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mpr1"' 'k v. tA ®VL» :)\=V &fe fi t,, a»y »1 r*» |4 lip £^r *5enBrT^'l'» rt&v ^w'i! A Wind Stackers and in so a WW. .. and Vehicles McCormick Harvesting Machinery, ''^v" «COBMIC The Pride of the New Century! t. We. have more at state in. each machine we produce than in the case with any other house. The McCormick firm, sir^ce its foundation in 18'U, has always been the world's proud pioneer the manufacturer ot labor-savins: machines for the field. During the Seventy Years of Success! McCormick has always led in imp rove me nti in sales and honors-anil manufactures per annum the largest number of machines. The McCormick is the criterion of quality. You buy more in thefMci'ormiek than in any .other ma chine. Advance Machinery JOHN DEERE, AVERY & OHIO CULTIVTOR Keystone Weeders are World Beaters! The finest and most Complete line High Grade Vehicles Over Read OlagoiK C«p Bugsies Sirtitys/PftatiOBs, Craps, €tc. My aitri is to wrry tiici implements that can be blrt|^edi^ The Best is None to pood! You catt buy tKe 6&$T for the same price other dealers ask you for a less durable line, Remember cafry a heavy stock and a full line of everything used on thejfarm. Asking for a liberal share of your patronage, assuring you prompt.attention arid satisfaction'on every article yob buy, Yours Truly, ?Jb Smm*r*y. -r. %(&3 u« THE FAMOUS .. shown ih South most durable line of Shanahan, WortHlngrton, Minn, D. & W. /. HVMISTQK. -, a ,. LOCAL SEWS. Dr. J, C, Clark, optician, at Hotel vVonhington, une 25th. A. F. Scbultz spent Sunday in Eilward Lawton visited at £jge!ow Saturday. Mri A. N Douglas loft Mpnday for Maokato. 7 Miss Nellie Coyer is now employ ad at the depot lunch counter, Mrs. Frank Kerr returned from Edgerton Saturday morning. Miss Mollie Prideaux, of Adrian, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. J. H. James. Miss Farmer, of Ellsworth, was the guest of the Misses Byan Salur* a Geo. Patterson. E. V. Voak and 8. M. Steirart returned SHturjay night from a week's trip in the nor libera part of the state. ,v\ Capt. Irery and his lieutenant of the Salvation army ..farewelfed Sunday evening and will- leave Tuesday for LaCrosse, Wis. Mrs. Fred Heffnerand her daugb fer Els e, returned to Mbeir home at Minneapolis, after a ten dny's vi«ii at the home of O. W. Cale. Homeseekers wishing to go ir get ready for the 19.h of me, as expect to go at that time. Have land in Morris, county, Minn., $4 to£S per acre, other good lands from $16 $18 per acre. Some snaps, WautalJ persons to go. Rev. C. A. Anderson, of the M. E. Church in lhi« city was abSeot id the northern part of the state over' Sunday. His pulpit was /filled oo that day by R«V. J. if. Bull in tfc morning and in fcbb evening Mrs. Anderson preached an exceeding im pressive and interesting sermon, The funeral services of Oscar Wickstrom, who died at the residence of Mrs. Post la-jf Friday morning was held in the Indian Lake Baptist church Sunday afternoon and was the largest funeral ever held in the churcbi Mr. VVickstrom was a young man jbeloyed by who knew him ^ind to: every o^#.and always ready to do what ht could to help his asso ciates, Oscitt^s born Oct. 26. 1880, ud died ou the 21st day of June, 1901. He leaves a father, four brothers ind onf sister to mourn his loss. On Saturday evening oocured the Fifth Annual banquet of the Worth ogton HigJi School Alumni assoc iation at Hotel Worthington about «xty members being present, Miss Mary Damon as to,astmistress. Suit Able toasts .were given by Prcsi'Jent Burr Ludlow, JefcSmallwood. Gertie Blair, Mies Maud Case, I-' ^ter Moore and Draper Daytou. A mo'st enjoyable evening wa« soe|t and JLtndlon! Doolittle did himself jus tie* in wrrb| ftve course la MwiwMi no6Jr*9 at r,^ Gilbert Anderson Jeft Monday for the twin cities. t? E. V. Voak was a visitor Monday. iv ":'V' Heron Lake Mrs. J. S. Frink returned from Luverue Monday. r»f^?v i^Miss Birkett spent S.uu&ayat her ho«ne in Ellswbrth. 