OCR Interpretation

The Norfolk Virginian. [volume] (Norfolk, Va.) 186?-189?, December 20, 1895, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85025715/1895-12-20/ed-1/seq-2/

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%kiday!it' I December 20.
[Roliapd-Reed! j
'vi,' ' In the Great rolitlcal Satire,
flT H E F3 O Lil T I G I A N .
Introducing tho Twentieth Century
,'oman. The Realistic Convention scene.
Beats on sale Wednesday. Prices?25,
7?c- and ti._del'J-'Jt
^cademy OK MUSIC.
|%S. ? Benefit University ot Virginia.
^Monday, Dec. 23d, at 8 P. M.
I Polk: Miller!
'f'ln his Inimitable Character Sketches of
|pld Times Down South
f^Tlckets on sale at the Itox Olllcc KRI
{-I>AY. Admission 50 and 70 cents; reserved
seats, II.
I Gold Spectacles
Are one of tlie most useful
We have Spectacles of all
kinds?all prices.
If you buy a pair for a pre
p|F sent we will examine tl^ *.
iff eyes of the person to whom Y
you give them and exchange
the glasses.
W, I?I. M. TRICE 8. CO .
Real Estate & Rental Agents
BS Stores?2w>, ~~i. 241 Aiuin street; 40. 51
'{..Commerce street; 77 Lank street; Oli Wa?
lter street; lleW bluie on me coi
flier Queen and Granby streut; a desirable
store oa Bank street, UOSjf'Clty Hull; 322
;Church street; two now stores on Church
I street, opposite Bute street.
?I- Offices?16S, 11714 Main street; Camp
loeU'S wharf.
E Kl?t??198, 10S Church street; 112. 121
I Bank,nil modern improvements; 100 James
( Street; several desirable rooms 1S,> Main
/.street: live new Hats on Church street.
all modern improvements,
gs Residences?173 Bute street: 29. SI Duke
istreet; HB,171 Duke street; 107 Holt street:
r.Zl Holt street; 72 Muriner street; 55
Queen street: 95, 97 Yarmouth street; on,.
. house Colonial avenue: 6.1 ilcrmudn sc.
I January 1st.: 3 houses Holt street.
I Bramblcton?133 Mallby ?Avenue: 10.1
'l.ovltt avenue; H4 Reservoir avenue; 22?
;<.Willoughby, corner house; 21?, -i0\i. -101
f.Park avenue; 7G Kelly avenue; 420 Shol
dun avenue.
Sfe Burruss. Son & Co.,
ri'-'Commercial and oilier business paper
.. discounted.
r;. Loans negotiated on favorable terms.
???-City bonds and other securities bougilt
'?' B>nd sold.
bV'.- Deposits received nnd accounts In?
H Interest allowed on lime deposits,
j" Safo 3opos.lt boxes for rent. Charges
Draw bills of Exchange and make cable
j transfers to Em ope.
? letters of credit Isued to principal cities
r^of the world.
?Ct'.inereace or Dtciense of Surplus of fol?
lowing Lifo Companies, 1F92 to ISSM, from
SNORTHWESTERN, (Increase) . .$l.7S!>.79H
'"phoenix, (Decrease) .B9.S13
^MANHATTAN', (Decrease) . 2i:..7iV.!
H Humphreys & Son
W.W. FREEiVUN, Dentist.
Haddington Building,
Oppo. Art League.
fe- > IRON. STEEL. !'I"E. NAILS.
jPjUll line Saw Mill Supplies.
(fie Porter-McNeal Comp'y,
jp> . 210 Main St., Corner Church.
IpMFER 'mm "mm"' |
ru, 113 and 115 Bank St., H
SpjipjIFOLK, . . . VIRGINIA, gxjj}
'? Large Stock of Finished '?Hcdlr
pons m wmm. pi
Wi^Jitidj lor 1MMI.PIA TL PlAdVLKY fc-(j :
>' TllC <lllCHti?Il.
JsfTo see, or not 10 see?That Is the
flection." Dr. Week can answer it.
Unas Dcllcnolc?~llCHt and ( beapesl
H'?Uc'en olives by measure, fresh nuts.
fare olive oil. malaga grapes, swlss and
_J?EQUefort cheese. Twenty-five kinds
flhiported macaroni. Canary birds, fine
Hfngere ; ROCCO SCELZI. 13 Banfe Ot.
