Newspaper Page Text
^FA12l tS Ikfl ite1 ©General Fi 'Phone 95. Mrs, Schutz inOtliet of R. S^hultz to Luvernp, Friday. V-J. D. Humiston went to the cities, Thursday night. vt W. JE. BIOQUI moved Segerstom's old housie to its ne^ op-, posite R. L. Morland's residence. j- Mrs. Poole of Sioux City is visit ing Mret H. C. JFranck. ,f ••foMm. .'Chas.: Saxon returned home W'- ^iday morning. Her sister who ^JjjiKigin the hospital at LaCrosse is Wm eoipe better., i^^/Mrs. Boell and daughter returned %f her home at Pipd8tone, Friday kf .^ter a visit with her mothet Mrs. tvTryOn3 who is quite siok. 1 ^ssbsBMSRSS— —~^ssm SB w9 It.J/: tof kaCena Gi^ari Gompany wm i?St.^ Croix Iwiber Best Equipped Retail Plant in Southern Minnesota. W/orthingrton, Mfnn. .flfc ^jJMMS Merchandise and '-S Produce taken in exchange for good? Custom Feed grinding. 'W I Call and sec us lor any kind of goods carried in a genera store., Next to Palm Bros. l- Mrs. Nellie Allen, daughter of Mr. and-.Mrs. Gilbert Anderson has ac jjjeepteda position with the Singer ^,1 Sewing Aachine ^company1 here as bOokeepfer. Phil Heires h$d' twenty one chickens taken from his hen house Wednesdy night by some pne \iri vkhown. Therfast^in^s were broken. sf to gam entrance. ,/• v, m* te -(Chaa Glatby ex^'ecU ni6r^ to pouiid^ ball a"u"d .chain! attached. Mora, Kanabec couiity, ,'as SOOJI as 'Jlle get« ipatters, arviGngod here for ^t^ci^ing, to. make their future home. ~He Will engaged in the real estate1 tempt was made to get married i* His trial comes up in February. 'I ii UV r" Mil tnteu i- I if i. 'm fP W'&rfPi ,»«t» .(*£,,,* ,, of other's paoole's happiness i« npt ueW«fi»ci«»ci^7» y«i-jw»vy a tJiB-'gaoiM NEW CRITIC fOIGAR, you should dq *4 be does. Theroisut a better cigarwade ,any- !rM j**her, ana the tfestof Hi is Mat-the is all the same. Buy a ^ox New Critics. Every cigar ./"the jatrfe 10 smoke and fcavor. Mercantile ^cConnany^ —-DEALEKS «g)- J. Jenkins lias returaed from Illir nois and is looking'for a, location. Mrs. Wm. D.^Qreattrax of.: Hart ford S. D. is visitingi her brother Mf H. Damon this week. Robert EHessig -living noi-Sh.west of town returned, last Week from a two weeks visit at. Milwaukee. He Reports a very pleasant time tliere., S. Kinduund was out in Bloom township, Friday and sold district number one 'hundred and" three, a '.A set of school furniture, Word has been handed in at this office that the^board: of heath are slack- as to posting qurraatine cards. In one instance the card was put on the back of the House. rlt is i-epoi*ted that Magtius Jcwn^h who resided hei*e with Mi's. Linquist and was sent to the asylum at St. Peter ^ome time ago, ^escaped from the asylum and was recently found killed by a train near Mankato: -iy- The Sheriff's office is in receipt o|J. a letter from Kansas containing the^ inforlnatioji that Kex-fuss* is guarded day and night with a,-thirty two Miss Bliek lias been, released au^ they are not permitted to engage Jn conversation: r:An unsuccessful at- f^5 'e ^Nbthihfrnewl^ devaloped^ shoetobbory. f'pg! D.TB: Ktunler made «trip to on Lakq Monday. "y my Mise Clara Prideauxis $jm§ Jytofc James is now drilling Witota Broth™,'. 4^1 Dan Chute is building an ice^qiii^ 'near his meat market, J. H. ScOtt left Paul as a grand Fettit Juror.» A^OlpbAmondaon .and )wi£eSl!|| turned home Saturday morning, $ Mrs, P. C. ChristeuMtin i-eturrie& |9 her home at Luveitttt, •SatoA'd^ys MissMillie Lindgen leases Mofcff day for her hojne .at VernuUiojb? ^outh Dakota. \t '-ft Mx\ and Mrs. J.-VN. Gould Avi|i leave Sunday for Minneaiolis for .a few days'vigifc. •.