OCR Interpretation

The Norfolk Virginian. [volume] (Norfolk, Va.) 186?-189?, October 15, 1895, Image 5

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85025715/1895-10-15/ed-1/seq-5/

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i day's TR?Nsacnor;s
tony Matters of Mere Mention Chronicled in
Condensed Form for Hurried Form.
utnrrctl lit tUr I'niiiil.v l.oi Mnrrlttge
Ml < i ?:ilinl ?XI TblirKtlH) i lie
<milliiion of Comity Ktreel Palm
I UK tin* Ulfj Hull -I'll* PylhlnuH
Trip Charged w no RobbVry.
Mr. C. M< Meginley left yesterday for
llz&beth City county, Va., to spend
|wo wecksi
Ihlef Engineer \V, T. Robinson re
jrned Sunday from his trip to Aligns
S ami Atlanta, Ca.
in another column a delivery wagon
ilmosi new> is offered for sah'. See
dd uiul call.as directed.
Read \V. .\. White's add. and cull
s directed.
The fbrty hours' devotion will end
[us mi.ruin,",.
M. Isentatl was lined $J and costs for
Illing on Sunday.
Workmen com men.i yesterday to
aim tin- city Hall
The Norfolk County Court will con
mip next Monday.
There was n,j business transacted in
ie Hustings Court yesterday.
There will be a marriage at Central
idrch "ii Thursday at 7 A. M
Mr. Job I*. Manning continue* ill al
is hollo- on Washington street.
The gas company has about sixty
ion at work on County street, putting
: a main.
County street is in a terrible eondl
on. Both ihe sewer and gas com
.lilies have it dllK UP.
The remains of Ml HeOll Dunham,
bo died in Norf. II;, wen- brought to
ds city yesterday for interment.
Tb. Board of police Commissioners
ill meet to-night, the time having
ten changed from Monday night,
High sir.?? ! should either he paved, or
se remove ihe stones off the sidewalk,
by present an unsightly appearance.
Mr George A. Krieger and son n
irned Sunday from a trip lo Germany.
. Krieger Is entirely recovered fiom
s sickness
Frank Scotl (colored) was locked up
the eountv jail Sundaj ? Imrged with
ibbitiK Hi- h.-use u! a colored mail
?me time ago
Read the add or n man wanted to
-ep tin- We i Norfolk and Port Nor
61k dravtbrldgc* and address with
fei.nee as directed
'iTte Street Committee nl tie Ir nieet
u last night fenihted the Citizen Heat
id Power Company permission lo itii:
des to tin- basket works
Tip- miss.ur> meeting at Wright
ttemoriul church Sunday afternoon
as w.ll ait.-nihd K-y Mr. Beiinctl
?ilv'ered -.in interesting address,
The fare to Suffolk Thursday on the
vthluii excursion will be sixty cents
r the round trip This Is within the
itch of all and a large clow.I should
|A petition was circulated yesterday
king for legislation allowing Mm Purl
lorfolk Railroad lo i un ail eh i Irlc
ad down certains streets. ".t v. .is
imerously signed,
Dr. George 11 Hay will lectui'e al tie
mtial Church next Thurndai night
S p. in on the subject of Methodism
lere will also be some nice Singing
iese lectures will be through the aus
ces of lie Epwortll l.i ami.? add will
tree No collection will I e taken All
e invited
l"ire Siiiulay Morning.
(The lire bugs arc still at work, S.in
iy morning about i so o'clock an
aim of lltv was sounded, caused
? a frame iioc.se on what is known as
lit Dune hcann in Iii--. The steamei
timer started out ihere, but when she
ached the cornet of Kflingham and
ascow streets one wheel gol stuck in
sewei trench and it took sonic time to
?t her out. in the menuttin-? ihe fire
is gaining headway, the second house
iVing caught After some delay ~lc
ial(\ got i? woik and succeeded In
Illing the nr.- out. but not until after
rce houses bad hi en burned lo Hie
oiind and another partly destroyed
n property belonged to Win Orion.
Bert Sparks. William Respass,
?ore. all coloned. Respass had an in
rance of $400; Moore had $100; Sparks
d $G0i', and Orion, $",uw The in. is
ppesed tic have been incendiary,
An Accident.
fTesterday morning Mi John Thomas
t engineer on the Portsmouth and
jtafotk Company, met with a painful
tdeiit. lie was cleaning oil! his
podhouac and Hi a mutch to nee
mething. A -an in which there was
tn? powder, was sitting near and
u^ht. burning him unite badly about
y fgCte a lid hands
Dr. H. Dull was sent for and made
ai as comfortable as possible. Tin- a. -
lent, though not seilous. Is very pain
>Ve llaa'l Waul ike Karin.