.. V;\v ''. 1 '? y '
Mr. S?relle Talks About Haydn and the Be?
ginning ottbe SonaiaanJ Symphony.
A B.nrao Audience Prcsciil ?t MityY. j
31. V. A. 32 ill I Messrs. Koorner, I
ItnrgcN und Jlctiltc Vlay IIiiviIii'n
First Tiid-Jir-. Itrimltc mill Sirs.
Huberts Adlig iii Eltuslriittoii. i
Mr. B?rette'? third lecture In the
course on "The Development of Music,"
wns given last night before u largo au?
dience in Y. M. ?'. A. Hall. The subject
was "Hay-In?tlie Beginning of the
Sonata and Symphony," and the lec?
turer Illustrated his talk by playing
various selections from Haydn's Pian?
oforte compositions. Haydn's Brut
trio for piano, violin and 'cello, was
played by I'rof. A. F. Koorner. Mr. Chati.
BorjOB nlul II rr Hans Mettkc. ,
Mrs. W. 'I'. Brooke Bang Ihe well-1
known song "My Mother Hide Me Hlml
My Hair" and Mrs. I.. 1'. Roberts sen;:
"On. Mighty Pens," by Haydn.
These selections made a very Inter?
esting programme and one that charm?
ed Ihe audience by the beauty or ihe
different numbers.
Mr. B?rette save a brief outline of lha
(line covered by the Brill two lectures
and explained how Hie Suite?u collec?
tion of dance tunes? wan the processor
of the Sonata und what constitutes Iho
difference between the two. He played
an old dune j tune?a Handled? und then
parts) or a Haydn Sonafti, which he
analyzed in detail, allowing how one in
He! phrase served for the building up ol
a composition and how tlie composei
worked to tiling about Lhat;logical ar?
rangement of the different parts which
serves o give the Sonata ? uunlty and
strength. "Everything that In nl all
lasting lias this order und system," said
the lecturer, "be it a play, a uovi I. n
poem, a. pullltlng or n Sonata."
Under Mr. Suretle'u skillful unnlaais
tlieso points' were made clear to Hie
"Haydn's was n happy nature he
lived under the pl ot, et Ion or n I 'rim.\
his estate in Austrian Hungary. Ills
duties consisted In writing music for nil
sorts of occasions, ami he was spared
much of the struggle which ! II lo the
lol or nuisl i olnpbsi rs i : i ha I lime,
Perl tops these conditions operated to
hinke his mimic Ii ss deep than Mor.arl'p,
but Id has n churni all its own. a'id We
could ill spine the gllliipHCS In- gives ills
of a world uf pure, unsullied happlm
passlt nl- ss ami serene.
"Haydn has I' ("I us many very beauti?
ful specimens of the symphony and of
tlie Sonata, but I? ? wrote too many of
each, lie hail lo have a new piece l'( lldy
at his muster's cull and of necessity
some of lliein were trivial, Ye; his bcsl
music dct rvea to be played to-day its
much :>:? il .vor did. Ills string qunr
lelti s nre ninsti rly nnd his tri, beauti?
ful in Hielt- pure simplicity.
"lb- was th<- father or tin- symphony
ami during his life Ihne If saw one
school disappear nnd nnotli r rise up.
He connects Beech und Beethoven; he
saw the star of Mozart's genius rise and
fall; lu ( veil gave n few lessons to
Beethoven. During hin time new In?
struments were Invented for the orches?
tra and the ways of writing 0 r il ivere
greatly improved by Haydn himself."
The lecturer gave several types of
Haydn's different styles and showed
how his nature assi .toil itself ami tem?
pered bis work.
Mr. Burette advoe.it d some ritt Iiis
on the pail of music students of tin
form of Instrumental music, maintain?
ing, justly enough, thai too Hille time
is spi nt In the real music und ti ti mu It
In acquiring a lirlllla.nl tcolinlqu ?.
Tin- centre which Inn <?? n orgonixed
for Mi. Burette's lectures lias been very
successful In currying them through and
It Is intended to have, if possible, a
further cotiri of lectures after the lioll.
days, and continue Ihe centre a.: ai
active force for higher ? ducat Ion in Not
Ar.iusr.r.1 Errrs.
