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V"' '1% lmwr I S •0 »J lie* -VT'£ J: W,'f. '"tplM f^.'x r-S1-•• vfl m, 1ft'"- QHabena Gi§ar Company, 'Phone 95. Oliver & Madison, —Dealers in— All Kinds of Live Stock. gpAfter February lath our office will be located in the old amis ton •Sice, Main St.. oppecite Swedish Mer. Store, Werthi»giO», Mnracsota LOCAL •I ether's pee*Ic'c happiness if not to fee wcadsrtd at, If you envy the auwkosMes •""NEW CRITIC CIGAR, you should do he dew. Then isn't a better cigar made any where, ana tbe best of it is that the quality is'all the sam?. Buy a box of New Critics. Every cigar the same in smoke and flavor. WORTHING!ON, MINNESOTA. We do not claim to sell goods tor cosf or below cost, because we never could figuie out how to pay express that way. But we do claim to sell foods as cheap as any legitimate retail shop in the city, and what is better still we h#ve an assortment to select from that will command tbe admiration and attention of everyoue who cares to be informed on what's newest aud West of this season's goods. Swedish Mercantile Co. St. Croix Lumber. I Best Equipped Retail Plant in Southern Minnesota. Worth ington, Minn. TimmiimmimmmmiiiK General, Merchandise and SHOES. Produce taken in exchange for goods. Custom Feed Grinding. Call and see ua lor anj Hind of goods carried i4i a general store. tSEW8. Dr. Crosa mjiuie 'a business trip to Sibley, la.*, .Monday. Editor Tennis of theAdrian Guard in was in town Tuesday, Wesley lUppbergw is learning the hamflaa business at Stitser's. J. D. Pettit, of Bushmore was in the city Tuesday enroute to Crook to vTohn Oilbertson, of Kenneth, was in the city Wednesady enroute to flioux City. Rob Meredith of Reading now en joyst he pleasure of a new boggy purchased of Shanahan Tuesday. Dr. Thomas 'many friends will re joice to 16arn that he has so far re covered as to be able to be out as far as the hotel office Tuesday. F. L. Huiniston returned Saturday from a trip in Traverse "and Pope county. While there he arranged for a fine farm of a little direr two hundred acres in Pope county. Next to Palm, Bros. 1 LIVERY & DRAY First Class Rigs at all Livery hours. Diayicg Promptly attended to Melvin Hovey, Prop.- Readiag, Minn Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smi llwood left Wednesday for Minneapolis. Gilbert Anderson returned from Sioux Falls Tuesday. Fred Hart of Kimbrae was a busi ness caller in the city Tuesday. Frank Spafford of Ewington was doing business on our streets Tues. day. '•. D. W. Chute bought a Majestic range at W. I. Huimstons hardware store Tuesday. F.H. McCartney, of Waterloo, la., was the guest of his toother, officer McCartney a short time Wednesady. Mrs. S. B. Bedford of Bushmore was in*the city Tuesday on her way to Reinbeck,Ia, to be present at the wedding of her niece. Clarence Hart, baker at Steffens restaurant, is known as. a most ex cellent bread and pastry maker and the patrons of the bakerzy are highly pleased with all of the bread, cakes, etc. purhased there. forBtgelow. tfrpereent diaeount and wa)l paper at '.Palm Bay your town property, aafl niakc your trades with M. E. La^rtion. John Ramage received two cars of buggies and cultivators Wednesday. Wall paper, large stock, choice patterns, and low prices at the4tCity Pharmacy." Chriet Niemann, Wortbingtoas popular pop man, did business in Sibley Tuesday. Mrs. Peter Larson is making ex tensive improvements ,ori her ret-i* dence near Mr. Albinson's. Albert Olund left Wednesday morning1 for Pillager where, he will make.his permanent home. ^. J. Corncro«3 and family arrived Tuesday and moved into the house recently purchased of Mrs. Stanton. Miss Clara Graff of Lisinore was the guest of friends in this city Tues day and departed for her home late the same evening. SlUriff Reiter left for Sibley la., Tuesday afternoon to give in bis evidence in the shoe case before the grnd Jury now in session there. Donald Pettit of Rushmore has sold his interest in theBedford &Co, store to H. C. Constable He is un decided as tq whgt he will ¥Q~eng age in. J36fl't put up with poor oil any longer but go to Lov-eleee' and get Pennsyl vania oil. Deputy Sheriff McNair was called toSibely. Ia., Tuesday to testify before the grand jury in regard to the stolen shoes from the Omaha cars. Chas Ross the young son of Omaha opreator who has been iously sick with appendicitis taken a change for the better last day or two. the ser lias the Mrs. M.C. Pettit who been theguest of Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Pettit every since the death of their son, a week or two ago returned to her home in Minneapolis Tuesday. Thou hast strange notions for one so young a substitute to think that thou art the same as Rocky Moun tain Tea, made by the Madison Medicine Co. 325c. City Pharmacy, The little three year old child of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Larson died of diptheria Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Larson have the sympathy of the community in their great loss. Mr Binnings, formerly manager of the depot lunch counter plead guilty Monday morning to a charge of using abusive language on com plaint of John Smitn. He was fined fire dollars. 