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n., &./^f i'i- L'.- •m 'I-® Best VOtrXXXV. §. ?^«ssi:flci$H •-ifcH«1 ass nifa H'jq iVS6i%ooO j- ite W»U M'lJil W.'» n«i." 11 Wf&- -,V '••"-cissi' .'Tfil/. V^ebr- oy aoaaa me ~-.fiMMtfwafr .Syr/** -r 'Men rway.bef und *Mw* to^-we ^s8Ps#iJ?00 to Mfc \^:1nB»w» {0°. tog each day. Mrs. Will Humis ttleiifberii Monday a$&ll3ft)ry noon KWi^.vhAt iBtoh^nrcartiwl^ HSfeUffF night. cord* on Monday. Stock Bxhir reek. on Sales of Fuze Bred FA^E RAILROXDRATES N' COS$RO VB,. Prertdent. B. W. RANDALL, *rr & $ Flr«t ClaMlurnoot8.Bu8 --•"the .City a Phone 316 Ave, xt to Welters mmm 5VI0Ti -ti t» us Day. iilfi'" $0,000 Padaff Race on •Sf j|J BxclfiiiglXames Relay Ridln aifri—Evety afternooaoffalr we^li, HiKb dMf vBpedaIti^ae^,alt«rnppaw(i^ ^fuSnHttttloni of all kinds o^SParm, and fiblry Machln«ry«T-Dally. Hv' jPremtunii and Pursea f®a,644.S0. WESTERN jff *,A'' Feed ^CWRipfirSON 1 iVtt L^t U^fi^y^ on four(^lextiiarobcr lUII oilk.saeT 9i«?. m-•a.t^arT,• ,«hi bcryc-t V:' .n.&fimsx&mfr 1 00-Sc#' Pt?!ij mO alf Parts Trains' ive mixTfriirapr tSMBER GO. I fj. a? a^i ,rro?ltf4yD fiaHl) TxvajH" Q:as on 03 s'-s?. 10 ««.5RU- RI!W: en-v:-j ai 'v1 v: 1 1 ii el uSyijrL. £H of* dtsffigf: 00. 'oaQ ,6 «c»f i- c.f-. r.8,^- C-.6«t»I3T: JO V^mFOfTf? v^xihffh htrr is^-srjaCT .srajat 'iu^q represe^e4 Wvthetiilpye cut.., .Tiis .Net is ,pilb, of, .^he strongest Tejra |Nets made. Will give as gooa service as some^f ibe very best of leatnej' ,eam nets. We Wokr ,Mus^Hp ^yrT|ewrs. of trial. Made in 5 bars bolh eather and cord OTr^ hfeaW '&rdf smngiaF body and hrea^t, •Jf^JM«:pi^aozen Size 66, $f eacii $23"p«r dozen S^j^,'$2^3'p®ofi} $24 pw doHn AWdXTf, otffSWltlSON Agent ?!nl- .'sfwhsrartai**? -JVi'A*!' ,-T. iHntaa ^oaluotj ^Wi|T %mMB h'rt$WT '#05 I' *&**! s&r aaai Ya«3mifi|''I.ix6 U: &$s ^ntaitVi^ ^T J^ f*iM?.j,tt:VbT"-^fjE?^f!^:5v»:s(d^'iiE^%«*«» £lhMfc -ryrr l^f 'I atofoit I V" ,qhJ .. '*:•.. ^7^. •ft •*d A in -v«t~ -.,- oiwv:I n,-. ,• „1,'V r'V'riiiin'-" I ,.t-L..i* •.l,:,io ,JR ^i.:i"':.'4:r,:B'',.. hautauqua •l!,i:'r^:^ .Si emLORENSrOAY T« S' vu.n oi ii^yHdee/^The I^hwpP' lc •ffihti&o*? .'\C'^ •1 m^rA-JF,jLv::^ ^.•r-i.1• ^rA'^asiauM^ WiwtieldrtthisBaptlst ChU!th last Sunday qywiin^-rPr^* *rc.°. gram fol,iPresbyi«rian ^CS M" -OTHiOrTjT v-T Ctb O? LasfcSunday evening the eve hour 1 r«t the/Baptist obo^h d&Voted jtoGbildrensrDay. by fiaembenof rtha Sabbatlr -. rireranwaB very lirge~atte4* Alice «iid^llwere. wellpleaaed tti^pYOgMmpralentediWhjoir sietod" o^ musicf speaking and'« Ifteeentattoa pf -tbe Gospdl Shlj^. u/iAfr the oloee df ithe1 eohool: gtam -Bevw Daraeii: /.made. a^.lB! addfes» jftiong the line, ioggested th6 illayvi^i^- i'^hch isam ¥he th& "PireebytelcJao BtiiJda/a 'fl(btobl #111, hold"-th^lr 6hit3resvs Diy exetoises next 8a% dajr-evening kt-th^ ve^uliur UoaV £& -fbiloWing is the pwi- gn^tbb^preeented.' Song by thelnhbol. i: 15' Seriptiire Reading. jnb^lttUlV^ ^^r'- 5 Prayer. Song by the ^echo^L /•••''-••'j NeM' Sf *•:fteeitiitton.^ The Farmer.