4 Schwartz, the shoeman, worshiped in Bretveter Sunday. Miss Hemely left Monday tor her home in Sleepy Eye. Alex Coffitand wife, cf Fulda, wv re in town Monday. 7:7:M Miss Palm left Monday foir a six month's term of summer school at Minneapolis. M. E. Ltwton left Monday mjra .n^fcir R^d Lnke couuty with apart of land severs. M. E. Lawton tran^^cted lnnd bus iDessin Okabenu and Hsron Like Friday and Saturday. Miss Cheney left Saturday for Readitig for a Sunday visit with/ rel it ives returning Monday. Miss Hodson, a teacher in/oiu schjols departed for her home, at Maokato Monday. ?iof. C. S, Oug'man, of. CJfffesgo •vill give a stereopticad lecturev tbia vening in the Baptist: ohrjucK^ A free-will offering will be takeli.- Jis' '1 ^ance look place onv '10tb street Si-t.1^4ay. between couple of Our well,R-jown- farmers,, one ,0 tbe oomba^ents apoeared' b*|ofe *Jfosttc£ S evens'" Monday morning a,nd piid fi -e of five dollars and oOsif Jf Dickhoff Brbfc received a tele phone message this afternoon that the Ndw Richland bitad ot niaeteen pieces, would be htire Wedoebday.. TWs band equals any in the state. iuppit •.* vi& SM: They are Curing Hun dreds of the Worst Chronic Diseases DR. REA & CO. Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Ca tarrhal and Mervous Diseases. Specialists ofiNat'l Reputation. Worthington Hot&l, Thursday, July \\th From 10 a. m. until 6 p. m. For One Day Only, Re turn ip Every Four Weeks for One Year. Dr. Rea & Co. Author of popular Medical Jorke, (iiiide to tJenlth, Health ournal, Nervous Debility, It's Cause aud Cure. Originator Electro Medical treatment. AUTHORIZED BY THE STA.1E. ^Treats fill curable lru-ilical Mid surgica diseases, acute and chronic catarrh, disease of the eye, eur, nose, tliroat lutigs, liver stoniuch and bowels. Dyspepsia, constitu tional catarrh, sick headache, rheumatism, chronic female diseases, neuralgia, sciatica, dizziness, neru sness, slow growth in children and all wasting deatsses in adults. Deformities, club feet, curvature of the spine, dlseanes of the brain* cUabctes, paralysis, dUease. heart diiiease. appendicitis, eczema. Variocele ami hydrocele properly treated. Their »y*tetn of curing canoers tu mor's, goiter, wear, futula and piles with the sub-ctttitaneou* method without pain ana without the loss of a drop of blood, to one of their dwa discoveries and is really one of the most scientific and sure cures of the 19tb rentury. Younft. middle aged and old, "in gig or-married roeri and all who suffer I rom lost manhood,'nervoo* debility jpemator rhfa, seminal losses, ttxual uCCA.V, failing memory, stunted development, lack of en ergy, Imporerished biood, pimples, facia blemishM. impediments to marriage, also blood and skin diseases, syphilis, erpptions, hair falling, bone pains, dwelling sore throat ulcers, effects of mercury, kidney and blad der troubles, weak back, burning nrinc, passing urine too often, gonorrhea, gleet and stricture receive searching treatment, prompt relief and a curefor life. They are able to tell anyone tt»eir dsiea«. they are not likely to doctor patients for the jwrong ailment. No Incnrable disease taken. .Both sexes treated confidentially and privately.. Minneatklis, Minn., 