and the iirepiessible Sel lers straddled the Judge's stomach and the two indulged in a hug. TO THE PUBLIC. Haying had Mr. Hammond, of this place, employed to tram a hoiso for me which in some respects was beyond my control, ttatn sty that I believe him capabletof 'fobduing tbJb most vicious jtfidthimftnaffablehorseftnd of doing it without whip and without abuse. ,si**»arf»s&ais-« xtiutaMAiltMWRAILROAD*?! A COURT CoMViasiONBU—II. D. Humiston. Cot NTv ATK)RSB»— M. B. 8oule. COKOSBK— I,. It Bennett. t'OURXr, SUPBarNTBMlB»tVJ. C. Ogle. coMMissioxaa*.' jrfrk District-Jonathaa Oorden/of Heisey. Second District—A. Kobinson, of Woithing ton. Chairman. 'lkiniDtnlrict-^-Kiibt Sliore, of Rinsoih. (2 00 2U0 8 Tot iU All f.r 20, invanab'j 111 advance Failles who piefei it have the ADVANCE aatUlkiSVf^l^VctklyOlolHsfor^CJ, or the JtDX V\/E and tiiel'rTiuc raimci foi 5 uo, with the Cook-Rook. ATI qtnefr on tfiCOlntbcnn. J. Ames is on a trip to Texas. J. C. E.tslnn, of the Southern Miunc sot t,.w.ta ju town a few days ago. lion. II. L. Ruuyon h.tsoiu thanks foi Lite New Jet£.ey papeis. The nuich-neeiled rain has come, and the crops are getting wet. Re id the several c&tray notices in the advet Using columns. L. E. Kimball is enlarging his gro cery. Court will convene at Worthington again on Tuesday, June 18. See ad. of E. Hammond, who goes to Sibley to tame the teiociou^ hoise and break the adamantine colt. Our Episcopal friends are mo\ itiij in the matter ot securing an Episcopal Chutc'i 111 Wotthington. The denot lias been repainted all a round and the enlaigement is piogie&s mg rapidly. Seveial members of Dr. Clippengpi's family ai lived a few dajs ago tioin To ledo. Capt. Smith's family lett on Thurs day night last lor Milwaukee, their fu tiue lebidence. Cliidley, the Aitist, is here and doing good woik. Come and tij him. HePsychology will remain two weeks longer. J. C. OOLE. SMALL FARM FOR SALE. Sovcnty-Five acres, three miles from Woit'iington, on county road, for sale. Oyer 20 acres broken. -Will sell at 25 to 50 per eent. off for cash. Apply at ADVANCE office. '. "I iJs'ARMJVRWLE, iCO acres of land, four miles from Worthington, on main road, twenty three aeiea in crop, for sale. Will give 5 to 10 per cent, more off than the rail road company is allowing on cash sales. Apply at ADVAHCE office. A SCIENTIFIC ENTERTAINMENT Is promised the citizens of Worth ington on Monday -evening, May 2T^ by Prof. Rice, the Renowned Mind Reader. Tho object is to investigate the claims of-Spiutualists and weigh the subject honestly, and..justly, .with out prejudice or malice. All who feel inteiesteduvlhe. wonderful should b« nfgWt bfontHo^evtoul atfangeticirtJ: j. T^ 30"ja^ ^*ISjbeiug agitated, in Mairray county. Tlio toad talked of is a north and south road to connect the Winona & St. Pe ter with Wjflrtliington by buijdin'g a road from a point near' the ^qutlieast' corner of Lyon county, where the\Vi» nona & St. Peter enteis, across Murray, county to this place. A glance at the map will show that this point is almost due noi th of Worthington and not more than seven townships, or about This is a capital project, and whether built by the Winona & St. Peter or the Southern Minnesota, would meet with eveiy encouiagement. It would give us another eastei outlet and would be, of all roads, the veiy one for Mur ray as it would touch all the points of present impoitance in that county. We wish 0111 Munay county friends eveiy success in pushing this enter prise. MILLER HALL.