"Till': POLITICIAN."?Those who
fall to see "Th.- Politician',' ai the Aca
deuiy of Music Ib-nlghl will rpgri't i "'
having seen Roland llced and hi- e'x
culleirt company in that great poli?
tical satire. The Richmond Tliiics, of
yesterday, says:
"itoland lieed presented 'Tin- Poll-!
tlclail at Acadi my of Musie la: l nigh I
to a large liii'dience. lb- made an Im?
mense hit, and kept < very one in a con
llnual strain t good humor. As -(b h.
jnslah I.lmber. PblRlelan." Reed IS in
Imltalily funny, and what hi tide! no.
know abou! politics Is hardly worth
knowing. The piece is excellent and
well worth seeing. Mlns Isndore Rush
a-j 'Cleopatra Hturgess,' Die original
twentieth century woman, was very
fascinating. The real of the c mpanj
are thoroughly capable."
FRIENDS.?TI 13 not often that n
modern rtro.mii.tlc production is com
pllmchlod Ijy four consecutive season:!
but tha.' I? what Edwin Milton Boyle's
play "Friends" has done. The play
comes lo ua this season for the tir-'
time, Christmas matinee and night, ril
thy Academy of Music, with Ihe same
strong ensi that characterized its foi mi r
productions, Including such favoiitt
as Edwin Milton Royle. Lucius Heiv
derson, Oretcheri Lyons, and Selena
FOItcr Royle.
A Novel r.ntortnitimonl.
The "Evory-Dny Dollar Party."
^Festival or the Seasons." which \<
bebt in (p.. loet uro-rdnm <>r arhnliy
Stre. I M. 1-:. Church this evening, prom?
ises lo be on,- of ti e ll.OSt llOVcl Utid
interesting cntorlalnmenls of (he ;?
son. The proceeds are for the ben,-tit
of the new Epwbrth Church. The c?in;
cert will begin promptly at S o'clock.
Following is il*'o programme;
The Initial Month.A Short Tall
Mr. H. c. A very.
Snmr.?.liss Annie V.'. Dry
Short Tat?.
./?Usefulness, a <" 't'dillon of Success."
Mr. T. W. Enson.
Violincello .Selected
Mr. Met ike.
Recitation .Blanche Bradford
'..?'Christ, the Lord, Is Risen To-tiny,"
i Pi Schnecker) i :hoir.
Reading .Mr. c. N. Dub y
Vocal Solo."Cbrlstmiis Carol"
Miss Bessie Williams.
! Song ."O. I tnppy Day"
(Ooittsse) Mr. .1. Iredell .Ti nklns.
I Recitation .."Christmas In do Quarters^
Miss Jessie Land.
Spring Song .Plnsutl
Misses E we'll and Williams
Messrs.- Lumley and .Tonkins.
An Estiimitp or Property Saved by
Timely Warnings.
In tho weekly report ot storms along
tlie Atlantic coast, issued by the Weath?
er Bureau, an estimate Is given of the
value of property saved In this sec
tioil by timely warnings given ot the re?
cent storms. These reports show tlmjt a
total of :1S5 vessels, from Ocean steam?
ers to llshtitg smacks, valued with their
cargoes at $7,400,000, were probably de?
tained In port by tlie warnings during
the passage of I hose storms, and it Is
fair to conclude from the experience of
those vessels that encountered them
llial an immense saving in property
mid very probably in lives must have
thereby resulted.
The report made by the Norfolk olllcc
is thus given:
"There were In Norfolk und Hump
ton Itouds 20 coastwise vessels lade
With coal; a veralte value of vessel,
$0,000, and average vallt? of cargo1,
$5,000, making $11,000 per vessel, giving
a total value of $220.0oO.There were ."0
lumber-laden vessels with same aver?
age for value of vessel, but'cargo valued
tit J4.1'J.'i. making $10,12n per vessel, it to?
tal of $.103,750. It Is estimatoil thai
$20,000 worth of railroad property, such
as barges, floats, aiid llonlipg ei|ulp
mcht generally, were saved by the
warnings. This phows prolcction lo
mitrltitr/j property to tin- extent <>r
"Special attention Is given to lidos
at Ulis olllce. In even! of easterly
vveath<i>\ nnd In the present case, to.
ly warnings were elllch nlly distributed,
which cdliscd about ,$10.00(1 worth of
peanuts, hides, and other merchandise
lo bo removed from the low warehouses,
Or otherwise cnr,od I'or, Tho total value
of property protected at this town and
Immcdinlc vicinity will not fall short
of $558.750. Tim wnminus were dlstrl
htited by every possible method, und
will; dhipaleli. The public in uonoral.
nnd shipping Interests in particular,
tiro well pleased uith Ihe work of th
i lurotl n."
