OCR Interpretation

The Norfolk Virginian. [volume] (Norfolk, Va.) 186?-189?, August 02, 1895, Image 5

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85025715/1895-08-02/ed-1/seq-5/

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Tttnr n i first
The Roanoke Team Put Up a Good
Game, But Lost.
Leach and Williams Both Do Good
Work. The Fielding ot Both
Teams Was Fairly Good. Hall
Fuller, Thurslon, Viox and
Lewis Carry Off the Honors.
After being deserted for kodjo little
time League Park put on its ueotis
turned look yesterday afternoon, tlio
occasion being llio gume hutweeu tbe
lloauoke tueui uudtr the direction of
Copt. I>ick Padden aud the "Truck
era" wittli"Bot?bjr" Cbilds|at|tbe helm.
There was a fair .audience present, ii
Vas ii pretty efternooO, and all nature
aecuied to shed its lustrous ln-ouia over
tho diamond end tho people thereon, us
well as to impart au nu'isuallly good in?
fluence over those occupying seats in
tho grand stand, extending even to tlio
Lleaohers. There wore "rooters" there,
?if course thero was, where can you
nod a team that ha.; not that very un
?lortatitaiijtiiiuet to bolp it olou;.;, either
t.i victory or defoatV
But they v,ere coufcidorato in their
t< marks, and no ill fecliug or unkind
remarks prevailed. This wee probably
duo to tho fact, however, that uotinug
*.vaa duDe to "rilo" them, for tho visi
lore played clean bull and made no
kick, suve iu oue exception, which
amounted to notlnug, ua .Mr. .Mitchell
??*ry promptly callod tbem down, uurl
the game went merrily uluug, a short
?tury nf which follows,
Cavelle. the first man that fuccd
I'ltober Williams, ot thn KoauukoH,
e a hi ted that manipulator of the sphere,
witn a "corking" two-base hit. Th?rs
tou popped up a tly to Viox, Out, tiaid
Mttobell. Cavelle reached third on a
jHisgcd ball and orossed the plate on
i\ uox'a single. Childs wet- thrown out
At titst, aud Maugau put a nice oue
into Sherer'l hands aud tho sido waa
For the Koanokes, Sherer and Lowis
were caught out on Hy's, btabl walked
to brat, Littie Bout out a "beaut" for
cue bug, but ??Gap" Paddon hit oue to
??.Snapper" Fuller, and Little was out
at Fecund. They went out in one, two,
three order tor the next three tunings.
In Pot temouih's second two moro ruus
acre scored, Hall being prostiiilod with
a i.aar, because Mr, \\ illlanis could not
lucato tho uocic plate. Leach, tho "old
reliable," liuod bor out over second fur
one hag, but "Jakey" Shorer lot it
I'liss biro, and the "Lone I''iahermau"
came trottiug in home, for "thero is
noplace like home," especially in a
game of ball; Leach waut to third on
the error, and scored uu u high ily to
the ont?etd. Auother run was added
in the tbird, ou a hit by "Bobby"
C bilde, wtio stole socoud aud lauded
OU the objective point, through a rut
tiiug two base hit hy Mangan.
The home team were fortunate
enough tu ^ut another run in tho tilth
cm Little's error, a bit hy Kuu\, and
two tit's to centre held ami a paused
ball, and oue moro was added in the
eevonth on bits by Gavulle and 1'bure
ton and 1'adden's error, making their
total number ot ruus.six. Tito visitors
Lroke the ice in their half of tho tilth,
through a hanu ou balls, Kuoi's error
and William's bit, they tallied
again iu the sixth through an error of
"Bow and Arrow" Thornton, Stahls
Lit aud Oaville'a muff :of Paddeu'a high
In the eighth the "Magioians"
Lunched three of the eight btta njiule
Ott Leacb, and matters begau to Ion,,
"a iittlo blue," Sherer aud Lewis
Loth hit for singles, but "Cap" iJick
Madden "didn't do a thiug" to a
epeady bull Leaoh threw over the
|>iate, but put it out in right centre for
throe bases, oh no, lie can't hit u littio
tut." But that astute sluighl of baud
tier form er, did not reach tho goal of
Ins ambition, as "Oavvy" was thrown
ou; at Orst. Another ruu iu ihn muth
? welled their toial to live making the
?core stand ti to ? against ti.t-u. und
there wet eanxious looks ou tho fa081
of tho Portsmouth "rouiors." Weloh
t it> ti rat man up could not 00110001 with
the delusive sphere, Viox did better,
tie found it for one base, stole, seooud,
aud scored on Sboror'a single. Lut
Lewis kindly hit a uioe one to centre
field which was elo.selj- hugged by Hur
grove and tho gatno was won by the
Find the score below:
Car lite, rf? 2 a u I Stierer, if._ i a ? i
a'nurston.ss... l I : I lx.-wlf.if. 2 i 4 u
Knoi, If. I ?-' I l Stair, rf.. u 1 i ??
