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HI -1 Ml P* '».p 1 SF ?r«* & wtm^' •Kiil wlm'4 liVj] twk •Km W wsmr.'i 1 mm ut*' 3m i. 3- BKl •jKrv HTa"1 In |p|' -H I/P -jlTJ 'iiwrJfc- WV '4c*. Okabena GI§ar Company* Swedish Mercantile ^Company. DEAL8BS IN— General Merchandise Are now located iu their NEW STORE! SETTLE THAT QUESTON NOW The Fuel Question we Mean -DO IT BY ORDERING YOUR FUEL OP THE— Sr. Croix Lumber. Wool 6 Keitocky Hainal Hoal fc^-All sizeaof HARD COAL for heating stoves and furnaces. Lumber of all kinds if you need it, General Merchandise 'Phone 95. C. H. Salpaugh ef Mankato is -visiting here. J. Hagerman of Brewster was in town Monday. Clinton Mann's face looks familiar liehind the counter, in Hard's drug Store. Walter Aagaard is now employed in F. M. Hickman's drug store dur ing the holiday rush. Geo. Holleran was" brought over from Ellsworth Monday with an .order for ninety dayB hoard with Sheriff Reiter for the theft of a fur icoat. 3has Doolittle ofWorthingtonand "Miss Ida Erickson, daughter of Mr. and Mr. O. Erickson of this place have been licensed towed.-—Citi jzen Windom. •Henry Cramer son of H. A. Cra :mer drew the silver set at the red package sale of the Big Store H. E. Torrance & Bros. Saturday after noon, That store was crowded with people all day. Jos. McKeever received a message from his wife Saturday evening stating that his wife had passed through a successful operatoin of removal of a tumor from the womb, and that she was doing as well as could be expected, v. Envu '-...'• WORTHINGTON, MINNESOTA. The Produce taken In exchange for good? Custom Feed Grinding. Call and iee us lor any kind of goods carried in a genera store. -. Next to Palm Bros. t^W you should do as be" does. There isn't a better cigar made any where, ana tbe best of 1t is that the quality is all the same. Buy a box of New Critics. Every cigar Jhe same in smoke and flavor. James Ramage returned home Saturday night. Foster Moore sold an Aberdeen Angus bull to Johu flchechter last Thursday. Mian Bessie Robinson left Monday afternoon for a visit with relatives at Ponca, Neb. Mi— Edith Cale came home from her school north of Reading to spend the holidays. Ralph Beckley and Wlilis Maxwell went to Ellsworth Monday morning to work on the new telephone line there. C. L. Peterson will go to Walker and put his village plat on file. —-Raymond Peteroon sayB trade is getting to stong lately that he feels like taking a vacation. -Horace Peterson is comnig home from- the State university to spend the Christ mas holidays. Pillager Post. Mr. and Mrs. .Levi Shell and daughters, Mabel, Nellie and Vera, started Tuesday noon for St Paul. From there they will go over the Northern Pacific Ry. to Wallace, Idaho, to visit Mr. Shell's daughter, Mrs. Henry Newell, and later will go to Southern California to spend the winter. They expect to return to Sibley some time in April. Sibley Gazette. Jay Wolven ##1 t£$|f day night for yMfo MiSs' Saturday(aftmoiiui for i* ef other's pao pie's happiness is not be wondered it. II jou envy the man wko smokes a NEW CRITIC CIGAR, We pay cash for Green and 8 ctsper pound PrloeCast 8tore,'y Mifle"Helen Miles, music of the Estfcerville school wasa.guest of Dr. Riley Saturday enroute for Jackson. Mrs. Fred Mason of Minneapolis reached here Saturday morning be ing called here by the serious illness of her father H. E. Torranoe. Miss Mabel Birkett, who has been stenographer in Attorney Craadall's office for some time has accepted a position in a bank at Ellsworth. Mrs. J: T.Hayes formerly Mrs. Edgar passed through St. Paul from California list Monday on her way to Mich., to visit her sons. She ex pects to visit Minnesota later. Adolph Amondson's mother is still alive. It was