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\f iv *iv 4f I' Jvi'' 1 1) i*A fiq-l *. ri .• i1 ft-p 1 nt l\tT' r, «tU® ii Cconomy Spec'ls 1 pc embroideried Repp, excel lent quality, yd 25C 1 pc Mouslin De Soie, 50c value, this sale....... 30c 1 pc. Mouslin De Soie, yd JOc 27-in. embroidered Silk Chiffon. EiOtyd er 50c of short length mercerized Oxfords, 36-in. wide, regularly sold at 25c, this sale per yd... IOC 36-in. Butcher's Linen, yd .. -50C 36-in. Irish Linen, yd 390 Domestics Our 10c Muslin will look cheap to you. A 36-in. bleached, soft finished muslin at.... IOC 42-in. bleached pillow slip *do mestic, last chance at per jd.15c Very best quality 45 in. Pillow tubing, per yd 19c 42-in. Pillow Tubing, very fine goods, per yd J7c 9-4 bleached Sheetings, yd.. .33c 9-4 unbleached Sheetings ,yd «. wi »C»IViW tofV Wednesday, Mch. 27 ftlbite Silks, India Cinons, 25c 36-in. LL fine unbleached do mestics 07c 50 pc*. short length, extra fine unbleached Muslin, per yd 5C Shirt Waists We have the finest line shown in the city. Space will not per mit a detailed description, but an inspection will convince you that our goods and prices are leaders. White India Linon Shirt Waists L8_c$1.25 iey are beauties! every one of them. White China Silk Waists at only $3.00 & $3.75 See our show window exhibit on this line. Lace Consisting of real Baby Irish Lace, Valencennes, Linen Tor chon, Oriental Lace, and All over Lacee, in Silk, Chiffon, Val. and Oriental, prices per yard from..2c to 1.25 Our stock in tHese lines is not equalled by any other store in Nobles County* and we have mar Red them dow to the very lowest possible notch. if 24-in. White China Silk, per yard 30C 36-in. White China Silk, former price 59c, re duced for this sale to 49c 27-in. China and Jap Silks, fancv breaded 50c & 25c White India Linens, all grades at per yd— 5c 7c 10c 12c 13c 18c 23c 25c 29c 35c & 39c 46-in. Persian Lawns at per yd 2IC 25C & 39c 36-in. White Linen Lawn 35c & 39c Dotted Swiss, 28 to 40 inches wide} per yard only f5c 2lc 29c & 39c All Wool Imported Serge Coatings 42-inches wide, regular i.00 value, reduced for this White Goods Sale to per yd 79c Men's Wear White silk finish reversible col lar negligee Shirts Mohair Negligee Tery fine sheer Jinene Handker chiefs, hemstitched, always a special at 10c 08C Others up to French Balbriggan Uneerwear, silk finish, reinforced qua Che uality for Beats, White satin four-in-hand, 60c value White bone Colter Buttons, per dozen White glace Kid Gloves, full 16 button lengths *$3*00 White Gloves, lisle thread, at only StfMA* ....XiSf-,-.i*ifl*?»:••: •.-vjjL Um$f $ 1,00 $ 1,69 White dress Shirts. $1 val. 75C Odds and linen collars, all sizes, reg. value 15c, each 05C Rubber Collars, 25c value. 25c & 59c White mercerized silk, long Gloves, full 16 button lengths at 98c White Kid Gloves, quality guar anteed $1.25 Cmbroideries A large lot of these will be put on exhibition for corset covers and flounces. Swiss and allover em broidery at prices that cannot be matched anywhere at the prices we are offering them. It will be well for you to buy all you need. All goods in this line are advanc ing rapidly, and every mail brings advance in all cotton goods. 1 Sack Granulated Sugar 05c Fineet grade Looscarf linen Col lar 1 Sack 48-lb. Flour 15c Men's full size sheer linene Handkerchiefs, he ms it ched, each a 2 Cans 16-oz. Baking Powder 10 Pkgs of Corn Starch 10 Pkgs of Gloss Starch 1 Sack Buckwheat Flour 05c 50c 5 Pkgs Arm & Hammer Soda 12 Lbs. White Navy Beaus •.