l.i'.dl.O 1 I II O l.lttli-. It. ... U 1 11 I
M.c.itim. lb... 0 1 0 I'adSen. 2b..... 0 1 !! I
larKrovr.cf... 0 u a ti Cnvanangii, ss 0 o 2 u
"aller. Sit. 0 u u Welch, o . .. u ? l e
t i l. Vb. I ii 4 l V..i\, sr.. 2 1 2 ii
.each, p........ I i i) I'W.lllauts, p.... u i o o
Tutel . f. 9 27 fi] Total. fi "s 2; 7,
STOSK ft 1 \S<I\,.?.
Jtianoke.,.0 u e o i i o ?.' 1?5
? rUtiivi.Ui. 1 J I u I U 1 u 0?8
Summary?Earned Runs? Koanoko,
8; Portt-moutb, 1. Three Laso Hits
1'adden. 1 no Hase Hits t'avolle. -J;
Jdangaa, Base on Balls?Oil Loaoh,
off Williams, 2. Strock Out?By Leach
?'.; by Wilhams, I. Wild Fitoh? Wil
Items. Passed Balls?Weloh, '2. Lott
cm Bases ttoanoke, U; ForlBtiionth, (S,
Btolen Bases?Kuox, Childs, \'io.\, :i.
Double Ploy?Thurston and Mangan!
B'tcrinoe Hit?Childs. Umpire Mr
Messrs. Lovy A Jucobs hog to ou
nouuee to tho pulilio tuet iu oonooc
turn with their immense lino of men,
boy and obildren s;ut? (which thoy nro
foiling at cut rale figures), they" also
carry a large lino of night shirts, neg?
ligee shirts, bathing suits and Sweet
Orr overalls, Jiemembor tho plncu.
Lkvv & .1a cons,
aOO High street.
Many Matters of Interest Barely Men?
Tlio Toxai will go iu couuuissioQ the
lf>til ItlBlUUt.
A uiud dog was killid ou Glangow
street yesterday.
The School Board will hold their
eegii|ur uiuutiily muetiUK to-uigbt.
Dr. Johu A. Ulcuu, of Kidgowav, S.
(\. in visiting relatives iu this city.
[?The mouoy to pay .be Portsmouth
soldiers is expected at uiost any time.
Judge A. S. Waits will hold court for
Judge liuuckel m Norlolk ou Mouday.
1 uure ih u no courts iu session at this
time, both courts having adjouruud fur
the lerui.
Postumster Ileiliert ban securod two
duily iukHs to Weal NorfolK uad Port
A large excursion i'ii i! o iu ou the
Souboard Air Liiuo from Weldou
Misb Mabel Herbert bas gouo to
Brooklyn, X. Y., to visit lior auut,
Mrs. .ioUu Del vis.
Missea Daisy uud Lilly Moars bavu
gone to Uuinptuu to spuud u moutb
with relatives aud frieuds.
i Iura Parker,one ol Norfolk oouuty's
greatest u n ?....-.? , was committed to
jail yesterday for twouty days.
Rev. Mr. lititcbiusuu will shortly
commence a series of meetings ot Ca
prou, Southampton oouuty, Va,
Tho slate at Ibo sluliou bouse luBt
night registered tbruo male and ouu
leiuule truiu))8 aud oue disorderly.
Tile euse ol Jauies Roberts, ohurgod
with obtaiulug $75 under lalse pro
teueo, was compromised yesterday.
Mr. uud Mrs. 1'boaiaa Clara will
leave lor Washiugtou ou Saturduy to
speud u mouth with tbeir daughter.
Mi :t V, Uaydou lilarnlfurd, who hai
iieuu visiting her unole, Mr, Ueorge
lilatidford, iu Perk View, bas returued
lo bsr home in Baltimore.
Stieot inspector Wood uuil a force
ol men are at work grading First
street aDd mak-jug preparations to be
giu paviug ou Monday next.
'there wore thiriy lour deaths iu
Portsmouth lust mouth. Tins is quite
large. A lur^o uninber of tbem were
children under 1 year of age.
