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I '-1-' Page Phone 3o5 Trial Botflas, 15c 8 os. Bottle*. SOc 20 ox. Bottles, $1.00 Alao aoM in Half-Gallon and Gallon Cans for Vatarinary UM. Deere Disc Harrow Ossilatlng Scrapers One of the excellent features of the Model "H" Harrow is the new Oscillati Flexible Steel Scrapers. Each gang has a foot lever which is within easy reach of the operator's foot. The compieesion spring holds the scrapers uri'l lever at the position shown by the solid lines. By pres.nug on tbe lever with the foot the scrapers sweep across the faces of the diecs frciu center to circumference, removing anything ad hering to the sur'uce of the discs. Each individual scraper is inde pendently adjus abV and can be set in proper relation to its disc with out distorting the other scnpors iu tbe gang, hence the pressure on all the discs is the fame, and 'hey are all kept free from accumulations of dirt. The scraper blades »re made of spring steel and are very flexible. In addition, tbe Fcraper bars ,r3 fitttd with coil springe which hold the gangs to their work. The augl between the scrapers and disc is large, providing great clearance, which enables you to use a Deere Disc in nearly all conditions of soil, successfully. Western Implement Company A. M. RB1VNER, Manager I Every family has RoomiComfort. member of die family comfort and conven modera bad) room provides. plumbing fixtures make yoflv badi room nioqenv comfortable and Worthington Plumbing Co. a. .uix pK°JE^'S 3 \JS cactus" oil that equals in penetrating and healing powers the old reliable KING CACTUS OIL. Since 1888 it has sold on its merits until it is now used from the Atlantic to the Pacific. KING CACTUS OIL is thoroughly antiseptic and heals a wound from the bottom, thus preventing blood-poisoning and healing without leaving a scar. It speedily heals CUTS, SPRAINS, BRUISES, OLD SORES, SWELL INGS, CHAPPED HANDS AND ALL EXTERNAL HURTS. As a rubbing liniment, for the treatment of RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, and kindred ail ments, its wonderful penetrating qualities make its action prompt and the pain quickly subsides. For Veterinary use KING CACTUS OIL stands supreme. It is invaluable for BARBED WIRE CUTS, HARNESS AND SADDLE GALLS, COLLAR SORES, SCRATCHES, GREASE HEEL, MANGE, ITCH, and All External Diseases. If your druggist docs not sell King Cactus Oil take nothing •he, nut remit to us and we will sand it prapaid. 0LNEY & McOAID, Sola manufacturers, 113-117 Fifth Avenue, CUHTON, IOWA. 0. & H. HIVE SYRUP. HONEY AND TOLU CURES CROUP AND WHOOPING COUGH. 25c BOTTLE Dew's Sweat Ointment Cures Spavin, Ringbone and Curb. At Druggists, 50c perbottle. rrvrt No. 275 Guaranteed under the Food and Drug* Act, June 30. 1906.. Olnoy ft McDaid, Clinton, Iowa. frequent use for a good liniment and none can be found WATT J. JOHNSON'S |M»if fliiffMA Rheumatism,Catarrh,Backache, Kid Vflllvlfi ney Trouble, or THOUSANDS BEEN wonderful remedy. 1 Lanham on License. The Windom Reporter gives the Rev. Dr. Lanham the following no tice on his temperance sermon de. livered there a couple of week's ago: "The opera house was filled Sunday night to hear the Rev. Dr. Lanham'H address on that all im portant subject, temperance. There was never a better nor stronger talk given in Windom on tnat sub ject it wajs meat from beginning to end. He commenced by saying that all license men agreed that there was no moral question about it that question had been settled long, ago the saloon has no moral right whatever, and with that he dropped that phase of the subject and took up the economic and ethical side of the question. He pointed to the faqt that no town in advertising its attractions and advantages ever advertised its saloons and he gave a few statistics that were based on facts, scientific facts that could not be denied nor disputed. His appeal to American patriotism was insur mountable. Certainly no true American wants to see "Old Glory" desecrated and disgrace by being used to decorate saloons. His prophesy that unless the liquor traffic was curtailed this nation would fall, as did Egypt, was appal ihg. No nation he said could exist half drunk and half sober. Thro' out, the address was intensely in teresting and the speeker was fre quently interrupted by applause. A few lectures like it scattered through the year would be of great assistance in taking care of the blind pigs. The meeting closed with the singing of "My Country T'is of Thee." Library books of New fifpiA bold, let us and our fint dan work assure yon satisfaction and future saving. Our service is prompt our prices reasonable. Notes. fiction recently added. Glasgow—The Voice of the pie. McGrath—The Puppet Crown. Hope—Rupert of Hentzau. Flower—The Spoilsmen. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with local applications, as they cannot reach tbe seat of disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and aots directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physcians in this country for years and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect com bination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful re sults in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. Cheney and Co. Props,. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, price 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. any other TO RSFUNSS Y&UR HAVB inCn My absolute guarantee Ja evidence of my faith H. 5. flYERS, Druggist •pi m. Biood trouble not entirely natilsfird after tskinc: half of the first botfcie. YCU ARH TiiE UOQB. if you are talis ail tiie risk. itfrilSr ifri Peo- Wilkins—The Heart's Highway. Thurston —The Circle. Ryan—That Girl Montana. Morris—A Pasteboard Crown. Lewis—The Boss. Greene—Cape Cod Folks. Castle—The Light of Scarthey. Blossom—Checkers. Ade—Doc Home. Norris—A Deal in Wheat. Stockton—Adventures of Capt. Horn. Bell—Love Affairs of an Old Maid. Stevenson—St. Ives. Wright—That Printer of Udell's. Mathews—My Lady Peggy Goes to Town. Unquestionably, the most potent single factor in the present day movement for civic improvement is the influence of women. They are natural domestic housekeepers, and what more proper than that they should become civic housekeepers? They abate nuisance in the hold why not in the city? They make the home a place of beauty, a joy to the eye why not the city Wherever women are gathered to gether to discuss the question, what can we do to make our city more beautiful and attractive, the first questionis is that of cleanliness. The first element of "beauty is cleanliness, and it naturally fol lows that anything which is spot lessly clean is more to be admired than that which is only clean enough to be tolerated. The appearance of cleanliness is not enough. First, how can we get our streets cleaned? Second, ELciw How clean the back yards and alleys? By removing all rubbish, and have the weeds cut, and all manure piles removed, instead of leaving it to pile up for two years or more, without respect to either the health of the city or of those on the premsies. The vacant lot is generall an eye sore why not make arrangements to have these vacant lots cultivated Have the consent of the owner of a piece of vacant property, and the families near by, be accommodated with a space for cultivation. These neg lected spots may provide a garden spaoe for those who care for it. In almost every case the returns from the garden would more than pay for the outlay involved. A small yard need not have its surface graded with cinders, topped off with tin cans and rubbish. The ground may be carpeted with flowers, and the fence and wall be covered with vineB. As one man put it, flowers are more healthy than filth. It is one of the paradoxes of re form that no absolute social salva tion can be brought about unless children can be reached, while the only possible way to reach the chil dren is through grown people. There seems at first to be but lit tle connection between paving stones and prayer book, but it is plain when we come to think about it, that conditions of the street af fects the character of ohildren who play in it, and the men and women who live in the houses that front upon it. Dirt, disorder, touch first the body and the soul of man. Give the boys something to do, some real work let them have a direct share in doing such things as boys can do. They can help prevent the streets from becoming dirty, they can help by reporting dead animals on the street, they can help in the cru sade against tuberculosis. They can help by giving instances from real experience. We must remem ber that there is a great deal that children can do in the genuine daily life, of the city itself. One thing that goes to the dfcsfcdfcttifcjdKc dfe die dfc sXc wiVlwvVWvv vVVV VtnivvvvVWwIVwn CIVIC IMPROVEMENT. By Mrs. Wm. Jones. rf "The ideal city" said the,late Ben jamin Harrison, "must be a city where people diligently mind their own business and the public business, and do both with a de cent regard to the judgment and the rights of others. A city where there is no Boss Rule in anything, where all are not brought to the measure of one man's mind, or to the heel of one man's will. A city Where citizens are true and brave and generous,and who care for their own. A city having a community's spirit out not the communistic spir it. A city where people live in homes where there is room for morning glory or a sweet pea, where the cnildien can every day feel the' spring uf nature's green carpet, where brain and manners, and not bank ratings give standing, where life is comfortale and honorable." clean the vacant lots and olear all rubbish? Third, How get the back yards and alleys in or der? To the question how cau we get rar streets cleaned? 1st, by each individual doing their part in keeping it clean get the garbage cans oif our front walks and have the waste paper picked up have the crossings kept clean in sum mer and snow removed in winter. 'tfSr iHr il!ritr^^*** WW VI119 II VI 9V IIH(IVVV019VllVtVIVf bottom* of I the heart of every child as of ev- ery grown up person, is to be taken seriously, it must be genuine and honest. It is quite feasible and would prove a great direct benefit to the city at once, as well as by the educative effect in another genera tion to take the young into civic fellowship. Recognize their value and rights as junior citizens who have their apportionate share and duties, and who should have credit when they do their duty. After all, one of the best ways to learn to do a thing is to go ahead and do it. Remember how a man with a hook stirred the stomach"of the na tion and helped to arouse its con science. After that house-cleaning in Chi cago things were so different that one foreigner who saw the shining spitoons thought they were drink ing cups, while some of the Polish girls believed them to be flower pots. Parents in the homes have great responsibilities in training their children to be good citizens. Start early with the boys and girls with the blazing words "be clean!" A cleansed and perfected muni- house- cipal administration might accom plish most of the objects to which women are striving to attain but no perfunctory government could ever infuse the same life arouse the neighborhood's sense of duty to one's immediate surroundings or inculcate that spirit of civic co-op eration which alone makes truly patriotic citizenship. Thus in the broadest sense the work which women are doing to day may be considered a factor not only in civic betterment, but