OCR Interpretation

The Norfolk Virginian. [volume] (Norfolk, Va.) 186?-189?, April 06, 1895, Image 5

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85025715/1895-04-06/ed-1/seq-5/

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The Port, City and Suburbs Covered
In Concise Terms.
Atlantic Lodp,e Trustee. Will o! Mr.
Wills. Naturalized. No Mayor's
Court Docket. Electric Rail?
road Purchase Satisfac?
tory. Personal.
hire, Uuwe, ou Court street, is criti?
cally ill,
Jurues D. English, was naturalized
There was no docket in tbo Mayor's
Court yesterday.
1, Mrs. lshurn, wife of Constable Isbarn,
Is critically ill ut her biibbund's resi?
dence iu Brighton.
?lodge Watts did not reader his de?
cision yesterday in the cook shop case,
but will do Co on Monday.
Mr. Oharles Owons. who has boen
?0 critically ill at Ins home, in Hootts
villc, is now ablo to bo out.
Hon. John Qoode delivered his lec?
ture Ust night at Trinity P, E, Church
to h good sized nudienoe,
Beef and veal are selling ror 'JO and
So . outs per pound, anil the butchers
say that it will reach .10 ceutH.
For want of u quorum there no meet?
ing ol tliu School liuurd last night,
?uly a tew members wero present.
To morrow will bo Palm Sunday, At
the morning service palms will be dis
iribnted to those who attend .St. Paul's
Mr. .lames T. Harrell was out yester?
day for the first time siuco January,
having hoeu ooutined to bis home from
Attention is culled to the advertise
inunt of Uruiniucr iu another column.
(See advertisement and address as
'the regular Friday mgbt practical
la.k was made last night by Mr.Qeorge
.'.irM in run. It was both interesting
end instructive.
Mr. 15. F. Vanr;han was yesterday
appointed us trustee lor Atlantic Lodge
No. 24, Knights of Pythias, vice T. 11.
Viruelson, deceased.
A negro tramp who was accommo?
dated with lodgings on Thursday night
made application again to be allowed to
tloep at tlie station house last night.
Kev. Mr. Webb bar. gone to Danville
to meet Rev. Sam Jones, who is iu tuat
city, Ho wants liim to dedicate his
uew church BOmo time iu the spring.
LfolTheimer's shoo store gave out
some very nice souvouirs yesterday to
their oustomors, They now huve oue of
the DCSteat shoe stores iu this section.
A horse attached to a wagon rau
?way on Smith street yesterday morn
lug und upset eggs, etc. The driver
vhs thrown out und wus uudly bruised
about the face.
The Will ol the late Lev. D, 1'. Wills
was proved in the Hustings Court yes?
terday ami was admitted to record.
Mr, .lohn U. Freeman qualified as ex
ecutor; bond 815,1 1)0.
Anthony It, MMarkliain, one of the
oldest and must highly respected citi
Kens ut this city, is critically ill at his
resideuce, corner 1'iith and Henry
streets, South Portsmouth.
The bids for lightiug tho city for
Jivo years l>7 electricity were opened
yesterday, but will not tie made pub
Jic until tliu C'oiiuoil committee meets
next Monday, 'liiere were only two of
bead the advertisement in another
column, which is addressed to the
Democrats ol Norfolk county, It is a
matter ol considerable importance to
ihe members ol the couveotiou which
Will soon be held.
1 he afternoon meeting yesterday at
Monumental M. 13, Church was woil
attended by children. There were
several conversions. At night the crowd
wan immense. Mr. Leo is doing much
Kond in tlii'- community,
A telegram was received last night
from Itov. Dr, Carter stating that he
would arrive in Norfolk this morning
on the Washington Bteainer au.i would
stop at tho Atlantic Hotel until other
arrangements could be made.
Itov, 11, M, bonne-, ol the Baltimore
Conference, will preach at Wrignt
Memorial Ubiirch Sunday morning urn!
Jlev. Fi A. Coins, ol the same confer
eiice, at night, both of these gentle
men ore from Portsmouth ami should
lie greeted with large congregations,
i he purchasers ol the street railroad
have been over the entire route wiih
ibeir engineer and are highly pleased
tvith their purchase, 'I hey say that
Iboy will commence work right away
und hope to have the road running by
It will be well for the Kxociltive Com?
mittee to remember that ward meet?
ings to m illionte (Jounoilmeu will huve
|o bo called by the first or second day
td May, ns the law requires thai the
name ot each candidate to Im voted for
?hall lie placid in Ihn hands of the
Clerk of tho Court twenty days prior
to an election, and the election occurs
on the Siild prox?
