Newspaper Page Text
V- I :*k. :N- -nK- fl |'H Ah lv?''''- I W:^W?Wr4 free Homestead? which means that it is the healthiest in the world! For Sale. TVTILL sell or trade clear title VV lands in Dakota and Kansas, -and money to loan on real estate in this county. E. J. Wolven. LOCAL, Miss Florenc Barber is seriously ill at the home of her parents in this •city. Jesse Coyer, of Bound Lake was the guest of his sister. Miss Nellie, Friday. O.W. Freeman, of Adrian was do ing buisness at the court house Thursday afternoon. H. Peter Lewis, returned Thurs day night from a prolonged business trip through South Dakota. Bert Milliagan, of Westbrook is visiting A. H. Lambret and other relatives in this vicinity this week. Rev.P.G.Moore left Friday morn ing for Mankato after a pleasant visit with friends here a short time. The Omaha company have a force of men at work setting out trees in the lawn at the entrance of the depot. St James :s making arrangements for royally entertaining the 6. A. R. of South Western Minnesota June 17 and 18. 1 A $17000, M. E. Church was de dicated at Windom Sunday, free from debt, $6500 being pledged the day of dedication. Mrs. Geo. Smith, of Le Mars de parted for her home Thursday even ing after' a pleasant visit with friends in the city. Mrs Henry Ter Haar, returned to her home at Heron Lake Saturday After a few days visit with friends here and at Adrian. The argicultural society at Windom have an indebtedness of $1600. They contemplate selling some lots to square the matter. Chas Collins, received anew well boring outfit from Le Mars, Iowa, Thursayand they are better pre pared now than ever to do work in their line. St. James business men have furnished the fands for a gym nasium outfit for the public school and the apparatus has been ordered from Chicago. Dteckhoff Bros are making galvan ized iron cisterns, which are anew thing in this locality. This kind of a cistern ought to prove a good tning and stand the frost without breaking or cracking. H. Harmes and family, of Logan County, 111., who recently bought a farm nine mil^s out on the Jackson road were in the city Friday night on their way to their new home but were presented on account of the storm. Mrs. E. J. Helmiek, writes home from Huron that she is better satis fied than ever with, old Worthing ton. She has always had a faint longing to reside in Huron, but this visit has cured that, as she says not withstanding that is a larger town there is less business and activity there than here. E. J. Hemick has secured the pledge of over forty five dollars per month for -the band boys if they will play out side once-a week dur ing the evening. We now expect to have some music as soon as the boys can get together. The amount raised denotes the willingness of our business men to give the financial support to any worthy cause. A: tive Page Where you cati raise crops which will re you com fortable a ltd independently rich. igt $t ft 9l 41 4t You will Find Just this Opportunity in Western Canada* Land can he obtained there for the asking. It will raise from 25 to 35 bushels oi No. 1 hard wheat to the acre. The Ca nadian government, gives every man or every woman who is the head of a family 160 acres free I The energetic, industrious young man can make hie fortune with this •tart in life. Thousands are doing It, so it is no experiment. There are rail road facilities making a market.' There are schools for the children. There are churches. In fact all the accessories of civilisation with the land given as a bonus to tfiose who will accept it. Railroad lands conveniently situated are also for sale at low prices and on longtime. The climate of Western Canada is about like that of Minnesota, Write for phamphlets, atlases, railway rates and ex cursian particulars to J. KOEHN* rnment Agent, Mountain Laket Minnesota. Canadian Gov- Dr Walker was called to Sibley Friday in consutation. G. T. Bullick, of Reading was do ing business in town Friday. Leslie Hoi brook is employed in W.I. Humiston's hardware store. Mrs. Gardner, of Lansing is the guest of Mrs. T. A. Palmer this week. Editor Caldwell, of the Globe made a business trip to Adrian Thursday. Skewis and Moen are making im provements this week on their elevator here Miss Lottie Nelson, of Graham Lakes is the guest of the Misses Plotts, of this city. Mrs. Henry Ter Haar, of Heron Lake is visiting her sister Mrs. Phil Glasgow this week. William Jones, of Clarion. Iowa is here assisting Sturgeon and Mc Cleery in the real estate business. Dan Ahern, an artistic painter, of Minneapolis has accepted a position with E. E. Ventioner, in this city. A. Rust, of Reading was in town Friday, he will ship a car of cattle and a car of hogs to Chicago in a short time. Pettit Bros., bought $1,500 worth of eattle,hogs, and sheep, Thursday, the stock is in fine shape and will be sold at their new market. The following from the Sioux Falls Argus Leader of Thursday realtive to the marriage of Landlord Ward of the Western Hotel and his esteemable bride: "Whille both the pari tea to the above transaction were long residents of Sioux Falls they are at present residing at Worthing ton where Mr. Ward is engaged in the hotel business. They are both well known here and are very popu lar among their acquaintances. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ward in Sioux Falls join with the Argus Leader in wishing them joy and prosperity in their new relations." C. J. Smallwood, had a little blaze Thursday evening about eight thirty which might have been serious but for prompt action. A gasoline stove on the back porch of C. J. Smallwood new house began leaking some time after moving it from the old house to the new one, Mr. Smallwood lit the stove without noticing the leakage, when the oil at the bpttom of the stove caught fire causing a great blaze. Mr. Small* wood grabbed the stove and pullgd it into the yard and the flames soon died out. It was a narrow escape but ho harm to the house or furn iture was done. AMERICA'S Editorially Fearless. Consistently Republican. World— stones— from all of the written, original News Well Answers to queries—Articles on Health, the Home, New Books, SL and on Work about the Farm Garden. Cbe Weekly Inter-Ocean Iq a member of the Associated Press, the only ^fowspaper receiv iug the entire telegraphic news service of the New York Sun and special cable of the New York World—daily reports from over 2,000 special correspondents thro' out the country Year, One Dollar! Subscribe for The Advance and the Weekly Inter-Ocean one jr. both papers for it-* in, $1.75 1 A. Nf. Douglass, left ^fciurdi^tor St. James, on ,a b\isiaees trip. ^|1| Miss Lfcur* Bingham, re home from Adrain Saturday, Miss Norma Hopkins of Sibley, is the guest of Robert Burnett in this city. C. Creps, of Rock Rapids, Iowa was doing business in the city Fri day. John Humiston and daughter, re turned home from Mankato 'Friday evening. Mrs. Wilson Ager, is visiting friends in Rushmore for a few days this week. E. J. Helmiek is putting down & new sidewalk in front of his house this week. A. Burnett,came from Sibley Sat urday for a short visit with relatives and friends.. Mrs. E. R. Humiston, of Minnea polis, arrived Friday for a visit with her. many friends. Ed. Brown, the typo on the Globe lef Saturday for a short visit with friends a Sioux Falls. Russel Moberly, school teacher at Wilmont was in town Saturday visiting his many friends. T. G. Nicholson of St. James, has sold his paper, the Gazette, to a party named Barret. Mrs. Mat Mulroy, of Lismore, passed through town Saturday enroute for Sibley. Henry Gowling of Lorain town ship was in the city Saturday doing business with Shanahan. John Thue harness matter in F. C. Stitsers shop left for his'home Satur day morning on occount of sickness Editor Sawyer, son and daughter of the Lismore Leader was in the city Saturday enroute for a visit in Iowa. Willie Funk, of Mankato, was visiting his grand-parents A. N. Douglass and wife in this city Sat urday. J. H. James and wife, returned home from Adrian Saturday where they visited relatives for a couple of weeks. Christ Peterson, has quit the barber business and gone to work in Wm. A. Bieter's store.—News Heron Lake. Chas Folschow, one of our best known and propserous farmers has bought one of those handsome pianos of T. A. Palmer. S. J. Warner, a former operator at the Omaha depot was in the city Friday enroute to Adrian where he he has a position in the depot at that plaee. R. L. Dunlap, manager of the St. Croix Lumber company will move into the Hastings cottage Saturday recently vacated by I. Rothchilds and family. I. Rothchilds and family expect to leave Saturday for Reading to make their permanent home. Mr. R. is an owner of one of the grain elevators at that place. Mrs. Warren, whose father was at one time in the drug business here and mother of Ed Wan en, former depot agent on the Omaha road was welcomed to the city Fri day morning by her many friends, she is looking as young and hearty as ever. F. C. Booth, the genial and accom modating partner of Geo. Birkebak, returned from Minneapolis Saturday morning. He returned a full fledged optician, having spent several weeks under a celebrated optician at that palce. Mr. Booth is a pleasant gentleman to meet'and we are con fident of his success. Married—On Saturday evening May 2nd at the M. E. parsonage Rev Thos Hambly officiating Geo. W. Eveland, of Round Lake and Miss Lillie Schmall, of Arkansas. The happy couple will make their home in Round Lake. The A vance joins their many friends in wishing them all joy possible. BertSufferan died at the State home for the feeble minded in Fair bault, last Saturday evening. The young man was 26 years of age and had been a member of the home for several years. