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P-if. ifec.. fe| *u. fif^'fyrr'TW #'s 4'""-' And every customer intflfteitsely pleased. AKin A1«O Wc have also the -finest Heater inthe market and we let you judge it Ladies we have serea different'kinda of waak img machines ef which one ia a machine ^whichj yo mj 'karaoi trial and if does not'suit you be returned. new hardware Store .. IN Peteson-$tit$erLBIoCk MAJESTIC STEEL RANGE, the range that pays for itself in econo my ia fuel and by catting down bills for repairs, will last for generations Beckwitk'a "ROUND OAK" the store that all manufacturers ^Imitate burns any kind of fuel, ask your neighbor from Iowa, what he knows about the ROUND OAK? a full liae of the cheaper grades. A new line of Builder's Hardware, Guns, Ammunition and Cutlery. Plumbing, Heating and Tinwork. A car of the orieinal "Baker Barb" wire just in, the kind I hare sold reu far the past sixteen years. W. An have a com plete line pf cameras and supplies. We give full inr struct ions /with every a a sell. •C, it- 13&: ,»v s§»: K^lfigfcvS?! $$&&&> •*?. X1* bt we have sold QUICK MEALJ[RANGES DIECKHOFF BROS. Come in and See the largest and finest display of— Stoves and Ranges ever shewn ia the cily. We sell the "Garland" which is best, everyone warranted first priza at Paris exposition. I. HUM1STON. WORTHING TON, MINN Entire New Stock of Wall Pa|er which we will sell at very reasonable prices. we also carry Paints and Oils* f. M. HICKMAN, WORTHlNQTON'S IRew ^evvclrp Store .. iu«.. We .. .. Come IRtgbt Hn .. and look orer our stock of Watches, Chains, Jewelry and^SilTir ware, it will be no bother to us to shew you 19,^ through our line of goods, EVERYTHING IN A NEW AND CLEAN STOCK I F. BUCHAN, tiridsof copying, enlarging Vi. 'Druggist. www*© also keep phonographs and a big line ©1 records of all the latest songs and mu sic. BIRKBBAK & CO., Successors to E. B. Nelson.^ ami ••. K: -v -!-v•: ^£S! W" framing of pictures Piioea •yyr* •M! LOCAL' NBWS. Geo. Kaiser of Luverne town Friday. J. H. Bloom made a business trij^ waigi to Adrain Thursday nighty a business Sheriff .Reiter .made trip^to Brewster Saturday, William Grundy ia now on PanneUtransfer""lineT AvurSegerstrom made a .busimisa Hip to BwwsterlSaturday. Meacham ntmAJiam from CherokeeTIa., BatSrtay. fjfjoha KaokayleftSaturdayin ing for^Mankato, on a buaingaajS (V down with an attack of the B. W. Cutter, returned from the woods in Hubbaxd county. Dan Chute saya he ia: again open ti^fiurlington ant Dectective Dow waa called Browser Saturday on official It is reported that two schools ijfr Elk township have closed on account of smallpox. Mike" Hogan, of St. Jameii Will assume charge of the Omaha yardis Sunday night. W. C. Barton returned home from Wilder Friday and left immediately for Ewintgton. Mrs. John James left Friday evening for Adrian where she will visit for a week. A. N. Famham,, of Paullina, Ia. was looking up real estate in this ricinity Saturday. Miss Mary Innig, of Luverne is risiting at the home of Mrs. Geo. Mackay this week. Earl Smith the twelve year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Z. M. Smith is quite sick with typhoid fever. D. B. Kumler returned Saturday from a prolonged business trip iix the northern part of the state. Mr. and Mrs. Mann of Windom' are guests of Mr. and Mrs.Milton P. Hann in this city over Sunday. (Jen. Bickley, a student of our schools left for Kinbrae Saturday where he will visit over Sunday/ W. C. Buchana of Sioux Falls, S. D. was a guest at the home of Editor Caldwell, Thursday- night. Fred Leabeck of Vermillion, S. D^ arrived Saturday and is giuest at.the home of his brother Otto in this city. For Rent—160 acres of prairie for flax in Wilmont township. J. H. Scott. A.N.Douglass will soon commence the erection of a dwelling house and perhaps two near James Crandall's