Observer Blitndon. at Cape Henry, re?
ported hs follows: "The s torm warnings
or the past three days were both lihie
ly and valuable, On tlie 12th. 12 Ihn ?
mast and r, four-nmsl schooners, < ar?
gues, coal, bout.,1 !.? sea. on sighting
(h<- storm signals displayed litis
place, returned to harbor in Hampton
Roads. Steamship .Minnesota on the
tilth, with a general cargo from Balti?
more, hound out at ::rn p. m? upon
reaching Ibis point and sighting Ihe
warnings returned lo anchor up the
bay, where Bhe remained until :? a. in,
the Itth."
A tli;; fasllllg./
The Newpbrl Netys Bhlp-biillding and
Dry-du I; Company ha.- re< 1 lvvd from
.*;. w .feniey Ihe largest canting evei'
si tu out of thai Shite ami bnb Which
caused great trouble in providing the
proper facilities for Its shipment. TI;
Catiline; was ihh.de at Pnlcrson ami is a
Hop's rudder frame. It is: twqhty-fivc
feet long and eleven ?: wide and
weighs fotttl en tons. When loaded
upon a cai' al PateiYon is was found
(hat il would or n, csslty e>:lond bv< r
lioth Irackii, so an order was sent ah :ig'
lb,- litte to keep all other trains off 111
line betw* si Pnlersoil and Jersey < "it:-'
until lb,- train carrying tho ft time rt :tch
ed .lersi y < rity.
The train started out or the yards uf
the wo, i:-. hut whew it got only a shi
distance but tin- trainmen dlscov ted
that tin- frame would not pass between
tho lines ?,r telegraph and signal polen,
which lined the t racit on cither side
?it that pla, . The only 1 hing to Ii
done i" gel the frame through was- to
cut down some of tin- poles, and tlii.
was done.
The Police Hoard.
Tlie Hoard of Police Commissioner,^
t-.u-i yesterday hftoriiobn at 4:30 o'clock;
Cbiitmisaiohera Voidler and Roltbri pres?
cht. \ Mr. Verdler presided. Mnyoi Pet
tit vvns out of thv city. Ii:iVItlg .-.one on
;i trip to Kll/.nb th City. N. C,
The llrst buslners before th ? Hoard
vyjis the consideration of th?> applica?
tion:! of 1). S. Pitrfori, ?'. S. Ryk< .-. a:
W. T. Holland, for appointment as stib
.-.Hintes-, on the force, There belt:;- no
Vacancies the s:-i,i applications were
Placed on tile. There boPirt 1 > ,,ti-. r
iiusliiCss before tltv hoard they adjourn
ed. it being the shortest meeting ever
held by ihe pr< . nl Board.
Site Mcriireit.
Th<> Norfolk Brewing Coriibany (Hub?
ert Port tier Brewing Company) hayt ????
cured, through tho real estate :: ? t;. :
of (j. H. Pnrrell ft Co.. a large plat . f
ground a' Ha- Junction of Broad Crcelt
pise ami the Norfolk and \Vehtern
railroad for I heir new hrowi ry.
Th.- plans and specifications will :? on
bo ready ami bids from home contrac?
tors ami builders will be glvt a prefer?
ence, hs li M the company's Intention to
bt.v,- al! of Hie work d.-m- by local tile
A t'aiidy E-'nclory Itetulllng.
customers 1 have made lip 1". I) . .und:
.of my famous Fr?lich assorted mil laf
'ties and 2,000 pounds assorted fruit
favored drops for stockings. I no tot.
.. i- retail, hut those tiro candles hint
are not t<> be had elsewhere, v >ry rea?
sonable, S. T. AY ft ICS, Agent,
I -l*: Boanokc avenue, near Main :'t.
Nnnda.i \s Assoctatl' :i Programme.
A praise i,->rvlce will be conducted
on Sunday afternoon at 1 b'cl >ck ;\
tin- Voting Men's Christian Associa?
tion by the general s icretary. t ;,>,>,!
music will he the ordi r. The orchestra
will render a selection,
The usual sonir service will he hold
and several brief talks made. The
meeting will he for men.