I n the abseuee ol the pustur, ltov. J,
1', Roamau, the pulpit ol Wright Mo
mortal Church will bo rillod next Sun
day moruiug and night by Kov. T. J,
Mr. James T, Boruoa returned from
Mulbevrn couuty yesterday, where he
has beeu tpoudiug a mouth. 'lie is
someihiug better thau he was whuu be
lett home.
Mr. Schell, the man who assaulted
the negro near Oceau View, was com?
muted to Hie county jail for ten days
yesterday to await too re?ult of ihc
wounded muu's injuries.
the luueral ol Mr. George Parker
will take place this afleruoou at 5
o'clock from Central M, L. Ciiurch. It
will be atteuded by Seaside Lodge K,
of P., and Cid Dornmiou Lodge, 1.
?, l). V.
Mr. J. W. Kelly, a graduate of the
i'uiveieity ot Virgmia, has accepted
the jjosiliou of priucipai of the Church
land Aeudeiny for uext session. He u
a young uiiiu aud oomes highly rocom
mended an u teacher.
Mr. Charles Louet of Cottage Plactf,
who bus been iu the employ ot the
Norfolk Kuittiug Mills for u number
years, will temporarily supuriutend tho
luiicbuse of tho muohiuery, etc., for
the Portsmouth Kutttiug Mills,
'the members of Suastdo Lodgo, K.
of P., aud Old Dominion Lodge, 1. U.
O. 1'., are requested to assemble at
their halls this afleruoou at I o'clock
to pay the last trtbutu of respect to
their deceased brother. George Parker,
A horse attached to Mr. ,1. S. Craw
lord's top delivery wagou rau away
yesterday aud smashed up wagou,
chairs, etc., besides outing aud bruis?
ing himself quite badly, Ibis is the
samo horse that ruu away with Mr.
Ciaskios last Saturday uud injured him
unite aeriously,
A Wild Klaur On ibc Kitmpuce.
Yesterday moruiog a colored man
was driving a wild steer through the
streets without a rope, when all ut
oucu the steer mado a dive iu a lot ou
Washiugtou street aud went into a
house and oleared out the inmates
generally, lie was linully gotteu out,
a ropo was procured uud tho bea.t was
linully laasooed. Iiis Bteerahtu then
made u dash tor the crowd, whioh bad
congregated, who scampered away.
After Ntaudiiig alone for some t;me be
became paeitied aud was led off by
one ol tho crowd who was braver thau
ibo others.
Mr. James Lassiler, the well known
liurbur, uud Mus Kate Lewis v>er?>
united iu marriage Wednesday uight
at tho resuleuoo of Rev. T. McN. Simp?
son, in the presence of a few intimate
friends. After tho ceremony tlioy wero
driven to the borne prepared by the
groom on Scott street, near Washing
ion. The Viroikian exteuds to tho
uewiy married couple its best withes,
aud Impose that thoir pathway
through life may be strewn with
I nt ii lid h<- Mappi !
Nobody cau do thH who La? ,:>,? e.|
1 . u i a 1 gut ii 0*1 eaten with relish iiulioti
moro or lost torture npou the wret hod . ic
tiin ol m llgeattiMi. JJ it -.i hy uliuw on. ? ,n f
to be thus vietimi ? .1 when snocor in tl,e
shape el Hn?t< ttei - Stomach Hilten i an ha
summoned 1 you an- u ? tu any local
Ity 1 remote ceiiutri farm hon??, or new
settlement tor ui.taurr, whcio it u uut
reailili procurable, provide yourtelf in aj
vauce with an . ? i . i? l' inppi.v An unac
cnstoii e.i ihet i- ver\ apt \o produco ilye
peptic qualmt b.i i? hraeklsh w?t*r aboard
ship ami the eating of ail triiii* Fore
hi.ol furth i sno oaolnni nt o the eompluiut
with tti h superb an ' g. nut corrective ami
preventive lleartburn, sour eructatious,
biliousness, constipation, malaria, rbeuma
lm> and kidnev trouble promptly aticoomb
to tl:o i tiBfltt of this >mi ui-l.or of bo lily
?uln.euu and j *?lu:4ti\t of . igor.
I in i> or i im ( iimi liilcrcatiisa >hi?i
By Southern AssocutoJ Press.
Washington, Augunt 1,?Oommsu- {
der .laine* F, Foray the, detached irotu ''
cuiuuiuud of thu monitors iu the .latues ,
River uud ordereti to command the
naval Btation at Key West, I "Iu., ou
the 2titb instant, rolioviug < '..m ?uudrr
J. K. Wyuo, who will lie detached aud
placed ou thu retired list. Lie lit. I,. '1'.