—By announcement published elsewhere it will be seen that the hall has been "undedicated" and will herealter be a public hall merely and not a chuich. The ADVANCIS two years ago took the gtound that it was not 1 iglit to deprive the village of the hall by dedicating it to religious usesor ly. The hall was built in older to give us a public hall and no building in the place has been so generally useful, or lias conduced so much to the enjoyment, and the public good as this hall. We aie glnd to see that our Methodist biethien have come to take a sensible and piactical view of the matter and that heieafter we are to have the hall tinown open to any legitimate amuse ment or use. While it may seem in consistent to open a church to travel ing tioups for amusements, it is not inconsistent for a chuich society to' woi ship in a public hall built for and devoted to othei put poses. Now let the Methodist Society, which controls thepiopeity, repair the »oof and the ceiling and give us a hall that at least is oulinaiily ?afe. Audiences now sit in niomentaiy expectation that a quarter sectioa of plastei ing will drop on their heads. AVe learn from Pi of. Rice that dining his exhibition on Sat uiday night last the rain pouied down upon the stage to such an extent that his "moial wax figures," as Artunus Waul called'lus, weie damaged to the amount ot &50. The lessees would doubtless have been held lespotisible for this, if the Prof, had cated to de mand it. MIND READING.—Elsewhere appeals an announcement from Prof. Rice that he will give an enteitainment on Mon day evening next in Mind Reading and kindied subjects. He does this bj spec ial request and proposes to treat the subject tail ly and with a view to arriv ing at the ti nth. We bespeak for him a candid heat ing. The gi eat science of Psjchologj, the greatest of all sciences, is in its infancy and it is amazing with what intoleiance it is tieated even by those who have become free enough to believe in and encouiage a full investi gation and study of physical science. is the one paramount sci ence, of which Mesmerism, Mind Read ing, Claiivoyance, Spiiitism, etc.. aie but so many blanches. Mesmei ism was as much despised and opposed lien the stjdy of it began, as Spiritu alism is now. When Spiritualism came in as a positive, aggies-ive force, then the opposcrs fell back upon Mesmerism and adapted it to explain the phenom ena of the new phase. Men are one sided and narrow until fully developed, and if the 01 Id could see that all these wondeiful powers are but phases of one great science and give themselves to the study of it as they do to physical science, it would advance moie in twen ty ycaisthan it has done in the last two centuiies. AMUSEMENTS.—Along with the msh of land seekeis and settlers, Worthing ton is experiencing a rush of amuse ments. Fiof. Rice gaye two exhibi tions at Miller Hall last wtek in mind leading, ventiiloquism, etc., and will give another enteitainment on Monday evening next, by special re quest, in mind reading and kindred subjects. The Billy Maible ti oup gave thice plays this week, "Rip Van Win kle" "The Gilded Age" and "Divorce," to crowded houses, and we only express the general view when we say that this is an unusually meritorious troup of traveling actois and altogether the best which has ever visited our fron tiei town. The Swiss Bell Ringers ex pected to petform here but Weie not a ble to procure the hall. CHANGE OF TIME.—A change of time on the main li»ie of the Sioux Ciiy & St. Paul road went into effect on Mon day last. The train from St. Paul now at rives here at 11:23 at night, and the train from Sioux City at 5:20 in the morning. This gives us two anivals and depaituies a day coming near to gether. Two trains leave for St. Paul in the morning, one at 5:20 and the other at 5:30. Two arrive from St. Paul in the evening, one at 8:20 and thp other at 11:23. The Freight or Ac commodation leaves as heretofore. This auangement will spoil connec tions for Chicago at Mankato. The express will now arrive at Mankato at 9:30 a. hi. and the first train east over the Winona & St. Peter after that leaves at 035 p. ra. COUNCIL.—At the last meeting voted tofixthe poll tax at 3 days work, and to levy a property tsix for road purpos es of 23c on $100. Also decided to im prove the approaches to town, as fol lows the south road about the lake shore the Hersey road the' northwest road and the east road leading to the Cemetery.* The Street Commissioner was instructed to proceed at once to the repair of the above approaches. When It comes to get ting up an Interesting local newspaper the Worthington Advance need ask no odds of any paper in Southern Min neSOta.