*• Finger ^Pliy^by Priihary 01Mi $, B^tttibn By Five Prittiiftry CHrli Bbtg^y ther School .. Hesitation, -Children^ Dky1. Recitation, L98sons from am.- *c ••••i ^s ^Sbiitg- Will The Arigela'Ii#t Me :Pl»y!'t" :,""i r'Re&tatiext,' wjJI Pedple Will Tali^"' Reditatiohi Stray Muofb,t|^^ Recitation In-ffi# land df Prett|y Soon.: .'ts '^&&&$- '^boi)isvlH Birthday Party* doned from the fact that the rail rSiii^ com^ttny ideibianded a guar antee of $100 before they would fiiMikh the spebllal train. There seemed, to be a lack of interest in ^hdh ^Iffcatf fher5 part of the teachers and no one cared to assume th^ te¥poiSBibility^Of the guarantee. lAtteiiipited Burglary. (JNf! ^f.' Evfrns were aroused' .fWrf^T^^-vfsS .v. ."- ••-£"fey i''^arawJoGpg^tor bqv& The meftbbre ot the Birthday Club met with MrBi J-. 24. Adding ton Tuesday afteiUoon aml assisted that lady in apph4ri$tely' *belebrat-. ing her —th birthday ahniversary. (Sanies, naiwio and ia generally pleaisaht social visit ^enlivened the pasaii^g. hours, ^, Refresh men ts were serVedf^fcep iWhioh^the guests de-^iieaoe andoommanda the respect parted leavinglatestimonial of theirj -of a^ who enjoy his acquaintance regard for the/hostess in the shap^ I of an elegant eeleoteio- stand lamp, [it WM A most enjoyable nfBair^ ''jrii'i* iT WoodiDen^Picnics. The Miiih^flli Picnfd As^lati^dta '6f Modern Wood-? men of^A^^^^ifi'^'hbid annualpibnlp^, |tfi^lblin 0xtv. day, June program el! spra^s aiid entertaiiim^n ts has been £& en of Northwestern bill: ^fcefr:f 'Ahnbal picn'io at Sibleyi oil' Jun^ 3^th^and that city israrrangiug tp fnte^tein a large crowd. y\.w- ,c Excursion .-.Abandoned. The^exdui^h wfafch was to have beeni'glvie'u by the teSchers and Co. F.^at ^Jkoboji thiS" ••O noi^ at, one of the windows on pniriveatigatibn !. ihisin Was .etf^jtx an entrance ,lbe tlmib ,ifr. Evans^ Was' hiui! an 'he mlide J^^^pa^f^^e poiVce^ vehb I] naa iieen summoned by telephohe laSKtt.lWt"1--rv ,s" aT aji-rf Sitiiro.t! .a 0^? ^^fe^^^j^..»^nuiae'at the hope pi .Wi jLpWles^^but this proved tpA fee flT&lse alarm!, One of their waa p^ymg a prank oxx hii brother whichUm to the alann.^ aa^''}^l|S^^*yp3t.| $^arii-Srus )«rcig 'bJaasB, ^rtu WORTtflNOTON, MIRK., FRIDAY, JlINfi l5, I9Q6. Hit's •qiiagrfate'x.aoig ^c^iv'vl? --fl5g.fc-". .£::• .SM »*4 fc'K"'* ,iC!f»n SOt StfiiMtffc ^Atra'sXB. THE STATE GGKIVINTIOI^ x'••' r.:/^i ::i£V |V-: J- ~-iC HarmQny^ Preyails Strong Ticket is Nominated '*:wr- f- ••:•.' .-••££'.* ar-rr" Goveinbir 'i A.-L.cGole,' •'•f m, ^^i-^-Walketi-. I A.^%. ^berhart,, XX Matikalib :iO-.U!p" State^Treasurer i. Pinefaart,: •.-^ Slayton Attorney general «. ?!'RS'T.:^UWt,:•" •,.s.-i i^Appletbn Secretary Of State -i: .: Julius, fi. Schmall,,,., t: Red wood Falls State Auditor *4"1, 8. lveteon.: v. :,,T.. .'rr.RU8hfOrd.