£'' 'i|i|||J .: M. Shanahan. ha§. recently placed orders it'Or t\v« car loads of the latest and all stylei^ of buggies. A. G. Kadesky moved his 14$ vervne stock here, Friday, into' fchjj^ Wilson building nex,t to Shanahan'8- John Hornstine of Benton County Jowa is visiting his" brother Henrj| and contemplates purchasing a farm,' John Bamage has. returned frori* Omaha where he purchased a car* load of fine buggies for the coming Dave Bvovosky has returned -io' Wortihntgon, from Luyerne ani| will have charge of Mr. Kadesfcy'a new store.. .^ •.•• 4 *'*Dr. Walker and wife left Monday atfernoori for Chicago. He will b& absent three or four weeks for jftM| post graduate course. -v J. E. Johnson, formerly located Northrop with Hubbard and Paling elevator company is now located' at Heron Lake with th« same firm. 4- Henry Hornstine recently sold A. Oberman, ten pigs that weighed 2500, Mr. Hornstine evidently know# how to raise hogs that will briug^ i|& a good revenue. A. W. Hakes of Sioux -Falls now employed as clerk in Road master Long's office. He will raotte his tamliy here as soon as a suitable bouse can bp procured. Fi ank ^aue haft purchased wife hundred atod twenty, „acre •near' Peoria, HI., at eighty' o^e dollar per'acre and expects to iuqw there next week to mak^ their future home". It is reported that Oleason Bro there who were bowng a well for Newton Fauskee returnee^ Friday tiight'from thfv northern part of the 'State. Newtbn looks as if his sur Touhdin^ were conducive to good health'hs he weighs nearly two hun dred pounds. 'v, Fiiday atfernoon -after L. Mitchell had fimhed sawing wood and before the* saw liatl ceased to revolve, Chas Riee. who was assisting in the sawing, passed* the saw, totioling it with his hand, not observing tlnat .it was still in motion, Inflicting a sevel'e wound on all oj:' the fingerb of the right hand. A partj* was tendered Henry Ape] Fiiday evening iti honor of his sitxy. sixth birthday by his old frienda.. Tliere weve about sitxy present. Refreshments were served and a most enjoyable tinje passed. Presents wdre presented. The fo'lo wing officers of tiie J? A .R post were recently install(j,1. I. B. Newkirk, Coni.y W. A. Mosher. Sfefn.'Vic«i, R. Prideaux Jun,. Vice C. P. Shepard, Qviartermastet R. B. Plotts adjutant, J. P. VaiJ, officer or the d&y.. J. H. Scotti^ .Chaplain, M. Burrtett, Gentry. *r A surprise party was 'tenderd Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lane at their home Friday evening, by about seventy of their frientls.' $/tre. Lane was presented with a beautiful double rug and her toother a foot stool. "Refreshm^nte were' served and a'most enjoyabfcevening spent. is ounces of p/«re coiifee to the pound. Coated Coffees, are only about 14.ounces of coffee and two, ounces' of eggs," glue, etc., of no Value to. you,, but money in the'pocke of the roastery ,w iT I'tiVftVJ A G. Anderson pear Round Lake were obliged to abandon the work atfer reachng a depth of one lnmdx-ecl and fitfy four feet. 1 "1 Toa euittalc6'y«ur.har' nona gg toft ua a ^lavc •w tough Sfc ,WJr«1l»r using ETflftEJiA M«uv nem OIIVv You curt llfo—rjukut} l«st tivtva iv.t i1bQit«k -it',.'' ordinarily wouiU. ... niak^s a poor,looking hur rii-sa ne\v.' Jiuro. huuvy boditjU pU^ies po«IaI!v ^repurMl to' \fyiUi Biami iSo vy^ifier. :T. ,. ^olrt cwrywhere iu cutis—all sizes.' Miile bf STANQARO OIL CO. J. A. Kennedy of Adrian was in town Monday. A. S. Frarie left Tuesday for a •visit with relatives at Fairmonts The Old Maid VCon vent ion had a twenty dollar house Monday higlit and the'entertaimnent was enjoyed. John Rippberger has "severed his connection with H. Peter Lewis. He will look after the building of his new house for the present. W. H. Piideaux and wife retuined to their .home at Adriau, Monday after a viait with their "(laughter Mre. J. H. James and other rela tives. Mrs. J. K. Turner and youngest son of Guthriei Oklahoma .anived Tuesday morning for a visit With her sister Mrs. J. P. Peterson. They like their location very well. J: M. Shanahan has a portable and new style of farmers heater.1 Heating water and feed for stock is the modern way of successful and profitable stock raising. A. P. Darling ind A. N. Douglass returned Monday from their land seeking trip in Red Lake, Marshall, and Polk counties. They are well pleased with the out look and con template purchasing four sections. Vandy Duba returned Saturday from Kandiyohi county where he purchased a quarter section farm lor thirty three dollars'per acre.. He waw the Zimmerman boys they are doing well and will clear up about three thousand dollars during the pasttyear._ .. __ (,i A. R. an attorney, and county jjjdge.: He was held in most high esteem by the people of Elgin, in all :iffiU"cles. He is knovvn to quite a num b^p of people of this locaiJty, It is'ruiriored that a company has been formed in Worthington in the dntetfest of Texas Oil, and oil stocks -wfyereby' Dr. 'F. E. Walker becomes |jres., C. J. BViickett, vice pres. and General mauginel', E. J. Helmick Secy and Treas: The organizei-s Of 4hiS' company have large interests ir^ the Texas oil fiehls having been fortunate in their purchases, desire^ t^'open an office here, for the t.rans -atcion of business in the great oil fields of Texas, vThe ••if: 7 Investnicnt Company c\ p^cts to .soon remove itb fice t.» Minnjapolis. It luy fore requests those indi'bl td/]t to call and j.-ay what they owe.) '"^he,'local newspaper sliuuld bo found in everv hoifie. No children should be brought up ignorant who mm tnw 1 Bteinhofer employed by .Diec'khcrif Bros,, got into an"alterca ti'op'With H. W. Doolittle Saturday flight while doing some plumbing, 'While intoxicated. Dick's face, WQS Somewhat disfigured. Losing his position lie left that uightT for .Minneapolis, ^Edward C. Lovell, of Elgin Illinois difed a short time ago with bowel JtrouMe after a short illness.' He j^ old1 soldier, member of the 1 Minnesota Loan and annrw.i^ cag be taught to appreciate home papers. It is said to be the stepping stone' to intelligence in all thosei ibaiters not to be found in book. your children a foreign xaper which contains hot one word about an^ person, place or thing which they'ever saw or per'.nips heard of, atffrifow'do'.yon expect th ni to be mfer^jteti? But l. rbsra-'i^'-.d the h^ihe'paper :an •. of i-'Xple, w^fom:they nv^t an of. pla^ ^itl^ w^ijjh $Uey ftre ianiiliar,. and mti .va interest is aWakent-tV whit-h iu 'cireajses with the arrival:^ ^vtrv loeal laier. Thus a habit 'of.'.^alln'j?: is formed, and thune children will' read the papers all their lives, and tecome intelilegnt men and women, a credit tb their ancestors and Strong in the knowledge of the world as it is ^oday^—Fairmont Sentinel. '1 onun shipped a car of hogs 'toi JHoiiry Kuu^e shipped a car of cattletoSW»uxGStyMp^ night. Thos. Palmar, has purchased the music business of Miss S. M. Cbeney! ahd iS ubw in iioseession. He will caii!y a genertlljstoc?k of musical in -.truinents and musical/merchandise. Air. Palmer is a hustler in all his undertakings and is bound to be succefefun ,, Archie Klingingsi^ith returned to Oklahoma, Monday aftei-nbon, Mrs. Klinging^mith, remaining here for a rurther visit. Jcjhn Millington a resident of this county about tw^ty yeai-s ago re siding in G. T. Bulick's neighbor lio(jd, now of Sicux' City is visiting at the lionie of Mi*. Bullick. Miss Clara 1 homte of Lu verne was a guest of Mrs. Menitt Harding •over Sunday while Visting her bro- tujrs employed at Dayton and Harding aiid M. E. Fish TIhj Mi mi' sota Loan Dealers iu Bonds, Stocks, Grain & Provisions. Members Chfca^o Board ot Trade. Private wiies to all lead ing niark»-tsi .. ••./.