Vleliei-.v ?V ?'oV Special Sale;
Kiell (lilts lt< (lured.
Buyers will save largely on u;r:s din?
ing Ibis sab-. Hooks less than half Ihe
publishers' prices. .Handkoioi '
and jewelry boxe:-, handsome
and tbllel sets in cases, pictuiv.-.
card rases, onyx tables \ and cohi=
nets, sold pens, games-, novellier:, art
obi, eis. hrlc-a-hrae. a wonderful iamp
exhibit. A bewltchlngly bentttiftil stock
of sifts. Incomparhbly siiiierlor to any
in Norfolk, ami the prices now lixed
below the lowest.
124 Main street, dell-^l
Kol n I'iiIip.
Hume ft Bilisoly, of x... 101 M'hiii
strei 1. Not folk, Va., are selllhg out t<.
clos e btislh^ss. Tb, ir slock if Fan?:
liolltlay Hoods, Hooks. Stationary, ftc,
Is the largest in Ihe city. Reducei
prices on e\ ,-iy thing In the store.
' Ask to hear mir Regina mm IC box
All tlie la tos I tu iieB. Chapman Jake
nlan. lending jewelers, corner Mali
and Bank stret t.-:.
wi: ixio xtt it HF-our.
I or? cul lor lo-ilnv.
?Washington. Doc. 19. 189.1.
-1 Forecast:' Virginia?Fair in
cair ! tho morning. threatening
?n I weather and probably rain In
-'? th?' evening or night;conllnued
warm southeasterly winds.
North Carolina?-Fair; followed by lo?
cal showers; warm southeasterly winds.
The barometer has lallen rapidly in
the Central valleys, north of the Lake
Region and west of the llocky Moun?
tains, it has risen slightly in New Eng?
land and In Texas and tlie Rid Grand
Valley. H is gehernJlv warmer citsl of
the Mississippi and much colder from
Mtrsbiiti and Kansas southward to tin;
Olilf coast.
Fair weather continues on the Atlan
II:-. coast;:, in Rocky Mountain districts
ami in the Northwest. Threatening
went her continues in the Central val?
Signals arc displayed on tin- Gulf
nil'st til Ghlveston and New Orleans!
and nt Pcnsncola.
Sun rises. 7;l(i a. m. Sun sets. 4:61 p
|mm. High water. 11:59 a. m. aild 12 in. I
How water. 11:06 a. hi. and 6:42 p.
The lljslcr Ronnt.
About 600 people became the guests
osli rdny afternoon of the Ocean View
Railroad Company al that delightful re.
ui. Thlrty-elghl bushels of oysters
were roasted and served to I hone pres.
eni in tiio handsomely dcc6ra,b d pavil?
ion. The affair was an enjoyable one,
President llarrctt being present.
i-"i?r SO 15.s Only.
Mrs. Raphcl's stock of line shoes at
I cost to close up business to retire'. Lease!
I expires Dticenihef -tili and stock must
i ? sold tiulck. 110 Church street, corner
Plume sir. ,-t. <?
Why Don't Von?
Why don't you see I ir. W< ck'
?OE?Cl I AMD ER1.A INK.- At tin- ho;
I of the bride's parents. Wednesday. 1
cumber IS, ISPS, by tin- Rev. Dr. O.
Uni'ten. IJotil. FR'A'NK W. COM. Klrst
Artillery, V. S. Army, to ANNE D.
ClIAMRKRLAINE, duturht.;' Mr. nnd
Mis. William W. Chumbcilalue, . f Nor?
folk. Va. ,l. 20-lt'
Now cn Exhibition a.
? ? FT. ?! ?2 5T? ^ Q j I' 3 ? ?
:oli! Cosis, f?iini end m ocies.
ohm im, Ei,:..;r..i Cdjcj,
I :? tcii'ei Bucs, ofio:cf Sils,
i&erticife Seis, fei i%
foi mt, imi \mm Gesas,
. i' led Sffig. ? MM BiM?i i'cwvis.
tYIIH loSlct?, Sil. o;,'?^IS,
?w o Fiaa S';c;i.o.i ci six Mil?,
ChtIGS ?. jjgjl MM.