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas Sufferan, who reside in Clary addition The re mains arrive here on the four o'clock Omaha train Monday and was in terred in the oemetry Tuesday after noon. The funeral took place from the parental^home at •DTiBTOE, MAY I, 1«» Lottte Nelson, left forjher home in Graham Lakes Saturday. M. Hogan, forman of the Omaha yards left Satuday for Sioux City. o'clock Rev. Thos. Hambly officiating. Judge Wilson, left Monday for St. James on legal business. E. L. Schwartz, made a business trip to the twin cities Monday. Loren Clark, left Sunday night for St. Paul on a business trip. Dr. Conway, left Monday morning on a business trip for Sioux Falls. Flax Seed for sale at the Douglass Elevator Company's elevator. 2tf. Frank Saxon and wife spent Sun day with friends in Indian Lake. Ed Bemis, of Kenneth, was in town Monday enroute to Ashton. F. H. McCartney, of Waterloo, Iowa, was the guest of his brother, officer Mcartney, Monday. Rev. J. A. Sunders pastor of the M. E. Church,at Ellsworth was the guest of Rev. Thos Hambly, Monday. Mrs. C. E. Gray, of Eau Clair Wisconsin., arrived Monday for a visit at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Z. M. Smith. Aug Anderson, who has been night clerk at the Western House for along time severed his connec tion with that place, Saturday. Miss Myrtle Jeffers, of Windom, returned home Sunday noon. While in the city she was entertain ed at the home of Miss Neeta Harden. Miss Amy Little, of Windoin,who came,downto witness the ball game, remained over till Sunday noon, the guest of relatives, M. E. Law ton. and family. Rev. Thos Hambly is furnishing the Advancea prelude of his Sunday sermons which contain the current topic of the day and are very interesting. T. W. Eeavey, of this city, bought a six hundred and eighty acre farm four miles out of Winnepeg, of Walter Aagaard, when they were up there last week. J. L. Jones and wife, of Worthing ton, were in the city last night. Mr. Jones is an Omaha railroad con ductor, and they formerly resided in this city.—Pipestone Star. A lady of refined tastes while down town shopping one afternoon dropped in to the City Pharmacy for one of those delicious dishes of Hazelwood ice cream. She was delighted. Officer McCartney appeared on the streets Monday afternoon in a brand new uniform, which gave him a fine appearance. There is one thins: Worthintgon can truthfully boast herself on and that is having a good looking police force. C. H. Alford will sell all of his presonal and real property here and more to Davenport,. Ia. where he will enter the business of his brother who has a store there and coal mines seven miles south. He wants to get away, next month. This is a good opportunity to get a boat cheap. Grain Commission ft Stocks, Guaranty Loan Bide Ground Floor. Minneapolis, Mlnie. MEMBERS M'PiS. CHAMBER COMMERCE PRIVATE WIRES. Skip Sraiii to Us Liberal 2 Baking Powder Most healthful leavener At7-irce ProiIJcturnp. Orders for future ri?'i«"jry frrnin and KUcka execu ted iii all niirlsciui uinied a margins. WRITE FOR FHZC DAilY WARKET LETTER. Reference: CecuriCv Hank of Minncxpolis. in the world. Goes farther. «©*Ai mum Mmon John Mackay Sundayed in Lake field. Jeff Scott, made business trip to Bigelow Monday. James Ramage, left on a business trip to Sheldon, Monday.. co mw vomc. D. B. Kumler, returned from Lakefield Saturday. Ross Meader, of Sibley was the guest of A.E. Hart Sunday. W. H. Hibbard, made a business trip to Adrian Saturday. U. F. Hansberger returned from Blunt S. D., Sunday night Trading stamps with every thing you buy at the City Pharmacy. Boy Coon, of Sioux Falls, was the guest of frfends here Sunday. Geo. Doden, Sr., has been treat ing his house to a coat of paint N. H. Austin, left Tuesday on a busines trip to Grant eounty. C. J. Smallwood, received a' new piano, Monday,'from Minneapolis. Miss Inez Barber, has severed her connection with T. A. Palmer's music store. John Anderson, of Madelia, was visiting his many friends here Sunday. Mrs.H. C. Frank, left Monday for a few weeks visit with friends at Sioux City. Ldwin Fields, spent Sunday in Little Bock visiting with his father £. E. Fields. Ronan Bros, shipped a car of cattle and a car of hoes to Chicago Tuesday. Miss'Nellie Plotts, has accepted a position in Hart's Cut Price Store