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"*r If' Stolid IS.-. W" V: "j W» j, £r- •••••••••••ft. S Oldest, Largest and Best 5: ••mimihmcm* TOL. XXXV. RECEPTION Tendered Mrs. Presiding Elder and Cowgill Tuesday Evening. M. E. Church Parlor Thronged With People Who Came to Greet the Distinguished Guests. Rev. and Mrs. G. A. Gaboon on Tuesday evening gave a reception iniionor of Dr. and Mro. Cofrgill and their friend Mrs. King of Red wood Faille. The function was held in the spacious parlors of the M. E. churoh, which had been ap propriately decorated for the oc casion. Prof. Addington's orchestra added to the enjoy met of the occa sion by rendering several •Select ions. Those in the receiving line be aides the guests of honor were Rev. and Mrs. Cahoon, Mr. and Mrs. ILatta, and Mrs. Edwards. After the arrival of the guests a few minutes were spent in social intercourse, after which Rev. •Cahoon called the assemblage to 'otder and: the following toasts were responded to.. Our Guests—Prof. Edwards, The Worthington "People—Mrs. Cowgill and Mrs. King. Lights and Shadows—Will Buchan The Press—Thos. Do very. What to do till the Dootor comes —Dr. Henry Weidow. Rambles—Dr. Cowgill.' Light refreshments were served. High School Athletics. The Board of Control of the South western Minnesoia League of High Schools arranged a schedule of ball games and about half of these games haive now been played. Worthington, Luvere and Jackson have each lost Tut dfcegame. Worthington plays at Jackson, next Saturday and this game is likely to .settle the case with chances of our winning championship, this season. All express the greatest satisfaction with the league and think it one of the best moves made in the schools in this part of the years. The success of the league this year will cause more schools to enter next year and the prospect is good for a successful and harmo tnious year to come. A Field-Meet will be held at Worthington Friday ,afternoon, May 25th. It is expected that about eight schools will, be represented. This is the most de sirable contest which forms a part of school athletics and our people should encourage the boys to make this a success. Worthington ought to give the visitors arousing recep tion note only at the contest in the ^afternoon but in the evening. We ehall have quite a number of young 'people from the neighboring towns .and.we want to send them home with a good impression of our city. Let everyone who is interested in .the school and who takes a just pride in Worthington help to make this _Meet a success. Plant Sale. Don't forget the sale of plants IMay 23d in the vacant building ^next to the store of H. B. Lewis. The collection includes Verbenas, Geranium, Heliotrope, Carnations, iColius, Pansies, Petunia, Migno nette, Marguerite, Canna, and other ibedding plants. .^ IFire'at Western Hotel.'' The fire department was called jiout at noon yesterday on account ilof afire at The Western Hotel, but the blaze was put out just as the liire men arrived. The fire started in the wall from a defective ^chimney flue. It was fortunate -that the fire was put out before it Igained much headway as a high wind prevailed at the time and the ^firemen would have had a'hard time £with it. As it was the hotel had a "marrow escape. •. .. .^t, .. '*.*-•• W'-» iVgn^A SUCKERS SOAKED "'-y'fr v-i 3*'v 'ip' Glib Tongued Peddler Catches Many Victims on Prize Pack-, age of Cloth* The foot that a suoker is born every minute is every day being demonstrated in some part of the country. Many Nobles county formers have furnished evidence of this during the past few weeks. The' Adrian Democrat recently, exposed the operation of a set of swindlers who had been operating in that section. The plan was to go to a form house and expose a lot of piece goods, which were sold ft $65. The foot- that there were some goods in the paokage that the average family could not use up in 50 years did not occur to the former. Neither did he realize that the same goods could have been bought from local dealers as he needed them for less money. A few days after the peddlar got in his graft the capper came along. He pretended to be a tailor and offered to make up the goods at a ridioulous figure. He took the measure -and the goods, and that is the last the farmers saw of their dearly bought goods. That the same fakirs have been operating around Worthington developed last Saturday, when four different young formers called on Wm. Jones, the tailor, to see about making up their goods, and when they found where they were at they admitted they had been beat. Don't'worry boys, the capper will be along in a few days and take the goods off your hands. Yes a sucker is born every minute, and itx seem that most of them are twins. Welcome high state in The Ep worth Leaguers