9 Mother, Yes one package makes two quarts of baby medicine. See directions There is nothing just as good for babies and children as Rocky Mountain Tea. 35cte. City Pharmacy. The Ladies Cemetery Aid will give a supper in A. O. U. W. hall Thursday evening March 20, com mencing at 5 o'clock. Every one knows that these suppers area treat besides you are assisting a good work. Mrs. C. E.Van Deusen. of Kil bourn, Wis., was afflicted with stomach trouble and constipatioif for along time. She says, "I have tried mapy preparations but none have done me the good that Chamb erlain's Stomach and Livre Tablets have." These Tablets are for sale at all drug stores. Price, 25cents Sample free. Chas. DeGraf a colored New York foundling who was sent out here a number of years ago and made his home at Dan Shell's turned up here here again last week after a number of years absence.' Sunday he was intoxicated and while stopping at the Western house, he entered one of the fenuile servant rooms during the night,. The girl gave an alarm and Charley was taken care of by an officer. Monday morning, he made tracks out of town as rapidly as possible. Mrs. John Fitch of this city're ceived the Semi—Weekly Breeze published atL San Luis Obispo Cal ifornia one day-this week, which contained a notice of the death of Dr. Walter Gardner Brown aged 72 years four months and three days. Mr. Brown was a resident of this county when the country was new and was known,near and far as a good kind hearted neighbor and friend. He was a brother-in- law of Mrs. Fitch. Theannual village election held Tuesday wai devoid of any partic ular excitement, with the. following result. Total vote east, 470 in 1001, Oi For President of Council— fl. M. Palm 251 37 F. Glasgow 214 For trustees— J.N.Gould 453 A. R. Albertus 430 E. A. Tripp 268 Walter Aagaard 212 For Recorder— J. M. Messer 453 Treasurer— A Loren Clark 231 Merle Hurlbert 233 For Assessor— J. J. Kendlen 444 For Street Commissioner— 2 B. F. Thurber 192 Pat O'connor 267 75 For License 256 53 Aganist License 203 There effort made by the temperance people to get out a vote, whatever, while the other side, di»5 considerable work as it was thought by some that the new idea of nam ing a ticket might possibly re&ijlt in defeating license. At this time there are, sorts of conjectures as to what the new council will do, but the members are reticent except that they will en deavor to give a business adminis tration. It is prophecied that Wortbington wil never see a joint cauoug apin. PALM BROS. SOLD OCT. Palm Bros, who have been engag ed inthe furniture business for a number of years. have sold their business and building to Sam Swan son and Carl Anderson who will take possession April lit.. B. F. Thurber owns the lot the building occupies. Mr. Swanson is a carpenter and well known throughout this locality. Mr. Anderson has been employed as cabinet maker with H. M. Palm and Son and known as a good workmen. With their extensive acquaintance and good work they will make a success of the pusiness. Palm Bros, have enjoyed a-good trade and their removal from our village will be regretted by many friends. They expect to go to Fergus Falls, as goon as business affairs will per mit, but have not announced what busionss they will engage in there. MARRIAGEABLE AGE. In Germany a man must be 18 years of age before he may marry says the Detroit Free Press. In Portugal a boy of 14 is considered marriageabe and a "woman" of 12. In Greece the "man must have seen at least fourteen summers and the "woman" twelve. In France the "man" must be 18 and the woman" 16. In Beligum the same ages. In Spain the intended husband must have passed his fourteenth year and the "woman" her twelfth. In Austria a "man" and a"woman" are supposed to be capable of con ducting a home of their own from the age of 14. In Turkey any youth and maiden who can walk properly and can understand the necessary religious services are allowed to be united for life. THE HICKS REV. IRI if. ALMANAC. This splendid book of 200 pages is not only a work of art of the high est order, but it is the most complete and valuable book on Astronmoy and Meteorology for* 1902 to be fotmd in the world. .No wonder the first edition oione hundred thous and was about exhausted by the end iof January. The bible excepted, no other book can be found in so many Am erican home. The millions have proven its value and will not be with out it. The publishers will supply this book for a month