Newspaper Page Text
li ft 4^/!^ 3" if* 4\ 'r^s? iM' i, if" -|p: ,Vv m :v: & IM G. T. Bulidk ~«u down |rdm Beading yesterday. y^- !m MrasW. C. Wyatt Tinted w&ioux '(t \City the tint of the week. "•"a-'.-j, Before yoa get' your fall hat see the Gillette and Detop- i*y*. X% 1 f"'' Uil .'l- V-V,. .• Av,r* I Worthington visitor last Saturday •n1 made this v«nd» Otis Bigelow left last week for hie old home in Connecticut, where he will spend several weeks Visiting a brother and:, other rela tiv^s and numerous friends and acquaintances. A reoeption will be. tendered to the teaohern of the public schools -jE^ezt Friday, evening, Septf- ^Tth, at the Presbyterian church It will be given by the. Union Y. P. Societies of this city, comprising the societies of the various ohurch es. All are cordially invited. ~L{)ST---Somewhere- between the fair grounds and the Allen House, grey plaid coat, trimmed with green velvet aud lead colored 'buttons, one button being LOCAL NEWS SamLemen, ot heading, was a Attorney F. Flynn made a trip ojdler pn Monday. toMankato Tuesday." Sam Plank, of Ocheyedan, wm at] '*Mlw»|«^^ a«»d Martin tbe fair last week. drove to Fttida *1 Mm. A. G. Lindgren, of Adrian, had business in probat^ oourt here Tuesday.' Dan Qupid is accused of playing havoc with the force of the^ tele phone central M». A. J. Gillette made a trip to Heron Lake yesterday with a stock n^Wy.^-'^!, f" fNels Larson, of Indian Lake, iwiight a spreader of the Western Implement Co. this week. :-t Mark Graves was over from Ad rian on business Taeeday, having businss in the probate oourt. Jas.. flhanks, of Reward, w*s Tortbington via office pi I-"", I). C. May and wife,of Lake Park, were guests of A. J. Snyder's tmnneias affairs. ily last week and attended the fair here. sold avenue, whiob he last spring ,,to Chas.'-M.urphy. Miss A. P. TenBroecV, of Fan bault, spent a few days here- this week, visiting her brother, Rev C. Bi Ten Broeck. Herb Noreeta, a clerk in Torranoe and Son's store, while out hunting the first of the week, was shot in the hand by the accidental dis charge of hisgohl The Congreg^^ oi: ttie Biptist church ata medtii^h^dvle^^ ^ee|c' hy a Lake, and Harvejr Abbott, of Mil ford, la., were guests of Dr. and Mn. L. R. Gholz last week,.and al so attended, the fair^|^^,p|^p *Guy C. Feldwg, ^of Elk, was in Worthintgon Monday. He said he had a mare injured so badly in a Wire fenoe, lihe other day, th»t he fears he will lose her. off. The 4 Size of coat for 15 year old girl. Finder please leave at Worthington State Bank. Kenneth Petiit earner up from Sturm Lake Saturday to visit his i]\ parents and numerous friends over Sunday. Kenneth is now chief |v clerjc of the .leading hqtel :at iStonn IS,,' Lake, whichi«owned by-'his 'uncle, and he. likes his position6quite well. Pearl Hunt entertained a number central office is takinjg a vacation of her young playmates last Satur- this Week, and Miss ^Fairfield and day in honor of her 10th birthday. Miss Mitchell are doing the' day birthday young folks had a pleasant sj.-time and remembered tbeir hostess-, with Numerous mementoes of the occasion^*/ Refreshments^ served.- ,. . assistant ... Miss Clara £rideaux,' county auditor, accopanied by her niece, Mi?s Cl«ta j?eathersi of Lis more, left last Sunday for a visit to Dolceville,..Wis?.',. Miss Prideaux's nati vie towrr. They, went by, Way of Le^ars^'where'tbey will ^isit Miss Prideaux.'a. sister,. Mrs W, J. Perry. JMtes Prideaux hus" for several years ttnd been most faithful s^rvaut of Nc- tionists is c^dited with, being on l-blea county, being always at her spree the first of the week. Let „. post and always courteous and 6blig- Prof, take up another supscrtption ing Her Yacatioii is well earma and spud TiiuMday.iv^v,s i-v r.V1 ot Elk, lost" a valu- able oelt on day last week. A. McCraoken returned on Tuesday &om a trip to Montana. W. T. Judd of Rushmore, was a Worthington visitor last Sunday. Sheriff Ffcuskee made a trip to Duildee on official buisness Monday.. Miss Mabel Judd, of