Mn?e%? l.llllls * In?. M.
All kinds lor men, boys and chil?
dren at L. C. Long .v Son'.-, 2IU High
street, next to .1. S. Crawford's.
<!o to Heeks, gents' furnisher, 300
3ligh street, for spring suits, neckwear
und men's furnishings ol evory descrip?
Spring neckwear, latest stylos, at W.
SI. Heeks, 30(3 Migh street; also tho
celebrated, International uud W, H. P.
celebrated Monarch shirts. 1 bo tit,
Style and wear of these goods guaran?
teed. _
Wire doors nt Crawford's.
Children Cryfoi
??aim Mtiidai.
Next Suudny is colcbratod in Catho
lie churches under tho name of I'ulm
Sunday, tlio triumphal entry of our
Savior mlo Jerusalem, when the popu?
lace ctrowoii before Hirn du tlio road?
way biuuclie8 of palms whilo they joy?
fully Hbouteii greetings to the umu
God. lu commemoration of tin* event
pelma are blessed in the churches be?
t?re tlio celebration of mass anil dis?
tributed to the members of the congre?
gation. I n the teachings of the oburob
utteution iK called to the Meeting and
tickle bonori of tbo world as oviueed
by tlie mob who muuifestod so much
joy at tbu Savior's uppnreut triumph
of I'altu Snuduv, while the sumo mob
cried out for His death so soou after.
Appropriate services will bu bold at
at. Raul's Church.
Fire Vvairrtlnv Afternoon*
Yesterday afternoon about I!: 10
o'clock tire was discovered in the
kitchou in the rear of au old frame
hoiiso on Court street, near County,
belonging to Mr. John A. Mulligan.
A n.csstige was sent to the Chamber's
eugino-huuse. A party of gentlemen
went there with au uxo und out a hole
in tbo roof and put the fire out without
bringing the engine out. The tire
originated from a stovo pipo that was
run through the roof.
A. K. Vlerltuc.
The members of the Grand Army
of the Republic of this city
will leave hero ou Monday for Rich
monti to at ten.! u meotiug of tho en?
campment, which will be held there on
the LOthiuat, Tickets will bo sold for
$2,00 rouud trip, good nntil the 14th,
inotusivo. ignite a number ol persons
will go with them from tho two citios.
r in.
Last night about 7:;'() au olnrm of
firo wss souuded, canted by the explo?
sion of a gusuk-no stove in Mr. Lewis
Morris' store, on the corner of County
und Crawford strouls. Hoth engines
wero out. but their services were not
I ml. r Oxford mill.
A, J. Phillips, agent for the cele?
brated feather boue und 1'. \Y. corsets.
New hue kid gloves. Our gents' [able
cut kid gloves at ^1 ure immense. Kvery
pair warranted, A. J, Phillips.
illetubere l.lcclcd.
At tho meeting of Montouk tribe,
Red Men, held last night, seventeen
new members were elected. Past
Urand Sachems L. T. MeCuuro and .1.
W. Cherry, of Norfolk, were present.
The lodge is one of the most pro?
gressive in the State.
'? lie Stroits hold ol iiohIUi
Is -rou carried by the assaults of malaria,
I.nt it Uoatetter's hiernach Utters i? eiu
ployed as a bulwark against tbu disease,
absolute safety i? attiiinod. 'i'hs uu?t viru?
lent lurem o: disease broil by miasma, taint?
ed air and water soon yield to the urcano
an 1 comhative intlticuce of this eflicient
safeguard, which fortifies the system a- no
otlur niodicius up to date b.is eu-r doue.
it counteracts a tendency to rheumatism,
Dottralgia ami kidney complaints, over?
comes indigestion, nervousness, constipa?
tion and liver troubles improv s the appe?
tite and , romotei dig sti?ii faking 'or ail
iu all, it is probably the most nsetul f..ui.l v
remedy in exlstouce, and is pjpulai as well
as effe.'tive. t't-o ii systemsticully, uot .it
irregular intervals.
If you want au Easter necktie, some?
thing new and decidedly neat, cull and
806 C. K. Wclton A Co.
Us in It Uta iii it I'm tor Dry i.oinlt Ilur
i: hui?,
:ijij High street.
speciri hi. n.
This season wo looked out for the tall
and slender, a.i well ns the regular size
young man. \Yo nro receiving daily
the latest spring styles of clothing und
gent-' furnishings, [f wu can't suit you
out ol stock we have a line ot samples,
comprising over -.'<>> styles and patterns,
to chose from. This week we muko a
'? i ucialty ot inenV onu halt hohe in black
und colors. We have just received an
importation ordor of 10U dozen, Bres
lauer .V Anthony. 11 I High street.