but would be sat Istled with a small
rt of it We donT want to sell all
e CTotlting. but would appreciate a
are of your patronage. We promise
give you as good value for your
nffey. II not better, than you'll get
ywherc ? lac. our stock is the largest
the City and Prices the LOW'CSl We
M n'h Suits ranging in pride from
122.6b p??r suit. Hoys' Suits, sixes
|en's Suite. Ii to Hi, frtun Jl t . Jb :',u
to J&. from $4-y< to $15 pei .-un. Ohll
r suit. Th.-s. gauds are all stibslun
Uy made and cm in the lutes) styles.
j-.V., nr.- als?, sou- agents to I the t'?lf
ated Swee.t. i.in \ i'o Overalls and
ousers. Every pan warren ted not
in High street,
Second dooi form Crawford.
jllnir-Prlee Sale ol embroideries,
?from to until 12 o'clock for tin- r.v
llllldel of this Week ol|| ellliie |||le ..|
Ii broideries at bull pi lc<
|3pcClal prices on all remnants I2t c
tfiree pairs for
finder Oxford Hall.
3*2 and .104 High Street
blg.reductlon on carpets, refrlgera
cachojdetb and oil cloth for the next,
rty days. Buy now und save money.
J. S. Crawford'B.
a compliment tit n Portsutontb Boy.
The Hamptun Association Newa lias
the following to say <>r Mr. John H.
Dickinson, a well-known Portsmouth
Mr, J. H Dickinson, chairman of
mir Junior Department Committee,
will leave Hampton next week to at?
tend the session at William and Mary
College, preparatory to entering the
episcopal ministry. Mr. Dickinson lias
been a resident of Hampton for four
years, ami in that time lias made a
host id' friends. He has been a faith?
ful und zealous worker in his church
and In ihe association ever since he
look up his residence here. Cor one
year he was vice-president of the
association and foi- pver a year filled
the position ol treasurer. His principal
work in the association has b,ccn amour;
the boys who have learned to love him
and w ill be sou s to part with him in
lh>- Bible class whbh he has taught
for three years. While we rogri t to
part with John, and while wc will miss
him In lie- work, we rejoice in that
he has I.n i ulh d to till the highest
and most honorable of holy offices. a
minister of Jesus Christ. Our mem?
bers join in wish In It him tb>d speed In
his future work, ami trusl thai his
every effort may be crowned with buc
,.s. ami thai as he prouchcs the un?
searchable riches of Christ many may
be led to believe on Ihe name of the
Lord Jesus Christ and be saved.
John was for a number of years one
of The Virginian's route boys, ami
tilled the position with credit, and won
for himself Ihe esteem of all bis pa?
trons, who hated 10 nee him <niit. bin
km-?, thai wherever he went he would
muke his mark, and the above testi?
monial proves that I heir belief was
no; unfounded. The Virginian ex?
tend.- lO him Us best wishes, and hopes
that his bright ambition may be
crowned with the success he so richly
Accident lo Mr. v.. It. Johnson.
Mr. \\ U. Johnson, the well-known
undertaker, met with a painful accident
Sunday night, which will conllne him
to th.- lions.- for several weeks. About
6 p m he went home after attending
;. funeral, at< his supper, sui There for
;. short while ami Started lo Rev. Mr.
Mitchell's house. ..a the conn c of South
and Kllinghum streelsi He started up
Count) street low irtls Ktltnghani ami
when about halt way tin- block, it heilig
very dark uiidei some trees, he .trod
upon a pi,-,., of druln wipe, which-.the
Sewer company is ustim. The pipe
rolled, and threw him face foremost on
i n. curbstone, breaking bis le^ ;it the
.inkl.- in two pieces He laid there foi
.1 fi w minutes, when a lady, in passing,
saw him and recognized him She in
>|llired what was the matter and oil l?e
liig tol.l she went fur assistance and
iiad him .allied lo his home. IM - V
ij ami Chits Culpenper. and Hi I: H
Phi lo i ?., i. . ulh d in and set t." limb.
I'l - fall shocked Mr Johnson consid?
erable, be being a very large, stout
'm> Johnson says notwithstanding the
accident, his business will be in the
hands oi a thoroughly competent gen
lleihati; who will attend lo all who may
lesile bis services.
a ? hlld Badly lliirucil.
Sunday morning a colored woman
who lives in the house on .*?' -.dy's wharf
was lying in bed with a small child,
ab..in iwo or tine.- years old The
woman was smoking ami foil asleep.
The sparks in ihe pipe sc? :!re t-. the
Child's clothes und burnt it quite badly
liefore the woman waked n\ . As soon
as the mother discovered the lire she
wrapped tin- Utile liiie in .1 .milt and
put tin- Ht;e ..in. hm hoi befor. tin child
was so hudly burned that it will pro?
bably die.
I'l-ctitls IMnee IMcklugfc.
The unprecedented .-?b- ,.1 Prent Is
Place lots still continues, and over
a thousand people visited thai section
of th.- i>Ry on Sunday. Twenty two
houses are now in coins.- of construc?
tion, and arrangements have beeil
inad. ii. commence the laying of water
pipes down Kim avenue ami Duke
street There will be three hydrants
and a fountain in the park.