\ nn Duusor, detached from thu nfllee
of uavul ititclligeuco und ordered to
duty at the Liudeloy lubtitute, Wheel?
ing, W. Va.
Tbe followiug nfiicera ordurud to
Newport Torpedo Statiou: Lieut.
J. H. Llliott, C. Laird, lt. M. Doyle,
H. 8. Knapp and J, J. Jayno and Eu
Sign P, Andrews.
t he traiuiug ship Essex will start ou
a long cruise Saturday with a large
number of naval uppreuticce un board,
lit i ittuururv follows:
Leave Newport August 11; arrive
Plymouth, Kugland, Septouiber 7: at
rlvo Gibraltar October 12; arrive Tan?
gier, Morocco, Ootobor 80; uriivuSt.
Ibomas, West Indies. December ur
rivo YorUtowu, Va., .lauuaty 1. IS.Mi,
If time will permit the losses will epeud
a few days at Cadi/., Spain.
Movement* of naval vessuls have
been reported to thu Navy Depart
men! as follows: Tbe cruiser Huleigh
sailed to day from Charlustowu, Mas--.,
for tho Brooklyn Navy-yard, wheru
bor hull will bo sorapod. The cruiser
Dotroit arrived at Hankow, China,
yesterday aud sailed thence for Shan?
ghai to day. Tho Amphitrite sailed
to day from Charleston to Wilntiug
ton, N. 0, The coast defouso vessel
Alouterey left Acapulco, Mexico. ye?
torday for Sau Diego, Cal. The Naval
Academy praotioe sbit> Itauoroft
arrived this moruiug ut Groeuwich.
L. 1., from Auoapolis. Tho Mohican
returned to Seattle, Wash., from
coal tost.f
?HAltliSSTON, S. 0., AllRUSt 1.?The
monitor Atnphitritu sailed hence to?
day for Sourthport, N. 0., where ebn
will gtvo tbroo ilaya practice to lb?
naval reserves of that State. From
Sonthport tho Amphitrite will return
South and go to Port Royal to test the
new Government drv d?"1? ??' '*"\t place.
Kavr-Vard Note..
The Minneapolis will ojmo out tie
dock to-day,
Civil Engineer P. C. Assorsou, re?
ported for duty in tho Yard aud Docks
Department yesterday. His many
frieuds were glad to sec liim back.
the monitors will come up to the
yard to day for repairs.
All the forro who were auapeuded
from tho Construction Department
low days ago were reinstated yester?
day. _
>unt ??t? in site tjaiiria
Yesterday morning the case of Win.
Hodges, charged with attempted buru
ing and grand larceny, was called in
the Mayor's Court for examination
Elodgea admitted his guilt, aud as de
scribed in yesterday's lasus, aud was
soot ou to tho Ru&tiogl Court ou two
charges. He was roniuuded to jail,
where he will remain until the Septem?
ber term. _ _
nUHoliitiou KoltCOa
In another colutuu notice is given
that tbe tirm of Cox A- .lohusou has
buen dissolved by tho withdrawal ot
Mr. .lohusou, tho junior partoor.
Notico is rflso given that Mr. Cox has
formed a co-partnership with Rush
worth, aud that heteafter the lirm
name wfll ho Cox St BwatiworHi.
Death or an lutaut,
Mr, and Mrs. John .Miucurran lout
by deatu yesterday ttioir lufuut datigh
ter Agnes, aged '.' mouths aud 26 days.
The luuoral will take place this after?
noon ut 0 o'clock from thu rostdeuco of
Mre, Anuie Iiiddiok, No. 112 liolliday
street, Park View.
'I o Clottttae tim Njraicns
Fffeotoally yet gently, when ooeiivu or
bilious, or w tiuti the blood la lmptlii
or sluggish, to permanently ottre babi
tnal couatipatiou, to awaken the kid
uoys and liver to a heulthy activity,
without irritating or weakeuing thorn,
to dispel headaches, oolds or fevers use
Hyrup of Fiys.
Some people say whulellcay weather.
So if you do not waut mosi'iiitooa to
stick to you, come to our special salu
of mosquito canopies.
Tho $2.50 quality roduced to Sl.S.i.
Tho S2.2S .]iiality reduced to$l.G9,
Aud SI.75 quality reduced to $1.25.
Come while choosing is easy as the
supply ie Email.
A. J. PniLiiipa.
I nder Oxford Hall. High street.