-r"Martin Co Sentinel. Fresh Cow'for Sale^ IL L. FOSTE t. SEWAto). |. Mr. Cummings is buildirign nouseon __e 80. »i 'Mr. Styles hak rinished his house and hasinoved Ue has already 45 apres, broken, already ,i k,, QLNEy. l42 miles, distant. This toad would, by a. little deflection from an air line touch Curne, near Lake Shetek, Avoca^'on' Lime Lake, and Bondin, and by bear ing east a little, could be made to touch Graham Lakes, A straight liue would bring the road near the line between Seward and Graham Lakes. Mr. Evensbn has sold his farm, on section 26, to one of the Adrian colon ists for $1,000, S. D, TFnnes is running two break ing teams. Mr. Tr lias put in all his farm and alMo Mr. Lyttfe's to grain. Gus Lingren is building a house on his farnv and is doing considerable' breaking. UTILE ROCK. Hans Sunberg wishes your corre-, spondent to return thanks through the ADVANCE to Dr. Cra.ft for his success ful tteatment of Ajtiv, Sundberg's wife, Last winter Mrs. S. fell,and injured her hip so that she has been confined to her bed until recently. Under,.the skillful treatment'of Dr. Craft she is again a ble to walk and attend to her house hold duties. Corn plantingabout all done and ev erybody breaking. 104-41. This town is filling up and will soon be organized. There are about 30 set tlers now in the to\yn,Ht number of whom aie Germans. Geo. Kale is building a house on sec tion 12. The Kreeriboys have half a section on 14 and are running two breaking' teams. They expect to-break about 149 acres. All the crops in the town are doing unusually well. HERSEY. Still they' come. Monday evening Frank Biainard ariived from St. Paul with a car load of horses and cattle. Mr Brainaid will break up a large por tion of his hind this season. "M. Paist has got back from St. Paul. He leports his mother^ health improv ing. The Hersey boys all turned out to day and went otit on a wolf hunt. They found a den ot them and dug them out. They took out four yoilug ones, about half grown.x D. llaffey's sister, Misl Teitsworth is in tow n. She is heie for her healA* from the Silver Mines in Utah. There will be a match game of ball here on Saturday next between the Hersey bars and the Worthiugton boys. BIQELOW. Farmers are all busy breaking. Mra. J. C. Baldwin is quite sick. Crops look Well around Bigelew. G. V. Randall and family, brother to A. V. Randall, have ai rived and will reside in the village. Hr. 11. is a shoe makei and plasterer. School opened on Monday last, Miss Maiy Twitchell teacher. II. C. Morey is managing the Bige low herd this year, with some 60 head of cattle. Mr. DeBoos, the new postmaster, is giving general satisfaction. The change in railroad time is quite a convenience to Bigelow. We can now leave for Worthington at 5 a. m. tiaustct business and get back by noon tiain. R. Jones who left here about two months ago, returned last Hatinday bunging with him his son-in-law, Jo seph Hacket and family. Also 7 horses. R. Jones will commence break ing this week. II. C. Morey and Wm. Yahn com menced bienking this week. Hubbaul & Giaves are breaking np the prairie. They have a fine Hock of sheep and have good luck with their lambs. Jas. Cowin was in town last week on a visit. He looks well, is doing a good business in Adrian in lumber. John DeBoos bad another brother-in law come this week, Mr., Grey. R. Reynolds is having 30 acres of breaking done on his place by Samuel Colletts. John Colvin and brothers are also breaking. They have a Bradly Sulky Bleaker. It doesgood woi k. LAND SALES. Humiston & Pope have sold an 80 on the nei of sec. 6, Sewaul, to J. E. Neff, of Wis. Miner & Parsons report the follow ing sales since ottrlast: To Wm. Laiides 120 acres on sec. 10 103-43. M. B. Soule 40 acres on sec. 12, De wald. Peter Landes 40 acres on sec. 10-103 43. C. Christianson nej of nei, Lorain, 40 acres, $2.40 cash. Eli Fenstermaker, 100 acres on sec. 9, Bigelow, $7.50 per acre. H. Fnllweiler, 120 acres