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**'. m}": ift?t: :'^:j .. .'• e,S':t WtfA IttV 'P\V If k. '^W „A* Wis X'-li'i M, ive Page 0kabena wo&r The Benefit v««v»v known per month, with privilege of paying in advance as far as you wish at .any time of the year. Policy is good in all parts of the world, where cmhzation resides, policy is without any of the common technicalities, ban you ai frtid to deny yourself of so grand a protection, when it can bp had tor so small a cost, and you spend your money foolishly each year to more than cover the cost of the policy and all premiums. Now if your time has a mon iod value to it while you are in health it has double requirement for money when you are disabled and nothing cominsr in to assist you. I his associa tion has paid claims in almost every state in the union, and is very popular and well between the ages of 16 and 60 years of eligable health ness ali the time1to make this abetter ^store m'tf bich to exchange good coin for good dry goods. The New Spring Footwear shown in our shoe department has ajl the style and durability that the best manufacturers know how-to attain with the use of high grade materials and the most skilled operators. These desirable features are coupled with low paces making our store easily the most satisfactory place to buy shoes. Prepare toe Roikc for the annual invasion of unpleasant ijhsect?. Put up— Screen Doors & Windows 4UUUI before flies, mosquitoes and other things gain an entrance The cost will be no less if purchase is post poned. We have ft fine line of these good on band. Price's are very reasonable Don't Miss Us! •fvbCH you have a lumber bill to figure JMUI W. Tttthill Lbf. Co. LOCAL NEWS. Ve'otioner left Tuesday for A1 Brewster. Mrs. Joel White is on tbe sick list has been for sometime. Ben Frankhoiiser is now employed «*t the Woi '.h?ng*on Hotel. Mrs. Eliza Austin, mother of N. H. Austin left Tuesday for Windom. Mrs. I. B. Newkirk and daughter Myrtle have gone to Luverne a visit. to pick but fb0 nwawhoapnokea our •pecikl 6c eigar. Blgitti oerroiw prosiratkm ara not depicted on his countenance, butrather self satisfac tion nod content, for be *uow« ft good thing whenj* we* Oor^- fiig Bill S-cekt^r is all right every day bat, it yon fometbiiifr even better, nothing can fill the bill more completely than our A. T. S/AT 3CEN p^NTS. gar ^Company* HiNCr ton, Minv. League of Minnesota, ha'been in the field since January 1893. Since that date has paid all claims immediately upon the receipt ot Dr. Proof of fame, the claims paid has run into the HUNDKJijJJb, ana amount paid is up in the THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS. You can P^y a policy in the League, which will give you an incomefrom !!WU to per month when you death. Yuu vou in nearly every town in this state Any lady or gentleman in the Old Reliable Benefit League of Minnesota. Good, active agents chn find winter employment with us at a good profit. Home office 1002 Lumber Ji/X change Bid., Minneapolis, Minn. *. S Kindlund is the local collector and solicitor. Be prompt in meeting .your dues with him. Anyone wishing insurance will profit by call on mm GUS. SWANBERG, Manager. MM month our 00 can A. AAA A AAl THE Swedish Mercantile Company. In a 11 departments oar spring stock is the best we have shown. Dry goods selling to be successful must be progressive: Last years good fenough would be considered second rate this year. The failure of some dealers to recognize this truth accounts for the lack of growth in sonde stores.