Improve your healthauo acctiro your
comfort by taking a daily trip over the
vestibule electric to Port Norfolk* Hi
diiced faro to S oenta each way; sixty
six trains botweau Portsmouth nad
Port Norfolk. Manure a lot at Port
Norfolk before prioos advance. The
Southern railway is ooming,
kl. W. Mason,
General Manager,
Important Nulicc
There is no necessity for going elso
where to purchase Clothing. Wo uro
closing out our stook at almost your
own price, so wo can start noxt season
in our uow storo with nothing but now
goods. lireslauer A Authony, 111
High street.
Ono htiudred rollR new matting re
ceived to day. Neat, haudsuruo patterns
very cheap. Call to see it, t arpots'
rugs, oil cloth, etc., at J. B. Crawford's
Furniture house.
What's the good of anythiug? Noth?
ing?uulesa it is au umbrella this
weather. The best aro sold at C. It.
Wolton tt Co'e.
D, V, Uaskins, funeral director aud
embalmsr, Gl0 Middle street, Ports?
mouth, Va, Reeidenco 800 Court
Mo to llaaiuilll's for llur-fainsh
fjouie Late mail Pertlumt Additions to tho
shin:; Dictionary.
Thanks to most able collaboration we
have been amply supplied with u rich
fund of material from veil ich to select
tho present addition to its invaluable re?
pository of phrases "caught iu passing."
Dreuni.?Somethiug desirable beyond
ull description. "No doubt about it,
uud on this 1 will stake my reputation,
Dofeuder is 'a dreiuu.'"?Nat Herre
BliofT. "Shi was a'vision' of delight."?
Dirt.?The reslinffied discard in tho
national game of poker. "I believe that
i.ny man who'd seek a third term for
the presidency would 'monkey' with tho
'dirt.' "?O. C. (dated Buzzards Hay).
Growler.? Any vessel usod to convoy
beer from a suloon to a residence.
(N. B.?This word is oftou used as i
synonymous with "duck." The two I
uiv carefully to be distinguished. A
"duck" is always concealed iu a carpet?
bag, top hat or basket. >
Darkened Is the Sunday doorway,
Aud the poor are out ot lucli;
Silent rust* tu,' prowling "growler,"
Empty lies the ii ? dee ? "duck."
?Hallodu of Butter Days.
Cifrvus, to get ou to.?To solve any
one's motives or lino of uotion. " 1 did
not see how they could escape, for 1
'wasn't ou to then curves.' "?Land?
lord Tatuseu of tho Ludlow Street Hos
High Hat.?An unusually lurgo glass
of whisky. (Nol to he coufounded with
"high collar," which is u torrn applied
to tho unnecessary amount of foam
found ou Coney Island beer. ) "Among
thoso who lust Sunday abandoned the
'high h;its' of tho city and quaffed the
'high collar."' by old ocouu were Cherry
Hill Katie, Reddy tho Rogue, Tony the
Bat, Morty McThird and Micky" Me
Phin. "?Society Note.
Pul.?Companion, associate, friend.
Syn., "Fardy," "travoling mate,"
"chum." "I have 400 visiting cards,
und 1 am willing to uso every one of
them iu calling on big folks with Wales,
my 'pul.' "?From "A Peach Abroad."
Pencil Pusher.?An author, or news?
paper man. "1 urn a 'pencil pushor'
und my digital muscles arc highly de?
veloped. "?H. Harding Van Bibber in
"An Open Contossiou Ls Good For My
Dough.?-Money. Syn., "lung green,"
"frog skin," "oof."
"Lot tue make the 'dough' of the
country, I'll care for who muku thu
laws."?John D. Rockefeller.
Tire, to lose one's.?To be mentally
unbalanced or iueapaoitated. (The fig?
ure in taken from "biking.") Syn.,
i "nutty," "woozy. "
"It Geoms to mo that evory lawyer I
employ ' lot,cs bis tire. 1 "?Hetty Green.
Sight, out of.?Superlatively excel?
lent. Syn., "verysuperior,""way np."
(Perhaps a corruption of the Gormau
ausgezeichnet.) "If anybody should ask
you my opinion of myself, cithor us a
gentleman, an actor or a lighter, you
may say for mo that I am 'out of
sight.' "?Johu L. Sulliv..n iu "What I
Know About ('humps and Champions."
Peach.?Something very estimable
and desirable. A laudatory expression
that upplies with oqttul forco to any?
thing, from a baseball player to u pos?
sible presidential candidate. Syn.,
"L.tlly cooler," "bird," "daisy" (obs.)
"Thors is July one 'peach' in Amorica,
and I arii It."?From "Harmony or
Hominy," bv an Anonymous Autiior.