<p></p>HART'S «.ifcl**» ,VM3*,**V.4W-"»i*V'v*»'.. *r L* tfk. StKdlti .. WV«lQtyMM|BHN Serges, €tc 40-in. White Domestic^erge. worth 73c every where, our price 49C All Wool Nun's Veiling, a 69c value, this sale per yd. only 43C Embroideried Brill iantlne. the new weaves, something very fine, per yd 49C 36-in. Popular Cloth, all wool filling, yd 25c 36-in. Fine sheer Linen, for shirt waists or drawn work, per yd 45C 36-in Dress Linen, per yd 35C 36-in. Linene, per yd 15C Fine Mercerized Cross-barred Dimity, per yd. -45C Striped and Cross-barred Dimities, per yard only 12C & 18C 5 Bars P. & G. Naptba Soap..... 1 Doz. Semi Porcelain Plates 5 Pkgs. Soda Crackers 50c 39c leaper grades........... 25C Fine white lawn Neckties, six for IOC White silk Windser Ties, regu lar 25c ties 1 Box 21-lbs. Soda Crackers 10 Lbs. Fancy Whole Rice 24 Cans Corn 1 Gallon White Vinegar 1 Doz. Nest Eggs 15c 25C 03c White Teddy Waists for boys, 6 to 13 yesr8••••••••••«•••• 2S€ Gloves White Hose Infants white wool Hose, at only per pair 15c & 20c Misses white lace Hose, at only Eadies ar pair 10c & 15c white lace Hose, at only per pair 15c & 25c a ECONOMY SALE ON WHITE GOODS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS We are still making good our promise to save our customers money if they would wait the arrival of our good, and the coming week we are going to offer exceptional money saving bargains on seasonable and desirable goods in every department of our store. In the list below you will fnd something for every member of the family and every depart ment of the household. In many instances the prices quoted are lower than the goods can be bought today in the markets, and therefore it is necessary that you make your selec tions early for we cannot duplicate the goods at these prices, in many instances. At the prices named the choice selections will be taken early, so come quickly if you want to save your money and secure the best goods. This sale begins and continues until tst«s6«asdcas«st ECONOMY IN THE KITCHEN White Goods For $14.00 Worth $18.53 1 Can Lard .36 ^5 5 Pkgs. Shelf Paper HART'S Gut Price Gash Store, Worthington, Minnesota. pc. Pure Liuen Bleached Damask at 1 pc. Pure Linen Damask at $2.98 ,40 60C *»85C 25 23 1 .48 50 75 80 90 1 00 50 ,45 50 48 60 24 25 1.10 1 20 25 25 1.58 I 68 20 25 .90 -2.20 $14.00 US 53 Lace Curtains 2J yds. long, pei pair 49c Extra quality Lace Curtains— 11.25, $1.39, 11.75, 12.00, f2.25, 12.50,93.25, 13.50 A 19.00 Pair Ruffled Swiss Curtains, pr. 49c J?fg---ffpPff Monday, April 1 j\ most Remarkable Sale of fine Cable Cincns We have a very complete line in all grades and are mak ing prices that must sell them if low prices will do it. Come and inspect these goods* Bleached Damask, 54-in. wide, per yd 39C Extra fine, beautifully designed heavy Da mask, 64-in. wide, a bargain at 50c, special for this Economy Sale, per yd 39C Bleached Damask, 56 in, wide, per yd 30C Extra Fine Satin Damafk, 64-in. wide, goods hard to get at 75c, special for our Economy Sale, at per yd 49C 1 pc. Pure Linen, 60-in. wide at 49C 1 pc. Satin Damask, 72-in. wide at.... 69c 1 pc. Extra Fine Satin Damask, 72-in. wide at.70C 1 Notions Childrens and misse9 white Hose Supporters... ...10c &'15c Ladies white Hose Supporters, at 25° 50c 75' White Girdle Foundations, all shapes 15° Warners tape girdle Corsets, worth 50c, special 35° Warners white ru9t-proof Cor sets, for stout, medium and slen der forms— 49c $1.00 & $1.49 White Corset Steels, special,. 