-,•» OerniaJiia*LipB I"surance Bldg.,_ Cor. 4th and Minnesota Sts.,' ST. PAUL, MINN Soiul Your ^Mojier 'y Ban a •The following table shows the charges for pending money by ex press, motley mtar, orde and bank draf': P. Of Ex- Bank Order press draft $ 2150 to .$ 5.00 05 05 05 5.00 to 10 00— 03 08 05 10.00 to 20.00 10 10 10 40.00 to 50.00- 18 18 10 75.00 to 100.00— 30 30 10 Jt will b« St en that the bank draft is.t^e cheapest. It is absolutely safe aod most convenient Don't fie Misled. I will Clerk all kind# of Public 8al^ regardlegs of who the mjiy wfMK,a, JY|# V. BUSUMA.S, Nand Company ex jH Cis t.o 8t»on Remove its of fice .to Minneapolis. ft t.ii re't«i ivquests those in delvtetl to it to call and pay whnt thoy owe. 7 Geo. McC'leeryof Clarion, Iowa, has purchased the nOrhwest quarter of section twenty eight Elk of L. E. Stover. '-H' Rey. A. M. Summers Of Mankato district Missionary of the Baptist church was a guOst of A C. Head berg Monday. Wake tip Rnid up ou our $7 to $12j prairie iHiids in Minnesota, then-- Join our excursion to see good bargains. A1 E. Lawton, 1 Agent lor Central Minnesota Jjand Company M. DOR AN & CO., —The oldest firth of— BACKERS and BROKERS 4 tN THE NORTHWEST. E. WALKER, Auction ^nd will gaaraotee all notes taken by me at sales to be good at i« they refuse them I will get you the money at tbe (•am1 rate as the banks do. Your cprr^spoodence solicited OJ when io Worthington call in to my office. Yetlrs truly. I », r: S.- KINDLCND. Su o^c .LM, qaick relief,'Red .Oon* Pil and Fistula Cure^ Cu^s of alilc time or ni 1 ocy iefn')ded S ticp1e treatment «dd bopk.exp)uiu^ tuf.: Wivv. to tr-j»t *4d aft) every other diseases o,f .tfca rectiiiu, Hyut free by mail to any address Kea, Bro., & Co., I)ept. 53,r Mi6neapoljB, Minn. Sold by ail diUffgietfe, *1.00 or onem nth'e treatment. '(VJ -*t hfi A^rney st Office over Baiik of VYortbitigtoa^, 1 'x. lAnorttey mt law^ OflSce over Braoigan's ^toi -*"1 f,L Attorney Ot Law. jj|F ke»l Estate and l.oaos f'\m UE»ON,t,AKi£ MINN *$9, Attoriiey at Law, "f||S JACKSON,MINK.:..,rqi. ... 1 r«u years expedience in tbe practice vf •ttmww. Farm loans, insurance and C'oliecttfW. H.OLAKK. 3 Physician and Surge6t» 1 Residence cor. 11th street and 6th ave., two blocks a boveGourt Houte: ^x4 Office in G. A. K. block. Physician and Surgeon* Office over Peter on-Stitser block QK. J. N. OOULD. Veterinary Surgeon. Office at Western House. 0R.J. R. CONWA Dentist. wok JIN6TON. MINNESOTA. Office in Baker Block. JfRANK P. RILEY, D. M. D. Dentist* -^Officenext to Globe Frintiaip Office. A. SAXOX, v. o., Osteopathic Physician* CONSULTATION FltKE! Treatment parlors on 3d Ave. next to PannellV residence. 8^" Phone 128. WORTHINGTON, MINIS D'OCTORSCUakAN & MAN SON, OFFICE DOCKS: 10-1 n. tti. "p. ml •7 S p. m. WORTHINGTON, XMLNNBSOTA Pianos and Organs! '—Such as— Steinway! Tvers & Puiid, Ludwig, Baldwin Pianos which have a wide repu-' IgP^Also .FarraudVotey a¥id othtt, high «rade organs The,iustruuients can be' seen at ,'UV, s. M. niJENEY. Land Seeker's Fxctir* sion every week! Until oni* .^O-fi'VarttM* sections in Traverse and Wilkin are closed out SECURE GOOD PRICES for your goods sold at Auctiou having, them cried by— N O O O When you ve a sale write *+v\ if! 5 ion ant I se 11 on the i-r erits. {Co» Deep black soil clav sub-soil. Flowing Wells at 40 tq 60 feet. M. E. LAWTON, B?"Over postofiice. 4 ./ ., .. -j tl j- Worthington', Minnesotaw^.^ Auctioneer^ meiv REASONABLE PRICES and aatiafaction guarantea. k: I. '.IS, •. HAIi BREWSTER, !101*1(Mr