* We aim to improve carry a polic 4t his busi Mrs. Geo. Morrison has aunt anu two children here on a visit [from Cedar Rapids Iowa. W. W. Loveless reports the largesl June trade he has ever had since be commenced business. The Epworth League held its business meeting at the homo of Mr C. W. W. Dow, on Monday evening Eor Sale—A well improved farrr one mile from .Worthington, address lock hox 615, Worthington, Minn. w27-2mo C. M. Harding and wife left pn the Burl.Dgton on Monday afternc/.n for a visit with relatives i*ii Independence Iowa. Mrs. E. A. Young and Mrs. King of Madelia were entertained a few hours by Rev. abd Mrs. Carl Andec Son Monday. Messrs W. W. Loveless and Tuppe. made a trip io Heron Lake Monday to inspect tke plan and construction of anew bbnk buildibg which is be ing erected there. D. Shell, president of the Business Men's Ae^:ociatiou, has appointed O. D. D^jpton, G. W. Pattercon and M. P. Mann as a enmmittee to investi gate the practicability of retaining the trees on 10th street opposite the Court House. Strayed. Two gray bionco mares, with baiters on. Last seen going south about six miles "vest of Fulda Friday evening, June 28tb. Return to, or notify D. A. Brono, of Fulda, for re ward. ^or Sale. Teacher's Books Compayre's His tory of Pedagogy, Normal Methods of Teaching, Art of School Manage ment, Waymarks for Teachers, Page's Theory and Practice, Hugh's Secur ing Attention, Went worth's Algebra, Studies in Civics, Lights of Two Centuries, wl.t Mis. J. D. Pratt Adrian boasts of a fo*rteei-y«»r did burglar. Hi* name -f« WI|llaiiJ N. Bailey, aud hail* from town. Last Sunday night aa George Wellein, the night opera tor,waa W»lk: iog up Main street be beardthe bell of J. C. Mund we iler's money, drawer clang, and assuming that something was wrong, hunted for Marshal Li Mire, who arrived at the bads door of the building just in time to inter cept Mr. Bailey and the money tox. The haul was hardly w&rth the effort, even though he had made way with it, as the drawer contained only 45 cents. Some cflM?er money and fiier chaudibe checks were found on Bail ey's person, which it was afterwards learned came from Esser's meat mar ket. Bailey at first protested that three tramps forced him to enter the place under threats of severe punish ment, but afterwards confessed to the county attorney that there was no one else connected with the' robbsrj" Bailey's j-reliminaiy hearing was held Tuesday evening before Justice Freeman, and he was bound over 'to await the action ®f the grand jury. The boy is the son of the old gen tleman who^ died suddenly of heaTt disease on.the road north of town last winter. His mother is now liv ing iu Sioux Falls.—Democrat, Ad rian. .. Proceedings of Meeting G.M. Walker, painting banner 2 00 D. Shell, A. T. Latta and I. T. Branigan were appointedjas a com mittee to confer with the village( council relative to building citv lock-up and ball. The president was authorized to ap point a committee to investigate the practicability of leaving the trees on 10th street remain and if necessary build the Cement walk around them. This meetng was th6 time for for payment of duet 25c, per month. Adjourned. Bigelow. E. B. Michael and wife of Stem Lake, la, was up to spend tha 4th with his parents. Percy Michaels was also up from Iowa to visit,with his mother on the 4th. Harvey Glick went to Dos Moines Tuesday of last week to take course of study in short hand. His fatue Rev. G. M. Glick, and P. Pratt, banker, accompanied him to Sibley. C. M. Davis' brother-in-law and family came up to spend the 4th. Lightning, struck C. M. Davis' chimney Wednesday, demolishing it. Luckily no one was hurt but' the house is a total wreck the occupants were stunned for a few minutes New Phones. Paste this on your card: Depot Lunch Counter. Fred Rose residence Dr. Saion residence P. Thompson pridence........ C. T. Tupper office.......... 32L2 C. Ti Tupper resideace. 28 *rr AdTMftO*, i*H fr WUUamfitffiey In the Act of Stealing*'-^ of Busi ness Men's Association. Tuo Business Men's Association held their regular meetin rn the base ment of tbe Court House Fsidayeveii iug. President Shell presiding. There was a good attendance. inutes of last meeting read. Com munication from a clipping brueau, offering to furnish notices^of indus tries mpving, seeking ^locations and new enterprises was read and laid ca the table. On motion the committee on rodds were instructed to investigate an im provement in the Fulda road. A motion that a committee fconfer with the village council relative to blow ing whistle four times a day was lost. The following bills were a .lowed: I. T. Branigan, stationery ... ^thil|:^br, Co -r. Globe, envelopes........ v... A. T. Latta, bunting..... Dieckhoff Bro., hardware.... ,Sl.«j5 -li 6& 76 •3 98 ,1 20 VA 175 128 177 Hotel Closed The town had a genuine surprise Tuesday nigbt when it was announc ed that Hotel Slade was closed. The scarcity of kitchen help is explained to be the cau3e of the closing. It is thought that the hotel will be re opened in a few weeks. Landlord Slade has long desired to retire from the business, and it is probable that the hotel will be leased, providing the right kind of a man wi'l take hold of it. The Skde has the well earned reputation of being one of the best hontelries in this part of thfc state, and has always been a paying pioperty.—Democrat, Adrian. Wh»t to do-ffithjfche Boys. One of the perplexing questions with parents who reside i« town am have boys from twelve tosixteen years old what to do with them during vacation. Theie vigorous chaps an bound to be doing something, and 11' not supplied with commendable em: ployment the chances are they will busy themselves to the contrary. It is gross contributory negligent for parents to stand blindly by when boy is forming damaging habits for the want of an opportunity to show tbe better part of his make up. The avarage boy early in his life shows a dispoeiuoh to strike out and n.ake something of himself, and that is tbe important time for parents to solve tbe question of this text if there isn't another thing done until it is accom plished. There is sddom any itiouble keeping a boy right if he is started right.—Spirit Lake Beacon. The best thing to do is to put them to work at something th^t will occupy their entire time, not arduous labor^ but enough to keep them interested. Married. The following clipping from the Luverne Herald wi'l La of Interest to ^ur many readers, as the Mrs. Sprague it speaks of was Mrs. Mc Cuoe, formerly of this place: W. J. Lewis, oi this place, and Mrs. L. F. Sprague, formerly of Luverne and later of Worthington, wi married at home of Mrs. John Malindy Mon day evening at 8 o'clock. The cere mony was performed by Rev. T. A Jones, of tb.e Methodist chuch. Mr and Mrs. Lt.wis will make their home in this village. Am ^g those present from a distance were Mrs. nrenie, of Ellrworth, and Mesdc-mes Johnsoa and Johnson, of Ro.nd Lake.—Ed ger^on Eaterprise. Keep Your Boy at Home, It is ilme come cne rrised a voice agj nst boys lo^n^ng about the pews stand in the pc office. The smok'og of cigaret. and cheap cigars is bad erocgh, but tbe reading of the novels is decidcdly worse—it is lumort that worse th't^gs 8~a taught there how much foundation ihere is for the rumor I do not know. A boy who reads the cheap nc /els is handicapped for life—he never can get entirely away iom their damning If "vou want" your boy to grow up true and pure, intere bim at 'home* and make heme the most attractive place in town for him Geo. D. Daytou. Circus Hit by Wind. Gentry's circus which is billed here for next Wednesday was somewhat torn to pieces Thursday at Grand Island Neb. by a wind storm. The cages were overturned and many valuable animals killed. The tents were ripped to pieces and the ciitsus property is scattered over a space twenty miles long by two miles wide. A number of people people were in jured and some fataly. A cage of monkeys*was rolled two miles through wife fehces and tbe animals all killed. A Great Sunday Magazine. Nqjfc ojily is the news of the whole. world covered with unexampled full nwss'in the Sunday issues of the Chi cago Record-Herald, hut every edi tion embraces also' an exceeding choice assortment of illustrated spe cial articles ranking with the highest products of our best magazines. Subh well-known and popular writers as {William E. Curtis, Clara Morris, b" Rnrdette and Frank G. Car peAier are regular contributors to the Suiday Chicago Record-Hc/ald. There are many special articles in each issile of particular interest to wjmen, including the latest fashions, house hola economy, art, music and drama, etc. 1 There is a beautifully illustrat ed special sporting