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Newspaper Page Text
Toiler Made Oothes From $12.00 Up. Any Fabric Fit Guaranteed Made to Order Hart's Gut-Price Gash Store WORTHINGTON, MINN. Banish Blue Monday and the disagreeable task ofleaning over damp, leaky washtubs, by equipping your laundry with vi 'THE OLD WAV Your Success is Assured IF YOU BUY LAND OF US in southwestern North Dakota Here are raised the largest crops of WHEAT, OATS, FLAX CORN, HAY, etc., aod they always command the highest market prices. GOOD RICH [SOIL EXCELLENT WATER fuel at your very door. We own over 200,000 acres of the very fine3t land in Billiugs an a Counties, and our !price of 810 to $12.60 per acre with our liberal payment plan is certainly the the greatest in See What a Fortune You Make by Investing: Now[! Send for our" free maps and booklets. Join one of our [special Wednesday excursions. WRITE TJS TODAY for further information. THE WESTERN LAND SECURITIES CO. i43-i47AEndicott^Bldg., ST. PAUL, MINN. A. M. GRBGORSON, Local Agent Subscribe For The 1* ^Standard' Laundry Trays Is there any reason why you should not have a modern Laundry in your home "&teadaLaundry Trays are strictly modern, perfectly clean, sanitary, and moderate in price. Let us tell you the cost of putting a modern Laundry in your home. Wortlilngton Plumbing Co Your Independence Phone 3o3 L-3 ducement offered by anyone. We can also locate you on a'FREE HOMESTEAD of 160 acres ad joining land you buy of us. Buy Now, in less than five years this land will be worth $35 $35 an acre. TIPPED AS HE wairS His Promts* to Pay a Lump 3ur Weekly Did Not Bring R«4u!te. "I had hoard nil nbont the Tlpnln system In Europe before goins abra«i" said the young umn just ivtu "JIKI t'ror his maiden voyage, 44 "co I thought, I'll Inaugurate new system. At a fash ionable hotel In London the vulet as signed to my floor was the subjeqjfot' my first experiment. J. "'See here,' I an Id in a frank,'jovial manner when he came in to attend me. •I want to make an arrangement With you. It's an Infernal nuisance to be handing out tips every few minutes, or, at least, when I want anything done. Now, I purpose to lump the whole thing In weekly payments. I expect to be here at least three weeks. You look after me to the best of your ability, and at the end of each week I'll make it all right with you—in fact, I'll give you more In a lump sum than you would get in tips. Is that satisfac tory?' 'Quite, sir,' he said cheerfully, but I fancied he looked disappointed. 'Very well,' said I. 'I'm going out for a drive about town. Meanwhile take my evening clothes out of my trunk, have them pressed and laid out for me. You'll And studs and buttons for the shirt in that box on the dresfser. My shoes are in that valise.'. 'H'all right, sir. yery good, Blr Thankee kindly/ said he, and -I left with a feeling of elation. "When I got back to the hotel 1 found my evening clothes still in the trunk, the sliirt and shoes untouched and, in short, 'nothing doing.' Next day I went back to the old system."— New York Press. There are Others. Most people take themselves too seriously. If you should go away for a year, some one would do your work about as well as you do, an1 perhaps much better. The inill wheels would keep on turning ho tels would not clos9 up, theatei a would continue to portray life on the stage, railroads would Jruu. banks would keep open, newspapers would be issued, saloons continue co dispense liquid refreshments, aod preachers to preach. You are on ly an infinitesimal atom among countless atoms. The world may need you, but it won't miss you. Don't swell up over your impor tance. There are others!—Bertha, Headlight. The"Pork Barrel 1" appropriation of $400,000 for xoads and bridges givps Nobles county $2,^50 of state money for this purpose jdurmg this next two years. Itching piles provoke profanity but profanity won't cure them. Doan's Ointment cures itching, bleeing or prutuding piles, after years of suffering At any drug store. 