New muttiiiuR at Ctawford's.
Wail lor llofheimor's brauch store,
220 High street. Famous' old stuud.
Refrigerators ut Crawford's.
Dou't fail to call ou W. II. Beeks,
30(5 High street, and get onu of thot-o
haudsomo spring suits at lowest Qgures.
Jiul y carriages nt Crawford's.
Suits properly made?
Suits that lit you?
t <?? To buy at lowest prices?
v? imt |>o treated fairly?
Suits from .?*.> t? $25?
l ull value every time?
If so, call ut
Lew -\ ?' icoiuV, 200 High SI.
Charles II. Sturtevnnt, funeral di?
rector and embalmer, 308 Ibird street,
corner Harrison. mlllO-lm
Furniture, carpets at Crawford's,
Those who never read the advertise*
metlts iu their newspapers mips mnro
than they presume. Jonathan Kcusod,
of 1 Solan. Worth county, Iowa, who
bad been troubled with rbottmatism in
Ins back, arms aud shoulders, rend an
item in his paper nbuut how a promi?
nent German citizen of Ft. Madisou
bud been cured, lie prootirod the
Bame medioine, aud to use Inn own
words: "It cured me right up," Ho
also says: "A neighbor aud his wifo
wore both siok in lied with rbuumatisui.
Their boy was over to my bouse and
?iii.| they were so bad he hail to do the
oooking, i told him of Chamberlain's
Pain Mulm and how it had cured mo,
be got a bottle and it cured thcru up in
a week, ?? cent bottles for salt) by ull
druggiets. _
Pitcher':. Castor.a
Rheumatic Tells a Wonderful
Less Than Halt a Dottle of Munyon's
New Remedy Restored Him
to Health.
James Buckley, 210 Washington htreot,
Newark. N. .1 , aayst "I have boon tmfleriuu
from rheum tism f.>v a nmuher 61 >c..ra.
in pulus vm m oieeedii gly sevoro an.I 1
could uol 1 ? i> uights. The remedies l ol>
tiimo.i did ma little ol u> good, nor did the
doctors whom I ooueulted. This had gouo
on. .? it h recurring attack being more pain*
tul ami prolong! .I tuuu tho pret loua sue. 1
. ouiii no reliel uutil 1 commenced tak?
ing vim on'* Itbeumatt in < urn. Lett than
one hali a buttle drove all the rhem.itism
oat ol my stttam all I I am US Woll nU'l
HtinuR as i ever ?in in my lite, t co.n>i iur
the i ohm: a w< u lerflll onu and tike plea -
uiu iu recommi n.iiu^ it."
littiiyon h ItlieuuiHtism Cure is guarantee I
to. iu rheumatism in auv part oi theb I?
Acuto oi uiu-o ilir rh utmttiani is cure ) in
li.nu one to live days. It never fails to cure
?harp, ibootlng pam* iu the arms, legs,
sides, buU or brou^t or Huren?? in any
par: ol ill" body in from into to iiuoo hours
it a guarantecM t > promptly euro laiunueas.
still' an.I HWOtleil joint-.. >t IT back. . n 1 nil
puius in the hips an I loins. < hruni-- rhen
matism, sciatica, lumbago or pain in the
back nre spiedily cared.
Huuyou n Mom i opatbio Homo Items ly
Company, o? Philadelphia, put up specilics
for ueai y i m-rv disease, which are sold by
sil driiggittn mostly for 'J > cents n notil.-.
Those who an in doubt as to lbs nature
of their diseases should address I'rof. Mint
.'on. Arch ftreft. Philadelphia, giriug
full symptom'ol theirdisensc. Prof. Ainu
\ on v ill carefully dtaguoao the en--" aud give
you the l.euslit of bis advice absolutely tree
of all chare ? The Hemodiea wilt le sent j
to any address on receipt of rouii price.
The "Truckers" Defeated by the
Lancasters in a Close Game.
A lew of tho faithful wituossod the
game yesterday afteruoou between the
I'ortstnoutbs aud the Lauousters, aud
though the game was loosely played at
times, it was closely contested, and tho
result not decided until tho lust hulf uf
the niuth inning.
Cullaliuu was in the box for the
locals, and pitched n rattling game,
allowing the visitors to make only one
turned run. Most of the lilts were
uiuiiu oil his delivery, after the tifth
inning, when his sore hand was hurt,
which compelled him to let up some?
what. He will no doubt bo one tho
behau, tho new short stop, was iu
the game aud made a good impression.