Marriage l.asl Wight.
Mr.Oeorge IV Mlnclef ami Miss
Kmma K. Ciiininlngs were! united 11.
marriage last ntuht at the residence
of tin- bride's parents, cornet ol Third
and' Lincoln streets Tin- ueremony
was performed by Rev. Mr Bosnian.
a reception followed.
We Ire hi Our Ulurj Helling Turds ol
<-? ???!-? 10 1 iii-iis oi Custoiiior*
Any Number ?1 >??? Friends
Untie liy Our I'liciioiiie.
mil Hecord Ili-eaUinu
?liier. Ho- ('limits
oi ah l*re? Ions
KfTorlN lo.
day .
for -t^ie a yard; fiOO yards apt on check
gingham, worth Si
l_' 1 -2c. a yard. New Suttens, beautiful
combinations, worth 16 2-3c. a yard,
ii'c a yard. 500 yards, Illumlnajed Dress
floods, worth L'.'.v a vard.
24c. a yard. 40? yards Diagonal Jac
quards (entirely new), worth toe
.i yard,
12 l-u'i .1 yard. 500 yards Exquisite Plaid
Dress Obods( just out), worth Hi 'J-'iv.
a yard.
">0c. u yard. 1.". pi.-ces Kngllsh checks.
th.- latest weave in fashionable fail
Dress Goods, worth 75c. a yard
B9c. a yard, in pieces French Silk and
W'o.d Plaids (beautiful patterns),
worth 75c. a yal d
01c a yard, yard and a half wide, all
wool Kngllsh Dress Suitings, worth
7fic. u yard
79e. a pair, one hundred pairs. New
Pull Shades, Kid Gloves, worth $1
.1 pair.
37 l-2c? :o)u yards Table Lim-, worth
f.0e. a yard
!dc each, one lot Linen Towels, worth
Me. euch, on.- case White Counterpanes,
worth 7f.c
88e. a yard, 20 pieces Pancy Silks,
Changeable Effects, worth 11 a yard.
Mte, a pair, one case exti-a lar^e size
While Blankets, nist opened, worth
$ 1.7 C a pall.
I He each. ISO Hoys All silk Windsor
Ties, worth L'l'c. new fall styles
19c. a vard. one lot Japanese Draperies,
worth -."c a yard.
4c each, one bo beautiful bordered all
linen Napkins, worth He it piece;
while tin- 12 1-2C-. quality will go foi
Sc euch.
1 The above pliers are.tor cash only
tdUAlMILL'S,'MO High St.
s oi ly Honrs' Devotion?
As announced in Sunday's issue the
"Forty Hours' Devotion." in commem?
oration of theDlviiic Mediator's body
reposing in the Bcpulchrc. was begun
in St. Haul's Catholic church Sunday
morning. The mass was celebrated by
Father Brady, Hie pastor. F?llten Me
Keefrey, of Norfolk, preached a strong
sermon on "The Sanctity of Ihe
Church." which livid the attention
of tin- large congregation to Hie close.
After tin- mass the devotion of the forty
hours was commenced with a proces?
sion of the Blessed Suerainenl in the
following orticr: Cross-bearer und aco?
lytes, girls attired In white and strew?
ing Dowers in tin-aisles, boys from the
Brothers' school bearing lighted can?
dles, Xavarlan brothers in the habit
of their comiuuulty, altar boys and ecu
set bearers, followed by Fathers Me
Keefrey and Brady with tin o6tenno
rtum containing ihe sacrament The
devoutd< mcanorof thechlldrcnshowod
that the) realised the dignity of their
position as guards of honor of ihe
Blessed Sacrarncnt
After proceeding through ihe aisle*
? ?I tin- church back tu Ihe main altai
the services concluded with the chant
Ing Of the l.ltanv "I" lln- Saints.
Tin- devotion will close on Tuesday
morning when mass will be celebrated
at '.' o'clock.
r'llllcrnlM Kmillll) .
Tin- funeral of little Clarence Rey?
nolds was conducted froinTthe residence
of bis parents on Sixth street Sunday
afternoon. The remains wen- Interred
in iiak Clrove cemetery.
Tile fiim-ral of little Vcrnou Fleming
took place from tin- residence of bis pa?
rents, in Brighton, Sunday afternoon.
Tin- ser\ ices were conducted by Rev,
Mr. .Mitchell, after which the remains
were conveyed in Oak Grove ceme?
tery for interment
The funeral of Miss Mary I' Shell
cup look place Sundu> afternoon from
the resilience of Mr T .1 Kllpatrick.
No. '.ii'O County street, extended. The
selb es wen- conducted by ReV T .1
Brad) The remains were interred in
oak < irovc ecmelery.