? 'all early and make your selrctl?n ti
your owii aa<l your friends' satisfaction.
n Mml k Mmi
Magnificent 4rCrown
lili layer lit rusks i
The cinly platte in tli.s city ivliere ybu e'i
I buy for
S i-2cl 'rev Potin3.
tunic quick er your chance wll be lo
I!ip teil RfApfiii ftnmii'ii
Poods. iiiyjlvercdi free. Phone T
?M Mil iiSi Set
Wt.jLiO.010 Gfl? ROt.Ii lUilCp,
Rcei". Mint .... Veal, ivrk. Lambs, tliime
made Sausage, tlume.'and Poultry, Flu!
r'ruil. and V.table's. Ilranch store
? 2'.-: Ciiniheiland street. C.hojee GreCeiiijs
1.1,piors, Tobacco, and Clgaru. 'Phone
Skating Rink!
EVERY AKTICRNOON. except Etitiir
day, at ;?. in . aili Monday and Wed
nesday e .omni - at S.
de15-su,w,fr Manager.
N?;\v Ilaisltis, New Citron. Now
Cleaned Curunts, New t leaned
gultiinu Laisiii?, all of the very
)?.?t iu|t\ltt>. a..,! prices lew; Also
160 pouiids very eh.dee Stnlthllold
H.tusi|ge?lira! of the season.
?J- R. BRiGGS,
Tin: uisocer.
No. 1 Commercial Place, Oki
Market Square,
~~GEQ. Hi D?WES,
Wholesale Dealer In
.Sii-lln Ke('nrtl:y. .Iiv.tiii .tlet'itrthi
McCarthy & McCarthy,
General (iiiiii si ife
tt?>?>.>] (SOU t Ot.i M1J1A ill l:,i.i.SC.
(.'omraetors for lluj United States ii<>\
enim. in Dry l>oi;k, I'ort Royal, S. C.
also Hoisting tenuities for Hire.
1m?yeh & co
Railroad. 5 leamboat an
Mill Supplies.
Ar enti6 West Market Square
IMurlolk. Vol.
i^! O-IVJain Street-1^0?
The joyful Christmas Season is close at hand. We propose to commemorate it in a
substantial manner
December 21st 1895,
By presenting bur customers and all art critics with a LARGE RICHLY COLORED ART
LITHOGRAPH, entitled
An original work, designed and painted especially for C. D. Kenny by Edward Payne, in
which he most ably portrays a pretty, roguish-looking child of about 6 - years with her arms
lovingly thrown around the neck of a large, pure white bulldog. The dog presents a just
been-fed look, and, sitting on his haunches, you can almost hear him say (showing' appre?
ciation for his dinner), "Now, just iet anyone dare to touch my little charge." Thus are
ihey great "Friends/'
?o m. m -n" .isf y
Importer -Johhor?Retailer?Teas?Coffees ?Sugars.
Qrders for Cat Flowers should always ba
placed in advance,as the demand invariably
exceeds the supply.
Qi Cpurj c Yo : Can Get FJow?T3, even at
the last moment but we refer you to the
Cinvest FloAvers . . . the kind V/c
and on which we have established our rep?
/. s L) Fj i es and Varietles^weii.iust drop
inland tayc it over. We can please you ?
ho doubt of that. First come, first served,
so call early, and il you cant call -why
ring us up. Phone 777.
_.. ?-* 7
17 Gran by Street
OaesOOOCOOSOOOOOOOOOC ;C)C a??H3i;,o?OC000200C?30Cic:S3CB3CO
s Y.tfiir Bay Wants |
a u
A Bicycle.
We want to furnish ii for him, and promise
some rare bargains between now and CHRIST?
MAS. Better come and pick il out before th.
last minute. Most people know that our
Bicycle Academy
0 u
g Is open every day from 8 a. m. to 2 p. in. g
g Competent instructors are in charge. We leach g
g all who purchase wheels from us free. g
? O'Neill's Great Bicycle Store. |
1 87 Alain St. ' f
n n
J, B. Armstrong & Co.,
OiTers this week the best display of holi
day household useful articles <u aiiy
house in their line, i urvefs' ICNIVKH
i mi PORKS, i'OCKKTS K X I V KS, 8(318'
SORS, ICnterprl?o Meal Cotters and Rai?
sin Seeders, l-'ANCV COAL VASKS,
TONGS. The handsomest steel; of plan?
ished itnid itranite waVe in tt>?* ninrket,
hoth for table and kitchen nsel Make
eotir Selections now for the Christians
No r, Commerelnl I'laee. Old Market
Square, third duur from Main street.