He picked up the ball well and throws
accurately. '1 ho game was Portsmouth's
up to the fifth inning, at which time,
our boys seemed to go to pieces und
allowed the visitors to tie the score.
Quinu caught a line game, his throw
ing to bases being | articularly good.
N etter ulso played u good game ut
second. Qocbuaur und Slouch did
the brilliant fielding tor the visitor".
The same clubs play again this after
noon, when Halltuan, Portsmouth's
new lelt baud (wirier, who arrived yes
tordsy, mil officiate iu tho box aud i
Vetter will be Ins catcher. Mullen
umpired and gave entire satisfaction,
below is the score;
I'OKI'SUOI i ii. i a n. im i R.
Hargrove, cf... 3 ?-? 2 u.Cargd rf.:i ?j i o
Kuban, as lei i StnOold.il ... I 1 o
i o.... rf.. I .Kappel, Hb.. .. o J 1 ?
T?te, Hi.o i in obiouch.'.'b ....!! :: I u
I Hike, 31.. I Z 'I i;.Mvrlr. II..O 1 V> u
Velter, 2b. l l < icKeuver, vf.. 0 o o
I a I la.i, If.. 0 0 0 t'1 III lull, p. .Inj)
*l I u, v.... o I A 11 ill loia ir, 5?.. U 1 1.0
LUIUihau, p..... I 1 - ' V - Us, p. I sue
lulal . 7 s 21? . I Total. S I I r. I
??iouvh nut j iuseld Hy, and ouo ui-iu mit wbeii
triuiiluy iui. ass made.
?? our. 1IV INMN-.S.
P.inaaioulti. .' :: 0.0 0 0 2 0.0~- 7
Lau.. btei . l 0.0:0 3 0 3 0 l-J
SuMUAitt: Earned liuus?Ports?
mouth, 1; Lancaster, 1. Two base
Hits?Hargrove and Seabold. Bases
Stolen -Porlsmonth, 3; Lauoaster, .'..
Double Playe?Bebun, Vetter and late,
Qoobnaar, Slouch and Myers. Buses
on Halls Portsmouth, 7, Lancaster. 1.
Struok Out?By Verlies, 4; by Calla
hau, I, Time ol Game One hour ami
forty-live minutes. Umpire Mr. Mul
len. Scorer?Ohas, T. Bland,
Elizabeth City, N. ('.. April I,?A
telegram was received hero on: yester?
day from State Inspector General
Camoron to scud him the names of the
ollicers of the corps of tho Naval Re?
serves of Elizabeth City, As no ollicers
bud yet beou elected a meeting was at
ouco called. It was held ut the City
Hull last night and the following ofli?
cars elected: First Lieutenant, VV, J,
Griffin; Second Lieutenant und Treas?
urer, J. B. Terr-bee; L?6ig0, J. ?.
Nash; Seoretary, Isaac Saloinousky.
Mr. Terebeo was appointed u com?
mittee of one to make u trip to the
Norfolk Navy-yard nexl week and see
about tho \i s~cl and arms that uro to
be furnishod I he oompany. Of the
ollicers, First Lieutenant Oriflin was a
liouteuanl in tin- Pasipiotauk Hides for
several years, and all the others were
members oi that organization, 'I ber.
are about forty live memburs of tho I
company, and it promb es to be a wor?
thy successor of thut worthy institu?
Hr. Oscar McMullan, who was hurt
last week by being thrown from his
buggv, ih out again to ilay.
.Mr! Mnnro \Vbedien, ol Hertford, is
visiting his daughter, Mrs. Dr, Mo
Pure >< ieii Kioml
is essenllal to gocrl boalth, because tho
blood .s ibe vital fluid wbicb anppliesall the
organs with loo Udod's Sarsaparille is the
greatest t.l .o.l purifier.
Hood's Piixs aro purely vegetable, harm*
' less, stloclive, do nut pa... or gripe.
An Kxpendlture of ?muh.'.'-. .:.j Provided
i-"or?Antilottery BIN Passed.