on 9, Bige low, $7.50 per acre. Nej sec. 17, Indian Lake, to Lens Langseth, $8 per acre. Ei of sei sec. 3, Seward to Fred. Butzaiu $5.75 per acre. BIBLE READINGS.. Henry Plant, of Minneapolis, one of the most noted Sunday school workers in the country, will visit Worthington June 1st and 2d. He will give a series of Bible readings, commencing Satur day afternoon and continuing through the Sabbath. There will be a meeting Saturday afternoon, June l,a 3 o'clock, to which all who are interested in Sun day School Work are earnestly desired to be present. Mr. Plant says, "Bring your Bibles to all the'meetings." Further particulars next week. WonTniXGTON, MINN., May 20,1878. At a special meeting of the Trustees of the M. E. Church to-day, the follow ing resolution was unanimously passed. Resolved, That the building occupied by the Methodist Society of this place, be heieafter known as, Miller Hall, and that it be declared a public Hall, to lie used for home and traveling entertain ments, at such rates as may be fixed upon by the committee having charge of said Hall. As the 'Methodist Society contem plate electing a church building dur ing this summer, they will qontinne for the present to hold religious serv ices in the Hall every weeki J. C. OGLE, Chairman, T. M. GRUELLE, Secretary. lltEMARBLE COMBINATION., This evening will be the last night of the Matble Company on which occa sion Will be acted The Comedy of the Widoifr Hunt and the Farce of' the Bibbs Folks. Marble will appear in two of Ms Greatest Comic Characters. Major Wellington DeBoots and Barna byBibus. The company will return and give two performance* on their route East on which oee'ston they will produce TTncle Tom's Cabin and The Two Or phan's. Due noticjiwlll 1» given of the eyenings of these two great plays, .. These sudden changes of theweather seldom fail to bring a Cough'Or Cold, and we can recommend* Dr. Marshall's Lmi«.(?yrup' as a certain cure«for- all diseases of the Lungs and Chest. The pi ire is. o»ly £$ cents. Sold by»D, S, Law., t, MINOU ARRIVALS. RecenUy, at the' residence ,of C. Peterson, in Little Bock, a son. Also ,at the.residence of L. Larson, same town, a daughter. A few days ago, at the residence of l££ $ ii I10"™ °t Seward, a ?fl boy. T11E.B.UKGLARS.—The men who rob bed Levi Shell's house at Sibley were brought' to trial on Tuesday on an in dictment for larceny from a dwelling house and plead guilty. The one whose eye -was shot out by our Sheriff was sentenced to the Iowa penitentiary for two years, and the others for two and a half years. One eye is considered e qual to six month imprisonment. FROM MURRAY COUNTY. Mr. Reed, of Minneapolis, and B. W. Woolstencroft, of Graham Lakes, have been laying out tho new toyni of Avo ca, on Lime Lake, during the past week. The work is' now finished and the building up Of the towu will begin at once. Bishop Ireland claims to have as surances that there will be a railroad to Avoca/within 18 months, either the Southern Minnesota or a branch of tlie St. P. & S. C. Wm. M. Davis, of Bondin, has locat settleis during the past week in tile two towns of Bondin and Lime Lake. Settlers are coming in rapidly. Crops in Murray are in splendid con dition and promise a large harvest. Farmers all feel hopeful and the gener al opinion is that we are out of the woods. A meeting of the Worthington Cem etary Association will be held at the Worthington Hotel on Monday, May 27, at 2 o'clock p. m. A new Board of trustees are to be elected. Lot owners will please attend. By ouler of the Board of Trustee?. May 22,1878. "How do I get time to read and do fancy-woik, and yet take an bom's walk eveiy morning, with such a fami ly as I have?" said Mrs. Brightly to a caller. "I'll tell you. I never get nervous, if I can help it and as 1 cjm woik my Sewing Machine without tir ing my muscles or in Rating my nerves, why I can stick close at it when, with any other machine, 1 would have to lie down and rest. So, yon see, I really do up my sewing in half the time jou can, with your hard-running machine, and have lots of leisure time." "Upon my woid," answeied wan Mrs. Whiting to her rosy cheeked hostess, "I'll make William get me a Light-Running 'Do mestic' right away!" then they oscula ted and pai ted. lw. E. W. Denton,~Esq.7 left last week, for the purpose of supei intending the breaking up of four bundled acies on the section belonging to E. W. and M. G.fDenton, of this city, and located a bout seven miles west of Woithington. He will be gone about two months.