(N. Y.. 1885. >
Fiugcr, to give the.?To request thai
u bill bo charged. Syn., "to hang up,"
"to put du the slate. " "1 have lived in
many land-; und known many men, but
I have never yet hud occasion to 'give
tho fiuger ' '?Thomas Ochiltree in
"L'Art de Vivre. "
Glad baud, to give thu.?To greet
effusively, with the expootation of re?
ceiving favors either bibulous, mi ne
tury or hospitable. "I gave evory re?
former tho 'glad bund,' and all I gut
was the*marble heart.1 "?OllieTeall'a
"Mr. Whisker." (See"MarbleHeart.")
Heart, marble.?A refusal to aidouo's
I fellow m.wi.
Kelly, John.?In pool, the green ball.
I String, to ?To trifle with truth in
such a way as to deceive. Also to make
game of. Syn., "to jolly," "to guy"
(old English aud str.-ught American, to
lie. i "He .-t.uigs me lo the top <>f my
bent."?Tho Now Woman's "Ham?
let," Edited by Elizaboth CadyStauton.
j ?New York Recorder.
The Result of Not Ailiartlalug.
I Tho Boston Traveller says thai a few
weeks ago a Maine young man bought a
pair of socks containing a note saying
tho writer was on employee of the Ken
oshu (Wis.) knitting works aud wanted
a good husband. She gave her name and
requested the buyer, if ru unmarried
man, to write with a view to ruutri
The young man who found the note
considered tho matter in ull its phases
and decided to write to the girl. He
did. Awaiting the answer with consid?
erable finxiety, ho was at last rewarded
j with a cnit letter stating that the girl
was now the mother of two children
and had been married four years, aud
the b iter he bad answered had been
j written ever so long ugo.
It was a "sock dollsgur," und the
young man hunted for a solution. Ho
found it. The merchant of whom he
bought tho socks doesn't udvertiso.
Paid Ilia Babacrlptlon With a Hattlesnake.
Rural now spaper subscribers frequent?
ly offer to pay their subscriptions with
ttove wood, produce aud other fsrm
products, but it remained for George
Lucas of Houryvillo to send Editor
j Daily of the Jeff ersonvi lie Kcws a rat?
tlesnake ia settlement of his arrears.
IM? il l>;noil i ll AOVKIITIIlRnKTNN
g g Dissolution Notice.
Ib.! r,i in heretofore o\Mni! undor the
(Irin im im- of i.,0 .V JOUNhON. iIuiiik S
grocery business ?t No. iilS Columbia ?tr ot.
imve Ihm -luv. by mut ?I ooim' t. been <Iih
solved, Mr. .'uhiafon r tiring. The bu inen
will Ii? ootltltlUOd ut thi- ol.l muuil l.y Ilm
Ulf Irn <-r < OX .V ItUftHWUltTlt. Mr.
Uuehworth h. tinluK the in to reel uf Mr.
.1 ohlMOII.
All parties owlnu Diu concoru ot Co* A
.lui.iiHoti tri l piyMnie lo t.'o- .V ? untiHorth.
hnil all tlabw . tu- by Hm ol.l llrni ut t'o A
JuhllN ii ?Iii Im- Ottll'll Im Ul? , A Uli Hl
??? r!b. Ti auklits, in r frfeuil ? un I the pub
lie Im- pHHt patronage 'lie uuw mm Iio|U by
-tri.-1 ailoul mi l? Im? Di-SS im I tnir dealing
to niori ii i-Ii re <?( tliu r i iitiuitux)-.
Itespecl ullv.
.1. T. OOV,
?ua-lt .i. Y. JOHNSON.
Star i opy 1 lltlltf.
PJK Daily values the reptile at $5. It
has ii'it rattles.?Ciiiciuuuti ISuquirer.
Itii-T to t'h.i KertMeua I <n- tlnuf Purposes
'I'u clean windows mid mirrors add u
tablospoouful ut' headlight or kerosetto
oil to ;i gill loll uf tojitrl Witter. A polish
will remain on tho glass that no more
friction can givo
To remove frttil stains snturuto tho
Htums with kuroseno, rub thoroughly
with baking soda und loavo in tho sun.
To rmnovo pom from any kind of
cloth Kuturate tho spul withkcrosonouiid
rub voll. Repeat if neccusury.