residence on list, street. Frank Eggleston's people arrived in Toledo, Washington, alright and like the country so far. Potatoes were 60 cents per bushel. Mrs. Chas. McMillan and daughter, of Luverne were guests of Mrs. Fred. Runyon Friday evening and left for St. Paul Saturday morning. W.C. Manchester a brakeman on the Omaha railroad has moved into the house formerly owned by Mrs. Ditty in the Clary addition. The meetings at the M. E. church are growing both in interest and numbers. All are most cordially invited to attend these meetings The supper given by the ladies of the Cemetery Aid in A. O. W. hall Thursday evening was wellattened ed as the receipts indicate. Net re ceipts were forty, dollars. R. V. O.Bartlett wili remain here not-with-standing the incoming of anew cigar factory. By the excel lency of his goods he has established a good trade and will continue to make all of his popular brand cigars. A surprise party was tendered John A. Anderson, the Worthington Mill Co. engineer, last night b/va lot of WorthintgOn's bright young folks also some of his country* friends being present. He received as memory of the occasion a beauiful album. The saloon license here has been raised from $600 to $800 per annum ani the nubmer "of saloons limited to three. This will bring in as much revenue as four would paying $600 each, and will be better for the town and the men engaged in the business. ^-Ellsworth News. W.L.O.Bartlett and Merle Hulbert have rented the Wilson building formerly occupied by EL. Schwartz and will occupy it as a cigar factory and store. Mr. Bartlett recently moved from Adrian to Ellsworth and has decided this a better, locat ion still. They expect to occupy the building about Apirl 1st. We wish the beys unlimited sussesa. A *vi i—On Saturday Maroh 3*ndt. to Mr. and Mr* 1 and Ifm. i]y)%|tt of Lnv«riM seats atthehomeofJ.S. Irlnk' ci^. V: (oberly returned hopie Wilmont Sattwd*y for a few visit. th« teachers of Luverne aohoola waa in the ra^ir«y wg, -p||] Read. Friday?^ «!a|Afcr r» gaaoline le in the iko^aiW4 veleTatoir. G. KadM^sii^^ lent of ^:2k«i|4'. has it oneiMiitiaft al hUi fraii id. :f ~. Ji to Misae^ Ruby and l(abelSmitb|| iera injcinr i^idio aoiiiaiibl Mktior ted a licollMr £M»lif Algona lyand'Satttrdiij^ lisa Canie' JtoCoiaa letf i^day ^SlaytOTi^wliwfe ahe will pal oil sT'ltoJ'the bmedtloif ona of the leties of^that Jtlace. W. Dehnairtk of Paullina/Ia., in the city-Saturday, looking this city and* ooimtryTwith'a ot locatingJbiere. ^fred Darling is having a well put on his farm. They are now one hundred feet and have two feet of water, T. Leverich started to move household goods to Lakefield where 4ie will make his permanent home. ron Potter and family now live tld gentleman Pratt's house, on street out near Mr. Pattersons. &&is working for, Geo. Patterson. T. Branigan has purchased the building owned by E. F. Buohan formerly occupied by A.~E. Hart Cut Price Cash store. Mr. ngan will move his stock of over in a few days and open l^the public by April 9th. C. Collins and son Art Collins IVe been indicted by the^Grand of Osceola county for receiving concealing stolen goods, among Jch were doting from Geyerman's re at Brewster and the shoes the Omaha road at this point named are father and broher falter Collins. was rumored on the streets ly tiiat^ Worthington would iiiemindusl^^ded^ to alreadyjoro^hg list! Aiftd taf be q||tated by. two young business meiir?Well known in this city'and vicinity. It is to be hoped the deal will go. for success is theirs if they dojgr 1 A Report! is Current that Peter Thompson lad rented his building about to be vacated by I. T. Branigan or a a on a A a repoiter he very emphatically said he wotuld not, rent the buildinjg for a salocm This, report springs up every|tiime thip building happens to be Vioant -'v- Tnemany mends-of Mr. F. Craiie in this cjty will be pleased to leaii^ that he has been promoted to the position of! chief clerk in the division offices of the Great Northern railapad At Breckinridge, Minn. Mr. Cnihe has held the position as clerk in these offices for several years.