— Rochester Post. Mr. S. Finn, with Charles Zim merman, is confined to his room by a veiy seveie intlamation of the lungs.— Pioneei-Piess, May 16. The Mower County Transcript pro pounds the conundium "Who is our Neighboi We know. He's the man win lives next door. Eveiything conductive to the better condition of the baby is sure to attiact attention and hence it is that Dr. Bnll,s Baby Syrup is becoming more and more appreciated as its wondeiful influence in subduing the diseases of babyhood becomes recognized. Pi ice 2o cents. MARRITD Enwvnns—Oitow— Hits cltv, on the 20th Inst., 1V lle\ Dr. I .Uvits O EDWAUDS, ot Woitlmi^toii, Mum., aiul WINS COKINTII 11. Guovv. of Wcstboio", Mass—St 1'aul Pioneer Press. Mr Edvv ards and his bride an Ivcd on Tuesday night's tiain. and will take up their icsidence on their farm, the place foiinerly owned by II. ltice. On behalf of the bachelors of the commu nity, we congratulate Mr. Edwards. WoJtTHINGTON MARKETS. WHJEAT, 80@ St FLOUR 11 bbl. ,1 00 W 8 00. A -r.@ 5c. «»A l's «6» bushel, 30@J3c. CORN. 30@W. UUriEIt. 12Ue@15c. 1 GGS doz 10c. LUMBfcK— First Common, *22@|r24, per m. Si ootid Common, $J0@jiU. minors, *24@* S. Shingles, *2«fi)l 50. HominF, fcx@\36. Siding, *i @2K0. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. STRA YED. From the premises of tho sobscrllxr. in In. dun Lake Tounslnp. on thopvuiiuigof May 12th one MAKE PONY, about seven bundled pounds weight, color biy, with white star in forehead and wlnt.) hind feet. Any neison giving any liifmn.ation 111 regaid 10 the wlieie.ibou of said nonev will be liberally lew anted Address nifoi maiion to JAMES ACHKSoN, 6-"V«—lw Worthington, Minih HORSE TAMING. E. HAMMOND, the Horse Tamer, will bS in SIBLEY, MA 28 A 29,1S78. Bnnlky and kicking Horses cuied and tlie Ta ming and Ti.lining of Colts made a specialty. A BO treatment for all diseases of the horse. One lesson given each day at 1 p. 111. 6-33—lm ESTRA NOTICE STfnt VYED from the premises or Michael Hiley, Itock county, Minn., on Wedncsd 1 H, 1876, one four car- old BLACK MABf May hav- .uc bite spot on one hind foot and string halt in Both hind legs. Had a broken halter otrneck Men strayed. A libera! reward will be given for information leading to her recovery. Ad rfress S. McDBRMo IT, 6 3S'—2w Luvcrne, Minn. RAILROAD FARE—REDUCED RATES. Arrangements hive been completed foi send ing passengere at 1 educe I rates of fare from Chicago and other points to Worthington,- Adii an, &c. Tickets for single of round trips aiav be ob tained on application to ALLEN Oinson, 6i0—tf Agent, 59 Dearborn St., Chicago. CATTLE FOR. SALE. I MILLER HALL. OFFEK for «wle mj entire HERD of CATTLE of about 40 head, consisting of one Tw*o Year old Dm him Bull 15 Covvs and Heifers with calves hy side and 10 Yearlings-, all of htfch will be sold in lots to suit purchasers, either on time with sccunly, 01 cheap for cash. Would picfer to sel 1 entire herd to one party. Also an im prove I 80 acre farm 4 miles we-t of Town, 80 icies joining can be bought if pin chaser toshes. 6 36—3w I A JOHN BULL AND ENGLAND'S GLORY. THESE celebrated .Blooded Horses are now in Woithington and will do service duiHig the ensuing season F.11 mei desn ous of m1|H ovmg their stock call on the undersigned. 