Tho following figures show approxi?
mately tin total appropriations utado
during tho rocont session ol congress:
Agricultural. 13.908,7(0
Army. -.'j.L'o.'.ik.H
Diplomatic and consular. l.&Tfi.cTS
lJi-.tvi.-tcf Columbia. (,016,838
Fortifications. 1,001,(87
Italian. 6,700,948
Military ncudctny. 484.961
Pomdon. Hl.:tsl..v.o
Poatoftlctj. M.'.;.4.">.?.vr i
General deficiency. B,6fAi,00U
Sundry civil._ 47,140,UM
Urgent deficiency bills pass, loarly
in tbo leas Ion. 2,857,321
Li iclslntive, executive und judicial. SI.UIO.OOU
Naval. 20,100,000 !
l'erra'tnettt uinuuU . 118,078,036
Mil collaucous. 600,000
AU tho appropriation bills have bo
come laws, tho president having rtfflxc.il
his siguaturo to them. The list of bills
approved by tho proeideut includes tho
Tho agricultural appropriation bill;
tho fortifioation appropriation bill; in?
valid pension bill; authorizing tho con
Btruoliou of n bridge ovor tbu Tonnes
Hoo river qonr Shefriulil, Ala.; authoriz?
ing tho Flushing nnd Mansfield Rail?
way compauy to const rm; a bridge
across the Mouongaholu rivor; authoriz?
ing the Wisconsin and Now Duluth
Bridge company to con Lrnot a bridge
across tho St. Louis riv-1 betwocu Wis?
consin nnd Minnesota; authorizing thu
Pittsburg und Mouongahela Railway
company to construct it bridge over the
Monongahela river; authorizing t bo con?
struction of a bridge across tho Illinois
river near llounopiu; authorizing tho
Washington und Marlboro oloctric
railway of Maryland to oztoud its lines
into tho District of'Coluuibia; to amend
nu not incorporating the Washington
and Maryland Railway company.
Although tho autilottery Ml! was late
in being our oiled and presented to tbo
president, it was signed intime to innko
it it law.
!>r. I'arliuurxt on "tlir Now tVuiumi."
Hut, whatever certain adventurous
women may think about it, it is mil.
oiently clear that tint uro has certain
pretty decided opinions t its own on
tho mattur, aud that nature lias so
wrought its opinion's Into the tissue of
woman's physical Constitution and func?
tion that any feminine attempt to mu?
tiny against wifehood, motherhood and
dome-tin "limitation's" is a hopeless
and r.tthor imbecile attempt to escapo
the inevitable, writes tho Rev. Charles
II. Parkbnrst in nu article on "Tho
Truo Mission of Woman" in Tbo La?
dies' Home Journal. All tl>'> female
congresses in tho world might combine
in colossal mass meeting and vote with
passionate show of hiuids that woman's
sphere is coiuoideht with tbo sphority
of the globe or ovuu of nil the beavons,
hut tho vary idiosyncrasy of her physic?
al build and the limitations 06suntially
bound up in it will sponge out her mass
nienting resolutions as fast as she can
pass them.
It is well enough for her to say that
she wishes sho wem n man, but bIio is
not, and till sho is sho might as well
BQoouuib to the fart thai God und na?
tura had very different intentions for
her from what he had lor her brothers,
and that ho recorded his intentions in a
way that he has takou sonn- pains to pro
'yont her being ablo to forgot, lam reul
ly sorry for those women that wish
they wore men. 1 wish they woro. It
would bo.kuoh a rulief to the rest of us
1 as well us) to them.
N?i I (inanity lu KIanIiij;.
As ovidonco of Anna Dickinson's Insan?
ity it doctor testified ut Scrantou, Pa.,
that she bitd on one uoeaslon glvoll him it
kiss. Such things bavo been done, how
over, by perfectly sano women.?Now
York Recorder.
I Brings comfort ami improvement nnd
tends to personal enjoyment when
rightly used. The many,"who live bet?
ter than other- nnd enjoy life more, v. ith
less expenditure, by more promptly
adapting the world's best producta to
the needs of physical being, will attest
the value to health of the pun- liquid
laxative principles embraced in ihu
remedy, Syrup of Pigs.
It- excellence i- ?lue to its presenting
in the form most acceptable ami pleas
ant t<> the taste, the refreshing ami truly
beucticial properties of a perfect lax?
ative; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
nntl permanently curing constipation,
li hits given satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval of tie- medical
profession, because it nets on the Kid
licys, Liver and Bowels without weak?
ening them ami it is perfectly tree from
every objectionable substance.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug
gists in 50c and t'I bottles, but it is man
ufactured by the California Pig Syruj
Co. only, whose name ts printed mi every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs
and being well informed, you will
accept any substitute il offered.
i?oit i.s.noti i'll utviiiiriM.iu.Ms I i?ou iNniwirrii .% i?vi:it i1 v i ? ti i:n i s I im? iiiv n <?? in ,\ i > y r. it r ihjgti ?
spot cash ernes down the price; "
Bnd wc Bre Quick lo Know now 10 Tical Gieat Puicftases.