a fac tor in training the future citizen in an enlightened civic pride, which after all, being the woman's work back to the home and the child. So let us be content only when we see beauty in all the works of our hands in the home, in the school, the shop and the street. Minnesota State Sunday School Convention. What promises to be the best Sun day School meeting ever held in the state, is the State Sunday School Convention which will gather in Minneapolis Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, April 10, Hand 12. The talent sei'ured'for this meet ing is better than has ever before faced a Minnesota audienoe of Sun day School workers, and the pro gram provided is superior to any yet offered. The plan of the state officers has been to secure the very "top-notchers" in expert Sunday School methods, and to look over the array it must be admitted that they have largely succeeded. There will be Dr. H. M. Hamili, Chairman of the Education Commit tee of the International S. S. Asso ciation Mrs. Mary Foster Bryner, International Field Worker Mr. E. A. Fox, Pres. of the International Field Workers' Association W. H. Erwin, Gen. Sec. of Manitoba S. S. Association, and S. H. Myers, of Chicago, to lead the chorus. In ad dition there will be the best Sunday School workers from various parts of the state. It is planned to make this a great convention, and among the special attractions will be a pastor's confer ence on Thursday afternoon April 11th. Every county may send as many delegates as may be persuad ed to attend, giving to eaoh, how ever, the proper credentinals from pastor or superintendent. All the railroads in the state will give special rates of a fare and a third for the round trip on the cer tificate plan. This county is among the very best organized in the state and the county officers earnestly de sire that every Sunday School, or at least every district, will send ^a worker as a delegate, expeoting a report upon the return. This will surely pay. Horsemen, Attention! When you want horse bills that are written right and printed right and with reason ble charges, come to the Advance office. We print them and guarantee our work. An ad in the Advance will go into the homes of hundreds of farmers every week. lamtfct Hfaatan of Tbe Kind Yw Haw Unit. Boq0t Balsam Ktaife Will stop any cough that can be stopped by any medicine and cure coughs that cannot be cured by any other medicine. II Is always the best cough cure. You cannot afford to take chances on any other kind. KEMP'S BALSAM cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, grip, asthma and consump tion in first stages. It does not contain alco hol, opium, morphine, or any other narcotic, poison ous or harmful drug. ITEMS INTEREST OF Something for YOU BUT LAND IN TEXAS Down in the Gulf Coast of Texas you can buy a farm now at $25 per acre that will raise two crops a year and make you wealthy in three to five years. Mild climate—every month a grow ing month. Rich soil—every known variety of vegetable will grow rapidly and grow larger and more profusely than In the northern soils. This Gulf Coast of Texas is the "Winter Veg etable Garden of America" and you ought to learn more about it. Send quickly for an 8o-p«ee illustrated book of facts. Address JOHN SEBASTIAN, Pass'r Traffic Mer.. Rock Island-Frisco Lines. Room 54. La Salle Station.Chicago. As Spring is the best time of the year to see the LOW RATES SOUTHWEST Great Southwest, Rock Island Lines have arranged a series of low-rate excursions every Tuesday during March and April. Both one-way ahd round-trip tickets to practically all points on Rock Island Lines southwest one-way tickets sold every Tuesday, round-trip tickets sold first and third Tuesdays. Go this Spring and look up a place for "the boy"—get him started there the soil and climate will do the rest. CALIFORNIA Colonist tickets to California on sale daily during March and April. Tickets EXCURSIONS good in Pullman Tourist sleepers which the Rock Island runs through over the two best routes. Special Mystic Shrtners Excursion April to May 18 A. W. LITTLE, Agent, one_ fare for the round trio to Los Angeles or San Francisco and return. Choice of route*. Full particular, about any nod all subjects. from Rock Island Line* Worthin^ton, Minn. AUCTIONEER I am prepared to call sales anywhere in Nobles and adjoining counties and guarantee satisfaction, I have Three Years Experience in the State of Illinois and corresponded with Carey M. Jones, the big auctioneer with a national reputation. Intending to settle in a new country I so licit my share of your patronage. Try Me Once Satisfaction or no Pay. Leave Dates at Ad vance Offiee Col. Carl 0. Swanson 317 Rout. 5 WORTHINGTON, MINNESOTA W.6.RAMA6E Worth! nqton Transfer.** Dealer in and Shipper? of Ice. Baggage Freight and Express. Phone 50, 2, WORTHINGTON, MINN. S- K1NDLUND S NOTARYPimLIC REAlT"ESTATELOANS AND INSURANCE Writes Fire and Tornado Insurance in companies that stood the tesi in the San Francisco disaster also write Hail Insurance—But say, don't forget to see me about your Farm insurance Lower rates than you ever heard of, nearly nothing—If you need a bond I have it for you—Or if you want a Steamship Ticket to or from Europe by any one of the best lines for cash or on time—or a bank draft or a money order to your relations in the old country—I have the exclusive agency for the Austin and Western road graders and scrapers—I sell the Thos. Kane & Co. School Furniture and supplies. Will Clerk Auction Sales and guarantee satisfaction, will give vou a copy of tbe sale before I leave the place. Will draw the notes to my self and cash the whole sale if yon so desire. Correspondence 'solicited. I dress Ad WorthiQgtoa, Minnesota Office with Peter Thompson