Newspaper Page Text
i^k... Found—Child's set ring—S. Rail. Flaxaijd Millet Seeds* at Schmid and Boeder's. W. W.Lovelessis at Columbus Ohio, attending the general assem bly of the Presbyterian Church. R. R. Smith of Minneapolis, is here oh a visit at the home of his grandsons,Stelle and Robert Sjnith Mrs. J. E. Marple, of Minneapo lis, was down the4atter, part of last week on a visit tviier' mother, Mrs. J. P. Biltgen. Miss Jeanette Clark last week en tertained the youngpeople of the Baptist Churoh at iS6 church par lors in a very pleasant way. Found—A sum of money, in the postoffice, Wortbington. Owner can secure same by calling on Andrew Nystrom and proving property and paying fur this notice. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Steffens are here on a visit to Mr.Steffens' moth er, Mrs. J. P. Biltgen, and other rel ativee. Mr. Steffens is engaged in the barber business at at Red Wing. Herman Hart is down in Iowa this week buying wool for the dart Commission Co. Although the sea son is backward in the wool busi ness, as in everything else, the firm has already bought a good many car ^"^-^I'l'bads of wool. The High School ball team last week flayed two games and were defeated in both instaittee. Tricky they played Wrjr* 1, in ftiror of flibley. )n Saturday afternbfm theyplayed the Jackson team Iwre, which refbi^ina score of 17 tbjis LOCAL NEWS rV Kenneth Pettit was on the sick oall Wednesday. Don't miss Dr. Uunsaulus' lecture Tuesday Evening, May 28th. A. Oberman and wife returned this weelc from Elk River. Minn. Re-eleaned Northern Flax for Bowing at Sohtnid and Snyder's J. P. Scheohter, of EIk, last week marketed a load of wool at the Hart Commission Co f* W. E. Roberts, the Rushmore druggist, was in the city on busi ness Monday. Dr. Gunsaulus' lecture on "Sav onarola" will be deivered at the E. Church Tuesday evening. in favor of Jackson. The boys wire all by the game day before, as is indi erted llajor and Mrs. H. S. Hobson went taJdt. Paul the first of the week to join the party of Governor Johneon on the tripit? Vj^burg, Miss.,tefbe present at the unveiling of the llinnesota monument on that battlefield. Major Hobison is member of the governor's military staff, and this is the first opportuni ty he has had to wear hisln^ qni form. The governor's party will visit other plaoes4* the south. An informal meeting of the o©un cil washelid Ttiesdaiyevening to lis ten to the advioe of a heating expert who, was present. The speaker was Mr. D.T. Wallaoe, ,€hijS|p^| raprooentative of t^ of the Sholte system. He advotifed the twig pipe systefh for the pfcopds^ ed municipal, central heating plant Th¥ &tlhcil will Sall tor spetitteetiqflpi^wa bid? to. bo^ tl^e two an| one pipe and other systems TheWotttorigWh^Jretoiery i&W tablishing/weamroutes through the oounty and will save the Carmen the trouble of bringing their cream to tows. This creamery is an enter pft^n^1nrtfcl|iB^tpk»and^dee^ves the sappogpai^^io hnve their own bit tetex4ita~ at heart. ^The creamery is Wortbington's most im portant manufacturing institution and ft Swfl»B igosbBst importance to all that it should prosper. Jos. A« Delk*, -pwsident of the National Life Insurance Co., of Montpelier, Vermont, accompanied hours ft or of .diiecton, and Banker ade, of Rock Rapids, la., ng an automobile tour thpyseotion* ind spent k.'few: Worthington last Sunday, oohfiHrabg w^h^ T. Tupper, who plaoes* a many real estate loans fifrr iihl°coinpiiiy. Iteeideht DeBori trip was mad* with the view diti this beei ation. Corn planting is about over. G. W. Baker of Wilmont, was the uity Wednesday. lCi aown Maj. B. F. Thruber came from Wilmont Wednesday. Mrs. William Butchard "visited a sister at St. Jamee this week. S. M. Granger, of Adrian was a guest at the Worthington Monday. P. H. McChord, of Brewster, was a guest at the Western last Monday. The rain and warm weather this •week has brought the grass along in fine shape. Lewis Larson a prominent Bige low farmer, was in town Monday doing trading. Farmers report that small grain is looking fine in spite of the back wardness of the