'1*1 I 1 v W Iv >???:?. I/T r 'JL^ln- Most Wonderful {SoiJiiig: I
Come, sec tut yourselves. Wir repeat what we've, suit! before. Much of our Good
Clothing?half former prices. b'.very <ia\ w ? hear the story ?I never saw anything like
it. TO-DAY a Go< (I Suit costs hut $5, $ : or $7.50. Maul you, Good Suit.
S7.50 for Black Worsted Suit, it's the lowest notch yet. You'll
have nothing hut the walk fot it trying t<> match it. Remember, there's reputation be?
hind every dollar's worth 01 our Lihtck (mo.I . lioys' Clothes-?Readv for Spring. All
the newest things known lor boys now on displav. Never saw such beauties?for half
what they use to cost $1.25, $2,$3, $3.50 anil ?\. Largest Boys and Young Men, $4 to $10,
SVL ROSE&MBAUM, 1 16 and 1 IB High St., Portsmouth.
l Couvenllou, lo Im in Iii im in. iTtfa da? ul April.
iir Iii? miderdf tied, Democrat < oi Pleat-anl
lliove M i,l-' ?r 1*1 IHM riet j aim wore |.cat at
siin l'lne SeliixillieiiKu ?hon ilic mietliii ?u
rallol.l-r < ii Tuisday. Muri Ii via Ii. l>j .l.W.
Juni nt. n?.|hi Hull) h.ii the i IIi? in,;
.1. W; .loidan, a Utphe? -.1 Capl. J. T. Witt,
ealli .1 i lie in..??,n ; in ,.i.i, i a- i lialrinan of i Im l'i ?
tricl Committee. Capl. Joint T. Wo?t raored that
the temporary organi atlou lie made |?eintanent,
and linmrdial Ijr mill, "all n i ?nrefllie munina
llun.suv aye." aid sthl "carried," without cnHIa?
?oi ilie im..,. N.. secrelar) mi? nominated or
sleeted, hula ton few itcrsous toted on Iho ?tu? a
Hon. Mr. M.? Newhcrno asked lilm o pul ihe
"nia-V'aud no attention w.i- paid lo Um He,
Capl. Wert, then nriuvd tliree delcga es?Ucorg?
M Hall, Ur. ll.S. Klhercdge ard .1. \?. Jordan
and lUHuedlaielv hlinself said, "all in lavei ni
On it election ?in ?tv nvr." ?ml without ra lltJ|j Inr
Ha-"ihm ?." declares] i\? m eitel d He tlien In
tiiru honilnntret every district itlrleir, ?r put the
ipiiatloii lo each InMatce without callhid ibrlhii
ikmik,iiini de i.mil iinin t'l clo.l. 'I ii - i.lingaai
i li> ti de' lared mliotti w<\ 1 an n n Ine entiremni.
luiiJ. W Jordan, whoui Capl Wesl afuliiarlly de?
clared lo be ih: ebalrinati <>f "hat.ting, did int I
0|i ii hl? uionlli.eicept to cill ilist meeting I.Ici
ai lint. Kvort motion waa made and put hyCapt.
Wool, without calling for the "iioca" in tin
Mr. W. U Wllaon, a Member ??! Hie lllstrlol
I Deniocrath t.'ominittre, whoiakitnteii in lo in la
of a straight tick l.tboreupoii got into the ve?
hicle which Mr. J. W. Jmd.adjust gotten out
. ami Culled themretini lomd r Upon iiinlluii,
Im vii- mail.- iteruianent chslttuan, A not her I
draightoiit Ihniocrsl, Mi. I: W Wllkltis, ?ras
'?Ii i t .I secretory, I pun motion, C w. I'oyurr,
.lames Stewart .I Martin Hall were el'iled dele
nlts, nnd lipon nuntlon, all ol i Im Hiklricl oftli er. :
rreicrli l?-1 In ivery ludanrc tlnj i huirinsn pul i
ihoi|ue-tinu audcalleu l??i I ho "ayes" and "noes ':
in id" i cniori im preset i in in lids Hisii lei, Wore
were al I? att I wo lo one in favor ol Hi- delegat -
??I. led In the meeting prcahied over lit Mr. W l
sun,and wo challenge irut|>fiil contrail hi on. The
liroieuiltd inn llii|| ?a< civa Jtii le i >? lllu.nl author?
ity .n il aibitrarlly b> C:.|.t J Im I . tVeat, ngnlhsl
i|i' will of a Isrite isajorliy of Ihn lieuioerals pies
riiit, The delegate* that he declared lo lie eleeted
III h*> way repie.'ctd the w'shca hl Hi hot.r?i
then assembled, as bill ii very -an.II nhmliei p?f
ii. ipiitd in ihm meeting aud ?? .:| moii you,!