section which not only covers all the new's of the sport ing nprld with a thoroughness that satifles to the utmost, but includes also Entertaining' departments by such aborting experts as Tim Mur nane who w&tes of baseball matters Malacby Hogan, noted for his "talks of puguism," Will Logan, Jr. who conducis the department of "harness horses,' land L. E. Cavalier, the Re cord-Herald's "Rod and Gun" expert. The children's page, the comic sec tion and other entertaining depart ments round out this mammoth Sun* day magazine to the entire satisfac tion of its reader?. CASTORIA kfants and Children. Beatrs the Sowtnreo fill ... i, F. C. BEI6ER. Betfevarftofc Short Ordtr. Qp0tk All Varieties ofSpringand Sum mer Millinery at Riche Maxwell. The Cash iroccry and Feed Store Building Ma* terial, Cctil ana Wood. day md ...night,.. JEJverything up to-date and clean. B^"Try us with an order. YESJ Dieckhoff & Steams, YES! Reasonable Prices. Leaders in HAj£.I)V\ ARE! & Son, All kinds of Groceries, Fruits, etc., kept in their their sesscn. All gfades of Worthington flour constantly on haud, also Madel ia flour. Feed in cOnnec tion. Leading Furni ture Dealers. W W Loveless It. CM S everance 'Merchant Tailor Fine hand made work a specialty. Lady Tailor. Finest groceries and fresb fruits'Ova obtaina ol season. in son's Clth 10th St. PALM. GEO. IiltH •ed Embalmeri and alDlreotora neral Both members of the firgn h*l state licenses. ^TNight calls leceive prompt at ention Land Seeker's Fxcfif sioti every Week! Until our 50-quarter sections in Traverse and "Wilkin^ Co are closed out. Deep black sub-soil. at 40 to 60 feet. M. E. LAWTON. pg"0vfer postoffiee. I Auctioneer.. SECDBE GOOD PBICBg for your gbods sold at Auction by having them cjiedjby— J. IT. UOfcBROOK, Worthington, Minnesota. Auctioneer. Auction sale cried is any pa*$ of the county 'at SA.TI8FACTOKY BATES J. K. DABBY, \^yrthingtoii, Minnesota, Autioneer. When yon want to have an auction sale write ma. REASONABLE PRICES and satisfaction guaranteed. Nf-1, D. E HAJSVEX. Bre^siter, Minn: OASTOniA Bom tHe ti3W A. G. KADESKT. soda, tMapmnaee drinks, cfgirs^.to tMceo, «onf«ctionery, stationery. 8r CNil TvtliillLttabmlFiM Lwfew Ci. CMipaay. Headquarters for— Good Grades & Low Pnea YOU first, E. L, Schwartz, The Shoeman. Fam Imple nents and Ma chiney. Ander House Worthington Minn y.#w.wiLgpu. n. PAI*M H# M. Palm & Son, D. BOHKEK, soil clay Flowing Wells for eve#: oeesdoiBl,, Aft*. Etta Webb,* Drink Lemon Sourl Building Ma terial and Fuel P. Stewart Manager. Restaurant & Bakery. Satisfaction in every department. Mrs.J.P.Biltgen FIX AND QUALITY! found here when all others fail but wquld like to see Palm Attorney at Law. 's It would qu0Mfa 'f|' your thirst and eat, your— 1 Lunches and ^at- Helmicks New Lunch Room. It will ebop your hunger. CLOTIHNCr in great varietiefc for men, boys and children. Please remem berour store will be ^he^qusrteip season We m^fn business. v^«l ^ar iy- H. PSSNSB Lraras. H. C. Shepard PHOTOS —All kinds of*— make a suitable gift on any occas ion and—. At Anf Time IE. F. BUCHAJJ Attorney at Law. ^Bice over Bank of Worthiogtoii. of Wortbington Hotel. F. LAUHKB8, Attorney at L©W. ttoal Estate aod Loans HEEON LAK£, MINK M. V. BUSHMAN, Attorney At Law, JACKSON,Mis*. -'-'a J'ear'experience in the pnietiee of law. Farm loans, Insurance and Collections. H.OLAflJK. Physician and Surgeon Besideuce -ir. 10th street and 6 ave., two blocks aboveCourt Hb us Office in G. A. B. block. J. N. GOUI4J, Veteri^iarySurgs^ *. Office at Western House. r^B.Je R. CONWAY Dentist. WOBTHINOTOU, MINNESOTA. Offlce tn lohatoe BIo$. A. SA2CON D. O., Osteopathic Physician, Office hours 9 to 12 a. lb., 1:30 to 4:00 p. m. Patterson Block, Boom 3. WOBTHINGTON, MINN. J)OCTORS CURRAN & HANSON, OFFICE HODBS: 10-12 a.m. 2-Sp.m. 7 8 p. m. -WORT ^TON, —MINNESOTA Pianos and Organs! —Suchaj— Steinwayl Ivere & Pond, Ludwig, Baldwin Pianos which have a wide repu* Jiation and sell on their merits. B3F**Also Farrand & Yotey otbfflr high grade organs. The^instrunqteDts dan be fSMu aft the music store. S. M. GHH^Ey, 41 X* 9a