Tin- funeral of Mis Susan A. Arm
stead took place yesterday afternoon
from the residence, iif le i husband, No
v:a Randolph suet The services were
conducted by Rex .1 T. Bosnian, alter
which Hie remains were Interred in <iak
Grove cemetery.
Organization ol u Wiirlitugimiii's l*ro?
leetive AMKoclntlou
A numbei of worklngmen met last
night at the City Hall in pursuance
to a call and formed a W?rklugmen's
Protective Association The n.ting
wus .ail..i to oiilei by \\ l* Pope,
who was. on motion, ??beted presldeiil
of lln association.
K M Countls, Joseph O'Connor,
C. It. Oayle. and tleorge .1 Guinea were
elected vice-president* W A Jobson
was elected i ?rrespohdlng secretary
ami statistician.
William S .Ihrvis was elected trea?
Messrs. Joseph O'Connor, W. A Job
son, and George Haines wen- appoint?
ed a committee lo get up by-laws for
the association
Messrs. Countls. Adams, and Keybn
were appointed a committee to select
a place of mcetlne
tut motion adjourned.
I it i be l it ? t il Place.
A telegram was received last night
from Messrs. Brady, Watson and May
hard, stating llial tin- League hud le
elded that Portsmouth was lit tu.- third
place, notwithstanding Mi Small.
decision, sonu- time ago. to the con
traiy. There was general reji Icing,
sent oil I'm* liiirglury.
James King, the negro who broke into
tin- house of .las Simmons and robbed
both in- and his wife of clothing, a
watch. &c . was examined before Mayo:
Davis yesterday atol was sent on to
tin- Hustings Court for burglary.
Scot no lo Coill'l on Two CIllirgl'K.
Wade Hoi burg, a nee,,,. whO robbed
Morris Levi's store, on County street,
ami Jones' jewelry store, on Crawford
street, was sent Oil to tin- Hustings
Court tor burglary and housebreaklng.
Wem*) anil Worn.
When the tired factory operative, tin
weary out-dooi labour, ihe overtasked
bookkeeper or clerk sees a medical re?
compense lor expenditure of bodily fore ,
wheiei-hall In- lin.I It? Could the record?
ed experience of thousands ol worker;
lie voiced, the venllel would he thai Hos?
teller's Stomach Hitters renews failing
strength', stimulates Ihe, jaded mental
powers ft o fresh activity, and relaxes un?
due ucrvaua tension as nothing else dors
Digestion, a regulai habit of hod>. appe
tit. and sleep are promoted b\ It, ami ii
Is an admirable auxiliary in tie recover)
of ht-uiih by convalescent! a fustidio'u
stomach is not offended l>) it. and tu sei
sore ol both soxes ill delicate health win
occasionally reel ihe nr?.i of un efficlen
Ionic, the whole range oi !!,? pharmaco
poelu and lln- catalogue of propriet?r)
medicines does net present a more use
fid. safer or more decisive one it i- aim
IrtcomiiaTablc foi fever und neu', rhcu
mntlsm Mini kidue> troubles
I Dnn'l ( hit nKap
aboui competition on Suits and Ovei
coals; I've bought hundreds of them
and l don*I buy oni in keep elthri
[They're xoinp at $". to $17.30 VThei
you see them you'll marvel at the vain.
' in rai b price.
Men's, Youths' and Children's Fnl
Suits ready foi your inspection. On
I window display will give you an id..
Int low pi lew. M ROSBNBAUM,
II? and lix High St., Portsmouth
I We have them All styles. No oh
stock here- Fresh, new goods, jus
opened ?lve us a trial we can sin
you money HeadquarleH for line tailor
ing Suit made lo measure, $16 and ill
Money refunded if goods are not sails
323 High street
opposite Ocean Hons.
John A. Morris. Manager.
I're |>n re.
to lie pleased Never have belli
goods been showu Never have great
er varieties been offered. Never hai
prides been so low . There is no roOl
for Improvement in HlC bargains w
offei in Men und Bo> s' (Jlothln;
our stock is now complete, and to I
satisfied you should give ua a trial
'.?".-.I* tt 200 High street
Umbrellas and Mackintoshes .it lov
eat prices. Chaa R Welton & Co Be;
$1 limbrella on earth.
Ill ill tOK?lM
In the Lafaycllc Ind. Bally
The Editor of This Newspaper
Tells a Strange Story.
And Vouches for its Absolute
Truth and Accuracy.
Prominence of Paper and Start?
ling Nature of Facts
Make- Article of Vast Interest to I lie
"Jacob J Rellemcler." says tic La?
fayette (Intl.) Dally Call. of January
ISih, '?the wo||-Unnwn eomiiosltor In jhe
''all ne\VK-:'ooni, son ol one ?>f out 61?!
? st ami beat-known Herman cltlzoiir-,
I.as a daughter Just Hi.lyenrs ol I la: I
Saturday, ?lt.. almost from her bleib
has been altllcl d with spinal mculii
ultis. ami ban just experienced a re?
covery which is little slimt <>i miracu?