I>t nn erat- nl H.a I'onei ? ti n. lo Stiimp yon dlia|t
prdtal Of Hit- high I snded im trage by in ognl/lug
Messrs. I'oyner,ri'a war) and Mai in flail, the true
leprceeut alive* of the bi-ii el 1' niocrntli i.ling
, Poyi it. William Wrl.M,
W . II IV yiler. .1 .1 (?vi mm,
ItioUard " I In red gc, U W < li.uli.in.
Sandl'oid Mi' . <??<? W ' inllug,
ilosrph i lllf>orp2r, .1 V Mi' oy,
Win ii Charlton, James ? lewart,
M .s Ne*i erae, I. M Sik?,
S iw. rs, ?'? >^ 'Kin-.
I bllip l <./.ler, W I. Ilallantu,
r.Vill. r. W l< W?Min,
w i Warren, W l< Mi h ilas,
W li raiaeust .U-roim- Powers,
fienigM W (Itfrdou, .IilllenS kes,
.lohn .1 W an. ii. Jerry W'llklns,
I! i.iioi Snelulit, 'I !i Tniiii'.
Ueitrue W Syke?, Hanl? w McCoy,
] j m Wilneii, .'. f l t in ?,
I .1 I While, .1 M. nslleld,
.1 \V l (.reman, .'. I W'llkln*,
.1 p If niih. Wiii, Will.li,^.
i: i. Kededay, W. S. Wllklnr,
H I t! ? p r|wr. John Unit i,
1.1 K Silvester, Josbua Cnlpcpper,
II...iii.i- blnloo, .1. I'. Ne?lie ne,
Inl it i piou, (1. W. Kason.Sr,
W I Waller, \V. Husun,Jr.,
II Pai. < p. Kiw n
i a!eh tlarrell, J. II. Hthi reJge,
i. net , Vnli i.- Miller,
I. I. sue., IV.fl. v Mall.
.1 Mel oy, J. J. I'lirhni;,
Ii I. s. Lo . I.. U. < iii?ii?.
i \ vi,.'..v. Itaai Hall.
?V i' ai.i >ili .1. .1. Itoai h.
W .1. lialuirOUi W. It. Hud , v,
i - ? .aim on. ISeor IUI lllllllg,
John l.Puil-xl, James H llall.
M. I. llall. M. W. Hal',
1. W II.. I II, S ' l| I?,
iin I m ? urlin?, W. Ii. Wkhart,
It, I (i I. W . It. Ilellg's,
\\ E i hiirllon, w . J. NIchuLs,
l>. M. Wilson, ?' Parker,
I. K. Wilson, I lb < i rllnif,
lin en llodgi -. ' al- It llmlgu*'
W. IV. Hull. .1. I. .?in,
I dm .ml i iirllng, .1 < '. S>iiup?uilj
W a iiaitimou, .< W. HaUtead,
i II. II. i.by. .1. I . IIa I.
in o n
\t am: i' - a POSITION AH OITV
>\ inn inte . trn oling; siileauiau, clerk
or mauagcr. Iln? n?? o\p rioiicu < in on
\< :- lieferoncea good, Addresa I'lti'M
Ml.lt. Viru itiau olHce, I'orlsmouth. npt!-Ut
Special For To-day.
Pure Vermont Ma le Ruear, 160 par lb.
Oalifornia Evaporate t k eauhea, luo per
pi. lid,
t'ni ornin Bvnpor ted Poara. 10c p.'r lb.
California Kvu,orated Apri ot-. l?o per
poun I.
I so our Sunbeam Hour.
80ii Crawford streut.
Michigan Rarlj b'os" for leoil, and Bur*
hank's f..r eanug Will onload I Hits .^atur
i.ai MOHNINO. to be sohl ohoap bv
TUB I . i BUOOK8 i?? ,
Mai. b 1' Hi. 311 and 11 1 HiKh street.
An oui pasliionefl lVonaan.
A Philatlolpiila woman fa In tod the other
day upon being kissed by it man. Him
didn't, even watt tu assuro hlin that It was
tbo first lime she hud ever been Kissed ?
New Vorl. i'ress.
An 11i.n.'iiro Trrui
Wo liavo frequently beard of proposed
antidrtink laws, but tin- antltigbt law
advanced in the New \'ork Icglslitture
ts it new one in nuuio if tint iu form.?