6 45—3w A. E. GRISSELL. H. L. VRADENBTJRG, Homeopathic Physician attention given to diseases of the E E and E A Oflicc in Methodist Block, fhstf door to the right, up stairs, Worthington, Minn. 6 35-ly. The University O Minne sota. LITERARY, AGRICULTURAL A S MKCHANICAL DEPARTMENTS, FULLY ORGANIZED. Among the FACILITIES of INSTRUCTION area FAbPLTr of 17 persons—the Iw-st and largest Li B|iARY iu the State—an Experimental FARM and PLANT HOUSE—a CHEMICAL LABORATORY, equal to any of its size in this country—a General u SFLM, lately much enlarged—a large and excel lent supply of AiTAhATUS, Physical, Engineer ing, &c. The next Year begins September 10, 1878. Examinations for admission will be held at Mankato, June 24, and at the ITniveisity, June 25th and September 11th, 9 A. M. Addiess correspondence to the' PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY, Minneapolis, Minn. TUITION, FREE. &31~lm. GOOD YOKE YOU NO OXEN FOR SALE CHEAP.—Enqu'ue ofII. Hsiser, Heisey. 2w, ,-ii.u j.r. ou %x*i St. Croix Lumber Yard. 44:FdRBEs*} •." lot All Kinds ',!' Sash, Doors,' Blinds, Mould ings,,Ete. Will furnish BlindsandScreon Doors Painted and Hung. Also Farm Machinery., Yard on Second Avenue, Opposite Mc Manus Hoiise. WORTHINGTON MINN. 5-29-3m« R. F. BAKER, DEALER I N Clothing, Hats, Caps, AND Gents Furnishing Goods. Has Just received a veiy line stock of Spring anil Summer Clothing. Our goods were bought for cish at close fig ures and will be sold for the same. I Suits from «tto *", $7 511. «8 50. f9 00, $10 00, #11 00 and 442 00. Blue Flannel Suits from #1 00 to $16 00. For further Information call or see It. F. BAKER, 6 34—3m Worthiugton, Miun. AEBSEY DEPARTMENT HERSEY TIME TABLE—SIOUX CITY ST. PAUL 11. R. Going East—2:47ft.m. Going West—11:17 a. m. 3:18 p.m. 11:49 p. in Comeand See Me If you wvnt Xo. 1 Goods at low price. I keep constantly on hand a general stock of .Dry Goods and Groceries, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes. Crockery, Tin ware, Glass-wire, Cm tains, Wall iper. .loweliy, Gai den Seeds and Fauc Notions of all kinds. Atso Acent foi the Vauhi nut & Davis S era* the Moline Ci osMnn and Bre tkuit to iv also Monltoi Plows, wago s, Uoweis, lt&ipeis. Self Binders, Hty Rakes, &c. If vouw int anything In my line, yon will do well to call at my store and sec goods and get pi ices. THOS. E. FITZGERALD, b-JO lleiM'), Mum. Dr. L. COTTHELF, Notary J^ioblic AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. Taxes paid for non-residents. HERSEY MINX. 6 2'] Martin Heiser, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Hardware, Notions, Ready M.uleClotlung, Boots and bhocs. Look at mv goods and ask prices before on buy elsewhere. Butter and Kggs taken in ex change at the highest maiket pit e. Agent for the BIcCormIc a the MONITOK PLOW, and dealer in Ag ricultuial Implements of all kinds. HE USEY MINN. 5-Hlv] BIGELOW DEPARTMENT. K. JONES, Dealei in Dry Goods and Giocei ios, Hoots, Shoes, Crockety, Notions, and lleady Alado Clothing, And ill other goods iisuillv kopt in a countiy store. The above goods will be sold a for Cash. Or try Mountjiii ink aud Antlnacite Coal foi sale. Cash Paid for Wheat. Will fuuiish FlaxiM'cd in Spuug. BIGELOW, MINN. 6-20—'.y Save Money! P»TI Jctr A, 1S71 For Ti ice List or one or the bes't Sewing M.i chines in the maiket, addiess, MRS. S. WALDEN, 6-24—Sm. Bigelow, Nobles Conn tv, Minn. Catanh, CoiiMiinptum ant ltioneluil com plaints, it neglecUd, sneedilj end in pcim.ui cntstitteiing. The best known remedy, after use, is Lileit's Extract ot Tar aud Wild Cheny impounded by skilled chemists, from some of the lies* known vegetable leine di s. It is not only valuable in pulmonary dis eases, but it is (unlike most cough remedies, which are extreim-lv debilitating) an excellent tonic if taken as directed. Ellen's Daylight Liver PMIs are reliable, safe and efficient., Jfhey purify the blood, regulate the liver and digestive oigans, and relieve head aclic caused by Indigestion. ForMimmei C- mplaints.oi Cholera infantum tlieie is nothing as-safe and r« liable as l)r Win cheirsTcethtngSMupit nevei fails to give mi. mediate lelh-f, and Is harmless, boltfby all Diuggkstsat 2o cts. |KI noble. Di..Iiqucs.eiinan Worur Cakes never fall to desti oy woi mv and expi.ll tin in from the ss tcm. Pleasant to take and perfectly safe FAKMEKS! FAKMBKS'! Would ou