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Image provided by: Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN
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ilif^'® v®*. '%^4 51 liif TO"' VIM 4 v.v •'. •'*,! r., «•*...". You're Backward 1 iJinft^i.'. J:, ,. *w -f 1 '.ty iBp-.. wrcaiw «i»»w muchof their gbod quality that for hi fear^price *ii' be bigh, Dismiss that idea faooryOttr mind. This the cheapest dftusr itore in »he city. Prices "tan juitelow«ud the stock so good •hatfvfclues are simply unequalled. Pi' A. Groezinger & Co. PiKlt'v dkugoists. llPfP^ *4 \\M lii, ^8ven.Va Apothek. Deutsche Apotheke pi,/ R. H. Sain is on the sick list. 4/ ,v /train Monday. wn monuay. Duncan |Jjl|^owa Wednesday. f^t^^|8SsEsther-Harding day at Rushmore. h4i^L l(. «f*»eWdelivery^agdnfor L. H. Beckley 'n N. HyBlqp ret^rned fram Iroq uois. 111., Wedn^esdayj wliere he spent the winter at the home of hia son, Miss Ella Norton spent her schoo- i® %%^/vacati9# at Jifr, hotfii' in Rushmore P^bound passenger. ^?. hom^ of H. H. Vosberge. Mi" lit J| the gue"' /y MwWsfflf® igKeur .7?w^,#yr »u v/ ST 'N. A» F. "Schulz mad* a trip to Braw '{later Sunday. Aug Paulson-took the northbound The familiar face of Ed. Froeman was seen ou our streets Friday. Sutherland made a trip to j0hn Mrs. Thos. Palmer is confined to her room by sickness. Geo. D-Dayton and wife left Mon day for Minneapolis. Sheriff Reiter iaoade an official trip ^^•Pipestone/Monday. Miss mlffy' uUbniu aofiiopl'teacher at Wii- ladies' patent leatjier ehpes ^f ^iont'left her® Monday on the north L~ ~l fc^aVwhile enroute to Sioux Falls. Jfe & Jos. Steinberger has been appoint-. ^®PfeT"3&«a regular deputy free delivery mail. I? W ^carrier, vice Henry Twitchell re Iin feigned, 4 i\''Will Sutherland,' who has^been on ®%be switch engine in the Omj»ha yards ^at this place was trausferred to Sioux ^ZvJpCity jSaturday.'» li-Leslie i'unk returned to his home ^jfimnkato Friday "after a pleasant jiff-visit with his grandparents, A. N. and Wife. v-.v,. ,v Ronan ttoiil, shipped four cars of ,,&t cattle and one of other stook/Tues ^dav night to Sio- City. John Ron?n llRfJS tl Fdrbes accompanied them.. Tha congregation of the LUtherhn church Was honored with a rare^treat ^''.l&last 4»oday evening' in that David T#And&)n with his male singers rend ^%-ered dneof th-iV'old familiar pieces, -t -Married fin this city Saturday^ April 6, 190* *tt* sUtoS Lutheran ^n^. bV Rev. Enckson, Mr. Chas. n, %r -£^gleston to Miss Maud Milter dJj The young couple^viH reside oh a Varm in.Elk Wwhship. MaMwaof A M,... :^Z We8tl«ttl# FTanry .Tames left S«turdav for Garden City Minn., on a visit. Humistou -J-- Colorado trip Tiiursday mbrning. WeuueBunj- uurjiauu ui^ auuiouu Nettie Stoutemyer visited h.B Free left Saturday for a Sun ifWAvna HPllAftllAV* '-i- ^nn tttuir niail amAtlff fflPtldfl fti) J&ck' |jtiuverne Tuesday. apentv Sun- iD«- Clara Prideaux returned home IStfrom Rushmore Monday. Ot'l Geo. C.Mackay resigned his posi i| it |tion in H. B. Levis' store. W Mrsi E. R- Humiston frefcurned .home from St. Pauly,Tuesday. Mm. R. C. Dana returned home l^from her mother's funeral Monday.V( fb ^Mrs. Sater visited the famil.f of |jbhn Sullivan near Brewster John Raniage has reived- a^fine. returned from his For ^aie.--Good nouse and lot first house .north of CI J. Small woods Clary addition Mrs. C. R.'Vailv 3i,3t MisS Stella Wilburn left for her at the home of her siiBter Mrs. F. Hickman 6 in a Knmtt nf hBip sister Mrs. F.