Rushmore, was a Worthington visitor Monday. See the nice line of ready-to-wear and pattern hats at Gillette and Dempsey. A. R. Albertus and family moved into the Stanley Moote residence on 3rd avenue. Tour board will ooet you $2 a week if you attend Mankato Com meroial College. Miss Lillian Garmuan, of West brook, is the night operator at the telephone centraL Postmaster C.W. Becker, of Wil mont. was a guest at the Worth ington Saturday., C. T.Tupper ia spening a few days Mtos Anna Johnson, of the Mar tin* mercantile store spent Sunday with her parents, near Lake Uchee da. Jas. F. Edwards, of Minot, N. The L«tz Bros., of Bigelow town. acorn binder of the Werten^iEmplement Company last BtiwwyiS Henry Onken^ ..Bloom townehyj took, out aspreader from the Wes-: lurasuusu1U4ip«iy fondly afternoon. Jack Cashell, who has been tour ing the west the past six weeks, is expected home the latter partT of this week.- Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Veltum, and Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Veltum, of St. James, registered at the Worthinir toh last Monday. Rev G. 0. Schmidt left the first of the week for Redwood/Falls to attend the annual conference of the German Evangelical, church E. F. Prideaux, of Elgin, III., was a j^uest of his uncle, Richard, a few days the first of the week. Mr. Pj^d^aux was on hit way to Omaha. Ivan Erickson returned last! Sat urday from his trip to tbe Pacific Coast, He. Visited" several ooast points and reports a pleasant tup. Owing here visiting friends and looking tol, la., Visited Henry Stevens and family this week. Beer is reported to be 8 cenitr glass at Brewster. That's what, comes of the high price of barley.' Miss 'Pearl Snyder, of Fulda Dub. last week wm h»w over Bandw TiritiBg ber Rev. C. O. Swan spent se days at Tracy, thesfirst of the week, conducting miiasibnary meetings. has succeeded A. J. Brennazf as nesday to take in the races.^ From manager of the depot lunch coun- there he went to Minneapolis to en ter the State U. to the heavy showers on Sunday night threshing was abMi doneid tn Monday, and many of the threshers came to town for the day. Next Sunday is the last of confer ence year in the M. E. Church, and Rev. Cahoon will leave on Monday next to attend the annual confer ence'. p#-\A Will Schraeder has bought the P. H. Brown residence on 3rd avenue. Will evidently believes in ^e adage *Get the cage ahd the bir^ will come to it" Alma Connor, of* the telephone Miss Mitchell Mrs. G. W. Wilson returned last were Saturday from- a visit with rela Baiuroaynom vw ports Wis a very enjoyable trip The official paper of the Prohibi a uiM' her many friends hope she take tne Keeley cure. Where was pire Cream Separator will have a a pleasant vist at her Marshall Roshon when the furni-'and Cor bin's Dehorning Penmls, Old Home. W ^rsma"h? iJg: Mirket.Bcport Corrected to Sept: 5 We-toitc Flax,......:r....... 11.08 toll.06 Cprn. a« 44cto Bio Barley. .1..... ,i 6 9 7 8 Wheat, 27o. 2... •*... 64c to 90o Egge* •, .13c Batter _•••••• ..... 90c Hogs..*... ...I5.00-f6.95 Hay tame.. ....... $7.00*^,00 Hay-w^ld. v.............. KS.50-i7.00 Cows and Heiferi. ... .$2.0048.00 StookeM and Feeders*...92.75-98.80 Fred Dring was in from Lorain' tfoeeday....,'- j, C. W. Johnsuon^ of Orii:, was in town Tuesday. Clurist Peterson and wife, of Wil mont, were in the city Tuesday do ing trading.' Mrs W. B. Connelly, from Bris- J. M. Scri^en, of Seward, and J. R. Tipton, of, Elk, took in the races at Adrian Wednesday and Thursday Sam and Wm.Shaw. of Little Rock, were at the county seat Monday, having business in the probate court. '-v.,- Ed. Lawton went to Adrian Wed- Lt, Stelle 8. Smith went to Du luth Sunday afternoon to attend a: business meetibg OftheState. jNat: idnal-'Gi^d'^eikicia^oh^-^.