and many friends of Peter G. Johnson are heartily glad to welcome him Some from California, where he had been sojourning for three years past in the hope of benefiting- his health. His splendid Christian influenoe and cheerful disposition has been greatly missed during the. time of his absence. His niany friends hope that his home-coming and seeing the familiar faces will give him new courage and strength to regain his health. The San Dimas, Cal., Eagle had the following to say regarding his recent departure from that place: A large company of friends gathered at the Sante Fe station Saturday evening to bid Peter G. Johnson God speed on his journey to the home of his foster parents in Worthington, Minn. Mr. Johnson has won :for ttr •. ,-,• ^—4 WK, Han to Come to the Chautauqua Assei himself by his beautiful Christian character and manliness a very warm place in the hearts of our people^ ana .it was with regret they learned that his father, Mr, John Hansberger, had come to take him back East in the hope that familiar faces and scenes would encourage him to make renewed efforts to regain his broken health Not a"" few tears were shed and many whispered prayers Went up as the long over land train pulled out into the darkness S&turday evening. Several cards sent by Mr. Johnson enroute say that he was standing the journey very well and some of the distressing symptoms of his disease were greatly relieved. We hope to hear even more favor able news within the next few days. Council Meeting. A regular meeting of the city council was held last Friday eve ning. All members present. Bills aggregating $333,53 were allowed. A resolution was passed authoriz ing the building committee consist ing of Mayor Madison, Aldermen Stewart and Dolan to proceed to build a city hall, cost not to exceed $4000. The building will cqntain accommodations for the city officials and the firemen. I A resolution was passed providing for refunding $13,000 of bonds maturing.this year." w^m .„ a In Grandeur it Will Former Events Kind. &ir if "k''.V'^'. WORTHINGTON, WINN. BIG CELEBRATION Promised the People of Nobles County on Independence Day. Eclipse All of this The oommittee having in oharge the work of raising funds for the celebration on July 4th has met with most gratifying success and the work has progressed so for that it is Safe to predict that about $800 wili be raised. This is a sum sufficient to provide a hummer of a celebration for a town the size of Worthington, and that the money will be well and carefully spent goes without saying. The committees having in charge the different matters pertaining to celebration are working hard to se cure good attractions and sports. The committee on fnusic has en gaged the Cedar Rapids brass band. One or more other bands may be secured. A good ball game between the two best teams available will be one of the best attractions. There will be only one Fourth of July celebration in Nobles county this year worthy the name, and that will be at Worthington. The farmers should plan to come and share in the good time. Bad Man in Trouble. Jas. B. Stearns of Dewald was arrested on- Monday by Sheriff Fauskee on a henious charge. .He is alleged to have maintained illicit relations with his niece. His hear ing has been, set for May 24, Stei reputation. Supt. Randall Coming. Arrangements have been con cluded with- Supt. Randall of the state Reformatory at St. Cloud to deliver bis famous Jecture on criminalogy at the Presbyterian cfiurch in this city on Tuesday June 5th. Mr. Randall is regarded as one of the highest authority in the land! on this subject, and hi* lecture has been Well received and highly commended in the largest cities in the country. The people of Worthington are fortunate in secur ing the lecture, which will be free. Rev. Edwin W. Lanham made the arrangements with Mr. RandMl. Uncle Tom's Cabin. Terry's big tentv exhibition 0 Uncle Tom's Cabin was with us Monday night and drew an im mense crowd. Their ..^parade in the afternoon was spectacular and pleasing and the band concert in the evening?" was very entertaining. Terry oarries a big company, they gave a very creditable performance and the people were'well satisfied with their entertainment. They had a splendid orchestra and^a good band. Each actor played his part well and the usual touching scenes brought tears to many eyee. Uncle Tom's Cabin is similiar to a love story in that it is uold .. $r Rai but ever new" and the play attracts good orowds wherever it goes. A very good concert was given after the regular show and this too was well patronized. The people with^his company are all ladies and gentlemen and Logan would no doubt give them as warm a welcome, should they return again within a year or two.