'Montreal, Canada. Patients treated by cprrespondence and medicines sent to all parts ot the United States and Canada. Address with stamps for reply. Dr. Rea & Go., Boston Block, Minneapolis, Minn. Consultation and examination to those interested, one dollar. Miss Grace McLane of Adrian is visiting Miss Pfue Town Friday, Mibs Mary Tinnes of Adrian was tne guest of Miss Nellie Branigan through commencement. Miss Ruby Smith, a teacher in our •tshoola left Monday^for her home iu Minneapolis. Miss VauValkende/g, of Doon, la., vvas a Sunday visitor of Sliss Mary Goodrich of this city.' Miss Clela Ayer of Luverae is a guest at the residence of F. L. Humiston this week. The familiar face of John Sahl bom is now seen babtnd !,tbe counter of H. Peter Lewis' Store. Cbas Lutneiv of Eik townstip 11 Perry boy» last wee formerly of Elk but now at Ohabena. A. G. Kadesky left Monday' morn ing for Sioux Falls to', I ay in a jtock of confectionery for Woodmen's Day. The Misses Wabbe returned to tbeir^home at Camden, Minn., after a week's visit at the home of G.' W. Cale. I have 160 acres land miles frdm good town. Good house atd cellar, goodbarn and granary, all feuoed, free from foul seed, pride $40 per acre kl8o my farm of 160 acres in Murray county, fiye miles from Woodstock. G.'O. Miller. JOIVT BE S-OOLED! 3 1 ak» Utt gemiliM, figta»5 ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA ntads MMQT U, fi. DON Buy Your Carpets and At worthington, Minn, Palm Bros.' Eurniture Store. 'H until you have seen the NEW STOCK at our store. We have'some very choice patterns of Wall Paper and Carpets, that we are sel ling at the LOWEST possible PRICE considering the quality of goods. Come in and Look them Over. S3F"We have a 3-pie parlor suit tor $14 that is a beauty for tbe price. See it iu our window. (3aeoltne Stoves of the best make and highest«grade. Dayton ani Imperial chain and chainless bicycles. All high grade wheels.. Bicycle Fixtures, Paints and Oils. Everything in the Hardware line. F. PATTERSON WORTHINGTON, MINN TMWWWWWWWWVWWWWVm 5 Cash Grocery fc &BD STORB Is now settled in a new location and ready to take farm produce in exchange for goods. A complete stock of FBESbL GROCERIES at all times. Corn shelled and feed ground. Custom $rtnbind at any time while yon wait. TOM FLOOR in stock. Jj^*Goods delived in any part of the tbe city. MADELIA WORTHING^ 'Phone '95. Between Palm Bros.' & Swedish Mercantile Co. S BUSY PEOPLE.. St. Croix Lumber Company, L. E- Fitch, Resident Mgr. THE 1 Swedish Mercantile Company. 4 In all departments our spring stock is the best we have shown. Dry goods selling to be sucoessful must be progressive: Last years good enough would be considered second rate this year. The failure of some dealers to recognize this trutb accounts for the lack o^ growth in some stores. Weaim to improve this busi ness all the time to make this'a better store in which to exchange good coin for good dry goods. The New Spring Footwear show* in our shoe department h«is all the style and durability that the best manufacturers kno'-v how t-j aU iin with''the usa of high irrasle mafc^ri'ils and the nnst skill.vl '».icr it-irs. These desirable features are coupled \vit,U low pdoos inakiag our 8ure easily the moat satisfactory place to buy shoes. iwwwmrwwwwa Oler'e around tbi yards of toe $l. €rolx Cumber Company. oL \k We are moving, tearing down and otherwise gcttingv ready to build a mammoth lumber house. But that not all we are doing, we are selling JBtUs of Xumber ind filling them with good grades of white pine stock* Remember the place, 0U9. SWAHBSRQ, Manager i»! 1 S ~w "•J