Umaba Dee.
Perfectly Proper.
A Tolas ti logNiph operator bus fallen
boir to a fortuno of 13,600,000, loft by nn
UUcIo win. died in Uta/il?whore the nuts
eotno from.*?Chicago Post.
l'revrntion and Core.
In tbo case of train robberies It Im* been
found that a few aftni 'i guards of preven?
tive are worth a wltolo posse oomltatus of
cure. ?Chicago Trlbuno,
Kugland's Forelgh I'oliey.
Knglanil doesn't earn who makes tho
?roatlos su lung as she is permitted to grab
I .10 land.?Now York Tribune.
TO-DAY 10 A. rVl.
A mosl attractive line of nobby FOOTWEAR will be
exhibited, comprising all the newest shapes. A handsome
souvenir will be presented to each customer.
\V< deiiro to call the ntteiitlou of our
fr anils and t!.>- liuh i>- ),oin i idly ? i our now
Jito- of Milk Mid ?Via I spinn; UiO'N Kultiutpi. .
itt 2 hikI in uiitn per yard. Thcvo IhImio*
nre 35 poi ent.leii than over buforo oflferoil, '
411 iuoli ciiji'k, in I.In k and colon, at GO
could per vanl. nud !W Inoli Korsen Ilm
riottiiK, .?torni D?rgen, etc ? :'!"> and \i t coiii?
],. r ra il,
,\ iipuut fui Hue of I'tiney Wooitods, :i?i
luolioa irjdo, m < nta i cr yard.
Lornly Ipdiu Kllkn I i .irranfo mil la.liiM
weint, b o.-nt-. | it v nl.
\ II llpf of It. PrOktley'* llliiok Drew
(?oodx in plain Kii.i llgitre , ate;
Another eaae 61 iho-o Iiuro Marietta*
QuiltH, $1.12] .ent? e .oh, worth twice the
in on - y
\noihvo t'm cheep ?t well ruado Ln.lios'
Mneliu Und? rmeiir In the i ity.
A? cuts fot Buttorwiok'i Pnttoriis
920 llifh Htroet.
IJOIt s.\l K. Ih im i ii i let dilute I un < ohu itln
I' itrcet.tUti le.-> ca t fluui WaiUlntfoii MreM,
UOxllu. l.r.i . Apply to Mitteilt well rani
Man..ii ?trcet, Purk Vi..?. lip'Mw
J7I?U tl.l.UH OK THE M A ItK I T, .1 K? I S
; T. WIIITKlll'KsT, inbjeot to Deino
cratio primary. uih-S-tf
Hole! Portsmouth,
Ki|;hty-Qve cninmo.hoiiB and wall fOT
nithed Itooma, Parlors, Private Ladles' Ku
trance, and every r.onteuicuco.
I tlleient caterer ?ml chor recently sa?
ga?ad. Table unexcelled.
ItATEH?59 and ?!l.50 per day: 830 and
upwards per nioutb, Lxcullent hotel foe
Seven mom ? nod hath room: 9700 caah*
81.U '0 on long time.
real encc-s at email ooat. My table will be
Hiipiihnl with the hott in tho market, and
Ml tbe p..rin ni vegetable!, etc.. in season.
Terms reasonable by week or month.
Bp lid postal or call at tbo above addroM.
1'ortetuoutb. Ya,
210 Wator ?ireet.
mmm mm
205 and 207 CHURCH STREET,
To b< ?? u.i . in tin lit and at GREATLY REDUCED TBIOBH.
Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits, All Styles, Sizesand
Prices, Every Garment Guaranteed,
I eaiilit'nl I Ino of RASTER SUITS, Correct Styles ani Neat l'attera, BOY1S* SUITS
ers will ii it t il greatly to their intorest to call and oxamice my la*
DlcUse line ol Ubil run ? i lotliin,;. Roinoutu r
Every Garment Sold on Time, ONE DOLLAR PER WEEK
Buys any Suit in Stock.
appeis, ptiip
?a i.I pay you.
re looking ( r Hot ajjlioM Goods call an I o-umiue my immense stack, It
i $25 Worth, $1 Cash, 50c Weekly. \
Z $50 Worth, $1 Cash, $1 Weekly. $
$?5 Worth, $1.50 Cash, $1.50 Weekly.
$100 Worth, $2 Cash, $2 Weekly. ,3
Satisfaction Guar ntoed. All Business Striotlv Confidential.
g L. T. CURDTZ, Practical Upholsterer,
John S3. Loughran,
SOS and 207 Church Street.

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