Newspaper Page Text
a in or this week. (guilday l4 Tuesday. BCBBS Org. .r'-'Vic Andercon ha# purchased 480 tcresof land in Anoint Ot.. v.. L'H.Scotti* improving the farm recently purchased in ^Ransom Hhafine wbarn and is also en -Urging the house..- The lightning struck in several "places in this vacinity during the ^|ftbe storm last Saterday. A cow be longing to Albert Selburg was killed otherwise there is no damage re :tjxrted except the splintering of fence f? posts at several other places. Frank.Saxon of Worthington put Vic Anderson John Deuthlost a valuable horse morning. J. LaDue of Hubbard and Pr1m- tor Co. Mankato was an Org visitor *~V John "Deuth left last Friday to look over some land in the Dakota's. Bigeloir items. Bigelow will celebrate the 4th Come every body and have a good time dance in the evening. f'J' Munroe Beard and wife took a trip .to Sanborn la Monday. Mrs.Wm. Waterman is talking of ^oing home on a vibit next month. 0. Piatt has built a new *»,«deWalk in front of bisresidence, VjTeT are going to have a side walk from the M. E. Churuh to the school bouse let the good work go on. Tt"$en)8 curicw when jcunggirls fill bring novels to church t) read while the partor is preaching' Don't, do it lany more, it don't look nice and is no credit to you. Yates and Sevenbolhz are building an addition to the Fat Clark house just over the line in la. Look'but for Ringlidgs Bro. circus in Bigelow on tbe 4th of July for they are surly coming. Our street looks nice with all of the machinery pilled out in it where isttur mayor. ChUdrens day last Sunday was success over $300 was taken up. ^The young boys are bringing in juitea number of fish these days. Call at all*dr\ sf stores and git' free sample of Chamberlain's stomach and liver tablets, i. hey p~ 9 an ele gant physic. They also Improve the appetite, strenthen tbe digestion and regulate the liver and bowels. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect Christian Endeavores Going To Cincinnati. fcJbould not fail to* get- a copy of a neat Illustrated ismj l'let issued bv sr/V*£. & N. fly. Call on nny agent £$'©lr address. no. g. T. A. Odar Bepids. particulars may be obtained frdm any this Compaiv Writfe for descriptivepamphlet. N Bapids july 9 Cedar FOR Delivering /1 Drayage and "Water Hauling promptly attended to SEE "of^uly^dbtfi^lber Vwit to give the people a good time. Preparations are already (made and an excellent program is prepared to occupy the eutii*£day.3\Races of all kinds will be held on the street and an oration will be given during the day. The popular bowery will be a feature and a callethumpian parade will be given in the morning that will surprise the natives -as well as those coming from a distant. All the business a re a in an a iv in A tbus assuring tbe people that they will not be disappointed. I. T. Branifjpn, of Worthington, one of Southwestern Minnesota's best ra ters, will give the oration of the at eleven o'clock the drill and Jili thumpian parade will appear at |9 a. m. Miss Malchau, of Wildei| Micn. artived Monday to visit at [the home of Wm. Thorn. The Batch place was sold by J. O. Mitchel}, Monday at a consideration of $40 per acre Mr. J. R. Dewey, a resident of No bles County tfor twenty years with his family, departed for Oregon Mon day. The cold winters of Minneso ta sffected Mr. Dewey sothat he was oompelled to seek a warmer climate, and judges that Oregon will meet his needs.' All will wish him and the family success in their new home. F. H. Schoenoman. who has been on the Ramage farm four miles southeast departed' for Bound Lake Monday. Miss Bessie Bedford, who has been attending the Northwestern Cottrevsatory of Music the past win ter returned to Rushmore Fiiday. Surveyor Smith, of Worthington, drove through our streets on Satur day. Children's day services were fit tingly observed in the churches. The Prespyteiian and M. E, churches were daintily decorated and carried out the exercises in accordance with the day* The decoration in the M. E. .church, under the direction of Rev. Putnam deserves special men tion. On the platform was erected a framework representing