found after ex amination in the hospital that she had a rupture of the intestines in stead of tumor. A. H. White recently sold a quar ters worth of matches to party and in the package was a box that had the entire igniting part burnt off. They were probably ignited in handling somewhere and the fire smothered out by the package being airtight. The school children and teachers are enjoying a eouple of weeks holi day vacation, the most of the toch ers going to their homes, Saturday morning, Miss Greer, Lanesboro Miss Pinney, St. James Misses Hod son and Yates, Mankato Miss Rem le, Sleepy Eye Miss McLaughlin, Sleepy Eye. Please bear this in mind we meet every body advertised prices let us know whet they are and we will meet it. jgr Loveless. „hn B. Gergen, attorney-at-Jaw of Adrian as in town Saturday. Mr. Gergen is a young man from Wash ington county where he is well known as an exemplary young man of sterl ing character. He will without duubt build up an extensive practice at Adrian and become a popular citi zen of that place. Wanted— Severaljpersons of Jfchar acter,aud.good, i^putationindjuJi State (one in this county inquired to repreeeiitand advertise old estab, lished wealthy business house of solid financial standing. Salary $18.00 weekly with expenses ad ditional, payable in cash each Wed nesday direct from head officers. Horse and carriage furnished, whexi necessary... References. Enclose self addressed stamped envelope Dept. Manager, 335 Caxton Building, Chicago. Miss Mary J. Fahy has^purchasec the milliner store of Mrs. E.~?. Webb* and has been in posession couple of weeks. Miss Fahy needs ho ^introduction to the~ ladies'of Worthington and vicinity having been employed by Mrs. Webb for number of years, she has become well acquainted with all of the ladies and her work has demonstrated that she is an excellent milliner and com petent to give satisfaction in her line. She will keep the store up to date in all departments. Emil Grotte went to Windom Sun day to attend the funeral of his cousin. —A. G. Cross, who has been here for the past to we training home talent company for the Old Maid convention, left for Worthington Tuesday where he ex p&cts to put on the same play by a home talent company of that place, and we will say thcitif the fun loving tple of that city dont' give him all encouragement possible they will have missed the opportunity of a life time. Times Heron Lake. I Miss Helen Fryberger gave a song recital at Torrance Hall Saturday evening. The following pupils took part IGssess Josephine Coughran, Josephine Datyon, May Ruprecht, Ray Leverich, Pauline Ruprtecht, Mamie Small#dod, Virginia Matter sen Nettie Stoutemyer, Annabelle Ruprecht Mrs. F. R. Durfee, Dr. W. A. Saxon and B. F. Wooley. Miss Ethlyn Conway and Mrs. Louise Gray were on, the program but ow ing to aseveracold were unable to take part. Anumber of those taking part were suffering from a cold so that they were not able to do them selves justioe, however all done ex cellent and reflected much credit upon their instructor, Miss Fry berger. The attendance was good. 1 Andrew Andereon leftSaturdy for Chicago? Saturday was the shortest day of the year. C. M. Crandall went to the cities Friday night. 