—Logan (Eas. ), Republican. Fine Pasture Near Town. Inwood Stock Farm will take healthy cattle at the rate for calves and yearlings $2.00. Other cattle $2.50 for the season. Cattle will be cared for with the thorough bred herd. Pasture 2# 'miles from town, well shaded and watered by a spring. tf S Geo. O. Moore & Son. WF' 1 ,'V 7% 0 18, 1906. GOAL THIEVES SPOTTED. oad Detective Spends A Few |)ays Here and Discovers Systematic Kad on the Coal Sheds. W, P. Leonard, of the claim agents department of the Omaha road, a number of days here last and discovered the cause of the^ shrinkage in the coal at the company's sheds. He says that twenty five to thirty fomiliea have bee§ gettipg their ooal the past winter from the company's sheds. Some have been so bold as to haul it away by the wagon load, and have hel^ selling to their neighbors. Th^worst violators will be proeecut edv fend a watchman will be station ed at the shed to see that the prac tice is stopped. Hereafter anyone oaujght helping themselves to coal will be arrested. Memorial Service. Rev. G. A. Cahoon will preach the Memorial Sermon on Sunday May 87, at the M. E. churoh and I wish to state to comrades and ladies of Relief Corps, and oitizens as well, that Rev. R..C. Mitchel of Litchfield, Meeker county, Minn., has been secured to deliver the address on Decoration Day, May 3uth. A pro gram of the day will appear next week. John H. Scott Commander of Stoddard Post No. 34, G. A. R. M. W. A. Picnic. The annual picnic of the Modern Woodmen of America for the north distriot of Iowa will be held Iowa, Wednesday, June The citizens of Sibley are sparing no pains or expense in preparing to show visitors a royal time. There will be attractions innumerable and Varied to make the, holiday pleasant one, Reduced fares and special trains on the railroads. Come, and bring your family and your friends. J. Fred Mattert, President District Picnic Association. In Memoriam. Lines written in memory of Mrs. J. J. Kendlen who died April 24, age 54. I have met those dear ones Whom on earth I loved so well. I am happy beyond the portal Where I ever more shall dwell While you were left to mourn O'er my body 6f cold clay. Bright angels bore my weary, spirit To a,.clime so far away. I am happy in my new home Far above the skies And God has wiped away All tears from my eyes. Could you the curtain draw aside And see me in this bright, bright land And see my crown of diamonds And the harp I carry in my hand I think you'd 1 want to be among tha white robed You'd want to be among the blest Where the wicked cease from troubling And the weary are*t rest. My loved ones met me at the gate With angels bright and.fair, *-A orown was placed upon my a The victor's palm I bear I see my Savior face to face, I Aear the, angels sing All glory to the Bleeding Lamb, AlLglory to the King. Farewell a little while, no not, farewell, Where I have gone you too can dwell A little while, a few short years of pain, And one by one you'll come to me again. God grant that I may lend you v. aid ?K ly at Worthiri gtonAugus16 to%4^JM|S vi To bear each btfrden sore, Until 1 clasp your hand in love Upon the other shore. And there together we shall live A life that never dies, And God shall wipe'away All tears from your eyes. Mrs.Maggie Thurston. Lismora. (From the Leader.) A son of Chris Haibak, while driving home, noticed that one of the tugs had become unhitched and stopping the team he proceeded to hook up the tug, while he was fastening it one of the horses kicked at him hitting him abeve the right eye, leaving him senseless for some time. Mr. Ramage and help of Worth ington, arrived here Monday after noon and immediately left for the former's farm, northwest of town, where they will move a fenoe that is in the way of the breaking gang. It is with pleasure that we note the interest the formers of this vicinity, and the residents of this village, take in tree culture. Since our- arrival here there has hardly a day passed by that we have not seen some trees being taken from the depot or from delivery wagons of nearby ouraeries. A few more trees and a little more time put in in making a lawn and in beautify ing those already started, will im prove the appearance of this town a great deal. Do not wait until your neighbor begins on his, bat begin on yours immediately. Now is the time. Bre water. (From the Tribune) On Friday evening of next week the closing exercises of the Brewster Graded School will be held at the pupils will' graduate from the eighth grade this year, and the exercises will, in a great measure, be devoted to then?, E. H. 6chraah^i8 cirmiatuing a petition asking the village council to call a special ellection for the purpose of voting bonds to defray the expenses of a water-works and drainage aystoA. It is proposed to issue bonds in the sum of $9,000, of which two-thirds