4 and 5 boots..-.. 08c White Elasiic, in. wide.. 08c Dress Shields 10c Darning Cotton. 2 balls for 05c White Ruchings, per yard— 15c 20c & 25c White Safety Pins, doz.... 03c White Hooks and Eyes, per card 4c 5® 8® Snow white Cotton Bats, 72x84, one bat sufficient for a qnilt 05° Cotton Bats^ per roll... 12c & 17c White Bedspreads..$1 to $2.25 White fringed Bedspreads with cut corners, for metal beds Fringed Bedspreads White embroidered Baby uaps, at 15c & 25c White duck Tamoshanter Caps, Mannens Talcum Powder.. J3c Baby Comfort Talcum .. 04° Linen Tape, all widths, just th* thing for corset ties, bunch. 05° White Belts, an elegant variety of silk tinsel and washable, at only ...25c 35c & 49c Turnover embroidered Collars, 10c quality, each 04° White washable Buttons, the ser vicabls kind that wash, wear and give satisfaction, card 10c 10c quality pearl Buttons 05c Gauze Corset Covers.. 21c & 25c Ladies embroidered and lace trimmed Corset Covers.... 25c Very finest quality ladies lace afid embroidery trimmed Corset Covers 49c Pure All Linen Satin Finished Daniask, 72 in. wide, per yd Table Cloths—Hemstitched, pure linen Da mask, yards long, at Bleached Pure Linen Napkins, 18x18, doz. .$ Satin finished Napkiag, 20x20, doz Pure Linen Napkins, 22x22, doz Hemstitched Linen Napkins, 18x18, doz.. Set Imported Hemstitched Table Cloth, 2 yards and 8 yards, with dozen Napkins to match, former price $8.00, reduced for this Bale to.... $1.49 $2.25 & $2.50 Bleached Pure Linen Napkins, 24x24, very fine goods, per doz $4.50 Pure Linen Napkins, 22x22, doz 1.00 $ 1.20 $2.00 $2.25 ..$2.25 $6.50 Ladies' Wear Ladies gauze Underwear, silk taped, fully worth 15c, will be higher later, special 7c 10c & 12c Ladies lisle finished Vests at only 15c 25c & 35c Ladies gauze Pants, lace trim mee, umbrella style.. .25° & 49° 50 doz. fancy embroidered 'Ker chiefs, largest and best aasort mens ever shown by us or any other firm in the county. When you see them you will agree with us and the prices will sell 'em. 15c 20° 25c 35c 45c & 59c Linen hemstitched Handker chief squares for lace 'kerchiefs, at only... 08c Ladies very fine sheer hemstitch ed kerchiefe, a big bargain when sold at 10c,bought especially for a leader, white sale price.. 07c Plain and double stitched 'Ker chiefs 10c Gauze combination Suits, all siz es,at ....... JQc Nazareth Waists, special... l4c Ladies Under Muslin,gowns full full size, well made, embroidered and tucked yokes 75c Ladies Gowns, variety of sty lee, all in one lot, comprising lace, embroidered and tucked, some worth up to $1.50, special.. 98c Ladies round yoke, short sleeved Gowns, verv handsome ... $1.25 Misses Night Gowns..43c & 45c Ladies Underskirts, lace and hemstitched, tremmea .... 50c Ladies Underskirts, with two rows of fine insertion, lacs edge and tucks.. Ladies Underskirts, embroider ed flounce and tucks, prices SI.39 SMS Ladies Underskirts, deep flounce four rows of lace insertion, lace edge, handsomely made .. -$1.98 Ladies musliu Pants, hemstitch ed, only.................. 25c Wasners Perfection Waists for girls 2 to 12 years 25° White Ribbons, widths from No. 1 to No. 80, yard 1c to 25c :i: Defective