1 Miss Mable Riley of Jackson visit ed her brother Dr. Riley, Friday. Mrs. Lamphere went to Sioux Falls Saturday to spend tho holidays E. A. Tripp went to St. Paxil Sat urday morning. Jet Smallwood came home Friday night to spend the holidays. Jos Joynson left Saturday fore noon with his personal effects for Oklahoma. H. P. Beckwith, cashier first national bank Elk Point visited Dr. Riley Saturday. Carlos Dow came home from the University Friday night to spend the holidays. Miss McGee's nietje returned to her home in Iowa Saturday morning for the holidays. Miss Nellie Cowing of Jackson arrived Saturday to visit her sister Mrs. A. R. Albertus. Geo. Hanks, who resided a mile east of the Fergueson place left Fri day for Oklahoma. _James Walker of Round Lake pas sed through here Friday on his way overland to Chokio, Minn. Mrs. Gartwaith visited Mrs. New kirk a few days during the week on her way to her home in Wisconsin. Mrs. Clara Ketchum of Winona arrvived Saturday account of the ill ness of her brother, H. E. Torranoe. Mrs. C. T. Tupper and daughter Orra left Monday to spend the holi days with her mother at Thornton, Iowa. Mrs. C. H. Salpaugh of Mankato came here Saturday account the low condition of her sister's husband, H. E. Torrance. We negligently ommitted the name of Clifford Loveless from the mention of Miss Fryberger's pupils who took part in the recital Satur day evening. Julius Palm has the contract for building the new barn for James Ramage. The new part will be for ty four by seventy four and when added to the old barn will make a structure forty four by one hundred and six. Come and hear Missionary who has been in China about: ten yean* relate her experience! about the Evangelistic work in thatcouhiry next Sunday evening 7:30 at the Swedish Mission Tabernacle. She will appear in Chinese costume. Ad mission free. At the meeting of the Macabees Monday night the following officers were elected, Com. H. J. Blume, L. C. Thos. Hutton, R. K. and F. E. J. S. Tolverson, Chap. G. O. Bige low,Phy. Dr. F. E. Walker, Sargeant P. A. Heinl, M. Arm. F. C. Stitser, 1st M. G., Jeff, Scott, 2nd, M., G. H. C. Shepard sent, J. R. Baker, Pickett, Robert Reed. The Sunshine Club sold about one hundred hankerchiefs realizing forty two dollars and four cents. Messers Branigan, Schwartz, Morland, Hick man, Hard, and Palm and Son gave them articles from their respective stores for distribution as they saw best. The girls purchased turkeys etc and Tuesday distributed where they, with information at hand, thought would be best. These young girls are deserving of much praise in their efforts to bring sunshine in the homes of those who are not blessed with the luxeries of the land, and heir Heavenly Father will surely bless them in their good. Miss Mildred Lewis gave a party at her home Thursdafy afternoon in honor of her eleventh birthday. There were about twenty five friends reeent. Refreshments were served and the guests presented the host with numerous presents, all enjoying the occasion V&ry much. The party of young men who went out to greet Ernest Dewey, did not prove themselves very successful scouts and had they been after the Spanish fleet in Santiago they would have been court martialed. Mr. ay and bride were at home all the time the young men were try ing to find them, and to get even the boys say another effort will be made. CASTORIA For Infants and Ghildrsi nu KM Yoa Han Ahrajrs iHtlK Bears tbe of id v" Born—To Mr. and Mm John Bengston, IMday, Dec*, 20th a son. Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Palm Wednesday tieo. 18th, a son. H. P. Lewis went to Alford, Iowa, Thursday on a business trip. G. L. Bristol left Thursday on the Burlintgon for a visit in York State. Andrew Anderson has resigned his pOjrition with the Tuthill^Lumber Company. Frank Long has been assigned to duty on the Omaha as brakeman on the Cunie line. W. Carpenter, telephone line man wait to Sioux Falls Tuesday to enjoy Chritsms. Dr. J. W.' Andrews of Mankato was here Thursday 'or consultation in Mr. Torrance's sickness. For Sale—A limited number throughbred Duroe Jersey Boars, must be taken soon if wanted. F. S. Bourrough Easto Farm. Jos. McKeever received a letter from his wife Friday stating she was going into the