^: Clerk Supreme tiourt 0.,- C. A. Pldgeon, 5 ifL fir ^'^tl^alb.1''i Railroad Comtniasiotter r- V* F. Stapleai: :r. .: vl -i.ui.v- •. xWest :fx mention were in thei interests of the party as well as thoee of the people. The ewiy: reports indicating the long lead of Mr. Jaoobson for governor .indicated that he would be the ncmiinee, but.! a majority of the delegations willed it otherwise ttod selected 1 oer. j" :was aban A.:L Cole^ of Walker, «s the party standard: bearer, fie i»^ man of much legislative ex- andR stands for the beet interests the peopl^ o( the Btftte* -JMr lie'S ttdmlnitiiij^ Wafl toade on the, thied ballot. ^^e only bther oflabes for which ^er^ i&tas "ia^lpirited' contest were Siiditof fbt Which ^Ivettibn^^iis itonomi^ ^ated arid^fetreasurer f^ii to1 ^ir^eiglxtior C. E. 1)1nefiart hi^^hibud ahd the beet of -'1*^ tmoUgbPUt the' 'sessions df tbe'66nteil'iion: The 6atidid^tes made hPBibVAfiief contests and there are tio "soire''" spots to'disrupt the Jpkrty diiifitn^Wcariapittign. "rJOiir Votihg Contest., .1." The voting contest to decide who is the most1 pbptilar teacher in Nobles county will close July 4th lit 6 jj. m. Jburixi^ the last three gtetti interest has bebn ifind'tfieiiviites are coniing lk'nd: T. day ev^iug the fan^y iiii big blocteB shotild' ^et th'iiir IriendcTSft' w'&k'fct thbzd during the ^iiekt "l^o1 w^&kS, a^^the vbte cast iikne WiU be lar^r, and bne'shoui^ trjp to ge*thfer lihblre: The is comparatively yetri i?o as the volume pj[ ^pt& i^bonceirfied1 and one feabfaer '^t^Eatfds ad1 good 'show of winning as another. The oiie thrit works hard est and gets her,fr^4^ 4° wor^ 'or her will'win out'. With^ our splendid firray bf Jii^bairibis ifr~will' be easy ^liw'Bubsbribers, br'ii^t&e tiio^e' dii i&e llbt to pay a^yeiar in The prifees are well Worth ttyiiag tor. ti--. lit-,. :-.i- ..•Jv.i', -^.••- Mr. Casheit 'went to 'Heraaann on budness Thursday. 1 7 33MVQA somm vo *ar6Jf»q£'Of'/ The Work^df thfe ConyeMi^ Warmly Gomriiended by. all Factrdris. u* S i-i The Nominees' :S. Smith St. Paul^_ iV^SVl* Wi& :%?v •'. The republican state convention which oonvened at Dulath Wednes day did its work quickly and well. The rocks upon which the party has split in the past have been avoided, the nominees have been judiciously placed as regards location in the several portions- of the stat^,- and: the personnel of the ticketis such that ii will command the respect of every citizen and the unanimous support bf .every member of the regard Uhb oft^the.- past differ- v1fOT0tfHTBQWT","f •.iklJm 'Atf^ m, -K «M sdi sark-^is I,„-^^ ^asta*..- agrra .M 'cerst* ''b&rimn! ! p.I*',I-,V pjspmo^ For the AnWai b« Held at lake City. The member* ofpo* F.,., are pre paring themsj^l yes .for. annual enoa^pment pje j^e Third i^qient' which is to 'M^held on the stjrte grounds at Lake City te$ningJ"''"w 2$r'd.. A new and, t'xioTb pleasant.' future hasbeeh' adopted this year, which requires the variouk coppanies to assemble ^VSt Paul and, iniaroh to L«ke (Kty. It wlli give !