Mt and Mrs Rellemcler were three
yearn ago made the proud parents of
twin sisters, one of whom died mi the
r.th of June iw.. years ago. with spinal
meningitis The latter part of tin inih't
month her surviving twin shier ins
attacked with ib, disease In u >sl
assravated form. The family hud th
constant services throughout the whole
summer i f r.ome of >.ur l>est phyt Ii lam
three of whom in tttrii examlned'atid ut
tended thecases. The child was Ultubli
t>. walk, almost unable to move, and
? iitlrely helpless.
"Titit physicians, one and nil, ttgrei il
that the case was hopeless, that indium:
COUld be done for tills Child. Titelt
opinion was that sin- would heyet bo
cured, ami probably would soon db
Prom everything done for her she ? stpe
rlenced nu be noil t, and the phystehtns,
candidly stilting that tlicy cotild
do nothing to'r the cure of
the child wer.. dismissed, and
beyond mild domestic treatment,
rubbing with alcohol, etc. to allcviuti
immediate tympti ms. nothing was dorn
ror h.-r. ami the sad hearted parents
only waited th, summons which tin ;?
felt must s-.oii com. foil her final l'<
lease from hot aflllctlotis.
"Thus matters went oh for about a
y. ar .the Utile oho changing, it al all.
only for th.- worse, and steuilib in;
Stirely KoitiK down. One your till,
month, Mr. Iteltemeter Informs u .n
tract..1 by the advertisement ui (>i
ireene's Nervura blooil and norvcBrein
edy. in the Call, he and his wife llRdlly
concluded to iry it. though with but
very slender hopes of <l? riving un> In n
. lit Tll"tv was a decided linprovi inCtll
in tin child's condition with the use ...
th. tit.-1 bottle, which continued tluilug
the second, and before the third holt It
was all u.-ed the child was able to wnl
upright. P.nd apparently cured. Tint,
upon the use of tin- medicine was >lr
continued, and has not been resumed
"In th.- yeai which has since elapsed
the child has grown to b. as tat am;
healthy and active a little one as any
puicnt need wish to s.e. mid Air. am;
Mis. Reitemeiei say they f. -I beyond a
doubt that tin- use of Dr. Oreem s Net'
VUl'U bloo.t ami ht'l'VC ft hlody siiv.-d
itel lite The case Is certainly a very
rcmnrknbh ?hoi and th'- well-known
ami reliable charactet of tl..- purl lei
given it especial importance ami signi?
ficance." .
This Is indeed a most wonderful eure,
and a gnat triumph for Dr. Greene's
N'eivina. ami oecuiing as it .ti l in tin
Hail, Culls otliclal family. I|u fad
will hue- the greatest weight ii, liirltt
enclllS all who are sick or ailing to
use tills truly marvelous restorer <>f
health. This grand remedy should not
b. classed with ordinary patent medl
chits* as it is the discovery >.f a success?
ful physician win. hat tie- largest prac?
tice in the world among n routs and
chronic diseases, In. Greene, >.! U'cs:
nth St.. New Vork City, ii.- can hi
. msiiltcd without charge in regard to
.my case, personally of by it tier, by all
>-.ho use til.- medicine
it 'ommunicated.)
for Hie IIONpillll.
There will be a woman's meeting at
S0S?4 London street at I o'clock to-day
r?r the discussion "i the best plans tot
ildlni: til- pii.posed Portsmouth hos?
pital. Though uiei< i tht auspices 61
tin- Woman's Clllistlan Y.-mpeiat: ?
I'tilon, ey'efy Portsmouth woman, old
nr.fi young, is in,,-: cordially invited to
be presifnt Kvery member of tic body
|s expected to be present The onion
hat e many calls to ? .1. t> fot 1 h sick, and
ireally sc.. the need ol a hospital Lei
?vry woman tl" ,1ll?l a little and th
inject will be pained Then come and
?11.-mirage us by your presence, for in
what better way can you please a lov?
ing Father than in helping for tin- chi't
il His sit (Ter I ill' on..- Let us have ;.
Tnwdetl roohi.
(Communicated. 1
Uoeltlaii ol Hie Texan.
Some lime Since the I'lilted State.
teamshlp Texas uhs ordered here i<
? .locked and'hase bei condensers aid
Iralnagje put in proper '1111.1111011. but
; was rujhored on the Htreet yesterday
nut a protest bad been entered al the
leparlmeht against hei being docket!
icre. It is piesuimd Ihnl thi otllcerij In
-lunge want to take llei to New York.
That Joy I'll I I'erling,
1VI1I1 tin- exhllinratlng sense of 1.