the Greek Wisdom. It has been stated by out siders that Rushmore church decor ations and exercises of children -'et cell those of churches of greater M* ttendahce and in towns of greaier size. J. G. Mitchell returned from his North Dak. trip Sunday and found four lond seekers awaiting b'm John mada things move as fast as possible and succeeded in disposing of seveial Thorn July 6. Teoctieas Take Notice, grand low rate exclusion will leave pointa-on tbe Burlington, Cedar Bapids A Northern By., July 6th, for Detroit aud/B&ffalo. K--li fall OAHX. "Carpet weaving. Choice gong birds for 'HQe. MRS. R. C. DANA. IX ROOKY JKHINTAIK m* aaiiii in art teNrtn* Ruduuon. heoannotget stopped unlilhejia| BasbuMm will farms in two days. E. V. sold to a brother of H. Luppes at a consideration of and a Mr. f'aimer, a. g. p. £36.00 moves to farm, per sere, Booth, of Iowa, takes the old Chester Pope place four miles north of town, Frank Thorn in the When it comes to rustling and giving satisfaction to land seekers' John equals the best. About foity young people enjoyed the evening at the home of Mr. A. Shrader has a nice home and his family kqow how to entertain. The heavy frost did considerable damage, giving the corn and almost a setback entirely ruining some of the gardeus, Thecorn that ha» not already been frozen earlfer will prob ably survive. Smell grain is look ing well and will be fnade the better on account of the ol Jweatber as it was getting too far advanced for this season of the year. On Thursday last H. V. Millar and wife drove the flour wagon over Rushmore from Worthington in the midst of tbe heavy falling rain. fi. V. wished to take a pleasure ride, as well as judge the condition of ciops He was better able to judge the eon dition of the weather- but th^re is nothing like making the best of a thing for Mr. Miller, said he was well pleased withe crops, the|day and his ride. What's more Mr. Miller said he he had never wen a cleaner, more up-to-date little town than Rushmore. Let everyone in our amber that we havef^ library located at th* books are of the very best and- latest publishsd free for allto 4f grtat oppoiitmiiy l^ tli^ who have noi the latest books among their smaller libraries at home, Let all take advantage of these books and read theip. rem- iNuiirf The J. D. sPettit challenges {the world to a race.- He tides a Indies wheel both ladiea and gintlemen may enter. One ftature^about Don ftki'a riding he gets atortod I ***•:, i. "V turea and has broken'off from one to three hitching posts. However Don aid still continues to ride in (to) .the human race and had rather! find $5 anytime than miss a speedy tqurna* ment. Enter early and avoid the rush. Reading. J. W. Read returned from Taylor'a Falls, Friday evening. W. C. Hulser and wife accompan* ied some relatives to Worthington Fiidar Mrs. DeLang's new residence is now complete with the exception of pa in in Miss Minnie Williams was a Wor thington visitor Friday. potts that he is selling loteof land The first session of the county Sun day School convention opened hwe Friday evening with a short song eeit" vice after Loveless, of Worthington well chostn remaaka stated the ob ject of the meeting and introduced Rev. Wilson Aull who spoke forabout one hour on the subject, "Larger.". The reverend gentleman handled, this peculiar subject in a masterly manner and greatly interested his hearers. The meetings were also ad| dressed Saturday and Sunday Prof. A. W. Locker, $upt.of Sv Normal work, and Mrs- Egbert, 8f»f retary of tbe State S. S.,f association'" The convention was a decided sue, cess in every sence of the The delegates from the surroun towns were entertained by the Of Reading and vicinity and were served free by the Endeavors to any who wished. Between sixty seventy dollars were pledged for extension of Sunday School Work. W. H. Eickenbeirry is expecing to errect a substantial addition to hi£ dwelling east of town. Loyal Minor rides anew bicycle. Carpenters are busy putting up 4 new house for Theo. Remtstma, wi of town. A. N. Cheney and family enjoy a visit from relative^ ftorn Winthiiig^ ton Saturday J. A. Good