/jtj6o^.JMW^b«ni* the gq^. a.taiite of tte"i ,tr^'^thiM'' in'a 'soidie^liter 'Monday Lieut. SivS."Smith Cor porals Dodge and Oberman afrd Private Lawton made atrip to Rush moM whei»" the^ t^ in range shooting With' mehibers of the ^U^hmore squad. Saturday several ibenibew of the Gtitajj&tij Were at the Wbrthix^tmi rangier foilr rilie pjnibtice:: The following'1 aiie some of the scoreit fifty being ihe highest posiubie score: 206 yde. 800 yds Dbdge gjr 84 R. Smith 35 Peterson 'Z2:: 81 •=(«pT:rj ft iiawtoh Gov^. Johnson ,will be present and 1300 in purses for races, prize Forester's. DrUl. |$0 prize Royal Neighbor Prill. Base Ball Game, purse $50. Free.Street At tractions. Wire Rope Performers. Minstrels, Tent Show. Mudic by io Bands. ,Two floors for dancing. Seoure tickets early that aocom modation m»y ^proyid^» ., v'^-: fi. ^Pftifdee,.^ P., A./ iuu •:U yin.ii^ •ft s-i (t Adjudg«|Jimne.s,, lp9isott''h1m/'!r'': S! A.clean ticket of popular men dum&ii&rized the ticket, find it 'will bl trihmphan'tly~electbd in Nbvem ^'l^k' toftt K,: aiti"»-T ••I'---" :--a:! ^r,t-» All members pf Stoddard Post, No. 34, recmested tq jie present at rthe .jQ^xt meeting June J&*. Remember the^ .Dafteict., En campment is to .he h^d A Luyerne June l9 to 21T and a full .attendance i^desired^^ vf»-r rfriw Jpbft fl. Scqtt, !K' •-,v- L^ostfQpiwnandtT. V'?rivn r-iiii.3 -»:-v i~i*- F:r tiy."- ^fti:TheCircuss .-,s- ^C^a&plfelY' ^BJbls.' rTh0 !cfrcti^ JMi .&00V*' 88 7 OlsOn r*:'il WOODMEN PICNIC Madelfa June 21. x^ursion of S5c for Round Trip. The dmkha %ill run ai special Madelia on the. Above date leaving Worthington at (7:45 a. m. Retbnudg lea^t^ j$fTac^fc at: 9:30 p. m. Tickets wiir be good only cjn he a a in 0 ~Proti»oted meetingal t, Andrew Erickson, a farm labor«r of ljittle Rock townshlp was takeb in, bui8toay laist Week by flhdriff FaUskee" Oli Coitnplaint- alleging in sanity:^ Oh ^Satiirday he w'a6 ¥ttiinedbefote:iJudge" of" PrbbateC. adjudged inaatfe. fie Wascommitt^tothfeasyluiilat MrP^t^ fiie haluitfiiatibn',tf9eibed tb be th4t#ym6 onfc-wfcfr tryiflg to Vfsite^d Worthifi^tbn la^t Saturday and gavp tWo vei^y cr^it^ble ^rformances. The 'oircus ts ndtf bne of the largest biit they carr^ ei large company of high cl&sS petfoita^ attd ft 'fairly ^bod 'menagteriei The 'attendance! WasHght at bbth perfPrniaiices1/ Ti'sV ,A tr-Vi .r" Public' Saffe bf Thoroughbred» SKpr thprn j£att|€ A.,= I l..W[ill.iSeU. at-public, auction Ford's Feed Bapo,, Slayton, Minn. beginning at 1 o'clock p. m?.,^aturj day une 53rclt $8 head of registered Shorthorns JL^i -yo^ng cows eaplr with calf at foot., Pon't mm0thi,tfprwrk!iii the city sale, which wiljl. be. held regardl^s of weather. s»^ rro^.ji^ David Hammond,.Strviblet!Ia^ H..JBrowny Adrian, ^uotr.ft A big iine of men's batliihg suitB, jn wool and cotton,' at Sterling Biros. & ,#i. .11 JC: S,i' *Z^±£. I"-': IHOWWW tSi-—,-V^:--,J ^-iT ••..•/• .,'VkV. rVi ..H:.-'.!"' lifwi EPwpifflilXeDE" :i. •.CiSt?*': Relation of the Social Departmen Personal' Christian-Work". The delegates from the 1 are as follows. Rev. 6. A l&foriiable commencing on night the 15th of June, and' con tinuing on Saturday and Sunday,^ 10:30 a., m. 2:30 .and. 8« pAj^. On v| Sunday the ladies oif the church will serve free:, dinner- to- visitors. Preachers from abroad are coming* Ev.5 MiWon ^veMan^of ^idaiwloa, .JjiQrmaa ^aatort4 tb# 8^ church,' miuhi Cth^s.., (A 1 f-| II -". .