^^ ^ie vi%p ofitfnoif heldlSSf' was allowing ^number of billisi. Jet Smallwood went to Minneap olis Monday to resume his studies in the dental college at the State University. Ned Jones, of the State Bank, went to Humbolt, la., last Satur day, where he spent a fe sr days vis iting, his iarents. O. W. Tupper, son of'C. T. Tup per,has entered the State University at Minneapolis, to take a course in ^mining engineering. Albert Schmidt aod family and E. Ml Schwartz and family attended a mission feist at tbe German Lutheran church at Brewster Sunday Floyd Matheson sent one of his four threshing rigs to Heron Lake on Tuesday to assist in finishing up the threshing: in that neighborhood. Rev. and Mrs J. E. Evans re turned last week Iroin northern Wis con^on. where they spent Mr. Evans' vacation very pleasantly, visiting old fnends and scenw^^^-f Court Reporter J. W. Harper passed through town Tuesday on his way from his home at Minne apolis to Luverae to attend the fall term ot court. Mr. Harpe was a guest of F. t. Huihiston Several hours between trains. Tbcf Western Implement Co. had afine exhibit of gasoline engins, farm machinery fund vehicles at the fair last week, and several experts were on the grounds to show up the good qualities of the various ma The following Worthington. peo ple took in the raoes at Adrian Wed C. M. Ciandall E. J. Jones, iJ. F. jB'lynn, Jas. Macbay, C. M. Cory, H. seeday tivee and friends in St. Paul, Bosco- oiandall E. J. Jones, .J. belle and Janesvill, Wis. She re iSiff ., »».s M. T. Rneenberg, of Wilmont* Palmer, Dr. J. N. Gould, Ivan' Er Worthihgton last ic^son, Albe^rt Levine, Albert Die trich, I. F. Relley, J. W. MoBride, Sunday: on his way to. Peola, N. .. .. D., to make some improvements Ira Misbler, C. W. W. DowK on his claim there, preparatwy to Alberts, Thos. Dnfveiy, Jos moving on the same. afternoon: J, A. Town, Humiston, R.' Tripp, F. L. Humiston, T. A. 1 A Wm. Dwyer,of Lorain, was in the city on business Tuesday. Chas. Haggard has entered the State Universty this year. A. E. Hyde, of Bigelow, was in the city on business Saturday. Rev. d*Argent, of Reading, was a Worthington visitor Saturday. Pat Boyle took three horses over to the Adrian rapes the first of the wee*. Frank Bulick, of Reading, was registered at tbe Allen House last Sunday. 'Aj :W~ For Sale—Heating stove, larife size, for hard or soft ooal. Enquire of H. B. Lewis. r'Yi r/'-t y*n J*+\: V*y A. R. Love less, Will Boddy, David Tripp. G. B. Hildyard,local manager for the Ffcirmont Creamery Co., wants your cream, eggs, pouitr^, fur-, Hides, iron, copper, brass, lead, rub up to Minneapolis to ber, and rags. Agent for. the Em- W«IWa«tw,» mm The Selling End Pla ds aod Fancy Dress Goods, per yard 50( 57C 75C Sf SfiSfl Plain Panama Dress Goods* per yard. •, 58C $1 Sl*25 S1.50 Plain Serge Dress Goods. per yard JOc SI SliS912 09 And a large sell at per ywrd If it be an New fall and winter waists are Here in endless variety® Plaids and checks in wool and Wash goods $1.50 to $3.00 You can buy sKirts cheaper than you can have them made. Just received "a lot of the better grade skirts* as well as he buying part of a business is the most important. But fo salw, profitable sates, Sales that will satisfy and hold the customers, the rigttttner* cbapdiB" is absolutely essential. We anticipated a scarcity in. merchandise^ hence we placed our orders for fall early and are receiving our Fall Goods early. .have recently received a new line of Fall Dress Goods and Waistings. HIIB ERCANTILE CO 404 Tenth Street. Plain Black Kersef Dress Goods, per yard.. Plain Waistings, per yard. F?ake Tricot Waistings, per yard ... »•..•.. 39( of Dress Goods to Auction Bill, remember we turn them out as cheaply give you a free notice. The nbtice, haviuga largi? circulation, is worth the bills. If it be Wedtfing Invitations or Announcementc), RecepfciOii Cards, Calling Cards' or Private Stationary, the Advance.1has the p.ropet type a«d stock for Wojng- the workl, to conform to the latest styles. .v.- ••.'-'v-- v' If it be Business stationery of auy kind, bear in mind that our stock aud assortment of type is the largest in the county aud we wijl.guarantee to pl^a-p you on wevj job'. :,y ft "Wt .¥ 50c 57c anyone I