delivered^ load of hogs at the county seat Mondaj. Wilmotit. H. W. Footh, and brother and their families from Yellow Medicine coun ty droppsd in on Mr. and Mrs. Footh Saturday and remained with them until Thursday. B. T. Leverich, of Worthington was in W ilmont looking the Frank W. Thom tne latter going to Washington. Tuesday presumably up trade of some kind. Sirs Dr. Butler, who has been away on a visit returned the first of the week. Frank Peterson went to Sioux Falls Friday to be present at the meeting of the Shriners Friday evening. H.e returned Saturday. W. J. Coivett departed for Sioux City Tuesday after visiting there a few days he Will go to Streator 111., to visit his]' mother and brother be will be absent from Wilmont several weeks. A goodly .number of our people attended the S S. Covention at eading Sunday they report a very interesting tfme. Mr. Gust Grant went to Worth ington Monday .to do jury duty. James Montgomery is building barn in which to house his lately ac quiredfroadsters.6*, Tuesday evening the business men picked nine from the west side of main street played a| matched game of bail witb the business men picked nine from the east side of main street H. W. Footh Umpire, C. W. Mead pitcher for west side and, ye Editor S. L. Long pitched for east side Cummings catcher for west side and Peters |for (east side after a very stubbornly {contested battle.p The ocorestoOd as follows,-fwest ride 9, east side 8.CThe game was pulled ojBF after supper "and was witnessed by most of the town people who r»ted -|eartily ^.henagood playwas made Foxvlnfknts and Children. Tin KM Ym Hnt Alvtvt BoicU 4hm CiftiiaMutof A»i fOBJuw ^,1901 Real estats agent Mitchell, offset nutrti»#nt-^^ft4«»»d»tof 'thes^ Rushmore, did business in .-this vi cinitv Fsiday of last week* John-re which Superintendent ipw e^ta»iw^r^J/^ry cold Vnrthinsion in a fiw" ^6therxapL'*W»y-: AUS*. and ttow Worthington, in a W»1 m\ Cart Rio de iiutelrok June In* donation tods excttemsnt have boen ironed htt* tyr. the chfurglns ot an Increased taf* Q& the fiaft Chrlstavlo street railroad. Some cars were burned br rtotere Monday night and Tuesday excltemeuit was fo nented by the dirfgrufitled elements of the populMion. The police and cav* 4lry cbarfad At Ouvldor in the bust* pess district ^llllnf 4 persons and bounding Iff, The disturbance cm tinued durfof the day and several persons were fajwred, t»t the exclte« nii'ut is ahatlng. There is no political jtfgniflcance |n tli9 ttotffit. Found an Ideal Food. if Washington June SO^onsul Gen pirai Guenther FraaMMrt, Germany, reports to th« state department the existence in trqptoa) Africa ot an Ideal food of tbe bean family which, the cbemlata is tbe only fruit found in a natural atate that Shows all the chenilcil properties of a per- i'' nsiiiHiwwtNii Loadon, Jipne received ||ere J|nent -dii^|gli|Mi seml ^tate^weathftr which ha a •«& Haagary, apd iiit Mb# ha loot deep it Tepilta, lli tha ^nrw' V» QdtN09 WMdagiqa, 7aih R!chnonfl, Va., June 20.-^In a work tr$n wreck .on the Nattoljf and West e^i^railroiad near Tajtewell, Jattos P.: it and Bevtly Ktoder -were killed five other men t«N badly in ju^ed. Nine cars were plied up -and burned. M.. -r' Mechanic Wanted f.:. JB. WWS1 WW vp.iyp|,w ssiispssssgsas^® MthMi, Willi M—— MSiNPMlMWd INI rtiltiani •jUilf-iF l*T 535E «K. WMkly mn. C&mata beana wtWl»jfti»te tbC4aUy ,r£qulr»| t^ in time for all trains «»di, ot Ma. tgwor- i. Atte* mr MAt fit. Mia tt she tup) iH^niii I fslflj dtsnfort d#y 194 tiwt tbe gradwa un lit ¥«T oniadidjm wa» ettU ^oticeaWa. lUik ateKidwy is quite reals, hut I* i&le i&Mtftfc day. Fiript A#ewti0:tbe |«iii«ert*si^hi BerUo, 90y^Ml«s. Knnttt of i^rlin, nattied Phrrer. Ilos 8uoceejltt fn' reaching the top of C^Unarhonter, neer the Rhone lacier, in awHjtfjrfsnd. 'rjiia ia the time the-tbotttftalii has ever been ended, It 11^500 feet l^gh. Kiliiwi Them a Wine Fort Whrth. ftp* Jnne fca.*-Henrar a ^be ahops tw Worth tod Den*er road, WUed hi* WandH. Ruaveii a wtna »tt in 1hie citjj. He beat eta MgUtfattf »Hth the bntt of his oi, after irh«!h he be^an shdotiia, wife wis dead w*eh toma ahd asBdll dted in short Ume. Moo$f arretted. To B!tu^y*tliit:i Hfn'eeeV.