-.?»«» .'••-Iftfftl IM# R-Ml tv-'- -«.-.- «U« sWiCl •ity: .fir- yrts fwf. A rtjnwfr* •. fii&Jwrh is# .rr.ffrt. «r«' -V-rtoft-„ ?7M .svc frocTt BRh Awuial Cohv«!fitr6n arS|«^r ,f-7?.ten Ntxl Week. •, i-1 £i» r.. '. -f-." i: ft The ftftn imkual.oonvention of tb» Marshall IhMriot Epworth LeagoaP1 wHlVdonyene at Slayton on IWdajr' afternoon Of next Week and con^ tinue in session during Saturday & andSuaday.. A very interesting .program has' been prepand for the cbnsideratien ^, ofL^theL—oonyentiop Mise Ednal4: ifackey of this city will speak of Mrs. F. Dean, Arth berger. -Daisy—Vail,- offieexs^ Misses Mable NicholftSy Mjrrtl^ Turner, Edna Afockey,, Rena Bab «ock, and(lSelle ^DoV dnd ifrf Lloyd "J, Helmick. •$" The delegation will leave on Fri-' day afternoon of next week and re-s turn Monday afternoon. Wtdding ft Aifitoun&dl A wed#ng that was. celebrated at, Toledo, Rev. W. A. Briggs, pastor the Congregational church, d^'JIfay 12, was just made public todk^to friendain, the pity^ Miss Mfl§iif$tairson, of Pearaon Iain and avenua,:ir^s the -bridr .^ras gi?en in'l§ marriage t^j|r..ll|i. L. fiolbrpok. Mr. fiolbrook iB ti" pltunbbr, an# until recently was-in the emplojr^ fieoker & Cid|rinB. Mr. and Mra-^| Holbrook left this morning for' Worthington, Minn., where they will reside.—-Marshaltown, Iowiai Republican. '.-."Cii Protracted Mi Obidia^^ita|fcionis here-1 by extehd^i to alllhp SpiuiainayiaA people to oome out: to these .meet-* ingi:"Mi '^nibnB 'wilf be in-^?| S is ThfPKfceiApgus Di?persipn5jl«. One of the ^greatest dispersion, sales in An^U# histo§y ^tbok place at -fj Creston, XllinoiSj on Tuesday, of tWs week and was attended by uotidfl -1* breeders and agncul^upil college profSssor^^bnPliir^iohE&kthe U. 8. Th^^^^nwetyts^x cattie brought |27,5i6 br about a $2^0 average. !Geb. O. Moore and rtto purchaBed cow and bull at the sale the -'6bir£_| being ofiebf th^ befefput upland the btill being an excellent SindiVidtial 'iQSd the son of Prince~Itor the $9100 champion. This bull will be used as aB8istant-i(? 4iJeir grea^ herd ^u|l and his ^purol^^e with the besfc breeders. Minnesota Agriculture ^jl^ge.also. ,go^ three good ones.' .^1 n ,111.1 'i!.1. '.• V2- •jf j.. Js?t- -(A Evangelist Sunday's Wbrli. 3 lilh'ffie fii^torygf Freepp^r yeftpr day, June 3rd, will stand out pre eiAfy§abo|reiti{ll otlii is biit one Bay in the annals dt /iliy *hnt may hw namo/i in fhp the ^e^ifQryday' state" and' nation the 27th* bf A ugustj 8S^,' tlie ^ay^df the gre^t %f)¥#S#ide^|e\/hin€ OT the first ,nAgaitldeiSbfitJ Sunday, June 8, 1906, is a veritable efuti lWh^bffdl^ence Will brightSn the pager v^ith inoreasing lustre ha t|ie Jn& PZ'i &JMIPks have peaeed ej ifa at "ttie ph^omex^l va| ance at the tabernacle They are so aocustomed to seer the large orowds there that they mreet. several, seem disappointed^—! ftpwr^