— Mankato Daily Review. Fra^t.,Geiger left Friday morn ing foe an eight months or a years visitr^in New Orleans. His business wiU Jtie conductied by Albert Bidding and .^rife who ai*e experienced in the restiraTant business and will, be glad to s^ei all of Frank's old friends con tiueftiheir patronage and promise to do allijt& their power to please the pubkif Sheriff Reiter arrested Dr. Farm an of ^u||^'ark, la.,Friday evening on a beoraL jwilrrant issued by Judge Bro^, pjharged with practicing his prof^Etioh contrary to the laws of Mio|i^ta, at Round Lake. The doc^^its brought before Justice Stetsons who bound him over to the nexj^rm of court in the sum of iSOQ^nd was released en bond with T. ArrPalmef, and E. A. Tripp of this||^^r}° as securities. He was' indicfed byithe last session of the grailfipj '. Atttafter got in his work very sncoiiifully on an up town corner thia§||jp£ritoon. He attracted a1 largil^owd by driving through the stre^j^and then proceeded to srtl theii^%eetric, belts. He led the croi&l ^6'believe that he was going to g^s^jbpek to each pnrdiaser of a $lO.0.?ttlti the sum of 2.60. On this pro^i^M^ the suckers bit rapidly and bad soon raked in $70 or $80, •wheal Mspeetutfully said good by to t&gdeludedxJrowd ai went his way ~-Pip«ii»« Star. ft. '.I 1?L_ ff I jlkve'got the fiaeaft line of d^t»t ihak ever aaae.into the town'of Thaoelebraied If Rubber Boot. Boys' first quality Knee Rubber Boot........ *-*r. SHOE W: STORE. f'nitffsday^afternoon W^-Chiney and John, Mackay ftood naur the engine of train no three due here at three fifty five,admiring the loco motive, its power and construction until they were regarded with sus picion by Conductor Hasey He is ever watchful of the compnay'S in terests .and seeing these fellows looking at the engine as if they would like to carry it away, he en- id fPION iSSS^^ 1 Af i' V- •J. been alow in coteing^bni' ii yoa ybo will fin^ Wjenb My priees are my gooda w« n^hl"^on,'t misa a good tbiag for the aalie ci ta|ciDg a'Ull^i'r'•••• .' r-' I can save you money. Come in .V. good.thing whether you buy or not JOHN Dealeritt all Kinds of tura I Implements. you Want RUBBER BOOTS .. at a price here they are. Men's Double Snag Proof, Double Sole Boot..... .. light «t. first lubber Boot.... Men's Hii quality Men'9 first quality Knee, CHAMPION BINDEI^ iW* THE NEW A Plows, BuWi«,ilayStackcrs/and^^^ LoaiM is i$U'. and over a quired of the gentlemanly and pop^. ular express agent Jc^hn* W^ltelr Pepple. who thos^ fellows were. John of conlse would not admit^he knewthem and this: to be^ more' ^susjxidous! After a few moments whistled'to his two brak eman whal, came sto his s|de' andithen ther».3" was a hurried oonsd^ticm ai\d ,in- dications of a decision ''Jlotfc1 two^ fellows lie watched when the .ifkfrB train pulled out to -see that they did not leave towi* :behind the 'm-r gine and ahead of the mail car DIED—Thursday, March home of John Anderson. Wilmont township Mrs. Swanson. This case ^v- Cultivators,- Discs ?5I plcments. Will alsq'handle^h« equal to any manufactured. Absojntelj^gnaranteed personaHy testify to its quality. 4f-• CorNer. :-'r Call and see us before buying atfyjiirm implemenfc^wei may save you money as we must wojignp a trade. ml -s. v.- in faihily^wereii •morij^fia^ when his Wife was taken siclron the" roiad and stopped at Mr. Anderson's home Whtro. sfto died. The fuiaeralv will- be held at Mr. Anedrson's resr idence Saturday, mdfrun'g at ten o'clock and'interment'' at Worthing ton cemetery, Rev.. Hamlly officating. -DEALER IN- ivAM r:i :*#r. .1 Vv t-J 1 j.• Im- "•Wf .A ^•**4 CflB v't. \f A ,,:-v Defective I