is to be spent for water-works and the remainder for drainage. Yesterday afternoon at six o'clock at the Geyerman home in this village occurred the marriage of Ed ward A. second son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Geyerman, to Agnes Ludtke, daughter of Mr. apd Mrs. Herman Ludtke of Ewington township, the ceremony being performd by Rev. H. J. Muller of the German Luther an church. Dr. P. T. Geyrman came up Fri day'to assist the Brewster Orchestra at the piano recital, and the fol owing morning took the train for Windom to assist Dr. DeCoster of that place in a surgical operation. The first ball game of the Brew ster grounds was played last Sat urday between a nine of youngsters from Heron Lake and a team of Brewster boys. The teams were very evenly matched and played a hot game from start to finish, the result being a score of 3 to 2 in fovor of Brewster. Lake Okabena is one.of the most beautiful of Minnesota's numerous lakes. It offers unexcelled oppor tunities for boating, bathing, fish ing and oamping. Come to- Worth ington for your summer vacation and enjoy in addition to these natural advantages the Chautauqua Assembly to be held here Aug. 6th to 14th. Every farmer in Nobles and ad joining counties should plan to come to the Worthington Chautau qua Assembly to be held Aug. 6th to 14th. In addition to being entertained by a grand program they will have an opportunity for rest and recreation at one of the choicest beauty spots of nature. Flan to come. TJ ..:.^^' '-^"E*1&• I S O I Chas. C. Erwin has been appointed carrier on route No. 1., in place of Mr. Leonard, who' resigned on ac count of ill health. WK' iftQiyV Subscription $1.50 Per Year 1 NO. 31 LOCAL NEWS. The Hub Mercantile Co., has pat on a handsome new delivery wagon bought of the Smith Imp. Co. Frank Durfee, and D. H. Sisson of Summit Lake township, were in the city last Saturday transacting busi ness. Did you get last Sunday's Min neapolis Tribune 1 If not leave your order with Stanley Moore and get the first of the Gibson picture sup plement. Banker C. T. Tapper went to Winnebago on Tuesday evening to attend a meeting of the 2nd district group of the Minnesota Bankers Association. At a meeting of the Board of Education held Monday evening, Gus Swan berg was elected to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of I. T. Branigan. Frank Glasgo had his residence raised and added several courses of concrete blocks to the foundation. The improvement greatly enhances the appearance of the property. A contract has been let for the construction of~ anew cement side walk around the Presbyterian church. Cement walks will also be put .in to the side entrances and cement steps to the front entrance will be constructed. WdintedGentleman or lady with good reference, to travel by rail or with rig, for a firm of $250,000.00 capital. Salary $1,072.00 per year and expenses salary paid" weekly and expenses advanoed. Address, withstamp, Jos-, A.. 'Alexander,, LSD* Next Sunday Rev. Lanham will preach on the "Boy Problem", at the morning service at the Presby teiian church. This sermon will be of particular interest tcTall parents, and all who possibly can should avail themselves Of the opportunity to hear it. Corn planting has been progress ing at a lively rate the past two weeks under very favorable circumstances, and the acreage promises to be. unusally large. If the weather continues as favor able as at present the yield will be unusally large. This will bring back the prosperous times of former years. BAKING POWDER AGAIN. Alum Goods That Masquerade as "High-Class" Powders. In previous analyses we have shown thatjthe 25 cent alum baking powders are an imposition, both on the consumer and the retailer, as the difference in cost of manufoc ture of a 10 cent alum bakings powder and a 25 cent one is no more thau one cent a pound. There is the Columit baking powder, an alum powder with about one cent's worth of phosphate added to it, and which retails for 25 cents. It is not worth more than 10 or 11 cents, whioh we showed by analysis. In order to sell this powder at all, they are now prepar ing a premium scheme and are go ing 4o give away hairpins and other cheap trash that may be "attractive to the eye and cover up their-trans actions. They can well afford to give 15 cents' worth of goods with every pound of baking powder they sell. If alum baking power is used at all, 10 cents is a reasonable price, as alum costs only two cents a pound, whioh leaves the manufacturer a fair'profit. While we know that cream of tartar baking powders, are sold at higher prices than others, we also know that ohemically pure oream of tartar used in the highest grade powder costs at least twelve' I times more than alum. 13 iff* gsiA'kJi mm 4 Jrvj- •k, $ st & X. 4 IrM $ 4 u: A