have jour Hoisesin piune oonditimi foi yom spring and stinnuer woik'it so, sevual things should U* stiictly obseived, good cue legiilu feed'and liberal cm lying aie among tlic essentilials, but do not tail to give them Uncle Sam's Coiidiiion P«w«ler, nccoriiing 10 diiections and vou will be rewarded for your expense and trouble. For Sale by all l)i uggist*. Uncle Sam's Harness Oil fills and closes the pores of leather, etTectuitly prevent! ig the en trance of (l.mipiiess.dust, tc and rendering the irness soft and pliable, vv lule at the same Hue incicasing its dmability Sold by allUarness Makeis and dealeis in learhrt. ^1 30 fi) CERIES Corne 10t St. a jaoIfljA. U!iui.J.uu.wi'«ilr iiyrffX"~ n^j ^"SS«^ inm »r- —. ,, ,, DEALER 1$) E rt 0 J0o 4$ Crocker an Produc chang fo HATS [5-23—C CAPS Glassw a Take rCoo 3 A I N —. zz 5 3 0 (fi «3 Z2L S*3 ^*s NEWS FOR TIIE FARMERS. N•GOOD Pitney, of Worthington, and John Ma-' comber, of Muim inolis, a man of nun) sears'experience in the miriness, intend to ho fully piepaied to put in duve wells, with any style of pump, including the foiee pump—very useful as a fuc extinguisher Prices varying ft"un $1,00 a foot, in depth anil choice of pumps. All woik warranted a success or no is. Oieat pains taken in sccui ing tin best of ni.ttci il. N PITXEV, 6 T-3w .) B. MACOMIIEH. uii*s'¥ WORTHiNGTON HOTEL. Only First-Class Hotel in Town. Good Sample Rooms. Ileudquai tcrsfor the Lu Verne, Sioux Falls, and Spirit Lake Stage Unc*. •S*ltates to f.nmeis.ind teamsteis as low as auv house in town Laige li.nn aeeoni'iioila tions. Mage oflicc foi the dlTcicut stage lines. Livery Stable Connetteil with the Hoiise. ANOiriniNcrox, MINN. Daniel Shell, Proprietor. [38 LIGHT-RUNNING SEWIHG MACHINE, Dowft/i* Thread, TAtch Stitch Au tomatic Self-Adjnrting Tension and Take-up CoMcnl Steel lteariii{/8, and Compen sating Journal* 1 Waitf ran it but to lev© ft Hone know it bit to vraise. Is tho most desirable a»d elDrieat tuv chine made, for these reasons: It Is made of the choicest materia als, and by the best workmen* If is1 the simplest in construction^ and most reliaMc in Hs action. It requires almost no adjusting? and jot does every variety of work. It is noiselesitf rairtd, and will out wear any other mnchlnei It is the easiest running of ma- chines, and saves muscle urn nerves? Which are more valuable than money. It lisis never railed to give perfect satisfaction. Every machine warranted. &T l'hysicians recommend it for itsCar Hplit-rnnning and noiseless qualities. Send for a copy of "How to Chooso a Sewing Machfue.^' Kct'dle.s, Attachments and parts foi all machines. GEO. BLAKE, General Agent, Minneapolis, Minn. N. A. BARLOW, Agent, Worthington, Minn. [6 35—20w. McHlanus House. Near 'lie St. Paul X. Sioux City ltatlioad Depot J. McMANUS, Proprietor. This ITou' Fust Cliss all its apprint inent,s, and its loeiliou iseonrcnlent to tlic Itnil Dtiwt, .mi| ihc busHiess portion of the Town. WORTHINGTON, MINN. 6-33-ly The Bos iiay-Twistcr Carpets :md a by W a Miiki liio tlicib. Sec .idvcitiseuients. 31 If Machinery, HEADQUARTERS For First Clas3 Farm Machinery and Agricultural Imjrfc metifsV Wheic can lie found the most complete Stock of First Clnfcs Farm Machinery and" Farming Imp'emcfits In Southvi cstei Minnesoti, coinpi LSflig a full line of cachckiss of goods of the mos# celubiated makes in this countiy Harvesting IVtu^Iiiiiew, McCORMICK'S HARVESTER, for nand-*indin^ McCORMICK'S HARVESTER ind SELF-BINf)tft riv and six feet cut, the only complete aud perfect eomblued machinemade. McCORMICK'S ADVANCE and McCORMICK'S PRI2G JfQlftlfe All of hick arefully irrautod to give perfeet•atlsfaotlon'lu ei»n mnnrt, RAKES. The Taylor nand Lever Sulky Horso Hay Rakes, the Taylor Self Damping Sdfty Hone TUf R.Ikes. Wagons. The celelv-ated Li Belle r.u Wagons the Celebrated Stu labakcr Farm Wagohs. Als. a full line of the Sk.nner and Cl.icigo Plow inufacturInB Company's goods. eOnslsfW the ceieb.ated Skinner Sulky and oang Piovvs. Hon and a A S S meiits Nc« E i,„„ Beam W Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere^ Of eveiv Descnpti Spring- Beds and Upholster ed (roods, CARPETS of every Pattern, I N such as Matfias-es, Comforts, BUnkct* rheis, etc rictuie b\ uues ,'Ud I ookiug Glis-cs, Boats, Oi Pad lies. Pitch, Hardware, Glass, X.nls.Oils, Vainishes Yokes, Wagons, Seeders, Mow ei s, l{« ipeis, Hartovvs, Plows, einl alt oth ei kinds oi r.iimeis' Tiols and Alachiuoiy Complete Stock of Undertaken' Waie. W l'l sell it Chicago and St Paul puces. Highest Market Price Paid for Wool. StolWorthington, on Ninth St betwee- 6 2S 2d and 3d Avenues Minn. W a in in S S E rouble bhovel Plows, RHlingaud talking Corn Cultivators Coulters S W licels 1 low Reims, Handles ij s, &c &c aid ev erythlng else usually kle|tt in tlie machine iy line, all of which 1 will guaiantee as good as the best aud keep on hand*a ttlMoclroI Extrji# for Mi Coi nuekS machines and all other goods dd by me. At the Old Stand, I Oth st-, Worthington, WUnn, 33-t„, II* W. KIMBALL. Miller Brothers, Mum factin cm and Dealers vi1 FURNITURE WortbStfgtonjreaf Itarket, W MADfSO^f, At rte favorite OLD STAND on Third Avcnu* continues Ayscil all kwids of Meat of Mte BEsI" QUALITY. GAME AND FOVttTR t, FRESH AND SALT ME'AT SAV SAGE AND POTTEb BEEF,- Thelaltfer ir SlWc^ilt?. Thaifcs f* pastliberal pationage. By fall dealing and furnishing goorf meats, be hopes to retain the puplic patronage 4 35-lj] J. H. JOHNSON, Manufacturer and Dealer In all Kinds of Double and Single HARNESS, Saddles, Whips and Lislies Satktfer's Harrf waie,'luniksahdVnllscs Boot and Shoe Store. Wheie I am itovy prepired to sell Boots and1 ShH«s cheapei than the ciie.i]Mst hine Hoots and H.iiiiess-made to order from' the best biands of leather and have the best! ivoikincn in tlie place, Hal iiess, Uii|M'i and Sole Leather for silo IRK unu to oider Ai tbtfi* Lrnuches o^ Pioneer St'rrtid'on ^intli Stieet, Wortlilhgton' M'""- ["-^o-iy Real Estate Agency, Tlie following Lands offered'for sale bv iho' undeisianed', aie some of the choicest in S VVMnimvoii ivig-selected Hi Hit- eai.y si'ttle»m-irt of Ni.blrsCpiiity, aiul now owiifcl^ piuicip'illy iion resulents. will be sohl, nil,,* 1 hat ot tho wild It. It I.UHIS in same loc ilitv. K^ acies near Bigelon st.itio... tion. a choice quartc-r close to market. 100 in l-oiain within two miles of VVortliingtOn lim inKlk, good buildings ind other improvemeiit-,. desii able in in, loo do in Elk on hoc. 4 I *J hi Dewald, good plow and' meidbw Ian I, also so liiesjiiiniiig ilovt. AlsoSOaeieson'.Ve ]0iii IVw Uil lGt) HI Uliie,j) mile fiom Miller sia tion. 9» in (irah mi Likes rownslilit, beautiful iv situated on Likes Si sime^ce. 1 lu above lands are offered at from it50 to* JOooperncie. I will also ittend'to the payment! of takes ftc for noil lcsidents. COhuESrO!rt)EVCK SOtlflTKO.' 'r'25 4w]' HUMISfON, POPE*» M1 riERA PARSONS, BBtfLEBB PS4 Heabl Esrfacte Nogdtiators 6f Iov AtSBNTS' FOU TIIE 8 6 Olt A I O A JLAr^DS^ Locate Goveran&'t T-^wili Attend Land Trials "gif CorrcspoodeBos SoUdtod. »5-yl Woctklnctaa, Farms for Sale, 10,000 ACRES LAND, Improved and Unimproved, Near Railroad and Market,- In quantities to suit purchase!*. Also some' CHOICE TREE CLAIMS. OFFfClS—fn Land Office Buildiiiff^ Tenth Street, Worthington, Minn. Call oiiofaddress F. G.CRANDAU.& CO. 0-27—1^ New Lumber Yard. FOSTER &SKE^A&DM [Coriter 2d Avenue «&-9Ki Street!.] All. KIVDS of DRESSED LUMBER- Constantly oh'hnnd. Also, Shingles, Lath, Coar& Wo'od^ Sash, Doors, Building Paper, &e., Ac Tlills of Lumlier or Timber promptlyfilled.In1 load lots ot otherwise. FOSTER &SHEPARD. Worthington, Minn. ShortHorn Bull The undersigned has*recently purchased from* I a Cumberland Chief, Which he will keep for the improvement or" Stock. This null !4of PHI Princess blood, red a white color, bred by Warren Pcrclval, of Vas salboro.Maiiic, recorded in volume of tlie' American HerdWook, aniMook the FirstPreml IIIIIat tlteNew England*ah- when t* year* old. Mr. Tirown pronounces him second to'no Rulli in the State. Terms of Service 5 Dollars. A. N. JORDON~ 25 ml