ortwo for the regular price, with the increased postage added. Send 30 cents to Word and Works Publishing Com pany,2201 Locust Street, St. Louis, Mo., &nd this splendid book will be mailed to you prebpaid. Do not pass the year without it in your office or home. LIST OF UNCLAIMED LETTERS, Remaining in the Poet office at Worthing ton Minnesota for the week ending March 3, 1902. Emerick Miss Mable, Francis Chas H., Hall W. H., Johnson J. M., Mars ton Chas. T.,Moll Theodora J., Parks James, Shurr Miss Nettie, Wilson Roy,. When calling for above please say "Advertised," giving date. F.R. CoughxanP. Mr Read «p on oar 9) to $12 pfairie lMds in Minnesota, then Join our excursion to 1 see good bargains. ME. Lawton, Agent lor Centra Minnesota Land Company. M. DORAN & CO., —The oldest firm of— BANKERS and BROKERS IN THE NORTHWEST. Dealers ia Bonds, Stocks* Grain & Provisions Member* Chicago lioard of Trade, rnvate wiiQa W t»i leu4. ing markets Germania Insurance Bldg., Cor, lth and Minnesota Sts., ST. PAUL, MINN Send Your Money by Baa Draft The following Uble shows the charges for sending money by ex press, money order, ord and bapk draft P. Of Ex- Bank Order press draft 9 2.50 to $ 5.00 06 05 05 OS 08 05 10 10 10 18 18 JQ 39 3(7 10 5.00 to 1000— 10.00 to 20.00 40.00 to 50.00— 75 00 to 100.09— It will be seen that the bauk draft, is thn cheapest. It is absolutely safe and most convenient Piles. Sure cure, quick relief, Red Cross Pile and Fistula Cure. Cures cases of a life lime or money refunded Sample treatment and book explain ing bow to tr'jat nod cure each and every other diseases of the rectum, sent free by mail to any address Rea, Bro., & Co., Dept. 53, Minneapolis. Minn. Sold by all d^ugg^te, 1.00 or one nth's treatment. N. Dakt Lands, We have some of .the finest, farm and ranch lauds on the Missouri slope, from $3.00 to $5.00 PEB ACKE, easy terms, where corn grows. Deep, black soil. Coal $1.00 per ton. Nu tritious native grasses. steads adj'lining. Write us for information. home- F. L. CONKLIN A Added to the Public Library dur ing Februry 1902. Atkinson, Philip.—Electricity for Everybody. Baker, Roy S. —The Boys Book of Inventions. Beard, Lina and Adelia B.,—The American Gilr's hand book. Burgess, John W.—The Middle Period, Am.,Hist., series. Byran, Edward W.,—Progress of Invention in 19th Century. Badlam, Anna B.,— Views Africa. Burroughs, John—Squirrels and other Fur Bearers. Burnett, Frances H.— A Fair Bar barian. Caine Hall.—The Etebnal City. Connor Ralph—The Man from Glengarry. Crockett, S.R and others—Tales of our Coast. Eggleston^ Edward—The Begin ners of Nation. Fisher, George Park—The Colon ial Era, Am., Hist., series. Flesche, Francis la—The Middle Five—Indian boys at school. Ford, Paul Leicester—The Great K. and A. Train robbery. Abbott, Evelyn—A History' of Greece—3 vol. Abbott, Jacob—Rollo's travels in Europe, 10 vol—consisting of: Rollo in Geneva,Holland,London, Naples, Pairs, Rome,Scotland, Swit zerland, on the Atlantic, on the Rhine. Bacheller,—Irving, Dri and I. Churchill, Winston,—The Crisis. Craik Henry.—English rose 5 vols. Church, Alfred J. —Pictures from Greek Life and Story. Howells, Wm. Dean,—Literary Friends and Acquaintance. Homer,—Odyssey, tr by Butcher and Lang. Iliad tr by Lang, Leaf and Mypres. Attorney at lawy#f 6Bce over maaigaii« store. K. LAMMIHUi, Attorney at Law. -teal Brtftttaod HBK'tPf UU MINN V. BUHHAIAN. Attorney at Law, JACKSON,! On ywirgexp*rfe»«e in tbe practice of taw. Farm loaus, iHamnw aad 0oK«oM(H n.CLARK. Physician and Surgeon Residence cor. 11th street aad 6th. ave., two blocks aboveCkmrt House Office in G. A. block. zy# E. WALKIR, Physician and Surgeeif^ Office over Peter on-Stitser block QR. J. N. WOULD, Veterinary Surgeon. .. Office at Western £)R. J. R. CONWA Dentist. WOh llXGTON. ttlNNJSOTA. Office in Baker Block. pRANK F. RILBY, ». B. Dentist. Office next to Globe Printing Office. WM A. SAXON, D. O., Osteopathic Physician, CONSULTATIOW ffi•! Treitm?nt parlors oa 3d Ave. a«x to Pannell's residence. laF'Pbone 128. «i .WORTHINGTON, J)OCTORS CURRAN ft MANSott, orncc BOOM: 10-12 a, m. 3 6 p. m. 7 S WORTHIN6TON, A Land sion Co.. Bismarck, N. Dak. LIST OF BOQKS. Deep black sub-soil. Fxcur* Until our 50-quarter Mctcoi* in Traverse and W ikm are eloaed oat Flowing Wells at 40 to 60 feet. M. E. LAWTON. |y Over postoffiee. Auctioneer. SECURE GOOD PRICES or your goods sold at Auction by laving them eried by— J. N. HOLBROOK, Worthington, Minnesota*- Auctioneer. When you ve a sale write me. REASONABLE PRICES and satisfaction guarantee P. HABYBY, MINN. BRBWSTER. No Mask of eggs or glue is used in roasting .:j.j LION COFFEE It is all coffee—pure coffee— strong and of delicious flavor. Some coffees are varnished with a cheap coating of eggs, g,a*e or other equally noxious substanc Tb* Mated paokacainaww aniforta aoaltty and twrtinw.