season. L. A. Foster,of Kewaunee, is here taking views for- souvenir postal cards for H. S. Meyers. Teddy Ostrom came over from Adrian Saturday night to spend Sunday with Worthington friends. Rev. J. D. Gibbs, pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Rushmore, was a visitor in Worthington yes tirday. Judge J. S. Randolph, the weigh ty endmab of the Brewster Trib une, was a county seat visitor last Saturday. Mrs. E. K. Smith visited in Ad rian Saturday. Miss Mary Ken neth returned home with her for a bhort visit. W. R. D. McChord, of Dewald, was a pleasant caller yesterday. He says that corn planting is practical ly about all done in his locality^ and that email grain is looking well. The young people of the Luhteran Church will hold a Linnae feet this evening at the school house adjoin*, ing the churoh, in honor of the birthday of the famus Swedish bot anist. fl. B: Reowell and W. J. McBride went fishing down to the inlet Wed nesday, but came home empty hand ed. Rockwell accuse* Mafek of be ing too lasy*M mUix A and the latter says that IMipp is too nervous to let the fish tii§£ jt. A. Palher caugfytji op pickprel in afternoon that weighed it pounds, and np to date holds the reoord for big catch J. E. Uev. Robinson, who had been canvassing Nobles oounty. fur the American Sunday School Onion he sprat a "few days. He will turn to. Nobles .oounty next week to complete the canvass here. A paity of Worthington young people headed by City Clerk C. L. Manny and including Ed. Lawton and Misses Eva Fairfield, Lottie and Mabel KunzmaD, went to Avian last Saturdiiy afternoon to attend the High School: play. Wednesday wa8 a gieat day. for fishing, and the numerous disaiples ^J|aafl^i^t^wem^t#%. fotoe iMekia^' ^o ^n.fwglli Miss Myrtle Robinson, a former i^achiiie^operator in1 the^Advacoe office^ Jbut, now |mployed in a de partixient store at Luveroe,^ was here^ Sunday and Monday: fisitiag friends. Miss Robinson is taking her annual vacation and% ^reitt fiom here to Ponca, Nebraska, to visit her parent^. R^v^C. O. Swan spentfcwiipie Of days at Org this week Orgiuiiaing "i* summer scnool, whioh will be "ooo ducted lpr month •t- tiHi^ass school house. A similar sohooT will be organized in this city for a month tertn. "A student named Fredefl hem, from Gustavus College at St. Peter, will be the instructor ^t bo|h placee.' J. P. Vail returned on Thursday of last week from Astor, N. Dak., wh^e he iWent with the intention of attending th* funeral 6f his brother, Jacob Vail, but found that tiie remains of the deceased had been laid to re«t the day befove his arrival. The decease1! le^esi 1 l^uie (Hippeiy ^'kerel or festive peroh into the trOuhlH. Soxne had gbM Itiok, but most had none ftt all.. ii 1 family tnat hw passed WW* imn r«B| Ueo. Wyokoff last Friday closed a ternoon. term of school near Wilmont. A little child of Mr.and Mrs.O. F. Blood had an arm broken last week. Z. M. Smith is having an edition built to his home near the Omaha depot. John Vail, of Seward* marketed a large load of wool at Hart's this week. Mrs. Biltgen, Devaney, Stevens and Marple visited Mrs. J. A. Sal strom at Bigelow last week. Mrs. W. M. Evans and children went down to Gowrie, Iowa, the first of the week for a visit. Mr* Evans joined them later in the week. Nels Moberg returned to Duluth Saturday, after a weeks' visit with friends in this vicinity and look? ing after his form interests. Cole Guernsey, one of the promi nent and progressive agriculturists of Ransom township, was a busi ness visitor at the county capitol Monday. L. J. Larson, the shoemaker, moved his shop into the room ad joining the Hum is ton Bros, office, formerly occupied by Oliver and Madison. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Stoutemyer have purchased the Forbes house from Mrs. Soutemyer's brother, Lite Forbes Mr. Forbes is now en gaged the real estate business in Seattle, Washington. Col. J. A. Town left the first of the week for Vioksburg, Miss., to lie present at the unveiling^of^the^uon ument erected to the memory of Minnesota soldiers who participated in the capture of that Rebel strong hold. Col. Town will visit other soenes and will lie absent about ten days. Mrs. F. L. Humiston entertained, a party of friends on Saturday even ing of last week, and on Wednesday evening of this week she again en tertained a large number. AH pres ent at both functions report an ele gant time. Dainty refreshments *ere w&ffiL-] Lt. S.B.Smith has recsived a copy of the official wport ot CoL Col Gerlacb, wfed tiebently inspected Co ,F at jthis plaoe. The report fully bsax» ofr tiM^Jigh i»i4» .noo^i4tad this Company ,iit the tim of the m iSoUmai indoor i|nd ohidocKr d^ili and eyolu Monitor thec«reofarm* and erftate propeity and its .fltiandal omlditiop. Lasc Batuday J. J. Kendlen posed of his household goods at auc tion. On Tuesday evening he left at. James, where he will spend a d^ visiting his daughter, Mrs. C. B. Airfield, before deputing for New York City, where he will n»ke his home with a son, who is head of the cullinary departmnt of a large hotel. Mr. Kendlen is an old and welli known resident of Worthing toni He served for many years as couajty auditor, and at that time was an iinportant factor in local pol ltio% .'fli I'i'Tf'. A ffronressivc Policy during, the iKe-years this Molt has been in existenoe, has Urotjjg&t it a large litiq bf busi- PoBcy, k*- On these W -V W, .-I..' J"'f? -T#yior Jofc^uspn was in frpm Big- .,.C. A.Peterson has opened a cream elow Tuesday. station on 9th street. J. W. Spielman, of Lorain, wist The High School Zoology Class in the city Saturday. will picnic at Lake Ooheda thin af- W. P. Brown, of New York City, Is here for a few days, the guest of I. F. alley. Conductor McGowan on Wednes day moved into the Niemann cot take, recently purchased by him." Miss Anna Johnson has accepted a position as saleslady in the general Store of Martin Bros, and began her new occupation Friday morning. V,. W.7, dis- Or. fe-' N?" -r" :r Mlu^itwithin' the, rules^ neful bank pwetices, vfrea^, Libcraf -While insistingon fair^pay Mr eervicei rendered, treatment of depositors and borroweni has-J alwsjsbeen liberalsndjust. Our "J PROGRESSIVE, CNNSERVATIVE, LIBERAL, lines we ask your business.. Kid. a- l' Til HUB Mr &ilis^ Fivnitare and Undertaking WANTED—Girl for general house, work. Apply tp Mrs. I. F. Kel ley. (J-6. Miss Clara Midcalf, Conference Deaconess, spoke at the Methodist Church last Sunday evening to a large and interested audience. The Junior Class of the High School last Friday gave a reception to the Senior Class at the pleasnt borne of Mayor and Mrs.Tripp. The evening was very enjoyably spent. A shore program was presented, fol lowed by amusements. Dainty re frsehments were served. GLOVES May is tHe Long Glove month Just as soon as it gets warm every lady will want them, and some one will be disappointed before tHeir wants are satisfied. There will be a scarcity of long gloves this season better buy several pairs while you can get them. We recently re ceived a new lot, all sizes in Lisle, Silk, Mocha finish and BUY NOW BUY HERE La f-r,. id! Zt P(f& if.-vr« 'i'i'.'J' 1 fv The Foundations of Merchandising Success Are, First: Good Quality. Second: Right Style, third: Proper Fit This week we call your attention to our Gents'Furnishing Department |1.00 Dress Shirt for Men cannot be excelled. Our $1.50 and $2 50 line of Hats are little the best shown for the money in thbeity. iTalk about neckties. Tes, we have them. You never saw the like to sell for 25c and 35c WE SOLICIT YOUR. PATRONAGE warm up We will sell 500 rolls of Wall Paper this week at 6 Cents This Is a good paper and worth mora than we ask for it While it lasts, WANTEf—Two or three girls for foldirigv CM ANEY & ACKA inquire at tjbis oflSce. FOR BALE—Set of Ecyulopedia Brittanica. Address El, this office. HAIL INSURANCE Will give you jour choice of two first-class com panies—Mutual or Old Line Com pany.—S. Kindlund. 5-31 NOTICE—Having purchased the Manska Bros, dray line, I will en deavor to run a first class line in every respect. Very truly yours, Fred Rose, Prop. City dray and transfer office, phone 188 residence. 170. lii il. 1 9X- CO