as cashier. Geo. Birkebak, the Jeweler left Tuesday, on a business trip to Brewster. Will Hand, left for Fairmont Tues day, where he has charge of a large herd of cattle. H- M. Palm, transacted business in Heron Lake Monday and Tues day, of this week. Eli Ogg and family, from near Reading were guests at the home of J. H. James, Sunday. H. D. Pratt, dug a well on his lot on the north side of the lake five feet and found a large flow of water. Chas Pannell began loading his car and marking arrangements to leave for Drinkwarter Canada, in a few days. Sam'l Allen will take car of house hold goods and stock for Frank Hansberger to Drinkwater, Canada next week. H. D. Pratt, fenced in the lots he recently purchased of Shell and Mann, one day last week on the north side of the lake^ R. H. Patterson, is building a large chicken house on his lot in clary addition and intends to go into the chicken business on a large scale. The office of the farmers lOct feed barn received a new coat of paint Monday. This is one of the neatest and most convenient places iu the city. Ira Sharp, purchased a wind mill of John Ramage last Monday and had it put up on his farm and on Tuesday his father came to town and got one of the same kind and will have it put on his place. Sheriff Reiter, received a message Sunday announcing the serious ill ness of his mother at Salem, Wis consin, and to come at once. He and his two little boys left that atfer noon for that place to be present during her last moments. Mrs. Vandemoore, living on a farm three miles east of town died Saturday night of pneumonia. This is a peculiarly sad case as she was a young woman, only 24 years of age and had been married less than a year. The remains were taken to Rock Valley for burial Monday morning on th« 6:50*0maha train. •••/,. ENOUGH on baud to floor the FLOORING earth! Every wrod used is well represented. the purpose Length^, wxltlv and thickness are those most in demand by carpenters and builders. Quoting special prices ou these in lots of thousand feet and more. Because floor n? is specified do not foiget that there is, in our yards a full stock of the other kinds of LUMBER. I fm* John W. Tuthill Ltor. Co. J. K. DARBY, Next regular professional visit I ,H Is once more before the public aar an auctioneer. Will cry all kinds of sales aud guarantee, ^ill have notes cashed as cheap if-not cheaper than anyone else. See him before securing your auctioneer for terms and dates. He Has Cured Thousands Given uptodl*. to WORTHINGTON, Thursday, May 22, Worthington Hotel. Returning every month. Consult hi» while the opportunity is at hand* Dr, Doran lios no superior in diugonisin* and treating diseases uuU deformities. He will give $50 for any ca9e that he cannot tell the disease and where it is located in minutes. All curable meu ~Ui and surgical diseases acute and clironic catarrh, aud special di» eases of the, ear, nose, and throat, lung disease, early consumption,bronchitis, bron chial catarrh, constitutional catarrh, dy« pepsin, sick hcadachc, stomach and bowel troubles, rheomatism, neuralgia, sciatin, Bright's disease, diabetes, kidney, liver* bladder, prostatic and female diseases, di* zincss, nervousness, indigestisn, obesity, in. tcrruptcd nutrition, slow growth in children, and all wasting disease in adults. Maij cases of deafness, ringing in the ears, loss eyesight, cataract, cross eyes, etc., thathare been improperly treated or neglected, can be easily restored. Deformities, club feet, cur vature of the spine, disease of the brain Paralysis, epilepsy, heart disease, dropsy swelling of the limbs, stricture, open sores, pain in the bones, granular enlargements and all long-standing diseases properly treatment. Young, middle-aged and old, single or married men and all who suffer from lost manhood, nervous debility, sper. matorrhoed, seminal losses, sexual decay, failing memory, week eyes, stunted develop ment. lack or enersrv, improvished blood, Slood imples, impediments to marriage also and skin diseases, syphilis, eruption*, hair falling, bone pains, swellings, sore throat, ulcers, effects of mercury, kidney aad bladder troubles, weak back, burning urine, passing urine too often, gonorrhoea, gleet, stricture, freceiving searching treatment* prompt relief and cure for life. Cancers, tumors, goiter, fistula, piles Varicocele and enlarged glands with the subcutanious injection method, absolutely without pain and without thq loss of a drop of blood, is one of his own discoveries, and is the most rcallv scientifiic and certainly sure cure of the nineteenth century. No ln« cttrablc cases takeft. Consultation to those Interested, $1.00. Dr. Rea & Co. 1 Minneapolis, Minn. LouisviMe, Kjffi V.-C-