To cloan brass stair roils, brass bed
steads and othoi briiiises, rub with kero?
sene und rotten t>tone, put ou with a s< >11
cloth und polish with a dry cloth, soft
pupor or chainoiii
To remove rust from kettles or other
irouwarcrubwithkeroeouoaud lot them
stand. Koi'p a day and then wush \\ ith
hoi water and soup, repeating if neues
Turuishcd lump bnruors may be ren
dorod utmost us good as new by boiling
them iu water to which a tcasnoouful uf
sodu rtud a littlo keroseno huvo boon
added. Thun scour with kerosene and
scouring brick, und polish with ehumois
or i- ,1't b ather.
To eh ati iron work rub with u cloth
dampened with kerosene.
To renew woodwork and fnrniturornb
with keroflcuo a?d then with linseed oil.
To rouovuto blaek walnut furuituro
varnish with black varnish plentifully
diluted with kerosoue,
Uon- lo Itlue Htrcl.
Iu order to blno stool pieces evenly
the following will give satisfactory re?
sults : First blnt< the object without any
spooial regard to uniformity of color.
If it proves to bo imperfect, take a piece
of dead wood that does not crumble too
easily or uf clean pith aud whiten the
surfaoo with roogo without letting it be
too dry. Small pieces thus prepared, if
cleanod and blued with care, will as?
sume a very uniform tint.
tiuw to Betlaaate the Wright of Cuttle
Tho weight of cuttle can bo ascertain
cd by iuea*u'r-meiJt. The girth clone bo
hiad the shouldor and the longth from
tho fore patt of tho shoulder blade along
tho buok to the Ik.lie at the tail, which
is it vortical luiu with the buttock,
should be nioasiued in loot. Multiply
tho square of die girth, expressed in
feet, by five times tholeugtb, and divide
the product by 21. T/bo quotiont isnoar
ly tho weight of the l'ore quarters in im?
perial stones of u pounds avoirdupois.
In very fat cattle the fore quarters will
bo about oue-twontieth more and in
very lotin animals about, the same pro
portion less th:iu the weight obtained
by the rule. Tim foro qmirtors aro little
moro than half tho weight of tun living
animal, the skiu weighing about the
eighteenth part aitd the tallow about the
twelfth part of the whole
Silted ii..v.i,.
1 The woman question seems to have
bt-tu sifted ri->\vn to "How do 1 look in
blei imersf'?Rochester Post-Express.
Rritigs comfort and improvement mid
tends to personal enjoyment when
rightly used. The many, who live bet
lei than others und enjoy life more, with
'? expenditure, by more promptly
idapting the world's best products to
the needs of physical being, will uttes'.
tlie value to health of the pure liquid
laxative principles embraced iu the
remedy, Syrup of Pigs.
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in the form most acceptable mid pleas?
ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of ti |>erfect lax?
ative; effectually cleansing the system
dispelling colds, headaches and levers
nnu permanently curing constipation.
It has given satisfaction to millions and
uiet with the approval of the medical
profession, because, it nets on the Kid?
neys, Liver and Bowels without weak?
ening theui and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable substance.
Syrup of Tigs is for sale by al! drtig
giats in -r)0c and $1 bottles, hut it is man
ufaotured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name is priuted on every
package', also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and bei-ng well Informed, you will not
accept any substitute if offered,
pomrsnouTii ai?vkk'ii?ksikni?
Ol.ii Domimiin I.oihk. N<>, .1. l.O. O. F.. I
PoRTHMOItTtl, Vll.. AllliUHt I. IHUA, ?
1*110 THKO! . I(!i;its AND mi.MDliKS OF
I OLD DOMINION i.ODUK No. ?" ?You are
hereby requested to meet at tho hull 'I'll 18
(Vrhhiy) AKIKUKOOS ?t i <>?? lock to pay
I ho la i in I trll uiu of re?)ioct tu our do
ceased brother, Uro, k. I'ahkkk.
Members ot hihIbi lodges are fraternally
tn iteil to uuiio with iu.
Dy ordor ol the N. 11. I
It. a. BTHEBIUOB, B. s.
PmiiAN Cmii, l I
Bk\hihk i.on i. Nu. 80, K. of 1'. f
riio Till" oFFii'F.l.s AND MK..\illElib OF
LhBAMDB LODGE, No. 8 \ K.lot I'.: You
mo hereby i oiueMnl to iiHKOtiiblo in ipecial
eon on ion Tills i ridiiy) AKTl.HONUN nt
4 o.rlock to pay tin- Ih-i bhiI tn lute ol re
si act to o ir d eeosod brother, (im:. F.
HiBiiT lodRee are requested to unite with
um. Ily order of tue C C.
ii. A. KTIIKltlDOK, K. lt. und H.
