Newspaper Page Text
•v A .'-v^! IS1'!". kH t~[ .-•• r-t The Sibley cbautauqua will be held on July 14 to 19. G. C. Fellows of Elk was in town last Saturday doing trading. Mrs. R. H. Patterson has returned a visit with relatives in Iowa. Oscar Kunzman went Lemars on Wednesday for a short visit. Do l't misa the entertainment at the Masonic hall this evening. J. M. Scriven of Seward was in town Tuesday doing trading. F. S. Burroughs of Route 5 was in town Wednesday doing trading. The Grand is doing a good busi ness under the new management. Miss Ethel Patterson spent Sunday with friends in Indian Lake township. The Rev. Father Carey of Sibley visited in Worthington on Wednes day. W. F. Kasdorf of Dewald, transact ed business in Worthington last Sat urday. Mrs. Jas. Suddaby enjoyed a visit from her father and another relative last Sunday. Jim Mann again presides over the delivery wagon of the Worthington steam laundry. H. F. Rockwell came over from Fairmont on Tuesday to look after business affairs. Dr. J. N. Gould has received a handsome new automobile, bought through E. J. Wolven. LOCAL NEWS Francis Morgan, the Singer sewing machine hustler, returned on Wednes day from a visit at Faribault. Atty. Wilson Borpt of Windom had business before Judge Brown here this week at the special term of court. The People's state bank at Mont erey was touched for $1500 Monday night by burglers, who blew open the safe. Miss Hazel Pepple will close a very successful term of school this after noon in the Paine district, east of town. Mrs. Wm. Devaney returned from Minneapolia last Sunday, where she spent a week with her sister, Mrs. Marple. Mrs. E. K. Smith and children spent Sunday with her parents, Mr and Mrs. I. T. Branigan, at Rock Rapids. The Missionary Society of the Con gregational church will meet with Mrs, C. J. Smallwood next Wednes pay afternoon. P. H. Brown of Minneapolis was in the city Tuesday looking after busi ness interests and shaking hands with his numerous friends. The Rock Island has curtailed its iorce on the Lake Park run and brakeman Tousley has been laid off. He will return to work cn the main line. Miss Grace Campbell, who had spent several weeks in St. Paul studying millinery styleB, returned last week, and has taken a position in Mrs. Gilletts store. The Birthday Club was entertained on Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. J. S. Kies, where a very pleasant social time was had. Contests of various kinds furnished amusement. Refresh ments were served. Lost—Between my house and the Episcopal church on Sunday, a large gold brooch, 3 pearls in a leaf on ft out, watch hook on back. Finder please return and receive liberal re ward. Mrs. E. A. Wheeler. 'J Grand Receiver J. F. McGuire, of the Ancient Order of United Work men, will be in Worthington May 11, and will speak at the regular meeting of the order that evening. All Work men and Degree of Honor members are requested to be present. The Nobles County Ministers' Meeting will hold their next meeting Monday afternoon May 4th, at two o'clock in the Methodist church. Rev. Wilder will speak ou "The Pro and Con of Modern Rival Meetings." Carl 0. Swan, Sec. F, L. Humiston, secretary of the fair asaociation and A. R. Albertus, superintendent of the speed depart ment went to St. Peter Monday,where they made arrangement* for the entry of the local fair association in the Southern Minnesota short shift racing circuit. The opening races will be in Worthington, aed this !n«ure» a full entry in all classes, and some first class races. vi Mrs. A. J. Snyder visited in Iowa ast week. For Sale—Horse and buggy. Apply to Otto Leabeck. Theo. Bahls was up from Round Lake on business Tuesday. Kenneth Pettit has accepted a job on the road for a cigar factory. W. L. O. Bartlett made a trip Wilmot and Lismore this week. to H. C. Carstenssn, of Round Lake, was a county seat visitor Tuesday. W. E. Oxford of Seward was a Worthington visitor last Saturday. Miss Anna Flentje, of Round Lake, visited in Worthington last Friday. J. M. Addington made a business trip to Lake Benton the first of the week. Andrew Nelson, of Indian Lake, was in the city Wednesday on busi ness. Fred Tripp of Round Lake came up Tuesday to attend the election contest. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Herline, of Rt. 3, were in town Wednesday doing trading. Screens for doors and windows, are now in season. Full line at Tuthill Lumber Co. Lost—On main street, a pair em broidery ecissors. Finder please leave at this office. Wanted—Two young ladies to learn to operate type setting machine. Apply at this office. Ex-mayor E. A. Tripp came up from Round Lake Tuesday to attend the election coutest. Miss Lizzie Ryan closed a success ful term of echool in district No. 72 last week, with appropriate excerises. The annual business meeting of the Tourist Clnb will be held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Chaney next Monday afternoon. WANTED—Experienced girl for general house work, none other need apply. Wages $4 per week.—Mrs. E. A. Hart. Cigar Salesman Wanted—Exper ience unnessary. $100 per month and expenses. Peerless Cigar Co, Toledo, Ohio. 5-15 Miss Ago as Ryan, who has been teaching in district No. 82, north of Reading, closed a very successful term of school last week. LOST—Pair of glasses, between my residence and Lutheran church, about two weeks ago. Finder please return to Mr?. L. J. Larson. Miss Hannah Haack resigned her position at the H. W. Steffens' res taurant last week and is now em ployed at the depot lunch counter. President R. L. Morland of the State Board of Pharmacy, who is at tending a session of the board in Minneapolis, spent Sunday at home. Wanted—Manager for New Branch of our business here in Worthington Write promptly, with references. The Morris Wholesale House, Cin cinnati, Ohio. W. E. Moses came down from Northfield yesterday to take person al charge of his hardware store here until he secures a suitable manager. Dr. J. N. Gould is the proud owner of the newest automobile in town, a Ford runabout. The machine runs very smooth and is apparently easily handled. Bank Examiner Root, of St. Paul, was here laBt week and went over the books of the Citizens National bank. found everything in fine sliape and the institution in a sound con~ dition. On account of the disagreable weather Friday, April 17, the box social in District 106 wau postponed until Friday evening, May 1st. Every body is invited to attend. Beulah Dring, Teacher. Banker S. M. Stewart has carpent ers at work remodeling and making extensive improvements in his resi dence on Fifth aveaue. He will change a number of partitions, put in hardwood floors and paper and paint throughout. The District Federation of Women's Clubs will rawet at Maakato next Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs. G. W. Wilson and Mrs. Stanley Moore *re the delegate* from the Tourists Clnb of this city and will Attend the meeting. Market Report. Corrected to Apr. 17 Oats 39c to 43fc Flax, 98c-1.02 Corn 55c to 68c Barley 50^ to 57c Wheat, No. 2 70cto 87c Eggs ...12c Butter 20c-25c Hogs $4.00-15.00 Hay-tame $6.00-$7 50 Hay-wild $4.00-$5.00 Cows and Heifers $2.00-13.50 Stockers and Feeders $3.00-$400 Pasture—For horses and cattle. J. N. Gould. 5-22 Bud Baker helped out in Lewis' store Saturday. C. O. Wells of route 3 was in the city Saturday ou business. A. C. Heberg of Mankato was in the city ou business Tuesday. J. W. Hamilton of routo three did trading in town last Saturday. For Sale—Good seed potatoes. Two varieties. A. J. Strand. 5-1 Editor J. S. Rand )lph of Brewster was a county seat visitor Saturday. Elmer Tripp, of Round Lake, was a Worthington visitor on Tuesday. A. R. Albertus made a business trip to St. Peter the first of the week. Mrs. S. M. Stewart returned on Saturday last from a visit at Chicago. Banker C. A. Sands, of Adrian, had business at the couuty seat Wednes day. J. Burr Ludlow of Rushmore waB a business caller to this city last Sat urd ay. Geo. Hurd has sold his fa»m north of town to F. J. McCabe for $52.50 per acre. Wanted—Good house keeper, on farm. Add rets Box 133, Worthing ton, Minn. Miss Gertude O'Connel, of Ester ville, Iowa, spent Sunday with friends in Worthington. The dancie given in the hall last Friday night waa well attended and all iepoit a fine time. The outcome of the contest would indicate that the Globe has again been endorsed, in the usual way. Albert Hactor, one of the heavy weights of Indian Lake transacted business in Worthington. Saturday For Salt—Minnesota grown and tested jellow dent seed corn, at $-2.25 per bu. The Cosgiove Co., LeSeuer Minn. 5-15 Mrs. J. N. Dodge, of Round Lake has been visiting at the home of her son in-law, H. S. Hobson, the pai week. Just received, tv\o cfirs of lumber and a car of posts, and have plenty of good dry wood. Price reasonable A. Oberman. Mr. Merchant: If this was your adv., wouldn't people read it? If jou have anything to sell why