Largo stock. Must l<o sold. Prices very
Walter J. Simmons & Co.?
17 7 Main Street.
pfl?--flWB A 3 ETPf?kST
?.ULUi\3lH.Li r rb?i* i.
allies' While, Dluo and 7
Pink Satin Sandale, fi* .. /
Patent Leather Oxfords, ,' ~; \
gen runy /Lvtfsf
balmorals, / ^
lOOilfl ill AND 212 CO LI'Mill A ItUlLD
tili: ?AI.::.
Pinta, Nu. l;: (iianhy; f
i'v. . lila?. No. |;i liriiil street. *
Mori i en I toil ii ?kii H(|iiare, Church,
'.lain and Har.k stn.-ts.
I )-v. Hi: ..- ..ii t'lllli eli, Hute. ItOllidl.
'. ewer, l'.ntik. Mariiier, Main. Chattel,
'luul.erlaud. Pr.a:ion. Vork, Piilkhimi
?md Varntuiith slreei?, and a now dwcll
iie. in < Ihent.
S'aeant lots in all parts ?r t>ie city;
choice IjIs ia dicht on easy terms.
P<?K Rfi?T.
Dwelling No. :J> K. Highland avenue.
1 ?.'.< Illhi: No. '? Shield*' Htreuf.
Dv.ellliiKH Noi. 107 and 171 Vork street,
xt. ad-.l.
luv-ilm-; No. ??:> Cumhcrlaud street.
I Lyell in;; .V:.. ?; Yarmouth street
Two stein :< na Main street.
Stores Mos. !?? aril Sil Water Street.
Kii ies Niis. tr. and l'i Commerce street;
Si res N?s. 51 and r:l lloanokb avenue.
Store No. 15 Hanl: street.
Otllces i.i: Hank, Gr:>hby and Coihiherce
?Ire? t:?.
d y virturk OP A DEI3I) OP trust
>> dateil lie- :"lh day of December, IMifi.
from M. Umsiedler Company, to nie as
irtmtee, anil duly of reeord, I have Inkell
ponei isioh of ihr stock of Komis con?
tained oti tie- premises; .No M Mail, street,
tii 1 roar of Iii. id, ti?. um and 102 .Main
street, Norfolk, Va., and of Um iitlinr im
aels eonveved to me hy said died. All
persons Indeh'.ed to said M. I'instadter X
Company are directed to malte payments
! i i:. my a-.- 1.1 ., : ml li persons hav?
ing, claims against said firm are request*
? 'i to pr? sani sann; 10 hie.
JOHN NEELY, Trustee.
! " >r the prescnl the stock of goods above
refeircd uj will he sold at retail at ?roat
le r< "laced prices.
del7-tf ,li H IN NEKLV, Trustee.
a^ssic-nee's sale op stock op
Merchant tailoring, cloth?
ing and men's fu It NISI I
INd goods, etc.
|t> virtue of II deed of assignment exe?
cute! by It. C. Nichols ami W. A. Wal?
la... ilolnc basinets mal. r the linn nnmo
..nl style ..f Nichols WaUaco.flatcd the
third day ol Dei.-.-mher, It.!'"., and duly ul
record, I have taken into my possession,
as such trustee, all those two certain
Mocks of Mcrchnnl Tallorintt, Clothing
and Men's Purnb.hinf; Goods and allotla r
properly. Includlii? Tailors' Ontllt, Pur
idture,. Pixlui' H and appiirlcriauces con?
tained in si a diDUs ?* No II?I Mali? street,
Norfolk, and No, 25H7 Washington avenue,
N'ewnort News, Virginia, respectively.
all othei properly used by said
Nichols A- Wallace In connection with
lb. Ir said business.
,\ eeinpeti ei ..a >nl has been placed in
haiio of sail stock, who will for the
all . at, niidei my direction, sell said
tstoelt and roiuh.ct the tailorin:: business
I til i.oiii 11 ires ; ??? above mentioned.
All persons miikhiK piuchnses in the
Love lin.-j \<il| llnd it to their Interest
o call a! sahi-^KTores.
All persons Indebted to the late flrm
f Nichols ,V Wallace are h< ivby nolilied
.. make s< ttiement at once with Um
undersigned or at cither of the abJVu
stores; .
TBRM3 -C&f&VlJ
det-tf. Truste?.

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