'A Missouri woman is suing an editor because he said in an obitu ary that her husband had gone to a happier home. It won't do for an editor to say what he thinks when writing an obituary. He didn't have a dollar he didn't have a dime. His clothes and shoes were looking just as though they'd served their time. He didn't try to kill Himself to dodge misfortune's whaoks. Instead, he got some ash es and he filled five dozen sacks. Then next he begged a dollar, in the paper in the morn, he advertis ed tin polish that would put the sun to scorn. He kept on advertis ing, and, just now, suffice to say, he's out in California, at his cottage on the bay.—Ex. Judgment Sale. Pursuant to Real Estate Tax Judgment of the District Court, of the County of No bles, State of Minnesota, entered the 12th day of April, 1907, in proceedings for en forcing payment of taxes and penalties upon real estate in the County of. Nobles remain ing delinquent on the first Monday in Jan uary, 1907, and of the statutes in such case made and provided, I shall on Monday, the 13th day of May, 1907, at ten o'clockin the forenoon at my office in the. Court House, in the Village of Worthington and County of Nobles, sell the lands which are chargcd with taxes, penalties and cost in said Judgment, and on which taxes shall not hare been prev iously paid. E. C. Pannell, (Seal.) Anditor of Nobles County. Matheson Bros* Agents for j. I. CASE THRESHING MACHINE CO. Anyone wishing new or second-hand machine* will do well to, see or write us before buying. Phone L-2, Line No. 4 R. F. D. No. 1 WQRTHINGTOS, ^SSSSSESSm^SSZZ Can KI-RO-PR AK-TIC This name is derived from two Greek words. Xeir (cheir)—hand, and Praktos done, achi ved, accomplished—done with the hand. Chiropractic is a distinct and complete drugless and knifeless system of healing, and has nothing in common with Osteopathy, Massage, Swedish Movement, or any other system. Last week I told you what the cause of your disease was, and how I relieved you of it. Did it not spem reasonable to you? Why not try it? The price is not high. If you are interested and wish to learn more about this method, then call at my crffice, and I will tell you more than I can in this paper. Don't suffer any longer from your Rheumatism or Stomach trouble. No matter in what form or how severe. Or perhaps you have Liver Complaint, Kidney Disease Constipation of some standing, or some .other of the diseases too numerous 10 mention here. Don't wait and let it get worse. It only takes from one to six weeks, in the majority of cases for a complete cure. I solicit all so called chroni. cases. I have had quicker results in some of these eo called chronic diseases than in the seemingly milder cases. I will guarantee any case of appendicitis, no matter how severe it is. Will take all pain away in one or two adjustment?, and bring the patient back to health in one week or ask no pay. References Below are the names of a few of my former patients in South Dakota, to whom I can refer asto the merits and benefits derived from my treatment: Rev. G. W. F. Doege, of the Evangelical Lutheran Trinity church, Hartford, S. D. Rev. Runge, Lutheran Zions church, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Rev. Abrahnm, of the Lutheran church, Mitchell, S. D. Rev. Sour, of the Lutheran chuich, Gettysburg, S. D. Rev. Aitts, traveling missionary of the Reform church, Sioux Falls, S. D. EXAMINATION EREE LADY ATTENDANT Office Hours: 10:00 a. m. to 7:30 p. m. Dr. A. Sullwold, D. C. Office at Residence, SotitH of Advance Office Wort King ton, jg? Minnesota free free Eree ^ssssss^sssssssssss DO YOU WANT THE NEWS? If sot Here is a Chance as Cheap as the Crops Have Been Poor. Worthington Advance with the following papers at prices as given below St. Paul Weekly Dispatch......$1.50 Sioux City Journal $1.75 Minneapolis Tribune St. Paul Daily News 2 75 Twice a-Week 1.75 St. Paul Daily Dispatch 3.75 or, will] give to advance paying subscribers 100 sheets of paper and 100 en velopes with your name printed upon'it. These rates are open to new and old subscribers alike, by SIMPLY PAYING IN ADVANCE. If we dont give more local news than any other paper printed in the county, your money will be refunded. These are "HARD TIMES RATES? you beat these propositions? .y.v If you take a paper take the one that gives the most for your monev, the same as in making any other purchase. If not a subscriber drop us a postal card and we will send it to you a short time% for examination, FREE. TtlOS. DOVERY, Publisher •.n.c-rv:W•