not tell the people a bcut it through the Ad vance Subcribers on rural telephone tines are invited to call up the Advance office, No. 137, whenever they have any news to report. This will be great help in making a better paper for you all. Judge P. E. Brown whi)6 in the city remarked that one of Worthing tun's greatest needs was anew chart er, and said if he were a resident of the city he would do what he could to secure one. This is good advice, and the situation is appreciated by all progressive people. We hope the council will take steps to that end in the near future. Mr, Re uter, buy land on the Mil waukee coast extension in Bownan County, N. D. Five new towns, eleva tors. schools and churches located on our land. Price of land $15.00 to $18.00 per acre, easy terms. Ask our local agent A. M. Gregerson for ad vertising matter and all information. Next excursion May 5th. W rite the editor of this paper and give the postoffice address of Wilbur Rathbun, his wife or any of his chil dren, or information that will lead to proof of his death without leaving heirs, and you will receive $10.00. Said Wilbur Rathun was born in the 8'ate of New York about 1817 and came from Allamakee County, Iowa, to Minnesota about 1856, and he was not married at that time. Free, Igorrote's Puzzle, Free To INTRODUCE. Dates to Remember Woodman Picnic, June 24. Chautauqua, July 4 to 12. District Fair, Aug. 25-27. Wanted—A girl for general house work. Apply^to Mrs. Grant Mor rison. tf FOR SaLE—House well located, moderate price, reasonable terms. J. M. Messer. Wanted—To pasture, cattle and horses. Woven wire fence, good grass and water. P. R. Long. Read ing. 5-1. FOR SALE—Barred Rock eggs for hatching.—Mrs. J. M. Messer, Worthington, Minn Are you interested in owning your own heme? See the Western Land Securities Company's representative A. M. Gregerson. Join the Western Lnnd Securities Co.'s next excursion to Bownan County, North Dakota, May 5th. In vest your money in land and become independent. See our local agent, A. M. Gregerson. No place like home, and no home like your own home. Mr. Renter go west and buy a quarter or half section of land at $15.00 to $18.00 per acre on easy terms, where you have coal at $1.00 per ton, pure spring water, soil, a black loam with clay sub-soil. One crop will clear the land the first year No investment so absolutely sure as land. See the Western Land Secu rities Co.'s representative, A. Gregerson. Next excursion May 5th The Democrats are gleeful because their vicious canard that J. F. Jacob son has the support of the lumber railroad, and liquor barons, has taken so well that even one of his Republi can opponents should give it his en dorsement. The Princeton Union says that Jacobson has the support of these interests at this time in about the same ratio that Dunn bad it in 1904-16 to 1-sixteen against and one undicided but inclined to go with the majority. S 3 S 3 I Letter Heads Bill Heads Envelopes Visiting Cards Auction Bills 3 We will give away ten thousand of theseIgorrote's Dou ble Cross puzzles, made of Pbillipine mahogany. Difficult and fasinating. Write quick and enclose four cents in stamps to corer cost of mailing puz zle, that's all. AddreBB DOMINOOABDS co., 1807 Chouteau Ave.,St. Louis, Mo, Telephone 137 We Print Auction, Auction Sale OF Household Goods Saturday May I will dispose of a large of household goods, etc., the above date, at PETER THOMPSON CORNER 0. W. Dieckhoff, JAS. MACHAY, Auct OWNER Our Lace Curtain Section Is proving to be one of the attractions of the store. The superior quality of the curtains we offer demonstrates that the purchasing power of our store brings a substantial saving to the economically inclined our values are un questionably strong. Prices range per pair 50c 75c $1 $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 $2.50 $3 $4 $4.50 $5 $5.50 $8 Subscribe For The EMBROIDERIES Great bargains in Embroideries: Flouncings, Corset Covers, Insestions, Edges, Wide Bands in swiss, Nainsook and Cambric. Prices range from per yd., 8 Cents up to $1.25 HUB MERCANTILE CO. WOHTHINOTON, MINNBSOTA. ADVANCE A SIGNIFICANT FACT! I ALL GOOD PRINTING COMES FROM THE AD VAN E PRINTER .Call us up when in need of. Note Heads Wedding Stationery Statements Business Cards Folders Legal Blanks. Large Stock of Good Paper Always on Hand. All Late and New Type Faces. First Class Workmen. THE ADVANCE 2 lot on Society Stationery Fancy Pamphlets Hand Bills Ect., Bet. Worthington, Minn. 1