* and 0Xl0rds Mrs. Richardson i-'l,''' „r Wiodom «•«, Mrs KichataWnwhoc»inelo thii III county with Her husband(loog ,inoe rtmrasedl 87 "vears ago, died OQ Wed- life and deserves a future full of re wards that ate.,dealt out to the Mood and faithful. She' was about to 76 years old,—Fairmont Sentinel. L^^MxcUiltoSs* intbe weett «t One Half fare nlus J2 to any point meentioned below for actual Jandseekers only. vSt.Gloud» MJ f, ft® iw Bseak#|M«Sp»=Pf' M'/ 5 bmKtsv ,- V." •»•.: »:Av Pr^pr.' CENTER OM^MINN, BTton will save «rom ,10 to30 A *S. Klndlund, ,? 4,/a.v» ....., ••.••,, •:.••'• \.y l^u\- Wothington, Minn Hf Satisfaction guaranteed. 'V* 'WS J.,'V Wanted, two apprentice girls Mrs. Etta P. Webb. J. A. Town made a professional visit to Adrian Saturday. A Lr *•».'.$ F. R. Patterson unloaded a car of barb wire fencing Friday. Miss Mable Birkqtt spent Sunday at her home in Ellsworth. e. day visit visii ^mong friends at Jack' son. ./ V/^' Four new members were added to the Baptist church Thursday even* Miss Mae Coffitt left Friday for a a few dajs at th® home of her parents ic Fulda. Sadie Dahlherg,of Round Lake,was the guest of 'Miss Jessie Hedberg Saturday. F. Khlhager, of Aureha, la., was the guest of Chas, Floschow and famiiy last week. Lou Kissell resumed his. old posi tion on the switch engine in the Omaha yards here Saturday, Mrs. 'i^tillwell and daugh'er/'ol Spirit Lake, are the guests oi Mr. and H. Lewis, in*,. Tavpdtes" •r' Bargains! renS» also some Very lategt 6tyles Joaepfc Wendt and family, of ^__v LakefieW. wcre Sunday gi of: patent kid MiniiuV^g Sherburne, Benton, Stearns, Moftispn and Owa counties. Canby,Minn.,andeS« W atertown S. D. pSS and Yellow Medicinfe counties and Deuel: Haailihe and 4 t_ £i Codington coun- in ifaan*. EolJkr-JtfaishaU^, and W'%lso to BARRON, WASHBURN, ^AWtER and CHIPPAWA^ .coun- T.«nH Office at Worthington, Minn. itmt iUnifir dhH W] .. :P Batnesviile anda^SS W&' -X Ulen, couotieB, ifc. cover- -mttJ Ma'and Utook-i^r, .... 'i *l'Jf '--'L i-Uv». The Gr^f ^e^ction Sale that will Meet and 0^1 any CotApetitiQn^ MisS Stelia Wilburn left for hei home Saturday aft^r a pleasant visit We will offer everything in o^r tremendous stock of Mens, Boys and Cbtia «k iothiii|r, Hats, Cap^ and Valises and. Gent's Furnishing a. v*"*"". T-f*-*fruukii ••ft-, Goods at 25 to *10 GASH ONLV for the next days. Our store is filled with genuine bar^Etivs* COME EABLY and get the bast bar gains that will ever be offered in^ur city in CLOTHING, These goods must be sold REGARDLESS OF COST to for our large fall stock now purchased from the leadiug clothing manufacturers in Chicago and New York. 1 THAT if we can't save you money we ought not to have your trade. THAT we must make your dealing with us a money saving proposition fof you must save money in every dollat you spend with us. THAT we are here to stay and any goods bought of us not satisfactory can be returned. THAT our motive is "Quick Sales with or without Profits." Honest good^ikhat will stand the test for ten years. REMEMBER this special sale will commence April 11th, and contin ue for 20 days at— R. F. BAKER'S, Leading Clothier, fg ^E,'„ \\vj0$" I 'I I !. :—r—' •J-t'r ,••• r/ ,WJ 1 S a COJWriENCINQ APRIL nth. WATCH FOR OUR RED FLAG SALE AT THE LEADING CLOTHIER. a W LIth, and cbntin- fk "S nni/u iu uui uu OUXIO guarantee perfect fit or no pay. YOURS FOR BARGAINS, THE PL.ACE. 1 1 I 4vr *u$i A' \1 v.v1,-•?"?i -'tv'yy-.' REMEMBER that we will refund your money if you are not satis fled. 1 ttif W1 cent, off! «4 that is spent with us will bring you better returns than $5.00spent elsewhere. "i THAT we handle no second hand Fire Sale of^rL shoddy goods. ,,, A*/ MAIL ORDERS ,,**6 guarantee all goods to reach you in perfect con-l*'?J dition, if they don't you can return them at ourex-*-,-*1 pens©. $ ilADE-TO-ORDER SUITS—$12.50 to $35.00. We?! larantee perfect fit or no DBV. I '4 if: ia|,' *ywi .-'Uf.Aif .i6*