Specialsfor To-day
Olio )>o111?.i of good To.i aud t.iopnuiMs
of (iraiinlatod Suk*i foi 3ic. Pino Smoked
Beul I oucuo". I" 2-':?- nor pound, i'tiol
Head It loo, le, or tlvo pounds tor 'lie. I lue
(inputted Bar Ines, ice nor bo.. Our Sun?
beam l loni leu h, tin) it
H\fi Crawford ?Iroot.
J.H1H 8AI.F. Oll HI N T- - I til. DWBLL1NO
tu Cottage Plueu now oe upiod l?y B. i .
Hobo, with uiuo i"t" ultaehed. Th h place
haa Hue oruhai. Iruila, ,te. Terum may.
Apply B 1$. KOSH on preiuiSils. 'utfcl-lw
House nudlotoii Cooke itreet, l urk View,
lot .x 1 on boiiH4 two yeara old. h rooms:
iiautry. oity water, ni e ? lotete, front und
bark porehev. Ptlco ?1,850 I'art cash
bul.mi a ou 11 me,
Portsmouth, Va.
In rounnctiou with the
Hotel Vernoii.
is Bupplio.l with 1 tab. Ucift (Tub" and all
Uelica iri.nLit.itu.ibia. The pavilliou is op u
at ill time* to picnic parties. Ilutea iomoii
able mil Bervive tlrst-plasi. I'avilll u open
tu tbu pablie tor dunciug Mondays, IVeduu -
days im.I I'iu ay*, ou Moudays, Wed.
days and Fridays liereuftoi curs "ill make
hull hour trips to I'oii Norfolk fr.nn'.: in :
p ui. .m i aMor '.' o'clock hourly ir ps > rat.il
it IG, Hi- hint en loaviuu IN it Norfolk at
(bat hour. Aeooinmodatiotii for twenty
Kuontsinr ibo summer. For ralos au I pur
lie liars ad.irces M. J. MIT.VKY.
Proprio tor.
1 tho mouey ut Site i'iii street Head
quarters for eheap Kibbou combined with
quality. While DimitloB, north lie, aalliiiK
?t lie ( or yard, 43-inch l.aco Curtains
I hi onlv nie, worth Iii 2-Sc.
OEO. H. DELL. ARiiut,
liralldt i'.uil.llu:;.
I1 ItUBIDENCES- So ::l)ii ( rnw.ord rtront:
twelve living rooms. No. IIW7 Diuwiddis
Btreet has bbvcii rooms, k lehon mid l?o
basemeul rooms, PcsBesaiou ist of August.
Vlao ho ire I0!l Mid.ile Btreet. oiirlit rooms,
bath, liot and .old wutor; modem improve
nieiits. Apply to It H UBOOKS, lid Hisjh
street, Portsmouth, Va. jy20
roti la.ti-iiJi ll Aiiyi iirMMKin
fur ?jr.. That is Slfi I s? tlmu auy
oilier lilgli ^r.id ? bicycle?a clean
eavo of Sold on easy lei ai.
New stock of
Fine Fishing Tackle.
(all to see us.
I off> r^ Ina I rulemioual Services to tUo pub lie.
j We urn K>VlUK away those due articles of
furuituro wbi b ion soo displaced in our
window, lor every cash purohavo you will
1 re. bivo l'uupuus. Come in and gat our clr
CUlat Ol explanation.
Wo have just received the lurgcit aud
I in" i ouruplet-i line of Ladioa' Vutllu Ua
fiterwear to bo fo iuJiu cither city. Tbeie
I goods ire of rate niauutuokuio aua the csle
1 rated lock btitch braud
I reach Organdies, Uiuubamti, etc.. White
Goods of ovary description, Embroideries,
Bbtrt W.oats. etc. full hue of dent's Far*
Olchings, Goiitn' Black ami Fanoy Suitiut:*
, bv the yard or uuiite to order, ami a ieroly
i line of Spring- Paiutiugi.
SID High strssk
Rates T
Advances T
I-., uot suetifh-a any old gold that you may hure, hut writs tn to call oil you end giro
you out i tkvB \\o 10. ?ivo ol.l gold from any part ot the Unjto.l Stages, and it attouut
allows 1 in nut satisfactory ?s ray si| i mi chariiei both ward aud return package in was
coudit.ou -as recelvoJ.
acjtira.cti & Bro.,
l?? Cliuroli Street.
???????????? ???????? ???????????? aceeess**
oooocoooooooooooo oooooooooo
: V ES,
I So !
Of the Latest Style and Best Finish !
?A. Wrenn & Sons,
24to 30 Union Street,
The "New Departure" Buggies
Which are the best built for the money. LOW- #

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