.-wed health and strength and In
1 mil cleanliness, which follows tin
sc of Syrup of Pigs, is unknown tc
he few who have not progressed be
end He- "1.1 (line medicines ..ml the
heap substitutes sometime- offered,
ut novel accepted by th- well in?
i> v. Gnskins, Funeral Dtrectoi und
Imbalmer, ?1? Middle street, Ports
i.tonth, Va, Residence. 809 Court street
fndlKeetion, ?:nl Btoniai ii disorders, Ute
RROU'.VH Itto.V UlTTKits.
All dealer* keen it ?1 pur be ttle. Genuipi hit
I r de-nark aud ctcvtLA red liuu o& wtiw?*u>
Notice to Portsmouth Idxpdijers.
Tax hooka I'oi IS',15 tuxes arc now
ready, ami the Collector In ready lo col
iect the aunie. li> imylna this i?\ on or
before the 3lai IiihIuiiI yo? will save the
usual penalty, which will be added after
that ?lite l; \ IUJ'1'1 HINS.
ocl2-l0< city Collector.
quilts, white q.
A largo lot received to-day. Notice tin
prlc*s: Quilts worth; m ui TSe . Quilts
worth SI.iS'iil 11 Quilts worth 11.50 at $1.39
Quills worth j' .it H.65 All the above
largo si/.es. fail uud exmnlne ipiickl)
>;i:<?. s. hum,. Agent,
No 21? High Street.
Ilouao nud'loton I.ooku ?bout, lurk View.
loivSxtoti be i- two >?( .1- ui i rooiua;
iiulttry. city Water, nie i loots, it out und
back porch . I'riuj tl.sso lint cash
b.i,.ui' o on titno,
joiiN i. v\ \ ivon,
Pel |S!I lltltll, \?
cS?? I
We are still dein.!- business ul the old
stand und solicit your orders foi COAL
The E. C. Brooks Coinp'y.
And where lo buy ii Is it question ? ?,
smile consideration i have tin lie i ihn:
Cllll he had. Stove and Kill Coal, lilou
and . lean. Ill $S l. . I n :? Still Itered
Firm Wood Also I In l.sk Weed
full weigh) ami m a ui. gtiuruiitceil
II. It. VV.ILKINS, Wusli'iigt.Irrel,
Portsmouth. Va Plionc id! se33-lui
Son will hud the largest and best assort- 1
ed stoel; Of CupCS and Cloaks to I?
found in ihe Twin ? 'llles
KIcgHiil fteuvei and Kersey Coals; lat
i.t em. .it $l.fiO; Astrucluiu, Hobele, Din
uoiuils, Kreuch ClOili Coals ibeauttes)
From *C io $P! K0. Rlogunl Seal I'lush
Cain i edged with seal or heaver fr.
p; ;?i to ?VT."?. l-'deetrie Seal. Ciinada Seal.
Wool Seal, Heaver and Ami..hau Cupei
ai all priceu Iteuultful all wool In.
Good* ul J. i ami up, all grades and
Dlvles in blacks and colors.
Von will also hod all last season':
('leaks on special sub- counter, and you
can cei some good values very < lleup;
.'29 high i ircet. _
Rec?Uections of the War
I ill! II IHIHI TO IMi?.
by .lulls II l.l'.WIS ..in be bought of
Ii CI.?Y iM.'V. who is ageiu for, I'orts
iieuith. N.irfolk and tuirouiidlng country;
Price, I.", cents. He will rail on you.
$5,000 Accident insurance.
$.i A YKAtt.
Htt.tlUO. Ufle ii 1>?> , Hielt) a Month.
von need it permanently. i?o not
travel ?tth.>m it
Specials for Today.
Kino Honey In Comb, r.?. jier |>ouiid.
Mason's Klne CSiugei Snups, 8c. tier
IKiiniil Hood Tuble Peaches, UK- per
I'Hil, MllSOIl'S I'TllO Mixed Cukes, Hie.
pel pound. We have it Hue lot ol Sun
Dried Aplea linil Peaches, Cn|ie Coil
t.'rnmherrlcsMlso some verj line mr.nll
Sthithlicld Hams.
I" W III iHll.NS ,v CO
* Mill * for* S? ie*
At Porlamouth, Ua.
Mill fully equipped with Saw Mill,
Shingle Machines. I'lauer? ami all Mu
ehlnei'y neeeaKury lo operate u llrst
elasa Itlbbeil Shingle or liox Factory,
win s.-ii Saw Mill ami Shingle Ma?
chinery separately, lo i?- movud, or will
.11 an machinery with the mill build?
<;.I purty can buy the mill building
ami machinery with long lease on Hie
land, or will soli hind with tin- hlllldlng.
T .1 mucbluery is as good as new,
ami will be sold at halt Us value oil
onablc terms. Has many ndvnn
t...,. th:rt cauiiol I"- explained here
Write for full Information.
John Lo Watson,
?AT ?