hospital Saturday to undergo an operation, Gus Lindquist has rented A. P. Row' bowling alley and is now in posession. He will giveit a thor ough overhauling and is now paper ing the room. James Walker returned Thursday from Chicago where he has been for two weeks visiting Zion City, the city controlled by Dowie. Mr. Walker report a vary enjoyable time, attendning Dowie's meeting. It was his first visit there. His son John will leave the first of the year to attend school there. Mrs. Walker will accompany him to keep house. Wake Up 0 Read up on our 17 to SI2 prairie lands in Minnesota, ..then-- Join our excursion to see good bargains. E. Lawton, Agent for Central Minnesota Land Company. M. DORAN & CO., —The otdesl firm of— BANKERS and BROKERS IN THB MOBTBWIST. Dealers in Bonds, Stocks, Grain A Provisions. Members Chicago Board of Trade. Private wives to all lead* ing markets^ GermanlaXifts Insurance Bldg., Cor.Ath and Minnesota Sts., ST. PAUL, MINN Send Your Mo ney by Ban Draft The following table shows the charges for sending money by ex press, money order, postoffice orde and bank draft: P. Oi Ex- Bank Order press draft $ 2.50 to S 6.00— 06 05 05 6.00 to 1000— 0s 08 05 10.00 to 20.00- 10 10 10 40.00 to 60.00— 18 18 10 75.00 to 100.00— 30 30 10 It will be seen that tbe bank draft is the cheapest. It is absolutely safe and most convenient. Don't Be Misled. I will Clerk all kinds of Public Jales regardless of who the Auction eer may be-and will gaarantee all notes taken by me at sales to be good at any bank-Tshould they refuse them will get you the money at the cam rate as the banks do. Your correspondence solicited ox when in Worthington call in to my office. Yeurs truly, S. Kindlcnd. Piles. Sure cure, quick relief, Red Cross 'ile and Fistula Cure. Cuires cases' of a life time or money refnnded Sample treatment and book explain ng how to troat and cure each and every other diseases of the rectum, sent free by mail to any address Rea, )ro., A Co., Dept. 63, Minneapolis, If inn. Sold by all d. uggists, 91.00 or one :ath's treattteat* r&>'' W WIUMMK, Attorney at Uf. CMBm ov»ir Baik «f WoiiHngiea. J) ROH KBK, Attorney at tow,' Office over Bxanigaa's stars. F. UMMBRS, Attorney at Law. tea) Eiutt and Loau UBVON LAXJC mum V, BVSMMAM, Attorney at Law, JACOBOM.1 Ten years ezperieace Id tbe pnettee |sw. Farm loans. Insurance and Colleettaaa*. A H.OJbABK. Xm. -T Physician and Surgeon Residence cor. 11th street and 6tk ave., two blocks aboveCourt House Office in G. A. R. block. E. WALKER, Physician and Surgeon. 4 Office over Peter on-Stitser bloek QR. J. N. GOULD, Veterinary Surgeon. Office at Western House. £yi.J. R. CONWAY Dentist. WOh. 1INQTOH. MINNESOTA. Office in Baker Block. PRANK F. RILEY, D. id. Dentist. Office next to Globd Office. A. SAXON, D. O., Phone 128. WORTHINGTON, MINN J)OCTORS CURRAK ft ANSON, omoBBouas: 10-13 a. m. 3.0».a. 7-gp.m. wobthingtOn, IN N BS#TA''2# Pianos and OrgansI —Such as— Steinwayl I vera A Pond, Ludwig, Baldwin Pianos which have a wide repu tation and sell on their merits. WAlso Farrand A Votey aa3 other high grade organs. -r Priatiag Osteopathic Physician, CONSULTATION FREE! Treatment parlors on 3d A ve. next to Pannell's residence. If The instruments can be sees aft S. M. CHENEY. Land Seeker's Excur sion every week! Until our 50-quarter sections in Traverse and Wilkin Co I are closed out Deep black [soil clav sub-soil. Flowing Wells at 40 to 60 feet. M. E. UWTON, E^Over postoffice. Auctioneer.. SECURE GOOD PRICES for your goods sold at Auotion. Jby~j having them cried by— J. N. HOLBROOK, Worthington, Minnesota*:! Auctioneer. When you hive a sale write me. REASONABLE PRICES and satisfaction guaranteed D. B-, HAJtVEY, BREWSTER, MINN. Asm the TlMKiMYoaflni ?)J