*n^vafie, Lmttfon.. Jttifri 3W^/Phik I?i|lvertiity hi 44*3U4i0ftg a hew :der fcitffl&Bi Ohiiieile ahd ol St CSthwaw lniUtutio)as^ with a to equipping students for com al work and for furthering Great flrfafltr'a Orieht4l trade interests. ^CIHpd. In Wreok er Week Train. fc» «n S*p*«eg ee»ir aw SckiMc aiMi Indw^rv ScrantoiCPa. MM TRAM MARKS •Otsians Ciinsmin#'! NnSmi Bkakft and dMcriptlgn iwrUln OUT opinion free wbetnc* ertat ubnc una notice, without t«vmt cliv Termt, |8 8 ld«ltlb ISIBnadMy, M. WMhi&toa' D. strengthiinlng and neon* the exhauitod digestive or Is the latostdlsootered digest ind tonic. Ifo 9tfier prepsntlpo *ency. It to* lently cum on, Beartbonia te qt imperfMtdlgestloik. i-9 My little eon had an attack* of Whooping cough and Was thieatened with pneumonia, but lor Chamber lain's Cough Remedy we would have had a serious time of it.' It also sav ed him from several seyere attacks o| croup.—H. fJ. Strickfaden, tditor World-Herald, Fair Haven, Wash. For sale by all druggists, Fisliing^Season Opens at Spirit a^lQkobojiSLakes May 15. No hetter^shing place can be found anywhere than at tbe lakes in .Northwestern Iowa. Suitable ac conittiodatiotiH at reosonable prices can be secured at any of tbe many hotels and boarding houses bordering on tbe lakes. A transfer bus will meet' nil trains of the Q. IB, A N* By at Spirit Lake town ind transfer passenger# toTbe Itiu and Art olds park, and pemeHiftrs from these points on aty i). & B. H. 'agent or ad P. A., rtreft.'-lno. C^ Firifoer, A. 0. jQedat B^ids, IoWla. 80 Regd it in his newipaper GeoA^Schaii^g wtU JtoQm GermaA citizen ofJ^New Let Ohio, is a constantl reader of the Dayton cVolkszeitung. He kn that, this paper aimsjto advertise on the lbest in its columns, and when he saw only Chamberlain's Pain Balm advertised therein for lame back, he did not|hesitate inj[ buying a bottle of it for his wife, who for eight, weeks had suff^sd with the (mostf terfibUj pains in her back and could get nd relief. %e says:P MAftei{ using jt^e Pain Balm for a fewf days my wife said to me, "I feel as though b?rn' anew/' and before using the entire contents^of the bottle the unbearable pains bad entirely vanished and she could again take up {her household duties.'V He is" very thankful and hopes that all Buffering likewise will hear of her wonderful recovery, This valuable liniment-is for sale by all druggists. A Fast Bicycle Rider will often receive painful cuts.spraips or bruises from accidents, Bucklen's Arnica Salue, will kill the pain and heal the ^injury. {It's the cyclist's friend, cureslchajfing, chapped hands, sore lips, burns ukers. and piles, Cure guaranteed^ Only 25e. ^rys it. Sold by F. A. Groezinger A Cot He is a Wonder. All who see Mr FJC CollierJofCher kee Iowa as he is now'cheerfn), erect vigoroug, without an ache, could hard iy believejhe is the Bame man, who a short time ago had to sit in a chair propped up by cushions, suffering in tensely from an* aching back,in agony if he tried to stoop—all caused by chronic kidney trouble that* no medi cine helped unt)l he used Eltctric Bitters and was wholly .cured by three bottles. Positively cures back ache, Nervousness, Loss of Appetite, all Kidney troubles. Only 60c at A Gioecinger's drug store. One Fare Pius 92. There are still some good lands in northwestern Iowb, southwestern Minnesota and South Dakota, and if you are expecting to make a change in location, you should take advan tage of the low excursion rates in effcct. On the firs^ahd third Tues day of each month exonraion tickets, bearing 21 day's limit, can be pur chased to all points on the Burling ton, Cedar Rapids and Northern Railway, north oft and including Abbott, Shell Rock and Waverly at ONE' FABE plus* 92. Fi|ll information relatiye to these lands will be cheerfully given upon application to Messrs. Iltep & Brooks, our Industrial and Immigration Agents, Cedar Rapid*, ljwi. Ii you ore thinking of making a trip to any point in Alabamma, Aik ansae, Arizona,* British [Columbia Canadian*Northweet, Colorado, Flori da, Georgia, Idaho, Indian