?IS ?
iNtiw Open lor Winter Boarders,
The restaurant will he open all tie sea
. whit everything In season We will
ion stii. tl\ LYNNIIAVKN OVHTICltfi
in all styles. spc o,I utleutlnn Riven to
OVKTKlt Sl'li'llllS lor parties
I DANCINO foi the jlUlllle. every
NIUIIT, except Saturday, Klectrlo cars
tan io lie- doot every liulf hour until
11 ::.<> p in
DAnCINH three nights In the week
MnUduy, Wednesday ami Friday,
Tin pavilion Is now enclosed. Private
jiuite- -.in eugnge the same on Tues?
days .nut Thursdays Apply to the un
,\i .1 MULVEV, Proprietor.
It Does Not Follow
tliiit you catli flub when you go a-Hshlng.
V'ou must go where lhe llsh are and oh
provided with (he right kind of tu< kl-.
SCo doubt you know the liest llshlm; place
in this M'i'thiu a,id \ou ahio know that
the heal place in Portsmouth to buy flsh
u i; luekic Is l?i? UlKh atrel Our stock
embraces absolutely overytolng In the
usblm* w ay from
mm m rebus, urn
Gul Leaders specially tied
for rock and troul fishing.
it . 11 ICl 1-1 S". . lK?P.,rSM?"*l?Til. VA.
Au extensive variety ol Imported Coods
for fail and Winter Suitings Just re?
ceived t'ull and examine the many
patterni before tiny are picked over.
I ran make you up a handsome |tghl or
heav) Overcoat at a reasonable figure,
Always Oil hand, tin latest Styles la all
i lass< ? nf Men's furnishings.
UK inch street. Portsmouth, Va.
Florida Cilizou Tells .lust Hot? n lluglit
tu Hi- mm,
Many Of the most successful orange
h.alders now dispense with the wuxed
t-i'. ips nf elutli for wrapping up the buds.
Tltoy depend out)rely on Wrapping llieni
tight with twine, pressing the hints su
close lo (ho stocks tliat no rainwater
can gel in behind Ibcm. The bud issli]
pt il up in the X cut, the twine is slatted
a: the bottom of the bud, being looped
over itself, wound very tight und close
until the wound is wholly closed, then
a uash is iiindu in the bark an iiii Ii oif
two above Ilm bud, ami tin-end nt the
twine is caught in tin- ;:ash. making
lying niiiicci swary.
Nothing but the best buds should ho
(elect, ii, well ripened wood about tho
si/.?? iif a lead pencil. Sec that thooy s
i 1 buds are full ami plump, as they will
ill ways f.ut i nt good, strong canes of
shoots. Ii immature buds uro used, they
ure sure tu remain dor man I a long tiino,
ami in many instances can never be tis
t'ftcd into growth.
Trim the stock six or eie),t inencfl
above thr ground, so thai the buds can
be inserted as low as passible. With a
budding knife make a cat in the bark
the fihapt ol 11 large 1, having (he out
herd ? the stock, Take the bud shunt be?
tween tin llihiub und finger of tho left
hand, with the poiut away from you,
an i gently cut tho bud off, drawing tln<
kniio towntd you. Make tho cut as thin
tie possible. Take off as little of I ltd
wood as possible, Insert the bud into
tliu elit. pnllin^' it up, which tin- kIiu|hi
Of the stem permits inure readily than
it does shoviug it dowii, No wood nerd
be removed from the bud shield if it is
wrapped tight enough to force the shield
to conform in the curve of the stock.
if foi fail budding, I ho twiuocan re?
main on for two or three weeks befd u
being removed. The slock is allowed to
remain untouched until the followiug
spring, when it is cut down to within
four or six inches i f the bud, tin- left
part above the bud niisweriug woll to
tie the young shoot to. this should be
j done as scon us it is four or live inches
I lone, as it keeps the shoot straight, muU
iii? fine, straight trees.
la,-Ha In tu? Draining,
A writur iu the New York Tribune
win. prefers tile to rock drains, oven
though the ruck is at hand, gives these
directions lor laying a tile drain:
Becuroagood grade and lay the j nuts
?0 that loOMO 'lit! will not enter. When
the bottom of the ditch has been graded,
lav boards of inferior quality nboul four
inohes wide in tin- bottom of the trench,
stud ou these the tile may be rapidly
laid so that the joints will come togeth?
er, Hut, however good ilie joint, precau?
tion should be taken to prevent any pos?
sible entrance <>f dirt. The writer found
the use of tarred or rtwin sized psptr to
bo just the thing for this puipose, as it
is easily applied, and from its uatnrc
quite long Justing, even in a wet soil.
I When illuo, liuttlls *ClrMt?. tho earth, will
have. Keitlv'il Uii<riiecb?ie firm ddoui im
tiles. Where u join I in very poor, or
where tin- ilriiin makes n slight turn,
ihus opouing I lie joint (<> ouo sido, a tiit
nl tin or shoot load can bo 'wot down
tightlj* ovor the joint, to the exclusion
of alld.n.