Torritory, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Lourisana, Manitoba, Minnesota, Michigan* Mir sonri. Mississippi, Montana, New Mexico^ Nebraska, North Caroling North Dakoto, Oklohoma, Oregon, South Dakota, South|Oerollna, Ten nessee, T«xss, Utah, .Virginia, Wash ington,^ Wisobnsin, ami JVortheni Miohigain and ^Wyoming, call on agents of|tbe "Osdar Rapids Route" for ratee etc., or address. JoHNtGFABnxa, A. G. P, & T. C. R. AgN. By. Cedar Rapids, I. To Ovire a Gold In One Day. Take a» Laxative Bromo Quiuine Tablets. Afl druggists refunded the money if it fails to cure. .E W Grove gnsture is on each box. 26 cents. to 'ft For tbci meettnlr# nimeo Mow the B. V, R, AN By. wiU stfil rQnnd trip tickets-at voiy low rates. Buffalo, Nj?., Pail Am^ B^o^ Chicago, 111., JuIy j26-27, interuat*/.: ional Convpnli«n, B. Y. P. U. Cincinatti, 0.bib, to.v 6 lOvtAnnnal^y Convention, Y. P. S- V. B. Cleveland. Ohio,' Septembef.'^^Na^.v^lf tipnal KncaDflpnaent, O. A. B. Colorado 'Springs, Colo., uly 12-16 National Irrigation Congress. Detroit^ 3licb.,Ju!y 18-12. Annual meeting National Education Ab6oc a tion. Dubnq[u^ Iowa, June 4 5. Annual I Kncampment low A Homeseekers* Excursions. First and tbnd Tuesdav ofteoclii ojonth." ,, Kausas City, Mo., Jnne 11-12,--An- nual Meeting, Imperial Council, Nob ies of tbe Mystic 6'brine. Kansas City, Mo., June 11-12, An^ nual Meeting, Imperial council, Nob )es of the Mystic Sbrine. Lincoln, Neb., May 24-31, Annual meeting, German JBaptists, Louisville, il Kv., August 57-81. Triennal ('enclave,'Knights Ttmplar. .Milwaukee', Wis., July 28-26, 0i7nd Lod^eOfB^s Bichmond, Va., June 3-9. Annual meeting!Traveler's Protective Associa tion. 5an Fraucisco, Cal.. July 1C21, Ep wortb LeaguerOonvention. Sioux Falll|SD, June 4-6. Annual encampments GA St Pan, Minn, Way 20^8]. annual daeiting military surgeons of tbe S. ,a'Tor These cars are provided with the same neat outfits are found in first class Pullman steepen and are ac companied by a porter to keep them in first-class order. An obliging conductor also.makes the tap through to California with each party to look after their every wish* The rate per berth, accommodat ing: two persons if desired, from .stations Albert Lea to Weaverly in elusive is 18: from stations south there# $6.60. Eirst and seoond olass and round trip tickets are honored in these cam. For rates, tickets, reservations and full information address any B. C: Rr A N. ngenLor Jno, G. FAaaca/A.G. P.&T. A. Oedar Rapids, la 1 June 14, Annual meeting Ameri- can Aoademy of,'medioine. S-.F- June 4-7, Annual meeting American medioal Association. .S^ June 10-16, Annul meeting bead camp, Modern Woodmen America. w. full details ball on agents or ad dress Juo Farmer, O and A, and N By.. Cedar Rapids la. 15 "A few months ago, food whick ate for breakfast wonia not remain on niy stomach for half an hour used one bottle of your Kodol Dys pepsia' Cure and can now eat my breakfast and other meala with a rel ish and my food is thoroughly di gested. Nothing equals Kodol Dys pepsia Cure for stomach troubles. H. S. Pitts, Arlington, Tex., Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat. F. A Groezinger & Co. Personally Conducted Sxeturuov^i «to Gft|fenifa^«ry T^iegi% Every Tuesday during^the 'win there will* be av through Puliman tourist sleeping car on B. C. B, & N. train'No. 2, leaving Albert Lea ut 2:S0 p. m. which will run through To California via Kansas City, Colorado Springs,'the Scenic Boute and Salt Lake City. It Saved His Leg. A Danfortb, of LaGrange, Ga.„ suffered for six months with a fright ful running sore on bis leg, butt "i* writes that' Buckl in's Arnica Salve wholly cured it in five days. For -f j' Ulcers ^wounds, piles, its the besfr salve in the world. Cure guaranteed! Only 25c. ruggiat." fjf I i£\ &ftL. d. I# Sold bv A Groezinger^' Our little girl was unoonsciout^» from strangulation daring a auddea" r:'4^ and tenrible attack of croup. I quick ly aeeurtfd a BotUis' of One cough cure, gitihg her thaee doaea^ The croup was mastered and our^ little darting speedily recovered So^ writes A Spafford. Chester, Jdieb A Groezinger A Oo If15 Y* minutw- t'i Defective