Sium'n Modern Tobacco Hum.
lit udurs hit vo doubt less till hoard about
the now process of harvesting and cur?
ing tobacco introduced by \V. H. .Snow
ol North Carolina Tlio system of cm
ing tobacco in the Snow modern farm
bus mi]:... lain advantages, among which
at . : Tho tobacco can bo stored in much
smaller space, n can !?? cured with u
muro uniform color, and Km ftiol is ro
uuiri d, and the ri 1. < I settingiiroto tlio
burn is greatly lessened.
In this system the leaves nru stripped
from tin- stalks in tin- field ami brought
tu tin- burn in baskets ami si rung nbotil
tho width ? f a linger apart oil pointed
wires which prujoci at right angles from
a wooden siii-k. As the sticks tiro filled
tiny uro placed in movable racks in tlio
barII, ami as fast as a rack is 11 lied it is
raised by it simple device to tho top of
tin- boildiug. This is continued until
the barn is tilled, leaving only as much
space between racks as is required fur
the bunging leav? s.
Nru, Mill NiilfM.
Tho pateut corn harvoators on tho
market arc all made uu ouo goner til
principle of a .-led. with knives attached
to each side for sevoring tin.-sin Iks. The
American Corn Unit Btor company
claims (lint this principle is broadly
covered by patents, and consequently
that any harvester luude on a similar
plan is an infringement, however sim?
ple or crtido ii may be. American Ag?
riculturist calls attention tu tho fact
thai fnrmors in Hancock comity, 0.,
have organized to contest this patent,
und their attorneys uro already taking
depositions from farmers who used ihis
device 25 years ago, "if it should bo
pro vi d in conti that the prinbiplo claim
otl by I lie patentees had bceti used prior
lo tho date of their patent it would then
bo public property, otherwise, as origi?
nators "f this important improvomout,
ill y me i untied to u monopoly of it
tinder our patent laws."
it is in the west that tho windmill
lias been mi st generally need, though
thousands of market gardeners and
iluiiymen iu eastern states have found
it the clieapesi power for raiting the
wnti s to keep their crops growing or to
water their .stock.
Three parts fine bone to cue part
muriate of potash will make a tiptop
mixture for grass, says Rural New
Yorker. For timothy add to that at
least 350 pounds nitrato of soda. Apply
in tlio spring. For clover do not use the
Truck gnrdous upou an extensive
scale exist mound New Orleans, on tho
llliiK'i.s Central und Mississippi Valley
railroads. _
Sbu Cat It Short.
A little girl who had recently learned
a list of abbreviations in common use,
was asked to spell the.uauieof ouo of
our bei-t known rivers. Tho answer cuno?
Boftdily CUoufell, "iiir-#'i:B'P-i l,T .
Mow to Otlll/e Glycerin.
Kqual parts of bay ruin and glycerin
applied to Ihu fitoe after shaving give
great comfort. Applied to the shoes,
glyuoriu is a groat preservative of the
leather tiud effectually keeps out water
and prevent.- wet fet t. A fow drops of
glycerin put iu the fruit jars the last
thing before Heuling thorn help to keet,
the preserves from molding on top. Fot
flatuloucy tin ro is uo better remedy than
a tcaspoonful of glycerin after each
monl. Two or three drops will often
.-top the baby's Etomauh ache. It will
allay the I hit st of a fovor patient and
soothe an irritable cough by uiuit-tuuiug
the dryuoss ol' tho throat.
Iu u r.nee With lleutli.
Five days oil Ore, a race uroauil the
Horn io Port Stanley, sunk to tho scup?
pers in oilier to drown a Are and 3.000
tuns of Hiitolderlug ooal thrown into tho
ba.. In fern all danger was past, the record
of a recent voyage of the liritish burl;
Brunei from Newcastle, N. S. \V., to Val?
paraiso. When he reached San Fraucisco
Captain Frnmpton of i he Hrunel found a
loiter from the underwriters containing
j! 1)00 to bu divided among the orewand
etl'h . rs tor their gallant work in lighting
tl.o tire when all hope seemed gone.
Brings comfort and improvement mi
i nda to personal enjoyment when
. ir.lv used. The many, who live bet
? I It an others and enjoy life more, with
less expenditure, by more promptly
adapting the world'.- liest products to
tiie needs of physical being, will attest
the value lo health ol" the pure liquid
laxative principles embraced in tho
remedy, Syrup of Pigs.
Its excellence i due to its presenting
in the form most acceptable and pleas?
ant lo the taste, Iho refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of n perfect lax?
ative; cfl'ectually cleansing the system,
dispelling cold--, headaches ami levers
ana permanently curing constipation.
It has given satisfaction to millions and
met wilii the approval of the medical
profession, because it acts on the Kid?
ney-, Liver and Howels without weak?
ening them and it U perfectly free fiota
every objectionable substance,
Syrup of Figs is for sale by ell drug?
gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man?
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Fifa,
and being well informed, you V.JH not
accept any substitute if ?fters b

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